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Aarcyn 06-21-2017 12:47 PM

Echo Dot
For Father's Day my DS gave my DH an Echo Dot.

It is a very future forward system made by Apple. I cannot quite explain what it is other than it is similar to Siri on my iPhone. Her name is Alexa and by just saying her name, she becomes activated.

Currently she can tell me the weather, tell time and give me a news update.

Plus she can send a voice message to fellow Echo Dot owners. For example, DS sent me a message yesterday to exclaim about the excessive heat in Arizona.

She can also be prompted to turn lights on or off in my bedroom or family room. Remember "The Clapper?"

Eventually we are looking to hook up my cell phone to this device. It means that if I fall, I can call 911 myself just by speaking into thin air!

Great and useful device!

Erin524 06-21-2017 11:35 PM

I have two Echo Dot's. (I bought one for me, aunt asked me to buy her one, cousin ended up buying my aunt the big Echo, aunt gave me back the other Dot. I decided to keep it).

I've been using mine to read Kindle books to me. Alexa will read the books to me, or I can play Audible books. (love the Audible skill). I also use the IHeartRadio skill. I bought a fancy battery to use with one of my Echo's, gives it a little portability. I take that one into the bathroom with me when I take a shower. Leave it on the counter, and I can tell Alexa to change the radio stations, or turn the volume up or down. I love that Echo because if my mom comes downstairs to yell at me I can turn off the music/talk radio to be able to talk to her.

I want to get the Echo's set up so that I can work the tv's with it. Then I can turn on shows on my mom's tv for her and not have to constantly keep going upstairs to help her with it. I also want to connect the security system and thermostat to it eventually.

Right now I have apps on my iPads and iPhone to control the thermostat and security systems, but I would love to make them Alexa controlled someday.

I was just looking at the Echo Show. I WANT ONE!!! (or two?). I would love the Echo Show because then I could put one upstairs so I could check on my mom from down here at night, or hopefully there's an iPhone/iPad app I could use with that too if I'm not at home.

I'm really kind of excited about all these things, I just hope I can afford the money to get things set up with the new Echo gadgets. If I can, I'd get one for my sister so she could talk to my mom when she can't get over here.

I am a bit paranoid about the cameras on the Echo Show. I'm one of those people who puts tape over the cameras on all my computers. I'd probably do that on any Echo Show that I'd put in my bedroom. If I had one upstairs though, I'd put it in a public area of the house like the kitchen. Less of a chance of anyone getting an eyeful accidentally.

my favorite game on the Dot right now is Jeopardy!. Every day except for weekends there are 6 new questions that you can answer (in the form of a question) and I've been doing pretty good with that. I noticed that the questions are usually pulled from categories they use on the shows during the day.

tkrik 06-22-2017 10:54 AM

I've seen the commercials for the Echo. It sounds like it will be so helpful and useful for you. Technology is amazing! Who would have thought way back when that we would be able to have something like the Echo. As a kid from the 60s/70s, these things were only in our imagination and a little bit on shows like Get Smart.:D

ewizabeth 06-22-2017 11:07 AM

I use siri on my phone frequently, don't have any of the newer speaker artificial intelligence devices yet. I would kind of like one of the Ring video doorbells so we can see who is at the door before answering.

Erin524 06-22-2017 04:57 PM

I remember when I was in first grade (circa 1975), and we would pick out books from Scholastic. I'd gotten a book that talked about video phones, and that they'd be a big thing in just a few years. (book also talked about flying cars).

So when Skype became a thing, and I would talk to my friends on there, I'd remember reading about video phones in first grade. That book's definition of "just a few years" is a off by about three or four decades.

I like the look of the Echo Show, and I kind of want one. I LOVE my Alexa Dot's. (listening to the radio on one of them right now). Love that all I have to do is talk to Alexa to make her do things for me. I also like asking her stupid questions to see what off the wall answers she'll give me.

Starznight 06-23-2017 01:54 AM

I want one of the video doorbells to put in my bathroom. The DH seems to have this thing of tuning out my cries of distress. So the few times I've fall in the shower, or couldn't take in air suddenly... I've found myself pounding on the wall and it falling on deaf ears... at least the DH's ears are deaf to it, the cats end up alerting him. And the way the house is set up, you can hear little thing that happens in the bathrooms... it echoes through the house, not the place to have a private conversation let me tell you. So I really don't understand why it is whenever I need his assistance, he can't hear a word I say or a single knock to the wall... but if I get an alert on my iPhone for one of my apps, that quiet little "ping", he's right there asking who texted me? My mom? My cousin? What do they want? Am I making plans? Hey ask them... That he can hear but not a slew of curses and excessive knocking on the walls.:confused:

Aarcyn 06-27-2017 12:51 PM

DH was so thrilled (me too) with the echo two that he bought a second one to install in our bedroom. He also bought some sort of plug in accessory to turn on the bedroom light and the living room light.

