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Nellyzen 12-26-2013 01:01 PM

Dr Stoxen says he can cure me in 4 days
So I had a talk with him and he said it would be as simple as 3-4 days of 8 hour sessions and that's it.

Now of course to someone who is desperate like me, this sounds like the Mecca of healing. I can't be objective about this, I want my life back, who doesn't?

Needless to say it would be a very expensive "adventure" and if it doesn't work? I haven't even tried PT or anything else, I guess I am simply very impatient. I want it over like....yesterday...if possible.

Do I go to Chicago? Do I go live with some Buddhist monks who can teach me about patience? :confused:

Jomar 12-26-2013 03:16 PM

Doe she give any kind of guarantee? :confused:

I just don't know how he can say that only by talking with someone and not actually seeing a person in person..and doing an assessment..

IMO it nearly always takes time to get a handle on these kinds of injury/conditions..

Did you add up the total costs of travel, food, hotel and his fees for that kind of time frame work?
Did he give any fee or pall bark cost for that kind of treatment?

I'd do that first off - just to see if it is in your ball park or not..

cyclist 12-26-2013 04:38 PM

I don't know what to think about this guy.
8 hours a day of body work for 4 days seems pretty intense on the body.
And, promising a "cure".....just seems sketchy to me.

I have been to many highly reputable doctors and they just don't make promises like that...

How much is he charging you?

Nellyzen 12-26-2013 05:05 PM

It is very expensive, I think with travel, food, hotel etc it would be about 6-7k. If somebody could really cure me in 4 days, I guess it would be worth it no matter if you can afford it or not.

The question is...if TOS could be cured in 4 days there wouldn't be a person in this world suffering for months or years, right?

And how would the body be able to handle 8 hours of deep tissue massage, for 3-4 days in a row?

cyclist 12-26-2013 05:37 PM

I am he willing to connect you with some of his previous patients so that you could discuss your questions/concerns with them??

When I told Dr. Jason Lee that I was scared of the TOS surgery, he offered to connect me with some of his previous patients so that I could discuss my questions/concerns with them. Now, of course, he is only going to connect me with someone who had a successful outcome...but still.... it shows he does have some successful outcomes and was willing to help me connect to another patient to get a patient perspective on it.

Jomar 12-26-2013 05:44 PM

All I can say is some things will work for some people , and some things won't... I know that doesn't help you decide though...

my best suggestion is to do lots of web searches for pts of his and try to get any direct info story from them..

Nellyzen 12-26-2013 05:57 PM

I can't find any reviews about him regarding TOS. Not a single one.

kellysf 12-26-2013 06:25 PM

I guess I'm going to split the difference here. If I were you, I'd try PT first, someplace closer to home. PT works for a lot of people (though it always made me worse). If PT or some other less intensive body work doesn't help you, then you can shell out $6-7K.

I know you want TOS gone tomorrow but most people don't have that outcome unless they have vascular TOS or cervical ribs. Some of those people are instantly better with surgery. The rest of us get out of this, if we do, gradually -- just like we got into it.

I understand your desperation and I share it. But I wouldn't trust anyone who says they can cure you in 4 days. Many of us with NTOS have over sensitized nervous systems that can't handle that kind of stimuli.

Good luck making your decision.

cyclist 12-26-2013 06:39 PM

I'll just say this...

Doctors who work alone, don't accept insurance and make big promises -- scare me.

I had an experience with a doctor who turned out to be running a wholly unethical practice. I think this is very rare, but it does happen. And, for me, I was horrified when I realized what was going on. In the end, I was grateful that I was not harmed and only lost some money from the ordeal. But, from now on, I only go to doctors at major medical institutions, or who are working in coordination with many other doctors at busy private clinics.

So -- please be careful. Its not only about the money, you also don't want to let someone harm you.

Nellyzen 12-26-2013 07:14 PM

I absolutely have concerns that go beyond the financial aspect of it, that is why I started this thread.

I have considered the idea but not very seriously simply because what sounds too good to be true it usually is...unless the guy is a genius. I also don't like it when someone tells me "I am your only hope".

