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Jomar 05-30-2018 05:22 PM

Anyone trying MJ, THC, CBD oil products ?
I was wondering how well it works for you, and what main issues you use it for ?

kiwi33 05-30-2018 07:15 PM

Medicinal cannabis is legal here on prescription only.

It is still early days but it seems that it can be prescribed for a range of conditions including management of epilepsy, MS, chronic pain and palliative care.

caroline2 06-23-2018 12:51 PM

I've purchased several types of CBD tinctures and didn't go for the HIGH priced products and they really have NOT done anything for me. Also working with a couple CBD salves with 100mg and 500mg strength and I get "maybe" a little pain relief.

If it takes like 1000mg strengths, then the price goes sky high, for my purse anyway.

I'm trying it for arthritic pain.

PurpleFoot721 06-23-2018 02:17 PM

I have tried some stuff a friend of mine makes. He insisted that I try it for my CRPS but the oils just don't seem to help for me.

6thCranialNerve 07-27-2018 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Jo*mar (Post 1263275)
I was wondering how well it works for you, and what main issues you use it for ?

I am using it for chemoneuropathy and muscle pain from Myasthenia Gravis. It must be working because when I feel better I forget to take it! The first time I used it I must have take too low a dose; because it didn't really work well for me. I heard about a neurologist using it in Florida to treat a lady with MG so I bought some in a higher dose. You can always add to your dose so I don't recommend beginning high; but low and work your way up.

Kayll89 07-27-2018 08:24 PM

I have tried CBD/THC oil and have had no luck. I suffer from daily headaches (9+ hours a day). However I know some people who say it works wonders for them. Guess everyone reacts differently to it, always worth a shot! :)

Jomar 08-02-2018 01:04 PM

A related thread with good info on our PN forum.

Bradcym 09-17-2018 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by Jo*mar (Post 1263275)
I was wondering how well it works for you, and what main issues you use it for ?

I was wondering the same thing. I was diagnosed with MG 2weeks ago after ER visit, but don’t go to see Nuero until Tuesday. At the hospital they ran blood test, but didn’t have results when I left. I’m currently taking 90mg mestinon. (3X day) which isn’t doing much other than keeping my eye from drooping. What questions should I be asking @ appt? Fell like I’m getting no where fast and ready to try something else. My neighbor also was diagnosed with this several yrs ago, but after plasma treatment has gone into remission. Hoping to try that also since I know someone that has worked for.

DejaVu 10-09-2018 01:05 AM

I am currently trying mmj for chronic pain (neuropathy, Psoriatic Arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraine, CRPS) as well as for C-PTSD and for sleep.

Zero migraines.
Helps some with pain.
Helps with anxiety and c-PTSD.
Definitely helps with sleep.

I am currently vaping the actual "herb." However, I would like to find a suitable alternative method; no matter what you are told, vaping does release some smoke. I want to be smoke-free. I will be going to the dispensary again soon.


caroline2 01-31-2019 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Kayll89 (Post 1265824)
I have tried CBD/THC oil and have had no luck. I suffer from daily headaches (9+ hours a day). However I know some people who say it works wonders for them. Guess everyone reacts differently to it, always worth a shot! :)

Just reading this thread, do you still have your headaches. Could these be sinus headaches. I would say give Grape Seed Extract a good trial and you could be very pleased with results. I get no headaches in mega years and on grape seed ex about 24 yrs.

CRPSinSC 02-08-2019 10:36 AM

Actually, thc is illegal in my state, medicinally as well as recreationally. I "timed" a trip to CO with a friend to try these products. Since I am in pain mgt. I can't have this in my system when tested, so my trip was inbetween appts. to ensure I tested properly when I got back to my pain mgt. doc.

I cannot tolerate smoking it, so I bought some of the "rub on" creams and ointments and tried several over the course of the days I was in CO. I wanted to know if it worked well, and would have been willing to literally move if it did a lot (CRPS brings that out of us, lol). Anyway, I found that by rubbing the combination THC/CBD ointment (only 1 brand got me the results I am speaking of), I actually did have places where the pain in that area melted away. Other areas, it did absolutely nothing for me. Where the pain melted away, it melted away in grande style, and where it didn't work, it really didn't work at all.

