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brocken angel 01-09-2012 11:44 AM

The sun rises everyday,and people say it will get better,
but yet the pain is constant.
Relief never comes...
I wait and pray, but everyday stays the same.
My cup is not only empty, it is drying up, cracking, dehydrated and thirsting for an answer, but I hear nothing back.
There is no one there to help me rise.
There is not one there to hold me and dry my eyes from the tears that overwhelm my soul.
I am a woman of faith, but I hurt so much I can no longer hear my Father.
I cry out to Him, with open arms and eyes swollen shut.
The darkness is all around me kicking me while I lay helpless in the starless sky.
Whatever happened to happily ever after?
What is the reason of such a sadness as this?
A debilitating darkness eating me from the inside out and ringing the life from me.
Dose anyone hear me?
Can anyone even see me anymore?
Am I just forgotten? Left to crawl alone, unable to walk in the sun forever?
I miss the sun.
I miss the light.
I want to be me again, but I don't know where she is.
I don't know how to find her.
I have nothing left.
I have been consumed by this wicked evil, killing me from within.
I am like a book that has been hollowed out.
From the outside I seem fine, but it is within me, taking over slowly, silently. I can't escape.

ginnie 01-09-2012 01:26 PM

Dear broken
I hear your soul crying. You are not alone. I will be here for you to listen to you. Do not loose hope that all is broken. There is still good in people on this earth. I know you are in pain, both physical and emotional. Your heart cried out, and I feel it in my own. write to me, tell me what is happening to make your life so unbearable. Let me reach back to you and try and help. someone on this site did that for me, and may have saved both my life and my soul. Now I am here, to help do the same for others. I want to be a person you can go to, who will support you while you go through this crisis. Even if you are alone, this is a way for two humans to touch. don't regard this as just a PC. There is a real live human being on this end who wants to help you. The very fact that you reached out through space and time, to ask for compassion will help you to heal. Pain is so often the great evil that we have to fight. It destroys a person heart and soul sometimes, and we need others to help patch us up so we can go on.
Currently I am waiting for another surgery. I am at home with my foot propped up and I will be around the boards. Please private message me anytime you want. I check back here as often as time permits. I will keep yo in my prayers today. I do have a list of souls I pray for. In fact it is a box I keep right next to my computer. I care, I know you are despondant. allow another human to bring a tiny light back into your life. ginnie:Girl(angel-flying)::smileypray:

