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Alffe 01-31-2007 07:28 AM

Wonder Thread #26
I wonder if BJ's ferrel cats found the shelter....

I wonder if she can find hay at the seed/feed store....

I wonder if I can say how glad I am to finally have the drive plowed, even tho he came at 3:00 a.m. and woke us all up.....then Cooper had to go out and inspect the property.....:D

I wonder if Lara knows how much I appreciated her keeping me company until I went back to bed....:)

I wonder if it's really 6 degrees on the back porch....

I wonder how Kimmie is and if it's hot in Fla.................

I wonder if katey has any snow............

I wonder how Abbie's pain level is today......

I wonder if I can leave Jingle a hug.....(((Jingle)))

I wonder if Spanish Moss and Goofy will ever get to meet....they have soooooo much in common..........

I wonder how Miss Wish's classes are going.......

I wonder if Curious will please slow down and remember that we love her...

Julie 01-31-2007 09:15 AM

I wonder if I can get Michael up and on the road this morning

I wonder if he will like art class today

I wonder at his excitement at being Wilbur in Charlotte's Web in his Reader's Theatre class

I wonder who has snow today

I wonder if this ice is falling will stick anywhere

I wonder why Poochy isn't coming in.

I wonder if BJ's kitties stayed warm last night

I wonder if I can leave pain free hugs for Abbie.

I wonder if I can leave very warm hugs for the Alffe's

I wonder how Lara is doing.

I wonder if Curious needs a lunch out tomorrow.

FeelinGoofy 01-31-2007 10:09 AM

i wonder how much snow alffe ended up with?

i wonder if scotts student teacher in choir will be on the american idol that is showing tonight?? we've been watching every one to see if we can see her audition.

i wonder how BJs kitties are and if she found that newspaper she was looking for. {{{HUGS}}}

i wonder if Jingle ever got that phone call shes been waiting for :hug:

i wonder if i can tell curious that i'm disappointed that this weekend didn't work out... :hug:

i wonder how doody's tailbone is???:hug:

i wonder if Julies Poochy is ok and why shes not coming??

i wonder if Kellie found a dress???

i wonder how much of this sleet/snow stuff we're going to get... it starts up then stops....

i wonder how Scott will do on his try outs today in choir??? :hug:

i wonder whats going to happen at this "mandatory" meeting at work today:rolleyes: i pretty much already know.... or i think i do :winky:

i wonder if i should get off this computer and finish doing launery :rolleyes:

Abbie 02-01-2007 12:49 AM

i wonder if you all know that i think of you daily

i wonder if you all know that i am here... just hiding.

i wonder why it is that whenever i think the pain can't get worse... it does!

i wonder how much longer i can hang on....

i wonder why i am....

FeelinGoofy 02-01-2007 08:48 AM

i wonder if i can give Abbie a hug :hug:

i wonder why my boss is such a control freak :mad:

i wonder how much longer it will be before people start quitting again :mad:

i wonder how much snow/sleet/ice we're going to get today and tomorrow

i wonder why my head is throbbing so bad today :(

i wonder if i'll make it through the day without getting sick at my stomach..

i wonder if i should just hush.....

Alffe 02-01-2007 08:59 AM

I wonder if I can join Goofy in giving Abbie a hug.....:hug:

I wonder why some people need to be constantly in control...(((Goofy)))

I wonder if Curious likes Banana Nut bread....warm from the oven..:D

I wonder if I can believe that ghastly weather forecast in todays paper...

I wonder if anyone else made Wish's peanut butter pie??? Most Excellent!!!

I wonder how Scrabble is and how the kids are.....

I wonder how Kell is and if she found a dress.....

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 02-01-2007 12:08 PM

I wonder if i can tell ya'll that i found myself a dress and my family made fun it:(
I wonder if i can say,i like it:)
I wonder if i will look like a drug company rep..haha
I wonder why i even care...
I wonder about Bj's Lil kitties too...
I wonder if her kitties bring her as much happiness as ours do for me when i'm feelin down.{{BJ}}
I wonder how{{ Doody}} is feeling and if her hand is healing.
I wonder about the weather {{alffe}} might be getting.
I wonder if i can say we just got blasted over the past few days.Today is the first day that we dont even have light snow!!!
I wonder about {{curious}}I hope you are getting some help with everything.
I wonder why i have been sooo tired this week:eek:
I wonder if it has anything to do with my going off topamax ,so i could take steroids all week:eek:
I wonder if i can say that i am happy it helped with my hip/jaw pain..but not much else!!
I wonder if i can give {{abaski}} a :hug: and let her know that i am thinking of her today!
I wonder if goofy ever got rid of her headache:hug:
I wonder if i can leave :grouphug: for the room.

who moi 02-01-2007 06:20 PM

wonder if I can admit that I didn't get to make Jingle's sweet tater pie while the alphos' were here (hang head in shame...*sigh..LOL)

wonder if I can do it next time?

wonder if I can say to the Alphos that I've got the contract to that job! And I am very excited about it!

