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PamelaJune 08-13-2017 12:43 PM

Relentless lower back pain
I'm at my wits end, I've moved from the Nevro Senza site as this has nothing to do with that, well it does a bit, but in the main, the unit is off and we are waiting on seeing the surgeons on the 16th. Neurosurgeon, General Surgeon & Orthapaedic Surgeon. Plus will needs to see the Anaesthetist sometime as well.

The pain was bad Thursday evening but I followed the new pain med regime and conquered it. All was good Friday & Saturday, so good I was able to go to the football. This afternoon, I walked in after filling the dogs water bowl and the right side flared - it's getting worse. I took my usual night meds and fell to sleep, came to bed and woken with pain. So far I've taken 2 sublingual, a 20/10 Targin with 5 mg Valium and just now 10mg oxynorm with another 5mg Valium. It's not working. I'm struggling to turn in bed again, experiencing difficulty in putting my right foot to the floor and in general beginning to fear this holiday next Saturday might not happen. Well no way, I'm going to drag my *** there to that plane, take as many of my painkillers as possible to endure the 2 hr flight and then relax in a 5 star resort in a warmer climate.

I've gone off of food, it's not tempting so I'm not to bothered about bowel obstructions and I'm taking 2x movicol sachets daily. Poor DB shattered after his 4 hr sleep last night, I'm trying to be quiet and not worry him.

My medicine regime is;
4am 1 x 10mg oxynorm, 1 x 5 mg Valium, 1 x2 mg progynova, 2 x Panamax
6am 1 20/10 Targin, 1 movicol sachet
8am 1 x 10mg oxynorm
10 am 2x temgesic sublingual
12 noon 1 x 10mg oxynorm 1 x 5 mg Valium
2pm 1 20/10 Targin
4pm 1x 10 mg oxynorm
6pm 2 x temgesic suboingual
6.30 1 x 10mg Endep, 1x 12.5 mg valdoxan 1 x5 mg Valium
8pm 1 x 10 mg oxynorm,
10.30pm 1 x 5mg Valium 2 x tengesic sublingual,
It's not working
Midnight 1 x 10mg oxynorm, 1 x 5 mg Valium

Please god let me lay down to sleep, I have work in the morning a GP consult with a very difficult WC claimant who fails to comply with the simplest request, fax your capacity certificate following your GP consult to the office so I can prepare your RTWplan.

She keeps changing her appointment date & time so I'll be ready to go & she'll ring & say I've been I'll fax the certificate. Not once has it arrived by fax & then I'm constantly chasing it, this last time she saw the GP 31 July. I had managed to schedule it so I could attend but was instead in hospital myself & couldn't go, the capacity certificate arrived by post from the GP with the invoice on the 10th August. I issued the RTWplan & said how disappointed I am she has been working all this time since 31 July without a plan & how I have a duty of care for her. By attending work without a plan she compromises my integrity & her safety. I said I'm confident we can work together & improve the current practice she has fallen into - forget to send the fax, goodness it's only 2 pages! But she prefers I'm sure to do nothing, say nothing & if something happens it is their fault not mine. Well, not on my watch!

I said I'm aware she attends the GP on the 14th & I told her I will be coming, at the very least I can get the capacity certificate & do a RTWplan hopefully for 4 weeks rather than every 2 weeks. GP's see WC as a money gravy train money for nothing I'm afraid. If I can get a 4 wk consult and prepare her RTWplan I can make it up to 14.September by which time I'll have had surgery and will be able to talk coherently to my colleague who will manage my 3 states WA, SA & NT while I'm off. So it's essential I get get this pain under enough control to attend in the morning. Tears are rolling but I'm going to do this....

Post edit, it's 5am, I am up, I've taken 1 x 10mg oxynorm & 1 x 20/10 Targin along with 1 x 2 mg progynova and vitamins D, zinc, magnesium, B6 & evening primrose oil.... I can and will succeeed!

ger715 08-13-2017 10:52 PM

Don't know how you are even thinking of going in to work. I wouldn't be surprised if your boss will want you to go home.

How long is this medication schedule prescribed? The Valium is probably the only thing that is getting you some sleep; but each one only lasts an hour or so. Does it appear there is a cervical fusion in the near future???

I can't help but wonder if it is wise to push you body so hard trying to continue working. DB must feel helpless. (I do; and I'm not even there.)

Take care dear friend...


PamelaJune 08-14-2017 05:20 AM

My neurosurgeon phoned this morning said we've bought your surgery date forward to this Saturday, I blurted I can't where flying to Broome to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. He said ok, I still need to see you both on Wednesday.

