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mrsD 11-21-2011 11:11 AM

DRUGS (RX) ~~ Used for Treating Peripheral Neuropathy:
This is just a huge subject. There are primarily two ways PN may be "treated".

1) Most of the people with PN can only be helped palliatively. This means by reducing symptoms of pain, burning and numbness.

2) The second way is by using agents to modify the disease process. IVIG and Rituxan are examples of this. Also if the PN is secondary to autoimmune issues, reducing autoimmune antibodies may modify the disease process in some patients.
Those agents are classed as autoimmune drugs, which suppress antibody production in the body.

3) Patients with hereditary PN, do not have treatments yet other than symptom reduction types.

This is an old list of treatments I made years ago. It does not include supplements, because we have a separate thread now on this forum for that: statements in red are added today by me.

Drugs for PN...

AEDs (anti-seizure drugs)

Tegretol/Trileptal both drugs are cousins and similar in action
Dilantin (phenytoin)
Topamax --hard to tolerate

Prescription Vitamin preparations

Mentax (the newest and best--- methylfolate, P5P, and methylcobalamin)
Folgard RX--
also Deplin which is high dose methylfolate

Antidepressants-- a partial listing

Elavil (amitriptyline)-- a tricyclic
Pamelor (nortriptyline)-- a tricyclic
Prozac, Lexapro, Celexa, Zoloft, Paxil --- SSRIs
Effexor, Cymbalta -- some norepinephrine reuptake actions
Desyrel (trazadone) mostly for sleep issues

Opiates--this is a partial list

Oxycodone (Oxycontin,Percocet)
Morphine (Avinza, MsContin, Kadian)
Duragesic patches (fentanyl)
Vicodin, Lortab Norco (hydrocodone with tylenol)
Codeine (Tylenol with Codeine)
Dilaudid (hydromorphone)
BuTran patches -- buprenorphine

NonOpiates for pain relief

Darvon/Darvocet --FDA removed this from sale in US.
NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, naproxen, Celebrex, Indocin)
Ultram (tramadol)
AlkaSeltzer (with aspirin)

Anti-diabetic drugs for diabetes type I, insulin resistance, and type II diabetes--
There are many more new drugs used for type II now, and also basal insulins injected are now used. I won't list them all here.

Metformin (Glucophage)

Benzodiazepines (AntiAnxiety/muscle relaxant)

Klonopin (clonazepam)
Xanax (alprazolam)
Ativan (lorazepam)
Valium (diazepam) Valium and Klonopin are the most commonly used for muscle issues/ and also have some anti-seizure effects

Topical agents

Lidoderm patches-- these are very nice if placed properly
Lidocaine ointment
Emla cream (now called LMX 5%)-- some numbing agents are OTC as well.

compounded ointments with Ketamine/clonidine/ketoprofen/gabapentin etc

Biofreeze (OTC)(this is very cooling, and also anti-inflammatory)--there is a new product by BenGay without the ilex called Cold Therapy with 5% menthol
These work because they contain menthol, which stimulates cold receptors and blocks burning sensations from nerves.

Capsacin cream (most people cannot tolerate the burning from this, but others like it)
The new RX patch Qutenza is capsasin in 8% concentration and requires medical supervision for application

Muscle relaxants (non benzo)

Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine)-- most commonly tried--Amrix is a new delayed release of this
Soma (carisoprol)-- abusable--but some people find it useful
Robaxin -- old timer not used much anymore
Norflex (orphenadrine)
Skelaxin-- very sedating, and often used for resistant patients who don't respond well
Baclofen (Lioresal)--mostly for spasticity issues

Dopamine agonists (for restless legs/movement disorder)


Stadol nasal-- very abusable no longer available
levothyroxine--T4 (for thyroid replacement-- if low), liothyronine (T3)
antihistamines for skin burning (Benadryl/Claritin/Zyrtec/Atarax/Allegra)Allegra, Zyrtec, Benadryl and Claritin are OTC now.
Singulair (leukotriene B4 antagonist for allergic issues)

Also some people are receiving infusions of Lidocaine which may be helpful, and also ketamine...but the RSD patients usually use the ketamine today.

