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numb 02-04-2021 03:33 AM

COVID vaccine
Has anyone taking the COVID vaccine yet? Did you have any side effects? I had a first dose about a week ago with no significant side effects except for sore arm. I expect to have the second dose two weeks from now. I am feeling a little bit apprehensive. Please share your experience and thanks.

caroline2 02-04-2021 11:31 PM

OP: Sorry you have not gotten a reply, I would have thought someone here had gotten one.

annabanana123 02-08-2021 08:49 AM

Hi OP, sorry I don't come on here as much as I used to since it's not too active. I have received the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine. I had some pretty intense body aches for about 36 hours with that. I get my second later this week and can report back after that unless you're getting yours before I do.

I work in healthcare and I've had colleagues get anything from zero side effects to just a sore arm to full on flu-like symptoms with high temps for 2-3 days. Most fell in the middle with some aches, soreness, maybe a headache or lowgrade temp for a day.

The important thing to remember is that even if you feel awful it's not a bad thing, it means your body is doing what it should and building antibodies to fight covid.

numb 02-10-2021 07:13 PM

No. I have yet gotten the 2nd shot. . It is expected to be next week. I will report my experience after I get it. I am surprised there are not much responses.

CRPSbe 02-11-2021 06:09 AM

In Belgium about 3% I think has had their first dose. Ursula Von der Leyen just admitted failure in getting vaccines for the EU, depending too much on the companies being able to fulfill the request. So we are basically behind, big time. I think we'll still be vaccinating people in December this year! :rolleyes:

If I can get it, I will, no doubt. I'm not anti-vaccination at all, on all levels.

Due to Covid, I got my first flu shot this past year. My parents (who are mid-70s) got it too. At least we won't have to worry about that, making the distinction should not be too hard, should we "get something". I sure hope not! Oh, my parents had no issues. My arm was quite sore. And that's my "good" arm.

I sometimes check this board, but not too often. Sorry guys; will get back to you once I get vaccinated. I think I'm risk group, but not sure. They are talking about March, but I fear that is far faaaar too optimistic. That's a couple weeks from now, and they still haven't vaccinated first line workers, who are rightfully angry!

It is a total mess here, I can tell you that much!

And we did buy the vaccines, but the companies won't deliver, are backed up. I find it odd that the US apparently *does* have those deliveries, but we (EU) don't!!!

annabanana123 02-11-2021 09:32 AM

Ok, so I got my second shot this morning. So far, flushed face and sore arm and got super nauseated 10 mins after the shot but I have a very weak stomach. Nothing major.

Both of my parents (early 70s) got their second on Monday. Mom had a sore arm, dad had nothing until Weds when he felt flu-like but not enough to stay home from the golf course.

My coworkers who have had it have ranged from absolutely no side effects to in bed with 103-104 degree fevers for 2-3 days. Oddly enough the younger you are the worse you seem to fare with this. There are theories behind it and we're researching why but the current theory is stronger immune system = stronger immune responses.

I'll report back in a few days with any additional side effects

numb 03-06-2021 06:40 PM

Hi All,
I had my Pfizer 2nd Covid vaccine shot a little over two weeks ago. Beside having a sore arm, I did not have any Covid side effects. However, it did flare up my RSD symptoms including a little bit more pain in my both hands and resurgence of burning pain in both arms, right side is more affected than the left. The strange thing is that the shot was in my left arm. I did take celecoxib and an extra dose of lyrica for a few days after the first shot and use some numbing patch trying to reduce the sensitivity.
I don’t think I will need any additional treatment for my RSD symptoms but will monitor it. Hopefully it will return to baseline.

brhoney2330 03-09-2021 02:00 PM

i have had both the moderna. i have full body crps, got in left arm. i had really sore arm the second time. first shot had normal sore arm. second was just a lot more sore for 1-2 days then fine. everyones different.

CRPSbe 03-11-2021 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by brhoney2330 (Post 1292477)
i have had both the moderna. i have full body crps, got in left arm. i had really sore arm the second time. first shot had normal sore arm. second was just a lot more sore for 1-2 days then fine. everyones different.

We are *so* behind here in Belgium with vaccines... you don't wanna know.