I am not sure of the cost of each echo two. I do not think they are very expensive. Echo two is an Amazon product. It is not dependent on working solely with an Apple phone. I was mistaken in thinking that one product needed the other to function.

Erin is always so technologically-forward. Her ability in how much it cost and what it can do far exceeds own in the cost knowledge and in the abilities of this extremely useful toy. 😊

Funny thing happened last night. It was around 4:30 AM and I had Alexa turn on the bedroom light. When I returned from the bathroom, I asked Alexa to turn off the bedroom light. She said, "OK, "and then nothing! She did not turn off the light. So I asked again and she said OK again. By about the fourth time , it had awakened my husband and he began to giggle at my futility. He asked Alexa to turn off the light and she did!

tkrik 07-05-2017 12:23 PM

I guess Alexa now has a thing for your DH, Cyn! :D:D

Starznight 07-06-2017 12:28 AM

I remember when my DH thought he'd set up my computer for me with speech recognition, he went through the whole thing, made sure it was working right, that he could open word and get it to type for him. All of it spot on, was so proud of himself for finding such an accurate program. Then he had me go through it all....

We died laughing over the things it typed, it was like the worst game of telephone ever. It managed to come up with words I'd never even heard of and in far more syllables even then what I spoke, not a single word was correct and it only got worse as I was reading to my DH what it wrote from what I first said when it went off on a whole different tangent then me even repeating what it wrote.

The DH took the headset back and said a few lines... all of them typed up perfectly, I took it back and it was back to playing telephone with a drunken 1980's voice dubber. "The cat sat in the trees" = "Waterflies buzz tangerines of summery flizzants" :confused:

Aarcyn 07-06-2017 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by tkrik (Post 1246460)
I guess Alexa now has a thing for your DH, Cyn! :D:D


Turns out she has problems with voice recognition other than DH tone. Plus MS has messed with my vocal chords, I am a soft talker.

So we simply moved Alexa's small discs to different locations and problem solved.

I think a refurbished Echo Dot cost about $50. We also bought two outlet plugs so that turning on a light in each the bedroom and living room are now voice command. I just have to train my brain to stop reaching for the light switch.

I really like this device. I am still exploring its capabilities. She is programmed to tell jokes. No matter how many I request, no duplicates.

tkrik 07-06-2017 03:02 PM

Don't you wish fixing MS was as simple! I'm glad she's being more responsive to you with the changes you guys made. It really does sound like a useful and impressive device. Now, too bad she can't make the vacuum, mop, broom, etc. start working. That would be beyond impressive!

Starznight 07-07-2017 12:35 AM

I wonder if they have a way to intergrate with some of those robotic vacuums? Thinking of asking my DH to get me one but my mom was also thinking of buying one so I thought I'd let her try it first. If my dad and her dog don't kill it then I think it could survive my cats. The prices are coming down a lot too making them all the more tempting. And if you could link it with an Echodot how much cooler would that be?! Especially since they have not only the vacuums but robotic mops now... laundry and dishes I can still mostly handle, but floors have become my archnemisis.

I could totally imagine sitting back and telling Alexis to clean my floors, and adjust the temp in the house while she's at it... oh and dim the lights a bit so the neighbors don't see how shamelessly lazy I'm being lol ;). If only this town had Chinese delivery for Alexis to order for me life could be just about perfect

kicker 07-07-2017 03:22 PM

I love my Roomba!!

Aarcyn 07-08-2017 11:23 AM

Another plus on this $40 technical device.

DH works about ten minutes from home. Echo Dot's Alexa has the voice messaging feature. I left a test message for him and his phone received it. Actually my DS in NYC can receive my voice messages. Anyone who has this device can be in my network.

This means that if I fall, I do not need to have my phone handy or pay a monthly fee for Life Alert.

The light switch capability is a delight, being connected in an emergency is ____ (fill in the blank).

Aarcyn 07-08-2017 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Aarcyn (Post 1246725)
Another plus on this $40 technical device.

DH works about ten minutes from home. Echo Dot's Alexa has the voice messaging feature. I left a test message for him and his phone received it. Actually my DS in NYC can receive my voice messages. Anyone who has this device can be in my network.

