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tchr012 09-20-2010 02:09 PM

Tara's official surgery/surgery info thread!
Well, I created this new thread because this is the only thread I am going to be using from here on out because I get to finally know all my surgery info on Friday! And my surgery will be with my new pain doctor that I loved and a neurosurgeon :) :D I am steps closer to getting better and am so happy! I finally talked to the old doctor office and she said that she talked to my new doctor and everyone involved thinks the best thing for me is to have him take over my health care and be involved with my surgery! So, no more seeing the old pain doctor either :) I am so happy I could dance, well not yet because I am still hurting but you know what I mean ;) I have a lot to do because even though I don't know the surgery date I am going to anticipate that it will be soon because the last time I saw the good pain doctor he was very concerned about me and wanted to get me help ASAP, unlike the other doctor! Thank you so much everyone for hanging in there and I will let you know everything when I get the date and official information. Big :hug:'sTara!

smae 09-20-2010 03:51 PM

I am so happy for you!
I'm not sure I will be moving forward with the process.. :(
But I will still be your buddy.. just not your surgery buddy.

Mark56 09-20-2010 05:50 PM

Yea 4 tara
Tara- I am so happy for you that the date to fix and repair and replace all of that troublesome hardward is coming soon!! May all be well with you in this complicated and much needed procedure.

Mark56 PJ:)

smae 09-20-2010 06:53 PM

Can I just say (even though this is not totally about your surgery) that... the more I learn about Tara (things that are not on NT but that she has shared with me personally)... that WOW... Tara you sure are one amazing woman!

I am in awe of your strength to overcome all the bad things that you have been through.. from medical problems and surgeries and bad doctors to personal things... you are inspiring.

And I am SO glad that we have connected like we have... <3 :hug:

If you are reading this and don't really know Tara... you've gotta get to know her! She's pretty special! :)

tchr012 09-20-2010 07:55 PM

Thank you
Wow, I am already feeling loved on this thread! I am going to keep this positivity going from now until after my surgery when I am recovering! I am so happy right now that I do have a good doctor and he will actually be taking care of me without me having to chase him down! It has taken a year but I feel like everything I have been through and everything that is happening now will make me be a better teacher someday ;)
And Sarah, we will always be great friends because we do have a special connection! Thank you so much for your kind posts and especially for saying that about me...I was really moved and really appreciate it! Do not ever forget that you are special yourself, and you bring a lot of strength and courage to the board too!
So, until Friday I am going to be patient and thankful and just work on my school work and pass the time until my appointment :) I know that without all of you I would not have had the courage or the strength to keep going and trying to get to a better doctor! I appreciate each and every one of you that ever has left me a message :) I will be back with my news on Friday so take care BIG:hug:'sTara

anon21816 09-21-2010 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by tchr012 (Post 696885)
Well, I created this new thread because this is the only thread I am going to be using from here on out because I get to finally know all my surgery info on Friday! And my surgery will be with my new pain doctor that I loved and a neurosurgeon :) :D I am steps closer to getting better and am so happy! I finally talked to the old doctor office and she said that she talked to my new doctor and everyone involved thinks the best thing for me is to have him take over my health care and be involved with my surgery! So, no more seeing the old pain doctor either :) I am so happy I could dance, well not yet because I am still hurting but you know what I mean ;) I have a lot to do because even though I don't know the surgery date I am going to anticipate that it will be soon because the last time I saw the good pain doctor he was very concerned about me and wanted to get me help ASAP, unlike the other doctor! Thank you so much everyone for hanging in there and I will let you know everything when I get the date and official information. Big :hug:'sTara!

Tara:hug: good to see you are being POSITIVE now :) well done. This is great news and wonderful to hear that you are getting the 'good' doctor also. I will keep everything crossed and keep you in my prayers too that all will be sorted on FRIDAY YAY!!!!!

Take care:hug:

Rrae 09-21-2010 05:17 PM
Just wanted to put something 'pretty' (just like you :) ) on your official thread.
It's so wonderful to see prayer being answered right before our very eyes!

smae 09-21-2010 06:22 PM

Aww that's beautiful! (So is Tara! inside and out!) :)


Originally Posted by Rrae (Post 697296)
Just wanted to put something 'pretty' (just like you :) ) on your official thread.
It's so wonderful to see prayer being answered right before our very eyes!

Mark56 09-21-2010 06:47 PM

Aww Rae
So BEAUTIFUL!!, yep, just had to chime in.

Mark56 PJ :)

Rrae 09-21-2010 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Mark56 (Post 697334)
So BEAUTIFUL!!, yep, just had to chime in.