Also, they are trying to push the Astra Zeneca vaccine on us, and nobody wants it! (also see what happened in Austria --> clotting issues, even an embolus leading to death)

I want a choice in what vaccine I get, at least!

Not even 5% of the adult population has had their first shot, and a couple of % of that has had a 2nd shot.

It's a joke down here. And we "only" have 11 million people in this country.
Ridiculous! And quite shameful! :(

annabanana123 03-11-2021 03:12 PM

Wow CRPSbe, that's awful. About 10-12% of my state's population has been vaccinated fully, with another 6% receiving one dose so far. It's ramping up rapidly here. Hopefully it will follow over there soon.

Love Belgium - such a pretty country.

kiwi33 03-14-2021 06:21 PM

The Therapeutic Goods Administration here does not think that there is any evidence for the dire claims for the Astra Zeneca vaccine. It is still available here; if the TGA thinks there is any evidence for the dire claims it will be banned here.

Diamond Tiger<3 03-15-2021 12:43 PM


No, I have not received a vaccine yet. I'm in the process of getting a appointment. My state of Georgia just apprioved it today for people 55+ and 16+ with certain medical conditions. I just turned 40 this past Wednesday. I qualify to get it because I have what is called Primary Immune Deficiency Disorder/Disease. My body doesn't produce enough antibodies in a specific subclass when broken down into 4 subclasses. I'm ready to get it no matter the side effects. I asked 1 of my physicians who has been fully vaccinated. He said the 1st dose was fine. The second dose knocked him on his butt for a few days. He described it as having a bad flu without the cough. I personally can handle that. Its much better than being in the hospital in ICU or worse. Good luck!

Best wishes,

Diamond Tiger<3

Prince227 04-13-2021 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by numb (Post 1291931)
Has anyone taking the COVID vaccine yet? Did you have any side effects? I had a first dose about a week ago with no significant side effects except for sore arm. I expect to have the second dose two weeks from now. I am feeling a little bit apprehensive. Please share your experience and thanks.

I took the first dose of the Moderna vaccine end of February. Within a week I started having numb and tingling arms, legs, hands and feet. Went to the ER because the symptoms came on so fast. Went to my GP and neurologist who prescribed gabapentin. I’m now 6 weeks out since the vaccine and I don’t see any improvements.

CRPSbe 04-16-2021 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Prince227 (Post 1292983)
I took the first dose of the Moderna vaccine end of February. Within a week I started having numb and tingling arms, legs, hands and feet. Went to the ER because the symptoms came on so fast. Went to my GP and neurologist who prescribed gabapentin. I’m now 6 weeks out since the vaccine and I don’t see any improvements.

Sounds awful. Hang in there.

Is that even listed in the side-effects? If not, maybe get this listed? I'm sure there is a place you can get the side-effects, especially the more unusual ones, listed.

In Belgium they collect them, and if they are serious enough they will get put through to the EU's list of side-effects. I don't have the sites on hand, but it's out there.

Prince227 04-16-2021 11:38 AM

Yes, I reported this both to the VAERS system and called Moderna themselves to report it. Moderna said that their medical team would call me back and of course they never did.

Sadly, stories like mine are being hushed up by the mainstream media.

Chemar 04-16-2021 12:50 PM

Hello Prince227

Sorry to hear you may have had an adverse reaction to the COVID Moderna vaccine.
If you feel this was definitely a vax reaction, you should persist in contacting Moderna again and al the CDC/FDA as it is my understanding that the latter do take adverse reports very seriously - as can be noted from the current pause with the J&J vax after only 6 in 6.8MILLION reports of cerebral clots!

Here is the CDC link related to adverse effects :
What to Do if You Have an Allergic Reaction After Getting A COVID-19 Vaccine | CDC

I do think there needs to be caution with making a rather broad statement about"hushing up" adverse reactions by the "mainstream media" as this is unsubstantiated - Just look at their coverage on this J&J situation!
Did you report your reaction to a media source? If not, can they therefore be accused of "hushing it up"?

