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aklap 10-01-2006 06:40 AM

Roll Call - October 2006

Braintalk2 Roll Call

It's beginning to look a lot like...Thanksgiving. At least it does on our dining room table.

As most of you know, Peg started a new job, a full time job. Something that she has not done since after I was sick [gosh..that's around 5 years...].

So, because she's working more...that's means I have to work more too...around the house. Yesterday I was stripping in the bedroom....uhhh...the bed that is. :eek: heheee More cooking [which I don't really mind], more cleaning, more unloading the dish washer, etc. Peg is enjoying her new job. Of course the doc has been gone on vacation this past week, so it's been pretty dead.

Things have been well here. I have been having a good sized flare in my PN sx's. A magnitude of which I have not seen since all this really started bothering me in 2001. The past few days have been pretty good. Not sure what's going on. And for those of you that are asking...nope, still just casein reduced. I have been watching my corn too.

It'll be interesting to see how things shake out in the discussion board arena. It's nice to see this place growing.

Oct 2005 Roll Call - Page 1

Sorry Gang, no page 2

Oct 2005 Roll Call - Page 3

Oct 2005 Roll Call - Page 4

Oct 2005 Roll Call - Page 5

I know, I links to cache. I couldn't help myself ;)

valeriemates 10-01-2006 08:01 AM

Oh wow, I'm first! I just wish I had news to report that was overall cheerier.

My almost-eight-year-old is doing OK but not great; both his food-reactions and his behavior have been so-so lately. The best news I have to report is that my four-and-a-half-year-old is gluten-free and dairy-free and thriving -- she recently started outgrowing the size 2T clothes that she's been wearing for the last three years. Watching her start to grow again is *so* cool, and a real sign that she's healing.

The real bad news is that my pregnancy hit disaster and, as of last week, I'm not pregnant anymore. I keep wondering about what went wrong: I had some vitamin deficiency problems at critical times in first trimester, but also there were some signs of a possible genetic copying error in the baby. They're doing some tests, so I may know more either next week or in December. ... Sigh..... Anyway, I'm hanging in there OK -- losing the pregnancy stinks, but I'll be OK. I bounce back from stuff pretty well. Also, they say it doesn't help, but I'm finding it's a huge comfort that I already have two excellent kids.

I hope everybody else is doing well.


graceperson 10-01-2006 08:13 AM

I am so sorry to hear you lost your pregnancy Valerie...I am sure that was very disappointing and sad. I need the "our journeys..." thread so I can go check your history. Now that I understand how sick I was, I am amazed I was able to make it through two full pregnancies. (The second pregnancy was not so pretty but I made it).

As for me, I have had a weird month. I still have significant damage that holds me back from running/swimming and walking comfortably. Suddenly the last month I have been sleeping incessantly, after work and on the weekends. I used to do this when I first went gluten free, but not for a couple years now. However, it *feels* like it is some sort of healing crisis...where my body shuts down to go into healing mode. That's my positive spin anyhow.

Otherwise, life is blissfully normal. I am enjoying my job and my kids are both playing football. Both boys are doing well in school. Life is good.


annelb 10-01-2006 08:53 AM

Al - you are a good husband to take on more of the housework :cool: Sorry to hear about the PN flare - that is scarey. Every once in a while I will have a little more pain and tingling and fear that the old PN is about to worsen. I thnk this occurs when I eat GF processed GF grains. I will have to pay more attention.

Valerie - I am so sorry about your loss. That is not easy to go through. I had a first trimester miscarriage - funny, I knew there was a problem way before I miscarried. I sailed through my two other pregnancies.

Grace - I hope you are in an healing phase.

No problems here in AR. Doing just fine. Trying to stay egg, dairy, soy free along with yeast and gluten free. Looking forward to going to the International Celiac Disease Symposium :D Wish you could all join Linda and me.

KimS 10-01-2006 09:26 AM

Hooray Al!!

