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Kitty 10-28-2014 11:56 AM

Like Sands Through the Hourglass....So Are The Days of Our Lives
This is the new chat thread! Carry on ladies.....................:wink:

barb02 10-28-2014 12:00 PM

Just posted in other thread that the ultrasound showed two nodules on my thyroid and now I have to meet with a surgeon on Monday to discuss biopsy. My throat is now hurting on the left side. The technician spent a lot more time pressing on that side.

Kitty 10-28-2014 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by barb02 (Post 1105456)
Just posted in other thread that the ultrasound showed two nodules on my thyroid and now I have to meet with a surgeon on Monday to discuss biopsy. My throat is now hurting on the left side. The technician spent a lot more time pressing on that side.

I hope it turns out to be nothing for you to worry about. Please keep us know how we like to worry!

I hope this doesn't interfere with your Mom's visit.

barb02 10-28-2014 01:46 PM

I think I may wait until Sunday to tell her. She will be annoyed with me. but if I tell her when she gets her, she is just going to be worrying and asking me questions that I do not know the answer to.

doydie 10-29-2014 12:06 AM

Youngest daughter has finally started dating again after her divorce. She accepted on online date, I think they went out twice but this is different. It may cause some drama in the family. My husband, although he won't admit it is a bit of a racist, and a staunch Republican. Note o say, I do not want any debates about all this. Anyway, this guy is African American and a Democrat. The way I feel about it is we have one of two choices, not accept him and risk alienating our daughter or just accept the situation. As long as he treats her fine it is OK with me. They met in high school, were an item then, although that was the time in our lives she didn't communicate with us. Saw each other while out a couple of weeks ago and decided to make a go of it again.She has a rescue dog that doesn't like men at all unless they are a constant in her life and the dog loves him.

SallyC 10-29-2014 12:00 PM

The dog loving him would be enough for me!!!:D

Sparky10 10-29-2014 06:28 PM

MRI on my knee today. Xray showed a little arthritis but not enough to warrant the crackling, clicking, thumping, swelling, heat, and occasion pain. All I know is that it is hyperextended.

Boyfriend started Chantix Monday, for the second time. Fingers are crossed it works this time!

Critters and foliage here in Iowa are confused by the weather. My almost-dead petunia weakly bloomed, as did a wild orchid. My dog's coat doesn't know whether to fill in for the winter of shed, so it's doing both. Has been quite warm; expecting our 2nd overnight freeze warning in the next morning or so. That's 2nd for the season! Unusual.

Sparky10 10-29-2014 09:06 PM

MRI report already in! And not pretty.

"Unfortunately, there are a lot of abnormalities here including a large amount of fluid, a cyst, and a torn ligament. We will refer to orthopedics as it sounds like these have been a chronic issue"

"This cyst measures at least 2.1 cm AP by 2.1 cm transverse by
5.3 cm craniocaudal". 5.3cm = just over 2"! :eek: I can feel the bulge.

"There is a complex tear of the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus and there is a nondisplaced horizontal oblique tear of the posterior horn the meniscus". The PCL (posterior cruciate ligament) "...some signal heterogeneity proximally which may reflect a tiny partial interstitial tear or degenerative signal, chronic".

Guess I wait for my PA to call with a recommendation to an orthopedist.

doydie 10-30-2014 12:12 AM

Sparky you are just having a 'mell of a hess'. Good luck with the treatment.

My daughter was on Chantix for awhile and didn't like the side effects or the cost. She has lousy insurance and would not let us pay for it. It finally took her wanting it for herself. Kind of like me and my diet. It took the E-cig to ehlp her stop and now she is E-cig free for about a month and about 6 months free of the cig itself.Now the smell of cigarette smke nauseates her, can't stand to be around it at all. I was so proud of her on vacation. Alabama was a difficult to drive through, dark, a lor of rural areas with no lights along the highway, and no cell tower for Sprint based phones which is all we have. I can't tell you how many tied we got lost. She wanted a cigarette a couple of times but she didn't do it.

Debbie D 10-30-2014 06:47 AM

Morning everyone...brrr!! mid-autumn chill has finally arrived...

