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Waking Light 02-17-2020 08:42 AM

daytime soap: Bold & Beautiful
Anyone watch The Bold & The Beautiful (B&B)? How do you feel about Steffy & Liam getting back together? Or do you think they won't? :rolleyes:

GeeLuv 02-21-2020 08:51 PM

I do! Sort of. Miss a few cuz it's just dragging on all the time! Lol

Um, Steffy and Liam hmm I dunno. I was kinda rooting for the Lope thing, but frankly, I don't even like Hope. I haven't watched it long enough to know how Steffy and Liam were, but they do make a cute couple.

I'm more concerned with Thomas. I actually like his character in that it creates drama for the show, but like he really needs to be locked up already. I feel so bad for his son!

Waking Light 02-22-2020 08:08 AM

re: B & B
Yes, the story seems to be taking too long, on & on. Thomas, a real villain for sure. I love the scenes with little Beth. She looks at people with such interest when they're talking. And the way she plays with toys, etc.

GeeLuv 02-22-2020 12:27 PM

Yeah, Beth is such a cutie. I also like the boy (why his name eludes me, I dunno). But I think he's especially cute with mommy she doesn't bother me so much when with him. She's just so awkward and dumb around Thomas. Like, that was so stupid to trick him into signing the papers...but it's like she was so unwilling to be physical with him after marrying (understandable but let me finish), but now, since sharing custody or maybe since Zoe arrived, she like really appears to want Thomas now...i mean I guess that was his plan all along, but it looks like it's working and she's just so stupid. Listen to your mother and Liam, Hope! Anyway...

Oh, so I missed Friday's episode. Anything really progress since the proposal to Zoe or did everyone's shock just take up the full episode? Lol

Waking Light 02-23-2020 07:43 PM

re: B & B
Yes, the little boy, really special, is Douglas. The last episode had Zoe defending her relationship with Thomas. And Hope seemed worried. I can't figure out how that's going to turn out.

Waking Light 02-23-2020 08:12 PM

re: B&B
Yes, that special little boy is Douglas. And the last episode had Zoe defending her relationship with Thomas. Will they actually get married?

GeeLuv 02-23-2020 10:06 PM

Douglas, right. Yeah who knows. Guess we'll have to find out tomorrow...or sometime next week. ;)

GeeLuv 02-24-2020 02:45 PM

Argh! Slept through another episode! Bleh!

Waking Light 02-28-2020 09:14 AM

re: b&b
Have you been keeping up with how Wyatt feels bad about Sally dying so is asking her to move back in with him?. And Flo is stepping aside because she has such a kind heart. I'm trying to figure out where this is going. What if the doctor is wrong & she's not dying? This subplot is pretty interesting.

GeeLuv 02-28-2020 10:14 AM

yea, i saw that episode (i'm missing today's tho as well as missed several this week). Yeah, I suspect she's going to make a full recovery and Wyatt and Flo's relationship will be screwed. Sigh! And I thought they were cute together...although I thought Wyatt and Sally were cute together at first too. Anyway, I've actually been thinking about it and whatever happens, I'd probably feel the same as Flo, can't just let Sally flounder and die alone...but at the same time, Wyatt doesn't have to date her. Yeah, I think Wyatt's hesitation about this was the wisest thing he's said since I've been watching. lol He's cute, but he can be a bit of a dolt. :P

GeeLuv 03-09-2020 04:09 PM

omg! did you see today's episode??!! (actually, I hadn't, but I'm catching up by reading about it online).

Spoiler alert!
Sounds like your original question is getting answered...although we never truly know how things are going to turn out in these shows. lol
Also, Brooke and Bill???

Not really a spoilers
Shawna's thoughts over Ridge *rolls eyes* lol she be crazy!
And Thomas and Zoe...poor poor naive Zoe! :/

Waking Light 03-10-2020 05:21 PM

re: b&b
Well, in today's episode, after Brooke's & Bill's kiss, they promise it will never happen again & they won't tell. But we saw them through the window, so maybe someone saw them, like Katie? And now Hope & Liam are back together again. So what will Thomas do? Also, Steffy & Hope want to stop the wedding tomorrow if Thomas plans on going through with it. Lots of interesting angles going on all at once. :)

GeeLuv 03-12-2020 10:17 PM

oh man! today's episode-cra-zay! I'm not sure if I'll get to watch tomorrow or all of it tomorrow, but I'm really curious what is going to happen with the wedding!!! :P

Waking Light 03-16-2020 04:24 PM

re: b&b
I didn't get to see it Friday, but today I googled what happened, a really detailed report. I wasn't able to watch today's episode either, so I'll have to google about that, too. In a nutshell, Thomas lost both ladies & is possibly going to lose his little son, too. Hope wants custody of him.