So, we know one the op is definitely going ahead no ifs or buts, it's just when. DB said cancel the holiday, & I said no way, it's $4778 non refundable, no chance. It gives me time to tie up loose ends, get mums hearing aids sorted and in general get myself just that smidge fitter. The better my heart is the better I will be. So the operation looks to now be mid September xx I will let you all know what Wednesday meeting holds

PamelaJune 08-14-2017 04:44 PM

I did it, and I got 4 wk rtw plan for the worker along with arrangements for a physiologist to become involved in assisting manage her wellness & a targeted approach to her injured muscle group in order to return to capacity. A really lovely GP, very keen to listen to what I had to say and apply it. So I don't think it's the GP that's been the issue, just the worker being slack. Don't get me wrong she has a genuine injury was in a MVA on her way home from work with another worker. It is very much like being on a hamster wheel when your on workers comp and I try to keep things as simple as possible for our workers. I can only guess I do a good enough job by the amount of flowers I get from staff who have endured the RTW and achieved & sustained capacity plus flowers from those who I've assisted negotiate the settlement route. I have a passion for my job and to see injured workers get well.

I reached the office about 10ish after the consult and somehow managed to stay until 4.30. So many things to do and if I don't do them they don't get done!

I'm only using that regime when the pain flares & I can't get it under control. Last night just my endep, valdoxan, 1 x20/10 Targin & 1 x 5mg Valium. I'm just going to move slower than I used to. The girls in the office are good, they get stuff off of the printer for me. I will go to the office today & if it gets worse I'll come home and just go back in on Friday for the management meeting. Then it's holiday, rest & relaxation in a much warmer climate which I'm hoping will help!!

And it will be a lumbar fusion. I will know more tomorrow x


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1248966)
Don't know how you are even thinking of going in to work. I wouldn't be surprised if your boss will want you to go home.

How long is this medication schedule prescribed? The Valium is probably the only thing that is getting you some sleep; but each one only lasts an hour or so. Does it appear there is a cervical fusion in the near future???

I can't help but wonder if it is wise to push you body so hard trying to continue working. DB must feel helpless. (I do; and I'm not even there.)

Take care dear friend...


ger715 08-14-2017 10:37 PM

I think that was really a good idea to take this trip..The R & R will be good for you... Enjoy!!!!!! "Pain, pain...go away".

Postponing the surgery will also give you time to get things in order. At what level is the lumbar fusion going to done?

Looking forward to your Wednesday update....


PamelaJune 08-16-2017 05:11 PM

Saw the Neurosurgeon & he showed us the CT and Gallium scan results, all very pretty until it sinks in the truly lit up areas are where the problems lie. Lots and lots of problems.. the risks of this op are tripled due to all the stomach issues I have had, if they can get through the stomach then he will proceed to cage L3 which is disintegrated and L4, remove a screw embedded in the vertebrae and protruding into the disc space, attempt to get the old 1994 embedded one out and apparently the S1L5 fusion has failed. I had to have extra X-rays yesterday of the sacrum region, something wrong there as well. In general he is amazed my spine has held up as well as it has given all that's going wrong, he expressed surprise I can walk reasonably well on some days and even more so I can manage to work.

He truly outlined the seriousness of the operation detailing what can go wrong. Seeing as many of the what can go wrong has happened to me in previous operations DB was all ears and paid closer attention to the scans and paid far more attention than he has in previous years gone by.
We called into my office on the way home so he could get my laptop and carry it in and out of the house so I can work from home today after I've taken mum for her new hearing aid tests. The young admin girl enquired how the consult went, he met her the day the ambulance was called. DB bluntly said it's bad, it's big, dangerous but we've no option it has to be done. To leave it will result in the 2 problematic screws reaching the spinal cord. They have to come out.

Anyway the good news works electrician has picked up my printer and tray from the office and will install it this afternoon so I can get far more work done from home and will only need to attend the office to actually file paper away or attend office meetings.

The head of HR is coming to WA the day after I get back from Broome, I will still be on annual leave but she has said she hopes to catch up for coffee. Depending on how I feel maybe. My colleague and I still feel our jobs are not secure and last week we officially have been bought back under the HR umbrella again. I might cut my annual leave short from the 5 days to 3 seeing as I will need all the hours I can get post surgery. If I run out of sick pay and holiday pay my superannuation salary continuance will kick in so we will still have money coming in. Hopefully my really high medical and medication bills will be significantly reduced after this coming procedure. I've paid out over $5000 in the last week just in X-ray, ultrasound and imaging. I will get a fair amount of that back from my insurance once I claim it, I'm waiting on getting all the receipts back so I can put the claims in. They were supposed to email them but nope not arrived, I will have to ring them today and enquire where they have gone to. If they come by post the wet weather is really heavy atm and the letterbox fills with water and snails. Mail box has to be checked twice daily and with us going away on Saturday I am not confident I can rely on the girl house/pet sitting to clear the mail box. She's a good girl, but like most her age a letterbox is something antique and unattended.

And finally I should have added before, because of the seriousness of this operation and the amount of surgeons and staff required to assist, the gap between what my insurer Medibank will cover will be significant - even though I have top cover, he emphasised twice significant!. He suggested I get the nevro reps to contact the general surgeon to discuss the diothermy to be used in the procedure, apparently only one kind can be used on account of the SCS unit, the other kind will cause significant problems.

