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PamelaJune 12-29-2013 09:09 PM

SCS pain mgt/ Nevro Senza hf
Hi all, 12 days post procedure which took nearly 3 hours instead of the anticipated one hour and I'm in pain. I just don't know where to put myself. A lengthy background blurb below, sorry, thought it may be cathartic for me...

They only managed to get one lead in, my pain mgt specialist explained he thinks the scar tissue from previous spine operations (5) along with the regular Rhyzotomy and epidurals every 6 to12 months from 2006 and potential bone fragments from my crumbling spine in the thoracic region made it almost impossible to get the leads in. Strangely it wasn't experienced at the trial and he went in at the same place only 4 weeks later. He, my rep Leah and her manager all whom were present at the operation were quite perplexed about it. My rep strongly pushed for him to go ahead with implanting the battery despite only getting the one lead in as her manager and she believe a neurosurgeon here in WA can do a laminotomy and put in a paddle, and that supposedly will give me cover. Nevro apparently don't do the paddle but they are prepared to work with the supplier who does to be able to offer me some pain relief? They are all very disappointed in the outcome so far and my pain Dr so apologetic.

Anyhow, Xmas day passed with me doing little but on Boxing Day I cooked a pork, lamb and chicken roast with non peeled, just scrubbed veg for my 82 year old mother, my sister and her partner and my husband. I shelled the prawns and all work was done standing at the sink and bench top. I also only used bench top ovens and the wall oven (had 3 ovens going) so did no bending and lifted nothing heavier than 1kg, BUT I did bend to reach into the cupboard for a gravy jug and while bending in to look lost my balance somehow and fell backwards landing on my butt!!! I rocked for a second or two and grabbing the bench top pulled myself up.

Friday, Saturday, I rested all day, Sunday I slept all day (tablet induced) and today, my back is still weeping, crying and ridiculing me. I have to say, at all times while I was preparing and cooking I took all precautions, I did not stretch, reach or lift anything heavy and only bent the once (which resulted in me falling to the floor) so in reality, it's just the standing at the bench top shelling the prawns and the fall that may have hurt me so. The meats all took just about an hour and half to cook and in that time I rested. I set the table and decorated by folding up paper water lily napkins which I also did at the bench top. I really did nothing out of the ordinary that I haven't done a million times before!!

I have taken 10mg OxyContin slow release, 5mg Valium (which I hadn't taken for over 4 months) and 5mg endone. I've got 20 mg slow release Oxy as well as 5mg Oxynorm and also 10/5 Targin but I really don't want to take anything more. I take Panamax every 6 hours also. I have persistently taken way less oxy than prescribed over the years as I hate what they do to me and at the most nowadays only take 1x 10mg slow release each day. I also never take oxy after 6pm as for me, oxy makes me feel like I can conquer the world and Before I know it I'm out there in the garden, cleaning, doing domestic chores like sweeping etc, walking the dogs, exercising and then suffer when the drug wears off! Not that I'm doing any of that post the SCS implant, I know I'm not to do anything physical for 12 weeks.

So, has anyone got any bright ideas on what else I can do today for pain relief as my thoracic region is screaming, cervical singing along and lumbar giving it what for as well, mostly though it's the thoracic and it hurts to breathe. Problematic headache also that's been present for 7 days straight now.

Can someone also point me to where I can read up on BLAST?:grouphug:
I found blast!

Mark56 12-29-2013 11:07 PM

Oh My, Oh My, Oh My Pamela

Next thing is to be "religious" in adherence to it so you do not hurt yourself as you did with all of that meal prep......... Be good to you. It is important to the healing, scarring in of the SCS unit and leads, and resuming strength. Walk and do not BLAST. :eek:

Signing off for now. :hug:

chrelsey 12-30-2013 09:35 AM

So very sorry for your pain
Pamela - I am so very sorry that you are hurting. I have had my perm implant for 6 days now, and I understand the desire - even the need - to do "normal" things like cooking for family. It sounds like you took every precaution possible to avoid complications from over-doing it, and I am sorry you fell. That has been my biggest fear these past 6 days, as I am such a klutz that I can trip over a line that is simply drawn on the floor!

As Mark said - BLaST!! That has been such a lifesaver for me - thanks for creating the acronym, Mark! Every time I go to do something, I find myself subconsciously running my movements through a BLaST grid in my mind.

I hope that over the next several days you can simply rest and give your body time to heal, and that in healing, you will find a measure of pain relief that is dangling just beyond your reach right now.

Prayers for you!


Mark56 12-30-2013 10:01 AM

One thing......
About post surgical pain management...... doctors and nurses alike have told me I do myself no favors by withholding pain meds post surgery. The pain of being sliced and having a spike run through the tissue to pull wire leads along the channel for emplacement of connections to the generator unit is Nothing like that long term pain management. It is serious stuff.

