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AnnieB3 05-08-2011 04:46 PM

OT: My Teddy Bear
3 Attachment(s)
Last Friday, on what was otherwise a beautiful spring morning, I let my dear Shih Tzu Teddy go to puppy heaven. He had been increasingly, though subtly, sick for months and had been rapidly going downhill recently with what we surmised only two days beforehand to be an encephalopathy, which has many causes. It’s hard to say for sure what it was exactly since I would not do the invasive testing while he was that ill nor the necropsy after his death to find out. I am still waiting for some blood tests to come back. I find it ironic that he had a neurological condition which could be figured out only by his "clinical" signs. What I do know was that he had neurological issues, was probably going blind in the past few days and was in severe pain which the Tramadol was not eradicating. He needed to be set free.

We ended our life together outside on our backyard deck, surrounded by birds singing and the squirrels he loved to chase. He had become sensitive to light, so it was kind of the clouds to block the sun until he left. After ten minutes of sitting alone with his spirit, I had gone back inside to our favorite spot on the porch. As I put my feet up on his footstool, the sun then shone through the highest window, directly on me. Teddy loved sitting in the sun. A couple minutes later, after opening the window in case his soul wanted to sit by me, my Mom and I saw the first baltimore oriole of the season come to sit twice on the hummingbird feeder which was inches from where Teddy and I said goodbye. We haven’t seen one since. I choose to believe that these gifts from nature were more than a coincidence.

Although we had barely eight years together, with him dying a few weeks after his 8th birthday, each day was filled with great joy and love. I am trying to focus on that and not on the enormous pain I’m in. There have been a few moments in the past week or so when I felt like I might join Teddy due to the stress on my body and soul. The house is so empty now but I can still “see” him everywhere, which is both comforting and saddening.

He was an amazingly sweet dog and had such a dinstinct personality and way about him. He was greatly loved by so many. There won’t be a day that goes by that I won’t think of him. I was blessed to have such a gentle soul in my life.


The first photo of Teddy is him waiting for food by his "Teddy table" in the sunshine. The other is when he was younger, before we cut his "ponytail" off for good. Here's another of him on his footstool, watching for squirrels and bunnies.

mrsD 05-08-2011 05:08 PM

I am so sorry your lovely Teddy has gone to the Rainbow Bridge.:hug::hug:

This is very painful for you, and I truly understand. We lost 2 beloved cats this winter, who were 20 and 24.

I was totally devastated. But then days after Tippy had her stroke, I decided to find a kitten, and I did in mid winter when kittens are not common.

The result is a wonderful result for me and for her. (no one wanted her, because she is black (bad luck) and was very timid and not very exciting as a kitten. But I think it was fated to be, and she is turning out to be exceptional. ( I have photos of Weezie in my you can see how wonderful she really is.)

When Sheba died, we expected it, as she was 24 and very lame. That didn't make it any easier, but it was not totally devastating. When Tippy followed, I couldn't handle THAT.

Once you grieve for Teddy, please consider adopting another pet. You have great empathy and love for animals, and some lost soul out there needs you.

It is very difficult to euthanase a pet. Part of the grief is this I think. We have an area in the back of our yard, where we bury our beloved companions. My siggie shows this area today, as the wild flowers moved into that spot over the years. Somehow that keeps me going, and seems comforting.

You did a very good job with Teddy... I am sure he is now pain free and still loves you.:hug:

Stellatum 05-08-2011 05:36 PM

I'm so sorry for your loss.


craftyRCC 05-08-2011 08:57 PM


I am so sorry for your loss. The two of you shared something very special. It's never easy to let go of something you love so. I'm sure Teddy is in a special place where he can run with others, free of pain and sickness.


Juanitad 05-08-2011 09:20 PM

Annie - I'm so sorry for your loss.


suev 05-08-2011 11:02 PM

Oh Annie - I am so very sorry it was time for Teddy to cross over. You did everything you could for him .... and he loved you for it. Just as he loved you even more for having the courage to let him cross the Rainbow Bridge. I'm sure the oriole conveyed a message you were meant to receive. Nature always finds a way to signal those who are able to listen.

redtail 05-09-2011 03:06 AM


Iam so sorry your dear Teddy has gone. I'm thinking of you at this time.
take care

busybusy 05-09-2011 07:35 AM

I am so sorry that Teddy is gone. I know your heart is broken.

