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stevegee 11-17-2020 01:44 PM

One month and Im a mess - just need to vent.
Sorry but I had to post this here cuz really theres nobody i can talk to about this. My friends are over hearing about how Im feeling.

One month and Im full of anxiety. Heart palpitations. Panic attacks. Crying jags for no apparent reason. Each day feels like forever if that makes sense.

Seems everything i do (or dont do) effects me tremendously. Eat sugar. bam. Dont drink enough water. bam. Watch some tv - forget it. Im trying to do the stuff thats supposed to help (vitamins, eat well etc) but each tiny time i veer off that road I crash into an emotional mess. I literally thought "Oh I can watch some TV - its been a few days" but NOOOO

I live alone here in NYC and in lockdown see very few people (for short walks) and im losing it. I guess im hoping it will get better but its just hard and I needed to vent. Its my damn birthday next week - fun!

caroline2 11-17-2020 04:45 PM

OP: Millions are going thru gloom and doom with this virus many worse than others. I'm a strong person but I even had a melt down yesterday from all the body pain I deal with and the virus issues....I just broke down. It's OK to break down, but pick up and keep going.

Get into some easy meditation, that can do wonders.

And celebrate your life -- birthday.... Many are alone on those days. Hang in and hang on...

stevegee 11-17-2020 06:37 PM

Thank you.

I literally feel like Im going crazy. Almost want to go to the ER but I know that wont do anything.

Im on a low dose of valium (which Mark said was not a problem - just continue taper) I actually tried to taper and that made the anxiety worse.

But I want to get off it because Im afraid it will stop any recovery.

I know Im posting alot. Dont really have anyone to talk to about it. Just started therapy - hopefully that will help. So far doctors have been un-helpful.

Thanks again

Mark in Idaho 11-17-2020 09:15 PM


Have you sought a psychiatrist or other professional who specializes in anxiety disorders? You will get better help from a mental health professional than from anybody who you complain to about your concerns about a possible concussion a month ago. I know that accessing these specialists in today's environment is a challenge but you need serious help.

You know what events and activities others have claimed to cause symptoms and you try to engage in those with an expectation of a negative result. When you expect negative results, you will get negative results.

You live in a crazy lockdown state and city that is causing millions to struggle. This is likely the core of your struggle.

stevegee 11-18-2020 04:48 AM

Hi Mark,

Trying to do this now but like you said - a challenge in the current environment. I appreciate your response but when you say "a possible concussion" that does not help. Thank you.

stevegee 11-18-2020 05:05 AM

When I engage in activities such as watching TV - I am not expecting or hoping for negative results. I stayed away from TV for days and when I finally did try I was hoping it would be OK. Unfortunatly it was not.

Mark in Idaho 11-18-2020 02:29 PM

TV is not a risk. The idea of No Screens is directed at teens who get concussions in sports and are sent home for a few days and want to play video games all day. That is the No Screens warning.

Watching casual TV is not a risk. The risk is the type of programming that many watch. Fast action, high drama, news drama, and similar programing triggers anxiety or over-stimulation.

If you find yourself losing track of the program, you are likely over-stimulating your brain with too much information too fast. You can do that trying to read a magazine or newspaper, you know, the paper kind.

News programs are intended to trigger an emotional response. Avoid them. Many TV shows use interpersonal conflict as a main theme. Avoid them.

News shows used to be "We report. You decide." Now, they are "We will tell you how to respond by the emotion in our voice and by twisting the news to make it the most alarming." That is not helpful.

I say possible concussion because you have not had any valid diagnosis of a concussion but have locked onto the idea that everything you are experiencing is a result of your head/face impact.

If you would back off the "This is all concussion caused." and instead consider "Is my anxiety taking over my life?" and try to look at these struggles as due to your struggle with anxiety, it will help you move forward.

There is nothing you can do about your head impact. No treatment is possible except for visual and vestibular therapy. Even vestibular is not always appropriate. Your face and head just need to go through normal bruised tissue healing. The nerves under your skin will take the longest to heal.