Sure, I became medically "dependent" on pain management meds over the years of chronic nerve pain, but that extra piece of what Doc prescribed to overcome post surgical pain was necessary. THEN I did the hard work of withdrawing from all pain meds according to plan and monitored by Doc gradually. We did this together. It was well worth it. Before this eruption of nerve pain from my cervical spine down the right arm, I was taking no pain med of any kind. The stim was doing all pain management for my lower body. It can for you too, in time......

So, the one thing I offer, is use the prescribed post surgical pain meds according to script to "get there." When the pain of surgery is history, you may also be where I was, Pamela, able to withdraw from everything and call it a thing of the past.

Prayin for ya,
Yup :hug:

Rrae 01-02-2014 12:38 AM

I remembered that you like to be called Pam :D

Well I hope the surgical pain has decreased by now.
Do you still have the headache? I remember hearing that if it's a spinal headache, use caffeinated beverages. They say that for spinal leaks, but maybe this would benefit you as well since they've obviously caused mayhem in your back :eek:

I only have one lead and am doing just fine with it. I originally had 2 leads, but I did NOT follow the BLAST commandment and ended up surmising in my mind that it would be ok to throw a bale of hay to my horses in the middle of winter within 3 wks of having my unit installed. :rolleyes:
Needless to say one of the leads came completely detached and was just curled up in my lumbar region. It wasn't discovered until about 6 months later after I had repeatedly indicated to my Dr that I was having a lot of pain down there and demanded an xray to prove it. To this day I have been cursed with horrible back spasms and I'm sure it's because of THAT STUPID BALE OF HAYYYY!
Of course it wasn't MY fault! I'm still in denial. It's the BALE'S fault!!!!!

So anyway, when I went in to get the revision, I told Dr that I was getting good coverage in both legs the whole time, so he said that he'd just pull the bad lead out and leave it at that. I'm totally fine with it.
My hope for you is that after you've recovered from the surgery pain, you'll get enuf coverage from just one lead. It
'can' happen.

Anxious to hear an update dear Pam :hug:


PamelaJune 01-03-2014 08:46 PM

Nevro update
Hi, still hanging in, the feeling in my left arm/palm is really getting to me. It's a numb tingling burning sensation and I find myself flapping and waving my arm about. I've had this arm pain on and off for years now since the car accident in 2004 and used to hold my arm above my hear to relieve it but can't do that now post implant. My husband says he used to wake up and see me lying there with my arm stuck up in the air, really freaky, I don't even know I'm doing it. I also wonder if that with the left hip referred back pain being reduced a bit, maybe I'm noticing the arm pain more?? A few years back it was in my right arm/palm and I used to want to lie my palm flat on a cool surface to relieve it.

I'm having good days and not so good days, by the afternoon I'm in pain, particularly around the thoracic region. My stim entry point is T8. 2 vertebrae from T6 which is "endplated".

Still determined to take no more than 10mg OxyContin a day. Way too many bowel obstructions over the course of years since my botched hysterectomy which resulted in peritonitis and 14" bowel removal and resection and I now have to manage my intestine carefully watching what I eat and take. I can have no more than 12g of fibre a day! All fatty foods have no fibre, all healthy foods are brimming with fibre so as you can imagine trying to control medicine intake, fibre intake, weight gain and pain control can be a challenge at times. Having to give up work and become housebound in October 2012 was frustrating but I did manage to lose 13kg by standing in front of the tele and walking back n forth or stepping up and down on a step. Have put on 2kg over Xmas and looking forward to getting the energy and enthusiasm to walk again. I am reluctant to walk outside on my own and now can't take the dogs because of the stim implant.

So you may have noticed I said the left hip referred lumbar back pain is reduced. That's great news for me, it means the stim must be working and maybe with programming I can get the thoracic and arm pain sorted without having to have the laminotomy and paddle. Yay for me :hug:

PamelaJune 01-03-2014 08:51 PM

What stim company have you got

Originally Posted by chrelsey (Post 1040323)
Pamela - I am so very sorry that you are hurting. I have had my perm implant for 6 days now, and I understand the desire - even the need - to do "normal" things like cooking for family. It sounds like you took every precaution possible to avoid complications from over-doing it, and I am sorry you fell. That has been my biggest fear these past 6 days, as I am such a klutz that I can trip over a line that is simply drawn on the floor!

As Mark said - BLaST!! That has been such a lifesaver for me - thanks for creating the acronym, Mark! Every time I go to do something, I find myself subconsciously running my movements through a BLaST grid in my mind.

I hope that over the next several days you can simply rest and give your body time to heal, and that in healing, you will find a measure of pain relief that is dangling just beyond your reach right now.

Prayers for you!


Hey Becky, I hope you are still doing well post implant and that you saw the change over from last year to new year in a relaxing fashion. We went late to our friends house ie left home and got there at 10pm and left there at 12.30pm. Very relaxing and being among lifelong friends who are like family very warming.