And immune suppressing or disease modifying drugs:

Lefunomide -- this agent is fairly toxic and there are studies showing it actually causes PN... use with caution and care.
and others may be tried in autoimmune cases.
This thread will deal with the treatments by group and the next thread will start with the AED... anti-seizure drugs. These can block signals being passed on by nerves from reaching the brain.
I found some technical explanations for some of the drugs, which may be helpful in the post for those taking them.

edit: quick link to amitriptyline and nerve growth factors:

davidr11 11-22-2011 10:14 PM

I work with Deplin and just want clarify a few things. Metanx is part of the Pamlab family along with Deplin. Deplin, which is high L-methylfolate, has indication for depression symptoms. Metanx, has the unique indication specific for DPN. Metanx works by addressing the inadequate nutrition which may lead to nerve damage. Please visit the Metanx or Deplin website for more patient information. Hope this helps.

mrsD 11-23-2011 07:27 AM

Thank you David.... we are very very familiar with Metanx.

I only include Deplin here as an RX version of methylfolate since this list is RX examples. People with MTHFR mutation may use Deplin also.

FDA requires an RX category of any folate 1mg or over.
People can purchase methylfolate OTC from the Solgar supplement company at 800mcg/tablet (.8mg).

Folate BTW is not a huge player in PN management. Metanx's
main benefit is the methylcobalamin.
Those with the MTHFR mutation however have higher homocysteine levels and can benefit from Metanx (and folate in general). Some drug treatments deplete folate, and may be used by patients with PN.... methotrexate, NSAIDs, Prednisone, H2 antagonists, HRT, Sulfasalazine, etc.

Robibbie1 11-28-2011 07:31 PM

This is an interesting discussion, but as always consult with your doctor. For eample, Aleve(naproxen) moved me very close to chronic kidney failure.

mrsD 11-29-2011 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by Robibbie1 (Post 828287)
This is an interesting discussion, but as always consult with your doctor. For eample, Aleve(naproxen) moved me very close to chronic kidney failure.

Yes, all the NSAIDs carry risks. In fact all the drugs on this list are risky in some way. NSAIDs also increase the risk of cardiovascular incidents.

This list is not for people to self medicate is to illustrate the various types of medications that may work to relieve some
pain of neuropathy.

As I get time I am going to make individual posts on each group. But the holidays have delayed me somewhat. :rolleyes:

en bloc 11-29-2011 02:53 PM

There is one more disease modifying drug that is very common in autoimmune disease/neuropathies...Plaquenil. It's an anti-malarial used as a DMARD.

It may not actually 'fix' the neuropathy, but it does aid in control/slowing progression of autoimmune disease...therefore possibly indirectly helping the neuropathy.

Maybe I should have waited to comment when you address that particular group. Anyway, I'd be interested in hearing your comments on Plaquenil.

mrsD 11-30-2011 09:35 AM

It is really not possible to discuss how many drugs work for symptoms of neuropathy, without understanding how neurons work and their anatomy.

This Wiki article is very good, and I suggest readers here read this before I get into the various types of drugs.

Damage to the axon, can occur in PN. This can be autoimmune antibodies that attack the insulation, or a toxin. Some inflammatory cytokines produced by the body, may attack axons. There is a nice diagram on the Wiki link showing what an axon is. There are some very LONG axons in the body, so damage can happen anywhere along it. It can be severed or compressed. Sciatica is one common example.
This link explains the myelin sheath, how it may be injured and how it may regenerate:

Statin drugs that are used to lower cholesterol, affect they myelin production in the body and the repair of myelin in nerves.
This article by Dr. Graveline MD explains this:
And this explanation explains why this family of drugs can lead to nerve damage both in the periphery and brain.

Also this article explains "inhibitory" actions some nerves have and this concept is important to understand. Inhibitory nerves are affected by benzodiazepines-- drugs like Xanax and Valium.
This link explains inhibitory functions of neurons.

This is one reason why benzodiazepines work for PN pain in some patients. And why when discontinued, the inhibition is removed and activity is restored, often with very uncomfortable results. Benzos also are given following seizures, to reduce hyperexcitable neurons from starting up again. They can also be used to prevent certain types of seizures. When patients are taking them for anxiety or psychiatric reasons, and suddenly discontinue, a seizure may result. Hence, discontinuance of Benzos should be montiored carefully by a doctor. I have read in some places that it can take weeks to months to successfully wean off them. Klonopin is the worst offender in this regard.

