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Alffe 09-19-2006 08:14 AM

It Ticks Me Off.........
when television persons decide to speak of unspeakable things!

It ticks me off that I don't have enough will power to exercise....

It ticks me off that my slacks are getting tighter...........

It ticks me off that Cooper is so spoiled we are down to cooking breakfast for him.............:o

It ticks me off that we "grandparent" this dog......mad at myself, never at Cooper..........

Curious 09-19-2006 08:28 AM

alffe...not to make light, but i first read your unspeakable as unmentionable. and i thought...gee...they have had bra commercials and femanine product ones for years. :confused: :rolleyes: sorry...silly me.

gotta watch the spoiling of grandpuppies and grandkids. they might come live with you! no spoiling and sending them home. create our own little monsters. :eek:

it ticks me off that lil'monkey's school won't look in a certain girls school books to see if they are lil'monkeys. the heck with her privacy...she was seen messing with lil'monkeys lock...

it ticks me off that my back is screaming grandmonkey is getting the best of me playing spiderman vs buzz lightyear. ( i'm buzz today) :p

Bobbi 09-19-2006 08:54 AM

(Generally) difficult to think of something that might be ticking me off, yet I know, I know: Allergies. This sneezing is really annoying me when all I have is an OTC until I see my doc on Thurs. and get a Rx of Zyrtec.

Ohhh, I'm happy for Cooper, though I know how time-consuming it can be to prepare foods for a doggie. Mine has pancreatitis so ... not really much of an option when it comes to her food prep. Gotta do what she needs to keep her pancreas feeling content/well.

I'd be ticked, too, about how lil'monkey's school is dealing with the rip-off.

Alffe 09-19-2006 09:21 AM

Unspeakable acts that the press loves to speak of...details of Jon Bonet case, and details of the young girl buried by her kidnapper....lurid details that they say are Unspeakable and then they speak of them.....that really ticks me off! :mad:

It ticks me off that some of the invited guests here forget to appreciate the invitation..there's no excuse for bad manners! We all are the walking wounded!

~scrabble 09-19-2006 09:27 AM

It ticks me off that the schools don't have enough funding for Special Education so one of them could hire me full-time. :(

It ticks me off that I'll lose my benefits if I don't get regular work by the end of next week.

It ticks me off that I have to dash to catch a bus now ... over an hour before I start my job at the high school that has booked me for today.

It ticks me off that I just typed "I ticks me off" in my last tick. ;)

It ticks me off that I still don't have a car.

Otherwise, I'm doing quite well this morning!! :rolleyes:


Curious 09-19-2006 09:30 AM


<-----hands alffe a brownie and a cup of hazelnut coffee

it used to tick me off when hubby's family would come over and not treat our home with ( and us ) with respect. never wipe their feet...pick up their plate...bring food to a throw gum in the bushes....neice clip her nails in the media room :eek:

it doesn't tick me off that they come less often. or that they are invited less often. those that come now, respect us and our home. it just takes time.

Curious 09-19-2006 09:31 AM

awwww....(((((((((((((((((((scrabble)))))))))))))) )))))))

KathyM 09-19-2006 11:48 AM

Ruh roh. Please pardon my bad manners, lol.

I know what you mean about unspeakable things. When the news broke of that young girl in Europe held for years by her captor, I watched a segment that included an interview with one of the authorities. The FIRST question the reporter asked was if she had been sexually abused. Do we really need to know the answer to that question or the details of the abuse?

It ticks me off when TV reporters on the scene talk about themselves and act as if they are more important than the news they are covering.

It ticks me off when a certain somebody steps up to the podium and defends his mistake by feeding me more lies and rhetoric. It makes me want to throw my baloney sammich at the TV screen.

It ticks me off that so many homes in my area are being torn down and replaced by huge monstrosities. Is it because they are so large they require an equally large home? Or is it because their community no longer matters to them - they'd prefer to hide in their castles and pretend we don't exist?