From what I see in your post you reported to Moderna and on the VAERS system - and therefore they should have it documented.
Again, my suggestion would be that you report this directly to CDC/FDA (Call 800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636) and ask for the Clinician On-Call Center)
and contact Moderna again to remind them no-one from their physician team has contacted you yet.

caroline2 04-16-2021 01:26 PM

More and more info is coming out daily on the negatives of the vaccines and a local MD who talks on one of local radio programs, made the comment that he believes the J&J will NOT be back.

I knew a long time ago I would not do any of them.

kevinaki 04-16-2021 03:03 PM

Had first Pfizer vaccine shot 2 weeks ago.
On 5th day my PN got MUCH worse.
Will not have second shot.
Will stay with blue surgeon mask over
white respirator in crowded places.

Kitt 04-16-2021 04:12 PM

Welcome kevinaki. :Wave-Hello:

caroline2 04-16-2021 05:58 PM

For Kevin: Your best support is working on your own immune system, Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, Grape Seed Extract and others....Glad you are not going forward with 2nd jab.

Atticus 04-17-2021 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by Prince227 (Post 1293044)
Yes, I reported this both to the VAERS system and called Moderna themselves to report it. Moderna said that their medical team would call me back and of course they never did.

Sadly, stories like mine are being hushed up by the mainstream media.

Hey Prince227,

I'm sorry to read of your woes. Have you considered writing to the editor of a reputable newspaper? Your reaction is newsworthy and the lack of response even more so.

Personally, with a history of Peripheral Neuropathy, I've had 2 Pfizer jabs with nothing more than a sore shoulder for a day after the first and less than that following the second.

Prince227 04-17-2021 08:10 AM

Hi Atticus,

Yes, I try to write responses to various stories online about the vaccine describing my experience.

Everyone should go to the VAERS website and check out the reported vaccine effects reported by people. That’s the only way to get a sense of how many people have had various effects to the vaccine.

I am by no means an ‘anti-vaxxer’, and no one was more excited than me to get the vaccine. However, I think it’s important for people to know what can and does happen to some people that get the vaccines.

CRPSbe 04-23-2021 04:05 AM

My dad got an invite (over 70, so 65+ crowd) here in Belgium. Normally they said they would invite you 2 weeks in advance, so you could confirm the dates in all ease, etc.

My dad got the invite 3 working days before he had to go! And there was no getting through by phone. So we did it online, turned out he had AstraZeneca, and he was having... none of it, with even greater cases (over 200 right now, granted more have been vaccinated with it) of clotting reported for that one, over the J&J. Here in the EU it has been approved, BTW.

He immediately turned it down!

My mom got the invite well in advance, for Pfizer. She has set back the dates one time, because she just isn't sure of it all. Her mother had a bad thrombosis and was left half paralyzed. She just... not with the Pfizer one, but with vaccines in general, thinks there are too many bad things coming out.

I think, personally, haven't had an invite yet, that vaccines have to be "on point". Yes, side-effects are normal, but not clotting to the point of death. What do you call all these dead people? Collateral damage? These are people's parents, kids, spouses. And yes, Covid is dangerous too, but my gut is saying I rather protect well and take that chance than get a fixed death date in the mail... If that makes any sense.

Guys, I can't "reason" my way out of this. I just feel awful, because I like to be vaccinated, I have had my vaccines in my life. Not anti-vaccination here at all. But this? The way this is going? A little much for me!

CRPSbe 05-26-2021 11:44 AM

I have to say this, I had my first shot (Pfizer) last Saturday. And I'm fine. I had no side-effects, at all. Yes a somewhat sore upper arm the next day and the day after but it went away very quickly. I don't feel a thing now, and we're the first Wednesday after the shot. Yeah. If you have a choice, get Pfizer, that would be my recommendation.

An uncle of mine (over 70) got AstraZeneca and got sick immediately after the shot, and had to be on bed rest for 3 days. It was like having a bad case of the flu, but after 3 days it went, so yes, it is a side-effect.

Now we all got a leaflet after vaccination, with a link to a site on it where you can report these side-effects. Pretty serious one if you ask me.

If I had been "assigned" AZ or J&J, I would have just plain refused!

My mom also got Pfizer (also same as me). And my dad got AZ and plain refused.

I mean the death toll on these, both AZ & J&J is not normal. If a vaccine isn't on point (and more than one deaths by now is *not* on point), I don't want it!

