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lujazz 10-26-2008 11:13 PM

gabapentin and lyrica
Hey. I just found this site. I was looking to find out side-effects on taking gabapentin and lyrica together and it brought me here. Quick infor. Doc diagnosed me with fibromyalgia.....(I dont know though..) had me on gabapentin300 3x, and cyclobenzaprine(flexeril) at bed. Acouple days ago he told me to stop the flexeril and start the lyrica 75 twice a day with the gabapentin. Now I'm wide awake.....flying at night.
The combo of gabapentin and flexeril had me just about stuttering and I couldnt think proper....I was getting like a zombie. This combo of gabapentin and lyrica has me flyin at nite...but its not helping me any. I cant think good enough to spell simple words, and the pain and numbing is still here!!!!!!!!!!
I'm guessing the lack of sleep could count on my spelling problems tonite. Anyone out there had any bad side-affects with taking the two?

Twinkletoes 10-26-2008 11:54 PM

Hi lujazz! Welcome to NeuroTalk!

Sorry for your sleep and prescription problems. I don't have any answer for you, but I did do a search using gaba and lyrica.

Maybe you can find some answers there. Good luck to you! Hope you get some sleep tonight!

thursday 11-16-2008 03:30 AM

Yes! Welcome lujazz :D
I'm sorry that I don't have an answer!! In fact I didn't know that one could take both meds- aren't they both anticonvulsants? Wouldn't it be like taking Tylenol AND Advil for a headache??

ali12 11-16-2008 04:03 AM

I have been on both Lyrica and Gabapentin but never at the same time. My Pain Management Doctor told me that you shouldn't take them both together so he weaned me off the Gabapentin and then put me on Lyrica.

I also had problems with sleeping whilst on both the Lyrica and the Gabapentin. It would take me hours to fall asleep and when I eventually did, I would never reach deep sleep and would wake up lots during the night. One of the main side effects I had from the Lyrica was weight gain, I put on about 25lbs during the 3 months I was on it.

I would speak to your Doctor and see if he can suggest anything. I can't understand why he has put you on both Lyrica and Gabapentin at the same time has my Doctor said you shouldn't do that has it is too risky.

I hope you get things sorted soon and Welcome to Neurotalk!!


Annie Poo 11-18-2008 03:03 PM

gabapentin & Lyrica
I have CRPS type II due to a venipuncture nerve injury to my right arm that occurred 3+ years ago. In that time, my CRPS has spread to the entire left side of my body, and has worsened in severity.

I've been taking 600 mg gabapentin 3X a day, with the usual side effects ("brain fog", slow metabolism, fatigue), including weight gain of 30 pounds the first year, and no weight gain since then. I often have finding the correct words to say, which I think is called aphasia.

About 8-9 months ago, while under the care of my regular neurologist, my pain was no longer under control and I couldn't sleep, and I found a wonderful new pain doc. He often recommends combining gabapentin and Lyrica, and put me on 60 mg/day Lyrica (before bed) in addition to the 1800 mg/day gabapentin.

The combination has worked well to keep the pain in check most of the time, and also has helped greatly with sleeping. Since I take the Lyrica only before bed and I was already taking so much gabapentin, I did not notice any increased side effects compared to Lyrica alone.

Lyrica is an antidepressant, not an anticonvulsant, and the mechanism of action is very different than gabapentin.

Abbie 11-18-2008 05:49 PM

Just thought this might help.... Gabapentin is the generic name for Neurontin which is manufactured by Pfizer Corporation... When Pfizer lost the exclusive patent for Neurontin, the generic form became available... at that time Pfizer did not want to lose their hold on the market therefore developed Lyrica. Lyrica (Pregabalin) is a essentially a second generation of Neurontin. You can find more information at

Prescribing info w/chemical info:
Lyrica is an anti-epileptic drug, also called an anticonvulsant. It works by slowing down impulses in the brain that cause seizures. Lyrica also affects chemicals in the brain that send pain signals across the nervous system.
Lyrica is used to control seizures and to treat fibromyalgia. It is also used to treat pain caused by nerve damage in people with diabetes (diabetic neuropathy) or herpes zoster (post-herpetic neuralgia).
Lyrica may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.