It ticks me off that I'll have to endure my illness for many more years to come - not well enough to live, not sick enough to die. It will eventually wear out those who care for me. If anyone is by my side when I die, it will be hard to be surrounded by people who are happy to see me go. It's not that I want them to be sad, I just don't want anyone jumping for joy when I die. :(

Alffe 09-19-2006 02:58 PM

Nothing ticks me off more than dear KathyM thinking that ANYONE would be happy at her passing....I understand what you are saying dear lady but you have no idea how you are loved, not only here but I've heard you speak of your wonderful son and husband...caregivers and yes, you will someday need caring for...most of us will, are earths angels. Do not for a minute deny them this loving service.

I'm ticked....I've been planting flower beds for thirty years and they are all gone.....

I'm ticked....they broke the invisible fence and how will we ever find the ends....

Julie 09-19-2006 03:36 PM

It ticks me off when the neighbors gripe about Poochy barking when they go outside...maybe it was hitting the fence with a shovel that made her scared of you.

It ticks me off when they gripe that she is outside...I'm sorry we just can't keep her in 24/7.

It ticks me off when people allow other people to take the blame for something they did. Mean cousins.

Alffe 09-19-2006 06:40 PM

I wonder...........errrrrr wrong thread.:o

Well it ticks me off too when the neighbors complain about the problem they've contributed to....tease/scare a dog and he'll remember it!!

It ticks me off that it's gotten so fast...talking about a slight freeze warning for tomorrow night....glad I'm going south.

It ticks me off that I don't have any film for my camera right now...yard is one big hole...............:confused:

Doody 09-19-2006 07:24 PM

It ticks me off that Alffe's beautiful flower gardens are gone! Is the pretty plant I gave you gone now too!?

It ticks me off that my tailbone starts hurting when I sit at my computer.

But I am SO not ticked off at seeing Kathy here!!!!! (((((KATHY)))))

FeelinGoofy 09-19-2006 08:40 PM

It ticks me off when people say they'll do something then not do it :mad:

It ticks me off when my bunny digs a hole in the carpet :mad:
(anybody want some bunny stew) j/k :rolleyes:

it really ticks me off when my computer wont let me into my mailbox, and tells me we have it set to not accept cookies when we do.

JoJo6 09-20-2006 09:43 AM

It ticks me off because I didn't know Alffe was coming south??

It also ticks me off because she didn't tell me she was moving next door and bringing her house with her??


KathyM 09-20-2006 01:16 PM

LOL Julie - By chance, is Poochy a Pomeranian? My friend lives on the corner, at an intersection with a stop sign. Her dog barks at every car that passes by when he's outside - barely takes a breath in-between barks. We've all nicknamed her dog "Sir Barks-a-Lot," but it's not a big deal. He's doing what Pomeranians do, and he's protecting his family.

Doody Doody Doody Doody! It ticks me off that you have to sit on your tail when you're at the computer. It should be free to wag happily during that time.

It ticks me off that my final words in this post don't follow the ground rules of this thread, but I'm compelled to post them anyway.

(((Alffe))) and (((Julia))) - and HUGE HUGS to everyone else here.

Doody 09-20-2006 02:59 PM


I wag my tailend as much as I can!

It ticks me of that Jojo isn't ticked off because I'm going south too...AND will get to see Alffe. heh :D

I've said it before and I'll say it ticks me off that there are control freaks in charge of workplaces...It can make for a very draining day.

Julie 09-20-2006 03:28 PM

Kathy she is a Collie/Chow mix. You can see pictures of her in Social Chat in the thread...My dog ate my leash.

It ticks me off when your desk chair is recalled by Walmart and the newspaper article tells you to return it to Walmart and the clerk won't take it back.

It ticks me off that when you request management, she won't let you speak to them.

It ticks me off that after 25 minutes and management shows up and says that I can't return it because the clerk said there was no UPC symbol on it.

It makes me happy when clerk gets in trouble when I inform management that she never asked to see UPC symbol.