brocken angel 01-09-2012 04:51 PM

welp.. where do I start? i have been in pain for so long i can't remember not hurting. it starts i guess when i was 17, i got my first boyfriend, he raped me on or date just told me to relax you know you want it. i cryed and he didn't stop. two wks later i found out i was pregnate. i was raised cathlic so i decided to keep the baby and try and work things out with him. i am from an abuseive family and have been molested when i was very young so bad treatment was all i knew. i stayed with him for 3yrs. raped everyday held down and it didn't matter if i was crying begging pleading bleeding throwing up he didn't care. we left him. went to a d.v. shelter. then went home then he followed and it happened again i pressed charges and came back here. i was a mess when i got back. after the court stuff jurry judges lawers. it went bad. i got a job and my own plae after a yr. i got 2nd job and a 3rd and a 4th. i was working myself to death. then i started having trouble with my hands and walking terible headaches and pain got worse and spread. about 4 months ago i meet a ciropractor at a health fair . my pain levels on this scanner thing where extreamly high and he was shocked. i went in to see him and he told me i have subluxaltion stage2 and a -9 degree bend in my neck. i then went to my primary dr where she sent me to get xrays and mris and i have stenosis of c 4,5,6,7 with bluging and protruding disks with moderate to sivere nerve pathway blockage. i cant work i have nothing lost my apartment my car broke. so now my daughter is with my sister because her father is sending child suport so i cant provide for her. and i had found a way to function with out being zombiefid on pain meds. i was smokeing weed along with half my meds instead of all of it. this way i could still drive work move sleep eat. i told on myself because i didnt want to get in trouble i wanted to get real help i have been trying to get my dr to do something for 7 yrs but she dont even remember me when i go it to see her. so to get things i need my family has to give me money and pay my bills and i only get an allowance for gas but i have a old ford bronko so i cant go far. i meet with the surgon on wed. i dont know whats even going on i tryed looking it up but i dont understand. i made an apointment with a shrink for th. but i am scared ill say something wrong and end up in a crazy house. i have p.t.s.d. and socail anziaty sever depression. i am now staying in a shelter. with men and woman very close courters and im scared all the time. my meds make me weird and i dont want to be around anyone. i only get to see my daughter 1 time a wk becaause i dont have gas to drive to where she is. i am also haveing a hard time geting the thc out of my system. last time i smoked was nov 28 but dec 29 it was still in me. my dr and my pharmasist said it ccould take 45 to 90 days to get out because i smoked everynight before i went to sleep. never in the house or around my child . i am a good mother i just felt like i had to keep moving but i couldnt on pills. and it did really help with alot. my daughter fathers new girl friend calls me everyday and wants to be my friend and keeps talking about there fights and blablabla and now they are trying to have a baby...he dont take care of our child. how could he do that? my sisters live out here too and my olderst sister dont believe im sick cus shes mad at the world and numb to emotion because her husband keeps cheetng on her and she keeps catching him but wont leave him. my other sister has friends living with her and her friends husband is in and out of the syke ward. my other sister that has my daught just had a baby so shes a hot mess of i dont know what to do already. my lil sister has no money because she works for our oldest sister and she is taking advantage of her. my parents had an abusive relationship and are devorced . my mom remairaed had my brother who has asburgers and then got a devorce because he cheeted on her. my dad also remaried and she was a pill popper and lmost died from an over dose my brother and i had to brake in her room and carry her to the car to take her to the er. and now we dont talk much. i am a hudge stupid inconveniounce and it be easyer if i just died. no one can afford this no one will be able to help me throw surger if i need it . i will lose my spot in shelter if i do have surgers because ill have to go to rehab. i worry way to much it makes me sound crazy. thats why i try not to talk to people. :( the dr didnt read me the lower back mri. because she said she couldnt tell me to much about it because she wasnt a surgon. im sorry all the spelling mistakes i only have limited time on line because the owner here at the shelter is kinda a controle freak and locks everything and when i asked for help or a direction to get help she told me i just had to figure it out on my own. i dont understand i know weed is alligal but if thats the only black mark on my record . do i really desure all this nightmaire? i get on my knees everynight and i have no words except please let me die im so tired and im in so much pain. i only sleep 3hrs if that a night. i am not alowed to sleep during the day . i am so lost

dd in pain 01-10-2012 12:07 AM

You are in my prayers and yes our father still hear our prayers

Darlene 01-10-2012 02:23 AM

Hello & Welcome!!
brocken angel,

Hello and welcome, happy to see you have come to be with us, it a great place to be. As you can see we have a great number and caring fellow members here, we are a supportive and relaxing place. Have fun looking into the different forums. Our shoulders are here for support in many ways.

Again welcome, looking forward to seeing you around. My thoughts and prayers are with you. :smileypray:

Darlene :hug:

Burntmarshmallow 01-10-2012 02:38 PM

Hello Angel :hug: You end saying your lost but you being "Lost" has gotten you to docs and also gotten you here and now you are part of our family here at Neurotalk :grouphug:
I can see that you are a fighter and your posts show that ! You are NOT stupid. You seem like a good mother trying to better yourself and in turn be better for daughter and all those in your life. Exspecialy you. You are the most important person in your life!! Take care of you.
Never give up or give in. the ones left behind will carry such guilt and helplessness for the rest of their lives. even us new friends you have made here.
Wonder can you get on medicaid/medicare and go to health clinics or the mayo clinic for your pain issues and stenosis? maybe have to scrounge for bus money to get to mayo and back but worth it to get help.
my oldest sister has/ had sever spinal stenosis . issues with both with neck and her back . she recently had decompression on her neck ,she is a zillion times better since surgery.
I am really sorry for all that you have been and are going threw,dealing and living with nobody not even you deserve "nightmare" times ,or issues like that. I am very very glad you have apt with talk doc and also the surgeon. 2 HUGE steps . Take those steps and DO NOT look so far ahead at the what ifs okay they are far off and you are just human just like me and all the others here. it is one step at a time. dont get overwhelmed by looking at EVERYTHING . you will worry and that makes the pain worse. who knows if surgery is in the picture it may be that you just need meds and to wear a brace or something. so One step at a time angel sister :hug:you are doing really good so keep those apts with talk doc and the surgeon and please when time allows post here and let us know how you are how you feel and how the apts went. :grouphug: remember we are here for you and keeping you in our prayers and positive thoughts. :grouphug:

brocken angel 01-10-2012 06:40 PM

thank you nero surgon tomorow im a lil nervous but im also ready to know whats going on. i started driving some of the people here at the shelter around to make some money its something. and thats good. ill post with what the dr says tomorow if the internets on. its at the managers discresion so if hes in a bad mood then its a now go :(

