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tnshopper 08-27-2012 06:31 PM

Post Vaccine Neuropathy Rabies Vaccine
Two weeks ago, I completed a set of 4 shots rabies exposure (bat bite). After each shot, I noticed slight tingling in my hands and feet and stomach pains, but I had to continue the shots. After the 4th and final shot, my symptoms immediately worsened.

Now two weeks later, I have tingling and numbness throughout my body--even my lips. I feel achy and sore all over, my jaw hurts so much I can barely open my mouth, and my brain feels like I'm in a fog, half asleep. I'm a very healthy 39 year old, and I'm now worried that this vaccine has ruined my life. A few days ago, my symptoms stopped getting worse each day, now I'm just living with the same symptoms above with no improvement.

I went to a neurologist, who tested my reflexes and said they look good but that I clearly have lost some sensation in my hands and feet. He ordered a brain MRI for next week. He's not terribly concerned since I don't really have weakness. I'm extremely tired, but I don't feel like my muscles are week.

Has anyone experienced this? Will this ever go away? I'm so scared and miserable. My daughters also had the shots and they have been complaining of legs pains and headaches ever since. I'm even more worried that my kids will never be the same. At least they don't have the nerve problems that I'm having. I'd love to hear from anyone who has had a similar situation. THANKS!

mrsD 08-27-2012 06:40 PM

I think you will have to go on PubMed and search for papers about reactions to rabies vaccine in humans.
We have a fast link at the top of the page in the upper right to PubMed.
I searched "rabies vaccine reactions humans" and got 172 papers
I don't know if this link works, and if it doesn't you may have to repeat the search yourself. Sometimes website software does not work 2nd hand.

Also on Google.
At one time rabies vaccine was the toughest one to get and caused lots of side effects. I don't know if it has been improved at all, so I can't really advise you.

The current vaccine says it is dead it may be the adjuvants in it that are doing the damage. Adjuvants stimulate the immune and inflammatory response, and they can be hard on people.

Kitt 08-27-2012 07:54 PM

Here is just one of many reputable sites on Google concerning rabies vaccine.

Of course, the alternative is death. Hopefully, things will turn around for you.

tnshopper 09-28-2012 12:30 PM

I'm sorry to hear that you've had similar reactions. The doctors all seem confused and surprised by my symptoms. I've been given no treatment. I had bloodwork done an MRI of my brain, but everything looks normal. It's now been 6 weeks since my final shot and my condition is pretty much the same, though I am feeling less fatigued than I was at the beginning.

My feet are swollen and painful, the veins even seem to be bulging. My left arm hurts and my fingers feel like I have arthritis. I also have tingling that comes and goes in my arms, legs, hands and feet--even in my face and tongue.

I keep hoping that this will all improve over time. It seems like a fairly common problem, but no one seems to know what to do.

Keep me updated on your condition.


Originally Posted by goldcey (Post 915371)
i'm also having the same started with the final vaccine.(5th dose of rabipur).but earlier i had severe it's about 2 months after the last symptoms not severe,but still kind of burning sensation over the foots and early fatigue.i was prescribed only vit B supplements.hope it'll be about your condition and any treatment given to you.

Stacy2012 10-31-2012 09:42 AM

I would start on all the supplements that are for nerves, like B12, Benfotiamine, Rlipoic, etc.

ATX_Man 07-26-2013 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by tnshopper (Post 918121)

My feet are swollen and painful, the veins even seem to be bulging. My left arm hurts and my fingers feel like I have arthritis. I also have tingling that comes and goes in my arms, legs, hands and feet--even in my face and tongue.

I keep hoping that this will all improve over time. It seems like a fairly common problem, but no one seems to know what to do.

Keep me updated on your condition.

Hate to bump an old thread.

However I have all of the same symptoms 3 weeks post vaccination from Imovax Rabies.

How are you doing? Any updates?

SaraBee 08-19-2014 10:49 AM

please tell me how you are now
My daughter has her last rabies shot scheduled for August 21 (day after tomorrow). She has the symptoms described in this thread. Can the posters please get back to me about how they have fared since posting. Thank you.