While PNers here are mostly concerned about peripheral nerves, there are nerves in the brain too, that participate in the perception of pain. Some of the drugs used to treat symptoms of PN work in the brain mostly, and are the antidepressants.
One older drug, amitriptyline (and nortriptyline) have shown in a recent study to help peripheral nerve growth factors. But the newer SSRIs and SSNIs work mostly in the brain to affect the perception of pain. The pain loop in the brain is quite large and covers a large area while it is working.

This Medscape article illustrates this:
If you are not a member of Medscape you can join easily for free. There are some wonderful articles there on many medical topics.
The SSRI drugs therefore work on this complex pain loop and may reduce pain for some patients. Cymbalta is the newest, and Lilly did studies with it to prove this effect so the FDA would approve it for pain. It however, is not the only one that works.
The antidepressants with dual actions like Cymbalta are Effexor and Savella. These seem to work better than the old SSRIs like Prozac.

I will be attending the big pain conference this spring that is given every year... and any new information on central pain research I typically pick up there. I'll bring that to this board when that conference is held. It is usually in April or May.(Michigan Head-Pain and Neurological Institute sponsors it)

Edit -- This Medscape link describes the various treatments for neuropathic pain.
You may have to join which is free, to view this video, and you may have to pause the video when the slides come up, as they don't remain on the screen for long. But the graphics are very good and illustrate the pain pathways in the dorsal roots and spinal cord.

mrsD 12-01-2011 02:01 PM

Neurontin and Lyrica:
I am going to do a whole post on just these two. The other anti-seizure drugs will follow in their own post.

Neurontin (gabapentin) and Lyrica (pregabalin) are cousins.
They are both made by Pfizer, and have both been involved with fines and fraud claims against Pfizer who plead guilty and paid them.

Here are some links for that history: Neurontin
This is a long article.

The Neurontin issue was inherited from ParkeDavis, who initially sent sales reps to doctors to encourage experimentation on patients off label for bipolar and chronic pain. They got caught eventually not long after Pfizer took over ParkeDavis.

I found an interesting PubMed review article from 2011, with some facts about the "effectiveness" of Neurontin in treating pain:
For those reading here not getting much relief--- this is why.
Only found useful in about 1/3 of patients.

This is the side effect profile for Neurontin from FDA reports:

This is Neurontin's monograph at

Many people cannot tolerate this drug, and its nicknames over the years include Morontin, and Neurotten.

The Wiki article on Neurontin offers this mechanism of action, which still remains murky:

Gabapentin was initially synthesized to mimic the chemical structure of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), but is not believed to act on the same brain receptors.

One possible mechanism of action, reported by Ben Barres of Stanford University and colleagues in Cell in 2009, was that gabapentin halts the formation of new synapses.[41] Gabapentin binds to the α2δ subunit (1 and 2) and has been found to reduce calcium currents after chronic but not acute application via an effect on trafficking[42] of voltage-dependent calcium channels in the central nervous system.[43] This effect on calcium channel trafficking is another possible mechanism of action of gabapentin, but the exact mechanism remains in dispute.

Edit to add.... this link explains how gabapentin works in the brain:

In their new study, Barres and his colleagues found that when gabapentin was administered in developing mice, it bound to alpha2delta-1, preventing thrombospondin from binding to the receptor and, in turn, impeding synapse formation. Likewise, by blocking thrombosponin, gabapentin may reduce excess synapse formation in vulnerable areas of the human brain.
While this may be crucial for children... adults still may be affected in ways we haven't explained yet. It is something to think about, certainly.

************************************************** ********

Lyrica is a more potent form of Neurontin: It is not generic yet, and remains very expensive.
And it, also, has been in scandals involving Pfizer:
fraud for Lyrica

Here is the Wiki on Lyrica:

And the FDA reports:

Both of these drugs are highly sedating, and interact with other sedating drugs. So be careful with them if you use opiates or benzos.