Yes, I do want the TOS to go away tomorrow if possible but since it has taken so much time for other people, I understand it's a process...that's why I'm very wary when someone tells me they can cure me in 4 days.

I will def try PT first...I'm still adjusting to my condition and I'm just very frustrated.

He just sounds so much like a salesperson instead of a medical professional...basically doing the math for me ( since I'm losing money anyways because I can't work) trying to convince me it's actually not that expensive. Did not address my concerns very much, just kept telling me he can cure me and this condition is very easy to treat, but only by him.

cyclist 12-26-2013 07:47 PM

Nellyzen - thank you for starting the thread and sharing your experience with him thus far. I have seen one of Dr. Stoxen's presentations and he does seem knowledgeable. It is certainly enticing...and I have wondered about him...

Hopefully, other members of the forum can add to the thread and we can get a better picture of who this guy really is....

For now, I am still skeptical....
But, thanks again for sharing and starting this discussion.

Nellyzen 12-26-2013 08:15 PM

I wish I lived in Chicago so I can see him in person. My cousins used to live there but recently moved to Denver, bummer.

I should probably ask to talk to some of his patients. The way he tells the stories...they are so dramatic: one guy went to 26 drs around the world before coming to me. You know, like a regular Joe. How can I regular Joe afford to travel to 26 countries?

I mean I'm not saying he is not capable of what he says he is, but the stories. I'm so confused. I could probably easily spend or not make this money in the next few months if this continues and I don't get better. It's difficult to be objective when there is so much at stake.

elap 12-26-2013 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by Nellyzen (Post 1039645)

I have considered the idea but not very seriously simply because what sounds too good to be true it usually is...unless the guy is a genius. I also don't like it when someone tells me "I am your only hope".

As I posted on a different thread, I spoke with Stoxen a while back and also got the same sales pitch and scare tactics: only he can cure me, I wouldn't recover if I didn't get treatment from him, ultimately I'd be saving money going to him. He seems to understand the mechanics of TOS, but the hard sell is off-putting and more importantly, there's no way a few days of 8 hr/day sessions will cure me. I've been dealing with TOS symptoms since 2009, have been to many therapists, tried many types of treatment, and have a pretty good idea what works and what won't. Though, wouldn't it be great if this chiropractor were the holy grail.

Nellyzen 12-26-2013 09:18 PM

Yeah, I don't like scare tactics and I've been in sales for about 10 years. Doesn't work on me.

Jomar 12-26-2013 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Nellyzen (Post 1039634)
I can't find any reviews about him regarding TOS. Not a single one.

I wouldn't limit the searches to TOS only, there are many other debilitating conditions that he might have helped people with...

But if he did the hard sell thing...that would put me off too for certain..

I do agree though that other PTs or chiros or perhaps even osteopathic drs can be helpful - but seeking them out is the trouble as they might not even have TOS or similar conditions mentioned in the ad or website or phone book.

Basically you have to call or email them and ask questions to narrow down your choices, then go for an evaluation appt and see if there is a understanding or not..

elap 12-26-2013 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Nellyzen (Post 1039667)
Yeah, I don't like scare tactics and I've been in sales for about 10 years. Doesn't work on me.

Based on my (few) good and (many) bad therapy experiences, I think the approach outlined here makes sense, at least for me: http://physical-therapy.advanceweb.c...-Syndrome.aspx But where to find a good PT is the issue.

I've found this book an invaluable resource for trigger point work: (check out the reviews). There's a lot out there about trigger point treatment, most of which doesn't seem to work for me, but this approach is straight-forward, gentle, and for me effective. I've had debilitating headaches and jaw pain (prevented my chewing food for about a year) and these horrible symptoms are well under control, although not gone, largely due to my following trigger point work as explained here. Unfortunately, I've yet to find trigger point work effective for the pain radiating down both arms and into the hands.

Also see:
The "Cyriax release maneuver" and first rib mobilization have somewhat helped relieve symptoms.

chroma 12-27-2013 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by elap (Post 1039676)
I've had debilitating headaches and jaw pain (prevented my chewing food for about a year) and these horrible symptoms are well under control, although not gone, largely due to my following trigger point work as explained here.

Which trigger points did you find useful for the jaw pain?