Now there's even rumors of giving you a different 2nd shot than the first one. So mixing the vaccines.

It's just a rumor, mind you, and I hope it stays one. Politicians should not mess with meds, that's up to the medical field. Stay in your lane. Right?

caroline2 05-26-2021 06:26 PM

I do no vaccines and I'm 82 and work to keep my own natural immune system strong and healthy. I could say a lot more but it won't.


CRPSbe 05-28-2021 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by caroline2 (Post 1293696)
I do no vaccines and I'm 82 and work to keep my own natural immune system strong and healthy. I could say a lot more but it won't.


We all have our opinions. I am not against vaccination, not one bit, I have to say that much, but I dislike vaccinations that are not "on point".

AZ has not been OK'd by the FDA, and to me that is telling! In the EU we have had over 220 deaths, if it doesn't amount to almost 300 right now (they no longer give out the total number for... obvious reasons). But I caught that when they published it.

To me that is not a risk worth taking.

If I had been offered AZ or J&J, I would have declined. And gone my merry way, masking and protecting like I did before. Still doing that, with the vaccine!!!

Luckily I got Pfizer.

Definitely hoping my dad gets another shot at the Pfizer one or the Moderna one.

Wren 05-28-2021 12:09 PM

I'm 76 years old (77 in 4 weeks). I had the first Moderna April 7 with no reaction at all. The second was May 5, and I again had no reaction.

caroline2 05-28-2021 01:23 PM

Just talking to a friend and he's tried so hard to NOT to have his mom and dad get the vaccines, but they did and now he's saying mom is being told she may have ALS. She's also used aspertame all her life and he says that can also cause ALS....

Then yesterday a man called in a health program I listen to and he's been dealing with Macular Degeneration for many years and says his sight is worse since vaccine....he was asking the MD what she thought and she said so so much unknown on these unapproved rushed vaccines....

So....Take your Chances....I will NOT.

CRPSbe 06-06-2021 08:25 AM

Get this.

3 weeks on the *dot* after my mom's 1st Pfizer shot, she came down with shingles in her eye. The blisters are up her forehead and in the upper waterline (little pit of the eye and other corner). Yeah. That.

She will not be getting that 2nd shot. Doctor said, you have to be rid of this, and then still give it 2 weeks before the 2nd shot, and the system in Belgium is not designed that you can still log in to change that 2nd shot date. So now she has to call into that center, which is terribly busy!

She was bedridden all yesterday, so Saturday In so much pain that I let her have one of my sublingual buprenorphine tablets at the very end of the day. I had to see this the entire day, debating with myself whether or not it would be the right thing to do. But I did. She accepted it. And about half an hour later she was up and out of bed and she could not even lift her head out the pillow before.

Guys, I don't mess around with pain medicine, believe you me! I am *very* protective of my medication, but I could no longer take it. She was in agony.

She had gone to the doctor Friday, but it wasn't our regular GP, but the replacement doctor. And I think he might have underestimated the pain she was in & gonna be in.

I mean Friday she could still drive to the pharmacy to pick up her eye ointment (which is a bust, she can't tolerate it - it burns like the dickens), and the next day: totally bedridden.

She is on the couch today. Like yesterday, when I let her have one of my tablets.

I don't just give these out to people, trust me (oh no I don't), but my mom was a different matter altogether.

So yep...

Talk about a "side-effect".

That's lowered immune system if ever I saw it. It should strengthen right, not lower?

caroline2 06-06-2021 02:15 PM

Sorry to hear of what mother is going thru, I've heard so many side effects from the vaccines and the latest I've just read is nosebleeds and lumps appearing on the body and underarm. They are not for me. I'm 83 soon and work to keep a strong immune system as that is the real protection for the viruses...all types.

CRPSbe 06-15-2021 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by caroline2 (Post 1293875)
Sorry to hear of what mother is going thru, I've heard so many side effects from the vaccines and the latest I've just read is nosebleeds and lumps appearing on the body and underarm. They are not for me. I'm 83 soon and work to keep a strong immune system as that is the real protection for the viruses...all types.

Perfectly understandable age 83.