Aw, Barb:hug::hug: timing could have been better with your mom visiting. Too bad you can't put it off until she goes home. Hope that your biopsy will reveal benign results. Keep us up to date...

Doydie, it's difficult when one of us doesn't agree with our children's choices. I hope and pray that your DH can open his heart and welcome your DD's choice if it becomes more serious.

Our DD married a Packer fan, of all things (we are diehard Cubs/Bears fans). Added to that, he is a conservative Christian and we are liberal Catholics. He is a wonderful husband and father to my DD and DGCs and gets along well with all of us (although I get the feeling I rub him the wrong way). We love him and honor his views and way of looking at the world. As long as he is an ethical person and he cherishes our DD we are fine with our differences. That is what is most important to us.

We were up at DD's house for several days to help out after she gave birth to Caydence Noel. DGD Haddie is doing well with the transition...she caught a devil of a cold though so she wasn't herself. She is still a delight no matter. We are going back up next week sometime to help out once SIL goes back to work.

Seems we have pretty much lost the lot we were looking to build a new house on:(:( someone has put money down on the lot. It was beautiful. Oh well:roll eyes:

CT scan came back with no tumors. The fat has been further destroyed due to Copaxone. my poor abdomen looks bad from all of the dents and rearranged fat cells as well as surgical scarring. At least it's not serious.

Well, onward and upward...DH and I have to order bathroom shower stalls and a tub today for the reconstruction of the flood zone. One of these days it will begin:roll eyes:

Have a great day!:)

Debbie D 10-30-2014 06:49 AM

Thanks for starting the new thread, Kel...

Sparky10 10-30-2014 09:50 AM I get a call-back about yesterday's mammogram. They need an ultrasound. Had the new 3D mammo - has anyone else had that? I'm not scared, just a little...disconcerted. Is there something there that's been missed in prior 2D mammos? And/or should I be glad I got this 3D because whatever's there might've been missed?

Who knows ~ I'm rambling.

ewizabeth 10-30-2014 10:22 PM

Hi everybody!

Just checking in. Last check up my cholesterol had gone up quite a bit because I stopped the simvistatin due to leg cramps and pain. My PCP was upset because I refuse to take them again, and he knows my local neuro advised me to stop them. :eek: So he is really ticked off at the neuro. :eek:

So I've been on a low cholesterol diet for about 6 weeks or so, I'm hoping that will help me keep it under control and keep the PCP happy. :rolleyes:

I'm doing fairly well other than that (knock on wood) and my mammogram is due. But with my surgery ordeal last fall and winter I hesitate to get the annual mammo but I know I need to do it soon. :confused:

I'm still doing ok at work, not pending getting fired for the moment. :p

Happy Halloween to you all. :grouphug: Love to you all. :circlelove:

Kitty 10-31-2014 10:58 AM

14 Days and Counting!!!
14 days till I'm a Grandma!! :circlelove: 11/14 is the date for the c-section for the twins. The OB/GYN told them that they estimate both babies to be 6# or more!

Poor DIL can barely move and when she does she can hardly breathe!

We're all excited but I think she is the most excited. They have the babies nurseries all prepared. The downstairs nursery is larger than the upstairs one. Someone gave them swings and little carriers that bounce and wiggle back and forth and all of that is in the downstairs nursery.

She is planning on breastfeeding but has a realistic outlook and she knows that she might have to supplement those feedings with bottles. I hope it works out for her. It was hard for me to nurse one....and she'll have two!

ewizabeth 10-31-2014 07:19 PM

Oh my gosh Kitty!!! I am so envious!! You are getting not one, but TWO grandbabies! I wish I lived nearby and I could share your joy! :D Congratulations! :hug:

doydie 11-01-2014 12:42 AM

Congratulations on the babies. When I had my oldest my room mate had twins, BIG twins, and she was nursing them. It seemed like she had babies on her breast the entire time we were in. She might change her mind real quick.

My daughter is bring her new beau over to meet us no Sunday. We usually go out to eat with her on Sunday but she said she didn't want to have an issue of Charlie making a scene in public so we will meet at our house.