So much to do and in not much time but I am glad both DB and I have the chance to have a holiday break before the serious stuff starts. This Saturday will have been far to soon, not to mention Sunday will be 6 years since dad passed away. So no, mid September is looking better for me all round.

PamelaJune 09-08-2017 05:11 PM

Still no surgery date, we're living on eggshells in case the fragile routine I have with my pain under control fractures. I'm seeing the General Surgeon on Thursday 14th, we know the op isn't the 16th or 19th so perhaps it will be the following Saturday. It's hard for these surgeons to free their time up so I just have to be happy with how things are going. There are days when I wonder do I really need it, I can't recall how bad the pain was, or much about the difficulty in walking, I just know it happened & it was bad. And I know the scans don't lie, there is a real danger of the spinal cord being compromised should I even fall over. I feel giddy a little when I think of the number of falls I've had these past 12 months...
I do have some good news, my job brings me in close contact with many treatment providers, one group has offered me FOC post surgery recovery program it's worth considering in the big scheme of things, a physio & physiologist will work with me & develop an exercise program to will help me all they can achieve maximum medical improvement. I am a big fan of their serivices & refer my clients to them all the time. I feel quietly chuffed because I was going to ask them would they consider doing a non WC patient & was I able to pay for their services. Of course I will have to declare it and go through the clearance etc with corporate office (it's a gift) and even if I can't take them up on it at least I know it they will be willing to assist me and I can pay them.
So it's just a waiting game here, got mums hearings aids on trial, wow technology is amazing. I can ring mum on the phone and talk to her, I haven't been able to speak with her on the phone in over 3 years. I cried the first time we tried it in the hearing aid office.

PamelaJune 09-14-2017 06:27 AM

Met with the General surgeon, proposed date is Monday 25th September. Have to confirm with the Neurosurgeon & make arrangements to meet with the anaesthetist next week. Explained I've had heart arrests, over 27 blood transfusions in previous surgeries, a botched hysterectomy, peritonitis twice, MRSI, bowel resections & I'm feeling very nervous. He seems to think it will be all ok and he will go slowly. I told him the surgeon who botched the hysterectomy said my major blood vessels were not where she was expecting them to be....

ger715 09-14-2017 10:36 PM

Glad you have been given a date for the surgery. It had to be even more difficult the not knowing, etc. It appears you are in "good hands" for the surgery, as well as having good insurance coverage for the surgery and recovery with the help of a physiologist.

If I understand correctly, you will be having fusions as well as repairs of past fusions?

Much to do to prepare for surgery as well as time during post surgery/recovery.

Thoughts & prayers are with you.


PamelaJune 09-16-2017 02:19 AM

Right, it's time. With next Monday being the big op and it having been spelt how serious & dangerous it is, it is time for me to be the bigger person and phone SIL K and apologise for any perceived wrong doings or sayings I have said or done which she uses as justification to vilify me. This time in 10 days, DB may have need of any or all family support he can get. While he may get little from his big sister, at least I will know I have done all I can to clear the air and should he ever talk to her again he can do so knowing I have apologised and attempted to right any wrongs, to accept fault in anything that has occurred. Do I feel nervous, yes, do I feel sick, yes. But needs must. What's the worst that can happen, she can hang up on me without speaking, she can say get lost, she can abuse me. I've had that and more from others. I can and will take on the challenge of being the better person. So be it.

Post edit
No answer, I waited until it be 9am thinking it's a Saturday morning, don't want to be too early. Feel ill, hands shaking, feel like I'm phoning to speak with the devil himself. Our lodger asked am I ok, I'm white, shaking, got a bucket in case I vomit, 2 heat packs to soothe my head and a towel for either wipe tears or spew.... will keep trying. I have the Goddess of wisdom and courage Athena by my side. I can do this.

Still no answer

kiwi33 09-16-2017 08:14 AM

Pamela, I want you to know that I think that you are a strong and brave person.

All of my thoughts are with you.


ger715 09-16-2017 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by PamelaJune (Post 1251102)
Right, it's time. With next Monday being the big op and it having been spelt how serious & dangerous it is, it is time for me to be the bigger person and phone SIL K and apologise for any perceived wrong doings or sayings I have said or done which she uses as justification to vilify me. This time in 10 days, DB may have need of any or all family support he can get. While he may get little from his big sister, at least I will know I have done all I can to clear the air and should he ever talk to her again he can do so knowing I have apologised and attempted to right any wrongs, to accept fault in anything that has occurred. Do I feel nervous, yes, do I feel sick, yes. But needs must. What's the worst that can happen, she can hang up on me without speaking, she can say get lost, she can abuse me. I've had that and more from others. I can and will take on the challenge of being the better person. So be it.

