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NerveEndings 10-16-2011 05:26 PM

B12 Deficiency and Loud Noises or Lights
B12 deficiency problem here, as well. *sighs* I am attempting to correct this with sublingual methylcobalamin B12 supplements, but at 4x1000 mcg per day, I'm not really getting any better.

Anyway, I have noticed that when exposed to bright lights or loud noises, my symptoms get worse. This makes working on a computer, sitting in bright rooms, or dealing with watching movies or traffic a nightmare. Does anyone else have these problems, as well? Sometimes I also get ringing in my ears or extreme sensitivity to noise, or even echoing noises several times a day, or thinking I hear things I don't (psychosis?). This worries me because the latter symptoms came about AFTER supplements! Could I be deficient in B6 or folate or potassium or magnesium or absolutely anything else? Iron could definitely be a concern since I've been craving red meat and dirt like no other...but meat makes me feel worse immediately, it's scary almost. :/ And the general daily headaches and constant need to sleep are exhausting. *sighs* I'm just hoping someone can help me feel better and provide some information. :Red eyes:

mrsD 10-16-2011 05:32 PM

Welcome to NeuroTalk....

I'd suggest you do this on an empty stomach, because most of the B12 is swallowed in your saliva. It will be absorbed in the intestine if no food is there to compete with it.

Taking a B-50 is a good idea, if you suspect B6 deficiency...
Sound sensitivity is one sign of low B6.

Magnesium is good too, because it is calming, and most people need it anyway.

Did you have testing? What were your test results in numbers?

NerveEndings 10-16-2011 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 815441)
Welcome to NeuroTalk....

I'd suggest you do this on an empty stomach, because most of the B12 is swallowed in your saliva. It will be absorbed in the intestine if no food is there to compete with it.

Taking a B-50 is a good idea, if you suspect B6 deficiency...
Sound sensitivity is one sign of low B6.

Magnesium is good too, because it is calming, and most people need it anyway.

Did you have testing? What were your test results in numbers?

I actually take B12 on an empty stomach in the morning, and again right after each meal, because it is the only way I can survive eating. I've never had so many "allergic" reactions to eating anything at all. But maybe I should reverse that process, thank you so much!

Is there a way to overdose on B6 taking one tablet of B-50 complex a day? I've been trying to increase most of these with diet, but it's just not working for me now.

My results were borderline deficient 10 months ago, but apparently 260 is too high for them to care. The symptoms began 13 months ago, but because of my high folic acid intake, I believe they were masked for a while before. My insurance and other financial problems prevented me from visiting a doctor meanwhile. However, this has now been fixed, and the doctor I saw recently merely sent me off to a neurologist because my levels 10 months ago were "normal." I'm not sure, maybe they could be right and this is something else, so I should see the neurologist anyway.

mrsD 10-16-2011 06:08 PM

Taking B12 after food is wasteful. It won't be absorbed, unless you have good intrinisic factor. If you had good intrinsic factor, you would not be so low.

So any oral B12 you do ...empty stomach only. Take all 4 tablets in the morning...just chew and swallow with water. Wait at least 45 minutes before any food at all.

Bcomplex needs to be taken because B6 is activated by pyridoxal kinase which requires B2 (riboflavin). Riboflavin is difficult to get from food. The B's work together as a rule.

260 is too low for health. You need to be at 400 minimum and with neuro symptoms, higher than that. Closer to 1000.

Lab ranges in US are wrong...outdated. Get rid of your doctor who said you were normal. Fire him!

If you take 4000mcg methylcobalamin (active form) daily in the morning, you should be above 500 within 3 months. You can purchase methylB12 online for pennies a day.

This is my B12 thread. I've collected all the information you need to improve your situation, but you DO need to read it.

NerveEndings 10-17-2011 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 815447)
Taking B12 after food is wasteful. It won't be absorbed, unless you have good intrinisic factor. If you had good intrinsic factor, you would not be so low.

