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watsonsh 05-06-2008 08:25 PM

Daily Check-in and Encouragement
Hi Everyone!

We have some great new ideas for this forum.

*spit-polishing the new forum name*

First off we have a new name!

Its now Diabetes/Insulin Resistance/Metabolic Syndrome. Why the name change? There are common threads between each of these conditions. And the thought is if we broaden out to include them maybe we can increase and apply our learnings to improve our metabolism and impact these chronic conditions before they impact us.

Second is this Daily Check-in and Encouragement Thread. Some of the other forums have used this idea and it is kind of nice to have a ongoing thread that everyone can post how things are going all in a single place.

Let's try using this thread for our everyday hellos, encouragement and touch base posts.

Some other thoughts are to start a sticky section up top, maybe one for recipes as well as one with some of our important posts and links.

dorrie 05-06-2008 09:03 PM

I LOVE IT!!!! I hope this forum is hoppin' in no time!! I had a good diabetes day...feeling much better now that I have smartened up and got back on my meds cannot ignore this disease or it will bite ya in the butt!!!!!

watsonsh 05-06-2008 09:08 PM

Hi Dorrie

Thats great about your meds.

Today I added in a supplement called Metaglycemx to help my sugar and insulin metabolism. I was a little perkier :D

dorrie 05-06-2008 09:39 PM

I am a little bummed about the appears as if my sugars have changed for the worse and I have doubled up my glyberide...Dr allowed of course....seems that the big jump has helped but I guess I had these visions in my mind of getting of meds and controlling it myself by diet....once again my diabetes was not about to make my life that easy.....I will not give up is warmner and I will be much more active and drop some weight and maybe just maybe I will be able to get off someof the day at a time though...and thats not gonna happen today!! Have a nice night Shelley!:)

watsonsh 05-06-2008 09:41 PM

Ah Dorrie maybe we can motivate each other. I keep daydreaming about exercise, doing it is another thing :D

Fancylady_2006 05-06-2008 09:53 PM

This has been a nightmare of a day for me, one of the worse I can remember. If I can sleep I will consider myself lucky. My sugar is 116, thats not bad considering the day! have a good night everyone. Thanks, Shelley!

dorrie 05-06-2008 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by shelley (Post 274300)
Ah Dorrie maybe we can motivate each other. I keep daydreaming about exercise, doing it is another thing :D

HEE HEE:Funny-Post:Exercise!!! OK here I go:Dancing-Chilli:....This is how I would look during exercise!!!!!

And this is after exercise...:thud:

You gals take care and I will reconnect on Saturday....Hubby is going on business till then and he will have the laptop:grouphug:

dorrie 05-06-2008 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Fancylady_2006 (Post 274309)
This has been a nightmare of a day for me, one of the worse I can remember. If I can sleep I will consider myself lucky. My sugar is 116, thats not bad considering the day! have a good night everyone. Thanks, Shelley!

:hug:Hugs to you Billie.....remember God is with you always...he loves you very much and will make sure that you are OK.:hug:Luv Dorrie:)

shiney sue 05-06-2008 10:50 PM

i've been over in PN and eyeballing ya all if you don't mind mybe we can
help each other..See you tomorrow,:D:D:D you don't know what your in
for. ha!!! Hugs to all Sue

dorrie 05-07-2008 07:19 AM

Oh it figures!! Just when this forum starts to come alive....I won't have the laptop....

please ladies...keep things going so I have lots to read when hubby gets home on Satuday with the laptop!!

SHELLEY! I am loving the change in this forum already!!!
Welcome aboard Sue!!:)
Have a super week right...take your meds....check your sugars and exercise !!!!!! I should take my own advice:D:D
:grouphug:Hug to all!!!!
PS Billie....keep an eye on those sugars of your...I know when something upsets me mine skyrockets....take Care xoxo

watsonsh 05-07-2008 08:41 PM

YAY sue! Glad to have ya!

Dorrie we will miss you the next couple of days. Tell that hubby to hurry home.

