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karilann 07-24-2009 08:43 PM

I can hear my eyes move
Sometimes when I move my eyes from side to side...I hear a swish sound. I told my doc and she seemed to know what it was.....but didn't tell me anything.
Anyone else had this?

SallyC 07-25-2009 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by karilann (Post 541967)
Sometimes when I move my eyes from side to side...I hear a swish sound. I told my doc and she seemed to know what it was.....but didn't tell me anything.
Anyone else had this?

You hear your eyes move? Eeeeeewwwwwww!!:eek:

Don't think i've had that pleasure...nope..:D

karilann 07-25-2009 03:20 PM

I have since found out that its a disconnect somewhere in the brainstem that gets confused as to whether something is visual or auditory.
I do have problems there.

Also, it can be caused from withdrawl from certain anti-depressants. Withdrawl can screw up the signals in the same way.

Its really not that creepy...just weird. It doesn't go on all day long, just for a little while I will hear this light swishing sound that goes along with my eye movement. It happened most during the death of my mom so I think the stress triggered it.

fisher 10-24-2009 06:42 PM

I have the same swishing sound that I hear when I move my eyes. It is also during times when I have horrible dizzy spells that can last for days or even weeks. It's not typical dizziness, though. It's more like a shifting of rooms and objects when I turn my head. One doc said it could be severe anxiety that has been going on for a while now without me being aware that I was not reacting normally to stress. I'm still looking for a sure diagnosis. It scares me because I worry about the worst possible scenarios, of course.


Originally Posted by karilann (Post 542238)
I have since found out that its a disconnect somewhere in the brainstem that gets confused as to whether something is visual or auditory.
I do have problems there.

Also, it can be caused from withdrawl from certain anti-depressants. Withdrawl can screw up the signals in the same way.

Its really not that creepy...just weird. It doesn't go on all day long, just for a little while I will hear this light swishing sound that goes along with my eye movement. It happened most during the death of my mom so I think the stress triggered it.

pud's friend 10-25-2009 05:29 AM

I can feel the colour purple in my head and taste one of my perfumes but I can't hear my eyes. No. definitely not.

accordLTR 11-19-2009 07:39 PM

hello every one
i was searching by google about my problem which is seem to be like karilann's problem and here i am..

actually my probelm "hear my eyes movement" start 3 day ago , i was think it is just bcuz i am tired that day , i try to sleep that day but when woke up there is no thing change .
i try to deal with it by paracetamol but no thing change .
today is the fourth day and it is still without any improvement.
i stop anti-depressants (cipralex) "SSRI'' before couple of weeks which i think is the most suspected in this problem , bcuz karilann say that could be withdrawl of anti-depressants

Catch 11-20-2009 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by accordLTR (Post 591430)
bcuz karilann say that could be withdrawl of anti-depressants

First Accord, does your doc know you have discontinued your anti depressant? How long were you taking cipralex? What was the dosage? It can be very dangerous to simply stop taking ADs like that. In particular, the reason you started taking them in the first place.

Second, Why did you stop taking the meds?

Third, if you go back on the cipralex does the symptom go away?

accordLTR 11-20-2009 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Catch (Post 591698)
First Accord, does your doc know you have discontinued your anti depressant? ?

no but iam gonna call him today

Originally Posted by Catch (Post 591698)
How long were you taking cipralex? ?

since march 2009

Originally Posted by Catch (Post 591698)
What was the dosage? It can be very dangerous to simply stop taking ADs like that. In particular, the reason you started taking them in the first place.

it was 10mg per day


Originally Posted by Catch (Post 591698)
Second, Why did you stop taking the meds??

i feel improvement , beside my doctor told me to stop it in nov 2009 but gradually and this what did I do

Originally Posted by Catch (Post 591698)
Third, if you go back on the cipralex does the symptom go away?

i did not try and i will not , until my doc allow me...

karilann 11-20-2009 09:36 PM

I can hear my eyes move
Going off antidepressants cold turkey can cause symptoms like you are experiencing. Its best to taper off slowly and under a doctors supervision. Regardless as to why you stop taking them.....go off slowly. I believe that my problem was from messing up my dosage during the death of my mom. I was up for 4 days straight and don't know when I took my meds.....thats when the problems started.
Be careful!

