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pbrown 06-16-2009 08:42 PM

does excessive cannibas use cause pn
hello i AM A 43 M and have PN in both my feet . I just posted my story under new members any replies would be appreciated. thanks

pbrown 06-16-2009 09:46 PM

does excesive cannibas use cause pn
hello, new to site 43 m. i have used cannibas recreationally for a long time . i went on a 6 month bing smoking strong cannibas 2-3 joints a day . i now have pn in both feet . went to nero doc blood test ok. did my bing cause this . will it go away . i tried looking online and only find info to use cannibas for releif. not for me... i'm scared any info would help. thanks

chamade 06-16-2009 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by pbrown (Post 524292)
hello i AM A 43 M and have PN in both my feet . I just posted my story under new members any replies would be appreciated. thanks

Nope, if anything it helps neuropathic pain.

numbfoot 06-17-2009 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by pbrown (Post 524309)
hello, new to site 43 m. i have used cannibas recreationally for a long time . i went on a 6 month bing smoking strong cannibas 2-3 joints a day . i now have pn in both feet . went to nero doc blood test ok. did my bing cause this . will it go away . i tried looking online and only find info to use cannibas for releif. not for me... i'm scared any info would help. thanks

What tests have you had, to find the cause?

Raglet 06-17-2009 04:38 AM

I suspect that excessive cannibas use would just make you very stoned.



nide44 06-17-2009 10:38 AM

Cannabis use is for relief and is not a causal factor
for neuropathic problems like PN.
But poisons are a causal factor..... like pesticides, growth chemicals, soil treatments, etc.

That, could be causal.
Finding which one, will probably be like
the proverbial 'needle in the haystack'.

The treatment for poison or chemical causes for PN are
all the same, practically (unless it is an exotic that can be identified & is treated differently).

Concentrate on learning as much info
(the 'stickies' at the top if the 'Topics' page)
as you can, and find out about treatments for PN
that fit your symptoms.

daniella 06-17-2009 02:22 PM

Hi and welcome though I am sorry. Have you seen any other specialists then a neuro and how did they dx you with PN?You said you had blood work but did they do an extensive testing for things like auto immune?I hope that you are being helped with pain control in the mean time. Many thoughts

pbrown 06-17-2009 09:22 PM

how do you reduce pain from pn
I have been looking at the posts . are there any over the couter ( aleve,motrin,asprin, vitamins etc) to reduce pain. I am taking 50mg of elavil ( doc says that is normal dose due to not making me manic) ..I am having a hard time dealing with the pain.. I know everbody is different what are the chances of this going away over time ?.. my pn stated on the ball of my feet then moved to my toes ( tingling ,hot pain etc. ) in both feet 24/7 . . Is this common for a 43 m. Thanks

nide44 06-18-2009 08:27 AM

And don't take the doc's word for test results as 'normal' get the exact numbers and a copy of the test results for your records. Many doc's are behind the times as far as testing results. What used to be normal is now a warning sign. Get the numbers.

pbrown 06-18-2009 09:34 AM

yes i have had the test below . i have read that deppresion and stress can cause pn.
i have had the tests above. and ok. since i stopped using cannibas 3 months ago and if this is the cause will it go away over time . i also se stress and deppresion will cause pn. any otc drugs that can help . thanks

pabb 06-18-2009 10:10 AM

if you were "binging" on the food at the same time,lol i would persue the diabetic angle post haste.....also the foot injury possibility would be higher if you were suff. "stoned" not to notice,yes? if you have access to glucose testing equipment (family/friend, what ever) try checking your post prandial (after eating, about 45-60 minutes) blood sugar....and get the insulin levels that mrsd suggested as well...good luck

Brian 06-18-2009 05:15 PM

I know that stress can aggravate PN never heard about it causing PN.
How were you tested for prediabetes or diabetes? If it was just a fasting overnight glucose test, I would not consider it to be a good test, there are plenty of type 2 diabetics around with normal fasting sugars, to test properly as MrsD said, an insulin level test would be my first choice or a 3 hour glucose tolerance test.
Can you tell us what your B12 levels were when tested ?
Nide is 100 % correct about in saying what some doc's believe are normal levels of b12, but they can be dangerously low.

