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kayseeah 06-11-2011 09:32 PM

Second Hit
Hi everyone,

I had a concussion at the end of January due to a serious car accident, with symptoms that persisted all the way through to May of this year. I was starting to feel better at the end of May and beginning of June, so much so that I was even able to re-start my regular running routine without much dizziness, nausea or terrible headaches. It wasn't perfect, but it was soooo much better than before and I was starting to feel like things were finally going to be okay again.

Then, last weekend, beginning of June, I accidentally hit the right side of my head on the backyard door when I got up from placing the little piece of "wood" at the bottom. I felt okay that night, and the next day, but two days later I started feeling PCS symptoms again. The dizziness, terrible headaches, nausea, sensitivity to light and being in "busy" places like the grocery store, etc plus terrible neck pain which I've never had this bad before.

It feels exactly like it did when I had my concussion in January.

My question is: Did this second hit bring back my PCS symptoms from the first concussion, or could this be a whole NEW concussion on its own, or Second Impact Syndrome?

Also, should I tell my doctor that I have hit my head again? I am concerned about this, honestly, because I am afraid that my car insurance will stop treating me with physio if they think that my current symptoms are as a result of my second hit and not the accident. Can my doctor really do anything for me at this point except tell me to rest it off???? Is it worth it??

I should also add that I went to get a CAT scan on Tuesday following the car accident, so the doctor wouldn't even be helpful in ordering one, etc.

And if it has been a week since my second hit and I am still HERE, does that mean I can assume it's just my PCS symptoms again and nothing more serious?

Thank you to anybody with insight.

Mark in Idaho 06-12-2011 12:07 AM

This can be just a relapse or decompensation from your original concussion or it could be a second concussion. It is not Second Impact Syndrome. SID is when the brain is concussed again but has not recovered the ability to regulate blood flow in the brain since the first concussion. This allows an increase in blood pressure in the head to the point of deadly consequences.

You may be heading into Multiple Impact Syndrome but I doubt it. MIS is when the brain has been impacted so many times or enough times with enough damage that it has lost much of its ability to recover. It is the reason that anybody who has suffered a concussion needs to seriously consider life style changes to avoid the impending next impact. Believe me, they will happen even with lifestyle changes, just not from soccer or football or such.

I suggest you lay low like you did the first few weeks. If things get worse, you might contact your doctor, especially if you sense an increase in severe head aches and troubles with vision or such.

Before you car accident concussion, your bump with the door would not have been much of an issue beyond OUCH. Now, you should understand what is meant by those of us who warn against taking risks of further concussions. Sorry you had to experience this second head trauma.

My best to you.

kayseeah 06-12-2011 01:09 PM

Hi Mark,

Thank you for your help.

It does feel exactly like the first time, except for the added neck pain and some trouble sleeping (didn't have either symptom the first time around). It just feels like there is a lot of pressure in my head, and like my scalp is on fire.

I will wait until the CAT scan results in two weeks to take this up with my doctor. Do you happen to know the procedure for CAT scan results? I am wondering if they do look at them earlier, and see something is up, if they would contact my doctor sooner, etc. than the two weeks?

It's pretty discouraging to think that, just when I was feeling better about 5 months of PCS, I may have given it to myself again and might spend the next several months in pain. But I'd rather play it safe and get better.

Thank you again for your help.

Mark in Idaho 06-12-2011 03:48 PM

When the radiologist reads your CT scans, he will notify your doctor immediately if he sees a concern. Your health does not take a back seat to your doctor's schedule.

In some cases, the radiologist will make comments while you are still in the CT office. The radiologist usually will casually look at the scan as they are finished to make sure they show good detail. If he sees a problem, he would speak up immediately. He may not write his report until later that day.

Many doctor's offices have reports submitted electronically so as soon as the report is written, it is available to the prescribing doctor. When this is the case, you can call the doctor's office and get a general idea if there is anything to be concerned about. But, your mileage may vary. Some offices are stuck on protocol.

kayseeah 06-12-2011 07:49 PM

Thanks, Mark. That makes me feel a bit better. Since my CT scan was on Tuesday, I am assuming I would have heard by now if there was something "urgent" on there. Thank you for your reply.

freezerdoor 06-12-2011 09:04 PM

Yep, when I went in for my MRI and CT Scan, I asked if they would tell me if I have to go to the ER and/or if there was bleeding in my brain. They said they would tell me to sit a minute and then someone would come out and discuss with me getting an ambulance or telling me to go straight to the ER depending on the situation. They would not just send you home.

pcslife 06-13-2011 09:33 AM

I did my CT scan after 3 days at the hospital and it showed bleeding on two lobes (brain contusion) and they asked to go see my PCP (office happened to be in the same hospital building). She immediately refered to Neurosurgeon and some other doctor. Neurosurgeon didn't see me immediately and probably looked at the scan and thought I am out of danger. He saw me 2 weeks later and explained what happened. No medications or nothing at that point and I was progressing rapidly for first 5 weeks.