accordLTR 11-24-2009 08:39 PM


Going off antidepressants cold turkey can cause symptoms like you are experiencing.
now my case improved and not always i hear my eyes' movement and i notice that vertigo are realy disapear , but my problem still with increase my sleep hours to 10 or 11 per day and that affect on my job and other activity..
any way i am now better and thank u karilann and Catch

Mamabug 01-18-2010 11:35 AM

I can hear my eyes move
Thank you karilann and Catch...I have decreased my Cymbalta down to nothing and I, too, can now hear my left eye move. But prior to stopping my SSRI, I have been hearing a rapid drumbeat in my left me a "head-case", but has this occurred to anyone with "noisy eyes" as well? :)

karilann 01-18-2010 02:35 PM

I've had the ear thumping too. Started out like "thumping" or "fluttering ear drum" as the way I described it. Then it moved to thump thump thump with a muffled hearing for a couple seconds then sometimes a stabbing pain. When my Mom died...I actually had this and also at the same time it felt like an electric bolt went through my head and seemed as though I lost vision for just a split second. Actually knocked me off me feet a bit.:eek:

Mamabug 01-18-2010 04:42 PM

I can hear my eyes move--I hear thumping in my left ear
:eek::eek Sorry to hear that and sorry to hear about your mom. I had lost my dad to a cerebral hemorrhage (sp) so not too happy with unexplainable head malfunctions! When I first heard this "thumping" I was laying on the couch, resting from a 16 hour day at work and thought one of my cats was on the back of the couch scratching and his foot was hitting the back of the couch (that's what the sound sounded like). Well it wasn't. It was me. Do you also experience occipital headaches? Another blessing in my menopausal (or should I say--mentalpausal) years.


Originally Posted by karilann (Post 611879)
I've had the ear thumping too. Started out like "thumping" or "fluttering ear drum" as the way I described it. Then it moved to thump thump thump with a muffled hearing for a couple seconds then sometimes a stabbing pain. When my Mom died...I actually had this and also at the same time it felt like an electric bolt went through my head and seemed as though I lost vision for just a split second. Actually knocked me off me feet a bit.:eek:

karilann 01-22-2010 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Mamabug (Post 611916)
:eek::eek Sorry to hear that and sorry to hear about your mom. I had lost my dad to a cerebral hemorrhage (sp) so not too happy with unexplainable head malfunctions! When I first heard this "thumping" I was laying on the couch, resting from a 16 hour day at work and thought one of my cats was on the back of the couch scratching and his foot was hitting the back of the couch (that's what the sound sounded like). Well it wasn't. It was me. Do you also experience occipital headaches? Another blessing in my menopausal (or should I say--mentalpausal) years.

Thank God I do not experience problems with headaches!

rswayback5 08-21-2010 09:49 AM

RE: your symptoms (dizziness and hearing your eyes)

Originally Posted by fisher (Post 582132)
I have the same swishing sound that I hear when I move my eyes. It is also during times when I have horrible dizzy spells that can last for days or even weeks. It's not typical dizziness, though. It's more like a shifting of rooms and objects when I turn my head. One doc said it could be severe anxiety that has been going on for a while now without me being aware that I was not reacting normally to stress. I'm still looking for a sure diagnosis. It scares me because I worry about the worst possible scenarios, of course.

Ask your doctor about Minor's syndrome (or Superior canal dehiscence syndrome). This can cause you to be able to hear things inside your body (people have reported being able to hear their eyes) and can also cause sounds to cause the dizziness and tilting of the room that you describe. Basically the bone that separates the hearing center and the balance center in the ear is not there. Hope this helps!

btdt 08-22-2010 09:44 PM

can hear my eyes move + serotonin imbalances

Originally Posted by karilann (Post 542238)
I have since found out that its a disconnect somewhere in the brainstem that gets confused as to whether something is visual or auditory.
I do have problems there.

Also, it can be caused from withdrawl from certain anti-depressants. Withdrawl can screw up the signals in the same way.

Its really not that creepy...just weird. It doesn't go on all day long, just for a little while I will hear this light swishing sound that goes along with my eye movement. It happened most during the death of my mom so I think the stress triggered it.