Well me....I fell off the wagon today. Gave in to my choccy craving...7 pieces :eek::eek::eek:

Bad Shelley, Bad Shelley

Good thing is there will be another wagon to get on tomorrow. :D

watsonsh 05-10-2008 11:38 AM

Checking in! Gonna be an active Saturday. Make sure to take your meds and watch what you eat!

dorrie 05-10-2008 09:41 PM

Hey Shelley...there must be something wrong with that wagon because I fell off it too!!!!:DBig Mac....there were healthier choices on the menu but I was putty in Ronald McDonalds hands....I did however pass on the fries!!!!!:p
Yesterday it was Lucky Charms cereal..marshmellos yum...
I get bored at night and it is worse when hubby is away....he is back now but is headed back out Mon-Friday next week to Kentucky. Again I will not have the laptop for those days...I will miss NT.
I hope Billie is keeping an eye on her sugars...hers are like mine when there is stress..they shoot up.
BILLIE..please take Care of yourself and hurry back! We need you!!!
Take Care Shelley!:grouphug:

dorrie 05-11-2008 11:04 AM

Happy Mothers Day To All Moms!!
:)I was sitting here thinking just now about hubby going away for the week and how hard it is to not be bored when he is not here in the evening when Saffy is in bed. EVERY single time he goes for a week I ALWAYS plan on losing a few pounds or more but NEVER end up doing it. I will not have the laptop and that eliminates that support from you guys!
I am going to try really hard to change things this time and hopefully have something good to report on Friday to you gals!! :)

SandyC 05-11-2008 11:19 AM

My doctors appointment is Tuesday May 20th. I am excited to see if my cholesterol, trigs and sugars went down. I lost some weight and got rid of the sweet tea. We'll see!

And yes, as you all know, I fell off my wagon too this week but we need to allow ourselves at least one treat. I always heard you will fall if you try to go cold turkey. For me, it's working. I reward myself Friday nights for that.

dorrie 05-11-2008 12:10 PM

Hi Sandy!! Happy Mothers Day!!:)

I never thought to reward myself for having a good week!! There are lots of yummy but ok things I could make up for Friday night...I love sugar free jello but rarely take the time to make it....there are puddings that I can eat....a fancy doodle recipe perhaps!! Tahnk you for the idea!!
How is your Mom doing Sandy? How are you holding up? I cannot remember what day you said was her appointment??
I hope that your appointment goes well on the 20th....I really need to get it together so my next appointment is more positive than the last one!!
Have a great day:):grouphug:

dorrie 05-11-2008 08:38 PM

Heres to a great, healthy week ahead!!! See you all on Friday!!:grouphug:

SandyC 05-11-2008 11:22 PM

Thanks Dorrie! I think rewarding yourself for a good week gives you something to look forward to. It helps Jim and I to be more aware of our choices throughout the week knowing we can have something on Friday's. You should see us on Fridays! lol Happy dances and big smiles haha! :Dancing-Chilli::Dancing-Chilli:

I do make lowfat snacks on Fridays too. For example, I may make some brownies but they are the low fat, fake egg kind. Or I will make a lime jello dessert with fat free cool whip, pineapples and pears. Yum! :D

Mom is doing Ok. She is getting tired of living with my sister in the small house but they are making the best of it. Her appointment is the 14th and we'll know for sure what path she is going to need to take as far as her disability. I am expecting her to be able to come up and stay with us in July and we'll fly her back in January. Lord, give Jim and I strength. lol

prettypearlgirl 05-14-2008 12:50 AM

Sure wish someone here was on an insulin pump like me:( It would be so nice to have a few type 1's around to share common problems unique to type 1 diabetes.

On that note, I just adore my pump! I almost feel normal, even though I struggle with my sugar levels like everyone else here. The pump is way cool and so convenient with my insane lifestyle! No shots to worry about and if I miss a meal, it's no biggie any more. I'm packing insulin at a steady rate 24/7. I only bolus with the touch of a button when I eat something;)


watsonsh 05-14-2008 08:39 PM

Hi Carolyn!

