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mindyeva7 07-31-2008 08:30 PM

Anyone have a nerve ablation? Also spur
My girlfriend had a nerve ablation at C2 about 6 weeks ago. It doesn't seem to have done anything but make her worse! I would like to hear from anyone who has had one and their experience. She can't sit up to use the computer so I am doing the research.
She also has a fairly large bone spur in the area, she has has conflicting reports from 2 docs as to whether or not this is causing pain. Anyone else with spurs?

Kathi49 08-01-2008 05:02 AM


I haven't had an ablation at the C2/C3 level but have had facet injections which work fairly well. Now, years ago I was told I could have an ablation but my PM warned me that there could be ongoing or permanent pain. So, I never opted for any of it in my neck...had to have two fusions instead anyway because of bone spurs and herniations. However, I do know of people who have had the ablations done in their neck and did well. I can say that it can take awhile for the nerves to die back so to speak. But six weeks sounds a bit long. And who did the ablation? Since your girlfriend has conflicting reports about the pain generator it may be that she needs diagnostic injections OR to see a Neurosurgeon. I hope she can get some answers. The C2/C3 can be very, very painful. :( Oops, forgot to add...even with the two fusions I still have plenty of bone spurs. What I normally do, when it acts up to the point no meds will touch it, is to get injections from time to time. And I can full well understand how she can't sit at a PC. I was in IT when it hit me and could barely function; had to retire about 3 years later and after two surgeries. Poor thing...I wish her well in finding the right answers.

alisden 08-01-2008 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by mindyeva7 (Post 336467)
My girlfriend had a nerve ablation at C2 about 6 weeks ago. It doesn't seem to have done anything but make her worse! I would like to hear from anyone who has had one and their experience. She can't sit up to use the computer so I am doing the research.
She also has a fairly large bone spur in the area, she has has conflicting reports from 2 docs as to whether or not this is causing pain. Anyone else with spurs?

hi there i suffered from a spur myself in my foot which was extremely painfull and resulted in a tendon and nerve release last year which has now left me with nerve damage in my foot and ankle .They never removed the spur which had caused the problem in the first place .I now have to go through a nerve block which involves the circulation being cut off to my foot which i have heard isnt very pleasant and i have to stay awake during the whole procedure.Have they said if they are going to remove your wifes spur? ali

mindyeva7 08-01-2008 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by alisden (Post 336661)
Have they said if they are going to remove your wifes spur? ali

lol - friend
Well, that's sort of the question. One doc said they needed to be removed, the other said no. So of course insurance wants to fight it. I am curious why they don't just remove spurs anyway? My other friend also has a spur on her heel and it causes probs with her tendons too.....why not just remove the cause instead of treating the symptoms it causes?
Anyone have cryoneurolysis? quote"This technique uses extreme cold (minus 70-180 degrees F) to freeze nerves in an ice ball, thereby interrupting transmission along that nerve for up to 3 months. " ???

rasco 08-03-2008 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by mindyeva7 (Post 336467)
My girlfriend had a nerve ablation at C2 about 6 weeks ago. It doesn't seem to have done anything but make her worse! I would like to hear from anyone who has had one and their experience. She can't sit up to use the computer so I am doing the research.
She also has a fairly large bone spur in the area, she has has conflicting reports from 2 docs as to whether or not this is causing pain. Anyone else with spurs?

Hi Mindy,
I am new to this forum, just wondering if the pain from the ablation ever got better. I have heard conflicting information to wether this works or not? I am supposed to have a c2 ablation done and am worrying if it will just make the pain worse. What was your ablation for? Mine is for occcipital neuralgia been going on for 10 years. No-one seems to be able to help. Have tried all drugs, but make me feel to bad. Hope you are doing much better.

snappy10 09-14-2008 05:20 PM

Mindy, hi

I have occipital neruolgia the problem is the occipital nerve is swelled in the C2 area. The coating is off the nerve. I recently underwent the ablation of the ganglion on the left and right side. The burn was done for about four minuteson each side.
The doctors told me that I might have to do it again and I am going back the 19 th. of september 2008.

The first time the results were ..... for the first three or four days it was real good. but as time went on the pressure has returned and the pain is not as severe but is constant and my head still radiates and the neck pain has returned and my nerves in my legs are pulling again and it has been about four weeks and I am going back to have it done again.

I would like to hear from someone who has done the decompression surgery .

I would like to know where is a good place to have it done at.

snappy10 09-22-2008 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by mindyeva7 (Post 336467)
My girlfriend had a nerve ablation at C2 about 6 weeks ago. It doesn't seem to have done anything but make her worse! I would like to hear from anyone who has had one and their experience. She can't sit up to use the computer so I am doing the research.
She also has a fairly large bone spur in the area, she has has conflicting reports from 2 docs as to whether or not this is causing pain. Anyone else with spurs?

