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pooh_ac 03-06-2013 11:10 PM

:eek:As many of you know I am struggling with an area in my left hip that seems to be getting worse despite multiple changes in medication, too many nerve blocks to count and multiple trips 200 miles one way to see my wonderful pain doc and his lovely PA. This last visit I saw my docs partner, she stated that I have had "far" too many blocks and steriod injections. She feels that I need to have a nerve ablation. From what little research I have done it does not look like something this darned old nurse wants to proceed with. However I am not sure how much longer I will be able to continue my work in surgery, on the acute care floor and in the ER.....
I guess I just want to hear what the thoughts round here are about this "lovely" procedure:cool:


eva5667faliure 03-07-2013 12:28 AM

so sorry to hear this
i wish you ease in hearing
your news

praying for miracles
Lord hear our prayer

Mark56 03-07-2013 01:01 AM

Hi Pooh, the only thing I have heard from friends who personally received the procedure was as to all of them, and they are more than a handful- as to them it did not help.

For you, I pray good diagnostics, appropriate and full consideration so an informed decision can be made.....
because I deeply care,
yup :hug:

eva5667faliure 03-07-2013 09:10 AM

oh heck yes
sweet Lord
hear our prayers
so difficult
to get what you say
prayers and ask those
the doctor who welcomes
them is my doctor

Nanc 03-07-2013 02:12 PM

Hi Pooh, sorry about the issues you are having :( I have not had an RFA, but came close. My pain doc was planning on doing one in my lower back, even did the first two diagnostic injections with success, but he then decided not to do the RFA because I have widespread RSD and he was afraid of causing it in my back. One of my brothers had a bad car accident several years ago, really hurt his neck which caused horrible migraines, he had an RFA done in his neck and it was the best thing he ever did...stopped the pain and migraines.

All I can advise is to research it, ask questions and make sure your doctor is really good at them. With all that info, you should be able to make a decision you are comfortable with :)

Good luck to you!

Njbackpain 03-07-2013 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Nanc (Post 963758)
Hi Pooh, sorry about the issues you are having :( I have not had an RFA, but came close. My pain doc was planning on doing one in my lower back, even did the first two diagnostic injections with success, but he then decided not to do the RFA because I have widespread RSD and he was afraid of causing it in my back. One of my brothers had a bad car accident several years ago, really hurt his neck which caused horrible migraines, he had an RFA done in his neck and it was the best thing he ever did...stopped the pain and migraines.

All I can advise is to research it, ask questions and make sure your doctor is really good at them. With all that info, you should be able to make a decision you are comfortable with :)

Good luck to you!

I had it done. Did nothing. However my pain is on my spinal column. Hope the best for you. Btw, it was no big deal to have done.

pooh_ac 03-07-2013 09:36 PM

:hug:zI am slamming into research mode in my spare second:confused: I made it through a short surgery schedule today. Only 1 total knee replacements. Tomorrow is cataract day, it is also a slower then normal day (seems people are really not ready to have procedures done until they have met more or all of their deductables) Only those that truely cannot go on without procedures are having them done. Things ramp up quickly in the next couple of months, then the procedures that require longer recovery go back to nearly none then about August things jump into high gear until the holidays. In December there is the mad scramble to get things done before the end of the year. But I degress I then have 2 full shifts on the floor. I can only hope things are kept down to a gentle roar:eek::hug:z

yellow 03-09-2013 12:17 PM

Pooh, I'm very impressed that you're still on your feet so much and with your dedication to your job :) I, and I'm sure everyone here, have the utmost respect for nurses. I've never had an ablation, but I hope that whatever you choose to proceed with next, you can get some relief. I am surprised at how many blocks you've been receiving though, since my doctor said that the more you have, the more your body gets used to them and the less effective they become. He said that's why they do them usually in series of about 6 at a time, and then it's good to wait a couple months before the next series, which is probably why they're not doing any good for you anymore :hug:

fionab 03-11-2013 02:55 PM

I am also faced with possible nerve ablation
I am in the beginning stages, however. I go in Weds. to a new pain mgmt. dr. for a pain generator test. I'm under the impression that he does a nerve block with only anesthesia at certain nerve roots in order to find the nerve or nerves that are causing my cervical issues that cannot be addressed by my cervical SCS.