I will correct myself. There is one condition that is often triggered after a head impact that can be addressed. Increased anxiety and less tolerance for stress and stimulation. Benzos are not the treatment. SSRIs, SNRIs, behavior and environment modification and moderation, CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), and a few others can help. Have you considered my comment about taking 5-HTP to see if it helps your mind settle down? 100 to 200 mgs to start is safe. Your body already makes it but is likely not making enough.

Do you drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages? You should avoid them.

stevegee 11-18-2020 03:19 PM

Gotcha Mark. As you know I am on valium, Tried to continue the taper and it was a bad idea. So for now I need to just stabilize.
I have gotten 5-HTP and started therapy last week. Avoiding coffee completely.

stevegee 11-18-2020 03:33 PM

Also - SSRI's seem to be a mixed bag as to whether they help or really f you up. In terms of side effects getting on them, etc.

Chemar 11-18-2020 04:03 PM

stevegee, please do just be sure to be checking with your doctor(s) on any changes to your medications, whether adding or removing.

Some supplements also interact with meds so be sure to check those too.

stevegee 11-18-2020 05:15 PM

Thank you. will do.

Mark in Idaho 11-19-2020 01:33 AM

For many, SSRIs or similar meds are a necessary evil to get the obsessive thinking under control so therapy can reap benefits. I don't believe SSRIs should be prescribed by anybody but a psychiatrist who fully understands them and how they can help anxiety, OCD, and other conditions.

I spent 14 years on an SSRI at maximum dose. It was the only solution in the beginning. Once I learned other work arounds, I found a doctor who helped me taper off and replace the SSRI with 5-HTP. I am convinced that 5-HTP is the solution for me to help my mind stay settled.

What side effects of an SSRI are you concerned about?

I have no side effects with 5-HTP.

stevegee 11-19-2020 06:10 AM

To name just a few:

Possible side effects of SSRIs may include, among others:

Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
Dry mouth.
Nervousness, agitation or restlessness.
Sexual problems, such as reduced sexual desire, difficulty reaching orgasm or inability to maintain an erection (erectile dysfunction)

Obviously not all effect everyone the same but there are definitely potential side effects.

davOD 11-19-2020 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by stevegee (Post 1290483)
To name just a few:

Possible side effects of SSRIs may include, among others:

Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
Dry mouth.
Nervousness, agitation or restlessness.
Sexual problems, such as reduced sexual desire, difficulty reaching orgasm or inability to maintain an erection (erectile dysfunction)

Obviously not all effect everyone the same but there are definitely potential side effects.

I have been on 5-THP for 12 years never had a single problem of side effect....but behind the counter pharmaceutical antidepressant, buckets of problems!

Chemar 11-19-2020 09:46 AM

Just adding personal experience with a family member here....
SSRIs had some very severe side effects for him, but 5HTP really helped greatly. It was a physician that tapered him off the SSRI and onto the 5HTP
He actually found 50mg each night to be optimum dose (this was for OCD & anxiety) but I know some people benefit from higher doses. It does make one sleepy, at least it did him.
I do also know of some people who prefer Tryptophan over 5HTP, but my relative did not tolerate it as well as the 5HTP.

Again, always discuss with your own doctors, and a word of caution that 5HTP cannot be taken with SSRIs or anything else that elevates Serotonin levels as that can cause Serotonin Syndrome

Mark in Idaho 11-19-2020 01:11 PM

L-Tryptophan may work for some if their body properly converts it to 5-HTP. I tried it and got marginal benefit. I added 5-HTP and eventually stopped taking the L-Tryptophan.

L-Tryptophan exists in the body waiting for a request to be converted to 5-HTP as it enters the nervous system. 5-HTP becomes serotonin and melatonin.

Since 5-HTP converts directly to serotonin and melatonin, one must monitor their dose to find the right dose. Too much can cause serotonin syndrome. Excessive sweating is the obvious symptom of serotonin syndrome. I lived on the edge of serotonin syndrome for 14 years. I could break into a sweat taking the garbage out.

If L-Tryptophan can cause an improvement, it is a great supplement. You can take more than needed and the body will not convert it all to 5-HTP.