My mom has had this since the beginning of June (thereabouts) and it's going to be 2 weeks soon and it is only like 25% better. 3 doctor's visits later, some anti-viral medication, anti-viral eye gel and some NSAID eye drops because she had a whopper of a conjunctivitis to top it off! It is going to take at least... oh at least 2 more doctor visits.

We'll have to see. And of course, the anti-virals is a "round" of 7 days every time, so she needs to go for a check-up and for re-upping the prescription.

She did get some Tramadol the last time round, because she was taking paracetamol and crawling over the floor (literally) every time she needed to muster up the strength to get up in the mornings.

It's that bad. Every morning she is near tears (and that is super hard to see from a daughter's POV).

At least now she can open the left eye for about 20-25%. And the redness has mostly subsided (it was bright red, inside and outer lid).

Funny though. Shot was in her left arm. She has shingles in the left eye.

CRPSbe 08-18-2021 04:13 AM

I have been fully vaccinated, no ill effects. Just wanted to come on here and mention that. My CRPS did not flare up, nothing of the sort. Not even sick, nothing but a tiny bit of a sore spot on the arm, which... I could deal with. I had "offered" my "good" arm, meaning the less bad one.

My mom came down with shingles of the eye 3 weeks after Pfizer shot N°1. On the dot 3 weeks later. Left arm injected. Left eye affected. It is strange. Anyway, she has had that since June 1, and it's still going on and being treated right now, so for sure until September 1, if not October 1 because she has doctor's appointments mid to late September for this still. <sigh> Yeah, rollercoaster. I mean, who would think that? Her 2nd shot is needing to be postponed until 2 weeks after it clears up. They keep calling and each time we have to tell them, "severe case, still not healed, please keep her listed".

My dad had refused his first shots, no wonder, it was AstraZeneca, which was approved in the EU, but not in the US. He did *not* want that, with a vengeance. I would have refused that also. Both me & mom got Pfizer, BTW.

I just got given the all clear to re-activate him yesterday, so he could get the invites again. Hoping this time it will be Pfizer or Moderna, maybe, maybe even J&J, because they no longer do AZ due to concerns (finally darn it).

They will never make it compulsory in this country. Fear of lawsuits. There are people who have died from the vaccines, but apparently they are quantities you can just "ignore" because oh "C" is sooo much worse. Kind of twisted logic, in my book. Let's just keep it real. Those are deaths just as well that perhaps could have been avoided with the right vaccine, or a different one.

Anyway. I am certainly not anti-vaccine, but I was still cautious about the whole thing and definitely weighed the pros & contras.

Lara 08-18-2021 05:18 PM

Hi Marleen,
I don't have RSD but have been following the thread and your recent messages about vaccines. I'm glad yours went well but am so sorry to hear about your mother's ongoing problems. That must be really terrible for her to deal with, and ouch, in the eye for so long. Just awful.

I wrote a couple of messages elsewhere recently. I was faced with the usual blind hyperbole and lack of empathy and I ended up deleting them. Despite what some people (including governments) are telling us, one size does not fit all and one vaccine is not suitable for everyone.

I had no choice in my area of Australia unfortunately but to get the AstraZeneca and it made me very ill. I'm on Immunotherapy (Pembrolizumab) for metastatic melanoma. It is an immune checkpoint inhibitor. It is not like Chemotherapy where the immune system can be suppressed. Immune checkpoints are part of the natural immune response that keeps your immune system from being too aggressive. My body is in a kind of "overdrive" all the time so having this particular vaccine seems to have tipped me over into more dangerous territory.

I didn't want to get the AstraZeneca but it was all that was available in my area. I'm still recovering and have had to have my usual treatment postponed until I am well again. All very troubling.

I don't know what will happen when I'm due for the 2nd one. I can't go through this again. I wish I'd been able to have a choice. After all the research that I did, I asked to have an mRNA vaccine rather than the one that I got but because I spend so much of my time back and forth to pathology and imaging and oncology wards etc., I had to take what was available unfortunately.

I wish you well and hope that your mother gets better really fast.

CRPSbe 09-04-2021 10:01 AM

My uncle got AZ and he was in bed for a week! No, that is why my dad promptly refused.