I too have had this for a very long time when I was in cold turkey withdrawal from effexor. Interesting post I found on this subject here you may want to give it a read.

sorry I had to remove the link *edit* forget the title tho sorry I do not have enough post to add a link this is my first post :)

The Important Bits from Above:
*edit* PM member for info.

After I originally read this story, I couldn’t stop thinking about how this proves that our reality is nothing but electrical inputs, and how we trust our brains to interpret them correctly. It is our brain that will decide what is essential and what is not. But, what if our brain does not interpret them in the way that represents what is really “out there”. What does that do to our sense of “reality”. So, is the world around you really like what you think it is, or is your brain wrong? I guess we will never know. But what can be learned from the above incredible story, is what you think you perceive may not be “really” reality

After reading it I thought finally some information to vindicate what people withdrawing from antidepressants actually experience. I did not get any help when I talked to my doctor about this issue.
I have read many post from people withdrawing from serotonin enhancing drugs that speak of this. One other thing I think may be related is an extreme sensitivity to noise of any kind .... can't any noise for example in the summer on the hottest days having to drive with the car windows up so I do not have to hear the sound of tires from the other cars ya no air conditioning either :) Both these issues seem to be related to serotonin yet these are the first 2 references I have seen from a scientific person that says it makes some sense. It has since passed for me but it is still good to know. Thanks for your post. I am now going to have to look up these two brain areas. I wonder what else I can learn. I still have memory problems and other symptoms that come and go. Before I quit taking effexor I was being investigated for ms turns out I did not have it but did have something in the white matter of my brain.

Steve C 02-12-2012 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by karilann (Post 541967)
Sometimes when I move my eyes from side to side...I hear a swish sound. I told my doc and she seemed to know what it was.....but didn't tell me anything.
Anyone else had this?

I experience this phenomenon right now. I have visited an ENT who did a physical exam of my ears, nose and throat and then I had an audiology test. So far she has not indicated a diagnosis. I am waiting about a week to see if this phenomenon goes away. If not, she suggested a CT scan of the sinus area of my head. The sound I experience occurs if I keep my head steady, and look quickly left or right. It also occurs if I look upward. But not if I look down. The sound I experience seems to be in my ears, a swishing sound, or a low frequency rubbing sound. I imagine it to be the sound of two rubber bands drawn across each other at right angles, like a bow across a violin string. But the sound in not high frequency, like a high pitched tone or the ringing described by tinnitus. I have experienced tinnitus very infrequently. And I cannot voluntarily generate that sound. This sound seems only associated with voluntary movement of the eyes. I do have a slight sensation of pressure in the ears, but no nausea or vertigo. I would like to know if there is a diagnosis for this. I have not ever had this sensation before.

karilann 02-12-2012 09:29 AM

You have given a very good description of what I experienced. For me, it seemed to be from my anti depressant. I was not taking it regularly and this was the side effect. Once in a blue moon I still get it but not as bad as I was. The anti depressant seems to be the best scenario so far. Because I have M.S., docs did not explore it further and it seemed to get better. Having M.S. seems to be the blame for everything! However; doing my own research and talking to docs: antidepressants can do this if you go into a withdrawl type situation. Please keep me posted if you find something more. You can private message me on this site. Good luck to you :hug:

Nedlog 02-23-2012 07:45 AM

I have experienced hearing my eyes move multiple times in the past, right now its driving me nuts! I know its my antidepressant, but I wish there was a way to speed up the process of getting rid of this.

I've been on Ciprolex for a while, I've came on and off of it in the past, mainly because I couldn't afford it. I had benefits for a while, then lost them, etc... I just finished my perscription about a week ago, and without fail, the swooshing noise returns.

As bad as it sounds, i'm glad i'm not the only one who experiences this... lol my family thinks i'm nuts, and my doctor looks at me like I have 6 heads when I tell him about this.

cheers all!

SallyC 02-23-2012 11:33 AM

Hi Nedlog....welcome..:)

errnzad 03-17-2012 07:35 AM

I've been trying to find what this is. I initially experienced this when I was on Effexor. If I was late with a dose or missed a dose I would experience a "whooshing" or "clicking" sound with eye movement. It would resolve several hours after taking my med again. As of late however, I'm not on any type of anti depressants. Haven't been for months... I got the flu and was really sick and ever since then I've started having this "whooshing" with eye movement again accomp with occasional severe dizziness. Is this some sort of synaesthesia? Has anyone ever been told by a dr what this is? It's really annoying.

