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Debbie D 07-19-2011 05:23 PM

Does MS make stress reactions worse?
I know that stress ramps up MS SSS, but does the opposite also occur?

I've been having some stressors in my life lately and I find myself overstressed to the point of suddenly sobbing...

karilann 07-19-2011 05:44 PM

which came first, the chicken or the egg?
I think you will find high levels of anxiety with MS. At least that has been my experience. Perhaps a little more stress will break the camels back and you find yourself sobbing. I went through this for a time.
Out of the blue I also developed phobias that I never had before.

Depression etc., are within character for MS.

Dejibo 07-19-2011 06:18 PM

stress, anxiety and even anticipation can make my ms go wild! The stressors my family had me under caused all kinds of havoc, but the calm after also allowed me to let it all out and kind of reboot.

I hope you feel better. :hug:

Vonn07 07-19-2011 07:12 PM

hey Debbie ... I would go on extreme happy days ... and then crash and be sad (want to die) for no reason ... up down up down ... I seen a new nurse that works with my neuro - and she's like an MS specialist ... and had me start on Lexapro ... 10mg ... it helped - but, I would be dull ... no motivation to do anything ... so, July 5th - she increased it to 20mg/day - and I've already seen a change!!

I want to do things - yet, if I can't ... I don't go overboard ... and just breathe - relax (which, is still hard for me) ...

hope you are feeling better!! (HUGS) :hug:

SallyC 07-19-2011 08:15 PM

Yep, with stress and MS, it's a vicious circle. Thanks for Prozac..;)


doydie 07-19-2011 11:57 PM

I think there are a lot of variables there. If you are having a bad day and nobody seems to understand and are putting more on you, yeah, my reaction a a bad day is much worse than on a good day. In the heat of the summer my reactions are a lot worse. When I am sick and tired of being sick and tired, my reaction can be worse. Then I get around my precious grand kids and everything is better. I have really got the no word down good with my grand kids and my daughter who loves to give me a chance to take care of them She says she knows that I am going to say know but would hate for me not to have the chance. I'll say no even before she gets the wonderful opportunity out of her mouth.

Dejibo 07-20-2011 08:18 AM

I tend to 'over react' more than I did before MS. Little things can seem like great big huge things, and some times I need a time out to get a grip and refocus on just how small that event really was.

Stupid disease!

Kitty 07-20-2011 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by SallyC (Post 788101)
Yep, with stress and MS, it's a vicious circle. Thanks for Prozac..;)


Since my Neuro put me on Prozac I've noticed a HUGE difference in the way I feel.

Before my MS dx I wasn't on anything. I had been....when DH died......but had since come off that med. So, it had been about three years I had been with nothing. But MS can cause anxious feelings. It sort of messes with your mind. My Neuro suggested Prozac because he said it had the least chance of side effects. I've noticed no side effects from it.....except that I'm feeling much calmer and much less anxious. Things don't bother me to the degree of me ending up sobbing about something that really doesn't require such a dramatic response. :o

You've got alot going on to make you anxious and worried.....not to mention your own health concerns. Please talk to your Neuro and let him know you really need his help right now. I hope you feel better soon. :hug:

tkrik 07-20-2011 09:47 AM

IMO, I think that MS effects our coping skills. Mine are not what they used to be and I notice a big difference. I often wonder if it has to do with the pain we experience, the fatigue, and some days just not feeling well. After a while, it gets to me and then my coping skills are much worse and my anxiety is much greater. It's part of a cycle, maybe even the pain cycle.

You have been dealing with quite a bit lately and that has a lot to do with it as well. Hang in there and take sometime for yourself. Keeping you in my prayers.:hug:

barb02 07-20-2011 11:48 AM

Yes! I worry about everything these days. I am worried about whether I am making the right decision in retiring. I am worried about a friend's mother who will not run her ac because it is too loud. I am worried about the country and the increasing polarization. I am worried about the debt ceiling. My sister is going to France in September, and I am already worrying about her going there by herself. She is 42 years old. I will stop now:p. I am worried you all will think I am crazy;).

Debbie D 07-20-2011 06:48 PM

No Barb, I don't think you're going crazy... But it sounds like my mind lately. I worry about my MIL having another meltdown during the night & FIL calling before dawn to ket me know...worried I'm not keeping track of their med supply and mine, since my cog dysfunction has ramped up & I get confused...