Burntmarshmallow 01-10-2012 11:18 PM

Angel :cool: nice to hear from you today.if possible try to stay calm. write down any questions you have for the neuro too can do same for talk doc..Oh yes it is good to help others while making some much needed money. dont stress out to much on the talk doc either they are there to help you so just be honest honest about your pain and how it control different aspects of your living. be honest on how you feel . angel sister that is the hardest thing anyone can ever do is seek and ask for help . that takes strength and courage :grouphug:so kudos on you. it is fine if the control nut wont let the comp be used tomorrow please just when you are able... stay in touch keep sharing and let us know how you are and how things are going. we are here for you to lean on and talk to. we care and have you in our prayers for tomorrow and Thursdays appointments to go good for you. please accept my friend request I sent ;) thanks.

brocken angel 01-11-2012 12:56 PM

ok dr says i have a rupsured disk and it is blocking 1/2 of the spinal fluid i have to have surgey asap and the r going to give me a nother mri of my therasic spine because they think there is a problem there it a 6-8 wk recover time and i will lose my spot at the shelter ill have to go to physical theryph and pain management they are going to use a cadaver bone and a disk with screws to hold it in place my sister came with me and started crying when he told us which ment i couldnt cry.. still havent cryed . im kinda reliefed to know whats going on but not at the same time u ko?

Burntmarshmallow 01-11-2012 05:13 PM

gonna write email see if it gets threw to ya kkk thinking of you and holding you in my prayers.

ginnie 01-11-2012 09:17 PM

Dear angel
I will re-read your post. I care about you. I am so sorry you are in pain. I'm not doing such a good job today on NT as I had a tooth pulled. I spent the day reading. I will be back to write to you, and try to respond in some kind way. You will be in my prayers as I go to sleep tonight. Sometimes things get so overwhelming it is hard to sort things out. Have faith that things can get better. ginnie

brocken angel 01-11-2012 10:30 PM

where do i go to get emails?

Jomar 01-12-2012 12:18 AM

Emails from members will go to your regular email account, if you have one.

PMs can be sent by email if you set your settings here for the option, otherwise you can find them here -

more info on Private Messages -

Burntmarshmallow 01-12-2012 08:51 PM

here is the spinal forum... that is a great place to go to find info and others with the some of the same medical issues you are dealing with ...

forjamey 01-14-2012 12:17 AM

In my thoughts and prayers. You may be strong for your family, but be strong for yourself as well.

brocken angel 01-15-2012 05:05 PM

ok surgery feb 6th

brocken angel 01-18-2012 06:19 PM

never mind its the 30th

ginnie 01-18-2012 07:40 PM

Hello brocken angel
Were you able to find where your e-mails are? I got lost on this site a number of times. Sometimes I still do. How are you doing today.? Let me know OK? ginnie

cath1 01-21-2012 01:38 PM

Hi broken angel,

I'm so sorry for all your pain and struggles. So glad you found this forum, it's been a wealth of support, knowledge and information for me. When I first found out I needed a spinal fusion I was scared to death also! But also so tired of the pain.

My issues are very similar to yours medically, I had a fusion on C5, C6, C7 in march of last year. The pain was unbearable. I hope you are able to find some sort of rehabilitation center or family member to stay with during your recovery. You will need a lot of rest and help with everyday tasks during your first few weeks. Please look into options and maybe ask a councillor at the hospital for options. I will be worrying about you and thinking of you.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, hoping things turn around for you soon. Good luck with the surgery.