Denise60 03-18-2012 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by karilann (Post 541967)
Sometimes when I move my eyes from side to side...I hear a swish sound. I told my doc and she seemed to know what it was.....but didn't tell me anything.
Anyone else had this?

Yes I get this too but only in my left eye, first noticed this a few years ago now but never found out what it is or what causes it, I have other symptoms relating to the left side of my face and head but dont know what they are, assume they are related. I get left-sided headaches, pains on the left side of face and nose too, plus audible pulsations on the left side. Do you get any other symptoms at the same time? My audible eye movements are not always present but are often accompanied by some of the other above mentioned symptoms.

karilann 03-18-2012 09:00 AM

I have other symptoms that happen around the time of the eye movement thing, but not exactly at the same time.

When the eye thing happens I will also notice a quick dulling of my hearing (everything goes into a low tone while I can hear a thumping sound) and then I get an electric shock type of feeling in my head. It all happens quite quickly, but again, not at the same time.

voodoonobs 03-14-2013 01:18 AM

I hear my eyes move.
Thanks so much for this forum! I have noticed that I can hear my eyes move when I look left or right. Particularly if they are closed. I noticed a post about stopping anti depressants suddenly, and it's association with this sound . It occurred to me that this sound is more noticeable when I miss a dose of my Wellbutrin. This must be the cause!

Iwisuhappiness 06-22-2013 08:23 PM

Check out Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome. I was diagnosed with this and I could hear my eyes move, every heart beat, headaches, tinnitus, couldn't hear what people were saying when I was chewing.

I recently had Resurfacing and plugging via a middle fossa Craniology at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore by Dr John Carey!!

I woke up to silence!!!!

GladysD 06-23-2013 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by fisher (Post 582132)
I have the same swishing sound that I hear when I move my eyes. It is also during times when I have horrible dizzy spells that can last for days or even weeks. It's not typical dizziness, though. It's more like a shifting of rooms and objects when I turn my head. One doc said it could be severe anxiety that has been going on for a while now without me being aware that I was not reacting normally to stress. I'm still looking for a sure diagnosis. It scares me because I worry about the worst possible scenarios, of course.

Are you seeing another doctor, to get this sure diagnosis about anxiety? I am mentioning this symptom to my doctor, next month. All physical ailments have been ruled out in a routine physical. My test results and last appointment seem to have crossed paths. And I had another dizzy spell, earlier today.

GladysD 06-23-2013 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by karilann (Post 541967)
Sometimes when I move my eyes from side to side...I hear a swish sound. I told my doc and she seemed to know what it was.....but didn't tell me anything.
Anyone else had this?

No, I haven't experienced this. Hope it clears up for you :hug:

Snowhite-7 04-27-2014 06:05 PM

I can hear my eyes move, too!
:o This started about a year ago. I do not know what may have started it. I have described it to my doctor three times and he keeps saying he will look into it. He has never heard of such a thing. I have never heard back from him. I think he thinks I'm nuts. It concerned me to think I was the only one in the world to hear their eyes move. I'm comforted to know that I am not the only one, and it does not mean I'm crazy, or have a tumor, or am entering heaven...

missj 04-27-2014 06:39 PM

I can sometimes see loud noises. They are usually brightly colored. I have not mentioned it to anyone but my DH that I can see sounds….

Erika 04-27-2014 08:50 PM

You are not alone in that missj. An associate in our office has described similar experiences. I think that's cool.

With love, Erika

Sparky10 04-28-2014 09:44 PM

This thread is several years old, but interesting reading. I can see my heartbeat in my eyes sometimes. All your head orifices are connected. I got my eyeliner tattooed on and blew ink out my nose. Not much surprises me anymore. ;)

Karilann, do you still have this happen? Has anything been done about it?

Shirogomi 08-04-2014 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by karilann (Post 861938)
hen the eye thing happens I will also notice a quick dulling of my hearing (everything goes into a low tone while I can hear a thumping sound) and then I get an electric shock type of feeling in my head. It all happens quite quickly, but again, not at the same time.