From there I'm not sure where it goes. I have read on some forums about those who have had nerve ablation and wished they had not (increased symptoms, pain in new areas etc.) but I also know that it's quite possible that those who have success don't post their success.

I think I'm going to try to stick with steroid shots for now if they can pinpoint the nerves causing my issues, if that is an option. My neurosurgeon did mention the ablation as a possible, more permanent option, which wouldn't require going back in for shots periodically.

How many steroid shots did you get? Did you get them every 3 mos.? When I get my steroid shots in my shoulders they will only do them every 3 mos.

I'm hoping that the steroid shot route will work for me, if this is the route I need to take, as I'm rather nervous about having someone cut a nerve, esp. given that they can regenerate and would require ablation a second time. I read about someone who has had their nerve ablated several times over the years and now faces the fact their dr. says that ablation is no longer an option. What does one do then?

I hope that you get the help you need! I will watch your journey as it seems you are a few steps ahead of me. Praying for your pain relief!:hug:

Mark56 03-12-2013 12:15 AM

Utmost Respect and Prayers for All
Yes, my nurses have been above all SUPER in care when I had to go in. I hope never to go in again. Ever. Just tired of all of the gig.

Even so, I pray for Pooh and Fiona in coming approach to procedures, whether ablation or injection that the target be surely hit. That the issue be remedied thus. That with care, the joy for life is restored because pain is managed.

Yup :hug::grouphug:

fionab 03-13-2013 01:30 PM

saw the new pain dr. today
It ended up being just a consultation as he didn't feel that doing the pain generator test would be beneficial. I think I mentioned it was to be a nerve block using an anesthetic to see if I got temp. pain relief in neck so they could clarify which nerves are the problem.

He said that there was no point in doing it because even if I did get relief there would be little he could do given the SCS leads in my cervical area. I asked about getting epidural shots and he says he would not give them to me as it's too easy to nick the cervical leads or cause an infection on the cervical leads and he wasn't going to take that chance.

The other option is to do an ablation but he would rather have the dr. who implanted the SCS's resume my care and talk about that possibility with me. I'm rather bummed because I thought epidural shots every few months would be an easy remedy.

This dr. did say that a last resort is to have a fusion where the problem nerves are. I thought a fusion was just for a ruptured/herniated disk but he says they are also done to open up the space around the nerve to give it more room. He suspects the main culprit is C7-T1 (which is what is affecting my arms/hands/upper back) and that the nerves at C3-4 were brought into play when another doctor twisted my head/neck. He says the nerves at C3-4 are what affects the jaw, teeth, face etc. Hopefully those nerves will calm down in time but given the fact that they were so easily irritated may indicate they are problematic and were just waiting to become a problem.

He did think that I have a separate shoulder issue, so will continue getting the steroid shots into my shoulders. So, will keep on trying to figure things out:(

Thanks for your prayers, Mark :hug:

How are things going for you, Pooh?

fionab 03-13-2013 01:34 PM

He said that the only way he would do epidurals in my cervical area was if I had the cervical SCS and its leads removed. He asked if I thought I'd get more pain relief with epidurals given that the cervical SCS is not helping my pain as much as I need. Will have to think about this:confused:

eva5667faliure 03-15-2013 07:49 AM

I absolutely get it
have it
take it off everyday
and the head
i experience right ear
and jaw ache
there are certain i have
just learned to live with it
pray for a miracle

someone who cares

Mark56 03-15-2013 08:23 AM

Ummmmm yeah

Originally Posted by fionab (Post 965485)
It ended up being just a consultation as he didn't feel that doing the pain generator test would be beneficial. I think I mentioned it was to be a nerve block using an anesthetic to see if I got temp. pain relief in neck so they could clarify which nerves are the problem.

He said that there was no point in doing it because even if I did get relief there would be little he could do given the SCS leads in my cervical area. I asked about getting epidural shots and he says he would not give them to me as it's too easy to nick the cervical leads or cause an infection on the cervical leads and he wasn't going to take that chance.

The other option is to do an ablation but he would rather have the dr. who implanted the SCS's resume my care and talk about that possibility with me. I'm rather bummed because I thought epidural shots every few months would be an easy remedy.