GeeLuv 03-16-2020 07:01 PM

oh I actually got to see it Friday and it was a super great episode!!!

I was a little late to today's show because I was sucked into something online. (sigh!...I mean, not a bad thing, but just bad that I'm on too much that I miss my shows.) But I saw the end...should I spoil it?? Probably so, so you can be caught up for tomorrow, right? Well basically Douglas created bride and groom tshirts for Hope and Liam-he supports their relationship and wants Hope to be truly happy. So they make plans to wed that night...Friday's episode was the whole wedding thing and the reveal at the end that Thomas is still obsessed with Hope and this upsets Zoe and so yeah, he gets to marry no one. Episode leaves with Thomas in tears and he leaves the house. They were really ripping into him, even his Dad. I'm super curious what happened with him after that...did I miss something today??

Also, just want to ask, is it just me or did Vinnie look super sweet all dressed up?? hehe Yeah, I guess I'm kinda starting to like him over the last few weeks. He's like trying to bring reason to Thomas now and even yells at Thomas during the wedding that he's using his child again and it's not right! I just always thought he was kinda a sleaze, but what do you know, he actually has a conscious!! lol

Waking Light 03-17-2020 12:14 AM

re: b&b
Thank you, GeeLuv! That's a good report. I hope I'm able to see it tomorrow. :grouphug: :hug:

GeeLuv 03-17-2020 01:00 PM

Omg! That was such a cute little episode today. I just had to stop in and say so. Hehe
If you saw it, you'll know what I mean. I'm just such a softer for cute and silly family love stuff. :) :circlelove:

Waking Light 03-18-2020 08:42 AM

re: b&b
Me, too. Beth was so cute. And the ceremony with little Douglas pretending to be the minister, so precious.

GeeLuv 03-18-2020 11:31 AM

Yeah... So now I'm curious what today's episode will be. Will there be more drama now? Also, I read something about stopping production of the show because of the virus. Is this true?? Like, I wonder how many more new episodes we'll get now or if we'll even get a new one today. :( I hate the thought of putting a damper on such a fun thread, so I'm sorry for that. Worst case, we'll have to find something else we both enjoy to chat about.

Waking Light 03-18-2020 01:45 PM

re: b&b
I haven't heard anything about it. But then I don't keep up on things re: tv & internet.

GeeLuv 03-18-2020 08:59 PM

I forgot you don't really have internet. Well, if you caught it today, you'd know it was still new today. I pretty much missed all but the last 2 minutes though...but those last 2 were pretty exciting!! Q-how did you get caught up the other day if you don't have internet really??

edit: this is the site i use for recaps and spoilers fyi. but i think it was just front page of Google news that I read about the postponing production.
Bold and the Beautiful Recap: Quinn Sees Video of Brooke Kissing Bill |

edit2: lol so ok, what i read on Deadline (website) was that the show has 4-6 weeks of shows all ready and are canceling production for 2-3 weeks. So, I'm guessing this means 4-6 more new episodes and then a 2-3 week hiatus.

Waking Light 03-19-2020 04:59 AM

re: b&b
Thank you, GeeLuv, for the update about the 2-3 week hiatus. I didn't see episodes I had missed. I read what happened by googling (on my cell phone browser) b&b updates. I did see Thursday's episode, which included how it's going with Wyatt & Sally. Her doctor wants to see her but she refuses & told the doctor on the phone to stop harassing her & hung up. About the scene between Shauna & Quinn re: the video, knowing Quinn, I'm sure she will let the whole world know about it. Personally, I'd like to see Shauna end up with Ridge. I hope you & all others have an enjoyable Friday. :) :grouphug:

Waking Light 03-19-2020 07:41 AM

re: check in
CORRECTION! I made a silly mistake. I did not see Thurday's episode yet. I saw WEDNESDAY'S episode yesterday. :p Also, I want to wish you an enjoyable Thursday, unless you're down under, in which case Thursday was yesterday.

GeeLuv 03-19-2020 11:39 PM

The video WAS today's episode though! (Thursday's episode) and with Sallys doctor coming to visit her and Wyatt comes home and Sally is forced to explain that she is dying and he gasps looking all surprised. (He did good at hiding the fact that he already knows!)

I might not get to see all of tomorrow's show. We'll see. Have a great Friday!

Waking Light 03-23-2020 03:30 PM

:re: b&b
I tuned in today & got frustrated.

GeeLuv 03-23-2020 04:34 PM

awe! sorry :( about what exactly? I saw most of it. Missed like the first ten minutes though (so actually i probably missed a lot, except that these types of shows go very slowly, so maybe I didn't. lol)

It was a sad ending though...I wonder what Brooke is gonna do! I wonder what Sally is thinking...what Flo is thinking...


