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mymorgy 03-20-2022 09:14 AM

more in control
thinking of the future when i will be able to walk again and trying to forget the past and loving my kitty cats, music, reading and a few friends. the bristol cream was fantastic. i am going to have it every weekend.
i messaged my doctor to see if she can recommend another medication that is covered by epic.
still no buying clothes or having ice cream.

bizi 03-20-2022 10:00 AM

Your leg will feel better, I would encourage you to do some stretches.
My SI joint is bothering me this morning. don't know why maybe because I had a long day yesterday.
I saw 5 clients and drove 90 miles.
Every one was pleased which makes me feel good.
Got up a tad earlier today. Going to go to the music festival today.
meeting up with some friends.
hope you have a good day bobby.

mymorgy 03-20-2022 10:22 AM

before when my p.t. had me do some stretches it hurt so much that i am now scared of them. i am thinking of the future.
what a busy day you had-incredible.
sounds like another great day.
i am reading a new book today now i never have any plans except to go the doctors or dentist. so what. for fun i was looking at old chinese furniture on ebay. i have no room anyways. always listening to music. i will try not to watch the news today. these are scariest times i have ever lived in.

Zelensky warns of third world war if negotiations with Russia fail

bizi 03-20-2022 11:02 AM

try to turn off the tv bobby you don't need to worry any more than you already do.
off to the festival we go.

mymorgy 03-21-2022 07:54 AM

my ibs is so painful. it started yesterday afternoon and is just a little better.
i threw out the rest of the bristol cream. alcohol is definitely a taboo.
i am going to put a heating pad on my stomach and drink a lot of water and just stay in bed.

Dmom3005 03-21-2022 08:49 AM

Sorry your IBS is so bad right now. I think the idea of a heating pad
is good.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 03-23-2022 06:23 PM

bobby are you all right?
we have not heard from you in a couple of days.
If you are just taking a break let us know so we won't worry about you.
love bizi

mymorgy 03-23-2022 09:42 PM

no. too much pain ,worry and rage

Lara 03-23-2022 10:39 PM


bizi 03-23-2022 10:53 PM

oh I am sorry.
:(love bizi

Dmom3005 03-24-2022 11:03 AM

:hug: (hugs) Bobby

Keep us updated.


bizi 03-26-2022 01:46 PM

I miss you.
please don't suffer in silence.
WE are here to help you feel not so alone.
love you

Dmom3005 03-29-2022 11:57 AM

Hi Bobby

Its a nicer spring type day here finally. Hoping its a nice day for
you today. I don't know if you are having Marci today. I sure hope
she comes today. When you get a chance let us know how your
talks with your young friends are. And let us know how you are.

We are here for you.

Donna: grouphug:

bizi 03-30-2022 11:30 PM

It has been a week. Do you feel any better?
love and hugs(((((((BOBBY)))))
love you

Lara 03-30-2022 11:56 PM

Dear Bobby,
I've missed talking with you and telling you about the things I don't usually talk about. I spent a few hours on the ride-on mower this morning and by the time I was done I went to bed. I did start early before the sun got too strong I must admit but it was pretty heavy going out there. I then fell asleep for a couple of hours in the middle of the day and now I've decided that it's an "easy tea" night tonight and have come back to lie down on my bed still exhausted.

The area where I used to live that flooded at the end of February has just flooded again would you believe. What a terrible thing to happen twice in a month. All those poor people with ruined homes and lives. I feel so fortunate despite all my own troubles ongoing.

I hope that you're able to check in with us all soon and that you're not in hospital or injured. Sending you big hugs from me and from the other girls here. I think of us all as girls anyway. Catch up soon.


mymorgy 03-31-2022 08:07 AM

i will come back later. just feel too awful.

bizi 03-31-2022 09:32 AM

Thank you for checking in.
sorry you feel awful.
love bizi

Dmom3005 03-31-2022 10:51 AM


I'm so glad you at least check in. :hug:

I hope you feel better soon

Donna :hug:

mymorgy 04-15-2022 05:30 PM

i found a forum for bipolar 2. i am getting help from that. they only write about bipolar 2. i don't think this forum isn't really a bipolar forum.

bizi 04-15-2022 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by mymorgy (Post 1299300)
i found a forum for bipolar 2. i am getting help from that. they only write about bipolar 2. i don't think this forum isn't really a bipolar forum.

So glad that you found a forum that is helping you.
check in every now and then ok?
love bizi

mymorgy 04-16-2022 06:02 AM

will do, right now asking about different meds. mine aren't working.

bizi 04-16-2022 04:36 PM

I think that is a really good idea!
love bizi

bizi 05-14-2022 10:16 PM

It has been 4 weeks since we have heard from bobby.
She must really like the other forum or she would have checked in with us.

Am wondering if she has gotten new meds yet?
Have you heard from her donna or lara?

Lara 05-14-2022 10:48 PM

Hi bizi,
No, I've not seen anything from her. I just hope she's doing well.

Dmom3005 05-17-2022 11:28 AM

No Bizi and Lara,
I haven't heard anything from her.