Yes, today was Halloween. And I ate, and ate, and ate. But I did record it all in my food diary. I ordered a cranberry apple chicken salad at Dennys ronight but only ate half the cranberries, none of the glazed pecans and left the garlic bread which i all in the calorie count on their website. So I knew I could take some calories off of the entry in my diary. So I was within my calorie limits but they just weren't good calories at all. Michelle's room mate is a little tiny Asian man, loves candy and he never puts a pound on when eating bad things

Kitty 11-01-2014 08:20 AM

It is cold and windy here today. North GA mountains got some snow last night!! The weather forecasters are going crazy this morning!! :rolleyes:

I just went shopping on the BabiesRUs website and got the girls a Christmas present!! I know they'll be too little to remember anything about this Christmas but the parents and grandparents will surely enjoy it!!

I've already gotten several presents for my kids and a few friends. I have to buy early and when I have the money available. It helps because I'm not scrambling at the last minute trying to find gifts. I think everyone here will be buying for the girls this year. :D

Since I do all my shopping online I've been going through to order anything I purchase. I get a rebate check every three months from them just for using their website to get to the stores websites. I checked this morning and I have $136 pending for my next cash back!! That's the most I've ever earned. Usually it's $40 or $50 dollars. I buy all my pet food and supplies using and can go through ebates. It's really a nice tool to earn a little extra money now and then.

barb02 11-01-2014 09:47 AM

Do you at times think it is actually a negative that we have so much medical information available to us today? I read my radiologist report and then of course did some research on the findings, thyroid nodules, and thyroid cancer. And based on what I have read, the chance that my nodules are malignant has increased signigificantly.:mad: I am feeling sort of nostalgic for the good ole days when doctors were God and you trusted them. :rolleyes: Oh well.

I am preparing to tell my mother what is going on tomorrow. Since she is pretty much deaf and her cochlear implant is not working nearly as well, I wrote down what I wanted to say..

Debbie D 11-01-2014 03:33 PM

Aw-stop reading, Barb...we DO know too much nowadays...keep us informed:hug:
I'm sure your mom will be a great source of support for you...

Kitty, I have heard many moms of twins successfully nurse. Whatever time she can do it is beneficial to the babies.

Wow, that wind storm was awful yesterday!! The poor kiddies were running to and fro gathering candy the way the squirrels have been gathering food for winter-fast and furious.

We pretty much finished up the outside fall cleanup. Just have to turn off the pond pump and put the heater in. All the pods on our honey locust blew off yesterday, just in time for the city to come pick up all of the leaves and pods next week.

We are finally ready to sign a contract for the reconstruction...we are ordering the tub and shower stalls today for both bathrooms and only need to choose lighting. Then we need to order the tile we have chosen for each bathroom and order the carpeting that needs to be replaced. Can't wait for all of this to be back to normal. I hate living with all of these holes in the walls and ceilings.

Well, stay warm, dry and safe today...

ANNagain 11-01-2014 07:34 PM

Barb, I have a thyroid nodule. I've had it since it was found on a new employment physical in 1976 and confirmed by ultrasound. It was too small to biopsy w any confidence.

I was given the choice of having it out and taking Synthroid the rest of my life or not having it out and taking Synthroid the rest of my live to suppress it. I choose to suppress it w/o surgery. It's been 38 years.

Best to you,

doydie 11-01-2014 11:06 PM

Kitty are there any lurking secrets/bad things to belong to I don't belong to anything like that. I have a niece that uses swag bucks from Amazon and she is always getting enough points or whatever it is to get things free. Last year I got hooked on my online shopping but this year I haven't been started looking. 6 babies barely under 3 is hard on us, especially when the parents aren't even married. And now one of my nephews is in a relationship with another woman. I just want to email her and warn her about what Matt's sperm count must be and he doesn't wear protection. why does it always have to be the woman. And she is only 19 years old. Sometimes I don't like the things I find out on face book.

