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shiney sue 08-02-2007 01:49 AM

Pray for my Son ans family in mn.
As many off you most know my yougest and his family life in Mn. I have
not heard or been able to get through to them yet. I will be going to
hospital early in the morning. So i don't know if there keeping me over
night. Pleade also pray for all the strong and wonderfull people in that area/
You know how much my children mean to me. I sure there going to find.
Thanks so much and bless you Sue

dahlek 08-02-2007 05:42 AM

You and yours will be
on my mind today - let us know ASAP please! - j

MelodyL 08-02-2007 07:41 AM

Yeah, me too Sue:

I watched the whole thing on tv last night.

Hopefully they were not involved in that whole thing.

Please know you have our good wishes going your way.


Silverlady 08-02-2007 08:18 AM

for sue and family
I'm sending all the hugs and prayers this can possibly hold. :grouphug:

Let us know how things turn out for you.


nide44 08-02-2007 08:36 AM

Hope that their all OK.
Don't fret, and get yourself in an
anxiety over it. They'll be OK, I'm sure.

Brian 08-02-2007 03:10 PM

What a terrible thing to happen, I hope you hear some good news soon.
best wishes

flsun01 08-02-2007 03:30 PM

Wishing for good news...
.....from your family to you.

glenntaj 08-02-2007 04:13 PM

Crossing my fingers--
--and whatever other parts I can cross--that you hear from them safe and sound soon.

amit 08-02-2007 04:22 PM

hope for good news
I'll pray for you and your children and all the people in MN. it is so terrible. I have no words to exprese my feelings.

Aussie99 08-02-2007 04:33 PM

I will be praying for you, I am not sure what has happened,but anyone of us that needs a prayer, will certainly get one from me.

I hope everything is alright.

MelodyL 08-02-2007 04:41 PM


A bridge in Minneapolis collapsed. This is a much travelled bridge. Sue's family lives there. That's why she's afraid.

We are sending her our best wishes.


dahlek 08-02-2007 08:18 PM

Sue, Here's hoping...
that your family is all well, and that YOU are too!
Going to the hospital with all that worry on your mind is one heavy burden.
Lots of folks here are pulling for you and next to you! - j

daniella 08-03-2007 06:04 AM

Sending many hugs and prayers. You and your family are in my thoughts and heart.

shiney sue 08-03-2007 04:34 PM

hello and thanks
My wonderfull son and family are ok,he just and i mean just got over
in the nick of time. Than they went out to find friends,they did and are
worn out.But thank you dear family. Yhey are at home hidding out. CNN
keeps waning to interview them. He said the heroes are the one's who made
it out off that awfull river or family was blessed.
I will go using a nurses puter. Much love and:hug: :hug: Sue this has
been a nightmare,thanks to all who live there. Bless you..

Aussie99 08-03-2007 04:56 PM

I finally saw it on world news last night. It was a horrible sight. I am very happy that your family is safe Sue. I feel awful for the other families,that is such a terrifying and unimaginable thing to happen.

dahlek 08-03-2007 06:31 PM

Sue - WHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now you just rest up, recharge a bit and tell us of your hospital adventures when you can - j :BeamUp:

I hope Sue,that you will soon be doing this! :Dancing-Chilli:

MelodyL 08-03-2007 07:43 PM

Thank God!!!
Wow, we were all holding our breath, now weren't we???

Hugs to all of you.


dorrie 08-03-2007 08:11 PM

So glad everything turned ot OK, Sue. :)

rfinney 08-03-2007 08:58 PM

Now you can breathe . . .
I am very glad to hear that your family is safe. There is and will be so much trauma . . . even for those who made it out alive or were very close to being on the bridge. While I am sure your family wants to make sure those they care about are safe and to help in whatever way they can, I hope they do not get too caught up in all this -- delayed trauma is quite possible. However, it really sounds like they are sensible and doing well . . . saying no to interviews and such was such a great thing for them to do, for a number of reasons.


jarrett622 08-03-2007 09:53 PM

Sure thing...
Thoughts prayers and vibes to you and to your family as well as everyone affected by that terrible disaster.

Please let us know how your surgery and everything goes. :hug:


Silverlady 08-03-2007 11:06 PM

Sweet Sue,
There is certainly good news tonight. I'm so very glad you and your family are o.k. Thanks so very much for letting us know.


Brian 08-04-2007 12:33 AM

That's just fantastic news Sue, thank god for that. :)

glenntaj 08-04-2007 06:34 AM

Thanks for letting us know, Sue.
Like RFinney said, hope they have no "after-effects".

Roxie2007 08-04-2007 04:18 PM

HI Sue.....I'm just catching up on things....I've been having rotten flu type symptoms since the infusion....
I'm SO glad your family is OK! That must have been SO scary for you not knowing and for your family out there looking for others.

Silver Swan 08-04-2007 05:17 PM

The Bridge
Hi Everyone:

Our apartment building is about one mile upstream from this bridge that collapsed. We are not allowed to go near the site, and today there are many police there because of the President's visit. Mrs. Bush visited yesterday.

We don't know any more than the rest of the country about what is going on there since we are not allowed to drive near there. We get our information from our city newspaper and the national news TV channels. Lucky for me, I don't know anyone who was on that bridge. One friend however, was five minutes away from getting there! He was sitting in the line caused by the traffic jam. He is a nurse in a health care center and I told him I believe he was spared because he still has work to do here on earth.

