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windseeker242 02-09-2017 04:07 PM

Neurofeedback Suggestions

5 years Post Concussion. 29 year old male.

My family has finally finally agreed to let me try neurofeedback.

This would be my first attempt at real treatment.
My family has figured out that "thinking happy thoughts" and "just getting back into a good 9 to 5 routine" is not working.

Only took 5 years.......(not bitter at all :p )

Does anyone have any suggestions for good practitioners in North America?
Either Canada or the United States, I have no options in my country.

Anyone have any positive or negative feedback or experiences to share?

I know I should ask others who have done it but I'm also afraid to ask as I don't want my hopes dashed on the rocks.

I haven't felt hope in so long, it's very frightening that I might get some only to lose it again. I don't know if I could take that.

Mark in Idaho 02-09-2017 06:28 PM

What symptoms are you hoping to treat ?

What kind of neurofeedback are you considering ?

At 29, why does your family have to agree ?

Where do you live ?

Some neurofeedback therapies can take weeks of treatments to see any changes, it that happens at all.

windseeker242 02-09-2017 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho (Post 1236131)
What symptoms are you hoping to treat ?

What kind of neurofeedback are you considering ?

At 29, why does your family have to agree ?

Where do you live ?

Some neurofeedback therapies can take weeks of treatments to see any changes, it that happens at all.

Heya Mark.
My family would have to agree because I cannot work due to my injury and am therefore broke. I would need someone to pay for it. I would have to travel abroad and stay somewhere which was simply financially impossible for me, even at the best of times.

And by family I really mean father, both my sisters are married and taken care of.

My family has the means, just my family would not let my try anything (until now) because they couldn't see my injury. So I've been cast aside as "lazy" and "emotional"

They wouldn't read or learn about concussions and my father's only suggestion was "just get back on a good work routine and it will all go away - think positive"

Naturally, this would simply aggravate my symptoms until I couldn't get out of bed

I've tried explaining till I was blue in the face but they just didn't want to listen or believe it.

I can still hear my sister asking with a nasty tone
"So...when are you going to get over this concussion thing?"
That was like 9 months post injury. Around when I first started posting.

November 28th 2016 was my last "good day"
I've been bed ridden ever since.

That being said...
If I didn't have my family to fall back on for basic support (food, shelter, etc) I would have been dead or homeless a long time ago. My old man will get me soup or frozen food from the food store but otherwise will not spend any time with me.

I live outside of the US in a country with very poor healthcare, unless you get shot or stabbed.....we are very good at treating those conditions.

can't exert myself at all
Fatigue (don't confuse this with somnolence....I'd pay to have that! No symptoms when I am asleep!)
Insomnia (yes, I've improved my sleep hygiene, no effect)
Sensitive to light & sound
Extremely sensitive to even the most minor of bumps.
Foggy thoughts
Strong lability when symptomatic
Impulse control: I can't keep my mouth shut, I don't know if that's a symptom of PCS or not having anyone else to talk to for the past 2 years.

I was on your vitamin stack for about a year and a half but could no longer afford it and it didn't seem to help me much.

I went to a psychiatrist for about six months until I realised he didn't believe me and was just taking my money.

What symptoms am I hoping to treat? I'll take anything at this stage but if I was given the choice it would be the "sensitivity" to the jolts and stimuli. If I could "freeze" my baseline symptoms then I feel I could live a somewhat normal life but I can't.

If I push against the PCS, it pushes back, hard, until I'm all the way back in bed.

Twice I've come close to ending it all. I'm just to much of a coward to actually do it.

What kind of neurofeedback.....I don't know. Hence why I'm asking around here if thats allright?

Mark in Idaho 02-09-2017 08:40 PM

I think you would be better off finding a clinic that will take you as a patient to do some diagnostics and assessments and possible treatment. If you have any resources for places/family to stay for an extended period like Boston (Mass General has a concussion program), Pittsburgh (UPMC), Buffalo (University of Buffalo) or near any of the big teaching hospitals, that would be a start.

windseeker242 02-09-2017 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho (Post 1236154)
I think you would be better off finding a clinic that will take you as a patient to do some diagnostics and assessments and possible treatment. If you have any resources for places/family to stay for an extended period like Boston (Mass General has a concussion program), Pittsburgh (UPMC), Buffalo (University of Buffalo) or near any of the big teaching hospitals, that would be a start.

I've kept up to date with the things Dr. Leddy has done at UB. Got pretty excited and even let myself get hopeful.

When It comes to Buffalo, well I called them and was shuffled around by secretaries until they put me on some answering machine with instructions to briefly describe my symptoms and leave an email address. I did so.