Gabapentin affects chemicals and nerves in the body that are involved in the cause of seizures and some types of nerve pain. The exact way that gabapentin works to prevent seizures and nerve pain is unknown.
Gabapentin is used with other drugs in the treatment of some types of seizures associated with epilepsy and for the management of postherpetic neuralgia (nerve pain caused by the herpes zoster virus or shingles infection).
Gabapentin may also be used for purposes other than those listed in this medication guide.

Annie Poo 11-19-2008 12:36 PM

oops - was thinking Lyrica instead of Cymbalta
Here's a good example of my brain fog - I'm on Cymbalta, not Lyrica. I was recently talking with a friend who's on Lyrica.

Me bad!

MeeJenny2 01-20-2009 06:02 PM

Neurontin and Cymbalta and Lyrcia
When I was first diagnosed with Trigeminal neuralgia TN - my doctor put me on Neurontin for pain but after time, I started to build a tolerance to it. Needless to say, it never really did much and I still found myself popping Motrin thoughout the day. Eventually my dosage got to 900 3X Daily. The pain got to my moods and eventually found myself constantly depressed so a new doc had me include Cymbalta. It was quite a lift and I found myself making stupid and rash decisions...didn't feel loved by my family and ended up going on spending sprees. I even felt like a different person and started flirting with other men. I enjoyed the lift but it didn't do much for the pain. And with dosage up to 60MB x2 daily. I really became a different person to the point I wanted out of a loving marriage and didn't find my family very interesting. My hubby talked to my doc who tried to take me off Cymbalta but that was pure hell. Instead, I switched docs and had another one inlclude Lyrica on top of all that I was taking. 50Mg twice daily had me feeling high most of the day and I was really out of character. I started having an affair - ended up with a STD and that started my marriage in a downward spiral. I also found another new love for wine...even though I was not supposed to drink...all this, the motrin and now alcohol had me numb.

Now with a marriage in dispair, I've found that my kidneys are not working quite right and this new doc is telling me that the combination of all the pain meds is to blame. I also put on 40 lbs in the past year, lost most of my dear friends, my family and I look and feel like hell.

Now looking back, I wished my first doc had told my husband, sister, brother, about the potentioal mood and personality swings associated with any one of these meds, never mind putting them all together.

Not to scare anyone as these are probably good medications to help your condition but always ask a second opinion...and not alwasys from these professional opinions. I've seen four different physicians, two psychologists and two neurologists and they all differ in opinion in side effects and effectivenss of these drugs.

razzle51 01-25-2009 11:09 AM

weight gain is the big thing for both of these drugs.

Augie 03-03-2009 11:34 PM

I took gabapentin and lyrica together for a while last fall. I had both a neurologist and a physiatrist (pain doctor) and one prescribed gabapantin and the other liked lyrica. I was taking gabapentin 300x4 and lyrica 50x4. I took 2 mg of xanax to sleep each night so I was ok there, but I was moronic! I ditched the lyrica and added 2 more gabapentin. I'm still moronic.

EarlG 03-07-2009 10:59 AM

Help is on the way

Originally Posted by Augie (Post 474438)
I took gabapentin and lyrica together for a while last fall. I had both a neurologist and a physiatrist (pain doctor) and one prescribed gabapantin and the other liked lyrica. I was taking gabapentin 300x4 and lyrica 50x4. I took 2 mg of xanax to sleep each night so I was ok there, but I was moronic! I ditched the lyrica and added 2 more gabapentin. I'm still moronic.

Switch back to Lyrica, it is definitely more effective if you have had your condition for more than a year or so. Gabapentin is fine for the beginning but you will find that after awhile it is not longer effective. Lyrica at 50X4 is a rather low dose. I would try 100 X2. I have had my disease for 8 years and only 200mg x2 is adequate.