This means that if I fall, I do not need to have my phone handy or pay a monthly fee for Life Alert.

The light switch capability is a delight, being connected in an emergency is ____ (fill in the blank).


DH is about an hour away from home in his car on an LA freeway. I sent him a voice message and it was received.

Starznight 07-09-2017 01:14 PM

WOW! I might really have to get one of those, it would be great if something happens in the house and I can't get to the phone to be able to call someone. There's been a few times where I've not paid enough attention to my body and have fallen and ended up stuck somewhere. Since I know my dad will stop by between 1-2 everyday, and my mom usually stops by after work around 5, and then my DH is normally home by 7 can be later, I end up just hanging out wherever I'm stuck. Someone will be by eventually, but to actually be able to send a message to someone to say hey! Stuck here, need a hand... that would be awesome!

It's really not fun being stuck in the corner of a closet waiting up to 3 hours for someone to finally show up, especially when you slam your back into something on the way down taking out both your legs, and twist your shoulder because you were a fool who reached out when you fell, so now you're in tons of pain, no way to get comfortable or get to meds that might help some with the discomfort with nothing but seemingly endless hours to curse yourself for being such a fool.

Why did you go to the left when you went down? Why did you reach out to try and grab yourself? You know that doesn't work you fool? What were you even doing in the closet reaching up for something with no one here? I'm thirsty, why didn't I bring something to drink? What if I had brought something to drink I'd need to pee... WHY did you think about that you fool! Don't listen bladder don't listen!!! No one said the P word! How long have I been stuck here?! Less than 2 minutes... only 2 hours 58 minutes to go... Maybe if we mov... :eek:*blinding pain*:eek: Idiot why did you try to move?!

Yeah... the very fact that I know the mental conversations I have with myself when I fall... I really really should be looking into getting one, cuz it has happened more than once... I mean I won't die from being trapped in the closet, under the kitchen table, in the utility room, under the computer desk (chair broke that one wasn't my fault) since someone will be along, eventually, less than 24 hours for sure, but it's certainly inconvenient.

Aarcyn 07-11-2017 12:24 PM

Just to be clear. The echo Dot voice messaging function is only with other echo dot users. There may be an emergency services function. I don't know. I am just learning what this system has to offer.

And I think it is a truly wonderful system.

Amazon is having their Christmas in July Black Friday sale. I think it ends today. We bought an echo Dot for my DD to give to her at holiday time.

Starznight 07-11-2017 05:55 PM

Well still might be worth it, even if I have to pick one up for my folks to be able to message them. Though it then become a two way street and I still remember the last time my dad had free 24/7 access to talk with me, he didn't care that I was a college student and ya know had papers to write and had to be up in the morning... He thought nothing of calling me out to the living room at 2 am to tell me a really funny story (that I had already heard at least 5 times already that day) about something that happened while he was out "running his errands".

Which for him equates socializing at a host of different corner stores picking up a drink from this one so he chat with the cashiers, his cigarettes from another store, not because the first store he went to didn't have the exact same brand and often cheaper, but because he needs to chat with the cashiers there... then it's yet another 3 different stores for his scratchers and 3 different sets of cashiers to talk with, and then when he gets back he asks my mom to run out and get something for dinner... :rolleyes: I guess they're just not chatty enough at our local grocery stores for him.

I wonder if there would be a way to lock him out from sending messages :D, but to where he can still receive them if I need his help with something... sounds totally selfish I know, but seriously a girl can only listen so many times to how her dad told the cashier "that's what she said!" (and with the missing inflection to the voice, so just picture that dig being said by the guy for the Visine commercials...) And then listen to that 5 times over in about a 2 hour period, not including the need to repeat the "punchline" when telling the story, so looking at closer to about a 30-40 times over monotone "then I told the guy, that's what she said...that's what she said... ha.... you know like what the kids say today... that's what she said.... that's what she said...."

Head meet desktop *and repeat* :D And of course he's so tickled by his own non-existent jokes that you really have no choice but to laugh (or make a valiant attempt at it) and escape as soon as possible...

I don't know that I could survive my dad having an echo dot linked to mine LOL.

Erin524 07-11-2017 10:55 PM

There is a skill on Alexa that's called Ask My Buddy, that can be used to contact people for help. You set it up that you can have it call someone to check on you, or you can tell it to contact everyone on your list of contacts if you ever need help.

I just checked, and it seems to still have high ratings on it. I have it on my Alexa, but I haven't set it up yet for myself. I should probably do that, since I've been having a few more problems lately, and my mom has issues too. I'm not sure I could get mom to remember the phrase to use to activate it, but I should at least get it set up.