I must say, last month when you didn't submit this thread... it seriously bummed me out for the entire month! Weird... I know... but it did... Actually I didn't even realize how much it bummed me out until I saw this thread this morning. I am SO HAPPY to see it! :D :D :D Maybe it's still hormones fluctuating. :rolleyes:

BTW, I like the links to the old BT files... it's become a 'thing' (I forget the word), to go and see what was happening a year ago at your monthly rollcall thread. :) (RATS! I think I was on page 2. :( )

Valerie: I'm SO very sorry to hear about your miss. As someone who lost 3 before having children... and 1 between my 2nd and 3rd born, I can relate to it being easier when you already have children to hold and to love. It IS much harder when you have only an empty (of little people) home... the quiet tends to echo in your ears. For my 4th miss. the two children I already had became even more of the blessing that they already were. :)

Al: Congrats to Peg!! :) And sorry to hear you're not feeling your best.

Grace: Sorry to hear you are not doing your best either. I'd be interested in hearing about any adrenal info. you dig up as I've been kind of skimming over that stuff lately... due to some iodine research I've been doing. I'm pretty sure you were thinking it's your adrenal system?

Glad to hear everyone else is doing relatively well.

Lots of news on our front this month:

As everyone probably already knows, ds1 got a concussion at gymnastics this last week and had to spend the night in the hosp. for observation. Dh stayed with him overnight and brought him home the next morning. He told me all about his 'adventure' and was mostly concerned about his sister's b-day present and then promptly became quite busy being a 'monkey' for his younger brother for the next half-hour. So, everything is back, as it should be, in our house. Thanks to everyone for the notes and pms.

The only thing is he has to stay away from contact sports to prevent another injury before this one heals properly. That's not such a big deal.

I've started a new yahoo group for a local homeschool group and have been busy posting up links and blogs and stuff for people to access. It's great because we've made some new friends that are more local (our old friends are an hour away, which makes it more difficult to get together). And a couple of the Moms are like me, they enjoy setting up group activities. Awesome!! :D

Getting my brain ready for our Canadian Thanksgiving.

Dh and I are working on getting the yard and house ready for winter. We found our outdoor winter lights (that we couldn't find last Christmas) when we cleaned out the 'garage sale area' of our basement this summer. :D :o It'll be nice to have them up again this year. :)

I got a real deal on an old 'wardrobe' cabinet this weekend ($60). I told the owner of an odds and ends/antique shop that I was looking for a 'dumpy' one that dd and I could fix up for her new room (dh worked on building it all summer and is now, as I key this, putting the plastic up over the insulation). They found one and called me last week. It needs much less work than I anticipated... Really, all we need to do is remove some shelving in it and replace the curtained doors with dd's choice of material. :) Hopefully she'll be in her bedroom by next weekend, ds will be back in the small bedroom and we'll be back in the master bedroom that the children have been sharing. :cool:

Sorry so long everyone. :O I'm really enjoying my Sunday morning read/coffee. :D

valeriemates 10-01-2006 10:10 AM

[never mind]

rachelb 10-01-2006 11:41 AM

Let's see, we're swimming in Asian pears here and I've got to get canning this week. Our tree seems to have a 4 year cycle of when it drops a lot of pears.

I've been busy as all get out with homeschool activities this month. We've been canoeing and pirating, as well as other things. :D

Oh and Colin and I started taking karate twice a week. OUCH! I'll be 44 this month and oh my body just doesn't recover like it used to.

We are doing well, though. I'm still so thankful for all the good gluten free has brought to our lives. (And I'm thankful Asian pears are gluten free because they're soooooooo good!)


jccgf 10-01-2006 12:16 PM

Valerie~ I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It is always such a huge disappointment, and it is hard not to know what went wrong.

Kim, I'm happy to hear that your son is doing OK. My nephew's been through that twice, both times due to bicycle accidents. He had some short term memory loss the first time. How long before he can resume active activities?

Grace and Al, sorry to hear your having some setbacks, and hope they are shortlived.

Hi to Rachel and Anne, and in advance to everyone else. I do always enjoy cathcing up here.

We visited our new puppy yesterday. Didn't take pictures, though, because we ran out of time and had to make a quick exit to get J to a birthday party. They were little dark brown puppies with eyes still closed, but the mom was really sweet. She had no problem with us getting close and petting her while she was nursing her pups. We'll go back in another 3-4 weeks, and maybe get a picture then.