Conmari 03-09-2009 05:08 PM

Hi there,
This is my first time at this site and I was in the process of checking out info on Lyrica when I found this site.
While I am not taking the Neurontin, I have been on Lryica for about 2 years. My pain mgmt. doc started me on 50mg twice a day and I noticed some dizziness and confusion in the morning.I was taking it later in the evening and and just before bed time. It did help me sleep, but left me feeling so out of it in the a.m. Doc said I would get used to it. He upped the dosage because of my severe neuropathic pain in my legs ( 75 mg twice a day). He wanted me to take it 3 times a day, but I just couldn't take it early in the day. Makes me to foggy to function. Had a car accident last Sept.and my back and leg pain went through the roof. Anyway, he has now upped the dose to 100 mg. x3 a day. I have tried taking 2a day and I feel so out of it , I can barely function and my depression id worse than ever.
I can certainly sympathize with your situation. It seems to be so difficult to find the right combination and still feel like a human being. I just don't think I can handle the higher dose, so I will probably talk to my doc about going back to 75 mg.
i hope things get better for you soon !
Hugs, Connie

jsrail 03-14-2009 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by MeeJenny2 (Post 450287)
When I was first diagnosed with Trigeminal neuralgia TN - my doctor put me on Neurontin for pain but after time, I started to build a tolerance to it. Needless to say, it never really did much and I still found myself popping Motrin thoughout the day. Eventually my dosage got to 900 3X Daily. The pain got to my moods and eventually found myself constantly depressed so a new doc had me include Cymbalta. It was quite a lift and I found myself making stupid and rash decisions...didn't feel loved by my family and ended up going on spending sprees. I even felt like a different person and started flirting with other men. I enjoyed the lift but it didn't do much for the pain. And with dosage up to 60MB x2 daily. I really became a different person to the point I wanted out of a loving marriage and didn't find my family very interesting. My hubby talked to my doc who tried to take me off Cymbalta but that was pure hell. Instead, I switched docs and had another one inlclude Lyrica on top of all that I was taking. 50Mg twice daily had me feeling high most of the day and I was really out of character. I started having an affair - ended up with a STD and that started my marriage in a downward spiral. I also found another new love for wine...even though I was not supposed to drink...all this, the motrin and now alcohol had me numb.

Now with a marriage in dispair, I've found that my kidneys are not working quite right and this new doc is telling me that the combination of all the pain meds is to blame. I also put on 40 lbs in the past year, lost most of my dear friends, my family and I look and feel like hell.

Now looking back, I wished my first doc had told my husband, sister, brother, about the potentioal mood and personality swings associated with any one of these meds, never mind putting them all together.

Not to scare anyone as these are probably good medications to help your condition but always ask a second opinion...and not alwasys from these professional opinions. I've seen four different physicians, two psychologists and two neurologists and they all differ in opinion in side effects and effectivenss of these drugs.

I think a lesson we all can take from this to read the info stapled to the bag provided by the pharmacy when we pick up our meds. They would have told this person of the potential side effects. I will read the Rx info every few pickups to see if they say anything new in the info. Nowadays, we have to take some responsibility for our treatments and Rx's by reading, internet researching, and asking lots of questions of our docs and people such as you find on these forums.

I take Neurontin in large doses and Methadone, but am well aware of all their side effects, even the nasty ones. I am very pleased with the results they give me, even though a couple side effects are a PITA (I research the best way to deal with them) and I probably need to get my Meth dose upped. But they are better than taking nothing; and supplements and vitamins alone are not the answer for me (full body SFN). There is no cure for my condition and I have learned to accept this and try to learn the best way to deal with and treat this disease, so as to have the best quality of life I can with the minimalist of negative effects to my family.

I am sorry for everything you have been through and am glad that you are putting your life back together as best possible given everything you have through and lost. My thoughts are with you.


jsrail 03-14-2009 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by EarlG (Post 476474)
Switch back to Lyrica, it is definitely more effective if you have had your condition for more than a year or so. Gabapentin is fine for the beginning but you will find that after awhile it is not longer effective. Lyrica at 50X4 is a rather low dose. I would try 100 X2. I have had my disease for 8 years and only 200mg x2 is adequate.

I would like to try a switch to Lyrica, in fact my Neuro doc wants this, but the FDA hasn't approved this for SFN (it has for your Dx though) and therefore, my insurance company won't cover it, and its way too expensive for me to pay it all! I have been taking 3600mg a day of Neurontin for a couple years now.

