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SecretAgentMan 07-30-2010 05:10 PM

Chronic fatigue? Rule out Candida first!
One of the leading symptoms of having too much Candida in your system is chronic fatigue. Candida is the fungus and yeast that take over your digestive tract when the helpful bacteria that usually reside there are taken out by antibiotics. Over time Candida weakens the intestinal lining and leeches into your blood stream spreading throughout your body. People who go on Candida elimination plans often experience a great increase in their energy levels. This includes many people who have been diagnosed with 'Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.' Research for yourself and look into it.

Candida causes all kinds of other problems too including food sensitivities, joint pain and stiffness, anxiety, foggy brain, and the list goes on and on. Many of the things we normally associate with just getting older can be attributed to Candida. In my case, I had developed a food sensitivity to gluten and wheat which was causing me to twitch, tremor, cramp, and jump at night (like a falling dream). I thought I had a neurological disorder at first like Parkinsons, MS or ALS. It can't hurt to check this out for yourself! Good luck in your quest for answers.

Peter B 08-04-2010 04:57 AM

Yes, and avoid fungal/ mould food like cheese and mushrooms, anything fermented, all yeast products.

davelikesfish 08-13-2010 04:04 AM

Does it help if you take some of those "good bacteria" pills?

I have had chronic pain and fatigue for many years. Maybe I should try those pills. Could it help? Could it make things worse?

SecretAgentMan 08-16-2010 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by davelikesfish (Post 684582)
Does it help if you take some of those "good bacteria" pills?

I have had chronic pain and fatigue for many years. Maybe I should try those pills. Could it help? Could it make things worse?

No, it won't hurt to take the probiotics, but unless you do something to take care of the Candida first, it will do you little good. Candida greatly inhibbits your body's ability to absorb the nutrients from the food or supplements that you eat. This is part of the reason for its contribution to fatigue, but it is also the reason that taking probiotics before taking care of the Candida is ineffective. Just as the good bacteria keeps Candida at bay in a healthy digestive system, the Candida keeps helpful bacteria at bay in an unhealthy digestive system.

Your best bet is to take aggressive dosages of anti-fungal supplements such as olive leaf for a few weeks prior to starting treatment on probiotics. Avoid sugars and artificial sweeteners too as these feed Candida. I'm on Dr. Jeffery McCombs' anti-Candida plan and have had nothing but excellent results thus far. There are other plans on the market that I'm sure work just as well, but I only have a personal experience with the McCombs Plan. Candida die off taxes your body's liver and kidneys, so it Dr. McCombs recommends that you relieve these organs by sweating for 10 to 15 minutes daily. The skin is the body's largest detox organ and sweating allows your body to quickly get rid of excess waste. Many who go on anti-Candida plans who do not sweat experience cold or flu like symptoms for this reason. Let me know if you have any further questions and I'll be more than happy to help.

I am just into week 8 of Dr. McCombs' plan and I have so much more energy than I have had in years. I don't have trouble falling asleep anymore either. Its like a new lease on life. Best of luck.

MetalMX 10-06-2010 08:42 AM

Personally i think the whole candida thing is a cock and bull story. The only reason it occurs is if something goes wrong and its presence can alert a doctor (by checking the tongue) that something else is wrong e.g. infection, problem with the immune system, cancer etc. etc...

Chemar 10-06-2010 09:39 AM

sorry MetalMX, but I absolutely disagree with your comment above. I know from personal experience that the candida "thing" is most certainly NOT a "cock and bull story", and find that a rather flaming remark for you to make:confused:

Candida overgrowth can result from many conditions, but it can also be a primary cause of disease, just as any other parasitic infection can.

MetalMX 10-07-2010 07:44 AM

Their is no way in the world candida overgrowth can do anything or is clinically relevant to anything.

Candidiasis occurs in those who are immunocompromised such as AIDS or cancer patients. Then it is clinically relevant.

It would only be relevant ( to the person not a doctor) if their diet consisted of nothing but soft drinks, donuts and crap food day in day out then yes you've made your own problems right their, but the diet itself would be causing you more harm than any "overgrowth" of yeasts could ever have.

Parasites can be pathogenic and invasive, yeasts are cannot.

Chemar 10-07-2010 10:35 AM

MetalMx, you obviously are not correctly informed about candida, and your statements are clearly evident of that

Chemar 10-07-2010 01:08 PM

ps for anyone interested, a good book to start with IMO is The Yeast Syndrome by Walker & Trowbridge. In addition to discussion of Candida overgrowth and related ailments, it also has really good recipes to make the yeast buster diet easier to handle. Takes one through stages of food ie an elimination diet.

We (my family) have consistently found Candida Clear by NOW to be our best acting anti Candida supplement.

anyone who has ever used a lot of antibiotics, or is an alcoholic or binge/heavy drinker, as well as people who eat a lot of refined carbs & sugars really could have candida overgrowth in their GIT., but often the triggers are not so clearly defined.

I was very surprised when my Candida overgrowth was so high, and amazed at the ailments that disappeared when I had gone though the initial elimination and recovery period. I was otherwise relatively healthy for my age, and with an organic and very healthy, balanced diet.

I try to keep an open mind when I begin to hear enough anecdotal evidence of things come in. Conventional medicine and scientific research has it's value, but it does not know everything and often things are discovered "by anecdote" that modern medicine then catches up to later.

I had candidiasis. I was treated for it and got better from an assortment of "ailments" that I had no idea (nor did my PCP , gynie & co :rolleyes: ) could be related to candida "yeast" infection.
If any of those things reappear (eg for me they include: IBS, fog-brain headaches,foot pain, back ache) I do a short course of Candida Clear and eliminate any food that candida likes from my diet for about a month, and voila! I begin to feel a lot better!