pbrown 06-19-2009 06:36 PM

i saw the quote where did you find the second sentence males who smoke.. thanks for the info.. i have not smoked in 4 months ... did a 6 month bing cause this ( 2/3 joints a day ) . the pain started on the ball of my feet then moved to my toes (numb) it is both..what are your thought of this going away.. i went to a nuro doc . all tests ok.. i still need to take the sm. nuro blood test and a skin test. i know there are alot of tests and they can go on and on and cost $$$$ i have been on my back , currently unemployed hence the excessive mj use my ? is from your knoledge can this go away over time ? I'm 43 will my nerves grow backover time.. i just received my b12 and niacine vits today..i'll give them a try..thanks again pb...any other ? i should be asking

nide44 06-20-2009 12:16 PM

Once you get the blockages, they don't reverse.[/QUOTE]
So quitting smoking (if you've got it) won't help at all, will it?
But continuing to smoke ......will it get worse, if its already there?

pbrown 06-20-2009 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by nide44 (Post 525880)
So quitting smoking (if you've got it) won't help at all, will it?
But continuing to smoke ......will it get worse, if its already there?

i think i have pn not pad per article. my legs are ok.. just my feet or is pad related to pn?

pbrown 06-20-2009 02:18 PM

is pad the same as pn
is pad the same as pn. i havent had th pad signs just the pn signs. i hope pn is different than pn and pn can go away or a chance of. also has anybody tried the supplents online that have a 90 % sucsess rate.. i,m new the sit so hopefully my threads/answers are coming up . thanks

pbrown 06-20-2009 05:41 PM

pad vs pn
So are you saying that if I have pn then i also have pad. You are scarring me...can you just have pn and not have pad or do they go hand and hand. thanks for your replies . i know you are not a dr. but i am trying to find out as much as possible on my end. per my past replies my test came back ok. any vitamins or other medicine I can take to reverse th damage I have done. I just stated taking niacin 100mg and b-12 5000 mcg. I am also taking 50 mg of elavil ( i am bipolar so psy doc doest want me on more mg. says that is stnd dos for pn .. 150 seemed to reduce pain what is normal mg. Thanks for your replies

pbrown 06-20-2009 07:07 PM

thanks for the clarification. any answers to my other ?'s. you seem to know alot about pn. I know very little and am trying to get as much info as possible. you would think I would find more info on excessive cannibas use causing pn online ( yes for alcohol). i know we are all different but you would think there would be more info putting the two together. I know you are not a dr. but in your knowledge over time can the body correct the nerves?.. I wish somebody else out there had a view, Thanks for your replies I am in pain and am trying to figure this out being all new to me

pbrown 06-21-2009 10:04 AM

thanks for info
where is the search button . i dont smoke cig. and the bing i had was for 6 months 3 joints aday (strong mj). my syptoms started about after 5 months. ball of feet started to hurt. then ball feet turned crunchy and really hurt when walking. went to gen dr 3 times ? and sent to pod. for ortho supports that didnt help pain gotworse went to foot doc and he said i had pn front of feet were numb used pin and didnt feel then went to nuro for blood test and emg and pin test. i havnt smoke mj for 5 months so maybe it will take a year . i will try to find search button and lookinto the above vits. what amounts . thanks again for all your help . i really feel my pn is from the bing , i'm sensitive to meds hence the heavy mj use for 6 months leading to pn. the question is did this cause permant damage or over time will it get better. i know you dont have a glass ball to predict the future and everybody is different but what are the odds of improving over time with the above vits. and never smoking anything again. thanks alot for all your input it gives me alot of hope that this will go away ( i hope ) over time ( who knows) . am i the only person who had a mj bing and have pn. if so i went way overboard i do admit that is alot but you would think others have smoked 3 a day and didnt get pn .....then again i am sesitive to meds...thanks again for all your help.

pbrown 06-21-2009 12:07 PM

had xrays ok
unfortunately xray were ok no broken bones. I deffinately have pn. all the signs. i found the search feature and site that sells the above vit. in your opinion what is the normal length of time for nerves to heal.
any other groups or chat rooms where I might find the info i am looking for.thanks

pbrown 06-21-2009 09:00 PM

best acetyl carnitine ,coq-10 ,lipoic acid supplemnt to buy
I would like to post a new post under pn to find out the best supliment on the market . hopefully i can get a reply from other which is the best supplement. or i can if you can tell me how to post a new post. i looked online reg. mitochondria and the above supplements ( looking for the best one to buy) could help correct my pn. thanks agaih for all your help

nide44 06-22-2009 07:53 AM

......looking for the best one to buy.......