Forgotten 01-28-2010 05:19 PM

Garbapentin vs. Lyrica
Hi All
First time for me writing here, I have a nerve damage. Its in my nerve center. I have problems in my right arm, both hands and my back due to the damage.

I had for the last 2 years both Garbapentin and Lyrica.

Both medications can be used for nerve damage, but with my "experience" Lyrica are a far better medication, or at least with less side effects. My doctor wants me to quit with lyrica, and go for Garbapentin, but I think I will ask to change for Lyrica instead. (and drop Garbapentin from my medical list).
The medication are more expensive, cost here like 1 x lyrica for 10x garbapentin. - But I do belive it can be worth it, if Lyrica are better medication then im willing to change, I only have one life, at least what i can be sure of :)

For now i take:
3x300 mg Garbapentin 3 times a day
2x150 mg Lyrica 2 times a day
1x50 mg Diklofenak 3 times a day
2x50 mg Tramadol/Tradolan 3 times a day
2x250 mg Paraflex 3 times a day

Then I often have mega pain in my brain, for that i do take up to 8 Treo like 4-5 times pr. week.

Side effects of all this:
Blood pressure got very high, almost critical (might have to take medication for that as well).
Waight increese 20+ kg. in the last two years. (since i got my damage)
Feels foggy, sometimes like high feever without temp.
Nose blood.
Dizzyness, and can be very tired very fast, not easy to ex. to drive a car, watch a tv program etc.

the list goes on...

My question here is, any chance that Lyrica (without Garbapentin), can remove that dizzyness, or take out some of my "brain killers"... As far as i could see there have been more people here that had problems with concentration, and yes I have big problems with that. (never had that before).

pwells1997 02-05-2010 03:04 PM

Need Help
Hi - I'm new to your site today.

It isn't just the weight gain with the two drugs - it's how they made me gain: I had to be actively crunching something in my mouth ALL the time. I was manic and out of control. I was on them one at a time - couldn't handle either one.

Right now, however, I am in some of the worst neuralgia of my life. I have MS and it will set off the trigeminal nerves in my face. I take one Cymbalta at night for the pain - I won't take more because it also makes me gain weight, and I use heat, Lidoderm patches, and Lortab when it gets really bad. Lortab just takes a tiny edge off, but I think the placebo effect makes me think it SHOULD be working. Anyway, the past 2 weeks have been non-stop pain, plus reacting to sound and movement - I have never been so out of my head with it like this for so long before. My neurologist cut down my Amitriptyline 3 weeks ago (she gives it to me at night to help me hold still) to see if I would be more wakeful in the daytime. As I tossed last night I began to wonder if Amitriptyline was used for nerve pain and on the web today found that it used to be a drug of choice in the "old days" before gabapentin. Have any of you used Amitriptyline for nerve pain? Has it worked?:confused:

hipnochik 02-05-2010 09:02 PM

On the topic of Lyrica. . .
Along with quick weight gain, has anyone noticed the jerky "jolts?" I notice that about 1-2 hours after I take my 50mg Lyrica, I experience the worst case of electric shock like jolts. It feels like a shock in my head and causes my arme and legs to shoot out. . .scary! I'm sure ot's the drug and not the disease because of the time frame right after I have taken a dose. I am presently weaning off, but what to replace it with that won't have the same effects? Does gabapentine have the same effect?

Gehtle hugs to all,


Forgotten 02-06-2010 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by pwells1997 (Post 618289)
Hi - I'm new to your site today.
As I tossed last night I began to wonder if Amitriptyline was used for nerve pain and on the web today found that it used to be a drug of choice in the "old days" before gabapentin. Have any of you used Amitriptyline for nerve pain? Has it worked?:confused:

I found this article about Amitriptyline:**

Garpabentin gives some side effects, that can be very annoying, pain in throat, bad smell out of mouth, noseblood, dizzyness etc. In order to work against nerve damage, I was taking 900 mg. 3 times a day, in order to reduce my nerve pain.

(Noseblood can be caused from Diklofenak, witch I also have.)

