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Dmom3005 03-03-2017 11:14 AM

Donna's life
Hi everyone,
I seem to have lost my threads so I'm starting a new one.

First I'm doing well and have finally gotten back out of my house with even
cold weather. This is making me feel better.
Next, My husband is working 10 hour days this week, it was supposed to be 12 for 7 days. Now he isn't even sure he will get to work on Saturday or Sunday. Personally I think he will be happy with just one of those days now. Even with Sunday being more money if not working.
My oldest is having problems with his depression. So because he can't get in at the office he goes to for at least another month. Even being on the waiting list wont get that. I bought him some St Johns Wort to try. It seems to be helping. I am also wanting to see about SaME. But don't know much about it.

My next son & his family is doing well. I've been running his lady around to doctor's appointments the last couple weeks. And it will keep up. Till she gets some relief from her hip and knee pain. She has seizures sometimes and shouldn't be driving.

Derrick is doing really well both at school and work. They are teaching him to be a runner at work right now. And have asked when he is done at school if he would like to take the class to do cook runner. He then asked them what that would be. He would get to do some of the preparing of the food along with a runner. He thinks he would like it.

He is working 3 days a week 11:30 to 5:00pm. Other than one manager that he used to work with not liking not getting to work with him everyone is liking his schedule.

I will update as things go on.

Dmom3005 03-03-2017 11:16 AM

Forgot a update on Harmony, she is just over 2 months now. And weighs 10 lbs. She had lots of problems with gas and constipation. So Gas drops were added and apple juice. It seems to have solved the problems, and she is sleeping again and smiling.

Will is enjoying school and waiting on good weather to get outside I think with his new bike. Its a three wheeler the green machine I think they call it.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 03-03-2017 12:52 PM

thanks for the update! how are you feeling?

bizi 03-04-2017 05:13 AM

hi donna, YOu are a busy woman.
thanks for the update.

mymorgy 03-05-2017 07:11 AM

How is donna?

OhKay 03-05-2017 07:50 AM

I'm glad that you're getting out, Donna. It does make a BIG difference in how you feel. How is your vertigo?

It is good to hear how the whole gang is doing :)

Dmom3005 03-05-2017 09:27 PM

:grouphug:I'm doing good. The vertigo is mainly at night when trying to sleep.

So its better. We got Derrick a computer or 2 in 1 today. And a beautiful
Kitty named coco for Kortni and Dan.

Its been a great day for the nice weather.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Mari 03-06-2017 01:03 AM

New Kitty cat!


mymorgy 03-06-2017 06:37 AM

that sounds so wonderful! you have to learn to talk more about yourself. we love you.

OhKay 03-06-2017 09:54 AM

What nice gifts :)

I'm so glad that your vertigo is not a daytime threat, so you are not at a greater risk of falls anymore. I wish you did not have to deal with it at all tho :hug: Sometimes I experience vertigo laying down when I'm having migraines… not fun.

Dmom3005 03-06-2017 10:50 AM

:grouphug:Yes, Kay

It can be a mess at times. I need to start moving around more and getting
out I guess.

Even though it was most the day yesterday. My back hurt last night. And
I needed heating pad. I had to dig it out a couple weeks ago.

Going to try and take a relaxing day today.
Have things to do tomorrow.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 03-07-2017 11:02 AM

It's hard to know how much is too much, especially when you're trying to get more mobile again. I hope that the rest and the heating pad helped, and you are able to get what you need to get done done today :hug::hug::hug:

Dmom3005 03-07-2017 06:31 PM

I'm having problems again with the weather and headaches. ugh.

It can't decide if it wants to rain or be really nice. So rain really
messes with my head.

Donna :grouphug:

mymorgy 03-07-2017 06:49 PM

rats i am sorry. is there anything you can take for it?

OhKay 03-08-2017 09:04 AM

I'm sorry you are having the headaches :hug::hug::hug:
Do you have sinus problems or migraines?

mymorgy 03-08-2017 09:07 AM

how are you feeling today? do you always have trouble when it is raining. My friend robert told me to get a nettie something or other where you boil it in water and then inhale it and it clears up a lot. guess i better look it up or ask him in an email. Neti Pots for Sinus Infections: Do They Help? I don't think this is it

Dmom3005 03-08-2017 11:09 AM

The netti pot is what he is talking about.

And yes I get migraines and sinus both. ITs much better today.

I really think its the weather. But that is my life. I don't get
the migraines right now that I get sick with. Thank goodness.

I really think it was a bit of stress in back of neck too. I haven't
went for my massages in a little over a year. I was spending way
to much in my opinion. I'm not wanting to depend on them again.

I'm working through the tension in other ways. But when it gets bad
I then have to sleep them off.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 03-08-2017 11:17 AM

I am so glad it is better. did the massages help you? I tried acupuncture and spent 1000 dollars and it didn't help me psychologically. My psychiatrist had told me to try it. The acupunturist (sP) was a lovely woman who was a doctor in china.

Dmom3005 03-08-2017 01:44 PM

Yes, I loved the massages. But I am doing okay most the
time. Its not unusual to have headaches in my family.

I'm working on it.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 03-09-2017 07:55 AM

I used to get massages for my neck and back. They helped, but can get expensive and be addictive. I haven't gone in a long time.

My sister in law swears by the netti pot. It seems like a hassle to me because you have to sterilize them. I just use plain saline nose drops when I need them... probably should use them more often with my history of sinus infections. They help.

mymorgy 03-09-2017 08:00 AM

I wish you could scrape up some money and have more massages. you do everything for everybody else but you seem to suffer in silence. that is not a good example to set. please go and have a massage.they have different kind of neti gizmos. they have inhalers if you didn't know. My friend seemed to be talking about something else.

mymorgy 03-09-2017 11:35 AM

donna have you tried topamax for migraines?