This dr. did say that a last resort is to have a fusion where the problem nerves are. I thought a fusion was just for a ruptured/herniated disk but he says they are also done to open up the space around the nerve to give it more room. He suspects the main culprit is C7-T1 (which is what is affecting my arms/hands/upper back) and that the nerves at C3-4 were brought into play when another doctor twisted my head/neck. He says the nerves at C3-4 are what affects the jaw, teeth, face etc. Hopefully those nerves will calm down in time but given the fact that they were so easily irritated may indicate they are problematic and were just waiting to become a problem.

He did think that I have a separate shoulder issue, so will continue getting the steroid shots into my shoulders. So, will keep on trying to figure things out:(

Thanks for your prayers, Mark :hug:

How are things going for you, Pooh?

That was the reason for my cervical fusion last Aug. Too tiny a space left for my nerve roots, so the arms were losing function while pain was out of the roof.

Prayin your nerves will just calm. Kinda hoping the same for my right arm, as the nerve has been a bad little kid and hurting to beat the band. Don't especially want anymore surgery, just working with physical therapy to see if it will calm.

Prayin yet for FIONA


for POOH

Yup :hug:

eva5667faliure 03-15-2013 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Mark56 (Post 966129)
That was the reason for my cervical fusion last Aug. Too tiny a space left for my nerve roots, so the arms were losing function while pain was out of the roof.

Prayin your nerves will just calm. Kinda hoping the same for my right arm, as the nerve has been a bad little kid and hurting to beat the band. Don't especially want anymore surgery, just working with physical therapy to see if it will calm.

Prayin yet for FIONA


for POOH

Yup :hug:

for a miracle
someone who cares

pooh_ac 03-15-2013 09:31 PM

Hello all. Have just finished my last shift this week.I am having some of the worst pain I have had in 2 years:confused::(.My little monster caught the "crud" Stayed home with her 2 days this week. I always ponder how small children can run such high temps (102.9) and other then extra naps show no symptoms other wise. :eek: She is now sleeping in the bed next to me. Have taken WAY to many pain meds in hopes of being able to carry her to her own bed. My hunny is out checking on the calving cows so I am on my own to get her into bed. If I cannot get her there he will take care of that chore when he comes in. I am wondering if a pain pump may be in my future instead of and ablation. If I have to go that way I will probally have to give up my surgery, ER and floor nursing. I am not sure I will be able to do a "desk job" as my body does not like to sit for any amount of time:thud::Sigh: I NEED to be productive am not a stay at home type of lady either....
Just not sure what I am going to do:hissyfit::Hum::confused2::Sob::Sob::Bawling: Praying the rest of our bunch here are doing better then this old broad

Mark56 03-15-2013 11:36 PM

Well..... I will always
Pray for you regardless whether you refer to yourself as an old....... b'cause you are among those for whom I care.

I hope your needs may be met without having to go the route which might disrupt that which seems to provide you the motion and means to be there for others via nursing. You are a blessing to all whom you touch under your care, AND I am so glad to know you have the monster in your care and presence, for it is precisely where she needs to find nurturing care and comfort as she matures.

You, my friend, have my undying respect in taking pain while pushing on,
Hugs and prayers surrounding you,
Yup, :hug: :grouphug: :circlelove:

eva5667faliure 03-16-2013 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by mark56 (Post 966416)
pray for you regardless whether you refer to yourself as an old....... B'cause you are among those for whom i care.

I hope your needs may be met without having to go the route which might disrupt that which seems to provide you the motion and means to be there for others via nursing. You are a blessing to all whom you touch under your care, and i am so glad to know you have the monster in your care and presence, for it is precisely where she needs to find nurturing care and comfort as she matures.

You, my friend, have my undying respect in taking pain while pushing on,
hugs and prayers surrounding you,
yup, :hug: :grouphug: :circlelove:

by the grace of god
as you are his worker in the end
and will br rewarded

Rrae 03-16-2013 03:42 PM

You are one HECK of a multi-tasking supermom/nurse/farmin/SUPER HERO :eek:
Wow! I hope the little one is feelin better. My grandboy went thru something very similar. I'm so sorry that this pain won't just leave you the heck alone. You truly are a tuffy, Pooh.