I now have my laptop back!!! Yesterday my son in law sent me a message asking what all I used a computer for. When I looked at the tiny list I decided it wasn't worth the huge amount of money I would have to spend for an apple. So I started out by going to Best Buy and having the Geek Squad look at the laptop and seeing if it could be started. It could so I bought a generic charge cord and it is working fine. first thing I did as to run my virus and maintinence before I even started. When I was getting ready to turn it off for the night, I had 20 new updates I had to install! But I can't find anywhere on the iPad to delete history except for swiping upward on the home page ut it is getting slow on me

The Halloween candy will be gone tomorrow. That is if we leave it alone until my daughter gets here. We also gets to meet her new boyfriend. We are meeting at out house so DH won't make a scene where ever we may go out. He is a bit, put lightly, of a racist and her guy is black.

doydie 11-03-2014 01:24 AM

We met the boyfriend today. He is quite nice. You can tell by the way he talks of his Aunty, calling us Maam and Sir ALL the time that he was raised in a very proper African American home. He is very respectul of daughter and us. He said he could tell by my sense of humor that Michelle got it from me. He also found out he had the ability to get these real quick one liners with my husband. So they had fun with that for awhile. So it was a good time. Husband invited him to go out and eat with us on weekends and if he wanted to come for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner he could.

Well I finished my candy today. And i mean finished it. All gone. But I put it all in my food diary on My Fitness Pal. So I was good in that sense

Kitty 11-03-2014 08:41 AM

Doydie, is the best thing I've found on the Internet!

Since I do 99.9% of my shopping online it really helps to get a percentage back from each purchase. I think my biggest rebate maker is from the cat food and supplies I buy.

All you have to do is go to and type in the "search" box whatever online retailer you're planning to use to see if they are one of ebates participants. Most all I use are.

There are lots of FAQ's so most of your concerns are addressed there.

I love it and wouldn't shop online without it. I think my biggest rebate check to date has been $246. That is just from using websites that are part of ebates. I'm going to buy anyway.....may as well get paid to do it!

Here is the link to the

I hope you sign up and use the service. That little rebate check every three months is a treat!

doydie 11-04-2014 01:40 AM

Kitty, there are a lot of store on that site!!! I'll have to think about it.

Being the Queen of Procrastination, I have put off calling a contractor to get estimates to take care of my water mess we had in the laundry room. I have a list of 4 to call. I was actually able to physically talk to one today. He wouldn't even be able to start until January:eek::eek: WE have Thanksgiving and Christmas in that mold infested room! There will be a 1 month old baby coming. I hope we can find some one else that can start and finish before Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving, if we do some creative thinking, we can have it t my sister's house since there are only going to be about 12. But Christmas. Yikes. There are about 30 and we can not have it there. It's crowded enough here.

Sparky10 11-04-2014 09:45 AM

I use ebates; have it sent to my PayPal account. Pis....made me really mad :hissyfit: when the 2 times I spent the most money, on airline tickets, oh! somehow it didn't register on ebates. Oh my, how did that happen...:picknose:

Had the breast ultrasound yesterday. All they found was a couple small fluid cysts. Apparently there's still something there they want to watch - a dot showed on the mammogram. I go back in 6 months for a comparison mammogram.

Tomorrow is the orthopedic surgeon appointment for my knee. My Chiropractor, who read the report, says it's possible surgery may not be necessary. Maybe a brace would allow the tears to heal.

barb02 11-04-2014 10:13 AM

Had appointment with surgeon yesterday. I have to stop taking one of my meds for a week (for colitis), and then have ultrasound guided biopsy at hospital. I guess the med has aspirin in it? or aspirin qualities? he was not able to feel the nodules. One is about the size of a quarter and partially filled with fluid and the other is tiny. There were some qualities to them that cold possible suggest cancer so the biopsy is necessary.

Going out to lunch with my mom and sister today and then I am sure we will be watching election results tonight.

ewizabeth 11-04-2014 04:19 PM

Hugs and prayers Barb, I bet they are just being overly cautious. :hug: At least you'll know after the biopsy? This time last year I had laser guided biopsy in four spots in my breasts, one would not have been bad at all, but all four (took about six hours) were exhausting. :eek: Mine were suspicious but not cancerous so I'm taking the anti-breast cancer drug for five years. Even if you end up having to take synthroid it shouldn't be too bad. :hug:

ewizabeth 11-04-2014 04:22 PM


It's good they are repeating the mammogram after six months. :hug: I need to schedule mine soon. I have all of those little areas of scar tissue after all those little surgeries last year. I'm hoping and praying they don't think they see something because of those and want to do biopsies again.