Dmom3005 03-09-2017 12:11 PM

Yes, Bobby Topamax worked wonders.

I had to go off some of my meds when we didn't have insurance a few
years ago. And I didn't want to have to pay the amount for it our
there was another I didn't right then.

I had to pick and chose which ones I would use.

Derrick saw a new neuro today. I really like him. I may see if I can see
him for my migraines if they continue. And he does pain management
and I think balance too. Which is good. I could use both sometimes.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 03-09-2017 06:43 PM

Derrick went to a new neuro today. We really liked him. His statement,
no seizures are okay. So we added Zonegran and will look in a month
at his level on the VNS. It should be going up too.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

OhKay 03-10-2017 11:18 AM

I'm glad that you liked the new neurologist :)
I hope you do go see him :hug:

Topamax was really a gift to me. It was added as a mood stabilizer, but chosen because of my history of migraines, and has really helped with that. It certainly hasn't helped my BP on its own tho.

Dmom3005 03-11-2017 01:46 PM

Ugh, I'm so irritated with Frontier right now. They were supposed to
cancel Derrick's service last month the 17th of February. After spending
three days at 40 minutes a day trying to get through. TOday I tried
another number in the combinations on the phone. Got through in about
5 to 10 minutes. And got told nothing. I don't seem to be on the bill
to talk to. That doesn't make sense, but now I have to have Derrick
call in so I can talk to them.

Ugh, its going to be another day.

I'm a little irritated.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 03-11-2017 04:49 PM

HIPPA at its finest

Dmom3005 03-12-2017 05:49 PM

What irritates me is that I was originally I am sure put on his account.

Because my husband and I are his guardian. And I pay all his bills.
So to change or do things I need access. This will make me make sure
his new company has me on it.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 03-14-2017 06:12 AM

Some companies require you to fax/mail them paperwork about guardianship or proxies. It can be a pain in the ***. I hope you're able to get everything sorted out Donna, what a PITA.

Dmom3005 03-14-2017 03:12 PM

Yep, Oh I will as soon as I see Derrick again. Which will be later this
week. Just life with snow.

I am having a second slow relaxing day. Which is good because I
have things going on the next few days. I am going to Will's IEP
meeting tomorrow. Really looking forward to it. Only because I
know the report from Easterseals for the device to help with speech
has been given to them. If they try to say he wont benefit again they
wont get away with it. So hopefully this one wont be so confusing.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

ger715 03-14-2017 08:30 PM


Have you ever tried Imitrex (prescription)? I have been using Imitrex for several years for migraines. They really have been a godsend.


mymorgy 03-15-2017 04:33 AM

I wish you the best of luck

Dmom3005 03-15-2017 02:31 PM

Yes, I have the generic for Imitrex and have used it probably for close to 10 years.

It helps but I forget to take right away sometimes.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

Dmom3005 03-19-2017 04:54 PM

:grouphug::grouphug:Its been a nice weekend.
Yesterday went to my mom's for my sister's two adopted daughters birthdays. They are just 2 days apart. So we could celebrate together.
Got to see one of their new daughter she was born the day after Harmony. She is a cutie also.

Derrick went with me. His dog stayed the weekend at my house, from Thursday on. When I picked Derrick up for track. Purdue was on spring break so we had a nice long visit.

Today he, his friend Chris, my friend Shannon and I went to breakfast lunch at Denny's. One of his favorite restaurants. We all had great food. Then I went to good will and came home.

It was cold yesterday, but was really nice today. I've been watching some of the NCAA basketball games.


OhKay 03-20-2017 06:50 AM

It sounds like a really nice weekend Donna :)

Dmom3005 03-21-2017 04:33 PM

Today has been a interesting day.

I had emailed a upset email to the person and 2nd in charge of the agency that does Derrick's services last THursday I think it was. Well I got a call
from both the director of the regional office we use and the 2nd in charge today. The 2nd in charge wanted to make sure things were better. And
to ask that I call any problems from know on.

I am and was upset because we have had 3 or 4 directors and 6 or 7 at least Service coordinators. And technically other than one or two they didn't honestly want to help us. So now hopefully the regional director will oversee his services. And we may have a new service coordinator to make sure he that his provider and all does his hours. Which has never been a problem.

I have also sent the state a complaint. Which I don't think will surprise them.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

OhKay 03-22-2017 09:18 AM

That all sounds really ****ing frustrating Donna, but I'm glad that you're finally going to get some help from a higher up :hug:

I'm glad that you made a complaint to the state. If they aren't aware of these kind of issues, nothing gets done, and many people just take the abuse.

Dmom3005 03-22-2017 10:09 PM

Yes, Kay.

That is why we try to make sure things get straightened out.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Mari 03-24-2017 01:29 AM


Wow, that email got their attention. :):):):)


Dmom3005 03-28-2017 10:59 AM

Well I'm really glad that since I don't live close enough to go check on
Derrick without it seeming odd. His provider keeps close tabs on him.

He has been off from the med adjustment, but it seems not just from
being angry and upset which is not Derrick at all. He also has been
off talking wise. From having to really put words together is what it
seems. This says he probably had a seizure or something in abnormal
activity. But he doesn't know. It could easily be a seizure in the night.

His provider my friend Shannon called the new neuro today. And she got
a call back in less than 15 minutes because the doctor was in another office
today and she had to email him. But he has an appointment tomorrow
morning and then was taken completely off medicine for rest of day. He
had already taken morning dose. This is really showing we are liking new

I am kind of off this week because most of my schools are on spring break.
We will see if I get anything for next week. I have a busy personal schedule
so it would have to be Monday probably. And that is the one I'm hearing
I might be needed.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

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