If it wasn't for our ten year old, we'd possibly skip another dog altogether, or take an older dog. But, J missed out on Ginger as a pup by three years, and I wanted her to have the experience of nurturing and teaching a new puppy. I also hope this dog will be with us until J leaves for college eight years from now.

Not much else new here!


Mrs. Bear 10-01-2006 01:10 PM

I am so sorry Valerie. I hope they find the cause and can help you.

Concusions and icky tummies. ooooh. The joys of active children and Celiac. Becareful out there.

Wes's sleep study came back. Obstructive sleep apnea, no stage 4 sleep and irregular brain waves. Going to a couple more docs. sigh. Not to happy that it took 16 years for someone to listen.

Con is liking Physical Therapy and hating it too. It hurts, he says, but in a good way. Muscle that is being worked and not joint pain. His alignment is coming along but it's still all wacky. We will see how it goes.

I am in a sugar crave mode and am doing myself damage. Time to get back into some fruits and veggies and leave the birthday cake alone.

Finally got to meet Con's favorite teacher that helped us out last year during Con's month long adventure in bowel blockage. She is a dear, sweet young woman. I am duly impressed by her care and love for children. I wish there were more teachers like her.

I wish I could put my arms around all of you and thank you or comfort you. Blessing and good thought for all.

Mrs. Bear
formerly known as EreBear. ;)

aklap 10-01-2006 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by annelb (Post 17213)
Al - you are a good husband to take on more of the housework :cool: Sorry to hear about the PN flare - that is scarey. Every once in a while I will have a little more pain and tingling and fear that the old PN is about to worsen. I thnk this occurs when I eat GF processed GF grains. I will have to pay more attention.

Thanks Anne!! You're too kind.

Hey this must be the month!! Yeah, the month that you are organized! Almost every month you state, "It's ______________ and I'm still not organized".

Congrats on the organizational feat! ;) :p :rolleyes: heheheeee


Originally Posted by Kim
I must say, last month when you didn't submit this thread... it seriously bummed me out for the entire month! Weird... I know... but it did... Actually I didn't even realize how much it bummed me out until I saw this thread this morning. I am SO HAPPY to see it! Maybe it's still hormones fluctuating.

BTW, I like the links to the old BT files... it's become a 'thing' (I forget the word), to go and see what was happening a year ago at your monthly rollcall thread. (RATS! I think I was on page 2. )

Thanks Kim! That's sweet of you to say. Last month kinda got away from me and didn't even realize it! :eek: I am prepared now...I have this on my Yahoo Calendar with a reminder email! hehehehehe

I must say, i do like doing it. I look for photo op's all month for the next months roll call. :)

I'm glad DS1 is doing well after his adventure.


Originally Posted by valeriemates (Post 17194)
The real bad news is that my pregnancy hit disaster and, as of last week, I'm not pregnant anymore.

Gosh, Valerie - I am so sorry. :( You and your family are in my prayers.

Thanks to all for your kinds words.

annelb 10-01-2006 08:50 PM

Hey this must be the month!! Yeah, the month that you are organized! Almost every month you state, "It's ______________ and I'm still not organized".

Congrats on the organizational feat! heheheeee

Oh yeah Al, am I ever organized. It's October and finally I am organized :rolleyes: ;) ROTFLMAO

Llonghair 10-02-2006 08:02 AM

Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel
I really think I am finally getting better!

Yes Cara it has been a long haul but I do believe all this info on how quickly you will feel good, is really outdated. Maybe for the people that feel great and suddenly get the disease and are diagnosed quickly...maybe they feel great, but it seems that for the majority it takes many months.


Linda, good to hear you are doing better. You have certainly had a long haul down and back! It is great things are really starting to look up. Did you pinpoint a source of hidden gluten?
I really don't think it was hidden gluten mainly because I am eating all the same things. Also, my husband is also eating the same things and his AGA's went down to 5 already from 20 and 28 while mine are still positive. I am hoping my next tests will show a major improvement.

