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CPchick 09-24-2006 06:30 PM

*Joins the "banned from Healthboards" band-wagon"*
Yep, I was banned from Healthboards last month. Apparently for inappropriate posts. All I did was want to get in contact with a 14 year old guy with CP, well it seems like that was forbidden and before I knew it I was banned. I only had like 20 posts, must be a record.

I really wanted to meet this guy. :(

Shirl 09-24-2006 06:40 PM

Hi CPChick ~

Check this thread out in regards to HB. ;)


NJenn 09-24-2006 07:11 PM

I was banned from there too, about a year and a half ago. Such a shame that board is so restrictive. There are a ton of adults with CP who post on that board-- way more than who post(ed) on BT. I'm surprised more HB posters didn't find their way over to BT.


There... thanks for indulging me. I feel so much better now :D

ATallOne 10-16-2006 02:10 PM

Hey I was banned from there to. My reason for getting kicked off was because I tried to start a poll. It was against the rules I guess!


Mark :)

Jomar 10-16-2006 02:24 PM

I was banned twice from there!
just for posting helpful links for people.

How they expect someone with repetitive strain injuries to type out long posts explaining things is beyond me.

dyslimbic 10-16-2006 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by jo55 (Post 26245)
I was banned twice from there!
just for posting helpful links for people.

How they expect someone with repetitive strain injuries to type out long posts explaining things is beyond me.

Ditto. The moderator there made out like i was a war criminal for doing it!

Personally i think they are

Tham 01-12-2007 11:47 AM

Banned Too .....
Same here.

I'm Tham, 48, from Malaysia. I found your board
after doing a search on Google with the keywords
"healthboards, banned and Gestapo" !
They suspended two days me ago. After doing some
research on Medline to help a female poster in their
"Heart Diseases" subforum who had the difficult and
complex heart condition ARVD (Arrhythmogenic Right
Ventricular Dysplasia, which I knew nothing off before
reading her post ), I had made a very long post the night
before suggesting supplements, backed with studies from
Medline, which I had to reproduce in full since they did not
allow any kind of links to be posted.

The next day, when I tried to log in, there was a message that
my account had been suspended with the note "... posting
materials by other users" and asking me to get in touch
with their mods. My post had also beem removed.

I wrote in, giving them a piece of my mind. The transcript of
my mail and their reply is reproduced below. Within moments
yesterday, I was banned, and several moments later, my IP
was .... blocked. I further replied to this, telling them that a
quick check on the net
appears to reveal that their forum moderators have a reputation
of Nazi Gestapo or SS concentration camp officers, to which
they did not respond, but I forgot to save a draft of this mail.

From: "HB Admin" <>
To: Tham Wai Keong <>
Subject: Re: Account Suspension and Removal of Post
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 20:28:08 -0800 (PST)

The purpose of a forum is the choice of the owner.

Your derogatory assessment of this website is
incorrect and inappropriate. Please do use those other
websites more to your preference.


--- Tham Wai Keong <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Why was my account under the username "Waikeong"
> suspended
> and my recent post under "Got Bad News" removed ?
> I did not post material by others, merely reproduced
> Medline
> studies, since your forum does not allow links,
> which virtually
> all other professional forums which I have been to
> allowed,
> and even advocates as long as they are not spam or
> porn,
> which is after all the purpose of the Internet - to
> disseminate
> useful information, including medical studies, for
> the good of
> all other users ? Without such links, what is the
> purpose
> of an internet forum anyway ?
> As an example, look at the forums of the Immortality
> Institute
> ( and Life Extension Foundation. Even
> this
> internet security forum, Wilders Security
> (
> a highly professional and respected forum, allowed
> my entire
> and totally offtopic post about the benefits of
> vitamins in slowing down aging, which included Medline links as
> an example of the benefits of tocopherol succinate inducing
> apoptosis of breast, prostate and colon cancer cell lines, when I was
> replying to one user's
> questions as to the purpose of ordering vitamins
> online - which
> compromised one of my friend's (from Dayton) credit
> card details
> and was the original subject of my thread !
> Or is it, as I suspected, that this "peer-review
> board" (controlled
> by the AMA ?) is biased against information on
> vitamins against
> diseases and aging, considers the value of
> cutting-edge
> supplements in life extension worthless,
> intentionally bans the
> advocacy of alternative medicine such as homeopathy
> - and does not want the public to have access to such info ?
> If this is the case, I would not want to accept such
> a policy and
> will take part in other more ethical and open
> boards, such as those of the Immortality Institute, in future.
Thank you.
> Regards,
> Tham
> -- _______________________________________________
> Powered by Outblaze

Administrator - Moderator1
Please read and follow the Posting Rules:


lynn1991ny 02-05-2007 10:36 PM

I was banned too.....
I was banned yesterday. Are they for real???? Get a chuckle from this.....