The nerve ablation thing sounded very intriguing when I first heard about it. That's the only input I can offer tho :o.
Just wanted to give you a shoutout since I've been gone, and that you are always at the top of my prayer list!


pooh_ac 03-16-2013 08:18 PM

Thanks for the love , support and PRAYERS

fionab 03-19-2013 05:50 PM

Going back in for the nerve root test tomorrow and Fri. Have decided that ablation and/or fusion is the only option. Wasn't allowed to get my steroid shoulder shots as they would interfere with test results, so shoulders not happy.

Is looking like C7-T1 is main culprit and may require a fusion. They don't know if they can go in from the front, as they did for my other two cervical fusions, but will x-ray my neck to see how long it is, otherwise entry will be from the back.

What's weird about the diagnostic nerve block test is it sounds like they're not looking for pain reduction when I'm given the anesthesia in the shots, but they want to know how long until I feel the anesthesia wearing off. Rather odd, I think. Would think they'd want to know about reduction of pain/symptons, not what exact time the anesthesia wears off. Will have to ask them about that tomorrow.

Will keep you posted as I'm able. I do think that being on the computer makes it worse so have not been on much at all.

Pooh: I know a person who has a pain pump and I think you would be able to continue your regular duties after recuperation time. She said that she's on tinier doses of medicine compared to what she need to take beforehand as the medicine goes straight into the spinal system and does not need to go through the stomach, etc., where it looses some of its efficacy.

fionab 03-23-2013 06:20 PM

Well, had two nerves tested. Looks like C7-T1 (dr. actually refers to it as C8) is the culprit. The test at C4-5 didn't give me any relief. He says he wishes I didn't have these leads as he could get a better idea of what's going on if I could get MRI. He said he's not sure where the problem is occurring on that C8 nerve...could be coming from the fusion I have above it and if it is then not sure what could be done about it short of a revision. He said in the end that he just does the nerve testing and it's up to my neurosurgeon to interpret the results and determine where we should go from here.

Not sure if I'm allergic to the contrast dye, but have been having all over body itching since getting the nerve tests :eek:

I see my neurosurgeon later this week so will have to wait and see what he says. This dr. commented that he didn't think the cervical SCS was doing me much good and at this point I'm wondering if he's right. Seems to have worked great in the beginning but pain reduction has not been as helpful after the first 6 months or so. Been in now well over 2 years. The cervical SCS trial made all my cervical pain go away and felt great. Pity I didn't get that kind of permanent result with the cervical SCS when it was put in. Scared to turn it off to see if it is helping or not in case I feel worse.

tkayewade 03-23-2013 09:31 PM

I don't know much about spine ablations. I was a back/neck virgin before these scs implants. However, I had an ablation where they removed an offending little pathway causing major troubles with my heart. Sounds like they do the same thing except it's bones, nerves, or tissue. I don't have any advice, but hadn't a chance to say luck and prayers due to my own little whizzy surgery. I hope things go well.


fionab 03-24-2013 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by tkayewade (Post 968693)
I don't know much about spine ablations. I was a back/neck virgin before these scs implants. However, I had an ablation where they removed an offending little pathway causing major troubles with my heart. Sounds like they do the same thing except it's bones, nerves, or tissue. I don't have any advice, but hadn't a chance to say luck and prayers due to my own little whizzy surgery. I hope things go well.


Thanks for your prayers...appreciate them!! The possible ablation they're talking about in my neck is at the very end of the nerve (it's called a facet nerve because it's not the nerve that is the big one, but is at the end of the big one where it branches off into little nerves outside of the spinal column, if that makes any sense). Have read mixed reports on the success of this procedure so very hesitant.

Sandy Kay 03-24-2013 11:47 PM

Hi Pooh and Fiona
I had RFA in Dec. 2012 on the right side and in Jan. 2013 on the left side on my facet nerves.
I hurt my back twisting and lifting May 2012 and had a series of 4 steroid injection which didn't help at all. The pain just kept getting worse. At first I didn't think the RFA helped but over time I have gotten tremendous relief. I have heard the relief can last from a month or two and up to two years. At this point I get the feeling my lower back gets stuck and kind of locks in place when I reach or bend but it only lasts a few seconds and then releases but no real pain. I hope it lasts!
I do know of someone who has it done every three months to control his back pain.
During all this I learned that the steroid injections can cause spotting for some women. This side effect wasn't mentioned until I mentioned it to my Dr.