Kitt 08-19-2014 01:01 PM

Welcome SaraBee. :Tip-Hat:

ATX_Man 09-02-2014 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by SaraBee (Post 1090421)
My daughter has her last rabies shot scheduled for August 21 (day after tomorrow). She has the symptoms described in this thread. Can the posters please get back to me about how they have fared since posting. Thank you.

I am so sorry my spam filter caught this notification.

I am sorry to hear your daughter had a bad reaction.

My issues started with lower back pain that started 24 hours post vax and the over a few weeks turned into parathesia, tendon issues, joint issues, sleep deprivation, depression, tingling and numbness. I also started random parts of my body twitching and had joint stiffness in the morning on my left knee.

The neurologist that I went to thought it was all in my head. She performed an EMG and found nothing wrong with my extremities.

She kept repeating vaccines are safe and that the back pain was coincidence. Of course it's a very strange coincidence and I never had any of these issues I the 36 years I have been on this earth. But heck what do I know about my own body. :rolleyes:

It's amazing how many Doctors are in complete denial over how once body can be affected by a vaccine.

Anyway this went on for 3-4 months pretty good. The tingling and numbness started to subside. Happening less and less. Every flare-up was depressing but overall it was getting better.

My back on the other hand still hurt every day pretty bad. The neurologist that thought it was all in my head sent me to physical therapy. After 4 months of therapy and very little help I decided to break from my neurologist and went to see an orthopedic doctor.

The new doctor shared with me that she had seen this. An arthritic flare in the hip of a man that had a flu vaccine. She sent me to an MRI and what it revealed was an arthritic condition my lower back.

About 6 total months after I experienced back pain I had a pain free day... Of course that happiness was erased the next day when the pain creeped back in. However I started getting pain free days... Then a few in a row... Then weeks pain free!

I am sitting over a year post vax and I feel 99.9% back to normal.

I remember how depressed I was and the crazy ordeal I went through by my daily body journals.

Tell your daughter to take a deep breath and this will pass.

It will take some time. Progress is measured in months not days.

Have your daughter eat non-processed/whole foods and rest.

I did end up connecting with TNShopper via PM and she had the same experience and almost the same time table.

SaraBee 09-04-2014 10:16 AM

rabies vacine aftermath
Thank you for your reply. My daughter had her last shot two weeks ago. Her tingling symptoms have not worsened so we are optimistic that they will resolve. Thank you again!


Originally Posted by ATX_Man (Post 1093724)
I am so sorry my spam filter caught this notification.

I am sorry to hear your daughter had a bad reaction.

My issues started with lower back pain that started 24 hours post vax and the over a few weeks turned into parathesia, tendon issues, joint issues, sleep deprivation, depression, tingling and numbness. I also started random parts of my body twitching and had joint stiffness in the morning on my left knee.

The neurologist that I went to thought it was all in my head. She performed an EMG and found nothing wrong with my extremities.

She kept repeating vaccines are safe and that the back pain was coincidence. Of course it's a very strange coincidence and I never had any of these issues I the 36 years I have been on this earth. But heck what do I know about my own body. :rolleyes:

It's amazing how many Doctors are in complete denial over how once body can be affected by a vaccine.

Anyway this went on for 3-4 months pretty good. The tingling and numbness started to subside. Happening less and less. Every flare-up was depressing but overall it was getting better.

My back on the other hand still hurt every day pretty bad. The neurologist that thought it was all in my head sent me to physical therapy. After 4 months of therapy and very little help I decided to break from my neurologist and went to see an orthopedic doctor.

The new doctor shared with me that she had seen this. An arthritic flare in the hip of a man that had a flu vaccine. She sent me to an MRI and what it revealed was an arthritic condition my lower back.

About 6 total months after I experienced back pain I had a pain free day... Of course that happiness was erased the next day when the pain creeped back in. However I started getting pain free days... Then a few in a row... Then weeks pain free!

I am sitting over a year post vax and I feel 99.9% back to normal.

I remember how depressed I was and the crazy ordeal I went through by my daily body journals.

Tell your daughter to take a deep breath and this will pass.

It will take some time. Progress is measured in months not days.

Have your daughter eat non-processed/whole foods and rest.

I did end up connecting with TNShopper via PM and she had the same experience and almost the same time table.