Was really tempted to order another Alexa Dot today, but I didn't. I probably will regret not doing it later on.

I cashed in my credit card points. ($230), and went ahead and got the full size Echo (in white, $89, which is half off). It doesn't ship till mid august, so that $230 will probably be spent by then, but I guess it'll keep my credit card from getting too high before then.

Aarcyn 07-14-2017 02:00 PM

Echo Dot usage on the MS radar. Here is this Internet write up.

12 Ways Amazon's Alexa Can Help People With Multiple Sclerosis - Multiple Sclerosis News Today

Jomar 07-16-2017 06:39 PM

There could be some privacy /security concerns to be aware of for these devices.. some info --
amazon alexa and google home security concerns - Google Search

Aarcyn 09-27-2017 01:31 PM

Echo Dot update.

I was talking to my DS about this new device. Both of us agree, we like it more than we anticipated.

Funny glitch. Although my Alexa turns on or off the bedroom light, we sometimes have to do the command again if she does not respond on the first time. DH was there and assumed a stern and angry voice, as if speaking to a recalcitrant child. I had to laugh and remind him that this is a computer that responds to processing the word commands not a reprimand.

So funny how easy it is to personify an inanimate object!

Starznight 09-27-2017 10:56 PM

My DH is seriously considering getting one after I had mentioned it. He started looking into all the things it could do, like not just acting as a clapper for the lights or an insta-radio which is what he initially thought of...but voice activated climate control! Sign him up lol. Should be noted he's an assistant general manager to a heating and a/c company here sooooo.... needless to say that's what has him the most excited :D :rolleyes:. So I'll probably have one or two of the dots in the house by the end of the month, along with new bulbs throughout the house, new thermostat installed, and some new outlets, he really never does things by halfs (except his laundry :p)

Erin524 09-28-2017 01:54 AM

I bought a little plug that's Alexa enabled. Well, it's supposed to be. Right now I'm using an app on my phone to use it, I just haven't gotten around to teaching Alexa to turn it on and off.

I'm using the plug to turn a lamp on and off upstairs right now. That way I don't have to walk across the room to turn the lamp off, and then stumble around in the dark to get back downstairs to my room. I'm going to try to teach Alexa to use it tomorrow. On the off chance she can't learn to use it, I think I'll still like it because of the app on my phone.

Going to look around and see if I can find other brands of these plugs and see if they'll play well with Siri also.

I now have three Alexa's. I have two Dot's, and one regular sized Alexa. I really like the bigger speaker. I bought one of my Dot's a battery pack, so it's portable. I can take it outside if I want to.

Kind of wish that my free trial of Sirius XM wasn't going to be over this weekend. I'm enjoying listening to that trial on one of my Alexa's at night when I'm trying to sleep. (got the free trial when I got my new car earlier this summer). I'm not willing to pony up the cash to continue the subscription, but it's nice that I can play audiobooks from Audible on it, and then there's always the IHeartRadio skill. Listen to the radio on that.

I had to cancel the security system that my dad had gotten for us last year. Cost too much. But, I have some bluetooth lightbulbs that I was using with the security system. I'm going to buy a hub from Amazon that costs about $50. I'll be able to use those bluetooth lightbulbs with the hub and make Alexa turn lights on and off for me. I'm kind of excited about that, because I have six bulbs, and five lamps. Might buy some extra bulbs and have two of the bulbs in my garage.

I'm having a lot of fun with the Alexa. I play Jeopardy! every night with her, and I probably listen to music a lot more often because it's easier to find stuff to listen to with her. Just tell her what I want to listen to, and she finds it. I like to listen to swing music, and kind of like the swing jazz channel she plays.

Oh, and I use Alexa to tell me when to take my Ampyra. I have to take it every 12hrs, so when I take it, I just tell Alexa to set the timer for me. I usually tell Siri on my phone at the same time, just in case I have to go somewhere. That way I have a backup telling me when to take the Ampyra.

Aarcyn 09-28-2017 12:05 PM

Erin - you are so far ahead of me in creating a smart home.

Amazon just rolled out a list of new Echo products. DH and I will be going through this list to see what will benefit our lifestyle.

Erin524 09-28-2017 10:26 PM

after the conversation that I just had with my aunt, my smart home is probably going to be stupid. Just found out a bunch of stuff. I don't know how things got so screwed up in my life, but they're so screwed up I don't know if I can recover. Really ticked off, and really disappointed about some things I just found out.

I might not be online for awhile. I don't know what's about to happen.