Of the 5 or 6 brands I tried (I literally went to like 4 shops and got a variety as this was an intentional and purposeful trip to see if I could really get relief), again, I found that only 1 brand did work for me, and of that, only in certain places on my body. The bottle was black with blue writing and the name of the product was named Luxeleaf.

talk0neuros 05-12-2019 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by caroline2 (Post 1271916)
Just reading this thread, do you still have your headaches. Could these be sinus headaches. I would say give Grape Seed Extract a good trial and you could be very pleased with results. I get no headaches in mega years and on grape seed ex about 24 yrs.

Interesting! I thought grape seed oil was somewhat similar to caffeine (at least when I tried it many years ago). In the 90s, it was marketed as a workout supplement by "Weider" and others. I tried it and remember that it upset my stomach and made me feel very edgy and clinically "yucky". I know,, dont say it- sour grapes... But who knows what they were putting in their products at that time. Glad it works well for you!

FramSNF12345 08-30-2019 01:46 PM

Me too yet

Originally Posted by DejaVu (Post 1268467)
I am currently trying mmj for chronic pain (neuropathy, Psoriatic Arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraine, CRPS) as well as for C-PTSD and for sleep.

Zero migraines.
Helps some with pain.
Helps with anxiety and c-PTSD.
Definitely helps with sleep.

I am currently vaping the actual "herb." However, I would like to find a suitable alternative method; no matter what you are told, vaping does release some smoke. I want to be smoke-free. I will be going to the dispensary again soon.


I got medical in my state and the RSO oil comes in a syringe and I make my own capsules.
Hard to measure. I use tooth pick and buy gel caps to fill.
Taken on empty stomach at night for sleep and wake no pain.
It is said that it must get to small intestine and not have stomach acid destroy most of the dose. I take smaller dose in am & that kicks in about noon!
RSO is Rick Simpson Oil developed in 70’s. If it is medical grade CBD oil, it should work.

Lots YouTube videos on making your own!
If you can afford!

Oh the medicated medical pot lotion is amazing on nerve pIn! It works better than all things I have tried. Last hours! Just for when I am out places or breakthrough pain!

I spent a year planning the switch, better to have a plan and it is costly. I quit cable and tightened up bills so I can feel better!

As another said start low dose try different strains and mix up strains to maximize dependence!
Find your dose. Good to alternate strains if possible, by using tincture or smoke every few weeks or ur own awareness.

I had to do a smoke that puts me to sleep, (nothing was working bc of withdrawal I guess -INSOMNIA) one tiny bit, then the RSO does the best sleep.

I still use magnesium at bed, Neuroton still, vitamins meditating self hypnosis...

The medical pot people should be able to direct you yet took months trial to find my way and will need to adapt as I finish my taper off Tramadol!

Hope all find their way!

bruegger84 02-26-2020 03:53 AM

Mj and CBD
So starting off in college I tried marijuana and it may have led me down a path of depression and sleeping issues back in 2005. That led me to today where I am on disability for depression and anxiety.

Fast forward to 2011 where i was at a party and drinking and was offered pot again. I was in a good mood so maybe this time will be different. It was different i had a great night's sleep.

So in general today my opinion on pot is YMMV. But when cbd came out in stores i decided to try that. Well, I did have limited success. First I bought gummies which were called Just CBD, for me these gummies worked to relax and a little sedation as well, but not like a chemical sedation but more natural. These were 10 mg each cannabidinol. I also heard on CNN that CBD is metabolized in the liver so it can somehow block absorption of certain medications. So it's not totally harmless as they would have you believe.

They did not however help pain. For pain I think the creams/lotions are better. For that I went to Seventh sense in the mall, they had a CBD deep relief cream with arnica and menthol, not sure if it was the menthol but it seemed to work on tired and painful muscles. I also put it on my feet at night like some people put vicks vapor on their feet. So in general Ive had success with CBD, not so much with weed.

newToSFN 03-01-2020 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Jo*mar (Post 1263275)
I was wondering how well it works for you, and what main issues you use it for ?

I've tried applying CBD oil topically to treat muscle spasms, electric shock sensations, and pins/needles sensations, and it hasn't offered any benefit whatsoever to me (nor has it provided any side effects).

estabon64 02-01-2021 11:43 AM

cbd salve hasnt seemed to help any of my PN foot tingling. 30 bucks a bottle... expected more.....