ATX_Man 09-04-2014 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by SaraBee (Post 1094015)
Thank you for your reply. My daughter had her last shot two weeks ago. Her tingling symptoms have not worsened so we are optimistic that they will resolve. Thank you again!

Besides the tingling is she having any itchy/prickly sensations under her skin? Any joint or limp stifness or pain?

Please consider filing a report in the VAERS (Vaccine Events Reporting System).

Electron 09-04-2014 10:03 PM

I'm sorry for your trouble tnshopper. Here is some info on detox. I believe John Bergman knows what he is talking about.

How to Detox from Vaccines

jarrett622 09-08-2014 06:49 PM

Wow. I'm so sorry you and others here have had this kind of trouble with the vaccine.

My daughter and I had to have the vaccine series in 2003 I think it was. I reacted more to each booster as it went along. But nothing like what you all are experiencing right now.

What struck me and drew me to this thread was thinking of the possible link between the vaccine and the PN I now have. My symptoms didn't begin til after the vaccine. Maybe that's not entirely accurate because I don't know what the earliest symptoms might have been. But I do know it was after the vaccine that things really started to amplify. And so far no cause has been found for my PN.

loominator 10-22-2014 09:33 PM

I received the first two rounds of RabAvert rabies vaccine (immunoglobbulin plus initial vaccine and then the 2nd vaccine a couple days later) for bat exposure. There was a bat in the house in our daughters' room when my wife woke up in the middle of the night and found a bat flying around their room. The county health department was notified by our landlord, and they in turn called us and insisted that everyone in the home get the rabies vaccine since we couldn't confirm how long the bat was in our house and no one witnessed it entering. NOTE TO GOOGLE SEARCHERS - IF THERE IS A BAT IN THE HOUSE (OR YOU ARE EXPOSED/BITTEN BY A POTENTIALLY RABID ANIMAL) CATCH IT AND HAVE IT TESTED FOR RABIES!!! It could save you lots of pain.

Anyhow, about 2 hours after the 2nd shot I began to feel pins and needles, numbness, and tingling in the arm where the shot was administered and it spread to my left foot and put my brain into a deep fog. I finally went to bed around 2 AM and felt somewhat better besides the pesky light tingling in my left foot in the AM. But symptoms would creep in each day since then. I received the 2nd shot on Aug 8th, so about 2 1/2 months ago, and I have been on a roller coaster ride of side effects ever since then. Luckily, perhaps even by the grace of God, neither of my two daughters nor my wife have experienced any of these symptoms and I wish it to stay that way.

My left foot/leg and left hand/arm are most affected it seems - although it does not discriminate since at times both legs and both arms are tingling/pins/needles and even occasionally go a bit numb. But most of the time it is my left leg/foot and my left hand/forearm that flare up. It comes and goes all throughout the day - and recently it went away for about a week. Then, about a month ago, during the week of not much tingling/pins/numbness, my eyes would feel sore and I would get headaches multiple times a day. Now all symptoms come on daily at vary degrees of strength. For example, I awoke in the middle of the night a few times with both arms numb and tingly and my heart would race and beat irregularly. Today, I awoke to tingling and pins in both my feet and the foggy mind that tns spoke of in the first post. I make it to work just about every day as I have a desk job, but there have been days where I cannot put 2 and 2 together and my body feels like it is falling apart and I have had to stay home twice now in the last 2 months and I fear it will be more.

I feel my condition peaked around week 4-6 - but it is hard to tell if things have gotten worse, esp since there was a week of almost symptom-less days in between. If anything, I am about the same, maybe a bit worse than weeks 4-6. I have a laundry list of symptoms, but I'll list them all in order of what bothers me most currently:

Tingling/Numbness/Pins&Needles in feet/hands/legs/arms(60-80% of the time - different limbs one day to the next) - brought on a limp in my left leg since it is most affected so far
foggines in thought(70%)
fatigue/just plain slow at doing things (60-70%)
headaches(50% of the time)
eye pain/discomfort (behind eyes mostly)(50%)
facial numbness (cheeks, rarely lips)(25%)
muscle/joint pain - mostly knees, sometimes forearms and wrists (20%)
heartbeat skips (10%)
neck pain (10%)

Tns and ATX both spoke of having somewhat similar symptoms and now poor SaraBee's daughter, but I am very curious about all symptoms others have had and the time table of when they came/went and when they began to feel better.

