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~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 10-05-2006 12:15 AM

Lookin for fancylady Billie
Hi Billie
It's been a few days since i talked to you last.
I just wanted to check in on you and see how your doing?
Have you had any luck in finding a new house yet?
How about anyone showing any interest in yours?
Are your pain levels still like they were?
Sorry to ask so many questions.Just wondering how your doing!!
Nothing new here....I dont really go anywhere or do much.I just take my girl
to school everyday come home-pick up around the house.I tend to my kitties and try to keep my mind occupied.Then go pick her up from school come home fix a bite to eat and every couple of days i go visit my mom and dad.
Pretty boring i know...LOL

I have been thinking about you all day long.I dont know if you listencountry or not.There is a song i cant remeber who sings it.Anyway.It says fancy dont let me down..I have been singing it today..LOL
I kept meaning to write this post to you,Then i would get sidetracked.
Write me when you feel up to it.
Take care.

Curious 10-05-2006 12:18 AM

try the weight loss forum kell. :D

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 10-05-2006 12:46 AM

thanx curious:)

Fancylady_2006 10-06-2006 06:13 PM

Hi Kell~
Sorry I didn't know you had posted till just now Kell. Yesterday I was sick at home so I can at least most of the day for I had worked the two days prirer to that. I am so tired and not up to designing a home like the nephews want me to do.

I have been trying to do things the pleasureable way to pleasure my nephew. I am willing to get this trailer, I really want I feel like that 's where I
want to settle down. On the other hand peolpe (MarK) thinks I need anew home. I don'r care at all if its new. There alot of things to buy then too. We are both tired of looking so I say Make an offer and go from there.

No kell, I haven't tried to sell my home yet. I do know of some that are interested in buying. They will look at it as soon as I price it. I doubt it I'll have to much trouble selling it. My pastor and I have been cleaning it from the outside and its a real job. I'm about to fall asleep after all the work each night. I amgoing to paint tomorrow. I haven't had much time to come online. I
try to remember to check.

I'm sorry to tell you this, but my little kitten died the next day after I found it. I didn't need another one anyhow. I have plenty I could take with me but if I can fine homes for the cuter one, I'll be happy. I have a friend that may take a few. I'll try to post tomorrow Kell. Hope things are well this you!

shotspine 10-06-2006 09:57 PM

Hi Billie......

I haven't even read this whole thread nor have I been around myself. Life seems to have a way of getting in the way. I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I think of you, pray for you and the biggest of all............

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Billie)))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))

Take good care of yourself and only do what YOU want for YOU. The rest will all fall into place.

My Love and sincerest admiration to a lady who deserves what her heart desires!!!


Fancylady_2006 10-07-2006 05:32 AM

Hi Shotspine~
1 Attachment(s)
You people are the greatest when it comes to lifting up others. Thank you so much Shotspine. It's good to know I have people to stand in when I need it so much. I pray I can always be their for you also.I want to be, so just let me know if I can pray for you or give you words of encouragement.

One week ago my son wrote to me and said some bad things about me. He let me know that I was selfish and inmature & acted like a school girl. He is trying to hurt me for I have refused to hire him another lawyer. He got himself into trouble a few years ago,& I have hired two lawyers. It did no good so now he is mad at me once again, for he would rather see me help him than for me to buy a house. In return I get letters to hurt me and make feel bad. It works too, execpt I know better than let him get ahold on me. I didn't do the crime.

That's why I am saying thanks to shotspine and Kell for taking the time to lift me or anyone up that needs it.
MAY GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU TWO, for you are angels unware!

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 10-07-2006 11:42 PM

Well there you are...
I was looking for you-then i disappeared..LOL
I'm sorry!!!
From what i have learned about you on here Billie.You sound so kind hearted.
Iknow you want to make your nephews happy but listen.
"You" are the one that has to "live" where ever it may be you end up hanging your hat!!!
Not your nephews...Also you really need to make life as easy as possible on yourself right now..You said w/a new home there will be new things to buy.Why take the more complicated route? when you have enough going on..
I am not trying to be bossy.Just puttin my 2 cents in there...
I hope you meant you are watching someone else paint too..Would'nt i just be a regular mother hen if i were right there???HeeHee
My mom once kicked me out while i was taking care of her because she said i was getting on her nerves with my mothering qualities..LOL
Oh ..She called me and told me to come back that night.She was on heavy pain meds..I was getting on her nerves though..:0)

I am sorry to hear about the poor lil kitty..Ihope you are able to find homes for the rest of them..I know you said you had alot of them..I sure hope you can find homes for them all before you go...