Lyrica is what I can read me to, almost same medication, but in an improved version. That they managed to take out at least some of the side effects. But the drug cost a lot more, but I think it can be worth it.

Im on my way out of my use on Garbapentin and changing to Lyrica atm. And I can feel a big diffrence. My dizzyness are not as much as it was before, and I start to beeing able to think and concentrate a bit more than before, when i was taking Garbenpentin.

suezq45 02-20-2010 07:19 PM

You said "Lyrica is an antidepressant, not an anticonvulsant, and the mechanism of action is very different than gabapentin."

Lyrica (pregabalin) is NOT an antidepressant it IS an anticonvulsant. "Pregabalin is an anti-epileptic drug, also called an anticonvulsant. It works by slowing down impulses in the brain that cause seizures. Pregabalin also affects chemicals in the brain that send pain signals across the nervous system." this is a quote from a web site but I'm unable to put the link here because this system won't let me

It's important when sharing information that we share correct information so as not to mislead folks. It's very easy to research on the internet.

Chemar 02-21-2010 09:24 AM

hello suezq45

it is helpful to quote from a post directly if you are going to critique it, as otherwise it leaves people confused as to whose words you are quoting. "you said" could mean anyone. In this case it seems you were quoting from a post on page one of this thread, made in 2008!!! and if you will read the posts following it, you will see another member corrected the info and the person who made the error replied that she had been confusing 2 different meds

so just as much as it is important to try to share correct information, it is also important to be sure one reads a thread in context before commenting. Please do also keep in mind that this is a patient support forum, not a professional one.

thank you

mrsD 02-21-2010 11:53 AM

I'd like to add something to this thread about definitions and labeling of drugs.

Basically the FDA approves drugs to be used for certain purposes and this is based on studies presented to the panel there.
Anticonvulsants were initially approved for seizure control.

But their use has generalized into other categories now as well.

In this case, Lyrica was originally approved for seizures. (Pfizer tried to get an approval for anxiety use, but couldn't get their studies to show what the FDA wanted.) Instead they recently obtained approval for Fibromyaglia (pain). I am reading that an additional approval will be most likely be coming for anxiety after all..but we have to wait and see this time.

So as it stands now Lyrica is an anticonvulsant, but it is most commonly given for pain control. Many doctors prescribe it for nerve pain (off label) and also now for Fibro (approved). Approval basically results in insurance companies paying for the treatment with a diagnosis. The FDA has approved Lyrica for neuropathic pain associated with Diabetes. (it does not at this time have a global anti pain approval however.)

Many drugs may be used off label for other purposes.
For example, benzodiazepines like Klonopin and Valium may be used for seizure patients. Valium is commonly given after a seizure ends, in the post ictal phase. But Valium is approved for anxiety.
Further, chronic anxiety may lead to depression, according to some psychologists we know who took care of my son at one time. So treating anxiety may diminish the appearance of depression in some patients. Reducing pain may also reduce the depression that may accompany chronic pain. In in a very round about way, Lyrica may reduce depression, without having direct effects on the depression itself, but on its development.

So the bottom line is that drugs today are not all black and white and easily categorized. We use the rules in US from the FDA and insurance companies to get payment, but past that, drugs may have multiple actions and different people may use them for many purposes, other than their approval category.
In other words, many gray areas exist in actual treatment settings.

This thread has brought up many examples, of how we look at drugs. And as far as discussion goes, it is very interesting to read the responses.

davelikesfish 08-13-2010 01:55 AM

Hi fellow sufferers.
Hi, I started having problems about 12 years ago and the last 5 have been awful. The worst is not knowing what the hell is wrong with me or what causes it. I've had problems with depression, anxiety, chronic pain, stiffness and severe fatigue. After all these years I'm fairly sure it's Fibromyalgia. I've suspected Lupos, Arthritus, or just being crazy amongst other things in the past. I was in the Army and eventually was kicked out in 2004 after 13 years because of my medical problems. I do receive benefits.

Anyway, I have been taking Gabapentin for about 2 years. I just got a persciption for Lyrica today. I'm supposed to stop my 1200mg 3xday and start my Lyrica (don't have my dosage available now) tomorrow. I hope it helps. I never noticed much improvement with the Gabapentin, only some mild but bad side effects.