Post edit
No answer, I waited until it be 9am thinking it's a Saturday morning, don't want to be too early. Feel ill, hands shaking, feel like I'm phoning to speak with the devil himself. Our lodger asked am I ok, I'm white, shaking, got a bucket in case I vomit, 2 heat packs to soothe my head and a towel for either wipe tears or spew.... will keep trying. I have the Goddess of wisdom and courage Athena by my side. I can do this.

Still no answer

By this time, you may have already spoken to her. Instead of getting sick over the reaction on the other end; do you think sending an email or texting her first letting her know you would like to apologize for any wrongdoing, etc.: Also Let her also know if she is open to your calling her, you would like to speak with her personally.....or something like that.

BTW: does she have caller ID? Also are you able to leave a message when calling?

It's sad you are putting yourself through all this anxiety.

Obviously you have a lot going on with your surgery; but most likely the doctor was trying to let you know recovery may take a little more time than one would hope; but wants you to be aware of this fact up front.


PamelaJune 09-17-2017 03:26 AM

I've just got off the phone now, obviously not home yesterday. She answered, I said K it's Pam & please don't hang up. Her first words were I don't have time for this on a Sunday morning. I said I won't keep you long, I'm ringing to apologise for any hurt I've caused you, it's not been intentional. I don't expect you to forgive me, I just want you to know I'm sorry to have caused you angst. I loved your mother and we love the same people, yes I argued with your mam, but mam and I got on and mam knew I loved her. And it's important to me you know your brother still refers to you as his big sister. K said he thinks I've abandoned him and I haven't, we said a few more words and I said see it seems we can even agree on the same things. You should know DB has been sober for 2 years, she said that's good, Gi is just out if rehab and for me not to listen to the niece K. I said I haven't spoken with any of them and none know I'm making this call to you. It's all on me, obviously I did something to upset you and if I could take it back I would. I finished with saying, I don't expect us to ever be friends K, nor for you to forgive whatever it is you hold against me and I'll let you go. She thanked me for calling.

Jealousy has always consumed her, it is a sickness and she has allowed her thoughts to wallow in it. Up until I came on the scene she was hailed as the smart girl going places, then DB married me, university degree and somehow my name got mentioned in her mind more than hers. I did even say today, I have never tried to usurp you nor do I want to. I just want everyone to get on and I don't want me being used as the reason for people not talking with one another.

I cried as I spoke, but I made it clear, this is all on me, my choice to phone, my choice to say I don't expect forgiveness, and my choice for her to know I'm sorry to have ever hurt her.

PamelaJune 09-17-2017 03:35 AM

No they haven't even mentioned recovery, how long I will be in hospital, or off of work. The 2 main surgeons Neurosurgeon & General have made it clear the surgery is proceeding because of the hairbreadth distance between the pedicle screw and the spinal cord otherwise they would never contemplate it. There is every possibility they get in and have to back out without achieving the Anterior fusions or removal of the screws. I have had to sign legal waivers to agree to the surgery.

It just amazes me with all our advancement in technology and imaging, they can't see from the outside where the blood vessels are. That's the big problem, the last few stomach surgeries I had, I bled out on the table, it's why I have had over 27 blood transfusions. So the bleeding out is a significant problem and the heart is the other problem, I've had 3 heart arrests in my life time directly attributed to anaesthesia.


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1251154)
Obviously you have a lot going on with your surgery; but most likely the doctor was trying to let you know recovery may take a little more time than one would hope; but wants you to be aware of this fact up front. Gerry

ger715 09-17-2017 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by PamelaJune (Post 1251166)
No they haven't even mentioned recovery, how long I will be in hospital, or off of work. The 2 main surgeons Neurosurgeon & General have made it clear the surgery is proceeding because of the hairbreadth distance between the pedicle screw and the spinal cord otherwise they would never contemplate it. There is every possibility they get in and have to back out without achieving the Anterior fusions or removal of the screws. I have had to sign legal waivers to agree to the surgery.

It just amazes me with all our advancement in technology and imaging, they can't see from the outside where the blood vessels are. That's the big problem, the last few stomach surgeries I had, I bled out on the table, it's why I have had over 27 blood transfusions. So the bleeding out is a significant problem and the heart is the other problem, I've had 3 heart arrests in my life time directly attributed to anaesthesia.

There seems to be a real problem with the screws when having fusion. A couple of years after my L4-5 fusion, I had a myleogram (sp?) (which some fluid is removed from spinal cord to allow a dye to be used). The orthopedic surgeon, along with other issues said it was imperative I have surgery to remove the screw because the tip of the screw was at the point of a major blood vessel and was endanger of this becoming quite serious.

Very strange about the issues with the screws... Makes one wonder..... I never did anything about it. This was about 8 years when the problem was discovered.

Although in your case, you have additional serious problems including the heart arrests attributed to the anesthesia. The bleeding out is another very serious problem.

