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OhKay 07-02-2018 12:35 PM

What's Going On.
It was already 83 degrees when I left for PT this morning, and the pool area and water were very warm... not great conditions for me. So while I still did do all my exercises, I didn't do as many reps as usual.

If I wasn't in rough enough shape, now I have really big lumps on both sides of my goin area, and I'm getting sharp pain when I walk (and exercise). I also have smaller tender swollen lymph nodes in my armpits. I did a home test for a UTI, which was negative, and I don't have a fever or any other new symptoms aside from an upset stomach. I have no idea if this is in any way associated with the other BS I've been dealing with, or if I'm just really, really f- unlucky...
I have an appointment with the NP at my PCP's office tomorrow at 4:20pm, but if things go South before then, I'll go to Urgent Care, but someone would have to DRAG ME to the ER.

I wanted to wait to go to the dispensary to get more medical MJ until they had stuff in stock that I've tried before and had worked well, but I had to go today because I'm almost out. So, I had to buy two new kinds. I hope they work well...

I'm going to need a nap soon.

OhKay 07-03-2018 08:21 AM

My anxiety has been up and down. I took an extra 1/4mg of Klonopin again this morning. I could use more, but then I wouldn't be able to drive...

I HATE that my appointment with the NP isn't until 4:20. It's nap time for me, and it'll be hot as hell out, but I had to take what I could get.
I'll give them some pee, and they can take blood, but I'm tired of all this f- ridiculous testing I've been having.

I have to hit the supermarket this morning. I was hoping to go really early to avoid the heat and the pre-Fourth of July crowd, but I also have to pick up scripts which won't be ready until 11 for some reason. It's about 9:15, and already 84 degrees out...

bizi 07-03-2018 07:09 PM

Take some more clonipin if you have extra.
I wonder what your NP said?
I am sorry you are going thru all of this.

OhKay 07-04-2018 07:55 AM

I have LOTS of Klonopin... Even tho my anxiety is highest in the morning, and I need the Klonopin the most then, I'm just not comfortable, and I don't think it's wise, for me to take more than 1 1/4mg and drive. I take more when I get home if I feel I need it.

The NP didn't seem to have much experience with swollen lymph nodes in the crotch lol So, she asked the other NP (the doctors were all on vacation) for her input. Lyme disease came up, which would explain ALL the symptoms I have been having, but that would be too easy, wouldn't it? She's testing me for that, and a UTI, and ordered a CBC with diff (that I'm aware of). My eosinophil count has been high since September, so there's that, too...

I'm so very sad because I think that my Rocky is going to leave us soon :(:(:(
He doesn't seem uncomfortable at all, and we plan on letting him pass away peacefully, but if he starts to look like he's suffering at all, I will take him to the vet, who would probably want me to have him put down :(:(:(

mymorgy 07-04-2018 07:59 AM

I so hope you are wrong about Rocky.

OhKay 07-04-2018 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by mymorgy (Post 1264732)
I so hope you are wrong about Rocky.

Thank you, Bobby.
I hope so, too.

PurpleFoot721 07-04-2018 08:54 AM

Animals can be amazing. I had a dog that looked like she was ready to pass several times, but the vet kept giving her another chance. She ended up living another year before we had to have her put down.

bizi 07-04-2018 10:12 AM

I am sorry about rocky, how old is he?
what are his symptoms?

Dmom3005 07-04-2018 10:43 AM

I have no clue how old Rocky is, but I sure understand how sad that
can be.

We have had quite a few we had to worry about. Right now for a few
years we have worried about our oldest dog, Nipper. He joined our
household when we moved into this house when Derrick was 5 or 6.
Derrick is now 27. So he is 21 for sure. He disappeared on Friday
night to Saturday afternoon, I just couldn't find him. My husband was
missing part of the time working other houses getting things done.
I had to make him come around late on Saturday, to find the stinker
because he was worrying me. Expecting him to have gone and
died somewhere. Well I don't go in the basement, its just not safe
when I'm by myself. So he went down there and came back with
the little stinker. He was down there, and he is pretty much blind
and hears very little. So he had just walked in front of Dale, and
he carried him upstairs. He walks up and down the upstairs all
the time, and Dale says why wouldn't he walk up the stairs after
going down. I said, well the upstairs is covered and safe for him,
but the downstairs isn't he could fall all the way down I'm guessing
is why. And its cooler down there. It had gotten hot in the house.
Somehow the houses air had gotten turned down.