Thanks everyone for making and adding to this post. These posts and other sites are all I have right now. I have a nuero appointment this week, but who knows what that will lead to.

ATX_Man 10-23-2014 07:42 AM

I would say it peaked at 2-3 months.

Then the flare ups of tingling, numbness and other issues started happening further apart.

Strange thing is I haven't had the wrist, tendon or prickly sensation under the skin for a few months now and a few days ago I had another flare.... at 16 months out.

I would honestly save your money and time and skip the neuro. I went to one of the best ones here in Austin. She was the head of the Neurologist Organization in Texas and was supposedly well published/reviewed.

If it's going to be anything like my visit you will be looked at like someone that is
a hypochondriac. Even when I printed out the list of side effects of the vaccine for my neuro she kept repeating that the vaccine is not the cause. She never told me to my face but per her notes that I could see on my online portal she dx'd me with ulnar nerve entrapment and a medical term for subconscious hyperventelation/panic. I had an EMG test which was negative for any slowing. It really raised my frustration level. Doctors must be indoctrinated that vaccines can cause no harm.

I ended up not going back to my Neuro and going to an orthopedic Dr. Due to my severe lower back pain. She was sympathetic and shared her experience with a prior patient and immune response that was similar. The MRI taken months after PT showed arthritic inflamation in my lower back.

Knowing what I know now my $.02 is to save your money and ride it out. Unless you are having severe weakness in one area or severe vision issues I would monitor. One of the side effects was "temporal relation to Multiple Sclerosis" which has some of the side effects... Tingling and nerve pain. However our symptoms move around and are on both sides of the body. Ugh that reminds me of my Neuro... When I read that part of the side effects and looked up at her she said "well Multiple Sclerosis is common so given the population Of people taking the vaccine." F$&; You!

Take loads of Vitamin D3 and B12, excercise and eat healthy whole foods.

Keep positive that you will be back to 99% normal at some point. I slid into the only depressive episde I have ever had in my 36 years on this earth. every day a new symptom... I felt like my body was falling apart and the pain and numbness would lead me to a wheelchair or some terminal diagnosis. I isolated myself from friends for months. It was hell.

I still have lingering effects from time to time but I am far from the hell I was in over a year ago. My depression lifted after a few months when
I got breaks from the flares or episodes.

Hope this helps... Feel free to ask any specific questions if you want or PM me.

Keep your chin up... It will get better.

mrsD 10-23-2014 08:20 AM

And look what is coming regarding liability and future Ebola vaccines:

And a reminder: GLAXO has had contamination issues for years in Canada... and has not done much to fix it. And that vaccine is not even "fast tracked".

Big Pharma in US has finagled a waiver for vaccine injury in the US, already.

Michigan is the only state where you cannot sue for damages from any Big Pharma drug:

The man responsible for this law to protect Big Pharma is running for Attorney General in this upcoming election.
I hope he is defeated!

Kitt 10-23-2014 09:31 AM

Welcome loominator. :Wave-Hello:

Bats can bite you and you do not even know it. Not all bats have rabies but they are one of the top sources.

loominator 10-26-2014 02:37 PM

Thanks everyone for responding so quickly, I feel confident that I will get better - thanks for all of the information and advice. I will check back in occasionally to see how things are going for everyone - my girls keep me pretty busy when I'm not flaring up.

I had my apt with the nuero and she seemed to believe that I was having these problems and ordered up the MRI and EMG and some blood tests, but she did say that perhaps anxiety was making certain issues worse. It is hard to tell, I'm not an anxious person normally, but clearly having your body surprise you at any time during the day with a strange sensations is enough to give anyone anxiety I guess. I made it clear that the symptoms were happening and driving me partially crazy and really wreaking havoc on me, though, after seeing your comment ATX. I have decent insurance thankfully so I decided to go with having the exams just to be certain I can rule other issues out I suppose - but what really gives me some relief is that there are people who have responded the same way to the same vaccine have gotten better in time. I will hope and pray that I can kick 99% of my symptoms as well like you guys.