They are mostly excreted whole through the urine by the kidneys, and for that reason do not enhance or block liver metabolism of other drugs. This makes them very attractive to doctors, who think this trait is safer than other anti-seizure drugs. Hence these are offered today FIRST in most PN treatments.

Many people find they cause weight gain. Also some people are appearing on these boards with rotten teeth. (I cannot find that yet in reports however). Both these drugs may cause edema, severe fatigue/brain fog etc. And both have FDA warning regarding suicidal ideation and depression.
This is the RX information for Lyrica:

So if you are taking one of these and feel they are not working, they probably aren't. Discuss this with your doctor. These drugs cannot be stopped cold turkey after being used for a long time...
that may result in seizures. So any change in therapy should be monitored by your doctor closely.

edit to add this information on two new recent studies showing
Lyrica not effective for pain (no better than placebo)

edit to add an example of a taper schedule:
This is a taper from Neurontin with Lyrica added that Nide44 has posted in the past. I have his permission to copy it here:

Day 1 - 3
50 mg Lyrica, 900 mg Neurontin three times per day

Day 4-6
100 mg Lyrica , 300 mg Neurontin three times per day

Day 7 and on
150 mg of Lyrica three times per day
This is a taper specific to Nide44's medical condition. Tapers may vary,
according to patients needs and symptoms resulting from the change in dosing.
I recently found this paper, which suggests a slower taper for gabapentin because some people are very uncomfortable with this situation.:

Bipolar Disord. 2005 Jun;7(3):302-4.
Gabapentin withdrawal syndrome in the presence of a taper.
Tran KT, Hranicky D, Lark T, Jacob Nj.

Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA.

To report a case report of a geriatric patient with a 5-year history of gabapentin use for enhanced bipolar control, who was tapered off of gabapentin over 1 week. The patient displayed unique withdrawal symptoms after the taper of gabapentin.

The patient is an 81-year-old white female with a life-long history of schizoaffective disorder with bipolar type I tendencies who had been prescribed gabapentin for 5 years.

The patient displayed moderate upper respiratory tract infection symptoms and somatic complaints 1 day after termination of gabapentin. These symptoms gradually worsened until 10 days after, at which time she acutely developed severe mental status changes, severe somatic chest pain, and hypertension. Physical examination, electrolytes, electrocardiogram, computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and magnetic resonance angiography were all normal. Upon reintroduction of gabapentin, the patient returned to baseline within 1-2 days.

Gabapentin is widely utilized currently for the chronic treatment of recalcitrant migraines, bipolar illness, pain, and epilepsy. It has a wide therapeutic index with few side effects and drug interactions, is not hepatically metabolized, and is excreted by the kidneys. Past reports have suggested that some withdrawal symptoms can present after 1-2 days upon abrupt discontinuation of gabapentin after chronic use within young to middle-aged patients. These symptoms mimic that of alcohol and benzodiazepine withdrawal purportedly due to a similar mechanism of action. Unique to this case is that this geriatric patient developed debilitating withdrawal symptoms after a gradual, week-long taper of gabapentin along with flu-like symptoms. It is proposed herein that a gabapentin taper should follow a course similar to that of a benzodiazepine taper -- slowly and over a period of weeks to months.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

So based on patient response to a taper, I suggest you keep your doctor informed of any discomfort or alarming symptoms, so that your taper fits your specific needs.

mrsD 12-04-2011 07:35 AM

Other anti-convulsants:
Most of the anticonvulsants affect nerves by changing the way ions (potassium, sodium, calcium) work on the membranes of the nerves to chemically induce a signal.
(Some cardiac drugs like Mexetil, and Tambocor also affect membrane potentials, but have little if any antiseizure effects)

This is an explanation of how this works:

Historically anti-seizure drugs were found to affect pain perception over time postmarketing. The first was Tegretol, which was initially used for trigeminal neuralgia. It was never a first line drug for seizures, because it has some long term toxic effects. But over time Dilantin was used for cardiac conduction problems the same way.

I would encourage anyone here taking an anti-seizure drug to look it up on and read the precautions and side effects carefully. I won't be going into detail here because of space considerations.