SallyC 11-05-2014 02:07 PM

Hump Day Giggle!!

doydie 11-06-2014 12:54 AM

I finally got one contracter to come out today to give us an estimate. One will come out tomorrow and another Friday. The guy who came out today said he didn't see any evidence of mold that had accumulated at all so that was very good news. On of the problem as to why it smells so bad still is that we have just kept the door closed to one room that is ajacent and got some water. It is a very poorly designed bathroom that had sewage backed into it a long time ago and we don't use it except for storage. We took care of the problem years ago but we did an amateur job of blocking the drains so we just keep the door closed. So now we are keeping the door open and a fan constantly going to get it ventilated.

I can't place my finger on what is wrong but I have this vague pain in my upper right chest right underneath my collar bone. Also I am not able to sing as well as I used to. Heck, I can't sing as well as I did last week. I am an alto and for any who understands reading music here, I can hardly sing a G. I would just like to join the men's section and be a tenor! I will keep an eye on both problems

SallyC 11-09-2014 01:42 PM

Sunday Funny...

doydie 11-12-2014 12:47 AM

Tonight we went to Cracker Barrel to eat supper. Our paper and news has been letting us know what places were doing special things for Veterans Day and Cracker Barrel was not one listed. We tend to avoid them because they are very crowded. So when we get to the door they have a sign that they were offering free coca cola chocolate cake and ice cream to all veterans. So I tell the waitress Charlie would want that. She acted surprised. She said she had forgotten about that and she should have offering it to all her tables. So when it came time to ask for dessert I reminded her about the free dessert for him. So after a good long wait she brings this piece of white cake that looked like a typical sheet cake. Charlie told her that the offer was chocolate cake. She kind of looked at us like 'what do you want me to do about it?'. Finally she got the message that this was not what he wanted and to PLEASE get the other cake. We even showed her the picture that was on the table. So she goes back and tells us that that is what they gave her to serve. When a man thinks he is getting free chocolate cake, he wants chocolate cake, not dry sheet cake and no ice cream. So I convince her one more time that the offer is chocolate cake and that was the offer so go get it. Eventually she comes back and says that yeas they have the chocolate cake but there is a charge for it. I am surprised Charlie held is temper because by this time I was not. So we just got up and left to pay the bill. The cashier asked me if everything was fine and I told her what happened. She immediately calls for a manager who apologised for the waitress and got him a carry out container. It was a much bigger piece of cake, very moist and very good. Ice cream was awful. I hope he talked to our waitress.

Kitty 11-12-2014 07:01 AM

Two more days till I'm a Grandma!!

DIL will have c-section on Friday and the twins will be here!! I am so excited.....feels like it did when I was a little girl on Christmas Eve! :D

Not sure yet what time she is scheduled for but she will find out today at her last doctor appointment. I know she is tired and ready for them to be here. She has been such a trooper through all this.

I think she deserves a medal because last time they estimated the babies weights they were both over 6 pounds! They might be closer to 7 pounds each by delivery.

Two little baby girls....what I've always wanted for Christmas!! :circlelove:

Debbie D 11-12-2014 08:47 AM

Morning everyone!! Brrr....

Kitty, hope DIL has a Happy Labor Day!! Wow, those are big twins!! Hope everything goes well and the babies are in your arms tomorrow all pink and with that wonderful smell...ahh...

DH and I still haven't signed the contract to get the remodel of the flood damage done!! It's been 3 months of living with holes in the walls and exposed joists, etc. We asked a plumber to come in yesterday to estimate how much adding a bathroom and switching the present bathroom around would cost. The remodel company wants oodles of cash just for the plumbing...

so our place probably won't be back to it's former self by the holidays...ugh. It smells dusty from all of the wallboard being torn out and the carpets are musty from the water damage. DH has been busy taking up the vinyl flooring planks in the basement. The underlayment got wet when the water poured into the basement and got full of mildew:mad: He rolled up the underlayment and washed off each plank. Now he's almost ready to relay the flooring. then once the plumbing is finished he can put up the new ceiling tiles and get the basement finished, at least.