I'm on Nudexta which is supposed to help with those emotional overreactions; but it's the stress that is worrying me. I try to do deep breathing, centering, but I still seem to get so easily overwrought, kind of like MIL with DH can "put it in the shelf" so to speak. Wish I had that ability:rolleyes:

Dejibo 07-21-2011 06:44 AM

I am having one of those "over reaction" days. I just feel like the whole world is against me today. Im hot, im tired, im stressed, Im frustrated, and I feel quite touchy and that it would be easy for me to bite someones head off. I am worried about money, church, family, DS, the heat, cats, DH, the upcoming vacation, my weight, the environment, will I stay blind after one of my walks, my wallet, my car, DSs wrecked truck, our country, the economy, health insurance, SSDI, medicare, medications, and so feels like so much to carry!

yet, there are some days that I simply cant put it away, and let it rest. like a festering sore I keep picking at it. Will it heal if I keep picking? or will it get infected?

I KNOW this is an MS monkey on my back today. My back is very upset today. My left leg is buzzing, my eyes are still fuzzy, its been 10 days since JAck needed a shot, so I am now hyper vigilant looking for signs that he is ready. will I cause him to roll over into stress and that triggers him to need one?

Viseeu described it perfectly. She gets periods of "hypervigilance" and simply feels on point at all times when it happens and she cant turn it off. That is exactly how I feel today.

Tigerlilly 08-02-2011 10:51 PM

this was one of the first things I noticed when my partner was diagnosed, he can't deal with stress like he used to. He was such a cool calm person before, now if someone really gets to him, he can explode! He's better now, I notice a huge difference in his stress levels if he's not had enough rest or sleep, particularly if we have a late night over the weekend with friends.
To manage his stress especially when he gets home from work I give 5HTP and GABA :)
No side effects like SSRIs.

ewizabeth 08-03-2011 11:15 PM

When I had a lot of stress in my life, my MS was in overdrive. And stressful situations also made my blood pressure go very high. Stress is bad for anyone in high doses but if you have MS and high levels of stress, I believe that it can aggravate the MS significantly.

Now the stress is reduced and my MS is mild, and my blood pressure totally under control. I know there is a direct relation and many studies will confirm this relation in many situations.

SallyC 08-04-2011 09:22 AM

So true Wiz and although stress may not be the cause of MS, I believe it is the #1 Trigger. And it's like a vicious circle....the MS causes stress and visa versa.

Since my stress is under control, I feel much less MSy. My MS is too far gone to ever reverse itself now, but if I had gotten my anxiety and panic disorder under control early in the game, it may have.:confused:

Tigerlilly 08-07-2011 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by SallyC (Post 788101)
Yep, with stress and MS, it's a vicious circle. Thanks for Prozac..;)


just a suggestion, have you read the book Potatoes not Prozac by Dr. Kathleen DesMaisons?

Debbie D 08-07-2011 09:45 AM

Just put it on my list. As much as I try to do breathing, exercise, prayer, I am still overreacting to stressful situations. Getting away from home physically helps a lot ;-). But eventually I have to go back...

SallyC 08-07-2011 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Tigerlilly (Post 793409)
just a suggestion, have you read the book Potatoes not Prozac by Dr. Kathleen DesMaisons?

I depend on potatoes and Prozac, and for me it's not a choice.:)

Dejibo 08-08-2011 05:54 PM

what were we talking about? I swear, from the time I clicked the REPLY button, to the time this box of white opened....I completely lost track of why I was going to respond....

ok, looked below and wanted to pat Sal on the back. Some folks MUST have that chemical pathway restored, and some folks respond beautifully to a handful of cashews or potato. Glad you know your limits sal. :hug:

Lady 08-09-2011 01:26 AM

Read if you want, JMO.
I found my true stress was when I was working those last few years. When working you can really get stressed. The pressure can be unrelenting.

Stress to me now--is a feeling of being "Overwhelmed" more so than pure stress. Stress doesn't usually go away, we can just keep adding to it unless people either take away the stress component from us, or you fill the void with a chemical if you are deplete. Many people need depression or anxiety meds because they are chemically deprived by nature, or disease of these valuable chemicals in the brain.

I find if one thing piles on top of the other, than another, than I have to go somewhere or I must do something, and my list gets longer for the day, or the week, then I get very overwhelmed. I don't get depressed or feel anxiety, more like a wringing of the hands together, like worry hands. What to do? What to do next? Pacing too.

When I force myself to tackle a problem, of try to delegate these events or tasks, then they are lessened. I am less overwhelmed and feel so much better. If I can't get my list down, I go to take my shower and have a good cry. We are given this privilege to cry, sob, rant or rave, until we feel better. I find it works for me when too much, is just too much. I like my privacy to cry.