I keep hoping she will at least let us know how she is doing.
But we will hope at least she is safe.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 05-19-2022 07:39 AM

i am still in deep mourning over the loss of Rabbi Mann. i took lectures with him twice a week over the past four years. he was so brilliant, so kind, so wise
and so witty. he was the only holy man i ever knew.
He got the booster and two days later started getting paralyzed. he died three weeks later. i miss my neighbor of over 50 years. She almost died from throat cancer years ago. She recently got lung cancer and had radiation and was found in her bed dead. she died of a heart attack.
I found two groups for bipolar people who are mostly suffering and whom I can relate to. most are very empathic and kind. I don't feel alone there.. I have tried three more medications that didn't work and gave me awful side effects. i don't think i want to try anymore.
I get so much pleasure from my young men who are so kind, brilliant and fascinating.
aaron calls twice a week and Sam calls once a week.
my close friend whom i would get together on her birthday and my birthday broke her hip and pelvis.
So far my kitties are fine and affectionate. my therapist ,caseworker and psychiatrist are kind and sensitive. my therapist is the best one i ever had.
I will be 78 on monday. i am now able to use the bathtub.
i will touch base later.

bizi 05-19-2022 10:31 PM

I am sure I did not know that you lost rabbi Mann.
He was so kind to you and generous with his time.

I am so happy that you can use your bath tub!
and early happy birthday to you.
another year around the sun!
Thank you for checking in!!!!
love bizi

Dmom3005 05-20-2022 04:08 PM

I'm so glad you checked in. And happy birthday the first of next week.

I also am so sorry for the loss of your Rabbi, I believe I remember just
in passing you mentioning it. But not much more than that.

I think it was because it was new and raw for you.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 05-20-2022 07:12 PM

I am so sorry your 3 new meds tried gave

you intolerable side effects.
which ones were they if you don't mind sharing?
love bizi

mymorgy 07-11-2022 07:51 AM

i am going to try to come back. i miss you guys. right now i feel sick.

Dmom3005 07-11-2022 03:20 PM


We really miss you too. I know Bizi will also be glad your back.

I just had my second cataract surgery this morning. So I'll be more
talkative later this week


bizi 07-11-2022 08:39 PM

WE missed you too.
I am very sorry that you feel sick. Have you eaten much today?how about your water intake? Have you had to leave your apartment it is so hot here. wonder about there?Is your air conditioning working well?


mymorgy 07-19-2022 04:38 AM

i am using my tower fan and ac if i need it. i am in a weird space. i have to start physical therapy again. i got so hooked on fb kitty cats that after spending all the time in bed. now i have back pain and my walking is worse.
I have been challenging my internist and psychiatrist and worried that i might be alienating them. no. yesterday for the first time my internist signed it dr.ben metzger. he has always signed dr. Benjamin Metzger. wow.
instead of DR. Hadda she signed it Ceri, wow
i had awful side effects with .25 dose of risperidone. with bladder control and huge appetite. i tried to go off cold turkey but late at night I had stomach pain a withdrawal effect. i took the pill and pain went away. then bladder control came back. i gained more weight but the appetite is lessening a bit
it is helping.
still slightly manic. i am reading five books right now. one by plato about socrates. another one by stone on socrates and three romantic novels.
my apartment is a disaster. i have to lie down now. so tired.

bizi 07-19-2022 08:43 AM

Dear bobby, I hope that you were able to rest some more.
Boy you are quite the reader.
I don't read for the most part i get my news from the new york times that comes to my inbox on line.
I hope PT goes well this time.
I have been severely constipated I went this morning after taking 3 different products last night still not enough for 4-5 days with out much to write about.
love bizi

mymorgy 07-19-2022 10:10 AM

have you tried magnesium citrate liquid? it really works.
love you,

Dmom3005 07-19-2022 06:10 PM


Good luck with your PT, I hope it works. I read romance books and
that is about it. I try to stick to two or three a week. Because I can't
seem to get into getting them on my fire. But I'm working on that.

Now that my cataracts are out I think it will be much easier.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 07-19-2022 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by mymorgy (Post 1300131)
have you tried magnesium citrate liquid? it really works.
love you,

Yes I took one and it did not work nothing seemed to work I think I was impacted up high and I had a bit of diarrhea after I took 3 things Have you ever taken mineral oil?
I did and I think it helped, took another mag citrate and a ducolax suppository.
So I have had some bm's and diarrhea. So I don't know what to take tonight. sorry donna if this is too much info.

mymorgy 07-20-2022 01:10 PM

for whatever reason afraid of mineral oil or castor oil. occasionally i take two bottles of magnesium citrate liquid. i never expect normal stool with one bottle.
love you

mymorgy 07-20-2022 01:44 PM

i crashed and feel really sh@tty. i called a friendship line
-800-971-0016 friendship line. she was lovely but it didn't help my f@cking depression

i am on .50 mg of risperdone, not .25
my apartment is cold and clean. marci worked so hard yesterday i treated her to chinese food.
struggling to find an easier cell phone. every place now its wants your number. f@ck land lines.
i got a scammer today who wanted my social security and medicare number to send me a plastic one. the sh@thead called twice. i gave no information. looked on the net and there it was. they have been doing that since 2021. now i wished he would call again so i could lash out and swear at him and tell him he is losing his soul.
miserable bobby

mymorgy 07-20-2022 01:49 PM

this has got to stop -just bought pretty leggings. last week i bought a small chinese old carved very small trunk.

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