Good luck. I hope you find relief. Nursing is such hard work with out pain, I don't know how you manage with the pain.

Sandy Kay

pooh_ac 03-26-2013 08:28 PM

Well #$@#$#@!!!
Nothing seems to be helping me tonight. Heating pad on high, SCS turned up to its own ouch, Lortabs taken as often as I dare and more Motrin then is good for my liver and kidneys.
I see the man tomorrow. Don't have any options but to try the ablation. Talked with our CRNA (the man with the goodies to make you sleep and not care during surgery:D) A man I respect and trust. I would allow him to "put me to sleep" any time. I feel that is saying something for a cynical old nurse to say. Said he felt like the ablation would be worth a try. I am so torn. I see/hear anything and everything from: "It did no good"..."It hurt more then my pain before" to "was wonderful and no worse then a block" there is also the return of the pain anywhere from three weeks to 2 years.
I know all to well that the pain returns with a vengeance when it returns. Not wanting to repeat that "fun" EVER AGAIN! Not sure I can handle that again. But I am not sure how much longer I can do "this". Frustrated that I can relieve others pain at work, but do not seem to be able to control my own:(
Well enough whining from me. :thud::Sigh::Sob:

Alffe 03-27-2013 06:54 AM

Sending you positive thoughts and prayers this morning poo-a.c..

Sandy Kay 03-27-2013 07:06 PM

Good luck at your appointment.
Sandy Kay

pooh_ac 03-27-2013 09:07 PM

I did not get to see "the man" he and his normal PA were out with the crud:cool: Not sure about the new PA. We talked about changing my Lyrica and doing a couple of different blocks to decide if I am even a candidate for the ablation. Must fail both of the blocks to get s pain pump. I set up the first set of blocks for Friday. when I got home several things had hit the fan. So in the morning I must reschedule my appt. Will probably be better as it is my weekend to work the weekend in ER. I was worried if the blocks did not work that the big nasty biting me back

Hannabananna 03-28-2013 08:01 AM

I gotta say you handle frustration quite well.
I have been wanting to jump in on tis conversation although my keyboard on this laptop is really wierd so bear with my typos and I hope this does not get erased.

My nerve injury from a MVA is at L5..S1...after al the PT etc. I went ahead with 'facet injections". They work wonderully for 5-7 weeks and after 3 successful procedures I went forward with "rhyzotomies"which gave me wonderful releif for 4 months. These procedureres were done in the huge back center with no anestesia. I could drive myself home.

due to family obligations I had to move and change doctors...the new doc also did rhysotomies although I had to be put now I had all the drama that goes with that and they lasted 4 months also.

So I started to look for what might give me longer results as they would not due the rhyzotomies more than every 6 months so that left me in severe pain for 4 months of the year and at month 3 I would start to cry knowing the pain is coming.

I was NOT a candidate for the SCS and had it anyway (long story). I am a year post op...I have finally named it the "Alien" as I feel like it is going to just bust out of my back any day. It does very little for the original injury pain. I take now twice the meds for pain from the SCS. I am begining to doubt if I will ever completely recover from the SCS and it's surgery. I cannott afford to have it removed for another two years. ...when Medicare kicks in for me.

I am going to just post desktop should be repaired soon so I can be more active here..
missing everyone and always praying.


fionab 03-31-2013 06:33 PM

looks like I'm in for a double fusion
After all the diagnostic nerve blocks, cervical myelogram and EMG, I talked with neurosurgeon and we've decided I need to go ahead and get a double fusion. He'll be reinforcing the fusion at C6-7 (it didn't fuse completely when I had it done 5 years ago) and I'll get a new fusion at C7-T1. Said he'd use donor bone that has some stem cells in it rather than using my own hip bone. I'm going in for a second opinion tomorrow to make sure I'm doing the right thing.