My son has Tourette Syndrome (with ADD, OCD etc) and Crohn's Disease and he KNOWS when he may have a problem with candida as well because his symptoms ramp up. Again, we treat for candida and things get better........

The proof of the accuracy of diagnosis of an illness & efficiency of a treatment is in the healing IMHO :)

It is not scientifically accurate, but here is an old time home remedy "spit test" that *may* indicate one has candida "yeast" infection. I have been intrigued though in hearing how frequently showing a +ve spit test seems to corelate with subsequent positive conventional testing. Again, it is not "scientific" or "FDA Approved" :D but hey! if it can help one feel better, what is a bit of spit in a glass of water :winky:

ElizabethKendrick 10-24-2012 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by MetalMX (Post 701978)
Personally i think the whole candida thing is a cock and bull story. The only reason it occurs is if something goes wrong and its presence can alert a doctor (by checking the tongue) that something else is wrong e.g. infection, problem with the immune system, cancer etc. etc...

I agree... It seems highly doubtful to me.

anon20160311 10-25-2012 04:25 PM

Celiac disease, triggered by gluten proteins from wheat in susceptible people, can damage the central nervous system. The cell walls of Candida, the yeast responsible for oral thrush, vaginal infections and intestinal Candidiasis, contain the same protein sequence as wheat gluten and may trigger or stimulate Celiac Disease.....
The surface proteins which wheat and candida fungus have in common is hyphal wall protein 1 (HWP1). HWP1 uses oligosaccharide sugars to cross link with the tissue transglutaminase which holds cells together on the surfaces of our small intestines.

However, this study does not reach far enough. Everyone's immune systems start identifying harmful antigens like candida by the protein sequence in HWP1. In celiac patients the immune system creates antibodies which attack anything associated with HWP1. In celiac patients and everyone else the immune system releases zonulin in the presence of HWP1. Zonulin causes the intestine walls to become porous, and passes the intestinal contents into the bloodstream undigested.

Because both candida and wheat gluten contain HWP1, BOTH the celiac reaction AND the permeability reaction are triggered by either candida or wheat gluten.

This website shows that about 90% of candida and gluten symptoms are identical.

Why? Because the above "zonulin dump" places candida, gluten, bacteria, viruses, complex sugars, large proteins and metals into the bloodstream. From the bloodstream candida and gluten continue attaching to tissue, and become the objects of further immune responses.

What can we do? Obviously quit eating gluten. But candida? Candida thrives on anything which tastes sweet. So you know the rest.

Rndawn10 12-11-2012 06:15 AM

Secret agent man did an excellent job answering this post!! Make sure if you treat the yeast(possibly with diflucan or nystatin, you also take a great probiotic supplement to re-establish the good bacteria in the gut!

SecretAgentMan 10-17-2013 05:57 PM

Hello all, just checking in to let everyone know that I'm still 100% over the neurological problems I had back in 2009~2010 after treating the candida/leaky gut syndrome. I honestly don't get on these forums much now because, well, I'm busy living my life to the fullest. I still like to come back and offer my perspective to others who might be struggling with what I struggled with. If not for some random post on the internet I may have never been aware of the existence of the candida/leaky gut syndrome connection to the immune and nervous systems. Anyway, I hope all are doing well.

Dmom3005 10-19-2013 06:50 PM

Thank you Secretagentman and Chemar

For talking on this thread. Its very informative. And I will
work on looking into this.


SloRian 01-11-2015 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Chemar (Post 702377)
ps for anyone interested, a good book to start with IMO is The Yeast Syndrome by Walker & Trowbridge. In addition to discussion of Candida overgrowth and related ailments, it also has really good recipes to make the yeast buster diet easier to handle. Takes one through stages of food ie an elimination diet.

We (my family) have consistently found Candida Clear by NOW to be our best acting anti Candida supplement.

anyone who has ever used a lot of antibiotics, or is an alcoholic or binge/heavy drinker, as well as people who eat a lot of refined carbs & sugars really could have candida overgrowth in their GIT., but often the triggers are not so clearly defined.

I was very surprised when my Candida overgrowth was so high, and amazed at the ailments that disappeared when I had gone though the initial elimination and recovery period. I was otherwise relatively healthy for my age, and with an organic and very healthy, balanced diet.

I try to keep an open mind when I begin to hear enough anecdotal evidence of things come in. Conventional medicine and scientific research has it's value, but it does not know everything and often things are discovered "by anecdote" that modern medicine then catches up to later.

I had candidiasis. I was treated for it and got better from an assortment of "ailments" that I had no idea (nor did my PCP , gynie & co :rolleyes: ) could be related to candida "yeast" infection.
If any of those things reappear (eg for me they include: IBS, fog-brain headaches,foot pain, back ache) I do a short course of Candida Clear and eliminate any food that candida likes from my diet for about a month, and voila! I begin to feel a lot better!

My son has Tourette Syndrome (with ADD, OCD etc) and Crohn's Disease and he KNOWS when he may have a problem with candida as well because his symptoms ramp up. Again, we treat for candida and things get better........

The proof of the accuracy of diagnosis of an illness & efficiency of a treatment is in the healing IMHO :)

It is not scientifically accurate, but here is an old time home remedy "spit test" that *may* indicate one has candida "yeast" infection. I have been intrigued though in hearing how frequently showing a +ve spit test seems to corelate with subsequent positive conventional testing. Again, it is not "scientific" or "FDA Approved" :D but hey! if it can help one feel better, what is a bit of spit in a glass of water :winky:

Thanks for the info, Chemar. I've heard of Candida too, but never really looked into it. I've had CFS and fibro for 30 years now, and it just sucks. I think I'll try that spit test, and ask my PM doc about Candida (I'm going to see him next week).

If something works, then it's great, and I'm glad to hear it works for you.

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