So now when he disappears he goes down to look or someone does.

Silly guy he just kind of runs the house. But he seems to think he
will live till he is 100 years old. But we realize it could be any day.
He is older than most chihuahuas are.


bizi 07-04-2018 11:43 AM

I am glad that you found nipper donna.

kay, when do you hear about whether you have lyme disease? Is it a simple blood test? what is the treatment?

mymorgy 07-04-2018 01:09 PM

great news !

OhKay 07-05-2018 08:16 AM

Rocky's 14.
He's been up and down for days... very lethargic, has looked out of it, and at times his breathing has looked irregular... hasn't been eating, and had shown little interest in drinking water, even though I kept putting fresh cold bowls of it by him. We have been giving him lots of love and affection, and he has still been enjoying that.
I was so happy because he started to perk up a bit yesterday. He looked better, was moving around more, drank more water, ate a little, and used the box a couple of times. He doesn't look very good this morning, but maybe he will just have some good days and bad days for a while? IDK.

I'm sorry that you have to worry about Nipper like that all the time, Donna :hug:
21 is a long life for a pet... you must have loved him, and cared for him, very well.

The test for Lyme is just a blood test. It's treated with oral or IV antibiotics. I don't know how they decide which way to administer them. The test results are pending until tomorrow.

I went online and was able to get the rest of the test results tho:
I do not have a UTI, but there are signs of my kidney disease in my urine that have never popped up before (it's been apparent in my blood tho), but at least they're mild. I see the nephrologist on the 24th, and I'll have more labs, which will hopefully be better, before I go.
My total white count is normal, but my eosinophils are still high, so are my lymphocytes, and my neutrophils are low. But my WBC break down has been off since September, and there hasn't been much change. Nothing earth shattering there.

bizi 07-05-2018 06:34 PM

That is when we lost both of our cats.
very glad that you can love on him and he is receptive.

OhKay 07-07-2018 11:44 AM

Rocky is doing much better! :):):)
He is moving around more, looking a little better, and eating again (and actually keeping it down now). He may hang in there for quite a while! :):):)
He is farting constantly tho, and they are heinous!!!

I do not have Lyme disease.
I got a love note from an RN saying that my PCP looked at my lab results and everything was "all good." lol

But... NO. I had already viewed the results on the hospital's website. And while my total WBC count was normal, my eosinophils and lymphocytes were high, and my neutrophils were low. This has been going on since September. So, I thought about it in context, and said while I was happy all the testing came back negative, I was still feeling like s- and was concerned about the WBC diff, especially since I now have large swollen lymph nodes in my groin.

I got a message back from the RN saying that she and my PCP went over my lab results and imaging "in detail," and he was ordering more blood work, an ultrasound of my groin to check the lymph nodes, and a brain MRI (I would rather have my neuro decide if that is necessary or not tho), and they would "get to the bottom of what's going on with (me)."

I had my blood drawn yesterday, and the ultrasound is on Monday. The MRI is scheduled for the 17th, but I hope it's not necessary.
I should be able to view the routine lab results tomorrow, but I don't know how long the "fancy" blood tests take.

I just want to feel better, but I'm sick of all this f- s-

In happier news, I got my nails done yesterday. They are a beautiful shade of violet :)

PurpleFoot721 07-07-2018 12:58 PM

I am glad to hear that Rocky is doing better. I am sorry that they still haven't figured out what is going on with you, but at least they were able to rule out lyme disease.

mymorgy 07-07-2018 01:49 PM

such great news!