As for your son...I just findthat kinda krazy !!!I could NEVER do my mom that way!!!! He should be worried about you .Not giving you more heart ache!!!
Your right you have tried to help him.If it did'nt work.Now he needs to help himself.You did'nt do the crime!!!
That makes me boiling mad when i hear of people treating their parents like they owe them something in this life!!!!
I had alot of resentments toward my parents for many years.Then one day i just kinda snapped out of it.I realized they are getting old.I was not gonna have them forever!!
I had to make a choice either learn how to deal with them the way they are -or walk away.I could'nt live w/myself if i walked away.So i read alotta books on self help and how to heal my relationship w/them.

I know you are very busy with things lately .Ihope you read this and write back soon enough..
Your always in my prayers and thoughts.
Your friend

Idealist 10-09-2006 02:24 AM

I'm glad that you wised up enough to deal with your son effectively, Billie. He should be the one helping YOU out, not the other way around. I'm sorry that you're still having a rough time, but glad to hear that you seem to be feelng better. Shotspine and Kell are truly wonderful supporters, aren't they? If I was in serious need of help, I would certainly want to have the both of them standing by my side and lending their support.

Which reminds me, Kell, I'm really sorry that I missed you today. I worked on writing you a letter, but I never got it finished. I will, though, I promise.

Billie, I have kept up with your posts, and the many trials you've been going through. And I have to say that I certainly agree with the others. You are one very tough, and yet very compassionate lady. There aren't many who are like you, you know. I know that Kell thinks the world of you, and I'm sure other people do, too, including me. I wish you the honest absolute best in finding some significant relief for the challenges which have lately been confronting you. You take care of yourself, sweet lady, and keep us all informed of any progress in your day-to-day condition, okay?

Always respectfully yours,

Fancylady_2006 10-09-2006 09:44 PM

Your to kind to me~
1 Attachment(s)
You are wonderful people yourself! Kell you are very understanding. I feel you have to of walked in those mosscins yourself to be able to understand it. That's scripture you know. Knowledge comes from learning the hard way.

Idealist~ I sure know you have learned the hard way. It's not been that long since you had a laperscopic surgery. I have had a lot that didn't help that much. Back surgery don't do wonders considering the pain a person has to go threw. I sure hope you find help along the way. My surgeon continully studies to improve his patients. e consults with other doctors to try and study my case and in return I feel better knowing 5 doctors have agreed when they do operate on me.

Kell~ yes, I have done all the painting, but they are jobs I don't do. I don't climb high ladder's. I did push myself today for it will soon be winter. This was a perfect day for working outside.S
I just want to add, I thank you for your continued support to keep me lifted high , it does a person good to hear nice things said about them. I would like to say too, that I haven't wrote my son for over two weeks and I don't have plans to. I will only write him if I felt lead to do it. I feel like he should wonder what o'le Mom is up to....

Have a nice night and Sweet Dreams I'll let you know how things are going.
BC:) :) Group Hug for friends!

Idealist 10-11-2006 02:35 AM

Billie, I just wanted to let you know that everything Kell says to you really comes from the heart. It seems like every time I speak to her, she's either worried about how you're doing, or trying to think of something she can do to make you feel better. She's really something special, that girl...:)

Fancylady_2006 10-11-2006 08:53 PM

I appreciate your kindness~
Yes, Kell is special and so are you Idealist! You both take such an interest in me. I can't tell you in words what that means to me. Shotspine is another that takes a real interest in my case. I only wish I could help you people too. I hope thngs are going well with you. This has been a ole rainy day here and the temp. is dropping. I just discovered a new problem. My furnace doesn't run only the air and I don't need it tonight. I could get the guy I usually get either. Maybe tomorrow or I may be looking for a place to stay.

I just bought a place but the closing won't be for a week or two. Sure wish I could go and stay all night there. It is electric so I suppose the power will go off. At least I do have one room that has gas heat. Maybe I should keep my new genorator. It comes in handy sometimes.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 10-11-2006 09:56 PM

I am glad you finally found a place!!
I am sure it will be quite emotional when you do finally leave your home..but a relief to have all this behind you once all is said and one.
Your next surgery is at the end of the month,right?
Will you be able to get moved before that?
I still cant believe you have been painting and you just had surgery!!!!
UnreaL!!!! You are a fighter!!! I am not sure i could have been painting after i just had backsurgery -and still having leg pains and heaven knows what else ...I know you are'nt perfect{nobody is} -but you truely do amaze me!!!
I hope you get your furnace fixed before the ole cold weather sets in too bad.
I know we are expecting snow flurries.I AM REALLY HOPING THEY ARE WRONG..lLOL
I have been having a major pain flare.I have been serogate momma cat to my baby kitties.Had to get rid of their momma .She turned krazy on them and us!!!
I have been sooo busy with them..Every time i get them settled and get my other things finished up.It's time to take care of them again.They eat every 4 hours still.I am hoping to get them on soft food in the next week..I am about wore out..LOL

You take care of yourself and always your in my thoughts and prayers!!