It makes me happier to walk out of there with 39.00 in my wallet to spend elsewhere to purchase a chair.

LindaM 09-20-2006 07:06 PM

It ticks me off that I let things tick me off!
Hope you don't mind me jumping in on your "tick me off thread".

Bobbi 09-20-2006 07:47 PM

It still ticking me off about these darn'd allergies, but I'm less ticked than I was since I see the doctor tomorrow. By Sunday, it should be better :). Too, how horrible a thought is this: I also felt better when a local helicopter pilot talked some about his allergies today. Knowing that I've got company, well, it helped ;).

FeelinGoofy, you have an indoor bunny? :D

FeelinGoofy 09-21-2006 08:02 AM

Yes hes an indoor bunny and the silly thing just ticks me off LOL
hes just as cute as he can be, but since hes reached that geriactric stage
hes developed some habits that just are NOT acceptable... such as digging holes in my carpet :rolleyes:

ANYWAY keeping in the theme of the tread:....

it ticks me off that i kicked a box with my little toe this morning, and now my little toe hurts like crazy...

AND my husband really ticks me off right now.... (wont go into detail)

Addy 09-21-2006 10:45 AM

It ticks me off that I didn't know about this forum until dear ((cloudz)) sent me an email.

It ticks me off that I didn't email any of YOU through the summer.

It ticks me off that I don't have the proper time right now to talk to all of u, I'm only able to send a quick hello and lots of LOVE!!

I'll be back,
xo Addy

JoJo6 09-21-2006 11:48 AM

Hello dear Addy. how is that sweet voice doing these days? Oh how I would love to hear you sing.

Oh, I forgot to say something ticked me off!

OK, I am ticked off at myself for not letting you know about this site!

I miss you and hope you can come back soon. thank you dear clouds_z

my love, Julia

JoJo6 09-21-2006 11:58 AM

Oh yes indeed I am ticked off cause I didn't know you were coming south dear Doody. I'm ticked off cause she isn't bringing her house too!

I'm ticked off cause Alffe declined to spend the night at the plantation. Doody, will you tick me off cause you will decline?

Dang friends, it is hard to be ticked off in here. Who got ticked off first?I am ticked off cause I don't know that!!

I'm ticked off cause I have hunted KathyM everywhere ((KathyM)) see my wittle hand waving at you dear KathyM??

I'm ticked off about many of the same things KathyM is ticked off about!

Yes indeed, it REALLY ticks me off!!:mad: ((I love you KathyM))

Doody 09-21-2006 05:13 PM


I know not who you are or what plantation you come from but darned that Alffe, I'm ticked off she didn't go there either! Maybe Mr. Alffe wouldn't let her.

I'm ticked off I didn't even think of taking a long weekend and driving over to see Ms. Alffe for a couple days. But then, I been saving up my vacation time for this big toooodooooo we are going to on the coast.

I'm ticked off that I am suddenly getting a sore throat and feel kinda crappy. But then ya know what, I think I am going to record it on my calendar because I get sore throats a lot and then they go away. And my ear hurts a lot too but at least I just found out recently I have, no doubt about it, TMJ.

And that ticks me off! Geezafrigginloo, how many body ailments should one body be allowed? Not as many as mine, I say! TMJ? What the hell!? For years they told me (I say this in a whiny voice)... "Ohhh it's your middle ear" and would put me on medicine., blah blah. FINALLY a specialist gave this crap a name. "You have..." he said, "without a doubt, TMJ." And it ALL made sense then.

It ticks me off too that my own doctor whom I've always pretty much adored, is the person who for all those years told me I had middle ear trouble.

Well, it ticks me off I can go home from work now and all there is to do there is look at the giant mess I always create from stem to stern and never have the energy to clean.


JoJo6 09-21-2006 06:45 PM

Doody Dear
Now I'm so ticked off that the bloody Drs. let you go so very long before they figured out you had TMJ??