I think my poor absorption is actually caused by hypochloridia, so I thought it would be better to eat something that would produce acid in the stomach? I am probably totally wrong, though, but was worried that hypochloridia prevents any B12 from being absorbed, whereas without intrinsic factor 1% is still absorbed usually. Maybe I should get tests done to determine if I have intrinsic factor, do these exist?


So any oral B12 you do ...empty stomach only. Take all 4 tablets in the morning...just chew and swallow with water. Wait at least 45 minutes before any food at all.
Another thing I was worried about is the half-life of Methylcobalamin B12 is supposedly only 5 minutes? Is this a problem, or am I way overanalyzing the situation?


Bcomplex needs to be taken because B6 is activated by pyridoxal kinase which requires B2 (riboflavin). Riboflavin is difficult to get from food. The B's work together as a rule.
Wow, thank you! I wasn't sure if I'd need more than usual, but it seems like a supplement will be best.


260 is too low for health. You need to be at 400 minimum and with neuro symptoms, higher than that. Closer to 1000.

Lab ranges in US are wrong...outdated. Get rid of your doctor who said you were normal. Fire him!

If you take 4000mcg methylcobalamin (active form) daily in the morning, you should be above 500 within 3 months. You can purchase methylB12 online for pennies a day.

This is my B12 thread. I've collected all the information you need to improve your situation, but you DO need to read it.
Thank you! I will get tested again in 3 months and see if my levels are any higher. Since individual ranges vary, and I have a high seaweed intake (which contains analogue B12, so I stopped doing that now), a urinary test might work better? Thank you so much for the thread, I am going through it now and learning a lot about B12 problems.

mrsD 10-17-2011 04:55 PM

Never heard of such a thing... 6minutes? We wouldn't be alive if that were true! Be careful what you read on the net.
Do you have a link to that? A good link?

Some people improve achlorhydria with Betaine.

I raised my B12 readings to 1999 with 5mg methylcobalamin each morning on an empty stomach. I was testing out the new
Puritan's Pride version....Worked very well, IMO.

The Schilling's test is no longer given for intrinsic factor.
But there is an antibody titre you can request for parietal cell autoimmune disease.

NerveEndings 10-24-2011 08:22 PM

I unfortunately don't have the energy to search for the link. But it is most likely a very poor and inaccurate link, anyway!

Thank you, Betaine seems like a decent option--but is it safe to take with B12? I would ask the doctor, but I don't trust them anymore, yikes.

Unfortunately I can't seem to tolerate one B12 tablet anymore, so I'm not so sure what to do. I get uncomfortable chest tightness, gigantic blue veins, and glass-flowing through the bloodstream like symptoms. Since I'm eating a lot of potassium, would it be a calcium or omega-3 issue instead? I'm so confused! Maybe magnesium? Perhaps seeing a doctor for even more blood tests might be a good idea, because my symptoms quickly worsen with no B12. I'm used to 4x day, not barely 1x without symptoms.

mrsD 10-25-2011 01:32 AM

The amount of B12 absorbed orally is so small. I don't see how you could be having these extra symptoms.

I'd see a doctor and make sure you don't have some other problem. Get an EKG, and a complete check up.
There is a blood test that checks for antibodies to parietal cells in the stomach, which make intrinsic factor.

Also get checked for H. pylori infection. This can give all sorts of weird symptoms.

Seeing a doctor is a good idea at this point.

NerveEndings 10-25-2011 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by mrsD (Post 818221)
The amount of B12 absorbed orally is so small. I don't see how you could be having these extra symptoms.

I am also not certain, however I seem to react excessively to all medications, but I assumed this was due to the B12 deficiency itself. Hopefully there is not another serious problem.


I'd see a doctor and make sure you don't have some other problem. Get an EKG, and a complete check up.
There is a blood test that checks for antibodies to parietal cells in the stomach, which make intrinsic factor.

Also get checked for H. pylori infection. This can give all sorts of weird symptoms.