I have just had one done last friday.... update snappy10

snappy10 09-25-2008 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by mindyeva7 (Post 336467)
My girlfriend had a nerve ablation at C2 about 6 weeks ago. It doesn't seem to have done anything but make her worse! I would like to hear from anyone who has had one and their experience. She can't sit up to use the computer so I am doing the research.
She also has a fairly large bone spur in the area, she has has conflicting reports from 2 docs as to whether or not this is causing pain. Anyone else with spurs?

We have had similar oblations........ how long was the burn............where did they do it at.... mine was done in Indianapolis.... my second one....... do u have an update?????? hope you are better.....

my side affects are changing almost everyday to more problems or the same problems comming back. One thing is that I do not vibate on the left side so far....the ringing in my left ear has ringing in both ears like before....this occipital nerve must be has withstood 19 minutes of burn.... on each side........and still kicking......

I want to check out the decommpression surgery being done by dr.Jho or the same surgery being done at the university of pittsburg pa. check out the web site of dr. Jho on the C-2 decompression surgery.... I saw it on T.V. last week....My only recourse at this hospital is cut the nerve and that is not what I want to do wishes......snappy10

snappy10 09-26-2008 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by snappy10 (Post 376633)
We have had similar oblations........ how long was the burn............where did they do it at.... mine was done in Indianapolis.... my second one....... do u have an update?????? hope you are better.....

my side affects are changing almost everyday to more problems or the same problems comming back. One thing is that I do not vibate on the left side so far....the ringing in my left ear has ringing in both ears like before....this occipital nerve must be has withstood 19 minutes of burn.... on each side........and still kicking......

I want to check out the decommpression surgery being done by dr.Jho or the same surgery being done at the university of pittsburg pa. check out the web site of dr. Jho on the C-2 decompression surgery.... I saw it on T.V. last week....My only recourse at this hospital is cut the nerve and that is not what I want to do wishes......snappy10

I would like to show you something I have read..... go to and log in. Then go to occipital neuralgia and read my posts and others that have told me about decompression surgery....... wow ???????????

Kathi49 09-26-2008 07:11 PM


I am from Indianapolis too. :) WHERE did you have the nerve ablation done? If you want or need the name of a good PM that treated me for all of this, I can give you his name. :) He is an Anesthesiologist with a background in Internal Medicine and Pain Medicine; Board Certified, etc. His speciality is "cervical pathology and headaches coming from the cervical spine". He is now the Director of the Spine Clinic at a certain hospital. And I will just add I was being seen somewhere else for 3 years with no relief in sight! Then a co worker of mine told me about the doc I am referring to and he was my savior!! :) Anyway, if interested, let me know.

paininhead 11-13-2008 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by Kathi49 (Post 336659)

I haven't had an ablation at the C2/C3 level but have had facet injections which work fairly well. Now, years ago I was told I could have an ablation but my PM warned me that there could be ongoing or permanent pain. So, I never opted for any of it in my neck...had to have two fusions instead anyway because of bone spurs and herniations. However, I do know of people who have had the ablations done in their neck and did well. I can say that it can take awhile for the nerves to die back so to speak. But six weeks sounds a bit long. And who did the ablation? Since your girlfriend has conflicting reports about the pain generator it may be that she needs diagnostic injections OR to see a Neurosurgeon. I hope she can get some answers. The C2/C3 can be very, very painful. :( Oops, forgot to add...even with the two fusions I still have plenty of bone spurs. What I normally do, when it acts up to the point no meds will touch it, is to get injections from time to time. And I can full well understand how she can't sit at a PC. I was in IT when it hit me and could barely function; had to retire about 3 years later and after two surgeries. Poor thing...I wish her well in finding the right answers.

I was just reading this & part about unable to sit at pc is something I relate to. Also, my job has required that I go on the road for many hours at a time and now I find just sitting in the car seems to make the ON worse. I wonder if others have this problem.
All you people are making me feel so not alone-thanks.

Kathi49 11-13-2008 08:14 AM


From what I understand women tend to have a head forward posture. I know I do. And that was what was killing me. So, I had to have my workstation adjusted; ergonomically correct. One thing that helped and after my fusions was wearing a soft collar while at the PC...still does. It is kind of a reminder when you have it on to sit correctly and does help to relax the muscles. And, well, my PM has said no desk work ever again. I CAN sit at the PC and type out a few posts but NEVER an all day thing.