Let us know how you are if you get a chance :hug:

Rrae 01-05-2014 02:09 PM

So happy to hear your lumbar pain has been reduced, Pam!
Hopefully your tweak session(s) will get even more coverage for you.
I'm glad to hear you are taking all precautions, although I bet your dogs feel a bit cheated :p

Now for the arm pain - I've put that into prayer mode.
When is your first tweak session?
Anxious to hear how it will go


PamelaJune 01-06-2014 11:23 PM

Dreaded referred hip pain is back
So, a bad night last night, the left hip pain is back, thoracic pain high! hand and arm pain excruciating with no way of reducing it and the headache still there. Been using cold packs on my head, back and hip. Succumbed and took Targin 10/5 in the afternoon and suffered a very upset tummy, not sure if related or just stress.

My PM is back this week, as is the Nevro rep so will try and contact them and get this programming sorted, I thought she would have contacted me by now. My PM wants to see me when I see her, the PM is great, any visit with the rep is with him present, unlike other stories I hear where the PM no longer, or rarely involves them-self.

Am resting today, no energy to move, it's also very hot being summer here.:(

Mark56 01-07-2014 12:57 AM

Hang in there Pam
Prayin for ya.
M56 :hug:

Hannabananna 01-07-2014 10:19 AM

do rest
Care for yourself
Get that rep and PM on it
sometimes I let myself fall into the pain and don't take charge to make change.

adding prayers


chrelsey 01-08-2014 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by PamelaJune (Post 1041226)
Hey Becky, I hope you are still doing well post implant and that you saw the change over from last year to new year in a relaxing fashion. We went late to our friends house ie left home and got there at 10pm and left there at 12.30pm. Very relaxing and being among lifelong friends who are like family very warming.

Let us know how you are if you get a chance :hug:

Pam - I was glad to hear that your lumbar pain had been helped, and then saddened to read that it was back. I hope they can get both of those sorted quickly for you.

I had my staples removed two days ago, and my Medtronic's rep worked on my programming a little bit. We're having a little bit of trouble getting sufficient lower back coverage without the stim just throbbing under my ribs. She got it to an "OK" level before I left, but when I meet with her in a couple of weeks, we need to work on it some more. Also at that time, she is going to turn on the Auto-Stim function, so I won't have to carry my remote everywhere around the house to change my programming when I get up, sit down, lie down, etc. I am very much looking forward to that!

I am also happy to say that I have been able to stop taking the OxyCodone, and am now back down to taking Hydrocodone. That is HUGE for me, and I am very excited!

I'm still having difficulty sleeping at night, but I think that is because of surgery pain - the "pocket" where the battery is implanted is still so very sore, which makes it hard to get comfortable for any length of time.

My thoughts are with you as you continue on your journey, and my prayer will be that pain will be but a memory, and hope your new best friend!


PamelaJune 01-08-2014 09:37 PM

Auto stim

Originally Posted by chrelsey (Post 1042181)
Pam - I was glad to hear that your lumbar pain had been helped, and then saddened to read that it was back. I hope they can get both of those sorted quickly for you.

I had my staples removed two days ago, and my Medtronic's rep worked on my programming a little bit. We're having a little bit of trouble getting sufficient lower back coverage without the stim just throbbing under my ribs. She got it to an "OK" level before I left, but when I meet with her in a couple of weeks, we need to work on it some more. Also at that time, she is going to turn on the Auto-Stim function, so I won't have to carry my remote everywhere around the house to change my programming when I get up, sit down, lie down, etc. I am very much looking forward to that!

I am also happy to say that I have been able to stop taking the OxyCodone, and am now back down to taking Hydrocodone. That is HUGE for me, and I am very excited!

I'm still having difficulty sleeping at night, but I think that is because of surgery pain - the "pocket" where the battery is implanted is still so very sore, which makes it hard to get comfortable for any length of time.

My thoughts are with you as you continue on your journey, and my prayer will be that pain will be but a memory, and hope your new best friend!


Hi Becky! turns out my rep is overseas! but she texted me and told me what to do to change the programme. So we have changed it to power 2/ level 6 this morning. Gosh, mine must be on auto from day one. All I do is charge mine every morning. the remote is on top of my dresser to remind me to take it when I go to have X-rays on the 20th to turn it off. Other than this morning when I turned it up as directed I don't touch it. I would be going nuts having to carry it everywhere with me and having to adjust it each time I sat or stood. What model is yours so I can google it. Mine is Nevro Senza SCS HF. Really hope you get the auto done ASAP. :grouphug:

ger715 01-08-2014 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by PamelaJune (Post 1041898)
So, a bad night last night, the left hip pain is back, thoracic pain high! hand and arm pain excruciating with no way of reducing it and the headache still there. Been using cold packs on my head, back and hip. Succumbed and took Targin 10/5 in the afternoon and suffered a very upset tummy, not sure if related or just stress.

My PM is back this week, as is the Nevro rep so will try and contact them and get this programming sorted, I thought she would have contacted me by now. My PM wants to see me when I see her, the PM is great, any visit with the rep is with him present, unlike other stories I hear where the PM no longer, or rarely involves them-self.