Out here; surgery, including my spinal fusion /laminectomy does/did require signing legal waivers which is pretty standard. It appears by your description this is unusual in Australia.

For peace of mind, it's good you talked with SIL K. Jealousy can be wicked.

PamelaJune 09-18-2017 04:14 AM

Hi Gerry, same in Australia, we always have paperwork to sign for any operation consenting to the procedure and we fully understand the ramifications and all has been explained etc, this is an additional one. I've had to sign one similar once before back in 2001 when I had the tumour leading to the total hysterectomy.


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1251239)
There seems to be a real problem with the screws when having fusion. A couple of years after my L4-5 fusion, I had a myleogram (sp?) (which some fluid is removed from spinal cord to allow a dye to be used). The orthopedic surgeon, along with other issues said it was imperative I have surgery to remove the screw because the tip of the screw was at the point of a major blood vessel and was endanger of this becoming quite serious.

Very strange about the issues with the screws... Makes one wonder..... I never did anything about it. This was about 8 years when the problem was discovered.

Although in your case, you have additional serious problems including the heart arrests attributed to the anesthesia. The bleeding out is another very serious problem.

Out here; surgery, including my spinal fusion /laminectomy does/did require signing legal waivers which is pretty standard. It appears by your description this is unusual in Australia.

For peace of mind, it's good you talked with SIL K. Jealousy can be wicked.

PamelaJune 09-19-2017 11:48 PM

Pre Op Hospital admin appointment booked for tomorrow at 1.20pm, she says it will take about 40minutes. Than all I have to do is rock up to the hospital Monday morning at 7am. The Anaesthesiologist PA rang yesterday with the out of pocket expenses, she said it's based on the amount of time you are under and at present they are planning on anywhere between 3-5 hours. So that's good news, initially they thought it would be longer. The Neurosurgeon PA said she has put me down for 1st on the list as there are 2 of us having surgery on Monday, but his is shorter so it might be swapped around. I am hoping the anaesthetist will give me a Pre-med. There is nothing worse than that waiting around & I'm not sure if I will have a bed allocated at that stage so I could end up lobby lounge lizarding...

PamelaJune 09-20-2017 04:39 PM

Had my pre op with the anaesthetist, good news, he's done me twice before so is aware of the difficulties I present with 1, to get me off to sleep & 2 post op. I have terrible vein access and then they tissue quickly. He is going to knock me out with gas, then find a vein & use a pic line just between my collar bone & neck so there is no issue of post op cannula tissueing and inability to control my pain.

ger715 09-20-2017 10:46 PM

All looks like things are in good order for your upcoming surgery. Amazing; the same anesthetist that knows your case and aware of the difficulties you previously had. Somebody's watching over you; you are in His hands.....

Love & Prayers,

PamelaJune 09-21-2017 04:22 PM

Bloods done for pre match crossing and cell packing? Something to do with the fusion cage. As usual couldn't get a vein, if they would listen to me they'd get it first pop. Mid underside of the forearm, yes its tender but it delivers every time. Nope they have to go for the elbow crook (both) & then come back to looking at my arm & im saying & pointing right there. She goes to get another venapuncturist & says this ones really hard & I have to go do the wards, puff & she's gone, new lady comes in, I point & say please use a butterfly & take it from there, so she looks at me & says it will hurt & you will bruise, I said it will but if you don't go there you will exceed the limit of tries you're allowed in one day & this has to be done today for surgery Monday, in she goes with a butterfly and voila, 4 tubes later...she says you must have had a lot of blood taken to know exactly where. Yes.... my mum used to be a venapuncturist & right up until she retired, she used to take my blood whenever it was requested (worked for a cracking pathologist Dr Cohen) & never had to have more than one go, & always from the preferred spot. Looking back my mum was jolly good at her job.

ger715 09-21-2017 09:35 PM

Maybe you might want to start out telling the people taking the blood about your Mum; so they might have a better idea that you really do know what you are talking about.

My veins are are so good; I actually get compliments. I get blood work done regularly every 4 to 5 months; so "no problems". (actually; only once when the nurse forgot to put something holding the spot when removing the needle; blood all over...)

You probably won't be up to sending posts for a few days after the surgery; but will be counting the time til we hear from you....

From the descriptions you have given; it appears there are a lot of "ifs" depending on the circumstances what will or will not be done during surgery.

Hope all is going well for you and DB in the meantime....


PamelaJune 09-21-2017 10:37 PM

Before they introduced limits on number of attempts, the most attempts on one day has been 11, the next 9. I always tell them, but, they inevitably think they can do it and we end up in a dilemma with the number of attempts allowed. I sometimes think because I know all the terminology they think I'm being a smarty pants.