Originally Posted by elap (Post 1039676)
Also see:
The "Cyriax release maneuver" and first rib mobilization have somewhat helped relieve symptoms.

Same here. Good stuff.

chroma 12-27-2013 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Nellyzen (Post 1039655)
I should probably ask to talk to some of his patients.

This seems like the logical next step.

His approach is definitely interesting. MDs won't do muscle therapy on you, and PTs and other chiros will typically only see you 1 - 3 hours a week which leaves a whole lot of hours in between for TOS to continue to progress.

elap 12-27-2013 09:14 AM

[QUOTE=chroma;1039691]Which trigger points did you find useful for the jaw pain?

SCM, scalenes, masseter, digastric.

JJWI 12-27-2013 07:12 PM

Google IL state license lookup. This doctor is currently on probation and has had complaints filed against him for false advertising. I tried posting a link, but it is telling me I need to have at least 10 posts.

Nellyzen 12-27-2013 08:42 PM

I guess in a way I'm "relieved", I mean I wish there was a miracle cure but yes, it did seem to good to be true. Maybe he has cured some people but I certainly wouldn't want to spend that kind of money to find out he can't.

elap 12-27-2013 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by JJWI (Post 1039816)
Google IL state license lookup. This doctor is currently on probation and has had complaints filed against him for false advertising. I tried posting a link, but it is telling me I need to have at least 10 posts.

chroma 12-27-2013 10:53 PM

Thanks for that info JJWI.

I looked him up at:

It says he's on probation. His offenses are:
2008 - Failure to pay state taxes
2006 - Deceptive advertising.
2000 - Allegedly practicing on a non-renewed license. $2500 FINE DUE WITHIN 60 DAYS
1996 - Allegedly inadequately maintained patient billing records and failed to document reasons for conducting certain tests. $3500 FINE PAYABLE IMMEDIATELY - PAID

At it says James E. Stoxen, Chicago – chiropractor license (038-005767) reprimanded and fined $2,500 for deceptive advertising." -- no other details. The "0605" in the filename stands for 2006-05 I believe and matches the record above.

No sanctions or malpractice found here:

Whether or not a 2006 violation of deceptive advertising is deal killer is up to each of us. I don't really care about his taxes or the older stuff. Honestly, if I lived by Chicago I probably would have just tried him already.

But I'm out in Cali and will be self treating my scalenes in 2014.

DiMarie 12-27-2013 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Nellyzen (Post 1039598)
So I had a talk with him and he said it would be as simple as 3-4 days of 8 hour sessions and that's it.

Now of course to someone who is desperate like me, this sounds like the Mecca of healing. I can't be objective about this, I want my life back, who doesn't?

Needless to say it would be a very expensive "adventure" and if it doesn't work? I haven't even tried PT or anything else, I guess I am simply very impatient. I want it over like....yesterday...if possible.
Do I go to Chicago? Do I go live with some Buddhist monks who can teach me about patience? :confused:

OMG, after 20 years, No Way!!!!! Can the mechanisms behind TOS be cure in 4 days. The expense to, run, keep your cash. There is really nothing that doc is going to do you can't find with your own treatments. Know what causes your flares and reduces the pain.

Biofeedback back can be learned with medical coverage for psych that deals with chronic pain patients, or a great PT that massages, heat, Biofreeze ultra sound, TENs, being proactive to avoid flares of type A, personalities.

Many people that end up with TOS. Have an injury or anomalies. If the injury does not go away in a few months, such as a whiplash, then it is a long term issue.

Half of society has short fibrous bands that hold up the neck, repetitive activities, an injury, extra cervical ribs, larger ribs, many things could be in place only to be ignited from TOS incited flare.

The spasms of the muscles are trying to protect nerves. They are creating splints. That is why there are compressing tight spasms. Some things help loosen them, but the nerve is STILL flared!

Some meds, take away the activity that causes flares, massage, hot tub, Biofreeze, the modifications to your life help reduce or put into remission the flares. I use Valium for spasms as needed, pain meds as needed, trigger points, but more maintenance plan is cervical epidural in the C/5 hump on the back of my neck.

The daily control then is the traps, the butcher knife in my back, and hands/wrists.