Am resting today, no energy to move, it's also very hot being summer here.:(


Do what you need to do to help you thru this rough time.

More prayers coming your way.


Mark56 01-11-2014 12:45 AM

Yup, Pam, prayerz are in no short supply here......

:smileypray: :smileypray: :smileypray: :smileypray: :smileypray: :smileypray: :smileypray: :smileypray: :smileypray: :smileypray:

PamelaJune 01-11-2014 07:51 PM

Turned it off
I've turned the stim off this morning to see if its what is causing the constant headache. The hip pain has returned with a vengeance at night when lying down, I'm not sure about when out and about as I haven't been well enough to be out and about! Oh I wish.
Mid week I felt well enough to try some walking and did 20 minutes but the remainder of the day and those that followed have been driven by this constant headache pain. Panamax does nothing for it, I drink 2 litres of water daily so I know it's not dehydration (it's very hot here, yesterday it was 44c in the shade, today will be 41c).
I've taken my normal meds, 20mg oxy, 10mg Lipitor, 50mg Pristiq, 2mg Progynova and 2 Panamax in the morning each day with Panamax every 6 hours, in the night 25mg Valdoxan, 12.5mg Serequel. All have their own side effects, but I've been on them for over 12 months so don't think it's them causing the headache.
The stim has been off for about an hour and I've developed this pulsing pinching pain on the left side just adjacent to where the hip pain kicks in, nerve pain I imagine. The left hip pain I'm sure is referred pain from L3/4. The left arm/palm tingling pain is there, noticeable today but not yet intolerable, I'm sure by the end of today it will be zinging seeing as the stim is off. Where I had the fusion done L4/5 S1 has been giving sharp on and off pains this week and has settled to a dull throb, just above L2/3 is a stabbing pain. So, it will be interesting to see if its the stim causing he headache? Anyone else experienced this? I worry about the headaches as they said the seizure I had in August 2012 which caused the thoracic fractures was due to acute headache pain.
I see my original neurosurgeon on the 20th, he referred me to the new PM specialist and he was not aware hey were doing the SCS, I wonder what his reaction will be.

Mark56 01-12-2014 12:55 AM

For Pam. For You.


PamelaJune 01-15-2014 08:24 PM

Nevro senza
Well, I turned the stim off for 24 hours and yes the headache abated. I turned the stim back on using P1 L6 to begin, moved to P2 L4 and then back up to P2 L6. The headache is still there but not intolerable like it was. As for my back and left arm pain, well with the stim off it was excruciating and dare I say it, acute! With the stim on now, it's still high and these last two days have been very bad.
My rep is back from holiday and I will see her along with my PM. Given the level of my pain I think we will have to move forward with the laminotomy and paddle insertion because I'm not getting much relief. My pain levels are around 7 on avg and I'm not even leaving the house. I can't spend the rest of my life like this!

My husband got home 20 min early from work last night, I greeted him in the driveway and said "thank god you are home" and he replied, you look terrible. I wasn't even well enough to cook so he went back out after sorting the dogs and got pizza which I ate in a daze.

My husband is my lifeline, he works 12 hour shifts and has a 14 hour day incl the drive to and from work, then gets home and has to sort the animals. The 3 dogs are working dogs, although 2 are now retired and are my guardian angels.

I so want my life back, I had hoped so much the one lead would work but it seems not to be. The pain just seems to be in keep on keeping on mode. Not happy!

ger715 01-15-2014 11:00 PM


You are most likely dealing with surgical, as well as your usual pain. I am so very sorry you are having to deal with this.

I myself, had an unsuccessful trial stimulator a few years ago. I deal with spine/PN pain but have been able to keep the pain at least tolerable thru a regular schedule of narcotic (Oxycontin/Percocet) meds. The hardest part was the acceptance of a life with pain; but I do whatever helps me get thru each day.

Will keep you in my prayers.


PamelaJune 01-17-2014 06:02 PM

Hi folks, I've got the stim now on P3 L6, for those wondering, that's program 3 and level 6. From all that I have read, I'm lucky that I have the controls at hand and can program the stim myself. I knocked myself out on Thursday at the reps instructions and again yesterday, all to try and knock this headache out of the park.

To be clear, I took my normal meds in the morning at 4am (we are early risers even on Lyndon's days off) and at 3pm I took my evening meds and a 1mg Xanax. Straight off to sleep, Lyndon woke me at 7 for dinner which I ate in a daze and then straight back to sleep and up at 4am.

So I have taken the 1mg Xanax for two days straight and will not be taking it again any time soon. It's a horrid drug long term, yes it brings relief, yes it soothes your soul, but, it makes you forget what you have done and said while it's in your system and you can miss whole conversations and commitments, then, when you want to stop, it torments you with hideous withdrawal symptoms. I was on it in 2012 after the seizure for about 4 months and had withdrawal symptoms when I stopped and had to go back on and create my own plan of cutting down little by little to cease it.