Shirley H.

shiney sue 08-04-2007 05:30 PM

Hi Dear Family,
I just got home, Bob told me to sit down and rest,i said hush...ha
Yes when my darling son called me this morning,i could tell he was
having a hard time. First one off the attending Drs. called Him of all
the one's,and said they felt i was having a heart attack.. Well the Dr. could
of called one of the other kids. On my chart it said do not call gezzzz.
Anywho it turned out to be a massive ANXIETY attack, :eek: you all know
me far to well. Just in case they will do more test's next week,yuck but i
guess it's a good idea. Better safe then sorry or have to deal with 3
wicked youngen's.,
My son and his wife live near the bridge,so they just made it in the house
the phone is ringing,a friend's mom is crying,she can't get a hold of her son.
Everyday she calls him on the bridge,his cell phone wasn't ringing. This
upset my son,he tried to remain calm on his way out the door. My Son
and his wife had just made it over the bridge. He said Mom it was alfull,
the noise,the loud noise,his wife turned around to see the nightmare.
They drove stright home to get 1 phone call,than that went out, If any of
you saw the gentleman that helped the kids on the school bus he was there
friend. My son had just changed jobs 3 weeks ago and meet this man,
i remember him e-mailing me about him,he said i really like this man he
really very gentle and so kind.. I'm so glad for this man's mother,people
may cosider him a hero,but i know she is thinking thank god my son is
alive,i know i do. Well i was to nervous to hear what the wound and burn
Dr. had to say he just hugged me because i started to he got out
his cell phone and next thing you know his 4 yr. old daughter said Sue
is daddy hurting your sore,and guess what you should of seen how big
the snot was my mommy got of my nose it was HUGE.:eek: and:D she
made me laugh. Ahhh what a wise daddy she has.

Now all i can say it's a mess,but those of you who pray,or just care of
others sorrow,let us think of those who lost there love one's and those
who have been told they must stop looking (they won't) well bless there
hearts,and soon let peace be with them...My son is driving home next week
just for a day,i have a need to hold him in my arms. Thanks to all of you
for caring so much. I told him my NT family was thinging of him,he didn't
say anything. Then he said i'm so glad you have them Mama,yes Grady
i know,i know.:grouphug: :grouphug: To all of you,i'm tired but happy. Sue

shiney sue 08-04-2007 05:33 PM

Siler Swan
My prayers are with you. Sue

Taffy 08-04-2007 06:56 PM

So glad your family is safe.

Roxie2007 08-04-2007 07:14 PM

I'm right there with you Sue! Give that boy a BIG ((((((HUG))))))) when he arrives!!!

shiney sue 08-04-2007 07:14 PM

Me too
Taf,i so happy as well i could give you a 200 lbs. of Chocolate's
My son is telling me that steel doesn't brake it would of bent,shake
not brake. I have been it on it and told my son it look's like it has
bandaids on it,he would shake his head,and say well it has to last
until 2020.. Oh wow and Mn. is suppose to have a very good record.
I always worried about going over bridges. Sue

dahlek 08-04-2007 09:41 PM

About BRIDGES?: It's called Deferred Maintenance! [OR Lowest Bidder?] Something every gummint official- at EVERY SINGLE LEVEL decides on and, on which/whats to 'defer'. None are accountable as there is always someone else to blame and no one is truly 'responsible'. Tho some on the lower end of that totem pole will 'get it'?

Well, there IS an analogy our docs 'take care of us and treat us'. Is there not something similar going on here?

Living in the DC suburbs and as one who used to commute into DC proper...'drills' and actual evacuations from gummint buildings was not, I repeat NOT a normal occurrance-it was a frequent one, it was for some years a REGULAR occurrance? Bomb threats, name it. The attitude was either keep on doing your WORK or get out? Or get out till the 'clear' and keeping on with the keeping on....I chose the latter? I do like what little 'hide' I have left?

The thing is you were totally entitled to have a panic attack! - I have only had two...and thank you they were enuf? That your doc actually put his child on the phone to talk to you? Well, dear- that truth is far, far better than any fiction I have ever heard from any doc I have ever had!

Somehow I think, that your son needs to come HOME and just HUG you for even just a day? Well, that is one great blessing and comfort for both of you!
If'n I could get on a plane and go to just HUG you, I would! GOT THAT!????

I am here, and will be, as will lots of others for YOU - good person! - j

OK PM me IF you need any extra Duct Tape - It does come now in decorator colors, and can be had at the local 'Mart' stores...If you or others can't get out tho...well, you know, anything to keep ourselves together?

shiney sue 08-04-2007 11:44 PM

J you are
hoot and so wonderfull,i think you and my son would keep me laughing.
You have had only 2 panic attacks your so lucky. And yes i can't wait
for my son's hug,he will be screaming let me go i can't breath,but it's
been awhile,good grief. And a hug from you would be nice :D Sue

SS...Do you have a place to stay,oh i hope so and that you feeling well.
my gosh i've been thinking about you,i hear you have rain and that it has
gotta cool,or you on the south side or a student let me know.. Sue
Pm if you need

daniella 08-05-2007 06:32 AM

Hi. I'm so happy your family is safe. I'm sorry your having panic attacks and I have had them. It was a huge reason I barely left the house at one point . I still have them and this pain issue doesn't help but when I did biofeedback I found it helpful. I encourage you to look into some type of treatment for that. Have you thought about therapy? I think it really has helped me learn how to cope though still have what I call the ants in the pants. I also know that anxiety does not help with the pain issue. So it may help in other areas too get the anxiety under control. As for your kids and them getting the call. As a child I guess I made my mom promise even if they were 99 percent sure its nothing to tell me. I know you don't want them to be worried which is natural but I know for me always wondering if something is wrong and her not telling me is worse. Think if your kids hid something from you about there health? Take care and I hope your family hang in there too.

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