Wonder if those that are hurting know that they are loved???


wonder if I can say how much I appreciate everyone here...

wonder if I should start cooking for the wifey before she kicks my *****...ROFL...

Alffe 02-01-2007 07:52 PM

I wonder if moi knows how happy Mr.Alffe & I are to hear about the job....

I wonder if Kell will describe her it looks teriffic on her....

I wonder if Mr.Alffe is terribly disappointed that I'm just too tired to get into the hot tub tonight......~sigh

I wonder if the high temp. Sat really will be 7 degrees....

I wonder how much more snow we will get on top of the 15 inches....

I wonder if the river will overflow its banks..............

I wonder why I missed our town making the news on Today Show cause of this snow.........

I wonder if Curious and Julie have snow shovels.....and boots....and snow tires for their cars.................:o

Curious 02-01-2007 08:40 PM

i wonder if i will ever catch up on the wonder threads?

i wonder if i should do eenie meenie...minie pick a realtor? i'm so confused.

i wonder if i can leave :grouphug:

BJ 02-01-2007 09:33 PM

I wonder if I can show you my buddy

I wonder if Kell know that yes he brings me such joy. He’s there at the door when I come home and follows me around like a dog. He's sleeping in my lap right now.

I wonder if my ferals will be warm enough with the ice and snow expected tonight.

I wonder if they saw me peeking in the garage at 3:30AM to see if they’re alright.

I wonder why I was peeking in the garage at 3:30AM with my PJs on.

I wonder if people realize that sometimes words hurt just as much as slaps.

I wonder if my boss appreciates me working 12 hours today…NOT!

I wonder how fast that car was going when he hit the bunny I saw in the road on the way home.

I wonder if that bunny suffered. :(

I wonder if my mom knows I tried to plant that tree again on her grave today at lunch but the ground was too hard.

I wonder if I can finish wondering tomorrow. It’s been a long, draining, emotional day.

But I wonder if I can leave :grouphug: for the room and extra special ones for Curious, Abby and Jingle.

~scrabble 02-01-2007 11:19 PM

I wonder if BJ hows much I enjoyed seeing her kitty? (He's gorgeous)

I wonder if Addy knows I like her kitty avatar?

I wonder if moi knows I sure enjoy reading his posts?

I wonder if Alffe knows I'm glad she and Mr. Alffe had such a good time with the moi's?

I wonder how the feral cats are fairing tonight?

I wonder who else enjoyed that beautiful moon tonight?

I wonder how Curious is managing?

I wonder what Kell's dress looks like?

I wonder if we'll get snow on Saturday?

I wonder if Abbie is reading tonight?

I wonder if Goofy's stomach is feeling any better and I wonder if she knows that I do not think she should "just hush"?

I wonder if Scott's student teacher in choir has been on American Idol yet?

I wonder how Scott did in his try-outs?

I wonder if Julie and Curious will have lunch together?

I wonder how Idealist is doing tonight?

I wonder how reyn is doing?

I wonder if Lara knows I enjoyed seeing her photos of her kids?

I wonder if you know how much I love my new robe that I got for Christmas?

who moi 02-03-2007 01:51 AM

I wonder if BJ knows how cute that cat is and what a big smile I have on me face looking at the photo?

I wonder if scrabbly knows that I always smile BIG whenever I see her name!

I wonder if I can just give hugs tonight without too much wondering, brain in PO mode and flurry mode...LOL

wonder if I should post a happy birthday thread to the **** soupie lady? LOLOL

((((hugs for the broom))))

who moi 02-03-2007 01:55 AM

I wonder if anyone ever notices that in the :grouphug: graphic, the yellow guys hand is a little lower and on the pink one's (_!_)??

taking advantage of the group hug situation, that yellow opportunist!! LOLOL I like it! :D

just my weird wonder of the day...