The strange thing with my husband though is his weird tTG numbers. He started out with 18 out of 20 and that was on a semi gf diet, I had the house almost GF for 8 months. Then he and my youngest were eating a 1/2 bagel a day and both their tTG's went down and they were tested on the same day at the same lab. Once they started their true gluten free diet, both tTG's went back up. So husband went from 18 (pre gf) to 11 (challange) and is now at 14 (totally gf for 4 months). I don't trust the lab that is doing our tests because I have seen different messages like...wrong cap, redo test...another spilled blood, not enough to do test (this one I was never informed was for me and my last Gliadin tests..I thought about making a stink but decided my tTG's were still positive so they would be too.)

The strange thing is with all this is, I thought your tTG's went down before the gliadins...hmmmm

My husband and daughter seem to be following the pattern of feeling much better and now not so good. I accidentally let my husband and I get glutened at a picnic with Turkey cooked in a deep fryer. I checked all the seasonings and was quite pleased we could eat it. I totally forgot about the injection until on the way home. I didn't say anything hoping it wasn't injected but the next day I had MG symptoms and my husband was extremely sick feeling like he had rocks in his stomach. The only good out of this was my husband finally realized he does have Celiac. It took him about 1 week to feel better.

I am really looking forward to the NY conference with Anne and hope to obtain some very valuable information. Hopefully Anne will take the notes because I am still having a little problem with that.

Oh, and the neat thing I am doing now is this mini-medical class at the NEOUCOM. It is about the brain. We are tought like medical students only we don't have to read 100's of pages before the class. I will post later about what I have learned and the sad things that should have been discussed and are not. I have one class left on Thursday and then I can hang out my shingle...LOL.:D

Valerie, I am so sorry about your loss, you are in my prayers.

I have hardly been at work for months but have now started going for a few hours every day. It is fun to be able to sit at my desk without feeling like I need to lie on the floor to get some energy.

I do still have lingering weakness in my legs and chest muscles. My walk is still slow even though I think I am walking normal. I am still afraid to exercise as everytime I do something happens to set me back. About 3 weeks ago I went to curves and only did one rotation at a very slow pace and still pulled some ligament on the side of my knee which still isn't 100%.

JudyLV 10-02-2006 09:43 AM

I am checking in after going away for a long weekend with some friends. It was a nice break. The excuse was that some of us have a significant birthday this fall but we decided that we needed to make it an annual get away.

I am looking forward to the fall--my favorite season.

I am sorry about your loss Valerie.

Grace-I hope your "healing crisis" is very short and that you are stronger than ever when you get through it.


jamietwo 10-02-2006 10:17 AM

Valerie, so sorry to hear of your loss.

Kim, I didn't realize your son had had a <mis>adventure. Glad he's doing well!

My 6yo remains gf, vegan, soy-free and corn-free (actually, I slipped up and fed him some pureed black bean soup with fresh corn in it, but it didn't seem to bother him). I suppose I need to challenge the soy - its funny, when he was younger we would do knock-knock jokes about "TOFE WHO? Do you like tofu?", and he would always say "no!". Now he begs for tofu and tempeh. Poor thing. I would love to have Enterolab give me the answers, but I don't know if we can/should swing it financially.

I have been having more energy lately, which is a real blessing. I've been so fatigued for so long, with intermittent remissions. I keep hoping the fatigue is a result of my gluten sensitivity and <presumable> vitamin deficiencies than Lupus (which I still want to believe has been misdiagnosed!)! When I'm bone weary though, I wonder. Some good news - at my annual, my ob/gyn ordered a CBC and all my counts were within normal range! Yea! So definite improvement there. I took myself off soy for 2 weeks (vs my son's 3 months and counting) and that probably wasn't long enough. Its hard for me to measure fatigue - my son's symptoms tend to be more obvious.

AllisonJ_98 10-03-2006 07:03 AM

I'm here...mostly staying quiet and reading all of your wonderful posts.

Valerie, I, too, suffered numerous miscarriages. Fortunately (?), most of mine were in the first 2 or 3 weeks. I was not producing enough progesterone to maintain the pregnancies. I took suppositories and shots of progesterone and managed to complete 3 pregnancies. Now, knowing that I have a problem with gluten, it makes sense. Harry Delcher, my doc in Atlanta, said that all of your hormones get whacked out when you are gluten intolerant. It still wasn't easy and you have my utmost sympathy. I am now entering what I suspect is early menopause at 43. My estrogen levels are very low.