Now, I'm ticked off you don't remember me but thats alright, I still know you.

I'm ticked if Curious didn'r put a bug in your ear! OUCH

I'm ticked off whoever started the ticked off thread instead of wondering

Oh, I'm ticked off I didn't tell you I had TMJ too and it hurts bloody bad and mucks your whole life up?

It ticks me off that you don't remember me, ok, over my tick:p I'm Jo6 aka Julia, but you still may not know me but I got a feeling you gonna know me

Now, I'm ticked off because you think Mr Allfe might not let Allffe stay the night at the Twelve Tall Pecan Tree's Plantation. Just remember that in case you mosey on down round SC, you know where James Taylor is going in his minnd lol

I forgot to tell you that you tickled me pink, teaching me a new word Geezafriggingloo!! lmao

Addy 09-22-2006 02:09 AM

I'm ticked off cuz I won't be going to the big tooooooodoooooooo :( ... but I know in my heart that you all know I'd be there if I could - man, Doody, Alffeeeee and Mr. Alffeeeee... isn't Ducky going, too... man, I'm really getting ticked off... ) ...

I'm just plain old ticked! :mad:

P.S. (Jo - singing in Vegas in 20 days - big Sweet Adeline international convention/competition.. Hi KathyM! - is your sis going?)

Alffe 09-22-2006 07:43 AM

I'm ticked that Addy can't come too...yes, Ducky and son will be there, and merewood...and maybe some suprises that are being kept from us...:rolleyes:

Doody 09-22-2006 08:56 AM

And Battmom and LPP.

I just can hardly wait to walk into that heavenly warm ocean again.

Heh, and yes, Addy, Ducky and son. In fact, they will be picking me up at the airport and I will be going to their house. The next morning or so, Duck, Dale, a friend and I are driving to the coast, and I can hardly wait to see country I haven't seen. We've all rented a house together. :D

And Julie... :o ... sowwy.

JoJo6 09-22-2006 09:48 AM

I'm just plain old ticked cause not only I wasn't invited I don't have a clue where anybody is going

I'm so ticked, ticked so bad I know:D I will fly to Vegas and hear ADDY sing!! Why I think that is a grand idea now I'm not ticked so I'll stop while I'm ahead! Jo

Julie 09-22-2006 06:48 PM

It ticks me off when the ants just keep moving from one mound to the other despite my best efforts. You little ants have given me no choice but to call in the professionals.

Bobbi 09-23-2006 09:47 PM

It ticks me off that I've not said hello to Cherokeegrl.

It ticks me off that I've not read this thread in a few days :eek:.

It ticks me off that I left my 'puter on all night and I never usually do that.

It ticks me off that these darn'd allergies are still feeling buggy and I feel so dang'd tired.

sjp_fanatic 09-23-2006 11:41 PM

It ticks me off when people become greedy and ask to borrow money and never make an attempt to pay the money back. (Limitted income doesn't help!)

cherokeegrl 09-25-2006 03:33 AM

It ticks me off that I can't see the real reason for the depth of my depression until I begin my monthly cycle, and it becomes clear why I'm so down. :(

Alffe 09-25-2006 08:02 PM

It really really really ticks me off that not one bit of work was done on our septic system while we were away.........:mad:

It ticks me off that all those rocks are still in our driveway..........:mad:

It ticks me off that while I went downstairs to the ladies room, Mr.Alffe got Jack Jones autograph..........:o

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 10-01-2006 12:04 AM

It ticks me off that i can relate to every dog gone word that cherokeegrl
just posted, yet i did'nt have the guts to type it!!!!

It ticks me off that i take so many meds that i could'nt word it as well as she did!!!!!Before i forget{ Hi cherokeegrl<wave>}
Hi everyone>wave>
It ticks me off that i cant remember much of anything anymore!!
It ticks me off that i did'nt find this thread sooner!!!!
It ticks me off that i feel the need to make exclamation points all the time!!!!!LOL
It ticks me off that i have no life anymore only one that involves sitting in front of this puter 24/7....

