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Jan4you 03-16-2008 10:37 AM

Anyone have muscle pain and stiffness??
NOT joint pain as that indicates another kind of auto immune problem.

I have been tested for ALL kinds of auto immune problems by my 2 neuro's and 2 Rheumys. I dont have an MS Dx any longer but the MS neuro has not completely ruled it out. He is monitoring me. With several docs & all their theories trying to DX me, I need to know who to go to.

Just in last year my muscles, in certain areas, have had intense pain or now are stiff to move or stretch. Maybe its just part of spasticity which I have had for years and is now moving into more areas. My legs muscles are almost tight and stiff all the time. Now its my arm muscle hurting, or even my fingers, toes and back are stiff and sore. I have NO joint problems.

Any ideas? Do I go back to my Rheumy (who just discharged me) or the MS neuro?? I also have a sleep disorder neuro. Even my eyes hurt and are sore to move at times.

Thanks Jan

lady_express_44 03-16-2008 10:49 AM

It does sound like spasticity to me, Jan.

What do they attribute the spasticity to, if not MS? :confused:


Jan4you 03-16-2008 10:59 AM

Yes even as I was writing this, I was thinking spasticity. Didn't know if it affected smaller muscle groups.

But what do you contribute the intense pain in such a small area? I have this pain for nearly a year, about the size of a quarter in my upper arm. That was a new symptom. They feel its fibro which the both Rheumies didnt think so.

The muscle problems are getting worse, not better. One Rheumy treated me for an auto immune disease, Sjogrens, a mimic of MS. She said I just had too many symptoms to ignore so she treated me with 2 strong meds as a differential dx.

The next Rheumy did not think so because there were not labs that backed it up and took me off the meds. I am rather confused now. Maybe its just a flare from a disorder with NO NAME lol

See the conflict?

lady_express_44 03-16-2008 11:18 AM

That does sound like a pressure point of some type, just because it is so specific. I haven't had spasticity pain in a distinct, small area like that, but that's just my experience. Maybe others can pipe in that may have . . .

My spasticity comes and goes (although I know it can just stay for some people) and it is usually most or 1/2 (of usually both, or all) limbs that are effected at one time. It has lasted as long as two years one time, but got better with LDN.

For me, spasticity feels a lot like tendons being pulled to the max, if that helps. The only time my joints are effected is when it gets my wrists (feels a lot like carpal tunnel).

Have you undergone very reliable testing for Lyme? There aren't many tests that are reliable, but this company apparently offers one that is:


HSPCraig 03-16-2008 12:23 PM

I experience muscle pain and soreness on a daily basis and take Baclofen and Tramadol to help with the spasicity and pain. Works OK for me but kind of on and off. As with many of my symptoms, some days are better then others.

You may want to have your PCP test for any lack of enzymes in your system as you may be missing some substantial enzymes that help you matabolize in your body and the lack of them is causing build ups in you muscles and possibly your organ. (Is this a run-on sentance or what?)

I don't know how you keep two Rhuemys and two neuros straight. There are bound to be differences in opinions. Due you have a good PCP monitoring all of the general aspects of your medical care?

I always start with my PCP and then progress to a specialist if necessary. Even then, if I like the specialist I stick with just one.

Kitty 03-16-2008 12:49 PM

First things first - :Birthday: Happy Birthday!!!

Now, yes I do have terrible joint and muscle pain and I take 600 mg Neurontion 3X a day for it. It's not helping enough but I don't want to take a narcotic pain reliever.

My worst pain is in my fingers on my right hand. By the end of the day my hand is screaming. I called my Neuro about it but all he did was bump up my dose of Neurontin. :(

Jan4you 03-16-2008 12:52 PM

Thanks Craig and Cherie for helping me out.

I have had 2 Rheumies after the MS doc and his PA before that thought that my "newest" symptom, this terrible pain about the size of a quarter in my upper arm was Fibromyalgia.