My writing of mum prompted me to send her a message saying how good she was and how I'm not sure I've ever said it before. She was very good at her job, initially a nurse, trained in midwifery as well. Had us children and returned to work when I was about 2 or 3 so my nana looked after me a lot. Perhaps that's why I never really bonded with her like my siblings. As I said in another post, I will always be my mothers child & of late I have reached a state of mind where I can forgive her for many moments she could have, and should have, handled differently. I know she loves me in her own way, and I no longer need to seek her approval. I can and do hold my own in life. She was very controlling, I can see that now having recently read many letters corresponded in my teens. Where my siblings lied and went behind her back, I was always honest to a tee. I could see no point in lying because I was going to cop her wrath one way or another... I have to say it's nice to have had the epiphany moment and I have been significantly relaxed in her presence ever since.

You will probably hear from me, I apologise in advance I will be on morphine and ketamine so heaven help what gibberish I will write. Even though I know now I shouldn't write... thank you for being such a staunch support Gerry, your every word brings me comfort :hug:


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1251450)
Maybe you might want to start out telling the people taking the blood about your Mum; so they might have a better idea that you really do know what you are talking about.

My veins are are so good; I actually get compliments. I get blood work done regularly every 4 to 5 months; so "no problems". (actually; only once when the nurse forgot to put something holding the spot when removing the needle; blood all over...)

You probably won't be up to sending posts for a few days after the surgery; but will be counting the time til we hear from you....

From the descriptions you have given; it appears there are a lot of "ifs" depending on the circumstances what will or will not be done during surgery.

Hope all is going well for you and DB in the meantime....


kiwi33 09-22-2017 04:59 AM

Pamela, I hope that all goes really well on Monday.

All of my thoughts will be with you then.


ger715 09-23-2017 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by PamelaJune (Post 1251452)
Before they introduced limits on number of attempts, the most attempts on one day has been 11, the next 9. I always tell them, but, they inevitably think they can do it and we end up in a dilemma with the number of attempts allowed. I sometimes think because I know all the terminology they think I'm being a smarty pants.

My writing of mum prompted me to send her a message saying how good she was and how I'm not sure I've ever said it before. She was very good at her job, initially a nurse, trained in midwifery as well. Had us children and returned to work when I was about 2 or 3 so my nana looked after me a lot. Perhaps that's why I never really bonded with her like my siblings. As I said in another post, I will always be my mothers child & of late I have reached a state of mind where I can forgive her for many moments she could have, and should have, handled differently. I know she loves me in her own way, and I no longer need to seek her approval. I can and do hold my own in life. She was very controlling, I can see that now having recently read many letters corresponded in my teens. Where my siblings lied and went behind her back, I was always honest to a tee. I could see no point in lying because I was going to cop her wrath one way or another... I have to say it's nice to have had the epiphany moment and I have been significantly relaxed in her presence ever since.

You will probably hear from me, I apologise in advance I will be on morphine and ketamine so heaven help what gibberish I will write. Even though I know now I shouldn't write... thank you for being such a staunch support Gerry, your every word brings me comfort :hug:

Your "gibberish" will be most welcomed and look forward to receiving...
As always,
Love & Prayers


PamelaJune 09-25-2017 10:06 AM

I'm here, in pain, under for 4 hours in recovery for 6. Blood was 45/40 it had apparently been lower... in PCU. DB been & gone, spoke to mum on FB Messengers, these new hearing aids mean I can see & talk with her on her iPad or iPhone. It was like she was in the room with me & she could see & hear everything for herself as a former nurse it gave her comfort, and was good for me. Then did the same with my sister using FB messenger.

In a lot of pain, feel very weird, the op according to what DB was told went well. Not sure what was done but one nurse said 3-4-5-S1 if thats the case he then gave it his all. The pain I'm in is not my lower back, it's my stomach, upper back & hip. Stomach incision feel like a million Lilliputians stabbing with swords repeatedly. I had a bone graft as well, that's hurting too in my hip. Speak again soon when I'm with it. :hug:

kiwi33 09-25-2017 04:52 PM

I hope that your recuperation goes really well :).


ger715 09-25-2017 11:05 PM

Pam, Thank you for thinking of us at a time like this. I checked a little while not really expecting to see a post; but there you are..........As I have mentioned many times; "You are amazing".....Seems like you had the complete work done. The bone graft for fusion can be quite painful.



PamelaJune 09-25-2017 11:57 PM

The ketamine stopped this morning, with it came clarity of thought & severe back pain. They're struggling to control it. Feel awful, no adequate words to describe & added addition of a headache. Stomach hurts, spine hurts, hip hurts and right shoulder hurts.


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1251642)
Pam, Thank you for thinking of us at a time like this. I checked a little while not really expecting to see a post; but there you are..........As I have mentioned many times; "You are amazing".....Seems like you had the complete work done. The bone graft for fusion can be quite painful.



ger715 09-28-2017 08:19 PM

Hope you are up and about at the hospital with pain being held in check. When you feel up to it, would love an update.

Pray all is going as planned.