ginnie 01-21-2012 02:48 PM

Hello broken angel
I will be thinking of you that date in Feb. I had a similar fusion as Cathy had. C3-7. This was my second surgery, which I sure didn't want to do. It turned out just fine. I hope that your surgery goes as well as can be. I am so glad Idid this, to get the relief from pain that I had. I wish you all the best. If you need to talk, or are nervous, don't hesitate to contact any of us. We will also be there for you during your recovery. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

brocken angel 01-21-2012 11:13 PM

well i found housing help they are going to pay for a hotel for 2 to 3 wks after my surgery then help me get an apt or home still no one to stay with me tho but i guess im sued to being alone god will send me someone im sure and if not i know he will be there thank you for your prayers i go in mon for the 2nd mri of the other part of my spine to see if i need a2nd surgery my daughter is terified that ill die my poor angel :( i tryed my best to reasure her that even if i didnt wake up i would be dead because i live in her heart always and id still b with her every day but shes 9 so its hard for her no i still havent figured out the mail lol but i will try again thank you all for careing it means so much

cath1 01-22-2012 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by brocken angel (Post 843776)
well i found housing help they are going to pay for a hotel for 2 to 3 wks after my surgery then help me get an apt or home still no one to stay with me tho but i guess im sued to being alone god will send me someone im sure and if not i know he will be there thank you for your prayers i go in mon for the 2nd mri of the other part of my spine to see if i need a2nd surgery my daughter is terified that ill die my poor angel :( i tryed my best to reasure her that even if i didnt wake up i would be dead because i live in her heart always and id still b with her every day but shes 9 so its hard for her no i still havent figured out the mail lol but i will try again thank you all for careing it means so much

I'm so glad to hear you have a place to stay and help finding an apt. That part of the prayers were answered!! As for help, check with the hospital for volunteers, there are lots of retired nurses or just kind souls that will help for free, you just need to get the word out and just maybe.... fingers crossed. Even if its someone to check on you, sit with you, help you wash your hair or bring you food. Is there a meals on wheels program? Or someone that can bring you food while you are unable to drive? Try to find some of these kind friends before your surgery. I would definately start with a counsillor or hospital volunteer list.

Thinking of you... still praying for you!

ginnie 01-22-2012 11:42 AM

RE: help after surgery
Your hospital should have a patient advocate group. They can and do help you to find a companion to help you while you recover. It is indeed important to try to find an extra hand. I so wish I could be there for you to give my own hands to help. Ask at church too, even if you don't go regularily. There are also womens centers, which may help you too. I know how scared yor 9 year old can be. Just having another adult around the house for a few days should help alievate her fears too. Please be good to yourself. I am here to talk to anytime you need to. I care. ginnie

brocken angel 01-25-2012 06:20 PM

i have to go for a heart aultrasound tomorrow the dr said i wont need any help after ill be walking right after surgery? i dont think that that sound right tho?

cath1 01-26-2012 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by brocken angel (Post 845108)
i have to go for a heart aultrasound tomorrow the dr said i wont need any help after ill be walking right after surgery? i dont think that that sound right tho?

You will be walking, but not steady, and no strength! You WILL need help. (damn doctors, if they had to experience their own surgeries things would be different). I wasn't allowed to drive until my hard collar was off, you won't be able to lift grocery bags, etc... Please try and get help set up. You will need some. You will be very tired, sore and weak for a while. Also, have some sore throat lozenges and soft foods on hand for the sore throat.


Burntmarshmallow 01-30-2012 08:55 AM

I have you in my prayers and am thinking of you. On your profile you said they moved surgery up to the 30th of Jan. I am and we all are sending prayers that all goes well and things get fixed. Please let us know how you are when you are able to.:hug:We Care and Love you :grouphug:.

brocken angel 01-31-2012 04:12 PM

thank u fro your prayers idk how i feel rt now yet except the same but different i guess i only slept 6hrs in 3 days im so tired but just cant sleep i have internet at all tymes now so i can check this more

ginnie 01-31-2012 05:33 PM

Re: hello brocken angel
[You are in my prayers too. I am glad you found this site where we gather for strength. I hope you sleep better tonight. ginnie

Burntmarshmallow 01-31-2012 07:10 PM

Yes you need to be taking it EASY!!!!! I just had a look at the pic you have of your recovery. you need to try to rest and sleep :hug: .I have to cook and eat but I will wirte ot you on your profile like i did before okay so check there later tonight. I hope you can feel our caring positive thoughts and prayers Angel :grouphug:

brocken angel 02-02-2012 03:25 PM

i am haveing a hard time resting walking the lortabs did nada so they changed um to perks i dont think they r doin much either i am still only sleeping 3 or less hrs i dont getthat at all either gettin frustrated i still have the same pain plus the surgery pain i ko its only been a few days but i truely dont feel better at all i feel worse almostim so exaused but i cant sleep my throught hurts and i got heart burn so bad i almost cryed last night idk if i am saying the right thing to the drs idk if i am explaining things wrong or what i hate pain pills im scared im gonna o d im righting everything down when what time what i eat with it everything im normaly paranoid anyway but this is becomeing a lil much i think i cant bearly walk to the office at the hottel i got to stop like 4 times b4 i even get there o and when i went in for the surgery i was already to go a lil nervous but i was ok but then they took me in the back and told me that after i was under they would put in a breathing tube and cathitor and i freaked out i had a panic atack was balling my eyes out i wasnt prepared for that at all i have ptsp from being raped and i just lost it when they said that to me i still feel dirty and get upset just knowing someone was down there while i was passed out i need help letting that go cus its freaking me out killin me i dont ko who did it where i as when they did it who else saw it it might sound dumb but im so upset over it that no one told me until i was there htat it was going to happen

ginnie 02-02-2012 04:11 PM

Re: dear angel
I am sorry you had to go through more stress. You were not prepared for the surgery in the right way. all should have been explained to you before the surgery. Please try not to feel too bad about the tubes. I understand why you don't want anyone down there, but they would not do that unless it was really necessary. Can you tell me the kind of surgery you had? ginnie

darkmood 02-03-2012 10:02 AM

I feel your pain when you wrote this but things do get better and the Father does listen

Burntmarshmallow 02-05-2012 02:18 PM

:hug: hope you got some sleep, took your meds and were able to eat some food. check your profile page Angel . Things are going to get better. :grouphug:
Take things slow and easy okay one step at a time. we all have you in our prayers and hope you are feeling better today.

KamasPrairie 02-13-2012 06:02 PM

A long trial is ending

Originally Posted by brocken angel (Post 839292)
The sun rises everyday,and people say it will get better,
but yet the pain is constant.
Relief never comes...
I wait and pray, but everyday stays the same.
My cup is not only empty, it is drying up, cracking, dehydrated and thirsting for an answer, but I hear nothing back.
There is no one there to help me rise.
There is not one there to hold me and dry my eyes from the tears that overwhelm my soul.
I am a woman of faith, but I hurt so much I can no longer hear my Father.
I cry out to Him, with open arms and eyes swollen shut.
The darkness is all around me kicking me while I lay helpless in the starless sky.
Whatever happened to happily ever after?
What is the reason of such a sadness as this?
A debilitating darkness eating me from the inside out and ringing the life from me.
Dose anyone hear me?
Can anyone even see me anymore?
Am I just forgotten? Left to crawl alone, unable to walk in the sun forever?
I miss the sun.
I miss the light.
I want to be me again, but I don't know where she is.
I don't know how to find her.
I have nothing left.
I have been consumed by this wicked evil, killing me from within.
I am like a book that has been hollowed out.
From the outside I seem fine, but it is within me, taking over slowly, silently. I can't escape.

You seem to have done more to stop the pain than I thought possible in such a short period of time. Congratulations. Be sure and give God the credit.

When the twelve lepers in the Bible were healed .. only one came back and thanked Jesus. He stayed clear of his disease .. the other eleven did not thank him and their leprosy came back.

ginnie 02-13-2012 06:14 PM

Dear Brocken angel
You are still in my prayers. I hope your pain is less today. I did hear you and I do care. Please know that others on this site care about you too. I don't know why we have to suffer at times, I do know that God hears us. ginnie

Sah-PCA 03-15-2012 09:39 AM

A Hug and Prayer for you.
"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful."
Revelation 22:4-5 (NIV)

Hold on, God hears and He knows. He will heal and take care of you!

ginnie 03-15-2012 09:49 AM

another prayer
"No one will demean or in anyway violate the sancity of another creature. Every barrier that presents or limits intimacy between us will be removed for all eternity. We will be healed of all brokenness and distortions." ginnie

lutopia 04-09-2012 11:14 AM

wow, this almost made me cry

ginnie 04-09-2012 05:04 PM

Hi lutopie
It did bring tears to my eyes. Whe the barriers are dropped between all humans there will be peace. Hope you are OK Lutopie. I am always here to listen. ginnie:hug:

Burntmarshmallow 04-10-2012 06:13 PM

click on Angle's name and come visit her profile page . she would like a supportive visit :hug: :grouphug:

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