Mark56 PJ :)

Mark you are such a Hooot!

kzlrogue 09-21-2010 09:20 PM

I am so HAPPY for you Tara! I just knew that your prayers would be answered!! You keep that positive attitude because nothing can stop you now.....I can FEEL it!! There still will be downs but nothing that you can't handle by picking yourself up....brushing yourself off.....and moving forward to something better.....because you have a WONDERFUL life to live!!!


tchr012 09-21-2010 09:53 PM

New news today
Well, I have been out with my husband all day so it was really nice to have a break from school and be out of the house! I got another call from my stim rep and now we know the surgeon who will be doing me surgery! So, I dont have to go to the appointment on Friday, now it is just me waiting for the surgeon's office to call! SO, I am very happy that we are getting further along and I am very thankful for my stim rep! That is the latest update, will let you know when I get more news! Thank you everyone for the support and encouragement! Thank you Rrae for the the beautiful image...I loved it ;) You all are so wonderful and I appreciate it! Well, I had a long day and am hurtin so I am going to head to bed. Take care BIG:hug:'sTara

Oh yeah, my stim rep also told me or promised to have me out of pain so that in May I could run the mini...and I said well I just want to be able to graduate and he said he promised and that he would see to it I will WALK across the stage to get my diploma! I was so happy when he said that and truly believe it is going to happen!

Rrae 09-21-2010 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by tchr012 (Post 697430)
I will WALK across the stage to get my diploma! I was so happy when he said that and truly believe it is going to happen!

I get all goose-bumpy just picturing this in my mind!
It WILL happen TARA!!

I'm SO happy to see this moving right along for you!


Mark56 09-21-2010 10:43 PM

Such long needed good news
So Cool Tara- A nice day out capped by your stim rep giving such great encouragement!! Now lots of prayers and a surgery date soon, then you can get to the business of recovery and ultimately graduation!!

This will pass, and we will all shout for joy at your graduation! May you walk in that line across the stage to receive your diploma!!

Mark56 PJ :)

tchr012 09-23-2010 02:25 PM

Another appointment tomorrow
Well, no news about the surgery yet, but I figure it would take a few days to get back to me? I am going to see my other pain doctor because he increased my neurontin and wanted to check up on me. I have been doing worse painwise and I had to have my husband help me get dressed this morning :( I am hoping that by talking with the doctor tomorrow I can figure out how this is process is going and also if there was a way to speed it up ;) Also, my surgery situation seems to be complicated again because for some reason they keep saying I have to choose to have my new doctor or the old doctor involved. My whole plan was just for whoever could get me in sooner which at the time seemed to be my old, I hope I made the right decision. I did that also because the new doctor said I would have to have another revision before I would be able to get the paddles and there is no way I am doing that again because to me it just wastes more money and time especially since doing it that way will probably get messed up by me falling again. I will just talk to him tomorrow and get things cleared up and then I might call the surgeon's office too. I am just not sure how this whole process works and since it is complicated I am concerned that I need to stay on top of things in order to get this surgery scheduled and done! I guess I sort of rambled but just had a lot of things on my mind and I am sure you all understand. I will let you know what my doctor says tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great week. Take care :hug:Tara

I think I am going to tell him to take me off the neurontin because since he has increased it I feel really weird....I hear static/voices in my head, I feel groggy and tired all the time, I also get really dizzy and I don't think it is helping me with my pain :(

Rrae 09-23-2010 07:00 PM

I'm going to quit the Neurontin trial I've been on for 6 weeks. I've been hearing others talk about 'Depression Induced Neurontin'and I've had 2 mental 'breakdowns' and it's not doing me one bit of good.
I give up! :mad:
So, for me I guess it'll just have to be the Hydrocodone (Lortab) to be my sidekick for the pain the SCS doesn't cover. oh well :( The bad part about this is - my tolerance to the stuff is high! I take the maximum dose and then 3 hours later I'm getting breakthru pain again!!

It's good that you are keeping good communication going between you and your docs. I have a journal-type thing that I've jotted down notes and concerns throughout my ordeal, because, yes indeed, it IS an ordeal that drags out and twists and turns are happening all the while. It's good that you are being on the ball with this....and I know it does get frustrating....but it is up to US to be on the ball....I've learned not to 'assume' anything when it comes to what gets charted and what doesn't.
Keep your chin up and keep up the good work.
There will certainly be the 'down' days.....but the good ones do eventually roll around.....:hug:

But yeah, that Neurontin is for the birds as far as I'm concerned.
God BLess America for those it helps....but to me it's nothing more than a joke.....but I'm not laughing.....:mad:

tchr012 09-23-2010 08:32 PM

Thanks Rrae!