When I logged in after posting the night before to someone who suffers from something similar to me, I received a message from Healthboards that my account was suspended because I posted my email address. So, I emailed the administrator the following:

Subject: please reinstate
Date: 2/4/2007 5:27:39 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: XXXXXX (deleted by me b/c I tried to resubscribe to repost my messagge)
Reply To:
Sent on:

I was unaware of the rule of not posting my email address.

I am 4 days post op tendon transfer and am desperate for information.

Their response was:

Subject: Re: please reinstate
Date: 2/5/2007 5:05:37 PM Eastern Standard Time
Reply To:
To: xxxxxxxxxx
Sent on:

Please always send your exact registered username(s)
and the registered email address(es), along with your
questions when you email admin or a moderator. Thanks.

I emailed them my username and sent the email from the address I signed up with. They replied with the following:

Subject: Re: please reinstate
Date: 2/5/2007 9:15:39 PM Eastern Standard Time
Reply To:
To: xxxxxxxxxx
Sent on:

You need to address the reason you lost posting

My reply was:

Subject: Re: please reinstate
Date: 2/5/2007 10:18:38 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: xxxxxxxxx
Reply To:

Forget it. Your board isnt worth my time or energy. You simply are being ridiculous and petty. It's a message board, not an application to be the President! What are you, the CIA or Secret Service ? Do you wnt my SS#?

You emailed me stating why I lost privileges (you allege I posted my email). Why do I need to repeat myself?

I am flat on my back, cannot walk and am in pain like you cannot imagine. I need help desperately about my recent surgery and you make it impossible for people who need help to get help from others in a similar position.

You should be embarrassed.

oscar 05-18-2007 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by dyslimbic (Post 26370)
Ditto. The moderator there made out like i was a war criminal for doing it!

Personally i think they are

In my opinion, Adolf Hitler's Deutsches Reich of Nazi Germany has nothing on :winky:

I got "canned" from by Moderator2. In another life I'm thinking maybe he was one of those "Jack-booted, Brown-shirted SS Troopers" you could find goose-stepping through Berlin in the 1930's!

I'm gonna call him "Klaus". :winky:

Anyway, "Klaus" gave absolutely no specific reason for my banning from except an email that said, "INAPPROPRIATE POST". :rolleyes:

To this day I don't have a clue about why I got banned from! ZERO! NOTHING! :confused:

Regardless, it's really not worth my time to "appeal for reinstatement" to

I just simply could not be bothered. :Yawn:

At best, is just a mediocre forum. :Yawn:

There are much better health forums out there on the Internet without having "Klaus" constantly looking over your shoulder! :(

Curious 05-18-2007 01:45 PM

sorry you got banned from another board oscar. :(

but :welcome_sign: to NeuroTalk. i hope you like it here. if i can be of nay help..just let me know. :D

AfterMyNap 05-18-2007 05:56 PM

This is crazy.:rolleyes: I'm feeling a little left out, I've never been banned before. Your stories make me want to go register over there and warn others to beware. Maybe then I can get banned!:D

DM 05-18-2007 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by AfterMyNap (Post 101721)
This is crazy.:rolleyes: I'm feeling a little left out, I've never been banned before. Your stories make me want to go register over there and warn others to beware. Maybe then I can get banned!:D

*sending Healthboards a "warning" of what's to come.....:Writting:

Curious 05-18-2007 06:10 PM

hey might want to send an email. not too sure how many message boards have snail mail.

DM 05-18-2007 06:25 PM

On second thought, let her check it out... She won't get past one post and it's asta la vista AMN.... (she's kind of a trouble maker, but you didn't hear it from me)..

AfterMyNap 05-18-2007 06:38 PM

Check it out! I totallty did it, with this user name and everything! It's in the MS board, a thread called, "Hi, I'm new" and it says,

"Wow, I've heard a lot about this site lately! Is this really the place where mods are described all over the internet as "Nazis" and "Gestapo" and "Stalin Wannabes"? Everyone seems so nice and helpful!

I've been MSing for a lot of years now and always enjoy hearing from others who live on in spite of the challenges.:)"

Wonder how long it will take me to get banned!

*pulling out pad and pencil*

Any takers?? I think I can get banned in two (2) posts!

tovaxin_lab_rat 05-18-2007 07:16 PM

OK, I'll bite! I bet you can do it one post!

You want to get banned? I can arrange that!


AfterMyNap 05-19-2007 02:19 PM

I did it! I did it!! Look!

"Your account has been suspended for the following reason:
inappropriate post - permanent ban

To appeal, please contact adminmod by email."

I posted URLs to two other message boards. LMAO!! But, sadly, I did have to make 3 posts to get there.

*handing out $10 bills* Carp. I can't even get banned right.:o

I switched browsers, went in and took a look. They totally nixed my whole thread. Ah well, toot-a-loo!