I have heard in our family twice from docs with statements to fix or cure...they have no idea what they are dealing with. This is not a sprain or typical spasm! They can do, and did so much harm it was breath taking looking back on it. But, when you hurt so bad, you pay anything to feel better.

I saw one on Judge Judy the other day. The woman signed the contract, he took the money, no where in the contract did he "state" cure. Promise to feel better, then you do have a response noted in the office records you left happy and feeling better...contract fulfilled. It is not cure, your best friend could rub your neck and shoulders apply a heating pad and you will feel better.

My dd was sent to PT early in her the top PT massaged her, he could feel the spasms travel, across to the other side, down her neck and her arms pulled up in pain to her chest.

Instantly she worsened never to even get to the point prior to that visit. THAT is how a typical PT can manage to escalate you, not understanding the mechanisms and feel your body responding, TOS specialist treat you with kid gloves, not promises.
Would you take a chance to lose that money and feel more pain?

Run, go to plan B. a physiatrist may be the best doc for now until you know if you are getting better or worse.
I do hope you find help, but concerning is the promises or statements said.

Sorry for typos, hands are cringing after holiday a activities took a toll.

jkl626 12-28-2013 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Nellyzen (Post 1039828)
I guess in a way I'm "relieved", I mean I wish there was a miracle cure but yes, it did seem to good to be true. Maybe he has cured some people but I certainly wouldn't want to spend that kind of money to find out he can't.

How much does he charge?

I wasted alot of money on a chiro when I only had Degenerative disc diagnosis, and it kept getting worse. when I brought up TOS possibility he didnt believe me so I stopped seeing him but not after I spent a couple thousand dollars. it was $225 a visit. he did fancy traction on me which I have since found out can be bad for TOS.

Msudawg89 01-05-2014 06:36 PM

Dr Stoxen

Originally Posted by Nellyzen (Post 1039645)
I absolutely have concerns that go beyond the financial aspect of it, that is why I started this thread.

I have considered the idea but not very seriously simply because what sounds too good to be true it usually is...unless the guy is a genius. I also don't like it when someone tells me "I am your only hope".

Yes, I do want the TOS to go away tomorrow if possible but since it has taken so much time for other people, I understand it's a process...that's why I'm very wary when someone tells me they can cure me in 4 days.

I will def try PT first...I'm still adjusting to my condition and I'm just very frustrated.

He just sounds so much like a salesperson instead of a medical professional...basically doing the math for me ( since I'm losing money anyways because I can't work) trying to convince me it's actually not that expensive. Did not address my concerns very much, just kept telling me he can cure me and this condition is very easy to treat, but only by him.

I also spoke to Dr Stoxen. In theory I think his procedures could help. My neurological chiropractor said it could help but you don't know how long it will last. I think it depends on your TOS.
I am still unsure as you are about Dr Stoxen's methods and cost. The one thing that bothered me was he said I shouldn't have had surgery for my TOS and he might not be able to help me because I had a piece of my muscle removed in surgery.
I would like to talk to someone who has seen Dr Stoxen.

Hopeless 01-05-2014 07:32 PM

Interesting Thread

Originally Posted by Nellyzen (Post 1039598)
So I had a talk with him and he said it would be as simple as 3-4 days of 8 hour sessions and that's it.

Now of course to someone who is desperate like me, this sounds like the Mecca of healing. I can't be objective about this, I want my life back, who doesn't?

Needless to say it would be a very expensive "adventure" and if it doesn't work? I haven't even tried PT or anything else, I guess I am simply very impatient. I want it over like....yesterday...if possible.

Do I go to Chicago? Do I go live with some Buddhist monks who can teach me about patience? :confused:

I have never been diagnosed with TOS but the title of your thread caught my attention so I read all the posts to date. I found each and every one of them extremely interesting and very good points made by each poster.

My gut reaction when I read the thread title and your first comment was to say RUN, RUN AWAY as fast as you can. I am sorry but from what you have said in your posts, this guy sounds like he is selling snake oil to me. Maybe he has helped some people but maybe that was a fluke. Maybe they would have gotten better without him. Again, I am not well versed about TOS but it just sounds "fishy" and "too good to be true" to me. Just my opinion.

