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Brainstemmed 11-07-2013 07:15 AM

Medical Marijuana
i searched this forum for info on medical marijuana and i am curious if anyone else has had success of any kind...

i am in Colorado and have access to potent and 'clean' marijuana.

i smoke right before bed and i now go to sleep easily...before, it was a major struggle for me to fall asleep and stay asleep...

i take melatonin for sleep...i cannot tolerate sleep meds...

i have had a huge problem with restless leg, and it disappeared at night when i smoke...

i have had problems with fibro for 25+ years, and tried marijuana about 1.5 years ago and it has made a positive difference in my life.

i do NOT use pot socially...i do absolutely nothing after i smoke...i always smoke and go right to bed and straight to sleep...

i have asked every health professional i know: internist, neurologists, psychiatrist...even my 80 year old mother...all approve without hesitation...but then again, they are all in Colorado and the attitudes here are different...

my biggest concern is the long term effect of smoke...while in Colorado, i can buy edibles, although their effect on me is not the same as smoking.

all of this from a 52 year old dad with 7 kids, some of which we drug tested while in high school as it became problematic for i was quite hesitant to even try...

but i am glad i did.

anyone else?


surfer00 11-08-2013 06:19 PM

I use m.m. nightly after dinner to get thru the evening and be able to sleep with my neuropathy. I smoke it as well, as edibles are too unpredictable for me. I either get no relief, or I'm a zombie.

Is the smoke bad for you? I imagine it isn't good for you, but weigh the alternatives. It doesn't harm your liver like pills and alcohol do. I don't know about you, but I wake up refreshed, unlike if I had taken painkillers.

You know, a vaporizer pretty much takes care of the smoking aspect, so you may want to look into that. It doesn't burn the bud, but just the ingredients you want and need.

I am 56 with two grown sons that I watched like a hawk growing up. One now smokes occasionally and it doesn't cause him any problems. The other one used to, but now chooses not to. They don't think any less of me for using it as they know my goal is to stay away from pharma's and they know I experience a lot of pain daily. I prefer that they smoke weed than drink alcohol. By far.

It sounds like your looking for validation that its okay to use m.m. I personally think you need to get over that. We've been brainwashed to think of it as being evil, but now the cats out of the bag. The famous t.v. Doctor that did a program on m.m. admitted he had been mislead by the government and
apologized for his hard anti pot stance he had preach for so long. It was a CNN special and I'm sure you can watch it on YouTube.

Should kids do it? Of course not! That's the anti m.m. slogan that is spouted by those who either have a vested interest in keeping it illegal or people who now know they have been wrong, but are incapable of changing their opinions.

Do what you need to do and stop worrying about it.

Dr. Smith 11-09-2013 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Brainstemmed (Post 1027430)
i searched this forum for info on medical marijuana and i am curious if anyone else has had success of any kind...

There are many threads on other forums as well; you can easily find them via the global search. ;)


i take melatonin for sleep...i cannot tolerate sleep meds...
As with melatonin, regular use of mm for sleep can become less effective—sometimes even causing sleep problems—over the long term. Taking occasional "vacations" can help with this.


my biggest concern is the long term effect of smoke...while in Colorado, i can buy edibles, although their effect on me is not the same as smoking.
As surfer mentioned, vaporizers theoretically eliminate the smoke particles.

I would if I could, but I can't (legally) so I don't.


eva5667faliure 11-18-2013 01:24 PM

the effects
the side effects as one mentioned
smoke being my concern
it does relieve for me
certain sense of calm
the ability to become talkative
thru my dulled pain friends and i concur
having the ailments such as us
i am unable to take anything for the nerve problems
such as Lyrica Cymbalta and Neurontin
neuropathy fibromyalgia RSD and many other mechanical
problems opiates make me vomit sick
it helps with nausea since i use it for that
to find it does ease some things
how it works i'll leave that up to the experts
i do not trust the government who dabble in crap
like crack heroin prevalent in the world
and my personal experience
23 years sober i drank wine and vodka and what
was my favorite Johnny Black the obsession
lifted if my children adult as we speak how we
look over our children like hawks and like
for what it never gets anywhere
they are going to do what they can
get away with the norm of it
fact of the matter smoking mm has
always been around
the strains in today's world
here in the U.S.A. mutation
now the properties that is more
helpful to the patients are denied
i heard a story where a couple married
his wife a cancer patient bought an island
trying to get it on the map
the husband bought it grows it to ease what
ever her pains were but it eased her pain
she passed and others travel there for
their last days i do not remember much
but the love of family
and all because not legal
and the only one holding back
when kept in the context of its use
i take issue with those who do not
take the word of the PATIENTS in the world
is overlooked

