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Wittesea 08-21-2006 10:28 PM

Hello CP friends
Just wanted to be the first to say hello to the Chronic Pain forum.... I hope more people find their way to this place soon...


Gail 08-22-2006 01:10 AM

Hello Liz
Hi Liz,

I used to post occasionally in the CP forum as Schehz. I'm sure everyone will come running as soon as they get the word.

Have a good day!


mamafigure 08-22-2006 06:09 AM

Hi Liz
What do you guys do for chronic pain? I got sick about 2 months ago and no one can find the cause of the pain (lower left quadrant abd). I am tired of tests, but am allergic to almost all pain pills (and really don't want to take any).

Sorry to start right off with a problem...


fiberowendy2000 08-22-2006 06:25 AM

Morning Liz.
Thanks for the email about this place. I have been really missing you guys. Never thought I would depend on a website so much. Crazy huh?

ponyboy 08-22-2006 04:01 PM

Hi, troops,
Just a quick check-in from the ol' Pony guy here. Some of you might remember me from a while ago... mostly I was a fixture at the Spinal Disorders forum.

I sure hope the word gets around about this BrainTalk 2 forum... several people were despairing over the loss of original BrainTalk.

Much love and

Regards from,

JD 08-22-2006 04:09 PM

Newbie to forums
Hi there to all who read here! I am a newbie to these forums. It will be good to be around others who understand! Chronic neuropathic myofascial pain is one of my main problems, which I have been managing for 20 years now. Whew! Good to meet you all! TC :) Call me JD, ok?

mamafigure 08-22-2006 08:56 PM

Welcome! Wait until the whole gang gets here!


Shirl 08-22-2006 09:07 PM

Just wanted to say Hi
Hi all ~ :)

I just wanted to say Hi and I am glad to see so many found this place. I have posted the link to this board on Spine and beyond (See my signature here). I know I have a few who are looking for BT members so I am sure they will check the board out.


mariah 08-26-2006 12:36 PM

Thank God for DocJohn for creating this. Hi (((ponyboy))) good to see you again. It'd been a while since I posted on BT, so I was so disappointed to see it had went down. I'll be so glad when John get's it up and running again. Hello to all and I'm glad to see that people are starting to find this forum.
God bless you all
mariah :)

nancy-h 08-26-2006 01:34 PM

Hello all!
Not having BT all summer was like being grounded as a kid or having your bike taken away! :D

I have had so much pain lately, I do not know what's wrong. Could it be that I live in Nevada in 115 degree temps? I started Mirapex for Restless Legs, could that cause a breakdown of my pain meds? Anyway, later for these questions, today is a good day and a cause to celebrate!


snoozie 08-26-2006 02:09 PM

Hi Nancy, good to finally "see" you on here. It has been a hot one this summer! Have you kept in touch with the rest of the gang. I have been very worried about Billie? I am hanging in there, trying different meds to try and get pain under control. I am taking Topamax now but so far nothing positive to report. Well hop on that bike and go for a ride :p ...Sue

hummer 08-26-2006 05:19 PM

Oh man......if I could do cartwheels I would be doing them all over my house with some leaping backflips, too.....

Lynn52 08-26-2006 05:54 PM

Hi Nance
Hi Nance,

I went off my Mirapex and take it only when my legs get really bad as I was like you falling asleep at the drop of a hat. I was feeling so weak and having a lack of energy and just thought it was be going through a bad spell. Now that you mention it Nance I've noticed an terrible increase in my pain since I started Mirapex maybe it increase PN pain. I need to look at the side effects and see what it says.

You have a good weekend.

Love Lynners

shotspine 08-26-2006 07:00 PM

It's so nice to see some friendly faces. I have thought of many of you with sincere sadness that those I've missed so much don't even know it.
I hope when the boards come back that the bickering will stop and all will enjoy the positive they have missed so much.

The lonliness I've felt is real and the fact that "this too shall pass" is truly a relief to my spirit.

Peace and Hugs to all!!!

nancy-h 08-26-2006 11:23 PM

Thx Lynners & Hello Sue-Z-Q!!!
Thx for the info, Lynn. I'm going to stop the Mirapex and let my body go back to what it was and then try it again in 4-6 weeks to see if I have the same issues. If I don't give it a 2nd try, my neuro will be all ticked off at my next appt. (I really don't like neuro's, especially those in my area because they know people are waiting months to see them and they are the only game in town. The neuro my hubby had in San Fran didn't talk at appts. His NP did all the talking and explaining while he sat there. It was weird.)