It ticks me off that i have to cut down all of my flowers already...

Idealist 10-01-2006 01:18 AM

I wanted to jump in on this thread 'cause it's interesting, but the truth is I don't have the energy lately to be properly ticked-off. Can I just say it makes me feel bad instead? Or is that too lame? :o

It makes me feel bad that you all have so much to be ticked off about. It shouldn't be that way. Cherokee, the last time I spoke to you on OBT you were just moving in with your brother temporarily. Do I have that right, or am I confused? How did things go with your move? Are you still staying there? I always used to follow your posts 'cause they were insightful and well-written, but I guess the crash disrupted us all.

And Kell...well...I understand a little better what you are upset about. But things are going to get better for you. I just know it. You can't keep a good woman down but for so long, right? ;)

Everyone else...I hear you all. And when my energy picks up, I'll be ticked-off again right along with you...

cherokeegrl 10-01-2006 12:10 PM

It ticks me off that I was so down that I posted in a very negative tone, and was embarrassed enough to edit it out!

It ticks me off that I would put my negative thoughts into words, risking hurting someone unintentionally.

It ticks me off that I feel that way at all, since I finally got moved into a place that I felt I would be happier than ever in a very long time!

It ticks me off that this living arrangement isn't working out so well at times, making me very depressed.

It ticks me off that I have made another mistake in judging my daughter's character, and in trusting her with a promise!

**Hi Bobbi...thanks for the greeting! You too Addy!

**Sending out a *wave* to those I've missed...I'm happy to see so many of you that I used to stay in touch with on OBT!

**Hi KellWants....!! *waves** I'm sorry that I felt I needed to edit those words you have posted about, but I appreciate that you seem to understand where I am coming from! It hurts to feel so misunderstood at times. There are many others here that have the gift of being able to post something so helpful to others, with so few words. It seems that alot of my posts are a bit rough around the edges. Remember, you are not alone, and cared about very much! :)

**Hi Idealist...Thanks for asking about the latest in my living situation! I was only living at my brother's for 2 months after my divorce. Then he decided to move another woman into the house, breaking his promise to me, by renting out half of my room to her daughter. I moved to my best friends' couch for a couple of months, then to a temporary apt. for 3 mo., and then subsidized housing for the last 2 years. I just moved to FL a couple of months ago, and found a really nice place to plant myself, with my daughter as a roommate. All of that without being able to drive made it a VERY stressful situation, every step of the way!

There has been lots of crap in between, as well as some wonderful blessings from some very special friends that I was able to stay in contact with, even though the OBT site went down. These friends ARE the bright spot in my life, and I am always paranoid of messing things up, due to my big mouth overriding my ****! I'm good at that! I'm also getting very tired, but somehow continue to get up and take a step forward. One day at a time...although it tends to leave alot to be ticked off about at times!

Thanks for checking on me! :) Many thanks to all of you that continue to support, and try to understand me! You know who you are, and it makes a huge difference!


~scrabble 10-01-2006 05:58 PM

It ticks me off that I didn't just post my 'wonders' in this ticked off thread. (I was just venting about my problem with wasps.)

Julie 10-01-2006 07:11 PM

It ticks me off when you apply for a job helping the school district that your child attends and they give the job to somebody who has no children in the school district, doesn't live in the school district and lives in a different county.

It ticks me off that I got so excited about the job.

It ticks me off because I have allowed myself to feel like such of a loser.

It ticks me off when my husband is in a bad mood and he takes it out on everybody else.

It ticks me off when I get so ticked off I'm miserable.

Curious 10-02-2006 12:05 AM

it ticks me off that idealist went ot bed like most folks and we have posted nothing for ms alffe to read in the morning:eek:

it ticks me off at MYSELF that i haven't given cherokeegrl one cupcake or hug yet. :( i thought i did...and i feel awful when i went to go find a welcome.

so nobody touch these till she gets one!!

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