By the time they checked me I had all the pressure points for Fibro.. so I took myself to a Rheumy. Yes EVERYTHING else was ruled out by MS doc and by this Rheumy except for HLA-B27. My labs didnt match up for my other symptoms of very dry eyes and mouth. But she gave me Rx eye drops, a GREAT pill that creates saliva ( a life saver) and 2 auto immune fighting drugs. One was too severe, Methotrexate, but stayed on Rx Plaquenil.

Rheymy no 1 leaves her practice, so Rhuemy no 2 who says my labs dont fit her DX of differential Sjogren's, a mimic of MS. AND it causes lesions. i have plenty of lesions.

So he takes me off the meds and my muscles ae now worse. i have Baclofen and Lyrica which I take for spasticity and spasms in my back but try to take it ONLY at night. I need to be as alert as possible for job. My MS neuro WILL treat symptoms .. he's just not sure if I still have a mild case of MS.

Now I think the meds the 1st Rheumy had me on was helping my muscle pain.

Oh well, who the heck knows. ITs prob the Fibro AND spasticity...tho BOTH Rheumies didnt think I had that.

WHat an absolute guessing game!!! So much for my 2008 goal of eliminating as many docs as I can and their meds if possible

Thanks tho


HSPCraig 03-16-2008 01:09 PM

HAH! Jan, that's always my resolution is to get down to a minimum of meds in my life. I have over 10 Rx meds that I have to take during the day at different times.

Everytime I ask my doc's which meds can I do without, they just look at me and say, "you're on these for life...........until something changes of course." Then they always let me know to keep an open mind as I may need more as the disease progresses.

NurseNancy 03-16-2008 09:31 PM

hi jan,

i really feel for you. i have a lot of muscle pain too.
i've had a fibro dx since the 80's.
as of the latest my MS specialist attributes my pain to the MS.

i also get weekly massages which help a lot but they don't last. within a couple of days i'm back to square 1.

maybe your pcp could help direct you.

i just came across a website (which i havn't checked out yet) from my US News & World Report. it's a symptom search tool. "find possible causes of what's ailing you" it says. the search tool is from Healthline. sorry i don't know how to make a link.
and like i said i havn't checked this out myself. sounded interesting tho.

Jensequitur 03-17-2008 01:44 PM

Sounds like spasticity to me too... I have had pains that small in my arms and legs - I always figured it was a little muscle cramping up. I have a specific muscle in my right arm that cramps constantly, and it's been doing that for four months - so I definitely think you could have spasticity in a muscle for a long time.

On the other hand, my left calf was really sore for weeks and wouldn't quit being sore... until this Saturday, when I woke up and it didn't hurt at all! Yay! I guess that nerve healed up.

tovaxin_lab_rat 03-17-2008 04:49 PM

I deal with spasticity and pain in my calves and upper thighs every day. I take a combination of Soma and Klonopin now to help deal with it.

In the past I have taken Sinemet/Sinemet CR ( which helped a lot but the stomach upset side effects just got to be too much for me. The doc upped the lodosyn by 25 mgs to help with it but I decided that in combination with all the other meds I was taking that I would just switch to something else less toxic to my stomach.

I also have a B-12 deficiency which causes some of the same symptoms. I get monthly B-12 injections and can tell when it's time for my shot as the spasticity does increase.

As Judy pointed out about weekly massage, that has been a great help. I get weekly deep tissue massage by a certified massage therapist and she really knows what she is doing. She is not one of the "boutique" spa massage people. I have been going to her for about 3 years now.

It's a combination of treatments that get me through each's not just one have to find what works for you. I found a percussion massager that helps at night when my feet cramp up so bad that I wake up screaming in pain b/c my toes have curled up and won't release.

So, yes...we all have our demons with this disease. We have to find what works. Baclofen did nothing for me, nor did Zanaflex.

Keep looking for what helps you. My doc was completely puzzled as well b/c what everyone needs to understand is that meds don't work the same for everyone. The Parkinson's Disease drug I mentioned above worked, but I have such a sensitive stomach, that it just wasn't the drug for me.