My hubby is a drug detection officer and all our dogs are drug dogs, 2 now retired and active angels watching over me. Anyhow in many of the seminars hubby attends they now refer to Xanax as worse than heroin. It's that bad! Waking up this morning, the damn headache is still there along with the left arm, left hip and thoracic pain so even with the stim now at its highest the pain is not under control. I know the stim can work because I experienced relief from it in the early days and in the trial. There are days I wonder if in my past life I committed some heinous crime and paying for it in this life.

My best friend is hosting a girls get together tomorrow at 11am, smart casual dress and she has a photographer coming, she is very thoughtful, in our circle of friends many of the men have cancer or heart disease, or our parents suffering from cancer, dementia etc and she wants this day to be a celebration of life. They all accept I will be a wallflower just sitting and doing nothing, it's wonderful to have friends who are like family. My 82 year old mum is driving me there and I will taxi home as hubby working. Will leave home a little early and on the way drive past houses that mum n dad lived in when we were children. A little trip down memory lane may cheer me up.

ger715 01-17-2014 11:21 PM


Hopefully much of this pain will be just a memory.

Glad you will be going to the 'celebration of life'; how beautiful. I can't imagine your circle of friends/famiy will see you as a wallflower; but caring enough to be there with all of them. Just be careful not to overdo.


PamelaJune 01-18-2014 12:56 AM

Can't face anyone today
I've cancelled the cleaner and for the first time in over 15 months put on a duragesic 50mg patch. Yes I will get an angry angry allergic reaction to the adhesive, but it's just too bad, to bear this pain in this relentless heat above 37c is more than a koala can bear! The frustrating thing is the duragesic fentanyl patches work, but, the side effects they give me in the long run are far too much. I will take it off tomorrow and be thankful for at least one day with moderate rather than severe pain. Very much looking forward now to seeing my rep and PM and getting this stim sorted. It's frustrating to not even be able to stretch or get relief by putting my arms above my head. Sorry, just feeling sorry for myself, for those reading this and contemplating stims, take heart, they do work, I've just had complications and all will get better.

Mark56 01-18-2014 10:51 AM

Howdy Pam!
How I hope and pray your day out with the girls has been indeed refreshing to your spirit and that you were more involved and less of a wallflower. Golly, in your situation merely being there is far less "wallflowerish" than having stayed at home!!! :) It is cool your Mum could drive you!

I am glad you are blessed with caring family [inclusive of your angel dogs] who watch over you.

Give it time. Work the dickens out of that stim. Explore it. I was allowed to actually program my stim from the first day, and it has served me VERY well since mid 2010. You can get there! I have hope and share prayers for you in this regard.

Using my stim I was able to withdraw from every single drug which had ruled my life during medicinal pain management. I hope as well for you this may be the case for you.

Yup, :hug: :hug: :hug:

Rrae 01-18-2014 03:38 PM

I am so very sorry you are going through such a bad time....and 'no' you are not feeling sorry for yourself. This pain you are dealing with is more than what most people could even conceive of!

You are a couple days away from seeing your initial neuro. Maybe he will have some words of wisdom or ideas of how this pain can be reduced.
How did it go with the duragesic patch? I hope you didn't suffer an allergic reaction. I know how helpful these patches can be, as I've lived off of them for 3 yrs now. I also know about the rebound/withdrawal, like you mentioned. I hope you aren't dealing with anything like that on top of this other stuff.

You are certainly being prayed for, dear Pam.
Please God let things turn around SOON.


Hannabananna 01-18-2014 09:58 PM

calamine lottion

I get a blistery rash when I burn myself or anytime I have to put on a band aid. Calamine Lotion is what works for me...dries the rash then I use Neosporin to soften the skin again.

I tried everything cuz it itches so bad and I will scratch my skin away!!

Let us know how it goes at your appointments...I am so sorry for your pain.


eva5667faliure 01-19-2014 01:53 PM

i have been following for quite sometime now
i wonder why during trial things go much better
and when permanent is inserted there seems to be
more difficult
i opted not to get one
but have followed long enough to
say it is baffling
this is what i came to see
i remember Hanna
i am hoping as the persons
giving the device a try
are very brave
as it was said in my operative report
"there was a nerve running right across the
C 6/7 disk"
the body was talking clearly
was never told
but only for the report
always on guard
as only you know your body
keeping the faith

ger715 01-19-2014 07:44 PM

Can't help but wonder if the biggest difference in the trial is the fact that you do not have an incision/pocket where the battery is put in and attached to leads being inserted (many seem to have a lot of pain from that particular site).

Also, the trial is usually only a few days and leads/battery have substance/tape, etc. very securely are not given much time for moving. Seems like when surgically implanted; while waiting for leads to scar in; sometimes leads begin to migrate and are no longer where they were when the trial was in for just a few days. I would think the migration might be one of the problems encountered. Once they begin to scar in and not in the right place; not good.

Yet it seems if you are one who does all the right "BLAST" that Mark so often speaks of; Success!!! Of course; this is just my observation/opinion. I did have an unsuccessful trial. Never did the implant.


