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petb 07-01-2007 06:45 PM

Latitudes down???
Not sure if it's my computer or not, but Lattitudes has been down for a few days now for maintenance.

Anyone else having this problem?


Chemar 07-01-2007 08:41 PM

Hi Pet

it isnt your computer,
The forums had a major crash tho the website itself is still ok at

I have no idea how much longer it will take to get the forums back up again as the issue was at the server source from what i understand


faith 07-08-2007 12:24 PM

Hi Petb,
I am wondering what is happening too. Maybe one by one we can find our way here for the time being, but don't know if they talk of the same things on this forum. But if you have anything to mention, maybe some of our members will see our posts and start replying here. How is everything going for you? My son is doing quite well, but I love to stay on top of the issues, and do need some advice now and then.

Chemar, perhaps we could bounce around here for a while? I see Carolyn posts here too. Let's see what happens and maybe we can have a small chatfest on this thread for us castaways!


carolyn_lsc 07-08-2007 02:43 PM

Hi Faith. Yep, I'm here. I think posting here until Latitudes is back up sounds like a good plan. I'm glad your son is doing well. I'm doing well too. I'm staying busy preparing lesson plans & activities for the little kindergarteners I'll have during an upcoming mission trip camp.


Chemar 07-08-2007 03:05 PM

Hi ya :Wave-Hello:
I am so glad to see all of you here

I so wish there was a way to get hold of everyone but I dont even know if they have the full email database functioning yet. I dont know much more that I mentioned above to Pet, except that thankfully the main website and all Sheila's messages were retrieved but they are still waiting for the backup tape of the forums database from the tech people at the hosting server whatever place

Last I heard they were hopeful at restoring if not all , then at least a LOT of the database, which is a relief with all the good info there over 4+ years

And yes, discussion here is on anything and everything related to TS and more so please do enjoy being here :)


faith 07-09-2007 07:44 AM

Thanks Chemar, Carolyn, glad to hear from you and glad all is well.
Okay, I do have some things I need help with. Hope someone can help.,
We are going to Cancun, Mexico next week, and I'm a little concerned about the effects it may have on my son. Of course, I'm paranoid about everything. He is presently doing pretty well, a little vocal here and there, but not noticeable to others, I don't think. I'm staying on his diet of very limited corn, yeast and the other obvious things, and stick to his supplements. We'll be at an all-inclusive, so I should be able to find some things he can eat, and I'll be bringing along anything I can think of that won't spoil. I know the resorts have potable water system throughout the hotels, and of course we'll be using bottled water for him. But I am concerned about anything that could mess up his gut, you know? Any suggestions for this kind of travel? Should I double up on probiotics for extra measure and do you think this will help? Has anyone had any problems with foreign travel as far as adverse effects on tics?

Any suggestions from anyone appreciated.


Chemar 07-09-2007 09:41 AM

hi Faith
as long as you are keeping his immune system strong, especially that in his GIT you should be fine...including of course the supps he needs daily. Be sure to pack those in a zippered bag in your CHECKED baggage or else they will be confiscated by TSA at check in.

with TS change can always be a potential trigger as can excitement, travel stress etc...but we found this quickly waned once the fun of the new place overshadowed it.

hope you have a great trip:)


carolyn_lsc 07-09-2007 06:39 PM

Faith-I've never done any foreign travel so I don't have any suggestions for you. I hope that you all have a fun vacation.

I also have a question for you guys. I was on an antibiotic a couple weeks ago for Pharyngitis. After starting the antibiotic, my sore throat and other symptoms (head ache, ear ache, etc.) went away. I finished the last of my antibiotics on July 3rd (about 6 days ago). Now my sore throat is back again with the ear ache. If it was allergies the antibiotics wouldn't have took the sore throat and ear ache away would have it? Whatever this is, it just won't go away completely. When I was tested, I did not have PANDAS. I never got to update on Latitudes about what happened to my tics when I started the antibiotic. They got better. My coughing tic went away, but now it's back. I'm sure my sore throat isn't pain from the coughing tic because my sore throat was here when I woke up this morning and it hurts to swollow. Any thoughts?