I will keep my chin up, and so should everyone else - thanks for that.

ATX_Man 11-07-2014 04:19 PM

I am still having my flare up... Tingling , numbness and prickly sensations. They move around and are mostly bilateral.

Thought these were done! :(

baba222 11-07-2014 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by ATX_Man (Post 1106797)
I am still having my flare up... Tingling , numbness and prickly sensations. They move around and are mostly bilateral.

Thought these were done! :(

Hope there is some improvement soon.

JustAName 11-23-2014 01:58 AM

Hello. I am new to this forum
I am 22 years old female and got my 4th rabies vaccine shot yesterday 15 hours ago. Now I have tingling sensation on my right hand and it is definitely colder than my left hand. I got vaccine on my right hand. I feel so stressed and anxious about it now, I don't know what to do, maybe tomorrow I should see a neurologist? I hope you guys see my reply soon

Kitt 11-23-2014 12:18 PM

Welcome JustAName. :Tip-Hat:

ATX_Man 11-23-2014 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by JustAName (Post 1109337)
Hello. I am new to this forum
I am 22 years old female and got my 4th rabies vaccine shot yesterday 15 hours ago. Now I have tingling sensation on my right hand and it is definitely colder than my left hand. I got vaccine on my right hand. I feel so stressed and anxious about it now, I don't know what to do, maybe tomorrow I should see a neurologist? I hope you guys see my reply soon

I had the same sensations however most of mine was bilateral.

I had hip then lower back pain and arthritic type joint pain that would move around 24 hours after the 1st shot... Then the parathesia, numb extremities and other issues started about 3 weeks later.

I personally wouldn't go and see a neuro unless you are having weakness in any of your limbs... Not perceived weakness but actual weakness like you can't grasp a glass or your keys.

However it's up to you on what you feel is prudent... I am probably hesitant because my neuro thought it was in my head. So that has made me hesitant to seek out a Doctor. Although my Orthopedic Dr did state she has see this before and did say this was most likely due to the vaccine.

Eventually it subsided for 6 months... However I have recently had another flare up a few weeks ago. My issues are bilateral, tend to move around and with no weakness so while I am not happy it's back and I am a little pensive I am not losing sleep over it. Mine seems to be like small fiber neuropathy... Hot... Cold... Prickly and feels at the skin surface. Just today the balls of my feet felt like they were on fire for 30-45 minutes then they were fine.

I found the below link along with others regarding similar reactions to a flu vaccine. There is a private group that you can join as well although it's pretty dead now.

tingling after Swine Flu Vaccinne - Chapter 2

Or just search "Medhelp swine flu tingling" and you swill see loads of threads.

The tapering off of activity on this forum leads me to believe most of these people are mostly ok. I applied for the private group last year and the moderator who was pretty active on the Medhelp Swine Flu forums responded that she is much better.

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Also don't forget to pop in and say you are ok if everything subsides. Others will find this news good.

Take a deep breath and just think this will all pass. Maybe not tomorrow or next week but you will be fine. We are here for you. :grouphug:

JustAName 11-24-2014 12:00 AM

Thank you so much for your answer and support! I can't tell how much I feel anxious about it. I still have the tingling sensetion on my both hands. I don't know which doctor to go and afraid of their reaction and response to this. My vaccination was like this: Scratched by a Street cat last month and got 3 shots of vaccine as the cat lived after 10 days. And after 1 month 2 days ago a Street cat but seems friendly bit me on my right hand but it didn't bleed or anything. But I was concerned about it and went to the hospital again. Normally they make 2 doses of vaccine if you got vaccinated, and I got my 1st shot yesterday and I have those sensations. I didn't have this when I first got shot, only nausea, headache which disappeared in a week. Now I don't want to get the 5th and last shot, I don't know what to do, appointment is tomorrow but first I'd like to see a neurologist or infection Professional. Tingling numbings, I can cope with that, but the fear and anxiety are not helping at all. Hope to see your nice news soon!