PamelaJune 01-20-2014 06:14 AM

So I went to the girls celebration of life, my friend went all out. We had an Official photographer and then biggest limousine I've ever seen drove the 12 of us up and down the coast and then to a lovely restaurant at the marina.

At about 3 pm my back seemed to "crack" I heard and felt it and The pain instantaneous causing me agony and tears, my friends got me a taxi and to home I went, straight to bed with a bucket as the pain was making me so ill. Knocked myself out again with Xanax. I Had my appt with the neurosurgeon anyway today and he took an X-Ray and has put me straight into hospital. My back feels like it is collapsing, the double fusion of last year all looks good but the L2/3 above the facet joints have blown out and he believes its what the problem is. My PM is coming in tomorrow and I spoke to my neurosurgeon also about the laminotomy and the paddle as the leads clearly are not working. So, I'm in here to get the pain under control and it's possible I will have another fusion and or get the laminotomy done and paddle inserted. My rep is coming to see me tomorrow also.

There is a part of me that wants both done, the fusion will fix the lower back L2/3 and it's referred hip pain and the laminotomy and paddle insertion will fix the arm/hand and thoracic pain. I was so bad, I was crying and saying the taxi won't take me as they will think I'm drunk. But my girlfriends were splendid they waited with me, put me in and explained to the taxi driver to take me home, or if I changed my mind hospital. And the taxi driver even offered to walk me to my front door. I had no sleep the night before as it was paining me but I was determined to go and see the girls. And as much as I'm in pain, I would do it again, it was lovely to see them and we got some wonderful photos and created new lovely memories.

They've given me endone 10mg, oxy 20mg and pethidine as I'm allergic to morphine nowadays. At present it's not touching the sides and I will have to buzz them again.

Hugs to you all, a very sad and sorry Pamela

ger715 01-20-2014 10:52 AM

Pam, I am glad to hear you went to the "celebration". Your friend went way out to make everthing so memorable for everyone there. And, most of all, you will be present in the pictures taken. But.....

So sorry you had to leave in such terrible pain. From what you say, sounds like the fusion is a must. Even tho your neuro does not do the paddle; has he mentioned whether he feels the scar tissue might still be an issue possibly making the procedure unsuccessful??

Sure am praying you will be guided to make decisions that will work most to eliminate much of your pain.


PamelaJune 01-20-2014 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by ger715 (Post 1044672)
Pam, I am glad to hear you went to the "celebration". Your friend went way out to make everthing so memorable for everyone there. And, most of all, you will be present in the pictures taken. But.....

So sorry you had to leave in such terrible pain. From what you say, sounds like the fusion is a must. Even tho your neuro does not do the paddle; has he mentioned whether he feels the scar tissue might still be an issue possibly making the procedure unsuccessful??

Sure am praying you will be guided to make decisions that will work most to eliminate much of your pain.


Hi Ger, my neuro said the other neurosurgeon (Dr Holthouse) who is also a PM is a good bloke, but I said I would prefer him (Dr Malone) to do the laminotomy and paddle insertion and he has said he may be able to do it with my PM (Dr Finch) alongside. They want to get the pain under control first so on arrival 2 x 10mg Endone and 30 min later pethidine as I've developed an allergy to morphine then 4 hours later another 2 endone along with my night meds and then OxyContin at 11pm and pethidine during the night. I've just had another pethidine injection. So even with all those drugs my spine is weeping still. Any movement hurts and it feels like it's collapsing.

They are working hard to eliminate the pain, my husband visited last night and explained to the Dr that for the last three nights bar Saturday where I didn't sleep at all I've knocked myself out with Xanax and even though knocked out, I've been crying in my sleep and in terrible pain. I had no idea as I was non compos... I hope he managed a good nights rest last night with me gone as he looked shattered. He left work early so he could get here, dropped the dogs at home, quick water and food for them and came straight here. Funny how when people see the uniform they suddenly become self conscious. The nurses and visitors seeing him were all agog.

I so wonder what today will bring, I can't go on like this and in my own mind I think the laminectomy and fusion of L2/3 will fix the problem and while in there do the laminotomy and insert the paddle so I can get better pain control with the stim. The Mount hospital staff are splendid and nurses must all have caring as their middle name!

Well wishes:hug::hug:
Mark, I hope your recovery is still going well. Eva, I hope you can begin to say NO and find some inner peace. Becky, I hope your stim is still going well. Wingy, I hope you have managed some gentle journeys to the local pub. Gerry, I hope your stresses are abating, Nance, I hope post op is coming along well. HB, no falls or trips I hope and Rrae, life is being kind to you. So many other names to recall but the pethidine injection they just gave me is kicking in, ooh just remembered Pooh, hope the long drive back passed in a flash overridden by fabulous memories.

Mark56 01-20-2014 07:47 PM

Oh my Goodness!!
Oh Dear Pamela!