All of the anti-seizure drugs are slightly different in the way they work for chronic pain. Here is a good overview of the subject:

Some of them are more commonly used for PN, and I think that is based on some studies that various drug companies have done, or that doctors have seen in their CME classes. (continuing medical education for relicensure).

All of the anti-seizure medications typically have long term potentially serious side effects. So I will point those out, in case your doctor is not monitoring you closely.

Tegretol/Trileptal have potential to cause a sodium imbalance
which is called hyponatremia and lowering of white cells.
Trileptal was designed to have fewer liver metabolic complications, but Tegretol interacts with many other drugs' metabolism in the body. A good drug checker to test your specific combinations can be found here:

A total of 903 drugs (5191 brand and generic names) are known to interact with Tegretol (carbamazepine).

34 major drug interactions
824 moderate drug interactions
45 minor drug interactions
As you can see there are MANY potentials for getting into difficulties taking Tegretol!

Topamax is another often used to prevent migraine.
It can also be used for chronic pain management and sometimes helps to lower the need for opiates. It too, has many serious potentially damaging qualities. Doctors were sent warning letters over the years about them, but still today some do not test for bicarbonate depletion-- which leads to metabolic acidosis in about 30-40% of patients. Also kidney stones and glaucoma are possible. Typically Topamax is started at a low dose and slowly increased. Keeping at the lowest possible level is a very good idea. This drug does affect cognitive abilities and has been nicknamed Dopamax as a result. If your doctor is NOT monitoring you and you feel ill taking this, demand a test for bicarbonate levels.

The others listed at the link all have potential to help. This seems to be very personally unique to individuals, and there is no way really to predict who will respond to which unless you try them.

The two cardiac drugs, Mexetil and Tambocor are used infrequently. Mexetil is sometimes called "oral Lidocaine" because it works on sodium channels. It is not commonly given unless patients don't respond to other drugs, because it can be very upsetting to the stomach, may cause ulceration, or damage to the esophagus. So staying upright after taking may minimize reflux and burning this causes. But many people discontinue it because of GI side effects.

Tambocor can be problematic mixed with other drugs:

So use the drug checker, to test out your combinations for your own safety. Some online or pharmacy databases may not have all of them listed equally, so checking yourself is important.
Both of these heart drugs have a narrow therapeutic index, meaning errors in administration, or taking too much can be dangerous or fatal. So strict adherence to directions is a MUST for them.

Here are some other links about using these medications for chronic pain. I found these interesting and they may be helpful for some here:

Many of the anti-seizure drugs interfere with nutrients in the body. Most commonly calcium, Vit D, and folate.
The newer ones like Lamictal, Zonegran, Keppra don't have studies yet on this. But often doctors lump them into the family category and you may be counseled to have a Vit D test, and or use a calcium supplement.

Valproate (Depakote), is rarely used for PN, but may be tried when others fail. It specifically blocks folic acid and carnitine.
It also is suspected of affecting zinc because it causes hair loss in some patients.
Tegretol can cause low folic acid too.

I have not run across anyone using Gabitril on this forum yet. I suspect the side effects for this limits its use.

Discontinuing these drugs suddenly can have serious consequences.
If you need to discontinue any of them, they should be tapered off carefully, with doctor supervision.

edit: A new article has appeared in Science News this week. 6-2012:
It discusses a specific sodium channel target in the peripheral nervous system to block pain:

We may see drugs developed to target this area, eventually.

mrsD 01-07-2012 05:22 AM

The new gabapentin:
We have a recent post on this subject, gabapentin enacarbil:

This drug has be recently approved for RLS and had been in the pipeline for a LONG time. It does not at this time have FDA approval for either epilepsy, or chronic pain however, because studies were not submitted for those conditions.

I don't expect that many if any insurance plans will pay for this
for off label use for anything other than RLS.

If anyone here does try this drug, I think we all would like to
see if it helps, or not. So please share that experience here.

nsw43 01-10-2012 01:39 AM

Another NonOpiate pain reliever is tapentadol. Here's the Wiki link:

It's similar to tramadol in that it's dual action, both an analgesic and a norephinephrine reuptake inhibitor. It appears to be stronger than tramadol though.