Dmom3005 07-07-2018 05:43 PM


You are really up on your whole health you are doing great.

Keep working with your self.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 07-07-2018 07:05 PM

you are such a trooper in all of this.
(((((HUGS and love)))))

OhKay 07-08-2018 08:33 AM

I could view all my recent lab results right now. He ordered another CBC with diff (even tho I JUST had one drawn), but he also ordered other blood work that I don't think I should look at because I don't think I could handle the results if they came back irregular. At the same time, I don't know if I can NOT look at them.

I read the doctor's order for the inguinal (groin) ultrasound, but it says it's just for the left side. The swollen lymph nodes are on both sides. If they think I'm going back to have the right side imaged later because of their error, they are mistaken.

Corey's birthday is tomorrow, our anniversary is Tuesday, and my birthday is Wednesday. Corey's favorite meal is strip steak and mashed potatoes, so that is what I'll be making him tomorrow night for dinner. We may do something next weekend for our anniversary. IDK what I want to do for dinner on my bday.

We have to do laundry today. We're both really excited about that. lol. I'd like to leave early because it's supposed to get up to 88 degrees in the afternoon.

I have to buy a new Keurig because we're encountering new problems with the one we have now. I will have to do some research before I buy a new one tho. I bought the one we have now at BBB with a 20% off coupon, but we'll see...

bizi 07-08-2018 01:44 PM

This is a busy week for you personally.
2 birthdays in one week and an anniversary!!!!
I hope you find a coffee maker that you like.

Mari 07-10-2018 05:41 AM

:icon_arrow: Happy early birthday to you!

I hope you have a good day tomorrow.



mymorgy 07-10-2018 06:19 AM

Yes happy early birthday to you! My sister was born on the same day but you are not at all like my sister was.

OhKay 07-10-2018 08:42 AM

Thank you! :grouphug:

Dmom3005 07-10-2018 04:47 PM

Happy Early Birthday Kay.

Have a great day.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 07-10-2018 06:34 PM

happy happy early birthday to you kay.
you rock!
((((HUGS and LOVE))))))

PurpleFoot721 07-11-2018 08:03 AM

Happy Birthday to you Kay. Hope you have a wonderful day.

bizi 07-11-2018 11:45 AM

Well it is officially your birthday!!!!!
happy birthday!
love you

Dmom3005 07-11-2018 12:27 PM

Happy birthday, to the wonderful you.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Mari 07-12-2018 03:55 AM

Hope that you are doing o.k., Kay. :circlelove:


bizi 07-12-2018 07:27 AM

Did you do something nice for your birthday?
thinking of you...

OhKay 07-12-2018 09:27 AM

Thank you for all the birthday wishes! :grouphug:

I did have a happy birthday! My brother texted me in the morning to invite me out to lunch. It was a rare treat to go out socially at all, and I don't get to see him often, so it was very nice. I took a nap when I got home, and we ordered out for dinner. Corey bought me lovely anniversary and bday cards, and was in a good mood again. Everybody remembered my birthday- with the exception of one of my aunts and my cousin, who also "forgot" the two prior years, so whatever.

I'm sorry that I haven't been on the forum lately. I feel like I missed a lot... too much :hug::hug::hug:
I've been losing time, which tends to happen when I'm overwhelmed. I've also been waking up later than usual because I have been feeling especially tired and shitty.

I had a PT appointment on Monday morning at 9:30. I felt terrible when I got up, but felt well enough after my shower to go. But when I got there, just on the walk in I got so dizzy and lightheaded, I had to tell the receptionist I didn't feel safe to get into the pool and had to go home. I laid on the couch until noon because I had the ultrasound at 1pm.

Thank God the test for blood cancer came back normal!!! :)
All the u/s showed was that I had enlarged lymph nodes in my groin. My PCP referred me for a consult with a general surgeon for a possible biopsy. The appt. isn't until August 14th. I hope that they will go away by then, and the appt. will be unnecessary.
I still have an MRI scheduled for the 17th. I see my neurologist on the 20th, and the MRI will be useful to him, so I guess I will go through with it.