Originally Posted by Rrae (Post 698143)
I'm going to quit the Neurontin trial I've been on for 6 weeks. I've been hearing others talk about 'Depression Induced Neurontin'and I've had 2 mental 'breakdowns' and it's not doing me one bit of good.
I give up! :mad:
So, for me I guess it'll just have to be the Hydrocodone (Lortab) to be my sidekick for the pain the SCS doesn't cover. oh well :( The bad part about this is - my tolerance to the stuff is high! I take the maximum dose and then 3 hours later I'm getting breakthru pain again!!

It's good that you are keeping good communication going between you and your docs. I have a journal-type thing that I've jotted down notes and concerns throughout my ordeal, because, yes indeed, it IS an ordeal that drags out and twists and turns are happening all the while. It's good that you are being on the ball with this....and I know it does get frustrating....but it is up to US to be on the ball....I've learned not to 'assume' anything when it comes to what gets charted and what doesn't.
Keep your chin up and keep up the good work.
There will certainly be the 'down' days.....but the good ones do eventually roll around.....:hug:

But yeah, that Neurontin is for the birds as far as I'm concerned.
God BLess America for those it helps....but to me it's nothing more than a joke.....but I'm not laughing.....:mad:

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me! I am so sorry it did not work out for you...or I guess me too. I am also glad you brought up the depression because mine has definitely gotten worse to the point of um....suicidal thoughts so I am definitely telling the doctor tomorrow and getting off of this stuff! Thanks for the encouragement too and I am going to keep at it ;) and figure out how far along the process is and how I can speed it up! Take care and good night :hug:

Mark56 09-23-2010 10:03 PM

So Sorry About the Med
I know Neurontin can work a deal on you. I was on 3000mg daily. Glad it is in my past..... well almost.... I guess I am still withdrawing, you know? Well, that and the morphine. But it will go away.

Now to the both of you, Tara and Rae, gee, I hope and pray that these feelings, all of them are banished from each of you. Goodness knows, you do not need depression issues induced by meds on top of the pain stuff as well!!

Tara- I hope your doc selection is for the best, and understand your hesitation about switching if the new doc was going to require another go at a revision.

Praying all will be well,
Mark56 PJ :smileypray:

tchr012 09-24-2010 10:03 AM

Great News!
I have an appointment with my neurosurgeon on October 12 to discuss my procedure! I also was able to get enough pain medicine to last me from now until my surgeon's appointment! I am so glad I called though because I would not have even had an appointment with the surgeon's office at all! I am also glad I went to the pain doctor today because he is taking me off the neurontin and finally gave me pain medicine! I am feeling really crappy though because I did not sleep at all last night so I am going to lay down. Have a great weekend! Take care:hug:'sTara

fionab 09-24-2010 10:20 AM

Awesome news, Tara, about your new dr. and being able to ditch the old one. Hopefully your pain meds. will help. :Dancing-Chilli::Dancing-Chilli::Dancing-Chilli::Dancing-Chilli:

Mark56 09-24-2010 12:01 PM

Yea Tara
Hoping you find the appt with the neurosurgeon to go well and that your confidence is buoyed in them during that meeting. Take your meds and try to get some rest. Hopefully this will pass and the meds will help until your surgery is here.


anon21816 09-24-2010 03:44 PM

Rae I cant recall EVER recall reading a post about yourself where you are 'down'. You are always so positive to us all, I was a bit 'oh my goodness poor Rae' as you dont let your guard down often. I know exactly how you feel about being on Neurontin. I was on those AWFUL meds back in 2005/2006 at a time when I thought I was going OUT OF MY HEAD:eek: I too got very depressed, lethargic, forgetful, weary, sad, had all sorts of sounds going on in my head. I just HATED them with a vengeance. I can honestly say that they didnt do me ANY good whatsoever. My pain was just as bad either when I took them or when I stopped taking them. I never did get past the 3 hours either. What a waste of time they were. Then I went onto Lyrica:eek: OUT OF THE FRYING INTO THE FIRE that was!!!...but thankfully I met with this Pain Consultant who told me to get rid of all that heavy medication. Said they were doing me more harm than good. I felt drunk all the time, without the benefits;) and always having a massive hangover. I do hope Rae that you get something to quell those dreaded breakthrough pains:hug:

Tara excellent news to read that you finally have got an appointment. WOOHOOOOOOOO and also to hear that you have been given some meds to get your through. And about time too. So its onwards and upwards hopefully for you. Will keep you all in my prayers.........