After that it all went down like hell and been in this hell for 2 years now. Just my experience.

megan825 06-13-2011 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by kayseeah (Post 778153)
Hi everyone,

I had a concussion at the end of January due to a serious car accident, with symptoms that persisted all the way through to May of this year. I was starting to feel better at the end of May and beginning of June, so much so that I was even able to re-start my regular running routine without much dizziness, nausea or terrible headaches. It wasn't perfect, but it was soooo much better than before and I was starting to feel like things were finally going to be okay again.

Then, last weekend, beginning of June, I accidentally hit the right side of my head on the backyard door when I got up from placing the little piece of "wood" at the bottom. I felt okay that night, and the next day, but two days later I started feeling PCS symptoms again. The dizziness, terrible headaches, nausea, sensitivity to light and being in "busy" places like the grocery store, etc plus terrible neck pain which I've never had this bad before.

It feels exactly like it did when I had my concussion in January.

My question is: Did this second hit bring back my PCS symptoms from the first concussion, or could this be a whole NEW concussion on its own, or Second Impact Syndrome?

Also, should I tell my doctor that I have hit my head again? I am concerned about this, honestly, because I am afraid that my car insurance will stop treating me with physio if they think that my current symptoms are as a result of my second hit and not the accident. Can my doctor really do anything for me at this point except tell me to rest it off???? Is it worth it??

I should also add that I went to get a CAT scan on Tuesday following the car accident, so the doctor wouldn't even be helpful in ordering one, etc.

And if it has been a week since my second hit and I am still HERE, does that mean I can assume it's just my PCS symptoms again and nothing more serious?

Thank you to anybody with insight.

From my experience i injured my head at work, so it was under workers comp. After i re-injured my head a second time the insurance company dropped my claim. But definetly get checked out.

kayseeah 06-13-2011 04:13 PM

Thank you for your replies. I am relieved to hear that they don't just let you "go home" if the CT scan shows damage. I was worried because they said "two weeks to get results" and I didn't want to blurt out that I had JUST hit my head a second time before the scan and was concerned (the scan was ordered for my first hit, back from January, I have nooo idea why it took until June to get one, my doc probably didn't think that it was a priority).

Pcslife, I'm sorry to hear about your experience. I would have gone nuts knowing that I had bleeding and that I couldn't see a specialist right away. Way to hang in there! I hope that you find some relief of your symptoms soon. I've been prescribed medications but have been too worried about the side-effects to try any of them. It's a really frustrating feeling to not feel "normal" or "myself", as I'm sure you can relate.

Megan, that's exactly my worry. I still have neck damages from the car accident that I need physio for, but knowing how insurance companies are, I know they would be looking for any excuse to blame it on ANYTHING else and not provide any more coverage. It's a shame since we pay so much for insurance!

pcslife 06-13-2011 04:51 PM

kayseeah : My case is a screw-up from the beginning until now. Immediately after my head injury I was taken to ER but was grossly misdiagnosed. In GCS scale I was 15 from the reports. I have total amnesia for about 10 hours. Woke up in the morning and told them I am dizzy/headachy but doctor looked at my pupil and sent me home (when I was bleeding on the brain).

It is a big hospital in Washington D.C. Wonder if something like this happens in Washington D.C what happens in other places? May be it was my bad luck and E.R doctor's inefficiency. TBI misdiagnosis is not something new anyways even with all this technology.

kayseeah 06-13-2011 07:28 PM

WOW. That's really scary. I really wish that doctors were more informed about PCS and brain injury. When I first went in with PCS symptoms and told my doctor that I was so dizzy I couldn't see him, he banged a plastic hammer on my knees and told me I have the flu.

Good luck with your symptoms!! Wishing you the best.

pcslife 06-13-2011 07:37 PM

Thanks kayseeah. Your doctor does the knee-tapping too huh! Is that all they learn in medical school? I wish you too a quicker and full recovery (or almost).

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