Thanks for dropping in!

Sandy - were your trig's bad. Mine were in the 300's and I dropped them to the 100's. :D

Hope everyone is having a good day!

dorrie 05-16-2008 09:32 PM

Hi All! Carolyn...even though so far none of us have the insulin pump it is good that you mention it and chat about your days as well. Someone with type1 may happen to see your post while they are cruising or visiting!! I am happy for you that you are pleased with it...Lord knows if something helps normalize us it is wonderful!!
Raisonettes....:eek:....I LOVE raisonettes Shelley!! I bought some at the bulk store about a month ago...YUMMY..but my sugar flies up and I feel so sick after I eat them!!
Where has shiney Sue been...Sue Sue...where are you?!!!
Hope you are OK. did your Mom do at her appointment...I have been praying for her!
Billie!! PLEASE please check in with matter so much to me and I am worried about you ...I see that you have not been in all week...PM me if you want to but please connect in some way:hug:
I have had a rough week with alot of LOW sugars...converted it was around 48 and as low as 43....I felt like crap.....shaking, sweating, mixing up my words...frustrated, agitated, weak, was awful.
Today I kept it up to72...much better!! It is so takes me time to get over frightened me though and I was glad that Saffire was sleeping thru the worst low blow...I managed to call my Mom and Dad and keep them on the line....then checked in a few times afterwards.
What a disease!
Hope you all have a good night!!:grouphug:

watsonsh 05-17-2008 12:06 PM

Hi All!

Its a beautiful Saturday here. I am inspired by it and have decided to go to our storage locker and get out my bike and dust it off.

Dorrie - how scary about your sugars. I am glad though you had support in your mom and dad.

Billie, please come back we miss you. I want to see some of those lovely pics you post each day. You have no idea how some of them just made me smile. :hug:

Carolyn, I am working on a sticky for this forum. So if you have some good advice for pump users ot Diabetes 1 please let me know.

Good day to all!:grouphug:

Fancylady_2006 05-17-2008 03:42 PM
Hi Dorrie, Shelley & group,
I am okay. I just got off work. Didn't have to do much like some weeks. The last I knew my diet was okay also. About the same. I do have to watch in order not to gain. Of'course I feel better, since I am not suppose to eat sugar anyway. My exercise is going fine. I walk everyday and go a long ways somedays.

Say Carolyn, I do know someone in our town that is on a insulin pump. She said she is doing great the last time I ask her. She is a teenager and skinny as can be. I remember when her reading was real high, like better three hundred. I don't know much about her tho. If you want me to ask her any questions I'd be glad to. She works at the grocery store.

dorrie 05-17-2008 04:43 PM

Hello fellow diabetics!!!! Good to see you popped in Billie!!! I hear that Shelley is starting South Beach tomorrow!! I have a hard time with the low low carb sugars drop too low and I get really sick...however I think I will take the book out at the library and check it out!! I would love to get on to a program that actually works!!
My sugars are better today...I have made a point of checking my sugar more often and eating a little more appropriatley....except those 20 or so lucky charms marshmellows...I wanted more but did not want the high sugar to go with it!! This disease really is a tricky and constant battle!
Have a great day:grouphug:

dorrie 05-17-2008 07:43 PM

Hi Shelley! The South Beach there a version for diabetics? Just curious as I have been on Atkins before and there just was not enough carbs to keep my sugars up...I ended up sick.
ps...I hope there is!:hug:

watsonsh 05-17-2008 09:33 PM

YAY Billie!!!!!! I love the picture. I feel like that sometimes. :D

Hmmmmm Dorries I dont know if SB works for diabetics. I am not full blown diabteic yet evern though it runs in the family. I am insulin resistant which is one step away. I know I last longer between meals if I balance my proteins and carbs. So I usually try to do 40% protein, 30% carbs and 30% fats. The fats are the good fats none of that transfats stuff. And the carbs are usually veggies or low glycemic fruits. Hey did you know that cherries are one of the lowest glycemic fruits?