Rrae 09-24-2010 05:46 PM

Thank you Jackie, I really needed that.....:hug:'s a proven statistical fact that the 'happiest/funniest' people can in reality be the saddest and most 'alone'.......

i hide amongst all my smilies and no one has a cluuuuuue :cool:'s absolutely aMAZing what a simple ((hug)) can do for a person.....


fionab 09-25-2010 08:56 AM

For Rae:
Rae: I just wanted to put in my two cents...I'm sooo glad that you are here because I feel you are what keeps out little family together. I so look forward to exchanging jokes with you (I also sometimes use joking as a coping mechanism), but I also think that you are by nature, a jokester, which I love. :D:D

Your support and encouragement and prayers have been a HUGE help for me as I get through this. :hug::hug:

By the way, they tried me on Neurontin and after two days on it I told them they could put it....well,.... back on the shelf, if you get my meaning. Was awful, awful, and also awful. After my experince with it, I could never understand those who do take it and find it beneficial and don't have side effects. All I can think is that they like feeling out of it and weird, or maybe they're on another med. that counters it's side effects:confused:

Rrae 09-25-2010 10:56 AM

Ok THAT does it!!
The tears break thru!
Thank you :hug:

Fiona, YOUR sense of humor (and everybody's !) is what i thrive off of!
What makes it even MORE powerful is that we are somehow able to laugh and make the smilies work to bring cheer to each the MIDST of this most unbearable times of our lives!!
THAT, my dear beyond what real strength can possibly contain.
This forum means the world to me. Each and every new person who comes here scared, painstricken, hopeless and ready to give up.....I just want to jump thru the screen and somehow 'make it better'......
But I can not do that. It takes every ONE of us to make that happen.....and even at that, it's actually up to the individual to WANT to get better, WANT to fight the fight..........they come here reaching out, so that speaks volumes

It's priceless to hear what you've said to me you guys. It really is. Thank you.

And, yes, this is Tara's thread.......and she brings up something I think was very bold to admit, and I will back her up by saying that yes, I too went 'beyond' depression and - on into......'suidical' thinking.....which I'm sure many of us have. The SOS (survivors of suicide) forum is so FULL of beautiful folks who carry a tremendous strength and they are always there with open arms......"Survivors" has no can mean you yourself have lost a loved one, or you yourself have actually attempted it, or even just the thoughtlife......renders you a 'survivor'......
It took me some gumption, but I finally went there, thinking i wasn't worthy (for simple fear of my stupidness and silly avatar....i was so afraid i would be perceived as 'inappropriate'.....) but the opposite proved to be true. They welcomed me with the most loving reach and I consider them absolutely precious to me.....even to this day I'll get a 'hug' from over words.....just a ((hug))......THEY know why they sent it and I know why they sent it.....they just 'KNOW'.....they are amazing.
So, anyone here who gets those feelings, be it due to bad medicine, or just because we feel as though we can't fight the fight any longer.......TALK about it.! It's a brave thing to do and you'll find that you've reached into a beautiful place and a weight will lift. TALK about ! It's OK to talk about it! It's a REALITY - the thoughtlife can hit the best of the best......
So, yeah, I wanted to hit on this topic with Tara back when she first mentioned it, but I was wrapped up in stuff and wasn't able to post much.

It's fun to be 'funny'....but there do come times when we just can't laugh.
I realized I'd be coming across as a 'phoney' if i didn't at least admit to my battle with depression throughout the years. But MAN! This thing with Neurontin......sent me over the edge! No, i didn't 'attempt' to end my life, but in my blind madness I scribbled an 'F-you' note to the world and prayed for God to please just let me die and then crawled as far under my covers and into darkness as I could go.......the note was left there just in case God answered my sick plea for escape. I locked my bedroom door, i ignored phonecalls, responsibilities, my beautiful loving family......I made the horribly wrong choice to crawl INto darkness instead of reaching OUT for God's light.
Big mistake. Never want to go there again.
I've got so MUCH to live for and it would have been a crying shame for my family to have come upon that heartless note I had scribbled.
So, then came the guilt phase......which lasted almost a week....
But, to this day, my family has no clue how far down i had sank. I hid it. All they knew was that mom wasn't 'feeling well'....

It's not good to suffer in silence. People NEED fellowship.
I certainly wasn't looking for attention when I admitted what I had been thru, but I felt a responsibility to 'come clean' with this. And it has done wonders just to hear you say that you appreciate me, ...that I matter. And Jackie shared her struggle while she was on these meds a few years back and how it played mindgames with her.