I started with 50 mgs in the AM. I upped to 100, then 150 and settled at 200 mgs in the AM. I also take 200 mgs of L-Theanine. My doctor likes the combination. So do I.

If I forget my morning dose, I notice it that night. I can't get to sleep.

The side effects of SSRIs are real but over stated. I would have momentary sensations of nausea. Never vomiting. Once I recognized what those sensations were, I just ignored them. The ED and libido issues were real but not horrible. I was prescribed some Testosterone and those almost resolved completely. The sweating was annoying but due to my high dose.

BUT, with an SSRI, (I was taking 60 mgs of Paxil/paroxetine), I could get control of my repetitive thoughts (perseverance) that have been exhausting me. I could get a song stuck for days.....Or spelling a challenging word..... or somebody's odd name..... Mundane thoughts that were exhausting me mentally. The side effects were worth it until I found 5-HTP and learned some work-arounds.
I still cannot tolerate music with repeating lyrics.

caroline2 11-19-2020 01:54 PM

OP: I went thru 10 yrs on SSRI's and all along I believed it was thyroid issues and finally a good ole doc in my life gave me a script of Armour thyroid and that long stretch of depression lifted fast, never to return and I've been taking a desiccated thyroid support for 18 wonderful yrs. Young people can have thyroid issues as well so I'm just saying. I realize your issues are very different but we all have thyroids.... And when I was going thru my initial treatments and male friend in my world was also in this arena. So men do have thyroid issues as well.

Finding a good doc to investigate this issue is key.

5HTP has not really worked in my life but since I've been taking L Tryptophan with my sleep stuff my sleep is better than ever.....

Every body is different.

caroline2 11-19-2020 02:07 PM

Well I did a quick search and amazing info:

Traumatic Brain Injury: A Cause of Hypothyroidism

Acrobat 12-08-2020 12:54 AM

stevegee, so very sorry you are going through this. Post concussion syndrome is awful and can seem overwhelming. The only ones who can truly feel your pain are those that have experienced it. Many times doctors and inner circles don't fully understand what you are going through.
I believe the sensory overload, mental fatigue etc creates extreme challenges that result in higher levels of anxiety. But as you heal things will start to return to more of a balance. A more normal set of emotions that we all have.
Please know that like all injuries this will heal. You got this!
It's encouraging that you are on this site and able to post and get support. How are you doing this week? Have you begun concussion behavioral therapy to help during the healing process?

Mark in Idaho 12-08-2020 02:47 AM

What is Concussion Behavior Therapy?

CBT is discussed frequently. Cognitive Behavior Therapy can be very worthwhile if the person has the discipline to follow the training.

Acrobat 12-10-2020 12:32 AM

CBT is very helpful. Also you can look into concussion
Cognitive therapy. Therapy can be so helpful in recovery and coping. Info below for New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center.

I explored just about everything I could. I found treatment s that helped coping and managing but I kept looking for answers and ultimately found that the answers were not out "there" but actually within. Searching inside. Finding that beautiful place of love within that makes you who you are. Gradually shining your love throughout and filling the pain w love. Gradually Turning the darkness into light.
It took me some time to get it but meditation brings the awareness that will help in this healing process.

The book "Hands of light" by a NASA physicist Barbara Brennan is a tremendous guide for healing. A definite game changer for me.


stevegee 12-16-2020 06:59 PM

Now Acid Reflux
Im only posting here cuz Im scared. I know I have anxiety . But now I have acid reflux. Burping endlessly to clear the gas that fills up my chest - if I dont Im in lots of pain. And obviously this makes me anxious. Which is not good.

I cant eat much of anything - small meals with just bland foods. Carbs bring it on so Im eating chicken, eggs, some fruit but small portions. Ive stopped taking any of the fish oil, magnesium etc cuz they ruin my stomach.

I live alone here in NYC and barely see anyone which Im kindve over at this point and winters coming on. I know everyones going through similar stuff but I just need to vent.

Hard to believe Im in a "good recovery" place. It dont feel like it.