JustAName 11-24-2014 12:08 AM

I do hope we all can be healed from this.
Sending support&prayers!

mrsD 12-04-2014 10:11 AM

This article I just found today, discusses the rabies vaccine and symptoms of side effects from it:

Also this Yahoo article reports some CDC comments on the failure of this year's flu vaccine:
The comments are very do please check them out.

ATX_Man 12-04-2014 04:24 PM

Thanks for the article MrsD.

I saw another article today where the CDC stated the Flu Vaccine is 50%-55% effective on a good year. :rolleyes:

After my issues I am going to skip them entirely until I am elderly.

Albertakewl 12-07-2014 01:15 AM

Same problem
I got the rabies vaccine in the beginning of sept and finished at the beginning of October . A few days before the last shot I got. I experienced sharp shooting pain in my hands/legs and my back hurt for a week.
And once the pain in my joints sorta calmed down I experienced tingling that would not go away, and I still have it. They are
Looking into it and I had an MRI and blood work.
Is there away to get rid of this or does it go away on it's on eventually?

Kitt 12-07-2014 12:31 PM

Welcome Albertakewl. :Tip-Hat:

Albertakewl 12-07-2014 07:13 PM

Thanks. Is there anyone that can relate to this? Give me some

Jomar 12-09-2014 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Albertakewl (Post 1111714)
Thanks. Is there anyone that can relate to this? Give me some

You can also use the search tool - link in my signature line - to find more info.

Albertakewl 12-09-2014 01:13 PM

I was just wondering if anyone that has this issue has fully recovered fully. Could they message me? I don't no how?

Jomar 12-09-2014 01:29 PM

Often those that recovered fully are not posting or reading here anymore..

The search tool might find some past posts with information -

ATX_Man 12-09-2014 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Albertakewl (Post 1111612)
I got the rabies vaccine in the beginning of sept and finished at the beginning of October . A few days before the last shot I got. I experienced sharp shooting pain in my hands/legs and my back hurt for a week.
And once the pain in my joints sorta calmed down I experienced tingling that would not go away, and I still have it. They are
Looking into it and I had an MRI and blood work.
Is there away to get rid of this or does it go away on it's on eventually?

Hey Albert,

My issues have subsided for a while then I had a flare up in October. My issues are not constant and can fluctuate in region of my body and intensity and length of time.

Mine is also bilateral for the most part and I have had no weakness.

Albertakewl 12-10-2014 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by ATX_Man (Post 1112100)
Hey Albert,

My issues have subsided for a while then I had a flare up in October. My issues are not constant and can fluctuate in region of my body and intensity and length of time.

Mine is also bilateral for the most part and I have had no weakness.

That's good. But did they ever find a cause or give u anything for this? Waiting on public health to finish investigating because I was a healthy 29 yr old female . Until this vaccine. And now I have the tingling, my back sorta hurts in the middle of my back in the spine ..And joint pain that comes and goes. And no weakness . I just finished an MRI for ms etc.. But I'm now waiting to seek answers on is there somthing or someone who can help me with this. And how long has it been since you had the vaccine?

ATX_Man 12-10-2014 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by Albertakewl (Post 1112119)
That's good. But did they ever find a cause or give u anything for this? Waiting on public health to finish investigating because I was a healthy 29 yr old female . Until this vaccine. And now I have the tingling, my back sorta hurts in the middle of my back in the spine ..And joint pain that comes and goes. And no weakness . I just finished an MRI for ms etc.. But I'm now waiting to seek answers on is there somthing or someone who can help me with this. And how long has it been since you had the vaccine?

I saw two doctors last year.. a neurologist and then an orthopedic specialist.

I stopped going to my neuro because her notes indicated it was all in my head. She also made a mention that an MRI to rule out MS would be a waste because I don't have MS and that her physical exam would show it. She then went on to say she never has missed a dx in her physical exam. So I was pretty much stonewalled. I didn't have the energy to bang my head on the wall at another neuro office since it takes a while to get in to a good specialist.

I had pretty bad lower back pain for about 6 months. I did go to an ortho and after 4 months of PT I had a lower back MRI. She said it look like arthritis. She actually stated it could have been related to the vaccine since it came on 24 hours post vax and it could have been an immune reaction. That has subsided! I also had some other joint issues in my wrists and ankles that subsided within a month.