Lara 07-09-2007 09:02 PM

Hello to any new visitors dropping by while your other site is down. :)

It might be a virus rather than bacterial.
Anyway, I sure hope you're feeling better fast!

[p.s. I know this might sound weird, but try some salt water gargles if you can deal with that]

Chemar 07-09-2007 09:06 PM

have you had a strep test?

carolyn_lsc 07-09-2007 09:16 PM

No, I haven't had a strep test.


faith 07-09-2007 09:39 PM

Yea, that is all a little confusing, huh? But I was interested to know what effect the antibiotic (what kind BTW?) had on your tics. Was the coughing tic something you always have and it was gone during the course of antibiotic? Did you take it for the whole 10 days at least or finish all the pills? From my understanding, you have to finish the whole course or the antibodies that are produced by the infection may not be totally eradicated by the antibiotic. Strange that it should keep coming back.

Now that just makes me think that the PANDAS thing is not a totally different thing than tics and TS. I can't put it into words, but somehow I feel like the same mechanisms are at work in the PANDAS and TS. (Remember I once mentioned last year my son had a weekend where his blinking was very exacerbated and was given amoxycilin for strep throat and the blinking cleared up after two days? It did not come right back tho) So I always have in the back of my mind that illness that causes exacerbation is not just for the subset of PANDAS, somehow I feel like there is some commonality there. Maybe strep is just ONE thing that triggers it, but it the ones who don't test positive to the titres, it is something else going on that is maybe not that obvious. Not sure if I'm coming across right.......just my thoughts.

But I suppose you should let the doctor know of this, and see what he thinks?


carolyn_lsc 07-09-2007 10:26 PM


The antibiotic was was amoxycilin. I took the amoxycilin 9 out of the 10 days (skipped the last day). The coughing tic was not something I've always had, but for atleast the last 3 months. Yes, the coughing tic was gone during the course of the antibiotic.

I'm getting tired of doctor appts. If I do decide to go to the doctor, what strep test should I ask for? Just the quick strep test, a 48 hour strep test (if that's what it's called), both, or something else?


Chemar 07-10-2007 05:56 AM

Carolyn, I would suggest starting with a regular throat swab to check for can go from there, depending on what it shows

If the cough improved on the antibitotic that would indicate to me that a microbe may be at the root of it
Whenever there is an up in tics coupled with a sore throat...I tend to wonder about strep

I am not suggesting you may be showing PANDAS....just that you may have a strep infection at the root of all this
If know what many have learned....that zithromax/azithromycin seems to be more effective than the penicillins or cephalosporins

carolyn_lsc 07-10-2007 02:07 PM

I couldn't get in with my regular physician today so if my throat isn't better by tomorrow, I'll go in then.


carolyn_lsc 07-11-2007 03:56 PM

Strep test was negative, but my doctor gave me a script for Zithromax because she's still seeing a lot of strep going around. I haven't decided if I'm going to fill the Zithromax or not. It's a tough decision.


Chemar 07-11-2007 09:16 PM

glad it showed neg on the swab Carolyn, but as you know, that doesnt mean you havent been exposed.......only antibody titres would show that.

it is a tough call re the antibiotic. If you do have strep lurking anywhere it would be good to eradicate, but if not, you sure wouldnt want to expose yourself to an antibiotic for no reason...........

If you do fill the remember to take extra probiotics (3 hours after anti)

hope you feel better soon:hug:

mrsD 07-11-2007 09:17 PM

recurring or long lasting sore throat?
You should have a test for Mono... it is a simple blood draw.

The Epstein virus reduces your immunity, so local organisms which are always present, then take hold. A blood test will show this quickly. It is called a Mono spot.

My son had mono a few years ago, a mild case, and his only major symptom was sore throat (after the virus was entrenched for a while).

carolyn_lsc 07-12-2007 07:25 AM

Thanks Cheri & MrsD. I decided to give the zithromax a try with lots of probiotics. I'm also going to talk to my doctor about the mono spot test.


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