About 2 or 3 days later received this via email

"In response to your telephone inquiry about the concussion clinic at The University at Buffalo, you are not a candidate. Thank you."

I hope you guys at UB read this! Awful way to respond to people looking for help!:mad:

Pretty ****ing poignant response to give to someone who is
A) Sick
B) Willing to pay

I guess I can email or call Pittsburg and Boston. I'll have to restart the entire conversation with my old man.

Someplace out in Winnipeg started doing the Buffalo Protocol but I am not a candidate because

A) I do not reside in Manitoba (I do hold Canadian citizenship)
B) Am OVER 18 (youth sports injuries only)
C) Even if I did pay, I'd be differed behind the provincial non paying youth. Said they couldn't guarantee me a spot. At least they were nice on the phone though.

It baffles me that there are places offering treatment but with some strange criteria on how to receive it.

Mark in Idaho 02-09-2017 10:13 PM

Many clinics focus on return to play and athletes and patients who are closer to the original injury date.

Have you checked with the Ontario Neurotrama Foundation ? They have affiliates that may be able to help.

I don't remember right now but there is a large concussion program at one of the Florida hospitals.

I seem to remember. You are in the Bahamas or Barbados or ? Aren't you.

windseeker242 02-10-2017 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho (Post 1236167)
Many clinics focus on return to play and athletes and patients who are closer to the original injury date.

Have you checked with the Ontario Neurotrama Foundation ? They have affiliates that may be able to help.

I don't remember right now but there is a large concussion program at one of the Florida hospitals.

I seem to remember. You are in the Bahamas or Barbados or ? Aren't you.

The Bahamas - I was a pilot once - you PM'ed about Bonanzas' and GUMPS
Back then I believed 'It' would all go away in a few months. I now know I'll never be a pilot - or anything for that matter.

I'm hesitant to deal with Canadian Health Care - it's a bit too much of a circus that you can't simply pay your way through - government is too involved. The US is simpler - capitalist get what you pay for and if you don't like it........leave and find another.

I've looked around at all sorts of treatments and most of them seem like snake oil....there's that one quack injecting steroids directly into people's brainstems. He patented it in an attempt to give it some legitimacy.

Someplace in Guelph that sticks magnets to your neck......seems quacky

The Buffalo Protocol seemed to hold some weight but alas, they only want to treat the few.

In year one I tried a chiropractor but he only got angry at me when I told him it wasn't helping me.

Somebody on posted:


I am one of the TBI survivors who have had great success with neurofeedback. I recommend that people with moderate or severe TBIs try to find a dr. (neurologist, psychologist, etc.) who does it because a practitioner does not have the knowledge to deal with a TBI; they are trained to work on a normal, healthy brain. Practitioners come from all backgrounds, including social work.
As for the wiki page, it is more positive than it used to be. Neurofeedback treatment is becoming widespread. Here's an article from the Washington Post.
Washington Post Article

This silly article gave me some hope that it might help me.

I thought I should ask others thought before jumping down the rabbit hole. I will only have one shot at this.

My old man is not going to pay for every little strange treatment that pops up. You shoulda heard the arguments "The Ghost In My Brain" caused.


Me: "I don't know, but isn't it worth trying??? This endless attitude of "just work it off" is NOT WORKING!"

Father: "Whenever I'm not feeling well, I just accomplish something and I feel better"

If I survive long enough until his health starts to fail from age, I WILL MAKE HIM EAT THOSE WORDS.

I'll give this thread a few days - hopefully someone will chime back in with positive or negative experience with neurofeedback.
Otherwise, I'll ask you for a suggestion as to where to go.

Not that I'm hesitant to take your advice, it's just (and I know it's childish) part of me wants to believe that this might actually work.

Mark in Idaho 02-10-2017 02:34 AM

The problem with neurofeedback is it is a broad term. There are many different types. Lots of snake oil and some worthwhile for specific symptoms. Dr Walker in Dallas TX has had some success but it takes weeks.

If you have $10,000 to risk, Cognitive FX | Premier Cognitive Imaging and Therapy may be worth a try. I am skeptical but...... They are in Utah by Salt Lake City.

Is the Guelph place ?

windseeker242 02-10-2017 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho (Post 1236187)
The problem with neurofeedback is it is a broad term. There are many different types. Lots of snake oil and some worthwhile for specific symptoms. Dr Walker in Dallas TX has had some success but it takes weeks.

If you have $10,000 to risk, Cognitive FX | Premier Cognitive Imaging and Therapy may be worth a try. I am skeptical but...... They are in Utah by Salt Lake City.