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 02-04-2007 08:52 PM

I wonder if whomoi knows how much he makes laugh.:D
I wonder how Doody is feeling ,since she has been sooo busy with the baby being sick.
I wonder if BJ knows how happy i was to be able to see a pic of her adorable kitty.
I wonder if she will give us an update on the feral kitties..
I wonder if i can say my dress is pink and black..but my fam says it looks like a marge simpson dress:eek:
I wonder if scrabble knows i read your post yesterday somewhere..about the tonight when i saw it i thought of you{{scrabble}}We are all gazing upon the same moon..It's pretty kool to think of it that way!
I wonder why people say they understand you,then question whats really going on.
I wonder why i feel as if i shouldn't bother trying anymore..since assumptions are made no matter what you say!!
I wonder if i can leave hugs for the room:grouphug:

FeelinGoofy 02-05-2007 05:55 PM

i wonder if i can tell you Scott got a solo spot in the dinner theater this thursday night :D

i wonder if i can tell you Scotts student teacher will be on this tuesday nights episode of american idol. Her name is Laura Gossett.... Come to find out there are a couple other people from Oklahoma on there, that i dont know personally, but a good friend of mine's daughter goes to school with them.. :)

i wonder why i've been so down lately???? trying to stay positive here.....

i wonder how Doody's grandoody is doing now that hes home? :hug:

i wonder if its' warmed up any for Alffee???? :thud: those negative temperatures are for the birds

i wonder if i can leave a {{{HUG}}} for Kellie...

I wonder how curious is doing now that her house is up for sale? :hug:

i wonder if i should get off the computer and start supper???:rolleyes:

Julie 02-06-2007 08:51 AM

I wonder if you will excuse me if I don't wonder right now

I wonder if I can say I'm soooo tired I can't think

So, I wonder if I can just leave hugs for the room.

Alffe 02-06-2007 09:29 AM

I wonder if Julie tried to move that desk by herself.....;)

I wonder if the kids are glad that all the schools are closed for a second day due to frigid weather..........-8 this morning...too cold to play outside...

I wonder if I can say UNCLE!! enough already....

I wonder if I should listen to that radio expert who said you must warm up your car for at least 10 minutes in temps. like we are having...even newer cars.....

I wonder if I have ever seen a cuter cat then BJ's...makes me smile just to see him...............

I wonder if Cooper knows how pathetic he looks holding a paw up when he goes outside.....

I wonder if I should get him boots....naw, he won't wear his coat. ~sigh

Curious 02-06-2007 10:02 AM

i wonder if moi knows...we ALL know he is the yellow guy in the hug? :p

jingle 02-06-2007 10:49 AM

I wonder if everyone knows how much I'd like to be the pink one :o

Curious 02-06-2007 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by jingle (Post 67730)
I wonder if everyone knows how much I'd like to be the pink one :o

jingleyou are now the pink one. :D

jingle 02-06-2007 11:27 AM

Bless your lovely heart, Curious. You have no idea how much I need a smile and giggle today. Thank you.:)

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 02-06-2007 11:57 AM

I wonder if i can say UNCLEas well!
I wonder how long the schools will be closed.My daughter has been off for the last 2 days!!
I wonder about all the homeless people in this frigid cold weather..I hope they can find a warm shelter to stay in...
I wonder about all the stray animals out there as well...
I wonder if i can leave a special hug for {{Jingle}}:)
I wonder if grandoody is feeling any better :hug:
I wonder if curious has any bites on her house yet.
I wonder if she knows that i said an xtra prayer for her and her family the past few days:hug:
I wonder if {{Julie}} is feeling any better.
I wonder if i can send out a BIG CONGRATS to goofy's son..I know you are sooo proud!
I wonder how many here watch american idol.<raises hand>heehee
Iwonderif i can leave a {{{big ole hug }}}for goofy,and tell her thanx so much for being such a great friend.
I wonder at how cute cooper looks with his paw up..:D
Iwonder if the alffe's are using the hot tub still in this freezziinngg cold weather.
I wonder how{{ BJ and her lil ferals}} are doing and i hope she gives us an update soon.:)
I wonder if my spouse will be upset when i hand him the receipt from yesterdays grocery shopping:eek:
I wonder why he thinks peanut butter and cereal are staples,then he will ask me why i didn't cook:rolleyes:
I wonder if i missed giving anyone hugs..If so,:grouphug:

Julie 02-06-2007 04:48 PM

I wonder if I can thank Kell for wondering about me.