Curious 05-19-2007 02:23 PM

:D you can join the banned club. Attachment 1317

good job amn. i knew you could do it!

DM 05-19-2007 02:29 PM

See... what did I tell you guys.... I knew she'd get the boot.....

Your intro from that board is now on Exile Island.....

ewizabeth 05-24-2007 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by AfterMyNap (Post 101771)
Check it out! I totallty did it, with this user name and everything! It's in the MS board, a thread called, "Hi, I'm new" and it says,

"Wow, I've heard a lot about this site lately! Is this really the place where mods are described all over the internet as "Nazis" and "Gestapo" and "Stalin Wannabes"? Everyone seems so nice and helpful!

I've been MSing for a lot of years now and always enjoy hearing from others who live on in spite of the challenges.:)"

Wonder how long it will take me to get banned!

*pulling out pad and pencil*

Any takers?? I think I can get banned in two (2) posts!

Oh my gosh AMN. :D I went over there and registered hoping to find your post! :cool: It was nowhere to be found!

Madalot 06-01-2007 10:16 AM

Joining the banned club!
I cannot believe I managed to find this thread because I just got banned yesterday from HB. I couldn't believe how nasty the moderator got with me! I was really upset! I thought it was just me but when I stumbled onto this website and found others that thought that moderator was "out there," it made me feel so much better. He/she/it was SO rude and nasty and I even attempted to make nice and just got met with more rudeness & game playing. I can envision that moderator sitting at his/her computer, typing one of those stupid emails asking for information already given, just smiling away thinking about how much aggravation he's putting on somebody. It's really cruel because many people are suffering from chronic illnesses and certainly don't need somebody with a superiority complex making their life even more difficult.

Anyway -- just having this thread made me feel so much better. I'll introduce myself soon in the new members forum.

Curious 06-01-2007 10:24 AM

well howdy madalot. welcome to neurotalk.

i'm looking forward to getting to know you. i think you'll like it here. let me know if i can be of any help.

AfterMyNap 06-01-2007 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Madalot (Post 107687)
...I can envision that moderator sitting at his/her computer, typing one of those stupid emails asking for information already given, just smiling away thinking about how much aggravation he's putting on somebody....

LOL, and probably lives in his mom's basement! :Head-Spin:

Well, Madalot, I'm glad you found this place, you'll like it here and the mods are great!

Curious 06-01-2007 11:23 AM

i swear it wasn't me who got madalot banned. :wink: :p :D

Madalot 06-01-2007 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Curious (Post 107720)
i swear it wasn't me who got madalot banned. :wink: :p :D

Well, in hindsight, I got myself banned by falling into the moderators trap. I let myself get irritated at his/her shenanigans and posted something I shouldn't have. It's still my fault and I take responsibility, but it's not like I didn't get a nice push from that person (and I use the term loosely because I'm not sure that moderator is actually a human being).

I just realized that this thread is on the CP board and I do not have CP. I was just so excited to find other people that had had a problem with HB that I had to post.

I have Muscular Dystrophy. I'm very happy to know you all though and hope you'll let me say hi once in a while even though my illness is different.

Curious 06-01-2007 11:39 AM

you can post wherever. we aren't super picky. i know we don't have a specific md forum, just the nm one. but maybe that will change in the future. :)

i should introduce myself. hehehe..i'm a mod here. :D and i promise to only entice you into fun shenanigans. ok..amn...don't go telling too many stories. :wink:

the social chat forum is a great place to get know more people.

Madalot 06-05-2007 01:51 PM

Curious Question
Has anyone ever tried to get around the moderators and file a complaint about the way they were treated? I'm just curious.

erisha 06-12-2007 12:43 PM

Imagine that.....I too have been banned from the health boards. Something about my email address and then I was told my username was a product name. I work for Dremel (are we allowed to say that here?) and I used the name dremelite because that's what we call ourselves here. Dremel did in fact come out with something called The Dremelite so that was no longer acceptable. When I replied stating that I was unaware that I could not use a product name they said being unaware does not excuse you from breaking the rules you agreed to when you registered. I guess I was to suppose to grovel and beg forgiveness at that point. I told them I thought they were hostile and I would not require their help any longer as I was no longer interested in their message boards. BANNED!!!!!

AfterMyNap 06-12-2007 02:20 PM

LOL! Holy cow, another casualty of Barney Fife Syndrome! Well, Erisha, that just makes you even more special around here! So, welcome to NT where the mods are human too.:)

Oh, and thank you for making my Dremel, it is among my very favorite tools.

erisha 06-12-2007 02:37 PM

:Thats-Funneh: Barney Fife syndrome...funny. It's even funnier because it's so true. I know it's bad to wish ill will on others but it's so hard when it comes to the Mod of that board. Just nasty mean people. Dremel is a great little tool. I work in the rebate department for Bosch but I can help you with anything you need to know about Dremel and the accessories. Nice to be on a board with nice people.