Niggs posted more new poems. Please check them out . He really enjoyed your posts on his work.


PamelaJune 09-28-2017 09:03 PM

Good and not so good
:pI've been up and out of bed into the corridor twice, have been the to loo a number of times for number ones and yesterday they gave me suppositories for number 2, PLUS 1 sachet of movicol the day before and 2 sachets of movicol yesterday morning. Needless to say after drinking the special nuclear fluid for the stomach scan within an hour, I had the urgent desire to hit the pan. I held on for grim life and avoided any acccidents -luckily!! Been for number 2 again this am, so all good on that front.

I am however feeling very down and anxious. Pastor came to talk with me to find out what was wrong and suddenly I blurted out it's almost 40 years to the day I had my first spine fusion and the orderly entered my room at 11.30pm and placed his penis on my pillow. I awoke and screamed and another orderly came in, they had a terrible fight, long story short, they both got the sack. But for me it was just brushed under the carpet.

The room I'm in is lovely, but it's at the end of the corridor, everyone stands outside my room ruffles through their papers and I'm constantly singing out who who is there. The nurses say I'm never sleeping and I need to sleep to heal. Pastor has rearranged the curtains, placing them on the left and I have a clear line of sight to anyone walking to my room or past it. It just came bubbling up out of nowhere, must have been the ketamine bringing the memory back.

Dr Harsha, General surgeon did a nuclear scan yesterday, he told me he had to cut through the multiple inscisional hernias to commence and to close use A1 mesh to help close the wound without need for further hernia surgery down the track. I will google A1 mesh, apparently it's natural and the blood cells intermingle with it and a permanent barrier formed. ...

Dr Narula has been, he has told me this morning he is very worried over the S1 fusion with pedicle screws & I have choices to make, never ever bend to tend to the dogs, cats food, water or ablutions, or the S1 which he couldn't get to will cause significant problems, it was too dangerous to get to it as I'd been under so long and my BP dropping very very low so had to finish up. Now that's going to be a convo with DB and a bending at all, no bending to the dishwasher, to the front loader washer, can even put my shoes on, have to get resources to use. Luckily I have a few already.

Mum coming to see me today, the Pastor says I must talk with her about the event when I was 16, the pastor says I must so as to move on from holding against her, it's just 3 weeks later my brother beat me up, his future wife lied and said he didn't touch me and the said bikie who rescued me from him then raped me 4 hours later. Not sure this is the place to have that convo for her, particularly as I've just made peace again myself with her, can't see what is to be gained, but pastors says maybe it's mums chance to say she's sorry she didn't do more... decisions decisions.

Post edit

I've decided, I have nothing to gain by asking her other than to rehash old angst, but I see the Pastors point, mum may wish to say something...I'm not saying it outright, I may if there is a chance ask her if she recalls the kerfuffle over the orderlies being dismissed, if she says yes I will say why were they sacked. But it's not her fault that event happened & I don't hold her responsible for it, I can only say it's such a shame I was this frail little looking teenager with strawberry blonde hair, ripe for cretins to take advantage....

Post post edit, mums sister came as well, so I said nothing at all. And, tbh, I am glad she came, I can't put myself through all this again and again. I've accepted it happened, I have no idea how or what mum & dad said, perhaps they were the reason both were sacked. Just nothing to be gained by asking, so I'm not. We had a lovely visit and it was nice to see them both - NB got a temp of 38.3m nothing is ever easy xx

kiwi33 09-29-2017 05:50 AM

Pamela, it sounds to me that you have had a lot to process.

I think that your doctors are doing a good job in keeping you informed.

I am glad that the visit from your Mum and her sister was lovely.

As ever, you are in my thoughts.


ger715 09-29-2017 11:59 AM

As I mentioned previously; you might want to check out Niggs (Nigel) poetry. Might add a nice smile to your day. He so enjoys hearing from those who have been touched by his poems.


PamelaJune 09-30-2017 05:36 AM

Temp now 38.9 & on its way down.... more bloods to be taken - food withheld (not hungry anyway), Clavicle Line to be removed with tip sent off for testing.

So only now they're worried where this temp is coming from. I've been telling them every day I'm throwing temps from 38.3 to 38.7 plus... This evening I was going through my daily routine of teeth chattering as I was so cold & today's new nurse said uhm hangon, is this happening a lot, as I'm asking her for my gloves to put on. I say Yes for the last few days every day, and long & short of it, it seems the panadol I'm requesting for my headache has been masking a possible infection somewhere. My gut has swelled from 84 cm to 85 then 95cm & today just now 97cm. General surgeon not happy not to have been told. But he doesn't come see me everyday, whereas the Neurosurgeon is in first thing every morning & I've been saying to him, I just feel worse each day, it's a malaise type feeling.