NOW the right side of my (exterior) throat is swollen and I have swollen lymph nodes above/under my collar bones. Still no fever. I don't want to send a message to my PCP right now because I'm certain he thinks I'm a PITA and/or a hypochondriac. I'm thinking of waiting until next week to message him about it if that s- is still there... IDK... I will have to think about it.

I got my new Keurig... I ended up using my 20% off coupon from BBB, but still paid more than I wanted to to get the one I wanted and had the most positive reviews. So far, we're both very happy with it :)

OhKay 07-13-2018 09:38 AM

The AC in my car has been blowing hot air for a few days now. Driving has been miserable! I bought a can of refrigerant yesterday. I guess it's easy to put in... Corey will be doing that this afternoon or tomorrow morning. The fact that we have to do that at all doesn't bode well. We probably have a leak or something...

We should start seriously considering buying a new car soon, but we are overspending, and will have to tighten our boot straps a bit... like stop ordering out so often, and stop buying things like Keurig's and Coach bags lol

Rocky is doing okay. I got in trouble with Corey last night because he caught me letting him lick some ice cream cake off a spoon :p
He's been all over me this morning, following me everywhere and constantly seeking attention, which is a little unusual for him, but I'm not complaining :)

I have to do grocery shopping today. The trip will be even more unpleasant than usual with no AC in the car. I should have gone this morning when it was cooler, but I am dragging a-

mymorgy 07-13-2018 09:48 AM

I am so glad about rocky!

Dmom3005 07-13-2018 01:42 PM

I have been turning my A/C off when I get out of my car. And then
when I get in turning my car on. And then turning it on. Usually
within a short period I get cool air. If I leave the air on, then I get
hot air most the time. Usually this works, sometimes it doesn't
if its really hot outside.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 07-14-2018 12:11 AM

by now you should have ac back i you car.
mine recently had a condenser fail on us so that was replaced along some general maintenance put i on our line of credit.

OhKay 07-14-2018 09:14 AM

Donna, it's been really hot here, too. I know you are heat intolerant like me. Have Dale buy a can of refrigerant to put in your car for you :hug:

I remember how much you spent to fix your AC, Bizi. I really don't want to pay for an expensive repair like that. I'd rather keep filling it up with freon until trading it in to buy a new car, but I don't know how realistic that it is. Depending on what the problem is, the refrigerant could leak out really fast.
Corey hasn't put it in yet. He got home late from work yesterday, so he's going to do it today.

I have no idea how I got my a- to and through the grocery store yesterday, but I managed to do it, even tho I should not have done it. I wish I knew WTF was wrong with me so I could get on the road to feeling better because this just f- stinks. I can't tell you how f- miserable I feel, and how frustrated I am...

Dmom3005 07-14-2018 03:01 PM

Yes, Kay Dale has put in in my car once already this year. And will
again if necessary. Its just that it will get bad again and that is
the pits. So I do what I can to make it work.

Just life. I try to never go out in the really bad weather.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 07-14-2018 10:46 PM

I am sorry you are feeling miserable.

OhKay 07-15-2018 08:20 AM

I hate "helping" Corey do anything because he gets anxious and very unpleasant. Since he won't read or listen to directions, but I will and did, and watched him do it, I know he didn't add the refrigerant correctly. But the air blowing out of the AC is a little bit cooler now, so he must have gotten some in there. IDK if he wants to buy another bottle and try again today, or what, but I could probably do it myself if I read the directions enough times before doing it.

We went out to lunch to celebrate our anniversary yesterday. We went to a Japanese restaurant that opened recently and sat at a Hibachi grill. The food and entertainment was excellent! I think it's the best one we've ever been to. It was very nice to go out together.
I've gone out socially twice in less than a week... VERY rare.

We have to do laundry today. Tons of fun!

bizi 07-15-2018 09:23 AM

glad that you had a nice hibachi meal. Yes they are fun!
good luck with laundry today, may you go there quickly and find good washers etc.

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