Quote from Annie: A couple minutes later, after opening the window in case his soul wanted to sit by me, my Mom and I saw the first baltimore oriole of the season come to sit twice on the hummingbird feeder which was inches from where Teddy and I said goodbye. We haven’t seen one since. I choose to believe that these gifts from nature were more than a coincidence.

This was no coincidence. Our Father above shares in our losses and our hurts no matter where it comes from. He send his unconditional love to us in so many ways, and this was his way of saying Teddy is ok now and the heart can begin to heal. :hug: busy

alice md 05-09-2011 10:49 AM

I am so sorry to hear that you have lost such a dear friend.

whirlwind123 05-10-2011 05:09 AM

I am so sorry for your loss

rach73 05-10-2011 01:34 PM

Annie I am so dreadfully sorry for your loss, I know Teddy meant the absolute world to you. I read your post with tears streaming down my face. My heart aches knowing what you are going through right now.

One of the hardest things as the owner of a beloved pet (that term doesn't seem to encompass the love we have for these creatures) is to know when its time to say goodbye. Its the hardest decision in life that many of us will ever make and I applaud your courage.

Teddy will live on in your heart. I like to think that all our beloved animals are playing together in the sunshine in a glorious meadow, just waiting for us to join them again when our own time comes.

You gave each other 8 glorious years of unconditional love, remember that and hold on to it.

Sending you so much love


Southern Bell 05-11-2011 10:28 AM

So sorry for your loss

I wanted to let you know that I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend Teddy. I know what it is like to loose a furry child, my husband and I have been married for 31 years and our children have always been dogs and cats (by choice). Over that period of time we have said goodby to 10 children and now we have 6 children (2 dogs and 4 cats). My life would be so empty without their unconditional love, especially with my MG condition. My dogs are 16 and 13, both came from very unloving homes, and the 13 year old (Ginger) usually follows me through the house like she needs to protect me. Two of the cats are often in my lap or laying close by. During the 2 1/2 months I spent in the hospital at the onset of this train reck, I missed their company so much. I went into the hospital in 2009 with two dogs and two cats and came home to an additional 2 month old kitty that my husband rescued and we have added another kitty rescued from our neighborhood last fall.

Teddy will always be with you in your heart. Take comfort in the things you see that remind you of him and when you're ready, please consider opening your home and heart to another furry child that needs you as much as you need him or her. I speak from experience that there are so many animals that people treat as throw aways for what ever reason - our 16 year old dog (Samantha) was taken to the dog pound and dumped at the age of 12 because the family had started having children (the two leg kind) and didn't want to be bothered with her anymore. She is one spoiled baby after 4 years with us.

Take care,
Southern Bell

AnnieB3 05-11-2011 08:53 PM

I want to thank all of you for your thoughts and kindness. I would normally thank each of you individually but I'm sure you understand that I am completely overwhelmed right now with grief.

Teddy was my last pet. I can't physically or financially afford another one. I'm not even sure I could have another anyway, since Teddy was so unique.

I am quite lost without him.


Annie59 05-11-2011 11:07 PM

Sounds like your little one was blessed to have you. I am sorry for your loss. The photos are so sweet.


AnnieB3 05-21-2011 11:22 PM

I don't know when this will get better. It's pretty empty around here. I miss Teddy so much I can hardly deal with it. Thanks again for your support.

rach73 05-23-2011 02:02 PM


just to let you know that my husband and I have been thinking of you.

Its a cliché but with the passing of time the pain gets to a level that you can deal with. My heart breaks for you, its very early days at the moment. Allow yourself to grieve properly.

Sending you so much love


my92rs 05-25-2011 05:05 AM

So sorry for your loss
I had to put to sleep my beautiful 14 1/2 year old German Shepherd in July 2008. Not day goes by still I don't think about him. I still feel him here with me daily. When he died a part of me died too. I can feel your pain. There is a beautiful website ** where I was able to set up a memorial for my sweet Major. You might like to set one up for your Teddy.**. My prayers will be with you. Teddy will always be there with you in Spirit. God Bless You.:hug:

If you would like the link email me.


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