I also take Tramadol 50mg 3xday, Celebrex 200mg 1xday, Hydrocodone 10mg 3xday, and Cymbalta 60mg 2xday.

I would like to talk to other people who have had similar problems and to people with advise. I understand that Fibromyalgia is more common amoung women than men. That's good for me because I like to talk to women more than men anyway.

I have also been reading about Low Dose Naltrexon and it's benefits for my symptoms. Has anyone tried it or know anything about it?

Koala77 08-13-2010 02:07 AM

Hi there davelikesfish, and welcome to NeuroTalk.

Sorry that I can't answer any of your questions, but I did see that you were enquiring about LDN and there is a thread on our multiple Sclerosis Forum that's dedicated to LDN.

Although you're enquiring for totally different reasons, I wondered if some of the long term LDN users on that forum might be able to assist in your enquiries. Many have been taking LDN for some time, so don't be afraid to ask them about it.

Here's the link for you:

mamagoo 08-13-2010 03:55 AM

You might check out this thread to learn a bit about lyrica... IMHO it should be banned the side effects I had were horrible and was on it 2 weeks one "it takes a week for your brain to adjust to it" and the other getting off it.

DMACK 08-24-2010 08:52 PM


quote your words

'The worst is not knowing what the hell is wrong with me or what causes it. I've had problems with depression, anxiety, chronic pain, stiffness and severe fatigue' end quote

well i understand what you said there dear thoughts and empathy go out to you....

...Welcome to Neurotalk...i'm sorry for your ailments that brought you here though................


sherimirayn 11-01-2011 02:01 PM

Insurance Not Paying For Lyrica
I have fibermyalga. My dr put me on 225mg of Lyrica twice a day. I just received a certified letter today from my insurance company saying they are no longer paying for Lyrica. I have a script of Neurotin and my pharmacist says they are the same thing but Neurotin does not even come close to relieving my pain the way Lyrica does. Does anyone else know if they are truly the same drug????

sherimirayn 11-02-2011 06:30 PM

My pharmacist told me that Gabapentin and Lyrica were the exact same ingredients...does anyone know if thats true?:confused:

Dr. Smith 11-02-2011 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by sherimirayn (Post 821264)
My pharmacist told me that Gabapentin and Lyrica were the exact same ingredients...does anyone know if thats true?:confused:

Gabapentin (Neurontin) and pregabalin (Lyrica) are NOT the same ingredients. Lyrica was designed as a more potent successor to gabapentin. Check out the chemical compositions:

Gabapentin and Neurontin are the same, and
Pregabalin and Lyrica are the same,
generic and trade names, respectively.



ElizaJane23 11-09-2011 01:18 AM

Amitryptaline for nerve pain?
I have found Amitrypaline to be very helpful for pain, and nerve pain, and find it mentioned on more and more places I search for information on neuropathic pain. I find 25 mgs of Amitryptaline to be even better than taking 22.5 mgs of Oxycodone (1 and 1/2 of a 15 mg tablet). It does make me sleepy and I do use 50 mgs at bedtime for sleep and am finally getting 4-5 hours of sleep at a time, I'm up for an hour or so, then back to deep sleep for another 2 hours. Bliss! I haven't gained (or lost) any weight.

As far as Gabapentin, Cymbalta and Lyrica go - I see a pharmacist for Wellness Counseling. She is a homeopathic practitioner and also knows a great deal regarding herbs, and supplements. She tells me that these 3 meds, along with Savella now ,are prescribed mostly because they scramble the nerve pain signals, which I can see that they do, along with a lot of other brain signals. She said it is VERY important to only take 1 of these medications at a time. Gabapentin has been around for awhile and if you've been on it you will see just how it scrambles your brain. Cymbalta and Lyrica are equally as bad as side effects go - mostly because your brain doesn't know what to do with them, and the effects can be cumulative and quite horrible. I know your pain is out of control so it's a tough
decision of which to try. As long as price is not a factor I would suggest Cymbalta or Savella - only one at a time though! I hope you can get to where you can function better - life was not meant to be lived in bed!

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