I was reading of your fun at the Girls Night Out..... then got totally derailed at learning of your catastrophic PAIN!! How awful!!! I am glad for you that your docs are taking immediate good care of you, and I surely hope this acute pain will come under control and THEN the work docs will do brings peace, calm, a smile to your lips!!! Believe you me....... I am praying all will be well with you!! :hug: :Heart: :smileypray: :smileypray: :smileypray:

May Blessings wash over you in abundance! May you once again know life without pain.

This is my prayer, :hug:

ger715 01-20-2014 08:57 PM

I am truly amazed that a fusion can be done at the same time a paddle/laminectomy can be performed. While I did have L4-5 fusion done 8 years ago, a laminectomy was performed during the same surgery; but it was because of the spine being so narrowed in that area, space was needed to relieve the spinal cord being terribly compressed. I do have many areas with spinal stenosis; but that was the worst.

A paddle implanted at the same time is really quite different. Just praying all this pain and suffering will be greatly lessened. I myself am on 60mg's of Oxycontin every 6hrs. around the clock. Percocert 3 to 4 times a day for breakthru pain, along with 5mg's Vallium a 2 to 3 times a day.
The only way I have been able to sleep at night is taking Ambien CR every night for the past few years. Between that and the pain meds, I do manage to get at least 6 hrs.of sleep where I am unaware of pain .

Praying doctors will be able to give you a life with much less pain.


chrelsey 01-20-2014 09:35 PM

I am SO sorry to hear what happened at your celebration time. :icon_cry:

I am glad, though, that you were with your friends, and that you weren't alone when your back decided to do what it did. How blessed to have such good friends around to help take care of you!

And your sweet hubby - how blessed to have a wonderful man who loves and cares for you so!

I will be praying that they can get on top of your pain quickly, and that the doctors will have wisdom about how best to proceed.

Lots of prayers going up for you!

= Becky

eva5667faliure 01-20-2014 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by PamelaJune (Post 1044764)
Hi Ger, my neuro said the other neurosurgeon (Dr Holthouse) who is also a PM is a good bloke, but I said I would prefer him (Dr Malone) to do the laminotomy and paddle insertion and he has said he may be able to do it with my PM (Dr Finch) alongside. They want to get the pain under control first so on arrival 2 x 10mg Endone and 30 min later pethidine as I've developed an allergy to morphine then 4 hours later another 2 endone along with my night meds and then OxyContin at 11pm and pethidine during the night. I've just had another pethidine injection. So even with all those drugs my spine is weeping still. Any movement hurts and it feels like it's collapsing.

They are working hard to eliminate the pain, my husband visited last night and explained to the Dr that for the last three nights bar Saturday where I didn't sleep at all I've knocked myself out with Xanax and even though knocked out, I've been crying in my sleep and in terrible pain. I had no idea as I was non compos... I hope he managed a good nights rest last night with me gone as he looked shattered. He left work early so he could get here, dropped the dogs at home, quick water and food for them and came straight here. Funny how when people see the uniform they suddenly become self conscious. The nurses and visitors seeing him were all agog.

I so wonder what today will bring, I can't go on like this and in my own mind I think the laminectomy and fusion of L2/3 will fix the problem and while in there do the laminotomy and insert the paddle so I can get better pain control with the stim. The Mount hospital staff are splendid and nurses must all have caring as their middle name!

Well wishes:hug::hug:
Mark, I hope your recovery is still going well. Eva, I hope you can begin to say NO and find some inner peace. Becky, I hope your stim is still going well. Wingy, I hope you have managed some gentle journeys to the local pub. Gerry, I hope your stresses are abating, Nance, I hope post op is coming along well. HB, no falls or trips I hope and Rrae, life is being kind to you. So many other names to recall but the pethidine injection they just gave me is kicking in, ooh just remembered Pooh, hope the long drive back passed in a flash overridden by fabulous memories.

heal heal
as we all are in prayer always
holding your hand
oh your pain that
monster pain
forever nauseous as the
pain rules and changes
us into a horrible way
may they arrest it soon
oh so understand
be safe
your loved