Is the Guelph place Research-Based Concussion Clinic in Guelph | MMTR Physiotherapy ?

Yeah - that's the one in Guelph. Just didn't make much sense to me.

Looking around the forum, I'm starting to see what you mean by "broad term"

Cognitive FX USA would be a tough sell.......
Why do you suggest them? Has anyone posted good results?
I get nervous when a group says "Results in 1 week!"
Do you know what their approach is in a sentence? It's very "marketing" style of text on their page.

This is all starting to feel hopeless again.....

Mark in Idaho 02-10-2017 11:00 AM

There is Carrick. It has a hit or miss result. Some get a good result. Others get no benefit.

Cog FX would at least do some fMRI imaging to confirm a brain that is out of balance. But, they are full of marketing hype. I don't like that either.

BirdOntheWire 02-12-2017 02:55 PM

I've been dealing with PCS for 3 years, with many similar symptoms to yours (extreme sensitivity to exertion and head bumps, light & sound sensitivity, brain fog, etc.). I've been receiving regular neurofeedback treatments for over 2 years, starting with LENS therapy and now NeurOptimal. They have both helped me immensely and I consider them worth every penny, and they have involved quite a lot of pennies.

That being said, neurofeedback has mainly only helped me with cognitive issues. I never felt "with it" after my first TBI almost a decade ago and the neurofeedback has helped tremendously with that and the cognitive fatigue. But I haven't found it to make me less vulnerable to setbacks from minor head bumps, overexertion, or overstimulation, and it's only helped a little with the headaches (though LENS did help more than NeurOptimal in that regard). It did pretty much cure my insomnia, LENS especially, which was a major boon. But beyond being able to sleep well, think more clearly, and generally be more aware of my surroundings, it hasn't done much in terms of functionality.

There have been 2 main interventions that HAVE helped me regain some functionality. The first is an anti-inflammatory/paleo diet, which has led to a major reduction in brain fog, headaches, and fatigue. And the second is physical therapy, which helped stabilize my neck (which before PT I didn't even realize was an issue) and got me back to the point of being able to tolerate moderate exercise (until I hit my head yet again a year and a half ago).

I too am relying on my parents for money right now (though I'm fortunate that they're quite supportive), so I know the feeling of having to pick and choose your treatments based on what someone else will consider worthwhile. And you may have a very different experience with any or all of these. But in my humble opinion, neurofeedback is absolutely amazing but given the limits of what it can do, the expense, and the logistical constraints in your situation, it's not the first treatment I'd try.

Good luck finding something that works for you. I'm happy to give more detail about my experience with neurofeedback if you have any questions.

Hains 02-16-2017 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by windseeker242 (Post 1236183)
The Bahamas - I was a pilot once - you PM'ed about Bonanzas' and GUMPS
Back then I believed 'It' would all go away in a few months. I now know I'll never be a pilot - or anything for that matter.

I'm hesitant to deal with Canadian Health Care - it's a bit too much of a circus that you can't simply pay your way through - government is too involved. The US is simpler - capitalist get what you pay for and if you don't like it........leave and find another.

Consider Catalyst Kinetics (Catalyst Kinetics Health Clinic & Sports Training 64.254.7687) in Burnaby, BC, Canada. Many professional athletes go to this place from around the world to treat concussions. It's private so there's no bureaucracy to navigate. The Canadian dollar is weak compared to the US dollar so there's big cost savings. Burnaby is also right beside Vancouver which has an international airport. This facility has Physios, Naturopaths, Chiros, personal trainers, and massage therapist that are all trained in concussion recovery, hence why many pro athletes go there.

windseeker242 02-17-2017 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Hains (Post 1236811)
Consider Catalyst Kinetics (Catalyst Kinetics Health Clinic & Sports Training 64.254.7687) in Burnaby, BC, Canada. Many professional athletes go to this place from around the world to treat concussions. It's private so there's no bureaucracy to navigate. The Canadian dollar is weak compared to the US dollar so there's big cost savings. Burnaby is also right beside Vancouver which has an international airport. This facility has Physios, Naturopaths, Chiros, personal trainers, and massage therapist that are all trained in concussion recovery, hence why many pro athletes go there.

Have you had any experience with this clinic?

What does their treatment entail?

Mark in Idaho 02-17-2017 09:46 PM

I researched this clinic. They are focused on chiropractic, kinesiology (sports training), physical therapy and naturopathy. They do not mention any neurofeedback treatments. It looks like one of the chiros may have some Carrick training but they do not say anything but functional neurology. The physical therapist list some concussion training. They are all young and early in their careers.

In my opinion, it looks like they are trying to be a Carrick like clinic.

I would not bet money on them.

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