Nellyzen 01-26-2014 12:55 PM

After starting PT and chiro and seeing how sore and painful everything is, I am now 100% sure that I could not have handles 8 hours a day of massage if that were indeed the cure.

Glad common sense won the fight. :cool:

Tos gal 02-15-2014 09:41 PM

Dr Stoxen's license
I'm a former patient of Dr. Stoxen.

He is a chiropractor working on a probationary license with the illinois dept of financial and professional regulations. He has been disciplined several times. That is public record.
Google it. I put the link on but had to remove it since I'm a newbie here.

He hides his license on the wall cuz it's not active. Red flag......


And no he did not cure me in a few days. I could go on and on but the bottom line is I regret ever going to him and wasting my time and
money. he is knowledgable but extremely unprofessional in his comments and actions. he violated hippaa so Many times. (He trash talks other patients) .

I had that massage Assist machine. it was okay . he tried to get me to buy it.

husky601 02-17-2014 06:57 PM

Take a look in your PM Tos gal. Thank you


cyclist 02-18-2014 03:17 PM

FINALLY - someone who has seen this guy.... thank you Tos_gal!!

nospam 02-18-2014 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Tos gal (Post 1051282)
I'm a former patient of Dr. Stoxen.

He is a chiropractor working on a probationary license with the illinois dept of financial and professional regulations. He has been disciplined several times. That is public record.
Google it. I put the link on but had to remove it since I'm a newbie here.

Information found on:
James E Stoxen DC, 38005767, Chicago, IL

Action Discipline Start Date Discipline End Date Reason For Action

Probation 05/16/2008 Failure to file and/or pay Illinois state income taxes.

Reprimand 05/24/2006 Deceptive advertising.

Fine 05/24/2006 Deceptive advertising.

Fine 12/14/2000 Allegedly practicing on a non-renewed license. $2500 FINE DUE WITHIN 60 DAYS

Reprimand 12/14/2000 Allegedly practicing on a non-renewed license. $2500 FINE DUE WITHIN 60 DAYS

Probation 10/21/1996 10/20/1999 Allegedly inadequately maintained patient billing records and failed to document reasons for conducting certain tests. $3500 FINE PAYABLE IMMEDIATELY - PAID

Fine 10/11/1996 Allegedly inadequately maintained patient billing records and failed to document reasons for conducting certain tests. $3500 FINE PAYABLE IMMEDIATELY - PAID

husky601 03-03-2014 03:22 AM

This is pretty nice.


Nellyzen 08-06-2014 07:53 AM

I had to revisit the thread I started in December of last year.

I was so desperate when I got my diagnosis and the pain was/still is so disabling.

The moral of the story is, find the right dr and get the right testing and find out if you have arterial or venous issues as these can not be fixed by any amount of PT, massage, acupuncture, anti-inflammatory diets, etc.

These types of treatments can actually make arterial TOS worse and you may be at risk of blood clots.

Best of luck to everyone!

Gophs14 07-20-2021 11:38 AM

I actually just spoke to Dr.Stoxen on the phone for an hour last night. He talked for 56 minutes of that time. He barely asked me any questions but said he could knock my TOS out in 3-4 days for $1,500 per day.

The lack of questions made me nervous...he is about 60 years old and talking to me for an hour at 9pm at just seemed strange.

If anyone else on here has had a positive experience from his treatment please respond.

If I decide not to give his treatment a try I need some direction on specialists or doctors I could go to...
I've had TOS symptoms for over 2 years now. I had a pec minor release last fall and it helped minimally. I'm still having issues and now I'm on my 5th different PT.

I've tried massage, acupuncture, cupping, dry needling and most recently a cervical epidural at C5/C6.

I live in the Minneapolis, MN area. SO if anyone has any recommendations I'm all ears at this point. I am really trying to avoid the first rib resection as I'm not sure it would really help.

Jomar 09-07-2021 04:15 PM

You can set up privacy options on you tube.. non public, non shareable.. etc.

Change video privacy settings - Computer - YouTube Help

LJAS 02-07-2024 06:03 PM

Did you ever end up seeing Stoxen? How are you now?
Are you better?

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