to many persons
companies stock
to those who have the most
to loose
and not the patients win
politics of this subject
as one who can speak of
personal experience
many turn their heads to it
and just like any thing else
what works for one may not
work others
children today children tomorrow

the worry if it strikes, or spark other
careless behavior they are doing prescription
medication i mean i have to lock up my meds
i err to the side as prior comment all in what
context are we dealing with
oh to only to be high in Spirit
what a better world it would be
oh yeah not for use of children

eva5667faliure 11-19-2013 12:23 PM

my last sentance
dearest young baby
i think she is two
as this was a televised program
suffered constant seizures
i am a mother of a 32 year old
epileptic daughter
it was a hell for her
her first grand maul seizures
at 23 in the end of it all
brain surgery included
a VNS implant
is worse off now
than ever before
it helps her
now about little children
this couple with there 2 year
old up to 100 and more seizures
the Governor of our state
who i bet is fixing on being
one strong candidate
knew about this child
and her need for MM
a need a must have
are taking her to
another state as
a parent will do anything
to make their child
okay in every way
God is watching
angles working overtime

reesecups 11-27-2013 10:47 AM

Sorry to butt in, but I sort have a comment as well as would like suggestions.

I usually use marijuana for sleep. But I think, realistically for me, that since my problem normally isn't getting to sleep BUT staying asleep, I use edibles, because they will last all night without my waking up every 2-3 hours to vape. I can't smoke it.

Does anyone have a better idea than edibles for sleeping all night without waking? I am open to suggestions as I would agree that edibles are more unpredictable.

Brainstemmed 11-27-2013 03:16 PM

try this..
you might wanna try the vaporizer idea along with 1-3 mg of melatonin...

i know that is all i need and i sleep well also...

Dr. Smith 11-28-2013 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by reesecups (Post 1032417)
Sorry to butt in, but I sort have a comment as well as would like suggestions.

First, butting in is permitted! :D

Second, can you elucidate why you're not able to stay asleep (e.g. fibro, pain, medications, anxiety, brain chemistry/melatonin imbalance, etc.)?


reesecups 11-28-2013 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Smith (Post 1032586)
First, butting in is permitted! :D

Second, can you elucidate why you're not able to stay asleep (e.g. fibro, pain, medications, anxiety, brain chemistry/melatonin imbalance, etc.)?



I've had insomnia pretty much all the time for about 35 years. Not from pain. Not always sure why. Everyone has assumed it is mental/emotional for the most part.

Also, sleeping is not helped by melatonin. At one time I was on 400mg Trazadone and 20mg Ambiem which, like most things I've tried, worked for a while and stopped. Melatonin made me even more depressed than I was.

Dr. Smith 11-29-2013 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by reesecups (Post 1032856)
I've had insomnia pretty much all the time for about 35 years. Not from pain. Not always sure why. Everyone has assumed it is mental/emotional for the most part.

Ever had a sleep study done?

I'm guessing that edibles (mm) are unpredictable due to there being no way to control consistency of the various cannabinoids (THC, CBD, etc). I also don't know if the makers of edibles even stick to the same strains/varieties.

I would think determining the best strain for a particular patient's needs would come first, and then determine the best delivery method for that individual.


reesecups 11-29-2013 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Smith (Post 1032998)
Ever had a sleep study done?

I'm guessing that edibles (mm) are unpredictable due to there being no way to control consistency of the various cannabinoids (THC, CBD, etc). I also don't know if the makers of edibles even stick to the same strains/varieties.