We are still on the journey to healing my son's brain. He is still struggling at school, which is frustrating as he is a bright boy. He just doesn't care enough to apply himself. When he does do his work, it is "A" quality. It's really taking a toll on our relationship. I would consider homeschooling him, but right now, our relationship is so explosive that I don't think it is a good idea. Physically, he's maintaining, but not really putting on weight. I ask him all the time if he is cheating on the diet and he reassures me he isn't, but his tummy seems too upset to believe him. I can't seem to get thru to him that he has to take some responsibility for his health. I am meeting with the school in 2 weeks to hammer out a SST plan that will probably end up going on into an IEP.

On a positive note, the girls (13 and 8) are thriving! My 13 yo, who was always on the low side in the growth charts, is now just about looking me in the eye after an ENORMOUS growth spurt. (I am 5'9" and hubby is 6'2". ) She aches at times from growing so fast. My 8 yo is also sprouting like a weed.

I am feeling much better as well and think I may be on to fixing my aching joints and bones. I started giving one of my horses MSM and saw such a dramatic improvement that I also started taking it along with a B complex and add'l magnesium. It seems that it is beginning to help even after just a week. My energy levels seem to be improving as well, so I am on a throwing out spree...very liberating!:D

Canton, Ga.

KimS 10-03-2006 07:28 AM


She aches at times from growing so fast. My 8 yo is also sprouting like a weed.

I am feeling much better as well and think I may be on to fixing my aching joints and bones.

Hi Allison! Glad you checked in. :)

Did you know that 'growing pains' are often the result of a dairy sensitivity (both my Mom and my daughter were cured of their leg pain by deleting all dairy). Obviously in my mother they were not 'growing pains' but the same leg pain that my daughter would get... and she sufferred all her life. It took a year of my dd being cured of her 'growing pains' for my Mom to try it... et voila! no leg pain at almost 70 years old. (Unfortunately she cheats a lot and has decided she can tolerate 'some' leg pain. She doesn't dare complain to me about it anymore though. :D )

lmb3 10-03-2006 09:04 AM

I'm just checking in. It is so nice to hear from everyone. Val - Sorry about your loss. I know how you feel as I have had 2 of them myself. Give your kids some extra hugs and you will get through it soon.

Michael is doing extremely well (finally!). His OT and PT have dropped to once every 3 months and he will be getting his wheelchair soon. Hopefully this month. It is only to use for long distances, but it will be nice to have on hand. He is also growing like a weed. He turned 7 on Sunday and is almost up to my shoulders and he no longer requires slim pants!! I am so excited about that. I used to have to find him slims that also had the adjustable waist. Ugghh! It is so nice to see him gain some weight.

My girls are doing well also. Ellie, 4, is still constipated but it is starting to get better. The GF diet is helping. I think it will take her some time to heal up. Kara, 13, will not stay on the GF diet. Everytime she complains about something, I just tell her how much better it would be if she were to stay away from the gluten.

Rachel - it was nice to hear that you and your son are taking Karate. Michael is interested in that and I am currently looking for a place. I never thought about taking it with him though. I wonder if I can even do a kick. :p

I hope everyone has a great month!

jccgf 10-03-2006 09:40 AM


I am so glad to hear Michael is doing better!! And growing!!


mistofviolets 10-03-2006 12:47 PM

Its October? Eeek! Just got the rent check mailed off (oops) *sigh* Long month with trying to get our car back (we took it on vacation, and it didn't want to leave) and school and what not.

Dd is dairy free, or relatively so (every so often I slip up and find obscure whey or butter oil in something I gave her. Unfortunately, this has so far proved our point that she needs to be dairy free. Rats.) So, we're still trying to find yummy meals everyone can eat. :) Rice...rice...and more rice...

We're gearing up for Halloween...Looks like Tinkerbell and Mulan/Ping will be running around here come late October. Trick or treating for no dairy, nuts or dye treats will be interesting.

Crossing my fingers that this fall will go better than last fall!