There was also a period of time where I traveled for 3 years but that was before any spinal issues. But I have no doubt it contributed to some of this.

And driving or rather riding long distances was a killer. I never left home without my soft collar and a cervical pillow. It seemed just every little bump in the road killed me.

But, no you are not alone. Besides the people I have met online there is only one other who had this and was a co-worker. We used to compare notes all the time and I remember many a time when she said she was just ready to plop her head down on her desk. It is so painful and so difficult to describe to people what it really feels like. :(

paininhead 11-14-2008 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by mindyeva7 (Post 336467)
My girlfriend had a nerve ablation at C2 about 6 weeks ago. It doesn't seem to have done anything but make her worse! I would like to hear from anyone who has had one and their experience. She can't sit up to use the computer so I am doing the research.
She also has a fairly large bone spur in the area, she has has conflicting reports from 2 docs as to whether or not this is causing pain. Anyone else with spurs?

I have bone spurs and my neuro doc thinks they cause the problem. Out of work since Oct 1 - thought I was on the mend - twice now relapse - planning for facet joint proceedure - sure hope it works. Wish your girlfriend well for me.:)

nelko 03-14-2009 08:30 PM

Occipital Neuralia

Originally Posted by Kathi49 (Post 377161)

I am from Indianapolis too. :) WHERE did you have the nerve ablation done? If you want or need the name of a good PM that treated me for all of this, I can give you his name. :) He is an Anesthesiologist with a background in Internal Medicine and Pain Medicine; Board Certified, etc. His speciality is "cervical pathology and headaches coming from the cervical spine". He is now the Director of the Spine Clinic at a certain hospital. And I will just add I was being seen somewhere else for 3 years with no relief in sight! Then a co worker of mine told me about the doc I am referring to and he was my savior!! :) Anyway, if interested, let me know.

My wife is suffering from Occipital Neuralgia, waht was the name of the Doctor in Indianapolis who helped you. We are running out of options

Kathi49 03-15-2009 07:25 AM

Hi Nelko,

His name is Dr. Dan Nordmann and he is at St. Francis Hospital (the new campus) on the Southside and is the Director of the Spine Clinic there. If you would like, PM me and I can give you his phone number. He's really a compassionate/empathetic doctor and it doesn't hurt to know he has had two cervical fusions himself. So, he KNOWS what occipital/cervicogenic pain is like. And I wanted to add...I feel for your wife and anyone else who has to contend with this. Rest assured and as Dr. Nordmann has told me, he sees patients EVERY DAY with this. Good luck and tell your wife to hang in there. :)

robertw139 05-03-2009 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by snappy10 (Post 377011)
I would like to show you something I have read..... go to and log in. Then go to occipital neuralgia and read my posts and others that have told me about decompression surgery....... wow ???????????

I to am suffering from Occipital Nerve pains, and am scheduled for surgery or Occipital Ablation on May 18. Do you have any recommendations ?
I also have had a major decompression performed by a neuro surgeon in Charlotte, NC, which was a disaster and has required many more surgies. You can PM me if you like

EE03 05-07-2009 07:39 AM

Robert, I haven't had an ablation to the occipital nerve, but my pain management doctor says that pulsed radio frequency is reported to work very well for RFA of the ON but the problem is most insurance companies don't approve it because they claim its "experimental." Inquire of your doctor which type he'll be doing and let us know.
Take care and best wishes for success.

snappy10 07-17-2011 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Kathi49 (Post 377161)

I am from Indianapolis too. :) WHERE did you have the nerve ablation done? If you want or need the name of a good PM that treated me for all of this, I can give you his name. :) He is an Anesthesiologist with a background in Internal Medicine and Pain Medicine; Board Certified, etc. His speciality is "cervical pathology and headaches coming from the cervical spine". He is now the Director of the Spine Clinic at a certain hospital. And I will just add I was being seen somewhere else for 3 years with no relief in sight! Then a co worker of mine told me about the doc I am referring to and he was my savior!! :) Anyway, if interested, let me know.

Dear Kathie,

I was just surfing today and saw your post...... my e-mail is

anyone can contact me..... I am 60 years old and had o.n. of c-2 since I was 20 years old from a bike accident,,,,,,,,,,,,

I am 60 years old today...... I have had many years of suffering with o.n.

I have had four ablations and they have been great for me ,,,,,, they do not last forever,,,, they do heal.... but is better than the full blown symtoms ,,,,,

one key for me for the success of the ablation is this very important for me....

when they turn the power on you must find the nerve first that is vibrating,,,, turn on the juice and try to get near the nerve to burn .... if it tingles you are near the nerve....... it may take a couple pokes to find the nerve........if you do not hit it you will have to do it again.........



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