Go to '' to see the variety of choices.
You can research the ingredients and additives of each
and decide. I feel Dr's Best and Jarrow have the best products,
at the most reasonable prices, on the market.

pbrown 06-22-2009 10:37 AM

what mg

Originally Posted by nide44 (Post 526629)
......looking for the best one to buy.......

Go to '' to see the variety of choices.
You can research the ingredients and additives of each
and decide. I feel Dr's Best and Jarrow have the best products,
at the most reasonable prices, on the market.

thank you, i went on there site i found some of their products with different mg etc. what exact one would you recomend . i'm not being lazy but if you have already reasearched it and are using it then that is the one i'll but. thanks again

Monica de Lara 06-22-2009 10:46 AM

Hello. Welcome to the forum. Sorry you're going trhough this. I too suffer from neuropathy and I started coming to this forum with very little information, but I have learnead lots of stuff here. Be patient and give yourself time to get to know your body.

As the others have stated you should find what is causing your problem and not just "let it go"... A special advice I can give you is: get tested for all likely causes in your case, I am no saying, for ALL possible causes in the world (there are many), but for the ones you are most likely to experiment, and get tested for them AS SOON AS YOU CAN. If you can afford it or if you have an insurance and you can put pressure on the people there to test you, do it, because the earlier you treat your problem, the better... I've read cases about people who waited until it was tu late. Good news here is that you are at an early stage and you can halt the damage to your nerves.


pbrown 06-22-2009 11:08 AM

thank you
is there i product from iherb that contains them all in one. Ill check online but thought i would ask.

pbrown 06-22-2009 09:42 PM

ordered vitamins
i ordered 500mg acetyl carnitine
coq-10 100mg
liponic acid 200mg

i'm 220 lbs so i'll give the higher doses a try . i dont think my lipoic is r.... thanks for all of your help .

jezbel 06-24-2009 02:56 AM

I've been reading this whole thread and I think that pbrown is panic-y in response to a period of time in which he/she knows that getting high was not a "responsible" think to do and is suddenly worried that something went horribly wrong. I think the first thing to note here is that there is no known answer to what might have been added to the mj, unless he knows where it was grown, by whom and how (homegrown). There are currently no guarantees about what substances may or may not have been used to enhance growing conditions, in what country, and whether or not there were pesticides, fertilizers or other chemicals. Until it's legally grown there are no guarantees. (personal comment, that's a real shame) Clearly the medicinal effects are beneficial to some people who suffer from pain and effects of chemo and other debilitating illnesses.
So, there are no guarantees about quality...
Next, whether the pain, numbness and pd is coincidental that it occurred while smoking weed, you may never know. It may have been an accident waiting to happen. At 220 pounds and age 43, unless pbrown is 6'3" or taller, it sounds like weight could be a problem. If that is the case then diabetes type II is a thought. It just might be too soon to diagnose. Is he urinating often? Does he get up at night to go to the bathroom?
My advice is to try to stop the panic. Trying asking doctor about switching from Elavil, which is really "old school" to Cymbalta, which addresses both seratonin and norepinephrine. Will help improve mood and y0"spirits". Start small with 20mg for 2 or 3 weeks and slowly increase to 40 or 60mg. a day. It has some side effects so start slow. Lyrica and Neurontin also have side effects, none the least of which is weight gain. So if that's an issue, you might want to try drinking a glass of tonic water. It's very bitter. You can mix it with orange juice of cranberry juice or anything else. It actually is helpful.

Give that a go.

pbrown 06-24-2009 10:01 AM

thanks for reply

Originally Posted by jezbel (Post 527740)
I've been reading this whole thread and I think that pbrown is panic-y in response to a period of time in which he/she knows that getting high was not a "responsible" think to do and is suddenly worried that something went horribly wrong. I think the first thing to note here is that there is no known answer to what might have been added to the mj, unless he knows where it was grown, by whom and how (homegrown). There are currently no guarantees about what substances may or may not have been used to enhance growing conditions, in what country, and whether or not there were pesticides, fertilizers or other chemicals. Until it's legally grown there are no guarantees. (personal comment, that's a real shame) Clearly the medicinal effects are beneficial to some people who suffer from pain and effects of chemo and other debilitating illnesses.
So, there are no guarantees about quality...
Next, whether the pain, numbness and pd is coincidental that it occurred while smoking weed, you may never know. It may have been an accident waiting to happen. At 220 pounds and age 43, unless pbrown is 6'3" or taller, it sounds like weight could be a problem. If that is the case then diabetes type II is a thought. It just might be too soon to diagnose. Is he urinating often? Does he get up at night to go to the bathroom?
My advice is to try to stop the panic. Trying asking doctor about switching from Elavil, which is really "old school" to Cymbalta, which addresses both seratonin and norepinephrine. Will help improve mood and y0"spirits". Start small with 20mg for 2 or 3 weeks and slowly increase to 40 or 60mg. a day. It has some side effects so start slow. Lyrica and Neurontin also have side effects, none the least of which is weight gain. So if that's an issue, you might want to try drinking a glass of tonic water. It's very bitter. You can mix it with orange juice of cranberry juice or anything else. It actually is helpful.