Sue - I lost your e-mail address when we got a new computer and I didn't get the e-mail addresses on the disc. Missed you! Hope your nice hot summer was ok!

Later girls~
nancy :D

claudia029 08-27-2006 01:41 PM

Hello CP Friends
Hi Ya'll:D

It's great to see so many of the oldies on this site - Thanks Doc John.

Guess we can get back to doing roll calls.

I got my SSD finally. Hubby and I are going to take a 7 day cruise to the Virgin Islands the end of October. Of course, I will use a wheel chair at the airports and take my rollator (walker with wheels, handbrakes and seat) with me. We booked bus tours at St. Thomas and St. Marteen so I won't have to walk too much.

My Neurosurgeon is going to give me an ESI at C7-T1 and L3-L4 on 10/20 hoping to put me in a 'comfort zone' for the cruise and mebbe delay having fusions there.

I had C6-C7 fused 5/2/05. C5-C6 11/29/05. L4-L5 1/18/06. So think I've had enuff surgeries for awhile (I Hope).

Hugs To Ya!

Fancylady_2006 08-30-2006 08:42 PM

hi everyone
Hi everyone,
Some of your names are familiar. I have been on the old cp forum. I'm feeling pretty today and have put in a good day's work. I've cleaned one of my carpets yesterday and onother one today. My pastor was saying tonight he feels I have been healed. That would be nice but I am having surgery this coming Tuesday. Doc said it will take 5 hours. Now that for sure will give me chronic pain. Having the stimulator taken out, finally.

It's good to see more posting everyday. Come on people start posting so we can get to know each other.

CoolAngel26 08-30-2006 09:02 PM

You guys don't remember me,I bet...LOL.
Hey everyone,

I've been doing okay,except for a nasty flare-up Monday,that really didn't sit too well,with me.(Or my favorite relative who has pain E.S.P.,he means well, but,he drives me nuts..);) :rolleyes:

I've been thinking of you all,and praying for pain-free days for all of us...:D


cherokeegrl 09-02-2006 10:33 AM

Very glad to find everyone!
Hey there everyone! I see several familiar names of those that have already found their way over here, and hope to see many more!!
I missed having the board to go to in order to find the support I've needed lately! This board is great!!

Thanks Ragtop for sending me the link!

janster 09-02-2006 03:27 PM

Hi kids~
Good to see old friends! I'm happy to have found this home away from home, (I think that's why I'm happy....)

and I want to thank the good doctor for starting it for us!!

I'm glad our family is starting to get back together.... I missed everyone!


MeganLyn 09-02-2006 06:33 PM

:) Hello all.

Got some time today and thought I would come to say hello to you all.
Nice to see my friends again.

Hope all is going well for everyone.

Me, well, trying to keep my head up. Having a hard time as of late.

Love to you all.

janster 09-02-2006 06:50 PM

Awwwww honey.....
I hope this helps!
Hang in there sweetie!

Fancylady_2006 09-02-2006 08:19 PM

Been missing you megs
1 Attachment(s)
It's so good to to know your on Megs. My computer is on the fritz so I go from it to the laptop. I get so mixed up. I don't like the laptop to good. Are you hurting Megs. i thought you might be writting me again. i've geen getting things ready for surgery> I may get surprised when they see this burn, but really I don't think it will bother it.Doc is so afraid if it is close it will go intl the surgery area. Was I ever surprise when he called yesterday eve. This place has been very sore for a month tonight.

I do wish you the best and glad you have come on BT2.

slogo 09-02-2006 09:36 PM

Had a good time today and sure HOPE it does not come back and bite me in the B---! Actually I do have some rear joke...and my legs hurt when I try to walk. Hubby and I went to a big park and walked a good bit plus I walked down some steps and up others. Whoops....not a good thing to do for spine but a great thing to do for my spirits! He and the dog and I, had a great time. I almost felt like a normal person....well almost. Since I use a rollater and walk like a snail, it is kind of hard NOT to see, I am not competely NORMAL. Hee, hee! :D

Hope everyone has a painfree day tomorrow. :)

Fancylady_2006 09-13-2006 09:08 PM

it's so nice to have more joining in....
It's so good to hear from old friends again. It just makes me feel good all over. I am starting to feel like my old self again. At first a couldn't post much for sitting bothered me, but things are looking brighter each day now.