AllisonJ_98 10-03-2006 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by KimS (Post 18750)
Hi Allison! Glad you checked in. :)

Did you know that 'growing pains' are often the result of a dairy sensitivity (both my Mom and my daughter were cured of their leg pain by deleting all dairy). Obviously in my mother they were not 'growing pains' but the same leg pain that my daughter would get... and she sufferred all her life. It took a year of my dd being cured of her 'growing pains' for my Mom to try it... et voila! no leg pain at almost 70 years old. (Unfortunately she cheats a lot and has decided she can tolerate 'some' leg pain. She doesn't dare complain to me about it anymore though. :D )

I will tell Kat that it could be linked to dairy. DS and I are both dairy free, but the girls are not. She also gets the bumpy (tho not itchy) rash on her fanny that she refuses to believe is connected to dairy, even tho mine went away after going DF and comes back if I get a molecule of it. Her symptoms seem to be more physical with dairy, but ds seems totally MENTAL. He gets very aggressive, argumentative, and totally loses focus when he has dairy. A gluten reaction is the horrible stomach ache and diarrhea.

Also, thank you ever so much for your suggestion to use coconut milk in my coffee! I get the lite version (no chunks!) and can't really tell the difference.


diamondheart 10-03-2006 02:05 PM

Valerie - I'm so sorry to hear about your loss (((hugs))).

Al - Sorry to hear about your PN. Yeah, dairy is hard to give up. At least I can have ghee and some of the fake cheeses with casein. Hardly a replacement for the real stuff, but when you're desparate, it works.

Grace - Way to stay positive! You've made a lot of progress. Hopefully your current healing crisis will be short.

Kim - I'm glad to hear that your son is doing better!

I feel like I'm just starting to get my energy back. Perhaps the giving up of soy, nuts, and seeds made a difference in my digestion, but it took about 6-8 weeks. I rarely have diarrhea now, but things still aren't perfect. I think I sometimes get a reaction to my probiotic, or maybe it's just that the probiotics are killing off other critters I have.

I have also gained my weight back. I liked looking like an anorexic model, but I had no energy and didn't feel all that great. Isn't that twisted? Anyways, I'm still working on the root of the multiple food intolerances. Hopefully, I'll have more to report next month. I'm amazed at how many of us have multiple food sensitivities. Is it all from the gluten damage, or something else?


graceperson 10-03-2006 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by diamondheart (Post 19094)

I have also gained my weight back. I liked looking like an anorexic model, but I had no energy and didn't feel all that great. Isn't that twisted? Anyways, I'm still working on the root of the multiple food intolerances. Hopefully, I'll have more to report next month. I'm amazed at how many of us have multiple food sensitivities. Is it all from the gluten damage, or something else?


OK - I laughed my head off at your anorexic model comment. I was an anorexic model for several years. Looked great in a bathing suit but couldn't carry on a conversation...haha...I am past that now.


KimS 10-03-2006 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by AllisonJ_98 (Post 19021)
Also, thank you ever so much for your suggestion to use coconut milk in my coffee! I get the lite version (no chunks!) and can't really tell the difference.


I'm glad to hear that worked out for you. I rather enjoy it. :)

Lisa: Glad to see you here too! :)

Claire: Thanks for the thoughts. :)

valeriemates 10-03-2006 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by mistofviolets (Post 18997)
We're gearing up for Halloween...Looks like Tinkerbell and Mulan/Ping will be running around here come late October. Trick or treating for no dairy, nuts or dye treats will be interesting.

Crossing my fingers that this fall will go better than last fall!

In case it's useful, here's what we've been doing for Halloween:

The kids aren't allowed to eat anything until it's been brought home and checked by an adult. We look up each candy on the Internet and check to see if it's listed as free of all the various things each kid is allergic to. Then we have safe candy on hand for swapping. So, for each candy that gets taken away, there's a replacement available.

I had a really had time last year *finding* safe candy. I ended up buying a bag of EnjoyLife chocolate chips and a plastic candy mold. I melted the chocolate chips in the microwave (nuke until just barely melted, then stir like crazy), then poured the melted chocoalte into the candy mold. I wrapped each piece in aluminum foil (note: don't use scissors to cut aluminum foil; it ruins the scissors), stuck on a sticker, and voila, we had cute homemade safe candies for my kiddos.