Give that a go.

i'm 6-4 and test are all ok. i was drinking alcohol which i normally dont do around 3 drinks a night max during my manic bing for about 6 months ...i normally dont drink and havent or smoked for 4 months. the mj makes me manic which i will explain to my psyc. aand he doesnt want me on alot of anti dep for fear of makinging me manic. alot is going on for me.. getting over a 6 month mania ( lot of mess and loss of $$) not smoking mj and being sober ..i have smoked mj for a long time but just a few tokes after work until my 6 month bing and now my pn which is my biggest worry now. i know alcohol can cause pn and i'm sensitive and 1 post said a friend got pn from just a little alcohol..that is the only other idea. i used to get my mj from a friend
that is grown indoors . i went online and have found nothing relating mj to pn just the benefits .. i'll talk to my psyc. on july 9 about cymbalta..thanks for your reply.

Brian 06-24-2009 04:36 PM

How was Prediabetes or Diabetes ruled out ?

Chemar 06-24-2009 05:10 PM

I have had to do some edits to this thread as a member requested all their posts here deleted based on subsequent information coming to light. Ihave therefore edited all posts quoting those now deleted posts.

a request that anyone wanting further information regarding these edits please contact me via PM rather than speculate here as to why


pbrown 06-24-2009 07:02 PM

not diabetic

Originally Posted by Brian (Post 528063)
How was Prediabetes or Diabetes ruled out ?

yes, test were negative.

pbrown 06-24-2009 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Chemar (Post 528112)
I have had to do some edits to this thread as a member requested all their posts here deleted based on subsequent information coming to light. Ihave therefore edited all posts quoting those now deleted posts.

a request that anyone wanting further information regarding these edits please contact me via PM rather than speculate here as to why


ok understood.

jezbel 06-25-2009 02:53 AM

I didn't pick up from your info that that this 6 month period was a period of mania.
So, you suffer perhaps, from bi-polar disease? I don't know if Cymbalta works with that. I do know that there is a drug that is often used for both unipolar (anger/rage related to depression) and bi-polar called Lamictal. I'm not suggesting it. I saying, as about it. Perhaps your mania is severe enough for Lithium. It's the only thing that works for some people. It's also worth asking about. If you take care of some of the heightened feelings the pain you are experiencing may not seem to bad or urgent. Go see your shrink, ASAP (psychiatrist, medical doctor) they know a great deal about how all the body functions and neurological aches and pains work in conjunction with the psychological stuff.
Just a suggestion.

pbrown 06-25-2009 03:29 PM

thanks for info

Originally Posted by jezbel (Post 528362)
I didn't pick up from your info that that this 6 month period was a period of mania.
So, you suffer perhaps, from bi-polar disease? I don't know if Cymbalta works with that. I do know that there is a drug that is often used for both unipolar (anger/rage related to depression) and bi-polar called Lamictal. I'm not suggesting it. I saying, as about it. Perhaps your mania is severe enough for Lithium. It's the only thing that works for some people. It's also worth asking about. If you take care of some of the heightened feelings the pain you are experiencing may not seem to bad or urgent. Go see your shrink, ASAP (psychiatrist, medical doctor) they know a great deal about how all the body functions and neurological aches and pains work in conjunction with the psychological stuff.
Just a suggestion.

i am taling lamictal, mood stabilizer. my mania is caused from smoking mj ( it makes me euphoric) and when i stop i crash=deppresion ( i should be a poster boy for dont do drugs) I really feel my pn is caused from the 6 month bing hence me joining this forumn to find out info etc. I stated taking the 3 vitamins above . yes i do take lithium . my pn syptoms are to date are both feet balls of feet numb and toes are numb with hammertoe and hard to bend toes , spending alot of time off my feet im in wy. now and will bw back in cal. 7-6 and see my psy. on the 9th. I need to first take care of my feet they really hurt. thanks for the suggestions..I hope I see some results from the vitamins in the nexxt few weeks..

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