As the recent poster said, I know this thread is years old, but I've been withdrawing from sertraline for a week now, and the symptoms as described by Karilann are spot on. Exactly the thing that's driving me up the walls.

If I'm resting/drifting off to sleep/trying to maintain my calm, eyes closed usually but not always, and also the movement needs to be involuntary (REM-style), not intuitionally trying to make the sound happen. But these conditions met, I get the swish/crunch sound, coupled with a dulling/loss of hearing, a thump/shock in my chest (and head sometimes). Almost like the movement of my eyes has somehow triggered a momentary switch which is both PAUSE and ZAP.

Background - I've been taking Adderall, sertraline, and been on the nicotine patch pretty solid for about two years. My main purpose for this combo has been "I'm trying not to be a jackass to everyone around me" but recently I've discovered I'm still a complete tool regardless of how many meds are administered, so I stopped everything. No, this was not with the advice of my PsyD.

So I quit everything. It's been a great week, boy howdy. I discovered feels again, that was cool. My wife has been amazingly understanding and compassionate as I rediscover myself (which includes extended mopery and spontaneous outbursts of agonizing crying, but also clarity of thought and purpose tossed into the brain salad, something I've been missing). I've brought caffeine back into the mix, though not nearly as much as before, and started with a tiny bit of nicotine yesterday as well. Still leaving the prescriptions ion the shelf for now. I refuse to let the side effects of withdrawal drive me back to the bottle; if the only reason it turns out I need to take drugs is to ameliorate these side effects, then the drugs can go f**k themselves. Seriously. I'd rather do yoga.

...anyway. If anyone is still reading this thread and has similar side effects they'd like to hash out, let's talk.

Cowgirlz 11-01-2014 04:53 AM

Thank you so much for this thread!
I am hearing and experiencing exactly what this post about! I just want to thank you for this...I have been crying over this for a week now. A storm took the phones out and right after I switched from Zoloft to Cymbalta... Thank you so much for the answers!:hug:

doydie 11-06-2014 12:56 AM

I read an article today about some one who heard a rustling in her ear and finally went to a doctor. She uses her ear buds lot to listen to music and apparently a tiny spider had gotten into the ear bud and then transferred into her ear.

goolia75 12-12-2014 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by karilann (Post 541967)
Sometimes when I move my eyes from side to side...I hear a swish sound. I told my doc and she seemed to know what it was.....but didn't tell me anything.
Anyone else had this?

You may have a condition called "Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome". Google it. Hearing your eyes moving when you move them (to me, it sounded like softly rubbing sandpaper on wood and I could usually only hear it when I was in a quiet room) is exclusive to only SCDS. It doesn't happen with any other condition. It is caused when there is a small hole in the temporal bone, which is the bone that separates the brain from the inner ear. It can be fixed when a neurotologist plugs the hole or resurfaces the hole with bone cement. I had this same condition and it was repaired through a middle fossa craniotoy (brain surgery). The moment I woke up from surgery, I could no longer hear my eyes moving. All my other symptoms were gone after the recovery period. There are many other symptoms of SCDS, such as tinnitus, hyperacusis (sensitivity to noise), hearing other internal sounds like your pulse in your ears, and more. There are support groups on Facebook and on the Internet where you can find support and get more information about the condition. Most doctors and some ENT's are ignorant and clueless about this disease. I had to see 6 different ENT's before I was correctly diagnosed. You have to find one (or a neurotologist) who is skilled and has experience with SCDS.

Mirabeeth 02-10-2016 10:29 AM

I recently learned the same thing that you are saying about the disconnect in the brain stem from an amazing ent. I however have not heard any treatment for this issue.

In researching the topic of hearing your eyes move there is also a disorder of a hole in the bones near the inner ear that can cause something very similar. SCDS (Superior Canal Dehiscence Syndrome) There is a medical treatment for that.

You would need further medical diagnostics to determine if that is the cause. It is frustrating to not know what causes the dizziness and the sound and the shifting in the room.

I have the same issues with dizziness and hearing my eyes move. Do you also have sleeping disorders? I have always had insomnia and other sleep issues. I was recently diagnosed with narcolepsy. It is a disorder of the sleep cycle and the order in which it occurs . It can be a huge contributing factor although not the only one in my case .

Sorry about being so rambly in this message. Hope I offered a couple other avenues to find answers.