I do have to go to another doctor this coming Monday for a possible hernia of all things. They just keep finding things wrong with me. but at least I am able to do some on my own now & have only one comming at night. It's kinda nice having someone come in then. She goes to bed with the chickens so I am free to get online this time of the night.

Jan I really like to see what you will come up with next, when it comes to pictures.You just brighten up our day with them. I may get like Gaye .and steal some of them. I'm on my laptop, so I don't have any.

I'll say good night for now and may God Bless you all with a good one.

Junie 09-13-2006 09:34 PM

Hello everyone.
glad I found this place!

janster 09-14-2006 10:39 AM

Hi Junie!
I'm glad you found this place too! Take your shoes off and sit a spell!! And OMG girl congrats on your weight loss!! You HAVE TO (well, ok you don't HAVE TO :o , but we'd really, really like you to )come to the Weight Loss Support Forum:
and share some of your helpful hints with us! We'd love to have you, and anyone else who is interested!! Please come and let's help and support each other!

slogo 09-14-2006 01:27 PM

Junie, please, please tell us how you did it. I lost 30 and am trying to gain it back! Gaye :)

cherokeegrl 09-14-2006 11:34 PM

Good to see all of you!!
Hello Everybody!! It's been a long time! Things have been crazy as ever in my world. I just moved from IN to FL, and still wading in boxes. This is part of why I hadn't posted for so long at the BT 1. Things have changed alot for me, and I'm looking for some support again, which I know is always within the BT Community! I've been a member for 7 years now, and have come from being knocked on the ground and crawling back onto my feet, with the never-ending love and support of so many people I met in Braintalk. :)

It's great to have found some of my old friends still around, and look forward to catching up! I'm very glad to be back!
Wishing us all a painfree weekend! :D

Idealist 09-14-2006 11:54 PM

Hi Kimmy...glad to see you found the place. The word seems to be getting out. :) I was Autowizard on BT1, but gave myself a name-change. Welcome to the new home!

cherokeegrl 09-15-2006 12:57 AM

Hi there! I remember your posts...great to see you over here! Thanks for the welcome...Ditto!

Not sure what the he!! happened over on the other site, but I sure am thankful for DocJ in picking up the ball and helping keep us together as much as possible! Thanks Doc!! :D

Good to see ya Idealist, I will likely see ya again soon!
All my best~

simby 09-16-2006 07:50 AM

omg people,
i am grinning from ear to ear!!! I just got this link yesterday and i can not believe it!! yaya

thank you thank you for whoever started this board.

hugs and WOW,

janster 09-16-2006 08:34 AM

Kimmy & Sims!

Glad to see you made the trip all in one piece! We "spoke" a couplea times at the old place, and I hope to get to know you better at our new home!

Jan :)

cherokeegrl 09-17-2006 04:34 PM

Thanks for the Welcome Jan! :) Good to see you Sims!
Looking forward to getting better aquainted, and sharing in support for us all!!


Sherloc56 09-20-2006 01:36 PM

Hi everyone!! Welcome to all the Newbies!
Just a quick hello and a question. Boy is it good having this place back huh?

I started a couple of months ago with numbness in the top of my right leg. At first I thought something had biten me because it was swollen feeling and tingly numb. But I couldn't find a bite or anything else. Every so often it will feel like my leg is on fire on the inside in that area. Any clues?

I hope everyone makes their way in and let us all know how they are doing. Everyone have a great day and be as pain free as possible.


butterflyblooms 09-20-2006 05:27 PM

Hi all!!!!:) So nice to see everyone! A lot as change for me.... going through a divorce...ins issues.... but I want to see how others are doing too

Take care all!

coyote 09-20-2006 07:13 PM

It's been just another day in Paradise!

hannahbanana 09-20-2006 09:39 PM

Hi everyone.

I'm going to be offering my support for the forum in whatever you may need (if it's within my powers). Stickies, merging posts, eliminating spammers, etc.

So PM me if you need anything and I'll try to help as best I can.


janster 09-21-2006 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by coyote (Post 9712)
It's been just another day in Paradise!

Awwwww honey.......


dadsgirl 09-24-2006 12:49 PM

Hello Everyone ~

It is so nice seeing so many familiar names! I hadn't been posting alot at the old braintalk ~ but I read there every day. I just found this place yesterday and I'm so happy to be here!

(was originally dadsgirl, then had to change it to suelynn, now I'm back to being dadsgirl again! I hope that makes sense! LOL)

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