I just researched it because my neurologist suggested I take it. (But I'm not going to.)

mrsD 06-07-2012 09:50 AM


bumping up for discussions about drug treatments.

caseysanchez 08-14-2012 05:53 PM

Relief from Topomax
I was very interested to come across this, since I already take Topomax for migraines. Is there any details as to it's effectiveness in helping with ulnar neuropathy?

mrsD 01-16-2013 10:59 AM

Here is a new study comparing Lyrica, Cymbalta, and amitriptyline.

This is one link to the abstract with slightly different wording:

also on PubMed:

3 reader remarks here:
including one suggesting methylcobalamin B12.

grego 02-11-2013 07:46 AM

Hello evry1
I have GBS/CIDP since 4-2011/ then CIDP 8-2011 and have tried lots for the pain of Peripheral Neuropathy: Cymbalta, lyrica, gabapentin, neurotin and all have little effect. I get IVIG @ 110mg every 6 wks, And am on cellcept @ 1000mg daily. My question is has anyone had any pain relief from METANX.:winky: Greg:winky:

dazle 02-28-2013 08:30 PM

I have 5mg valium nightly. Could that be making my NP worse? I am thinking of asking my GP for some anti depressants but not sure which ones as I also am on coumdin

mrsD 03-01-2013 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by dazle (Post 961587)
I have 5mg valium nightly. Could that be making my NP worse? I am thinking of asking my GP for some anti depressants but not sure which ones as I also am on coumdin

SSRIs affect bleeding times, and are not recommended for
patients on blood thinners.

And yes, Benzodiazepines may make neuropathy worse.
What do you take the Valium for?

dazle 03-08-2013 09:08 PM

I suffer with depression and Valium has been helping to keep my demons away. I have read on the internet that anti depressants can also be a treatment for neuropathy. I commenced prisiq 3 days ago and already my feelings of shaking has subsided. I intend to wean myself off the valium but that has to be done slowly I believe.

NillaWfer 11-05-2013 12:06 PM

Neuropathy from Chemotherapy
Does anyone have any experience with neuropathy from chemotherapy? I want to relieve my friend's pain so bad. She is suffering from neuropathy on her thigh/hip area. I don't know where to start. Her oncologist only seems to treat her cancer (Stage 4 Cervical Cancer that was treated and rid her of the cancer for a short time). She has recurrent cervical cancer right now. She is already on roxicet and oxycontin and that does not help. She said she did get some relief with Xanax. She also was given some marijuana that helped a lot. She is not a usual pot smoker - but she was desperate! Thank you for taking the time to read this. Any help would be appreciated.

mrsD 11-05-2013 12:32 PM

Welcome to NeuroTalk:

There are many threads/posts on the subject of chemo damage.

Put Chemo into the search and find some like this one: The search is at the top right of each page here.

cicibell 11-08-2013 10:45 PM

Drugs I've tried that haven't worked...
Hello everyone. I am a 28 year old female struggling with right sided back/leg pain. The buttock/hip/thigh area is the most painful. I had a posterior L5/S1 fusion due to spondolysthesis, slipped disc, and 2 fractures on my L5 vertebrae due to a gymnastics injury. I had malunion after the surgery so they had to go back in and do a anterior L5/S1 fusion. That time I fused. It has now been 2 years and 4 months since that surgery. Starting back in February I became physically active again and noticed that I started to get pain radiating from my low back down my right leg. (I was not physically active prior or working because the doctor told me that since I did not fuse the first time and I was very active that this time I should take it easy until I fused) Since then I have had an MRI of back and hip, CT scan, x-rays of my back and hip, CT myelogram, and an EMG. Everything looked great! I am fused. There is no nerve impingement. There is nothing wrong with my hip. Flexion and extension xrays are normal.
So since then I have been to almost a dozen doctors. Orthopedic doctors, neurosurgeons, peripheral nerve surgeon, etc. I have been from Baltimore to Philadelphia. No one has an answer for me.

I have tried:
Neurontin 900mg three times a day
Ibuprofen 800mg three times a day
Naproxen sodium
Ultram (Tramadol) 50mg three times a day
Percocet 7.5mg three times a day
Zonegran 200mg daily

Does anyone have any suggestions for other medications or dosages that I could try??