I would think determining the best strain for a particular patient's needs would come first, and then determine the best delivery method for that individual.


Thanks Doc.

Unfortunately, even if it's legal in my state, there is nothing really but first hand knowledge from fellow users of the best way to do things. Doctors make a recommendation: Sativa, Indica or Hybrid. That's all they do. And frankly, the people at the dispensaries are usually not that knowledgeable. I found a sort of manufactured type edible that I'm using now that helps, but frankly can't handle marijuana every night yet.

Brainstemmed 11-29-2013 10:35 PM

Indica is WAY better for sleep...

at least for works GREAT...

Porkette 12-08-2013 02:05 PM

Hi Brainstemmed,

I hope you don't mind me posting here I'm usually on the Epilepsy forum. Medical Marijuana has been proven to help people who have neurology or other problems like cancer. My Dr. wants to put me on m.m. to stop my seizures but I still have to wait for the state to okay it.
This past summer they had a special on CNN with Dr. Sanjay Gupta showing how medical marijuana reduced seizures in a little girl who was having 300 seizures a week.
The THC level is low and that's the part that's used for a person to get high while the CBD level is high and that is the part of the marijuana that helps people who have neurology and other medical problems. Check out the Stanley brothers who live in Colorado they grow medical marijuana for people who need it. I wish you the best of luck and May God Bless You!


reesecups 12-16-2013 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Porkette (Post 1035245)
Hi Brainstemmed,

I hope you don't mind me posting here I'm usually on the Epilepsy forum. Medical Marijuana has been proven to help people who have neurology or other problems like cancer. My Dr. wants to put me on m.m. to stop my seizures but I still have to wait for the state to okay it.
This past summer they had a special on CNN with Dr. Sanjay Gupta showing how medical marijuana reduced seizures in a little girl who was having 300 seizures a week.
The THC level is low and that's the part that's used for a person to get high while the CBD level is high and that is the part of the marijuana that helps people who have neurology and other medical problems. Check out the Stanley brothers who live in Colorado they grow medical marijuana for people who need it. I wish you the best of luck and May God Bless You!


I actually have a vape pen that contains 35% CBD. The last couple of times it gave me a headache, but sometime soon, I'll try it again.

Brainstemmed 12-17-2013 09:17 AM

Vape pens
i tried a vape pen several weeks ago and i just love it...i had a cough from the smoke and that is now gone...

it is extremely helpful to me, and i encourage others to give it a try if you can.

ginnie 12-17-2013 09:25 AM

Hi Brainstemmed
If this were legal in my state, I would indeed try it. Instead I am petitioning to get this amendment on the 2014 ballot. When people stop to ask me if I use this medication, I tell the truth no, as if I got caught, I would lose my medical benefits. I am going legal beagle, all the way to our state Capital. I can't tell you how weird it is to look my neighbors in the eye and ask for them to sign the petition. I talked to the ex vice mayor, and Ex Cop last Sat. I guess from a cops view point, he said he was worry people would abuse and drive etc. I explained that this wasn't for kids, or for entertainment, but for a medical issue. I don't know if it works, but someday if this passes in my state, I would try it. If there is a way off the many medications I have, and this would help. Sign me up....I don't need or want the THC, but I do hope for pain relief. ginnie:grouphug::hug:

ginnie 12-17-2013 09:27 AM

Vape pen?
What is that? ginnie:hug:

reesecups 12-17-2013 09:34 AM

In California, it seems like the focus is on high THC content. That isn't what I'm looking for. I vape Indica. I have a little bit of one topical that I can't find anyone that sells anymore. A small fingerful really relaxes you. I've got another topical that helps fairly well with moderate pain and does not make you 'stoned' or sleepy.

I have a friend who uses it for sore joints and muscles too and she loves it

Tried pills, but too much THC and my tolerance is so plow that I spent all night vomiting and with bad heartburn.

reesecups 12-17-2013 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by ginnie (Post 1037633)
What is that? ginnie:hug:

Not sure what your question is? But if you're asking about THC, it is the chemical in marijuana that gets you high. Sativas have higher amounts of THC and gives you more OD a head high. Indica has less THC, and tends to relax and effect the body more. Helps with most pain, though I've heard that Sativas are good for mygraines, and I'll use it for tics.