So, Tara, thank you for bringing this up on your thread.
It was an important thing to do, and you are NOT alone in this!
I hope you are doing well this weekend

OK!! ENUF of the serious stuff!!! :eek:
This is MARK's Birthday Weekend!! Let's go invade HIS thread and tease him!! :p

anon21816 09-25-2010 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Rrae (Post 698581)
The tears break thru!
Thank you :hug:

Fiona, YOUR sense of humor (and everybody's !) is what i thrive off of!
What makes it even MORE powerful is that we are somehow able to laugh and make the smilies work to bring cheer to each the MIDST of this most unbearable times of our lives!!
THAT, my dear beyond what real strength can possibly contain.
This forum means the world to me. Each and every new person who comes here scared, painstricken, hopeless and ready to give up.....I just want to jump thru the screen and somehow 'make it better'......
But I can not do that. It takes every ONE of us to make that happen.....and even at that, it's actually up to the individual to WANT to get better, WANT to fight the fight..........they come here reaching out, so that speaks volumes

It's priceless to hear what you've said to me you guys. It really is. Thank you.

And, yes, this is Tara's thread.......and she brings up something I think was very bold to admit, and I will back her up by saying that yes, I too went 'beyond' depression and - on into......'suidical' thinking.....which I'm sure many of us have. The SOS (survivors of suicide) forum is so FULL of beautiful folks who carry a tremendous strength and they are always there with open arms......"Survivors" has no can mean you yourself have lost a loved one, or you yourself have actually attempted it, or even just the thoughtlife......renders you a 'survivor'......
It took me some gumption, but I finally went there, thinking i wasn't worthy (for simple fear of my stupidness and silly avatar....i was so afraid i would be perceived as 'inappropriate'.....) but the opposite proved to be true. They welcomed me with the most loving reach and I consider them absolutely precious to me.....even to this day I'll get a 'hug' from over words.....just a ((hug))......THEY know why they sent it and I know why they sent it.....they just 'KNOW'.....they are amazing.
So, anyone here who gets those feelings, be it due to bad medicine, or just because we feel as though we can't fight the fight any longer.......TALK about it.! It's a brave thing to do and you'll find that you've reached into a beautiful place and a weight will lift. TALK about ! It's OK to talk about it! It's a REALITY - the thoughtlife can hit the best of the best......
So, yeah, I wanted to hit on this topic with Tara back when she first mentioned it, but I was wrapped up in stuff and wasn't able to post much.

It's fun to be 'funny'....but there do come times when we just can't laugh.
I realized I'd be coming across as a 'phoney' if i didn't at least admit to my battle with depression throughout the years. But MAN! This thing with Neurontin......sent me over the edge! No, i didn't 'attempt' to end my life, but in my blind madness I scribbled an 'F-you' note to the world and prayed for God to please just let me die and then crawled as far under my covers and into darkness as I could go.......the note was left there just in case God answered my sick plea for escape. I locked my bedroom door, i ignored phonecalls, responsibilities, my beautiful loving family......I made the horribly wrong choice to crawl INto darkness instead of reaching OUT for God's light.
Big mistake. Never want to go there again.
I've got so MUCH to live for and it would have been a crying shame for my family to have come upon that heartless note I had scribbled.
So, then came the guilt phase......which lasted almost a week....
But, to this day, my family has no clue how far down i had sank. I hid it. All they knew was that mom wasn't 'feeling well'....

It's not good to suffer in silence. People NEED fellowship.
I certainly wasn't looking for attention when I admitted what I had been thru, but I felt a responsibility to 'come clean' with this. And it has done wonders just to hear you say that you appreciate me, ...that I matter. And Jackie shared her struggle while she was on these meds a few years back and how it played mindgames with her.

So, Tara, thank you for bringing this up on your thread.
It was an important thing to do, and you are NOT alone in this!
I hope you are doing well this weekend

OK!! ENUF of the serious stuff!!! :eek:
This is MARK's Birthday Weekend!! Let's go invade HIS thread and tease him!! :p

Rae thanks:hug:

tchr012 09-25-2010 10:17 PM

Wow, I am glad me talking about my experience with Neurontin helped. I am feeling finally like that fog has been lifted and I never want the stuff again! Actually the voices and static in my head and the dizziness were getting too me worse than the depression. :hug:Rrae, I am sorry that you have been feeling depressed but I am glad you reached out to everyone and shared the experience. I know that it is hard to always be the positive one when you are hurting physically and mentally but I really appreciate your encouragement and support and the silly smilies! I think you are such an awesome and strong person and you bring so much to this board :) I do understand how it feels to be suicidal and I also attempted it (That had nothing to do with the neuronin), I don't talk about it with many people and hardly anyone (even close friends) knows about it. There were just many, really dark times in my life and unfortunately those were my feelings...and actions.
Even though, I am on pain meds still really in pain. They showed me on the x-ray how much the leads had moved again and its no wonder I feel so bad. It won't charge right unless my husband helps me, when I turn it up it makes other areas of my back hurt and I cannot really turn it up enough to get decent pain relief. The pain meds do help but it is still so bad that I can only be on my feet (even using my walker) for a very short time. I spent the weekend with my mom and we wanted to go to different stores and have fun but I was in way too much pain to do much. However, I am still glad I got pain medicine and that I am off the neurontin! I am pretty exhausted so I need to lay down. I will write a better reply tomorrow or when I can. Take care everyone :hug:'sTara