I just wanted to share in case you hadn't heard of SCDS, or if you do have sleep issues . Narcolepsy is known for dizziness as well as other complications that seem more logically related to not sleeping well.

Good luck! I would like to hear if you find help.

QUOTE=karilann;542238]I have since found out that its a disconnect somewhere in the brainstem that gets confused as to whether something is visual or auditory.
I do have problems there.

Also, it can be caused from withdrawl from certain anti-depressants. Withdrawl can screw up the signals in the same way.

Its really not that creepy...just weird. It doesn't go on all day long, just for a little while I will hear this light swishing sound that goes along with my eye movement. It happened most during the death of my mom so I think the stress triggered it.[/QUOTE]

NJR85 08-30-2016 08:04 AM

Weird eye sounds & others
Hi, I have literally just stumbled on this thread, as I am trying to find out what the hell is going on with my body and thankfully have found you guys.

I have been having this issue since November 2015, when I started with Bell's Palsy. Since then it has gotten worse, to the point it's all day everyday. Now when I move my eyes I feel completely nauseous, constantly dizzy and headaches.

I have also had other sensations just before this started happening.
Does anyone ever feel that you can taste things you shouldn't? -I.E; I had an MRI dye scan and could taste the dye once it was injected into my blood stream. Also, when I drink anything cold I can feel it as though it is going in to my left arm instead of my stomach (if that makes any sense to anyone).

I have spoken with several Doctors/specialist consultants and they look at me like I'm a freak and change the subject.

Snoopy 08-31-2016 06:55 AM

Hello NJR85 and welcome to NeuroTalk.


Originally Posted by NJR85 (Post 1222169)
Does anyone ever feel that you can taste things you shouldn't? -I.E; I had an MRI dye scan and could taste the dye once it was injected into my blood stream.

This can be a side effect of having contrast injected. I have never experienced it but I did have a MRI with contrast yesterday and the tech did mention the possibility of being able to taste the contrast. Once again I did not experience this.


Now when I move my eyes I feel completely nauseous, constantly dizzy and headaches.
This could be an issue with your eyes, have you been to an Ophthalmologist or neuro ophthalmologist?

Have you had a current MRI of your brain and did it show anything?

Do you have Multiple Sclerosis?

Starznight 09-06-2016 02:31 AM

Some contrasts I taste, some I don't... Always thankful when I don't as when I do it's like a welling of rusty tin in the back of the throat :vomit2: I mean it is wholly unplesant especially when you're then stuck for another 15-20 mins in the tube... It's really back if they're doing the neck too because you can't swallow to try and rid yourself of the aftertaste.

But that is one of the possibilities with the contrast dyes, along with flushing and a feeling of warmth, which I only felt once so far. Now a weird one for me that I can't quite understand is when it makes my jaw tighten... Not like it's swollen or anything, but almost like I'm starting to get lock jaw. It's the very back muscles that just clamp down.

But I will say you learn something new everyday... I thought most people could hear their own heartbeats... Is that really not the norm? I know my ears are a bit sensitive to sound, places that use the "mosquito" sound deterrent against teens will leave me sick, dizzy and even almost made me pass out once even though I was 34 and your ears should stop perceiving the frequency by 25 at the latest. Just thought I had good ears and dog whistles were broken because I could hear them whistle. And though I don't hear my eyes move, I do hear myself blinking. Now I'm going to have to go looking up what's abnormal for hearing :rolleyes:

Jowilk74 09-21-2016 06:38 AM

Worried and confused
I am so pleased I have found this forum I thought I was going crazy. I have been to my doctor twice now:confused: with dizziness, nausea and hearing my eyes move like a 'swishing' noise in my head. Both times they have sent me away with no real explanation.
Objects also seem to change position when I'm looking at them and I'm having really strange dreams at night and can't wake myself up from them.
I'm a flight attendant and have been off work for a while with anxiety and I've just weaned myself off citalopram slowly so I noticed that some say on here it could be the cause of my symptoms?
I've also noticed that SCDS can be a cause of these symptoms which worries me when I'm due to return to long haul flying next month.
I'm wondering if I need to get a referral to an ENT consultant to get a diagnosis?
Anyone else suffering with this or who has any good advice please get in touch .
Xx v:confused:

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