Brainstemmed 12-17-2013 09:58 AM

check it out

this is what i use, and they are less damaging to your lungs and have NO smell...

i can take this with me in the car or anywhere i tend to get really nauseated and it helps me a TON:

they are hard to find even here in Colorado, but i know a place fairly close by that has them...

i hope that helps!

reesecups 12-17-2013 10:13 AM

I also use the O-Pen. I believe there used to be a special on them in CO. Go to there website or, I believe, the site that manufactures the cartridges for them. The deal may still be there.

ginnie 12-17-2013 11:12 AM

I have seen these, however I thought they took a liquid that takes the place of smoke and delivers nicotine. I must be really behind in tecky stuff. How does this work with MM? We do not have access to this is Florida. The pens yes for the nicotine, but never heard of how you use it with this Penvape. Oil? I am not sure that is anywhere to be found in this illegal state. That is why I am on the trail for signatures. PM me please, and I will give you my e-mail. I would like to know more about this. Does it remove THC? Isn't that the substance that doctors test you for? I am sick to death of taking pills, In fact so much so, that I jumped into this fight in our state, risking my own reputation in my community. ( I was involved with my city, and a rescue agency). In time, pills do not work, and then you have to go up on the dose. I am absolutely refusing to do that. Sick sick sick of pills.....ginnie:hug:

ginnie 12-17-2013 11:24 AM

Hi Reesecups
I knew what TCH was, and what the pen is, I just didn't know it is used with Medical M, or how? Plant in the chamber?, I would have no idea...... If it is an oil, I guess I have to wait until it is legal in my state. Not available to my knowledge, nor legal to send out of state for. Never knew this pen was used for MM at all. My son used the pen to re-place that old pack of smoke habbit. That was all I really knew about this subject. ginnie

Dr. Smith 12-17-2013 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Brainstemmed (Post 1037644)
[a vape pen] is what i use, and they are less damaging to your lungs and have NO smell...

Less damaging than WHAT? They're not the same as a plant material only vaporizer. A plant material only vaporizer heats dried marijuana and nothing else; vape pens/e-cigarettes, OTOH, require some kind of liquid in the cartridge. What is that liquid that people are breathing into their lungs, and what proof is there as to what damage that liquid may/may not be doing?

I'm sorry, but the statement that they have NO smell is blatently false. From the website itself:

Directly after exhaling, the aromatic vapor can be smelled by someone sitting nearby
I also take exception to their claim that:

Second-hand vapor certainly won’t make anyone choke, cough or experience any of the other common side effects of second-hand smoke.

When I wrote that, I was sitting at a table of 10 people at which one was "vaping" and made the same statement about lack of odor. Out of those 10 people, the only ones who said they didn't smell anything were the vap-er and one other person who was also a vaper; everyone else could definitely smell it—some as far as ten feet away.

If you can smell it, you're breathing in whatever is being put out by it, which includes any drug/medication and any other secondhand by-products, whose safety has not been determined.

Please note the weasel words that the marketers use: less does not mean none, cleaner does not mean clean, healthier does not mean healthy, and safer does not mean safe.

Electronic Cigarettes Harm The Lungs

E-cigarettes: Does smokeless mean harmless?

How Safe Are Electronic Cigarettes? Not Everyone Agrees

Which delivery method one chooses for medical marijuana is a personal choice, but lets not deceive/delude ourselves into believing marketing hype that these vape pens or e-cigs are "safe" (risk-free) and don't expose others to whatever chemicals are being inhaled.


gruvingal 12-22-2013 03:19 PM

Medical Marijuana
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 1996. I learned about people using it for fibro in 1998. I have been using it since with very good results. It helps with relaxing my muscles and eases some of the pain. I don't know why the federal government doesn't just let it go! They have been fighting legalization for years. What's the big deal. They want to be able to control it like alcohol and firearms and make money off of the taxes too, just like the states that have legalized it. It's always about the money and control.

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