Seeing a doctor is a good idea at this point.
Thank you, I will definitely do so. An infection from parasites does seem likely, although possible dietary deficiencies from a horrid past diet can be to blame, as well--E, A, calcium, iron, omega-3, DHA, magnesium, zinc, D, selenium just to name a few.

KamasPrairie 01-01-2012 06:13 PM

I have been light sensitive from living in the desert too long and old age .. I know of no cure for that one. Ringing of the ears, joint pain and lack of excellent balance can all be cured with Tamanu Oil placed on the skin behind the ears or on the area where the joints pain is occurring. I feel like the guy in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" with this oil. I don't know what it will no help from screaming eyes and running nose while baling hay to cuts and bruises. Get from a reliable place as it should not be over 12 months old.

bruegger84 01-28-2012 01:38 AM

nerve dont read into any of the jazz that dr. oz likes to spin on his show, about glass feelings.

Have you taken klonopin before? I took klonopin and for awhile i was having problems with loud noises. That was the link. also i took mullein before, and that seemed to cause a fluctuation in noise?- is that the problem?

Also, at one point i was taking ssri antidepressant, and that caused weird symptoms like the glass thing you described.

also betaine, i cant even stomach the stuff. maybe my pill size is too big. but it feels like a lump when i use it, is it more helpful to use it more often?

KamasPrairie 01-28-2012 12:09 PM

How much exercise and sunshine are you getting?

Originally Posted by NerveEndings (Post 815439)
B12 deficiency problem here, as well. *sighs* I am attempting to correct this with sublingual methylcobalamin B12 supplements, but at 4x1000 mcg per day, I'm not really getting any better.

Anyway, I have noticed that when exposed to bright lights or loud noises, my symptoms get worse. This makes working on a computer, sitting in bright rooms, or dealing with watching movies or traffic a nightmare. Does anyone else have these problems, as well? Sometimes I also get ringing in my ears or extreme sensitivity to noise, or even echoing noises several times a day, or thinking I hear things I don't (psychosis?). This worries me because the latter symptoms came about AFTER supplements! Could I be deficient in B6 or folate or potassium or magnesium or absolutely anything else? Iron could definitely be a concern since I've been craving red meat and dirt like no other...but meat makes me feel worse immediately, it's scary almost. :/ And the general daily headaches and constant need to sleep are exhausting. *sighs* I'm just hoping someone can help me feel better and provide some information. :Red eyes:

How much exercise do you get and on a scale of 1 to 10 and how important do you think this is? Nothing can happen to a "parked car." Start slowly knowing if you "hurt yourself exercising" you will surely quit. Don't give yourself that excuse. Do a easy routine for a week and then bump it up. Even if you live in an apartment with 20 feet of snow out side, you can still exercise in your room. Lay on the floor and lift your heels three inches for 30 seconds. Will do wonders for your back. Then cross your right knee over your left leg and the opposite. Feel all your vertebra crack and pop into place. Once you get your back in shape do squats .. three at first and keep bumping them after a week. Work you self up to 30. Touch your toes. Bend at the waist and point to the four quadrants. Hold your arms out level and rotate the hands in a one foot circle for a minute .. increase it by increments. Do short walks then short walks with half at a fast speed. Bump it up to longer walks. Lift light weights etc.

Lockdown 04-21-2012 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by NerveEndings (Post 815439)
B12 deficiency problem here, as well. *sighs* I am attempting to correct this with sublingual methylcobalamin B12 supplements, but at 4x1000 mcg per day, I'm not really getting any better.