I also took MTX to treat my MS in conjunction with Betaserson. Did you take shots or oral? That in and of itself can make a difference.

Keep looking Jan, you will eventually find the right combination to help you. :hug:

braingonebad 03-17-2008 07:12 PM

I'd talk with rheumy #2, tell him no matter what he thinks you have, those meds seemed to help your pain. And ask if you could try them again.

What do you have to lose? You do think they helped right? If not, hit the ignore button lol.


If you try them again, you'll know for sure if they were working, or if you jusst gained more pain sinc you stopped taking them and it was a coincidence.

If that's the case, he can try something else.

Good luck tho Jan. I hate to see ya suffer.

Jan4you 03-17-2008 10:58 PM

Yes Brain we are on the same page, I have cont with the Plaquenil that the 1st Rheumy was giving me. And yes I see improvements. So when I run out of this RX I will see what my body goes through and YESSS I will return to him and tell him. THat med is bad for the retina's so you have to have it checked by a Neruo ophl.

YES I think the spasticity is my only constant symptom along with Buzzing. Its bearable tho.

The little quarter size pain in my upper arm left after nearly a year. It was soo intense that my PCP thought it was bone cancer !! SHe had an xray done just in case. Man its was an intense as a toothache!!!

AvIgirl, the ONLY thing that has taken away the leg/calf spasticty was Methotrexate!!! I hated it but notice my legs got all flabby...hahahaa
Then off of it..back to rock hard muscles.

WHEW.. I am much better and doing well. THANK you all for your help

Gratefullyl, Jan

10paindaily 02-13-2020 02:45 PM

I hope you will see this, even though your post was 12 years ago. We have very similar symptoms, etc. I was MISdiagnosed with MS also... then yes, this terrible muscle pain has taken over now. My neurologist did a muscle biopsy after a slew of genetic tests and has diagnosed me with idiopathic small fiber peripheral neuropathy. Most people seem to have burning though rather than aching, sharp, crushing-like pain. Have you found anything that works for the pain??

caroline2 02-13-2020 07:09 PM

You could have osteoarthritis which I've been dealing with for over 60 yrs. Some days I b urn in certain areas of my body, lots of stiffness and sore muscles and lots of stuff. There are MANY arthritic supplements one can work with: glucosamine, shark cartlidge, and so many things we can try. Doing nothing is not the answer or just stay with pain meds. So much out there to work with but give them time to take hold in the body. All this pain and burning can bring on neuropathy.

kiwi33 02-13-2020 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by caroline2 (Post 1283540)
You could have osteoarthritis. [...] There are MANY arthritic supplements one can work with: glucosamine [...]

This article about use of glucosamine as a supplement for management of osteoarthritis may be of interest to members.

Glucosamine for osteoarthritis: It doesn'''t work and could cause harm, scientists say

agate 03-02-2020 01:52 PM

I've had osteoarthritis for years but it's not so much muscle pain as joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and sometimes redness of the joints that are hurting.

So far I've been taking 4 aspirin a day, and that does help. But one finger has permanently limited mobility and the others are somewhat deformed. Elbows are a problem too. The arthritis is also in my spine, and I have quite a few back pain problems--pain episodes, sciatica. I get leg cramps at night sometimes but those seem to be connected to a low potassium level or maybe spasticity due to MS.

10paindaily, the small fiber peripheral neuropathy is a different problem, and your pain sounds quite different from mine. I notice that you say in another thread that you don't have diabetes but have you been tested recently for it?

caroline2 03-02-2020 02:32 PM

I have been supplementing with MSM powder for many years. 2 tps daily for sure. 1 tsp with 8 oz spring water in morning, one about later afternoon say way. Many take capsules but I prefer to use the power here and it does help with pain, dulls it. I live with advanced OA for about 60 yrs....and it advanced over the years...started at 18 and I'm 81.

On the gluocosamine, I take 2 capsules of Cosamin DS daily, dosage calls for 3 but I take 2. A dear friend who died at 95, walked to the end and believes this supplement kept her moving. She was a marvel..

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