I wonder if the reason I'm tired and beat is that I have Michael as a room mate again.

I wonder if he knows how cute it was when he called it a sleepover...lololol

I wonder if our northern members will warm up

I wonder if I can send them all big warm hugs and a cup of hot chocolate

I wonder if God is smiling when he makes it 69 here but will be back to cold and rainy for the weekend.

I wonder if I can send congratualtion hugs to Scott

I wonder how Doody's Doody is and if he is home recovering.

I wonder how Doody's tailbone is.

I wonder if there is a purple emote that needs hugging....can I be that one?

I wonder why Poochy likes the snow so much....she tries to catch all the flakes

I wonder if I can hug everybody today.

Alffe 02-06-2007 04:48 PM

I wonder if I should admit that it's just too dang cold to get into the hot tub..

I wonder if I should also admit that we are going to escape from this bitter cold for a bit....heading to Florida in the morning for a warm up.

I wonder how far north Kell lives............

I wonder if Scrabble checks her pms............

I wonder if any of you saw the movie..The Illusionist....we loved it!

I still wonder if Curious buried a statue of the Virgin Mary...can't remember which direction she is supposed to sell the house quickly...

I wonder if Goofy knows how excited I am for them all...(((Scott)))

I wonder if Julie is less tired tonight.....

Alffe 02-06-2007 04:50 PM

LOL! I wonder if Julie knows we were posting at the same time, and wondering about many of the same things!! :D

Julie 02-06-2007 04:59 PM

I noticed that too...great minds, right???

I wonder if Efren will make it to sunny Minneapolis

I wonder why they had to sit on the tarmac for an hour

I wonder if he will make it in time to his meetings now that they got him a new plane

BJ 02-06-2007 06:27 PM

I wonder if I can share something with Curious that my mom did when we sold our house

I wonder if I should get back to work. The partners went out to dinner so I'm sitting here eating a granola bar and drinking coffee. :) Two more hours to go and I've been here since 8AM.

I wonder how cold it will get tonight. Right now it's 9 degrees.

I wonder if I can wonder later when I get home because I have a lot of wondering to share.

Curious 02-06-2007 06:52 PM

i wonder if i can tell bj thank you? :hug:

i wonder if anyone besides wants to see my house? it's online now and i'll pm the link. jk about julie..she has seen it already. :D

i wonder if goofy knows one of the 9th grade girls in lil'monkeys choir has tourette's singing is such wonderful therapy for her. it also has helped the whole student body understand what tourettes is. pretty cool that these kids think nothing of it.

i wonder if i can thank y'all for thinking and caring about me so much? y'all are really helping me get through such a tough time. :grouphug: <----hehehehe....i will never be able to see that group hug without thinking of moi having his hand on jingle's pink butt. :p

BJ 02-06-2007 09:33 PM

I wonder if I can tell Jingle I had a colonoscopy and it wasn't too bad. It's that yucky stuff you have to drink the night before that sucks. :hug: Extra special prayers being sent up tonight.

I wonder if it's any warmer where Alffe is and how her deer are doing

I wonder if Alffe knows I'm soooo jealous she's going to FL..but happy for her :D

I wonder if you know that you made me feel like a very proud kittie mama :)

I wonder if Efran was able to get on another plane

I wonder if Curious knows I'd love to see her house :D

I wonder how proud Feeling Goofy must be of her son :)

I wonder how LittleDoody's doing now that he's home :hug:

I wonder if Kell knows that we wonder about the same things, especially homeless animals and people

I wonder if Julie has been able to get any rest

I wonder how my kitties will make out tonight with their new abode. Single digits and well below zero wind chills

I wonder if I should buy another tub because I think I have 5 now :)

I wonder why no matter how old we are we still cry out for our mother's when we have nightmares :(

I wonder why I'm having so many nightmares

I wonder why I have red x's and can't see things :confused:

I wonder if I've forgotten anyone and if I did I'm sorry :o

I wonder if I'll be able to sleep tonight and shut off my wonderer

I wonder if "BJ" should get in her "PJ's", take a nice hot shower and get off this computer

Lastly................I wonder where my gloves are :confused:

Oops not last one....

I wonder if I can leave this for each and every one of you

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