They gave people a second chance here to re-register, so I did that for my dad, online, and by that time they had ditched the AZ completely, so it was either Moderna or Pfizer he was gonna get. He now has to go start of next week for his first shot and end of September for his second shot.

Mom ended up going for the second shot. Her eye issues are still not over; still taking gabapentin for the pain. And she is on 700mg 3x a day, while I am on 900mg 3x a day (granted I have additional pain patches and sublingual tablets)... but still, you know. The pain is severe for her!

This shingles thing started June 1, and is still ongoing. GP declared the virus "dead" but she still has to visit with the ophthalmologist half-way through September. She just said to me, "there went my summer". And yeah, true!

My uncle got the 2nd shot of AZ and did not react as badly as the first time, at all.

Thank you for the well wishes; sorry I got back to you this late!

Kitt 09-04-2021 10:57 AM

Had the first vaccine - Moderna - on about August 3rd and 28 days later on September 1st I had the second vaccine of Moderna. Both were fine.

CRPSbe 10-21-2021 05:57 PM

Just wanted to keep you guys posted.

Me as well as my mom & dad have now all had our 2nd shots. All we all had was a sore arm, which is great news, especially for me. With dad's first shot, it sort of radiated to his neck, but that went away quite soon.

There is talk of a booster / 3rd shot for those immuno-suppressed (this time I am not on a short list of chronic patients, they really narrowed it down further now, which... why am I not on there), and also for those 65+ so that includes my parents.

My dad just got a leaflet saying it will be 4 months after the last Pfizer shot, so that puts his booster March 2022. I mean... come on!

I generally have no issue at all with the Pfizer shots. Astra Zeneca? Different story and I still wonder why that got approved by the EU.

tied 11-26-2021 10:57 PM

Pfizer and my adverse reactions not listed
I do not have RSD (that I know of). I do have a lot of nerve pain though. I once injured the nerve in my right arm by having a blood pressure cuff get too tight. 5 years later it still hurts, and I rarely have anything medical done on my right arm. Blood draws and innoculations always get done on the left, as well as blood pressure.

I had 3 Pfizer vaccines at the recommended intervals, starting March 2021 and ending 3 weeks ago. The first 2 shots caused arm pain that never actually went away. I was treated with Toradol shots both times. They helped in the short term. When I got my booster 3 weeks ago I got the same arm pain and more. Now I have chest pain too as well as mild nausea and muscle weakness. We tried the toradol again, twice. Only short term relief. So far the diagnosis is pleurisy. I am too weak to even go grocery shopping. I was off work for a solid week and I have been to the ER once. I have a followup with a cardiologist next week. Pleurisy was not reported as an adverse reaction by the CDC so I reported it via VAERS. Nobody has followed up.

I am not an anti-vaxxer, but I do have deep moral concerns about the morality of Pfizer and the CDC.

I also work for a company that has federal contracts. This means that I am subject to vaccine mandates, whether or not I bill time to a federal project. This is not why I got vaccinated. I did it out of fear of dying from COVID. But after the suffering I have had for the past 3 weeks, I am pretty sure I would never try mRNA vaccine again.

caroline2 11-27-2021 02:34 PM

Oh boy, a member on another group is a sub contractor for a huge military company and even thou she works from home, they are push push her to get the jabs and she will not, and so she involved with attorneys and lawsuits, this is in New Mexico. I'ts all so wrong the mandates. I've posted that I hear from people using NAC to work to detox their bodies of the jabs. So many are going thru so much damage.

CRPSbe 01-05-2022 08:29 AM

I just got my booster shot last Monday the 3rd, with Moderna, both my shots were Pfizer.

And I have to say, I feel fine. Except for a sore arm and this time one killer of a headache (no migraine, so thank goodness), I really have nothing to complain about.

How are you guys all faring with the shots and your RSD?

agate 01-05-2022 11:04 AM

Hi from the MS forum--

To answer your question, CRPSbe, I just had my COVID booster shot yesterday. It was Pfizer. The first shot was J&J in June, and so I was overdue for this because they're saying that J&J needed boosting after only 2 months.

It's been nearly 24 hours since the shot and I've had only a moderately sore arm. It helps a person's peace of mind to know that we've done what we can. There have now been 7 reported COVID cases in the building I live in, which has 58 units.

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