Starznight 09-30-2017 10:22 AM

Oh Erin I'm so sorry you got some very troubling news... I hope everything works out for the best for you, and please let us know when you're able to how you're holding up. :hug: and if you need anything at all

Erin524 09-30-2017 10:48 AM

I'm still online...for now.

Starznight 11-05-2017 09:24 AM

Well the DH, bought 2 echo dots and 2 more will be on the way, he also is getting the lightbulbs that connect and 2 or 3 of the compatible robotic vacuums (not sure if we’re going shark or ryobi yet) but which ever we get it’s gotta be better than pulling out the vacuum everyday and chasing kitty fuzz through the house :D. She’s a lot more fun than I expected, and so far so good on telling her things though occasionally she likes to ignore me still :(.

Still it’s nice controlling the temp in the house from the couch, and rattling off my grocery list, also nice to have someone I can practice foreign languages with even if it’s not quite the same as a real person. Still for all the things we need to pick up to go with her to really get more than a voice controlled radio.... let’s just say I’m glad my DH can get commissions, we live comfortably but $400-600 just to vacuum the house is nothing to sneeze at :eek:

ewizabeth 11-09-2017 12:04 PM

I'm really impressed by those of you setting up your smart homes. I worked with technology for over 20 years and I'm slacking in this area. I have a Wemo switch that I use for the holiday lights but that's it.

I sold these products when I was still working. I have a smartwatch that syncs with my phone and a Fitbit for sleep tracking but that's about it for me. I think my hesitation comes from the cost. If I had a device connected to Amazon I would spend more money on things I really don't need.

I have an older Bose speaker that I keep in the bathroom so I can listen to the news while I take my shower. I click on the app to start the music and it works well for me. I talked to DH about a smart thermostat, garage door controller and Ring video doorbell but he didn't have much interest.

One thing I would like someday when the price is even lower is the video camera setup to monitor the cats when we go on short vacations. They can stay alone for up to 4 days safely but I'd feel better if I could see them moving about the house.

Aarcyn 11-09-2017 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by ewizabeth (Post 1254386)
I'm really impressed by those of you setting up your smart homes. I worked with technology for over 20 years and I'm slacking in this area. I have a Wemo switch that I use for the holiday lights but that's it.

I sold these products when I was still working. I have a smartwatch that syncs with my phone and a Fitbit for sleep tracking but that's about it for me. I think my hesitation comes from the cost. If I had a device connected to Amazon I would spend more money on things I really don't need.

I have an older Bose speaker that I keep in the bathroom so I can listen to the news while I take my shower. I click on the app to start the music and it works well for me. I talked to DH about a smart thermostat, garage door controller and Ring video doorbell but he didn't have much interest.

One thing I would like someday when the price is even lower is the video camera setup to monitor the cats when we go on short vacations. They can stay alone for up to 4 days safely but I'd feel better if I could see them moving about the house.

I would have taken the same approach as you if it had not been for my tech son who gave one to my husband as a Father's Day gift. I find it is worth the $50 price tag. I do not use the Echo Dot as much as others but the voice command for light in my sitting room and bedroom is a plus.

DS has the video camera to watch his cats when on vacation. Fun feature.

I am relatively old so I am slow to learn new technology or see the need for new products on the market. I remember not really caring about e-readers. Now I love my kindle.

My adult children are pulling me along and I love how happy they are to think they are enriching my increasingly limiting world.

So I am now pulling NT MSers into my new lifestyle!

And...hi ewi!

Starznight 11-12-2017 12:19 AM

I do have to say while I love my ipads, smart phones, and computers, I wasn't too sure about getting the echo dots till they were talked about on the boards here... now that I have mine... I LOVE them. The DH got our new thermostat installed (since he works in HVAC, that was kind of an easy no brainer replacement), but we also just got 2 rooms set up tonight with the phillips hue lights! We went for the color one, just for the bedroom and living room, and it is brilliant. The voice activation is simple enough, rather reminiscent of the old fashion clappers, but that we can change the color, and brightness of the lights with just a few short words is really cool and handy(or handless as the case may be). As any one else who has migraines I'm sure can well imagine.

I just wish I could simply tell it to set the lighting to migraine mode, but for that I'll need to pull out my phone and hit the setting button through the app, at least for now, though at least now I will no longer be forced to choose between mind-numbing, stomach twisting, dizzying pain, or falling/stubbing toes and/or stumbling around in the dark when I have a killer migraine, I can simply set the bulbs to produce the least offense and perhaps even a little bit soothing color of light in my choice of brightness too.

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