Thanks 4 listening

Acrobat 12-20-2020 12:57 AM

Hi stevegee
Ugh acid reflux sorry. Yea We all have anxiety and your elevated level will balance back to a more normal level.
I know it's hard and there's no quick fix.
Trust me I looked everywhere. Remember Your body wants to and knows how to heal. Try to rest and relax in the uncertainty.
Hang in there.
Are you able to get the book "Hands of light" by Barbara Brennan or watch the documentary "heal" from 2017?
Have you tried holistic healing?

Jomar 12-20-2020 02:12 PM

anxiety & acid reflux connection...
anxiety and acid reflux - Google Search

stevegee 12-21-2020 01:01 PM

Im on prilosec AC. Hoping it will resolve the issue. Stomach stuff aint fun.

stevegee 12-22-2020 12:19 PM

Prilosec bad
Wow. Took Prilosec yesterday. Dunno if anyone on here has taken it but the side effects are wacked. Major dizziness when getting up. Insomnia with weird panic stuff (effed up dreams)

Turns out these "side effects" are pretty normal. Im wondering if they hit me hard because of my injury. Almost seems like it effects the brain.

Found this:

Anyone with similar experience? No more of this for me.

caroline2 12-22-2020 02:55 PM

These drugs are called PPI's and I do NOT take any but do work with alternatives for my own digestive Digestive Enzymes and other ones for digestive issues....there is a whole world of supports for digestive issues other than the PPI's... Learn about alternatives for your issue OP....

Do a search like: Alternatives for digestive issues vs pharma drugs....

Did you check Side Effects of Prilosec? There are many.

Mark in Idaho 12-23-2020 01:19 AM

stevegee, Disregard Caroline. She has never had a TBI or concussion and has no idea how PCS and stomach issues interact.

Could you possibly have a mild hiatal hernia that is causing acid refux? One can get a hiatal hernia from stress and straining with constipation. There is a heel drop protocol that can help reduce mild hiatal hernias.

I took Prilosec a year ago as a test. I stopped it and tried something else because I did not like what Prilosec was doing to me. I took Pepcid instead. Neither helped because my problem was not stomach related. My problem was neurological. My throat muscles do not work correctly, likely due to my neck injury.

Personally, I would not mess with omeprazole (Prilosec)

BurritoWarrier 12-23-2020 03:57 PM


I have GERD and have taken both OTC and prescription meds for it in the past. I also have had several years of lingering PCS symptoms (that turned out to be migraine-related). It's always possible for the side effects of meds to "stack" with symptoms that you are already experiencing with PCS.

If you already have a headache, and take a med that causes headache, you might have a bad time, for example. Don't let this give you anxiety over every med you take. If you have a bad time on something, talk to your doctor, and try to find something else. You are not going to cause brain damage.

I didn't have an issue with Prilosec, but if it bothers you, I'd try Ranitidine or Famotidine. They are a different drug class that is slightly more benign. Might have to do Famotidine because I think there was a Zantac (Ranitidine) recall recently. You can't get them over the counter. I found them to be slightly less effective, so you might have to adjust your dosing accordingly, but for mild to moderate acid reflux, they should work. I've taken all of them with no issues.

What specific PCS symptoms are you experiencing? I know the anxiety is bad. Do you have headache? Dizziness? Light or sound sensitivity? Neck issues?

BurritoWarrier 12-23-2020 08:35 PM

Sorry *can* get them over the counter. All of those drugs should be easy to pick up at the store.

stevegee 01-13-2021 07:17 PM

Light and sound sensitivity. Seems I have a hiatal hernia now which can add to the anxiety. Panic attacks consistent. This really sucks.

Started therapy and meditating but honestly - each day is a struggle to make it through. Also I see pretty much no one in NYC so Im always in my head - which is a bad place to be.

Im praying this gets better. Which it was a few weeks ago til the stomach stuff started up.

Mark in Idaho 01-14-2021 11:13 PM

How does a hiatal hernia cause anxiety? They may cause acid reflux but not much else.

Have you been shown how to do a heel drop? Here is a How To.

Hiatal Hernia Heel Drops | The SIBO Doctor

Take control of your life by treating yourself.

Acrobat 03-04-2021 12:14 AM

How are you feeling?

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