So Debbie, sobbing or feeling tearful, a lump in the throat, water swelling up in the eyes is fine. It is our release valve, we should not feel bad using it for the purpose intended by our bodies to feel better, or take away some pain, either physical or mental pain.

Sometimes it can clear our thoughts and minds and we can see clearly the answers we were looking for. Try to toss away the stressors, don't worry about anything YOU personally can't change, like the debt ceiling. Worry about the things you really have no choice about. Or share your worries with those who can help you. Get medication if needed.

Don't ever let stress build up too heavily. It is a silent killer to other diseases.

There is a part of MS, and other Neurological diseases, or injuries, that does cause outbursts of extreme uncontrollable crying or laughing. Not many people get that. I think Montel has that problem when I watch his new videos and he discusses his health, he gets tearful.

It's called "PBA." The (emotional) "Pseudobulbar Affect," that may be caused by the brains wiring, I think. I am definitely not a doctor.

Sorry to preach or ramble on. I have family members in such situations.

Debbie D 08-09-2011 09:53 AM

I'm on that new med. It has helped somewhat, but I notice myself getting angry-REALLY angry, more often lately. Due, in part to feeling powerless over situations in life, and voiceless also.
When I saw my pcp last time, she told me in no uncertain terms that if I didn't back off the situations with my ailing in laws, it "would take me down"...I have backed off, but I can't totally avoid the responsibilities I have with that. What makes me feel powerless is the fact that I felt they should be moved to assisted living, where they would have someone on call 24/7. My DH & his sis thought the place charged too much for what care is offered, and my MIL would be upset about the small amount of closet space.
So now I worry that if one goes into the hospital, the other will have to go into a nursing home, because they can't be alone. It is on my mind, and I'm angry that I didn't have a voice in this.
Added to this, the unpredictability of how my Sxs will affect my day weighs on me daily. I am so bad at prioritizing my energy output, that I often soy later in the day. I get overwhelmed and angry, and yes I do boo-hoo when I need the release. I never ask "why me?" none of us is immune to the slings and arrows of life. But I think the cognitive changes make it more challenging to deal with it all.
When I was in the ER last month, they gave me Atavan to calm down my breathing and heart rate...I felt so much calmer! But my docs won't prescribe any narcotics, afraid I'll become addicted. So I cope however I can...
Thanks to all fir the thoughts advice & support...

tkrik 08-09-2011 10:45 AM

Debbie - :hug::hug: You do have a lot going on. And, for some MSers, MS does alter our coping mechanisms. It is frustrating and upsetting and getting upset about it makes it worse. What is going on in your life right now is not something you can put on the back burner. It just isn't going to happen. I think most people in your situation would feel a lot of what you are feeling whether they have MS or not. Watching the people that we love decline so rapidly is not easy and emotionally can take it's toll.

I don't have much advice for you except try to connect with other caregivers (you are part of your in-laws caregiving team). They may have something at one of the assisted living facilities close by you. Talking with others in a similar situation may help you feel that you are by no means alone in what you are feeling and experiencing.

Also, try to find little things you enjoy doing that are stress free activities. For me, keeping my hands busy during stressful times is key. I do a lot of detailed artwork during that time. I write in my journal and that always helps. If you are able to concentrate enough to read a book, read. If you like doing needlework, go for it. (I used to do cross stitch years ago and found the same stress relief when doing it.) Listen to music. If you have an iPod or something like that, put all your favorite songs on there and listen to the ones that calm you and bring happy memories to your mind. It really does help.

Additionally, what I have found over the past few months that is helping me is magnesium. It's amazing how much better I feel when I take it regularly. My tremors have calmed down so much and even the muscle spasms/muscle fatigue. I am stronger since taking it regularly. Emotionally, I am less stressed and anxious (a bonus of taking magnesium). I use it transdermally but I also make sure I get plenty of it in my diet. MrsD has that fantastic thread about magnesium. It really does help.

Also, if you find that even with the meds you are getting angrier than before, ask you dr to switch you to something else. That med may not be the one for you. I had a reaction like that with Cymbalta. Three days on it and I started having aggressive thoughts. I stopped taking it and my PCP switched me to Paxil. Cymbalta was GREAT for nerve pain but was not the medicine for me emotionally. Paxil is great at keeping you calm but it was a little too calming for me and I eventually ended up with a flat affect. But, I would not hesitate to switch to Paxil during stressful times, even if it is only for a couple of weeks (which I did a couple of months ago and it was so helpful). For now, I am on Celexa which for the most part works well.

I will keep you in my prayers. :hug::hug:

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