ConsiderThis 07-06-2007 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by ewizabeth (Post 104354)
Oh my gosh AMN. :D I went over there and registered hoping to find your post! :cool: It was nowhere to be found!

I don't have CP, I was drawn to this topic by the "banning" in it. I think banning is very stressful if you originally like the board and the people.

I've been banned where it took a real bite out of my health... so now I don't go to forums as much.

But... the reason I'm writing to you, ewizabeth, is I have to ask, is your avatar doing an Anna?????

ewizabeth 07-07-2007 11:55 AM

Hi CT,

My avatar is a hyperactive bunny plunging a toilet. :D Reminds me of the good old days when I was a Mom of two young boys.

ConsiderThis 07-07-2007 05:34 PM

Ohhhhhhhh, now I see it!!!!!!!

Gosh, where on earth did you find that gif?


Landa88 07-18-2007 04:16 AM

Can I Join your banned club?
I too have been banned from the health boards and I'd like to vent, if I may.
The reason that I was banned was because I posted to different boards the same suggestion, related to different ailments. I was quickly called on the carpet for it. I was not spamming or posting duplicate messages, only the same suggestion on different boards. Excuse me! When I protested, stating that my dressing down was unfair, I was banned. I still don't see what it was that I did wrong. The rules state that the moderators have the last word, but give me a break, fair is fair. I DID NOTHING WRONG! Where do they get these moderators? Rejects from the police academy? :confused:

catholicgirl 07-18-2007 08:29 AM

I was once banned from healthboards as well. It was actually pretty hysterical, some on the dieting forum said that calories was all that was important in dieting. So I responded with that if you eat 100% of your calories from cake that you will not lose weight but instead get fat.
That was it I was banned for that final post. They said it was a personal attack. I only used you as a general thing. There were 2 other posts that got me in trouble as well but they were also innocent like I one I just mentioned.I thought it was me, but I am happy to see that I am in good company here :grouphug: I too don't have cp, but I thouight I'd share this tidbit. And I do agree with the guy who said that the AMA probably runs that board.

tovaxin_lab_rat 07-18-2007 12:27 PM

That board is a scary place. I have checked it out a few times for MS information and there is one poster who practically runs it and she gives out information like she knows everything there is to know about MS, and meds, and a lot of it is just wrong or misleading.

I am wondering if she is one of the mods and picks and chooses who to ban based on her mood that day!

I asked to post some information a couple of months ago, according to their TOS, and never even got a reply from the Adminstrator. Just plain rude. I thought about just posting it and getting banned...but since I didn't get a reply to my request I figured this person who posts all the time in the MS forum was part of the team. That was good enough for me. ;)

So don't feel bad if you've been banned from's not a very reliable place for information. This place is much better...and much more reliable. Shoot, you get better information from Wikipedia than that forum! LOL!

dllfo 08-04-2007 12:05 AM

As I think I posted earlier, I was banned for asking Moderator 7 to show some compassion.

We all know moderators are underpaid and overworked, but the moderators at Healthboards banned me for life for asking for compassion for another person.

I told them, going in, I was on heavy morphine for pain and might make mistakes. They did "forgive me" for one..I think. But at this moment I am seeking that they be required to remove my name or they can remove my name and postings, or they can remove the term "Banned" from next to my name. Their choice so far. My disabilities were used against me when they knew I had them going in. If they are decent people, why not just tell us if we can't follow the rules, we have to leave. I did leave for awhile.

I intend to see that their support structures are notified of pending legal actions and hopefully some will provide adult leadership for them. If you are serious, and not just blowing hot air, read who supports their forum and write them of the moderator abuses.

I would like to see the forum continue with real people running it, not these power mad despots.

I can't wait to see their defense for banning me when I asked for some compassion for a man who had just lost everything and seemed borderline suicidal to me. I am proud that I asked for compassion, I am angry that my "name" is being smeared by people not fit to be in the room with caring people.

Chemar 08-04-2007 08:50 AM

just a FYI for anyone stumbling on this topic.....this is NOT about NeuroTalk but was started last year when a member here was banned on another forum not connected to NT.

Also to make sure it is understood that altho the mods here at NT are overworked...........we are NOT paid for this......
hehehe tho, come to think of it, hmmmmmmmmmm....DocJohn...maybe a mod union gonna form here ................LOL:D

Chemar 08-04-2007 09:09 AM

ps This thread really belongs on Social Chat Forum so I have moved it here and with a redirect here from the CP forum where it originated

clouds z 08-04-2007 12:25 PM

i was banned form there under about 4 names i think
therye disgusting

worse than the soup nazi on seinfeld

no health for you!!one year

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