I have had several pain injections at levels L4 and L5 which were unsuccessful.

Now they are talking about doing a nerve stimulator trial. From what I have researched I am not too excited about it and I don't know if it is the right option for me. Any thoughts?

I am really depressed and anxious. I see someone for my depression and anxiety, but I feel like that only does so much. I don't work because I can't. I used to have a wonderful career and now all I can do is sit around and barely go to the store to get the essentials.

I'm tired of being in pain and I'm tired of being sad. Please help.


mrsD 11-09-2013 06:41 AM

You can try Lidoderm patches... placed over the surgical site.

They take a while to get going, so expect a slow response.

ElaineD 11-11-2013 10:36 PM

1. It is easier to keep pain "in the box" than to put it "back in the box". I have chronic pain, so I medicate it regularly, every day.

2. Things that work, may stop working, and may become a problem. I have become reactive to all the opioids and things like Tramadol. I cannot take any codeine product. I became 'reactive' to them very quickly and with little exposure.

3. Drugs that work for one person may be terrible for another person.

4. Aleve (naproxen sodium) works very well for me. I also take 60 mg of Omeprazole (Prilosec) because it is an NAID that is hard on my gastrointestinal system. I take two Aleve in the morning, and two at Aleve at night.

5. Cymbalta is an SSRI that is on label for pain, I take 60 mg of Cymbalta every night.

6. If I have a flare and my pain is much worse, I take Acetaminophen Arthritis Strength, which is stronger and lasts longer than regular doses. This is the generic of Tylenol. This drug should not be taken for prolonged periods of time, so I save it for occasional use.

7. I apply a heated wrap to my neck in order to get to sleep or stay asleep at night. This wrap is filled with beans/seeds and can be heated in the microwave.

8. I practice relaxation and meditation, specifically learned to deal with pain.

9. I exercise as often as possible, in a heated pool, stretching and mild aerobic exercise. I also use variable resistance equipment at the health club. I have found that for some of my pain, this exercise is the best way to control/stop it. Especially Interstitial Cystitis.

I haven't taken Plaquenil, Methotrexate or Prednisone for pain control. But I understand that they can be a great help.

Some people find that there are some foods that increase inflammation and they avoid them.

I have not found that, personally.

I have PN, DDD, CVID, Sjogren's Syndrome, Interstitial Cystitis, Severe Osteoarthritis, Anemia, Blepharitis, Meniere's Syndrome with Tinnitus and some deafness.

Hugs, Elaine

mrsD 11-12-2013 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by ElaineD (Post 1028497)
1. It is easier to keep pain "in the box" than to put it "back in the box". I have chronic pain, so I medicate it regularly, every day.

2. Things that work, may stop working, and may become a problem. I have become reactive to all the opioids and things like Tramadol. I cannot take any codeine product. I became 'reactive' to them very quickly and with little exposure.

3. Drugs that work for one person may be terrible for another person.

4. Aleve (naproxen sodium) works very well for me. I also take 60 mg of Omeprazole (Prilosec) because it is an NAID that is hard on my gastrointestinal system. I take two Aleve in the morning, and two at Aleve at night.

5. Cymbalta is an SSRI that is on label for pain, I take 60 mg of Cymbalta every night.

6. If I have a flare and my pain is much worse, I take Acetaminophen Arthritis Strength, which is stronger and lasts longer than regular doses. This is the generic of Tylenol. This drug should not be taken for prolonged periods of time, so I save it for occasional use.

7. I apply a heated wrap to my neck in order to get to sleep or stay asleep at night. This wrap is filled with beans/seeds and can be heated in the microwave.

8. I practice relaxation and meditation, specifically learned to deal with pain.

9. I exercise as often as possible, in a heated pool, stretching and mild aerobic exercise. I also use variable resistance equipment at the health club. I have found that for some of my pain, this exercise is the best way to control/stop it. Especially Interstitial Cystitis.

I haven't taken Plaquenil, Methotrexate or Prednisone for pain control. But I understand that they can be a great help.

Some people find that there are some foods that increase inflammation and they avoid them.

I have not found that, personally.