To get blood from my veins will be tough, they're putting heat packs onto my gloves, activating them for heat, so the veins will open as much as possible. The RSN has been summoned to take the blood... it never rains eh

PamelaJune 09-30-2017 07:47 AM

My gut swelled another 2cm. Narula told Harsha to get on with it. Not 1st time I've spiked a temp. They've been a bit blase. The new nurse on tonight 1st night back from maternity said are you always shivering cold like this, I said at least once a day since the op. She disappeared came back & said I think you have an infection. They have to do more scans and take more bloods. I've had all these staff called back in to work. Snr radiological registrar, Snr radiographer, Snr registrar. I feel a bit guilty. Oh well, no one ever listens to me anyway...

Mum wrote and said Oh that is so awful for you. I can't believe they have taken so long to recognise you have an infection. Even I could see how pale you were with no colour in your lips, I said for you to ask for a FBC. I hope they get tests done ASAP. The last thing you need is complications. Let me know how you before you go to sleep ( if you can) Love you xxx so now in addition to my cousin who I was on the phone with when it all went sideways & DB & our lodger being upset & worried too. Hey ho, it's all ok I keep telling them, we've done this vefore we can do it again. We are competent surviving characters. Going to sign off my mind is playing funny tricks and words turning sideways :hug::hug:

Post edit

My stomach really really really hurts

PamelaJune 09-30-2017 08:18 PM

Haemoglobin very low. No sign of either surgeon today so far. General surgeon will come in I hope as the Neurosurgeon has told him to get on with it...

Feel very tired, effort to hold IPad & type, maybe going to sleep for a bit bye xx

PamelaJune 10-01-2017 04:21 AM

Seen Neurosurgeon, he is such a caring man. A little perturbed here we are 7 days post op & while the spine is fine, nothing has progressed on account of the gut. Hopefully will see the General surgeon tonight & he will take some action. Poor nurse had to tolerate mum and her suggestion of a Bowel lavage, could see her visibly cringe under mums statement she'll be ok we used to do them all the time. I just said, and now you don't. Never mind, they'll come up with a plan xxx

kiwi33 10-01-2017 04:27 AM

Pamela, it is good that the neurosurgeon is on the ball. I hope that the general surgeon can sort things out for you soon.


ger715 10-02-2017 01:06 AM

Wonder if the abdominal issues has to do with the hernias your surgeon cut thru/repaired, along with the mesh?

As you may remember, I had 3 Ventral Abdominal) incisional hernias in 2015 repaired, pubic, navel, and above navel/waist (epigastric) areas. All 3 were closed with mesh. My abdomen is still giving me problems.

Pray doctors will soon figure out why all the stomach pain, etc.


PamelaJune 10-02-2017 01:51 AM

I know Gerry, I keep thinking of you. Pain no better today, it's quite severe & im exhausted. I'm doing everything they ask me to do, and I have to go back over this line by line to make sure the context of conversation hasn't changed.

I'm not sure about the mesh it was a surprise to me, all he said was Agrade 3 mixed with my blood cells ....


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1252078)
Wonder if the abdominal issues has to do with the hernias your surgeon cut thru/repaired, along with the mesh?

As you may remember, I had 3 Ventral Abdominal) incisional hernias in 2015 repaired, pelvic, navel, and above navel/waist (epigastric) areas. All 3 were closed with mesh. My abdomen is still giving me problems.

Pray doctors will soon figure out why all the stomach pain, etc.


PamelaJune 10-02-2017 05:27 AM

My update
So today, one of my nurses totally cracked it, she has been going home worrying over me so she paged my General Surgeon's no.2. 2 answered the page & my nurse said I've got this patient of yours in combination with a Neurosurgeon- she is spiking temps in excess of 40 every day, her haemoglobin is 76, she is having rigours, she is very unwell, she has now resorted to attempting to explain her pain in as descriptive a manner as she can - she describes her pain as reactive arthritis (she suffered this in 1987). She is doing her utmost to comply with all our directions and all the while paint a clear picture here for us of just how unwell she is. We've been waiting on you for 5 days, 5 days. 2 nights ago she was carted off in the middle of the night for all sorts of tests & activity & still I have nothing. I can see her getting worse in front of my eyes... Her temp right now is 40, she is in the midst of another rigour, what are you going to do. ....
No 2 turns up & says has GS been in here, uhm no? Voila like a magician he appears. He stands and says to me & my dear DB, I've looked at your scans & your bloods etc, you have an infection, you have a haemotoma & you need urgent blood transfusions - now. We're sending you down to radiology now for a picc line to be inserted. The haemotoma will be lanced & drained tomorrow, the most important thing is to get some blood in you, get your temp under control along with your pain (btw I notice you've halved your pain meds, I said yes) so I'm increasing your pain meds back up for 3 days.

DB left as I was going down, he looks extremely stressed, I said it's ok, it's not history repeating itself, we'll be ok xxx sigh, I hope so, this explains why I'm so dog tired, dehydrated and in so much pain.... I wonder if the rhetoric rain will stop soon lol :eek:

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