For treats to give out to other kids, usually I order a zillion glow bracelets on eBay. That way food allergies aren't a problem, and I don't need to feel guilty about giving sugar to little kids. Usually everybody is thrilled to have a glow bracelet. Last year instead we went to the Friends of the Library booksale and got a pile of books for 25 cents each and gave those out. Kids' reactions varied from, "Ohhh... books!" to "Um, do you have any candy instead?" (we did). (When I was a kid, I'd have prefered books to candy. My partner would have prefered candy to books. So we had both available, so kids of all sorts would find something they liked.)

Anyway, I don't know if anything there is useful, but that's what worked for my family last year.

mom, for Halloween this year, to Mr. Superdude and a large pumpkin

Electra 10-04-2006 07:48 PM

Hi there -- found you all!

Super idea on the glow bracelets, can you link to your supplier, I think I might do that this year.

KimS 10-05-2006 08:20 AM

Those are awesome ideas for Halloween.

We do a Halloween Hunt, instead of going t or t'ing. My kids actually didn't like t or t'ing, even before we were gf.

It's just like easter except the 'bunny' doesn't hid the stuff... Mom does. :D

valeriemates 10-06-2006 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Electra (Post 20052)
Super idea on the glow bracelets, can you link to your supplier, I think I might do that this year.

I just look on eBay for a seller with at least 99% positive feedback and a relatively good price compared to other sellers.

In 2003, when Halloween was on a Friday and so I expected a lot of trick or treaters, I bought this from eBay seller kiddykoo:

which, with shipping, came to $30 for 170 glow bracelets.

In 2004, when Halloween was on a Sunday evening and so I expected fewer trick or treaters, I bought 100 glow bracelets for $13, including shipping, from seller glowgranny. Note that you need to watch shipping costs on glow bracelets. This was priced as 1 cent for the bracelets and $12.99 for the shipping.

My four year old says that we should do glow bracelets again this year. I'd prefer to give out books from the library's booksale, but our local booksale had a big scandal recently and had to shut their doors, and I'm not sure they'll be open again in time for buying books for Halloween.

Ok, that's probably way too much information!


valeriemates 10-06-2006 10:04 AM

Oh, speaking of roll call... yesterday we got back genetic test results that showed what went wrong with the baby. She had something called "22q11.2 deletion" -- a chromosome copying error that is almost as common as down syndrome. I'm feeling relieved, because I'd been worried that I'd caused the baby's problems with celiac-related nutritional problems, but if it's a genetic copying error, then it's not my fault.

If you're bored or curious, here's more info:


DogtorJ 10-06-2006 01:50 PM

Hi Everyone,

Long time no see. :) It's great to see BrainTalk up and running again. It's such an important resource.

I hope you all are doing well. I am off to a holistic veterinary meeting in Louisville this weekend to learn all that I can about the homeopathic treatment of cancer. That is my next step, turning my veterinary clinic into a cancer treatment center. I got all fired up when when I read my own paper on the The Cure for Cancer. :):):) (

Yesterday it was epilepsy. Tomorrow it is cancer. Halleluiah!

Blessings upon you all!

simbalou 10-06-2006 02:22 PM

Hi Everyone
Hi Everyone! I'm so glad the post is back. You never realize how much you depend on something until it is gone.

Valeria- I am really sorry to hear about your loss.

Al- You keep taking care of Peg. I wish my husband would do that for me.

We work different shifts and I get home from work about an hour before he has to leave. But I still seem to manage to come home and make his coffee and supper before he leaves. I keep threatening him that I'm going to get him up at 6 in the morning to help me get ready for work. But since that's about the time he's hitting the bed I don't think he would be much good.

I have finally been diagnosed with sleep apnea. My doctor for celiac kept telling me there was nothing wrong with me when I was complaining that I was tired all the time. I finally went for a sleep study and I stop breathing about 117 times an hour. I sleep with a cpap machine now and I feel better during the day and can come home from work alot of work done in the evening. It's wonderful. I haven't felt this good in a long time.