Lara 02-01-2021 11:00 PM

Australia low-dose CBD oil
Low-dose cannabidiol (CBD) can be sold OTC in pharmacies around Australia from yesterday 1st February 2021 without prescription.

It's apparently low dose of no more than 150 milligrams per day. I have no idea how that translates.

It is not PBS at this stage so I have no idea of the price yet in my country. Vaping or topical cream products still need a prescription.

I will try some for my cancer/immunotherapy pain and other side effects at some time I imagine. I was probably eligible for a prescription for some time but I didn't really think about it. [I just read that our AMA isn't particularly happy with pharmacies being able to sell it OTC because they're concerned that pharmacists are not trained enough in its use and so some people who are already dealing with epilepsy, anxiety and other conditions will now not see their doctors as regularly as they need.]

This is actually an enormous milestone to see in my lifetime. I could go on but i won't.

Sculptor44 02-05-2021 08:31 PM

So grateful for topical CBD !
The CBD oil Charlottes Web has changed my life. I have occipital nerve pain diagnosis on left face. This was initial reason for use along with symptoms I now know are like or are an aura for a migraine. I call it brain mush. I used to have it all day at times. Now only for short occasionally. I have had an application of the oil on my temple and forehead interrupt a worsening ocular migraine. Also it has improved my sleep and is amazing for spasms. Infantile spasms is one of the things is what is or soon will be medically approved for.. I was really desperate when I tried it as getting pain treatment in Iowa is near impossible. I literally learned acupuncture a short version with my former acupuncturist as one of several tools to manage my face and eye pain. It started at corner of left eye years ago. I trust the Stanley Brothers who developed Charlottes Web for Charlotte Figi. Her story is wonderful if you get a chance. Sculptor44

Lara 02-05-2021 11:26 PM

Great to read that it's helped you so much. I just read some info on the people you mentioned and learned a lot especially relating to terminology. Thanks for that.
I don't know what's going on here in my country after that announcement they made. I heard the next day that it'll take 6 to 12 months before anything is available OTC.
That link from the PN forum that Jomar posted higher up on the thread is worth reading too. Lots of information there.

steeler 04-12-2021 11:44 AM

I bought a 250mg bottle of CBD oil recently and I chose the more expensive stuff but it did nothing for me unfortunately. It is a good laxative however.

Kitt 04-12-2021 05:44 PM

Welcome steeler. :Wave-Hello:

tnthomas 04-19-2021 10:25 PM

CBD oil was a huge disappointment for me, so expensive and no noticeable relief from pain or anxiety. I do know people that have had positive results, however.

We use Indica gummies for better sleep, definitely works great.

Atticus 04-20-2021 12:41 AM

I too tried CBD oil without any noticeable benefit.

This link might be useful for people unfamiliar with CBD and Indica etc

Sativa vs. Indica vs. Hybrid: Chart, Different Use, Side Effects, More

davOD 04-24-2021 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Atticus (Post 1293113)
I too tried CBD oil without any noticeable benefit.

This link might be useful for people unfamiliar with CBD and Indica etc

Sativa vs. Indica vs. Hybrid: Chart, Different Use, Side Effects, More

That was a easy reading article and can help answer a lot of easy questions.

CBD is far more powerful if it is used with small amounts of thc..

CBD from hemp must have .03% thc....The number is silly as you can easily have higher amounts of thc without feeling any effect from it...At some point they just decided .03% was the number without any scientific research about it!

pink kitty 07-14-2021 07:02 PM

It's not legal here, unfortunately.

Hugs and respect to all

sandinmyears 11-14-2021 08:30 PM

As for epilepsy, my understanding is that it mainly works on children with certain types of epilepsy. My epileptologist was willing to try it though but my insurance wouldn’t cover it except for a tablet without THc.

davOD 11-16-2021 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by sandinmyears (Post 1296597)
As for epilepsy, my understanding is that it mainly works on children with certain types of epilepsy. My epileptologist was willing to try it though but my insurance wouldn’t cover it except for a tablet without THc.

Im 58 and its helped me.....I make my own oils, butter, and only vape flower, I have been off my anti-sezure meds for over 6 years now.

I sleep better and my night terrors are gone....Its all out of pocket for me.

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