I have PN, DDD, CVID, Sjogren's Syndrome, Interstitial Cystitis, Severe Osteoarthritis, Anemia, Blepharitis, Meniere's Syndrome with Tinnitus and some deafness.

Hugs, Elaine

This is an interesting post. I do think if you take that 60mg of Prilosec for any length of time, you need to be aware that it will interfere with absorption of acid requiring nutrients:

magnesium (serious)
Folic acid

Naproxen interferes with folic acid.

I wonder if you have ever tried Ice on your arthritis? I find Ice is better for me than heat. Use sparingly for short periods once daily... like 20minutes.
Also you might try the Salonpas patches (original formula with methyl salicylate)...these work well on my joint flares.

Dr. Smith 11-12-2013 11:17 AM

Yes, interesting post... :Ponder:

Originally Posted by ElaineD (Post 1028497)
1. It is easier to keep pain "in the box" than to put it "back in the box". I have chronic pain, so I medicate it regularly, every day.

2. Things that work, may stop working, and may become a problem. I have become reactive to all the opioids and things like Tramadol. I cannot take any codeine product. I became 'reactive' to them very quickly and with little exposure.

1. Interesting way of putting it!
2. That's the flipside/double edge of #1.


6. If I have a flare and my pain is much worse, I take Acetaminophen Arthritis Strength, which is stronger and lasts longer than regular doses. This is the generic of Tylenol. This drug should not be taken for prolonged periods of time, so I save it for occasional use.
Some who can't tolerate NSAIDs at all may have little/no choice. For those folks who have to take acataminophen/paracetamol/Tylenol longer term, taking N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) daily can help protect the liver against the ravages of acetaminophen.


9. I exercise as often as possible, in a heated pool, stretching and mild aerobic exercise....
When you say "heated pool" do you mean like swimming pool temperature (83-86 degrees Fahrenheit/28-30 degrees Celsius) or like hot tub/jacuzzi/spa temperature (100–104 degrees Fahrenheit/38-40 degrees Celsius)?


mrsD 11-12-2013 01:04 PM


Here are some medical papers discussing the safety of using proton pump inhibitors with NSAIDs:

Patients who take NSAIDs are frequently given PPIs to reduce gastric acid and the damage it causes. However, approximately 70% of chronic NSAID users develop inflammation of the small intestine, which can lead to bleeding, strictures, and occasional perforations. To make matters worse, there is a high incidence of small intestinal damage among patients who take a NSAID and PPI together—the PPI confers little, if any, protection to the mid- and distal small intestine.
When this inflammation occurs all sorts of nutrients and minerals will suffer because they can no longer be absorbed by the damaged intestine.

This link is a long paper on Stomach ulcer prevention only:

This article brings up the topic of bone loss doing this treatment.
This is because acid in the stomach is necessary for proper Vit D absorption of calcium (and also magnesium). I mentioned this nutrient interaction in just above this post.

There is always a price to pay for using complex drugs for long periods of time (as in arthritis therapy). You'll have to decide how much risk you are willing to take, and remain vigilant for any signs of intestinal warning symptoms.

kjb85 10-19-2016 06:32 AM

qutenza patch
I know this is an old thread, but I cannotfind any n ew info here on the qutenza 8 percent patch. Has anyone now tried it?

mrsD 10-19-2016 09:07 PM

We have had discussions about this capsaicin patch on this forum.

You can search for it on the main forum below.

Not many people in recent years have mentioned it, and I think that is because the lidocaine patches, became more popular.

Capsaicin is not really tolerated well by everyone. Some people cannot stand the burning it causes.

Our software does not support a 3rd party sharing links from a I cannot list my search just now on
"capsaisin patch".

But here is an example:

This post above is from 2010.
Here is another short discussion:

I found one interesting thing at CafePharma forum for sales reps discussions. In 2014 they discuss the "unavailability" of Qutenza patches and doctors asking why they cannot obtain it. No answers were forthcoming.

Just because we don't have many posts about it, just means people are not using it or asking about it. I found just a few hits on Google, so I don't think it is widely used now. Lidoderm patches seem to be much more popular. And now they are even OTC at 4% (the RX ones are 5%).

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