Honestly the more I can stay away from the Dr. the better. Nothing like shelling out money and being told it's in your head. :(

I figured I had some over reaction of my immune system and any tests at this point would be more risk... Spinal tap... MRI w/ contrast. No thanks. I also feel that the medical community in general feels that this vaccine reactions are not real which only adds to my alienation from the system.

From what I have read unless I am having weakness and it's bilateral I am not going to go to the Dr. I am just treating this like peripheral neuropathy. It may get better or it may get worse, who knows. I don't want any drugs because the severity of the symptoms are mild and just annoying at this point.

Albertakewl 12-10-2014 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by ATX_Man (Post 1112155)
I saw two doctors last year.. a neurologist and then an orthopedic specialist.

I stopped going to my neuro because her notes indicated it was all in my head. She also made a mention that an MRI to rule out MS would be a waste because I don't have MS and that her physical exam would show it. She then went on to say she never has missed a dx in her physical exam. So I was pretty much stonewalled. I didn't have the energy to bang my head on the wall at another neuro office since it takes a while to get in to a good specialist.

I had pretty bad lower back pain for about 6 months. I did go to an ortho and after 4 months of PT I had a lower back MRI. She said it look like arthritis. She actually stated it could have been related to the vaccine since it came on 24 hours post vax and it could have been an immune reaction. That has subsided! I also had some other joint issues in my wrists and ankles that subsided within a month.

Honestly the more I can stay away from the Dr. the better. Nothing like shelling out money and being told it's in your head. :(

I figured I had some over reaction of my immune system and any tests at this point would be more risk... Spinal tap... MRI w/ contrast. No thanks. I also feel that the medical community in general feels that this vaccine reactions are not real which only adds to my alienation from the system.

From what I have read unless I am having weakness and it's bilateral I am not going to go to the Dr. I am just treating this like peripheral neuropathy. It may get better or it may get worse, who knows. I don't want any drugs because the severity of the symptoms are mild and just annoying at this point.

I know what u mean. Because I have been givin no direction. I just wish I knew what next. But I have to wait to see. We don't pay for medical care here, which is kinda nice. And I've noticed with my joint pain it comes and goes, like this weekend I had it for a few days and now it's gone. But my back hurts all the time now. And my eyes hurt.... I hope it goes away.. So did you have to report it to the public health there?

ATX_Man 12-10-2014 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Albertakewl (Post 1112174)
I know what u mean. Because I have been givin no direction. I just wish I knew what next. But I have to wait to see. We don't pay for medical care here, which is kinda nice. And I've noticed with my joint pain it comes and goes, like this weekend I had it for a few days and now it's gone. But my back hurts all the time now. And my eyes hurt.... I hope it goes away.. So did you have to report it to the public health there?

The involvement of your eyes, joints and back you might want to look up Reactive Arthritis/Reiters Syndrome as well.

Yeah my back hurt for ~6 months... Worse in the first 4 months. I even switched to a standing desk because it hurt to sit.

I can make a VAERS Report but I am waiting until my syptoms stabilize, subside or I have a dx.

Hope you feel better soon.

Albertakewl 12-10-2014 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by ATX_Man (Post 1112214)
The involvement of your eyes, joints and back you might want to look up Reactive Arthritis/Reiters Syndrome as well.

Yeah my back hurt for ~6 months... Worse in the first 4 months. I even switched to a standing desk because it hurt to sit.

I can make a VAERS Report but I am waiting until my syptoms stabilize, subside or I have a dx.

Hope you feel better soon.

I hope u get better..Did u end up getting reactive arthritis/reiters syndrome from this? And what is dx? I just look this 2 things up. But it doesn't make sense? Is there a relation with that vaccine?

ATX_Man 12-10-2014 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Albertakewl (Post 1112226)
I hope u get better..Did u end up getting reactive arthritis/reiters syndrome from this? And what is dx? I just look this 2 things up. But it doesn't make sense? Is there a relation with that vaccine?

dx is diagnosis.

Reactive Arthritis can be from a viral or bacterial infection.

Which a vaccine would simulate.

I was never officially diagnosed with anything.

Again not a Dr here but the main thing that sets reactive arthritis apart from others is the involvement with the eye.

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