Fancylady_2006 10-12-2006 05:33 PM

Kell, mom of the year!
Sorry to hear your in pain again. Me to. I called my Dr. office and he's not going to be in tomorrow, but I can see PA. So I said yes. I never know when mine is in there. I think he spends more time in another town than ours. They always give me someone like that. I had a good Dr. and he left to go back to his home town. Last time I was there, he was there again. I wish I would hae just waited on him to come back.

So your a mama to how many kittens? That sounds like me. I found one a couple weeks ago that the mother had just left it. I didn't want another but I did take it in. I didn't have a formila and it died. I have about 9 now. I want to give them good homes but I can't find anyone that wants a cat. Mine don't like to be picked up so in a way they are wild.

My furnace guy came this morning and fixed it. It was very cold at times. I could push the relay button and it would work one time, so that kept the chill off.

Yes, I got me a home and I am relieved about that. Now I need to sell this one. I haven't felt good at all this week, Kell. I know I shouldn't be working around here, but I have know one to help me. I have thought of hiring a couple girls that I know of but Kell they don't work to good, or thats what my sister in law says. They live with her. Since I don't feel so great either it is easy to talk myself out of it.

Yes, it is getting near my surgery date about the time I can move. I have told the guys that and they say don't worry about it. One good thing is I don't have to hurry since I still own this place. I haven't tried to sell it.

Let me know how those kittens are ok. Hope you get some rest soon. be praying for you too.

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 10-14-2006 07:20 PM

Good evening Billie
Just thinking about you,thought i would stop in and check up on ya.
So glad to hear you have that heat fixed!!
It has been super cold here...Dont imagine it was much wamer where you are!!
So did you get in to see the doctor?What did they have to say?
I have been a serogate momma to 2 baby kitties for the last week.
I love them sooo much!!Just yesterday i started weaning them from the bottle.I have to make a cereal mixture for them then add their formula.Its alotta work!!They still drink from their lil bottles a bit-but i will prolly have them broke of that by weeks end.
I have learned alot about kitties this past week..I dont know how people do this all the time.I had no idea there are people out there that foster lil kittens like this-then send them on when they find homes!!
It takes alotta time and dedication..
If i were working this would not have worked out so well!!
It's a real shame you have to work so hard and dont have any help Billie.
I used to work in home healthcare.I heard the stories of how hard it is to find good help and also find people that you dont have to worry about stealing from you as well!!
Just terrible!!!Hopefully your troubles will ease soon for you my dear friend...
I have been behind in writing emails to my online friends.So i am trying to catch up today.
You take care and i'll write again soon.
As Always your in my prayers..

Fancylady_2006 10-14-2006 08:22 PM

Hi Kell~
So glad to hear about those kittens doing so well. If they have lived a week under your care you are doing GREAT. I have raised them before, but just wasn't prepared to this Fall. I really don't need any. I am so in hopes that the people that will buy my place would take them in. I haven't put it up for sale yet. They were surveying it yesterday and today. Hopefully, I can get someone that will pay attention to them more than I do. I do feed them but can't pick them up. They are prety too.

I plan to take my dog along with me and perhaps 1 cat. Thats about all I can handle. it cost a fortune to feet this crew I got now. If I don't sale the house right away, I do plan on coming over and feed them. I just can't stand to see them suffer.
If they were only tamer I would take them to a shelter & may yet if I can get them to go into my carrier.

I'm happy to say I am feeling better tonight. I cleaned a large closet out and took what was left to a good well place which I happen to work when I am able.I just love to work there forI can get clothes cheap and sometime they are just like new.

I called the realitor to see if this woman has completely moved out. She has, but where I have to go for a title is closed all next week. Wouldn't you just know! Now I'll have to wait until the 23 rd it looks like. The 24 th is my surgery date. Now that is a bad deal if I ever saw one. It will make me want to get well for sure. I just have to stay over night.:rolleyes:

What color and sex is your kittens? You will be quite attached to them as they grow.I had 1 called Kay and I was that way with him. He had an allergy to grass so I had to keep him in.However, one time I let him out &one day a cyotte (sp) got him. The dog I have now took me to the spot where it happen. His name is Bear and he lives up to it also. He sleeps with me and he loves to chase cats. Mine are not afraid of him tho. he is 12 years old now & I am attached to him like a family member. I may not get anymore tho for its hard to leave home and travel when you got pets. I alway go somewhere but this year. I haven't allowed myself to think about it with all that is going on.
Talk to later. You are in my prayers too Kell.
Billlie:) :) :) :)

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