Mark56 09-25-2010 11:06 PM

SOS Thread
Thank you, Rae, for mentioning the SOS thread. It is truly full of amazingly strong survivors who, through talking, reach out in help to one another. I have posted there quite a bit, as one who in various life stages, and more especially after being SO injured, wished instead of missing that truck in front of me that fateful morning I had accepted its huge receiver mounted hitch through the windshield. Sure, pain hurts and hurts a lot. Recovery and the steps toward it hurt and hurt much more. Anguish, despair, hopelessness all creep into the thoughts of one who is faced potentially with never getting any better. Once I felt I was one of those. Now, thanks to this SCS miracle, and we do refer to it as a miracle in my home and among those I meet, I have hope replacing hopelessness, despair, anguish..... HOPE.

The meds did many a trick in my life and on my mind, and it is amazing as my mind clears from the fog of medicated listlessness that I am beginning to feel so much better. Still undergoing withdrawal issues.... that is to be expected and OK, but not having 3000 mg neurontin in me everyday along with morphine, percocet, restoril, and others is a blessing. You who raise your doubts about the medicinal approach to pain management, I understand all too well. Perhaps it is why I am striving so hard to be totally beyond the meds.

Today, in this birthday weekend, I have had much joy, from family, from you, from other friends, and yet, today, I have felt irritable, out of sorts, ill at ease with Mark..... I think it is one of those morphine withdrawal side effects I had not put a moniker to quite yet. Too much else has gone on. My attentions were directed elsewhere, like "you want me to do what with this compazine?" I guess, this rightfully belongs on my thread as today's report, so I will just duplicate it there, but, yeah, I get it, meds, neurontin, et al, can be a real downer when they are also what keep us from doing damage to ourselves during those high pain moments.

I get it. Rae, Tara, and others, yeah, talking it out with the support of those who have walked in darkness makes so much sense, and being here to share and hold one another up in community.... that is what this place is all about.... all about.

THANK YOU,:grouphug:
Mark56..... well a year older now.

smae 09-26-2010 11:41 AM

I have definitely been there... in that dark and lonely place. I've been through major depression, suicidal thoughts and attempts (more than I'd like to admit/remember), and years of self-injury.

I am not at that place now.. but it certainly doesn't mean I haven't been there or never notice myself slipping back into that spot.. I just have been able to ward it off pretty well for the last few years. Even though I am generally happy (not saying that people who struggle with depression can't be happy, but I sure wasn't when I was struggling), I still have bad days where it would be very easy for me to go down that slippery slope.

I just had a big realization today... so much has happened this weekend. Our basement flooded twice, my mom and I were both sick, my computer totally crashed, my mom and I fought, my brother got in a car accident, I had some symptoms that felt like a very serious medical problem--was sure it was going to kill me, etc. etc. etc. It was a bad weekend and every time we turned around, one more bad thing happened.

I have been irritable and weepy... and while I've always been an emotional person, this weekend, I have just felt like an emotional wreck. It doesn't feel like depression--I don't feel hopeless or incredibly sad. But man, I can usually keep things under control, and this weekend I have felt that everything was totally out of control. It wasn't until I was searching for an answer on something (whether or not to get a flu shot while on steroids) that I made the connection--the pharmacist said that these steroids would most likely cause mood changes. DUH! I feel a bit better knowing that it is a side effect of the medicine... though my doctor plans to keep me on this long term, so somehow, I am going to have to learn to deal with all of these low points in my mood. No idea how... but I have to try.

I am always here to talk to or pray for you guys in the bad times (as well as the good). As I said, just because right now I am not struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts, I have been there--for years on end. I love you guys, and will always do what I can to lend an ear or a supportive hug. Please feel free to talk to me (any of you) if you need someone to talk to. I would be honored to stick by your side in a time of need. :)

Mark56 09-26-2010 05:41 PM

Thank you so much
For your openness, for sharing, for caring, for reaching out even though this weekend has been VERY DIFFICULT at best for you. You are a trooper who is helping so much in your very offer of support.