PamelaJune 01-21-2014 09:40 PM

South Perth hospital today
They are taking me by ambulance at noon so my PM can operate at 1.30 at South Perth Hospital as he has room on his list over there, then, post recovery I will be sent straight back here to Mount Hospital for full recovery. He is doing a block on L3 this week, then a block in L4 next week and, then in a fortnight after some time has passed and pain hopefully settled he and my Neuro will decide to do either the laminotomy or fusion, or both.
I had a bone graft and laminectomy in 1978 and again in 1994 and 1996, and then the double fusion on L4/5 & S1 last year in June. They are saying on the X-rays that L3/L4 are not fused and if they do decide to fuse, it's L3/4 they will do. The laminotomy if they do it, will be done on T9 or T10 and paddle inserted. There is definitely something wrong for it to be "clunking" like it is, it feels as though it's collapsing, pain is once again acute. It's all so frustrating.
Of course my neuro is worried about doing the laminotomy and inserting the paddle, but I trust him and with my PM alongside I have faith, and at some stage we have to believe as I can't get in to see Dr Holthouse for months and months and I can't carry on like this. My PM Dr Finch trusts neuro Dr Malone as he saved Dr Finchs son when he had an inoperable brain tumour and Quentin went in and saved the day. They gave trebled my meds, 120 mg slow release OxyContin and 10mg Endone x3 a day. I'm also back on triple movicols and coloxyl as I'm terrified of another blockage.
My poor mum and husband it's so much for them to bear, I wish I could wave so wand and resolve it all for them. Lyndon putting up a cantilever umbrella to provide shade over the "dog paddle pool" and that should help them, I suggested it yesterday morning and he must have thought it a ripper idea as he had bought the umbrella by 5pm and up at 5am this morning was out there putting it together. I suggested to mum that she sell her shares to afford these new hearing aids and she has done just that, and finally I suggested to my brother he put a small aircon unit above mums front door entry as the roof has a high ceiling and a small 2hp will fit there nicely and cool the front room and blow through to the back rooms with the living room door open, it also means it won't blow directly on her and cause her to get a cold of some sort. So at least I'm still contributing to the family in some way.
My Nevro rep was herd yesterday and explained it will be a "Boston paddle" with its leads then joined to the Nevro battery. She is wanting the laminotomy done ASAP as apparently I look really really poorly!!:hug::hug:

ger715 01-21-2014 10:46 PM


Thanks for all the info. Really a lot going on. Your husband and family seem to be really very "special".

Praying all the decision making will be the best way to eleviate your pain and get you back to a life with much less pain.


Mark56 01-23-2014 01:03 AM

Hello Pam!
Prayers and angels surround you on this newest endeavor to help your spine situation. Yes, Gerry is so right commenting that you have a LOT going on! Even so, there you are offering suggestions to your family in a helpful way about many things...... you are a special person just as your loving family is supportive as well and special.

I sincerely hope that ambulance ride went well, the blocks and paddle emplacement done just so, and that you will recover well and fully. So very much work on your poor spine. Yes, you must have appeared a fright to your family and concerned others. Just as my family and friends have been saying to me lately they can see in my face/my eyes/hear in my voice the very real difference this most recent fusion made in my personal situation. Pain takes its toll on you in a very real, up close, and personal way!

Prayin. :hug:

PamelaJune 01-23-2014 01:17 AM

As the days roll into one
I've just spoken with my PM by phone and he is coming to see me in a few hours, but he has definitely said I can go home tomorrow. I miss the companionship of my pets and of course I miss my husband. We have discussed sleeping arrangements and we will have to sleep in separate rooms until I can get this pain under control. I had no idea I was crying in my sleep and with every turn moaning and groaning with pain. I feel terrible that our lives are so disrupted by this monster "chronic pain" that we are all so familiar with. I have lived with it for so long that my acceptance has become unwavering in the very essence of "it is what it is". Sitting here today, with my older sister just left, I'm wondering how it all come to this. Stupidly feeling sorry for myself and wishing we could get on with it rather than all this waiting to see if this works or that works, just put the damn paddle in and be done. I'm resigned to taking the full and increased dose of OxyContin and Endone because no matter how much I dislike them, they seem to be the only things working at present. Not happy

ger715 01-23-2014 11:19 AM


Most of us here, if not all, are living with chronic pain. As Mark wrote; it changes us. Often, we don't realize how even our personality changes. I know the days my pain is better; I am more upbeat; then "boom"; back up high on the # scale.

Just wondering if the fusion might be the way to go; and hopefully, the Paddle might not be necessary. But, of course, that would mean Not doing the paddle in the same surgery.
And...a wait and see whether the pain has subsided enough.

As previously mentioned; I had an unsuccessful trial and never did the SCS implant. I also have a lot of scar tissue which would lessen the success of an implant.

But, with the Oxycontin/Percocet, etc., at least I am able to control the pain enough to get thru most days without being in tears. It did take some time to come to an amount to adequately control the pain which meant upping the dose on some of these meds. I have been on my current dose for the past few years. The dependency on these meds is really dependency on lessening the pain; not addiction. There is "no high". The pain sees to that;
but dependent on lessening the pain..."yes".

Pam; you are really very important to all those who love you. And; just reading your posts; it is understandable. You are quite the trooper.

Prayers are with you.


Rrae 01-23-2014 01:40 PM

Oh my Lord, Pam. How awful that you've been hammered with such horrible pain. :( Even to the point of crying in your sleep! The minutes must roll by like hours as you wait to get a clear plan from Dr.
Your family cares about you very much, both here at NT and where you are at home. (well, almost home anyway).

It's a good idea to sleep alone for now, so that you can lay as you please and not get accidently 'bumped' by hubby. I hope the rooms aren't too far apart in case you have to holler for some help....
Course, you can do as we do at my house - call each other on our cell phones :rolleyes:

Pam I truly hope this will get sorted out soon so that this can be put behind you as a fading memory.

Gentle ((((Hugs))))


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