Leslieand 10-08-2006 07:53 PM

Wow, fall already! We'll have snow in Alaska in a week or two. :) My asthma doctor said I don't need to take inhaled steriods anymore. My spirometry test was better off all medicine than it was on medicine. I told him it wasn't asthma but was gluten. He said it is amaziing how many people he tests who he thinks have gluten intolerance and the tests come out negative. What do I tell him?

My health is now completely reverted back to normal. I also notice I am calmer and more in control. It did take almost 2 years though.

My husband got back from a business/visit relatives trip and I know he cheated--tuduh-on gluten! I know because he has been for 5 days, till he calmed down on my diet; manic, ADHD, irritable, and unable to be still. Have you heard that as a symptom?:confused: It's so hard to live with and its only because he has been off gluten for a year and half that I recognize this old way of behaving as gluten caused. I sure prefer the calm husband to this crazed one. Anyone else see this as a symptom? (FYI-He gets thyroiditis attacks but tested negative. Hasn't had an attack since going mainly gf. Wish I had an article to convince him to be gf and not cheat.)

Valerie, I'm sorry for your loss. I had a miscarriage once too. I'm glad you found out the cause and that it was not in your hands.

Grace, I'm sorry you still aren't able to go on that effortless 10 mile run-future payoff to the gf lifestyle I hope.

Mrs. Bear I'm so glad you are here. I always look for what's up with you. Glad Con has a good teacher and that you uncovered Wes's sleep problem even though the doctors took so long you have to wonder why you are paying them and not the other way around.

Llonghair, I'm glad your family is finally completely on board with the diagnosis. Should make things easier? And now we have to worry about turkeys too? The one time I cook meat to appease the meat eaters in the family and now I have to research turkeys too. Does it never end? :rolleyes:

Jamie, speaking of healthy vegan-I love seeing a child ask for tofu and tempeh. I've yet to hear my children say,"Yea, beans again!". :)


annelb 10-09-2006 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Leslieand
manic, ADHD, irritable, and unable to be still. Have you heard that as a symptom?

Yup! There are many who have noticed that behavioral problems disappear in children on a GF diet and return when there are gluten oopses. When I get glutened I become depressed, irritable and unable to think. Tell hubby that he is going to have to be on better behavior when on a trip. ;)

Glad to hear that you are doing better. You say it took 2 years - we have many people on this forum who have found that healing takes years. If only we were diagnosed as children :rolleyes: I certainly noticed changes for at
least 2 years.


He said it is amaziing how many people he tests who he thinks have gluten intolerance and the tests come out negative. What do I tell him?
Tell him to use Enterolab :cool:


Hanna 10-09-2006 01:46 AM

My 2 cents
Just to let you all know. It took me a year of gluten free before my seizures were more controled. First year of being gluten free, I had 25 gm. The second year, I am at three oh by the way, one third the medicine.:D

Life is shining, full of surprises but feeling good.

graceperson 10-09-2006 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Leslieand (Post 22444)
Grace, I'm sorry you still aren't able to go on that effortless 10 mile run-future payoff to the gf lifestyle I hope.

Spoken like a true fellow runner. Gawd, I am 44 now, I feel like if I don't recover soon, I am going to be too the way, I think your husbands symptoms sound classic. I had everything except the manic part. I think I was too malnourished to be manic.


canoe 10-09-2006 02:27 PM


Your post is so encouraging. I have been GF for almost 18 months now, and my last pulmonary function tests were slightly better. I am hoping that eventually I will be able to get off of the medications. Thanks for being so encouraging.


jccgf 10-09-2006 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Hanna (Post 22544)
Just to let you all know. It took me a year of gluten free before my seizures were more controled. First year of being gluten free, I had 25 gm. The second year, I am at three oh by the way, one third the medicine.:D

Life is shining, full of surprises but feeling good.

Wow! I hadn't realized your success was this big :). That is great!


valeriemates 10-09-2006 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Leslieand (Post 22444)
I love seeing a child ask for tofu and tempeh. I've yet to hear my children say,"Yea, beans again!". :)

My 4 1/2 year old does! :) Beans are her special comfort food, so we always keep 'em around for her. She especially likes black beans.


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