Just :circlelove:


Originally Posted by Sarah Mae (Post 698914)
I have definitely been there... in that dark and lonely place. I've been through major depression, suicidal thoughts and attempts (more than I'd like to admit/remember), and years of self-injury.

I am not at that place now.. but it certainly doesn't mean I haven't been there or never notice myself slipping back into that spot.. I just have been able to ward it off pretty well for the last few years. Even though I am generally happy (not saying that people who struggle with depression can't be happy, but I sure wasn't when I was struggling), I still have bad days where it would be very easy for me to go down that slippery slope.

I just had a big realization today... so much has happened this weekend. Our basement flooded twice, my mom and I were both sick, my computer totally crashed, my mom and I fought, my brother got in a car accident, I had some symptoms that felt like a very serious medical problem--was sure it was going to kill me, etc. etc. etc. It was a bad weekend and every time we turned around, one more bad thing happened.

I have been irritable and weepy... and while I've always been an emotional person, this weekend, I have just felt like an emotional wreck. It doesn't feel like depression--I don't feel hopeless or incredibly sad. But man, I can usually keep things under control, and this weekend I have felt that everything was totally out of control. It wasn't until I was searching for an answer on something (whether or not to get a flu shot while on steroids) that I made the connection--the pharmacist said that these steroids would most likely cause mood changes. DUH! I feel a bit better knowing that it is a side effect of the medicine... though my doctor plans to keep me on this long term, so somehow, I am going to have to learn to deal with all of these low points in my mood. No idea how... but I have to try.

I am always here to talk to or pray for you guys in the bad times (as well as the good). As I said, just because right now I am not struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts, I have been there--for years on end. I love you guys, and will always do what I can to lend an ear or a supportive hug. Please feel free to talk to me (any of you) if you need someone to talk to. I would be honored to stick by your side in a time of need. :)

tchr012 10-01-2010 05:35 PM

Didn't think I would be back to my old thread but...
Okay, at the risk of sounding like a crazy person I need to explain some things. I have been going through some really rough stuff lately and I think I am having some problems. I wanted to let you all know that the reason I wanted to make a new thread was because with all of our talk getting into suicide and everything I got so triggered! I apologize that I was not able to handle the thread and I was doing good until more things were brought up that I have also been through and have to be careful about (cutting,suicide,depression,eating disorders, etc.) so I freaked out and had to leave this thread. I am very embarrassed because I should not have done that because there was so much great info on this thread and it was stupid of me to get all upset about it. I do think that I am having a bad time with my depression again (since being on pain meds?) and it is so frustrating because I am on antidepressant and I am in counseling. I just hate these feelings and within the last couple weeks its gotten so bad I cannot do my school work and I also can't sleep. I even cried a bunch today and I just feel so bad about this because I should be happy and excited that I get to get my surgery (hopefully soon) but the truth is I am scared. I am so scared and nervous and it makes me feel stupid to admit it. I am trying to focus on "life after surgery" but lately it is getting harder to see that and I am just really scared that even with all of this and a new surgery what if I still do not make it as a teacher? I started this journey 3 years before my accident and now I am so different and things are different and I have had more health problems diagnosed since I don't know I guess all of these feelings are just there. I have been trying to just keep it in and act like everything is all right but it is not and I feel like in a way I am failing as a new wife and a friend and everything else. Thank you everyone who is listening and I am so sorry that I was upset but I really REALLY appreciate you letting me get all of this out! Hope everyone has a great weekend BIG :hug:'sTara

Rrae 10-01-2010 05:59 PM

Reading your post makes me think of ME in so many ways!
It was my daughter (age 23) who came to me saying she noticed some sort of 'cycle' going on with emotions, pain flares....and I realized she was right! Throw our hormones into the mix of our meds and pain issues and it can be total upheaval, leaving us utterly confused and practically hating ourselves.!
It seems like a never-ending circle of madness.!! :eek::confused:
AND it can affect males also!
When the word 'hormones' are mentioned, we usually think in terms of 'women problems'......yet hormones are important in MEN as well! Testosterone is depleted substantially by taking opioid medication and WOMEN need testosterone too! So, even tho hormones vary between men and women, we all NEED our hormones to function!

I think it's a good idea, Tara, to have these two different threads.!
Give yourself more credit! You are actually quite brilliant!

I think we've all bonded quite deeply at this point in which we can pretty much all relate. We'll share on all levels and on all threads.
This is similar to how it would be to talking with our's important to address our mental frames of mind. It's important for us to share.
Yet, we certainly wouldn't want this subject 'pinned' on us as tho it were our complete identity.....
Your other thread centers more on our 'upswings'.....and this thread addresses the reality of the 'down times'.