GeeLuv 03-24-2020 04:28 PM

Watched today. Not much to comment, except that Sally is obviously nuts and I highly doubt that trouble is over between Quinn and Brooke. Oh, and why the heck was Brooke going to throw a party for her and Ridge getting back together. So lame! lol (sorry, i can't think of a better way to describe it ^^)

Waking Light 03-24-2020 05:16 PM

Re: b&b
So what I thought about today's episode is that Donna, Brooke's & Katie's sister, was showing a video to Brooke of Brooke & Bill kissing. And Brooke destroyed it (?). Also tender moments between Sally & Flo, knowing or not knowing about the future. Then Wyatt entered & Sally pretended that all was cool. But we see in her eyes that she feels alone with a sadness of Wyatt's love being only pity.

GeeLuv 03-25-2020 12:39 PM

I missed the episode with the actual kiss so not sure the context, but my view is that it was innocent and Brooke was right destroying the vid to keep from hurting people's feelings (katie)...although it is pretty messed up already that the sister is with a sister's ex. That probably should have never happened in the first place (haha ok, I'm sorry for getting all judgmental here. This is supposed to be fun thread right? Lol)

I'm getting a late start to the day, so I missed the first couple minutes, but I'm watching now.

Haha "payback is a you!" Quinn just said. :P

Waking Light 03-25-2020 09:41 PM

re: b&b
Well, today we saw Brooke rail into Quinn. I wasn't able to see the last scenes, but the internet said Brooke didn't show up for the special gathering. Hope to see what that's about tomorrow. :rolleyes:

GeeLuv 03-27-2020 02:00 PM

I missed today's episode. will have to get caught up!

Waking Light 03-27-2020 06:36 PM

re: b&b
I didn't see all of it but after everyone had seen the video & Brooke pleaded for Ridge to forgive her, Ridge told her, "We're done." We then see a look of painful disbelief in Brooke's eyes. Also, Eric wants to know who put the video in the digital frame & we see a worried look (like, 'oh oh') on Quinn's face. As the saying goes, stay tuned for our next exciting episode. :)

Waking Light 04-05-2020 12:49 PM

I guess Ridge is with Shauna now, who decided to return to Las Vegas. And Sally isn't dying. She planned the whole thing to get Wyatt back from Flo. Brooke is confident that she will win in getting Ridge back, while Quinn is thrilled about the breakup.

GeeLuv 04-05-2020 03:58 PM

Yeah. I was going to say I've been liking Quinn's actors acting lately. I mean, she may be vile, but she does it pretty well!

I frankly don't care about Brooke. Let Ridge go with Shawna if he wants.

Sally is just stupid. :P

Um...oh right! So Fridays episode was actually a repeat. I saw it before (Also as a repeat), but I didn't realize that was Thomas played by a different actor. Didn't know Thom and Sally were together. Small world, huh?! I was curious about Thomas s timeline over the years because I talk to another person who used to watch the show and she remembers Thom as a child. So I looked up all the actors over the years...ok, maybe not all yet. Didn't look up the kid. I got as far as finding out that the current Thom started in early 2019, so I guess I started watching only a year ago. Seems like it's been longer, but whatever. Hehe

GeeLuv 04-09-2020 12:56 PM

This is getting really boring. I'm not a fan of Brooke or Ridge. But Brooke crying ALL the time is just gross! Lol do you see how red her eyes get? I'd rather look at Shawna. :) I mean, sure Denise Richards has aged, but she's still a beauty! :)

How are you, WL? Haven't seen you in a bit!

Waking Light 07-20-2020 11:29 AM

Hi, GeeLuv! :) Thank you for letting me know about B & B returning today. I hope I can see it. Sometimes the show is preempted by covid19 updates. I wonder if Shauna wins Ridge, & will Flo fight Sally for Wyatt?

Waking Light 07-20-2020 11:12 PM

I did get to see today's episode! :) I hope you did, too. Looks like Shauna has Ridge now, & sweetly happy. I hope he doesn't change his mind & break her heart. Good luck with everything, GeeLuv! :hug:

Waking Light 07-22-2020 04:51 PM

I thought today's episode was a little bit boring. Maybe tomorrow will be more interesting?

Waking Light 07-25-2020 08:45 PM

Looks like Sally is toast now. She seems to have gone crazy.

GeeLuv 07-27-2020 12:23 AM

I saw the first couple (??) but then missed a few. Think I missed the one with ridge and Shauna. I did see Friday's one though with Sally. I'm kinda disappointed she was discovered so soon. lol I know she's not right, but these dramas are usually so drawn out!! I also miss Thomas. I'm not sure I've really seen him yet. Have you??

I'll try to watch tomorrow! :D

edit: I also find it funny to see that it had been like 3 months since we last used this thread. haha Crazy times, eh?! :grouphug:

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