Have a god night everyone.
Oh yeah and I got my bike out today so I will start exercising!

dorrie 05-17-2008 11:08 PM

Good Luck with the diet and the exercise Shelley.....I am going to really think about joining you guys however must do a little research to see if there are enough carbs in it for me!
Please keep an eye on your sugars Shelley!! :hug:

dorrie 05-18-2008 10:23 AM

Tomorrow is the day Shelley!! Don't be like me and splurge today...won't help you later!!!!
We are going out on the road today....I must remember to eat!!! Got my sugar pills just in case!!
You gals all have a super day:grouphug:

watsonsh 05-18-2008 11:38 AM

Dorrie...I saw you on the other thread. Put those lucky Charms down. :mad:

Have fun on your outing today.

Hugs for the room. :grouphug:

dorrie 05-18-2008 08:00 PM

Hello!! I am back....munched on the babys arrowroot cookies...lots of them...a yogurt and coffee in the car. Got home..fed Saffire and ate some DELICIOUS cherries.........oh they were yummy! Had to put off my dinner and pills as my sugar is a bit too high to eat yet.........oh I forgot to mention the yummy ice cream cone...maple syrup and chocolate caramel chunks that I had ...just a medium one....bad was soooo good:D
I know....I need to get serious..seriously.
Hope everyone elses day was good.
Are you ready for tomorrow Shelley?:hug:hugs for luck!!

dorrie 05-18-2008 08:23 PM

Check out my new avatar...thats my SAFFIRE. Isn't she a sweetie!!:)

watsonsh 05-18-2008 08:30 PM

What a Doll!!!!! She is so cute Dorrie.

dorrie 05-18-2008 08:45 PM

Thanks Shelley!!:)

dorrie 05-19-2008 01:19 PM

DAY # 1 Shelley!!!!!:yahoo: How is it going?!

dorrie 05-22-2008 10:43 PM

Hey Gals!! Check in so I know you are all OK...please!!:)
I worry about my friends here and OH MY I am a worry help me out...even if you just!!!!:grouphug:

dorrie 05-24-2008 01:41 PM

I feel alone
on this thread...its like the daily check in and encouragement thread on our weight loss forum...dwindled out....oh well..its a shame that these threads did not turn out to be as supportive as they seemed to be at first.:( You guys take care:)

watsonsh 05-24-2008 01:52 PM

I'm here Dorrie! Ho was your week. I did pretty good for the most part. Been a little more activity in this forum with some post this week. Gonne try to build this forum up a little more. :hug:

dorrie 05-24-2008 02:34 PM

So good to hear from you Shelley...I really hope this thread survives...I mentioned to the gals at weight loss that I did join another group for extra support but I do love it here so it makes me :Dhappy to hear from you! I am struggling with LOW sugars right now...they keep dropping to 42 and 43! Yesterday it happened so fast! Saffire and I were in a department store when I felt that feeling come over me...I went to check out immediately..grabbing some chocolate on the way. I took 2 glucose pills at the cash and headed out. I could barely walk let alone carry Saffire....all I wanted to do was get her in her car seat and buckled so that she was safe...I made it then talked to hubby on cell untill I was able to drive again....I still felt weak from it last night!
It is a bummer...if I cut back on my meds it goes too high...take the right dose it goes to low....this disease sure is tricky!!:confused:

watsonsh 05-24-2008 02:37 PM

That is soooo scary Dorrie. I am glad you are ok :hug::hug:

My sugar does not drop like that. What does the doc say about yours going so low. You also take diabetes meds too right? Which one?

dorrie 05-24-2008 02:47 PM

I take Metformin and Glyberide...and the doctor says that I need to eat more often...snack!!! Trying to lose weight is hard enough!! I need to play around with different combinations ie p. butter and crackers...cheeses and crackers etc and figure out what holds me over the longest and is not going to make me gain weight....I think I will dig out my old curves lists the GI index for foods!
I never had the low sugar probs when I was first dx'ed...not even extremely high...that was 2 years ago and my things have changed!!

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