Our cabin has been knocked down and footings for the new structure were poured last week. The foundation walls were supposed to be poured this week, but northern WI got up to a foot of snow, so that probably won't happen any time soon...

LOL crazy things are occurring in our lives right now...but all is good. The kids are all right, the grand babies are great, and we love one another. Who could ask for anything better?

Have a great day, everyone:)

doydie 11-13-2014 02:03 AM

Kitty congratulations. I just can't imagine what it feels like to be carrying that much baby weight.

tkrik 11-13-2014 11:56 AM

Hi Everyone!

Kelly - I wish your DIL the best of luck tomorrow. How exciting for all of you. are you going to be at the hospital when the girls are born?

Barb - I hope things are going well for you. I've been keeping you in my prayers.:hug:

I've been lurking again. :o There's just been too much going on and I just haven't been taking the time to post. I think once DD23 has the baby things will settle down some. As you know, shes have a rough pregnancy. She had some trouble over the weekend and we didn't know if they were going to deliver the baby or what. We met with the NICU doctor and toured the area. It's just been crazy.

My neuro is now thinking I may not have MS. It took me 3 years to get diagnosed and I saw 2 MS specialists who definitely said I have MS and now...:confused: I was offically diagnosed in 2006. Iwas part of a study and took Copaxone for 4 years. I did ask him the last time I saw him what he thought I had since I have all these symptoms. He said we'll see what the MRI shows. My PCPs nurse suggested I get a 2nd opinion. I also have a ton of blood work to get done for the Rheumy but with all the craziness with DD23, I've put myself on hold. Funny the things we do for our kids. Anyhow, it's on my list to get done as the pain can get pretty bad sometimes, to the point where I can't use which ever joint decided to flare up.

We finally have nicer weather. It gets a bit warm in the afternoon but cools off quickly once the sun sets.

Have a great day Everyone!:hug::grouphug:

SallyC 11-13-2014 12:25 PM

Kelly, That's a lotta baby/s weight to carry...poor Momma.:eek:.
Hoping birthing goes well tomorrow.:hug:

Trish, I pray all goes well with DD's pregnancy. Don't neglect
yourself. DD n Baby will need your strength more then than now
and we need you well too.:hug:good luck with all of you

Debbie, good luck with all of your construction worries. Glad you
& Family are feeling well.

For All prayers n :grouphug:

barb02 11-13-2014 12:39 PM

Kelly, That is so exciting! I can't wait to hear their names.

Trish, I have had neuros say that I may not have MS. Then they look at my MRI's and say - you definitely have MS.

I had the thyroid biopsies on Tuesday. I did not have a whole lot of faith in the hospital. They told me to be there two hours before the procedure and to fast and not drink water. Well I only needed to be there an hour before and I did not need to fast. There were four people in the room while I was having the biopsies - the ultrasound tech, a nurse, the radiologist who did the biopsies, and a pathologist. It just hurt a bit and my throat is still a little tender. The pathologist said the doctor would get the results tomorrow so I am going to try calling in the afternoon to see if I can find out anything. but I may not hear anything until early next week. One of the nodule was mainly cystic which the radiologist was a good thing. The smaller one was solid. I hate waiting!!!

My mom left this morning for her flight back to Ohio. She was here for 17 days which was too long for both us. She is ready to be back in her own place and her own bed. It is actually cold here. The temperature right now is 39 and the wind chill is lower. I had to get out my winter clothes a few days ago. Of course it is 30 degrees below normal. That's what happens when I move south.:rolleyes:

Kitty 11-13-2014 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by barb02 (Post 1107638)
Kelly, That is so exciting! I can't wait to hear their names.

Emma and Evelyn :circlelove: Both are family names.

tkrik 11-13-2014 04:02 PM

Barb - Again, keeping you in my prayers. Hoping for good results on the biopsies.:hug::hug::hug:

Kelly - I love those names. I remembered you mentioning them before but could only remember Emma. It will be so much fun to have little girls around. After having boys, I know you will enjoy them so, so much.

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