Anyway, I have noticed that when exposed to bright lights or loud noises, my symptoms get worse. This makes working on a computer, sitting in bright rooms, or dealing with watching movies or traffic a nightmare. Does anyone else have these problems, as well? Sometimes I also get ringing in my ears or extreme sensitivity to noise, or even echoing noises several times a day, or thinking I hear things I don't (psychosis?). This worries me because the latter symptoms came about AFTER supplements! Could I be deficient in B6 or folate or potassium or magnesium or absolutely anything else? Iron could definitely be a concern since I've been craving red meat and dirt like no other...but meat makes me feel worse immediately, it's scary almost. :/ And the general daily headaches and constant need to sleep are exhausting. *sighs* I'm just hoping someone can help me feel better and provide some information. :Red eyes:

I keep having the same problems. I figured out I was low in B5 (pantothenic acid), because I am Calcium Deficient. B5 also requires biotin. B5 is also a common deficiency. Also, Folic Acid can be masked by B12 and vice versa, from what I've heard. Both can cause anemia, which would be indicated on a CBC blood test. Like someone else said, you definitely don't want to start supplementing only one B-vitamin at a time, unless a health professional advises it. You should do the whole complex.

When I first tried to fix deficiencies after a severe alcohol binge (which I should have been dead from), I ended up fixing myself pretty well, then unfixing myself, because I was supplement 1 thing at a time to figure out my deficiencies. That becomes a problem, because most nutrients have antagonist nutrients, pushing each other out, when taken over a long period of time. I took Magnesium for a long time without calcium, and guess what happened to my calcium? Yep, not much left. **


Dr. Smith 04-21-2012 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Lockdown (Post 872191)
B5 is also a common deficiency.

This is just the opposite of everything I've seen. Typically...

Pantothenic acid deficiency is exceptionally rare and has not been thoroughly studied.
... though I have some reservations, partly because, as stated above, it has not been thoroughly studied.

Do you happen to have any citations/links/sources for (stating) pantothenic acid deficiency commonness?



bruegger84 05-25-2012 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by bruegger84 (Post 845859)
nerve dont read into any of the jazz that dr. oz likes to spin on his show, about glass feelings.

Have you taken klonopin before? I took klonopin and for awhile i was having problems with loud noises. That was the link. also i took mullein before, and that seemed to cause a fluctuation in noise?- is that the problem?

Also, at one point i was taking ssri antidepressant, and that caused weird symptoms like the glass thing you described.

also betaine, i cant even stomach the stuff. maybe my pill size is too big. but it feels like a lump when i use it, is it more helpful to use it more often?

I only say this because Dr. Oz sometimes has vivid descriptions of things that people might have, and if say that information was given to the wrong person(ie someone who is already a hypochondriac) it can prove costly.

Amber Watkins 10-06-2023 03:14 PM

Always take multi-B
Dear Nerve Endings,

I hope that you have found an answer to your ails and you are no longer here.
If you are, please elaborate how you know you have a B-12 deficiency. Was the B-12 level serum or RBC? Were other markers drawn? Homocysteine, MMA, and complete blood count?
Supplementing B12 or B6 unnecessarily or in inappropriate amounts can cause a function deficiency in the other.

Red meat is high in carnitine (necessary for proper fat metabolism) as well as iron. You said that you crave red meat, but eating it makes you feel bad. Have you ever tried (grass fed beef) dessicated liver capsules? It's the most useable form of nutrients and contains a multitude of vitamins and minerals.
The fact that it makes you feel bad is another issue.


Originally Posted by NerveEndings (Post 815439)
B12 deficiency problem here, as well. *sighs* I am attempting to correct this with sublingual methylcobalamin B12 supplements, but at 4x1000 mcg per day, I'm not really getting any better.

Anyway, I have noticed that when exposed to bright lights or loud noises, my symptoms get worse. This makes working on a computer, sitting in bright rooms, or dealing with watching movies or traffic a nightmare. Does anyone else have these problems, as well? Sometimes I also get ringing in my ears or extreme sensitivity to noise, or even echoing noises several times a day, or thinking I hear things I don't (psychosis?). This worries me because the latter symptoms came about AFTER supplements! Could I be deficient in B6 or folate or potassium or magnesium or absolutely anything else? Iron could definitely be a concern since I've been craving red meat and dirt like no other...but meat makes me feel worse immediately, it's scary almost. :/ And the general daily headaches and constant need to sleep are exhausting. *sighs* I'm just hoping someone can help me feel better and provide some information. :Red eyes:

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