Keep your faith in the forefront my precious friend. :hug: (i'm saying this for ME as well :o)...... I sometimes let fear and doubt take center stage.
I've always battled with a self esteem issue, but I'm getting better about that as I get older.
You WILL succeed as a teacher! If it's worth fighting for, then it's worthy of success! Your Faith keeps that communication line going between you and God. He won't let you down. We let ourselves down. But He will always pick us back up. You will get your heart's desire.
you WILL!

tchr012 10-02-2010 01:58 AM

Thank you so much Rae!
:hug::hug::hug::hug:I really really needed to hear that tonight! I am so glad that you said both my threads were useful, that makes me feel so much better! Yeah, I am not sure what has been going on with me I thought maybe the pain meds were making my depression worse but its possible it might be because my hormones are out of wack (I have to get my HRT fixed again). Thank you for the very kind and much needed response! take care!:hug:

anon21816 10-02-2010 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by tchr012 (Post 700704)
:hug::hug::hug::hug:I really really needed to hear that tonight! I am so glad that you said both my threads were useful, that makes me feel so much better! Yeah, I am not sure what has been going on with me I thought maybe the pain meds were making my depression worse but its possible it might be because my hormones are out of wack (I have to get my HRT fixed again). Thank you for the very kind and much needed response! take care!:hug:


ginnie 10-02-2010 08:44 AM

good luck
I hope that your new doctors and pain specialist will get you all the help you need. I changed doctors, and pain specialist. I am recovering from Fusion C3-7. It was the best thing I have ever done. This surgery worked for me, and I hope you get the same good results and can have a better quality of life. Change can be a really good thing:D ginnie

tchr012 10-03-2010 12:45 PM

Thank you!
Thank you Virginia for that reply! This will be my 3 rd stimulator surgery, and since it is the second revision I am finally going to have the paddle leads put in. I found great relief when I originally got the stim in 2008 so I am hoping to get that again! I did have to go through a bunch of doctor issues and I am feeling better (confident) that this will be the surgery that gives me back my life again :) Thank you for your care and concern! I am very glad to hear that you are doing better as well :hug:take care.

ginnie 10-03-2010 04:04 PM

hi mark and rrae
I couldn't take the neurontin eithor, just a fog of missery. Now after surgery, I have been given another chance at life without meds. I have to get off morphine, ms contin after 6 years. Had to be cleared by my surgeon first, and start tomorrow with my PCP. Have eithor of you faced withdrawing from this kind of med. I am afraid for sure. I tried on my own with a step down approach, really ruff. Has anyone done it? ginnie

ginnie 10-03-2010 04:11 PM

I hope you feel better soon. I will pray the surgery gives you some relief. I was really scared about my surgery too. I did hurt for about three weeks, then it got better really fast. My depression lifted when the pain did. There are alot of people who will respond to you, in any mood you are in. There are going to be better days ahead of you:hug: ginnie

Rrae 10-04-2010 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by virginia neill (Post 701116)
I couldn't take the neurontin eithor, just a fog of missery. Now after surgery, I have been given another chance at life without meds. I have to get off morphine, ms contin after 6 years. Had to be cleared by my surgeon first, and start tomorrow with my PCP. Have eithor of you faced withdrawing from this kind of med. I am afraid for sure. I tried on my own with a step down approach, really ruff. Has anyone done it? ginnie

Hi Ginnie,
Just take it slow and follow Doc's orders on the tapering.
I tapered off of the highest dose of Fentanyl patch and it wasn't as bad as I was fearing......however, I do still take Lortab, so I'm not med-free.....
Withdrawals can be a challenge - Mark's thread would be a good one to read thru, as it gives a journal play by play of his journey since he's received his SCS.
Just have good communication with your Doc and if it gets to be too much, TELL him......there are options to help counter the withdrawals......
Your body will probably bit a bit 'peeved' at you for awhile, but take it slow and you can adjust back to what you know to be 'normal' :o
.......I'm still on the path and trying to stay focused on this :)

anon21816 10-04-2010 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by virginia neill (Post 701121)
I hope you feel better soon. I will pray the surgery gives you some relief. I was really scared about my surgery too. I did hurt for about three weeks, then it got better really fast. My depression lifted when the pain did. There are alot of people who will respond to you, in any mood you are in. There are going to be better days ahead of you:hug: ginnie

Hi Ginnie:)

Nice to meet you. Im glad that you are feeling somewhat better. I too was on Neurontin and found it to be just awful. Im still on my pain meds as I still have pain. Will keep them for a while, until I meet with my rep/doc again soon

Jackie :)

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