He said he'll be going in from the back as can't reach the area from the front so will be cutting through some muscle. So will have to wear a hard collar 24/7 for 2-3 months...yuck!! Last time got away with a soft collar which is much easier to sleep in but this time the area he's fusing is so flexible (right at cervical/thoracic junction) that he says it has to stay immobile. He's also going to look while he's in there to see if the nerve is being pinched in any way and he may have to remove some bone. Said I will be in hospital for 2 days but I'm gonna try to get out ASAP as I want to get into my own bed at home as soon as I can and also don't want to be around germs more than necessary given my immune system problem.

Looking forward to the pain relief and wondering if this will make my cervical SCS unnecessary. I know they turn it off for surgery but need to find out whether to turn it back on after surgery or not.

Would appreciate your prayers as I'm not looking forward to having another spine surgery. I think this will be number 6. :(

Mark56 03-31-2013 11:31 PM

Sorry Fiona
I own one of said hard collars from my cervical fusion last summer. I had to wear it twelve weeks.... hence, the 3 month delimiter doc has shared with you. It really isn't so bad once you get the drill. One thing, ask for a change out on the foam inserts which make it tolerable, because after a while and soil despite washing, they will begin to SMELL....... and I promise you will be up close and personal with that odor.

Prayers are yours my friend,
Sorry this may well be your lot,
Prayin, :hug:

fionab 04-01-2013 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by Mark56 (Post 970877)
I own one of said hard collars from my cervical fusion last summer. I had to wear it twelve weeks.... hence, the 3 month delimiter doc has shared with you. It really isn't so bad once you get the drill. One thing, ask for a change out on the foam inserts which make it tolerable, because after a while and soil despite washing, they will begin to SMELL....... and I promise you will be up close and personal with that odor.

Prayers are yours my friend,
Sorry this may well be your lot,
Prayin, :hug:

Thanks for the tip for not becoming too "smelly":eek:

I was looking online and it seems there are several styles of hard collars. Some look very sterile and others look more fashionable, as if made for sports injuries. What was yours like? As I'll be approaching the Summer months would like one that breathes to some degree, thus was looking at the ones that appear to be for sports injuries as they are more open. My concern is trying to sleep in the dang thing. That's what I liked about the soft collar last time, was easy to sleep.

eva5667faliure 04-01-2013 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by pooh_ac (Post 969790)
I did not get to see "the man" he and his normal PA were out with the crud:cool: Not sure about the new PA. We talked about changing my Lyrica and doing a couple of different blocks to decide if I am even a candidate for the ablation. Must fail both of the blocks to get s pain pump. I set up the first set of blocks for Friday. when I got home several things had hit the fan. So in the morning I must reschedule my appt. Will probably be better as it is my weekend to work the weekend in ER. I was worried if the blocks did not work that the big nasty biting me back

all i wish in this lousy thing called pain and we cannot have that oh no what will the doctors insurance pharmaceuticals oh no the law suites oh no we cant trust the nurses giving us our meds the are addicts also oh no who wants to talk about preventive health care rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright and here is a care taker someone who took an oath may i wish you a miracle
for your relief of your whole body and mind as a spa would treat a person of your nature

pooh_ac 04-01-2013 09:35 PM

Is the day for my 1st set of blocks to see if the ablation will even work. Have to get up at o'dark thirty. That will be 3 am:eek: our time. Have to be at the clinic at seven fifty. It would be nice if this doc was closer but I will do whatever to see him. It took YEARS of suffering to find a pain doc that understood my need to live a "normal" life. So long ago this clinic was found. I almost booted the clinic to the curb as the 1st doc I had there was not so good at speaking the truth. My doc was sent in to see if he could calm "the crazy lady in 3" down. We had a very long conversation and low and behold I was set up for my trial in less then 1 months time. Since then he has been my doc. I rarely see his partner , but when I do she does treat me with respect and consideration for the miles I travel to be seen in there clinic (200 one way:eek::eek:)
So any way please be thinking of this old cranky nurse about 8 am central time.

pooh_ac 04-02-2013 09:37 PM

This is just not right!
Did the up @ o'dark thirty. Pried the hunny out of bed, the son came to watch over the monster and get her fed, dressed and ready for the bus. We were in the far away city at the time the monster gets on the bus. Went to the good Drs place of work. Back into the exam room, vitals taken (hmm your blood pressure seems a little high:eek:)From there to the waiting area for the blocks then in for the blocks (ouch but could've been worse) From there hike down the hall to the recovery area. Then off to the pickup to travel back towards home (all in less then 50 min from walking in the place). Pretty sure at this point that this had best be for a good cause! ouch to the 10th power x 1million. Could take NO PRNs since yesterday noon and until I laid down for bed tis evening. Have the lortab and motrin 800mg down thinking about adding so additional medicinal "spirits" but not sure if I can get out of this bed, that I will be able to make my way down the stairs and back up them!
Surely things will be better in the morning:(

Mark56 04-03-2013 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by fionab (Post 970911)
Thanks for the tip for not becoming too "smelly":eek:

I was looking online and it seems there are several styles of hard collars. Some look very sterile and others look more fashionable, as if made for sports injuries. What was yours like? As I'll be approaching the Summer months would like one that breathes to some degree, thus was looking at the ones that appear to be for sports injuries as they are more open. My concern is trying to sleep in the dang thing. That's what I liked about the soft collar last time, was easy to sleep.

Well mine was of said sporty style and was open pretty much all around because the structural components are architected as though someone with a brain..... or even half of a brain..... sat to the computer and designed it.

There was no color choice given, so the fashion statement did leave something to be desired; even so, it was far more comfortable than I had expected.

Yup, :hug:

Mark56 04-03-2013 03:36 PM

Been Prayin

Originally Posted by pooh_ac (Post 971446)
Did the up @ o'dark thirty. Pried the hunny out of bed, the son came to watch over the monster and get her fed, dressed and ready for the bus. We were in the far away city at the time the monster gets on the bus. Went to the good Drs place of work. Back into the exam room, vitals taken (hmm your blood pressure seems a little high:eek:)From there to the waiting area for the blocks then in for the blocks (ouch but could've been worse) From there hike down the hall to the recovery area. Then off to the pickup to travel back towards home (all in less then 50 min from walking in the place). Pretty sure at this point that this had best be for a good cause! ouch to the 10th power x 1million. Could take NO PRNs since yesterday noon and until I laid down for bed tis evening. Have the lortab and motrin 800mg down thinking about adding so additional medicinal "spirits" but not sure if I can get out of this bed, that I will be able to make my way down the stairs and back up them!
Surely things will be better in the morning:(

Surely prayin that all will be well with this block series. Gotta have relief, and I hope the read I gained from your last post Pooh was on the notion your pain was more due to the trauma of trip + injection + residual = big ouch times 1 million and that as it all takes effect, maybe it will resolve to AHHHHH.
but then you know that,
Yup, :hug:

pooh_ac 04-20-2013 11:49 PM

2nd diagnostic injection
Well yesterday was the second set of injections. It took longer for the "ouch" to show up, didn't get to the big nasty until @ home after multiple side stops. Got home later then the 1st time. felt much better about the whole program, BUT when it was time to go "nighty night" I was a hot mess. Needed pain relief in the worst way couldn't have pain meds on night 1 this time.... hunny did the back rub thing trying to help me out. Was a bad nurse patient about 1 this morning and took the ibuprofen 800mg as I had to get some rest. Worked the floor today actually felt pretty good. That changed about midway through the shift. Had to do the full blown CPR thing, am too old to be pumping on someone's chest :eek: We took turns I ended up taking 3 "turns" back at the injection sites VERY unhappy. Took 800 of the ibuprofen and 650 Tylenol AND 325 of aspirin. Was able to finish the shift. As soon as I hit the road took my hydrocodone (that good nurse patient thing;) )When I got home pain was down to 9/10. Cannot use heat until tomorrow, body does not care for ice, so took another round of the aspirin and Tylenol. now am laying with my knees elevated and my back pressed to the bed. May be able to sleep soon. NEED to rest. Have 2 more days on the floor and then a day of surgery. :thud::Sigh::Red eyes: Sugar, sugar, sugar...
Enough whining (ran out of cheese any way :confused:)
:hugz and prayers t o you all

Mark56 04-21-2013 03:55 PM

Take care of YOU
You know, that good nurse thing.... take care of you This Evening so you are doing a bit better trying to tolerate the tomorrow work routine. You know the drill. Put the little one on autopilot [every kid has one] and rest......

Prayin for ya,

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