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Alffe 12-13-2006 01:56 PM

Wonder Thread #16
I wonder if The Young & The Restless can get any more boring....:confused:

I wonder how much longer Mr.Alffe will continue to play B.Ball...between soaking his foot in Johnsons foot soap, packing his broken finger in ice, and soaking the other hand....well, enough already!... :o

I wonder how much longer Mr.Alffe will think it's fun...........

I wonder why so few people at church signed up to "adopt" a family for Christmas...........

I wonder and worry about the little boy Mr.Alffe reads with on Tuesday mornings.....I fear he is a little sociopath in the age 6...:Sigh:

I wonder what direction our country will take in the coming year...I'm reminded of the saying "if you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there".

I wonder why the UPS store has gotten so authoritarian lately...time of yr?

I wonder if we can all remember that words can hurt......

I wonder if Doodys Dad will come home today...........

I wonder if I can leave hugs for the room........

Doody 12-13-2006 03:49 PM

No, sigh. Doody's dad has to stay because enzyme levels are up.

I wonder why the doctor didn't tell us yesterday that dad had a mild heart attack during the angioplasty.

Curious 12-13-2006 04:30 PM


i wonder if doody knows i am praying for her dad?

heyjude5050 12-13-2006 08:01 PM

I wonder if people know that I would never want to hurt them
I wonder if it is possible for people not to know that there words can hurt so bad
I also wonder if the young and the restless can get any more boring
I wonder if I will ever be able to go back to work
I wonder if the people I work with know how much I miss them
I wonder if I will be up to all of the holiday cheer
I wonder if they will know that I will fake it if I am not

Alffe 12-14-2006 11:28 AM

I wonder who/what is eating the corn blocks...we have such warm weather that I'm not worried about anything trying to find food..........

I wonder why I bought grapefruit and tomatoe juice, bacon, eggs and lots of meat at the store this morning.....:icon_wink:

I wonder if the Senator who has survived brain surgery will be alright...prayers for his family and of course for him.................

I wonder if Goofy is feeling any better today.....(((Hugs)))

I wonder how Doodys Dad is this morning.........(((Doody)))

I wonder how BJ is and I hope she pops in to say hello....(((BJ)))

I wonder why we continue to watch Y&R when it's so boring...:confused:

I wonder how Kimmy is and if she reads here....(((Kimmy)))

I wonder if Scrabble gets my emails...............

I wonder if Cooper will do "better" on the doggy aspirin...

I wonder if I can leave hugs for the room.

I wonder if there is a hug icon and I just missed it....

Abbie 12-14-2006 12:04 PM

I wonder what everyone is wondering about....

Alffe 12-14-2006 12:33 PM

I wonder if I can say Welcome to the forum Abasaki.....

I wonder if I can also say that I'm so glad you are still with us this morning..

You matter! Maybe you think your family doesn't give a dam about you but I do...and it's important that you know that. Pain is so dibilitating and so is its' best friend, depression. Please don't let it drag you under.


Curious 12-14-2006 02:13 PM

i wonder if i can say howdy and welcome to abasaki? :D

i wonder if you know how it warmed my heart to see you wonder with us?

:Dunno: :Crowded: i wonder if this is supposed to be a tight hug?

i wonder if julie knows grandmonkey is in his new power rangers sleeping bag and watching lion king? i wonder if y'all know julie came over to my house this morning? :D

i wonder if goofy is feeling better too? i wonder if she will make it to her son's program tonight?

Lara 12-14-2006 03:45 PM

LOL @ the tight hug.

I wonder a few little wonders.

It's nice to meet you Abasaki. :)

I wonder how Julie's son went with the testing and I wondered all along exactly what type of testing it was. How neat that you and curious live close enough to visit like that. wow! I wish everyone could come sit on my verandah and have a cuppa tea with me.

I wonder what's in the water in Orange County?

I wonder about all the crap and stress people seem to be putting themselves through for one day of the year. I wonder if they spread all that crap and stress out on the other 364 days of the year then they'd be able to chill out a little more with their family and friends on that one day of the year.

I wonder if you know I've cancelled xmas this year? lol

Lara 12-14-2006 03:48 PM

On a serious note.

I wonder if you all know we have the most horrific fires here in states south of me. Just huge and shocking and not getting better.

Curious 12-14-2006 08:40 PM

i wonder if lara knows i am hoping those fires are put out soon?

i wonder howlong of a road trip it would be for us to get to lara's...and if she has enough tea? :D

BJ 12-14-2006 09:32 PM

I wonder if anyone knows why I haven’t been around.

I wonder if anyone knows how ashamed I am and how weak I was.

I wonder if my mom will ever forgive me for wanting to be with her.

I wonder if I’ll be true to myself and my pdoc and get through this hurdle.

I wonder if I’ll ever stop hurting inside and the darkness will go away.

I wonder if this new “cocktail” I’m on is the answer because I don’t want to be shocked.

I wonder if my brother is telling the truth and will spend time with me during the holidays.

I wonder if Alffe knows I’ve missed her too and her posts.

I wonder if...why?

Alffe 12-14-2006 10:02 PM

I wonder if BJ will believe me when I say that I couldn't have had a better Christmas present than a post from her...(((BJ)))

I wonder if she will look at today, as a new day, a new beginning, a fresh start, and if that doesn't work....just know that you have given me the very best's hard for me to find a reason to live sometimes BJ...but people like you, make me remember. (((BJ)))

Julie 12-14-2006 10:58 PM

I wonder if BJ wants a hug.

I wonder if she knows that she has been missed.

I wonder if Alffe knows her advice is always so spot on and even if it is for somebody else, it usually helps me too (((((Alffe))))

I wonder if you know that Michael told me today that he only wants for Christmas for Santa to pay his tuition for classes at the homeschool store.

I wonder if he saw me cry today when he got his certificate after chess class.

I wonder at the excitement when his coach asked him to play in tournaments.

I wonder what was so important at the choir performance that the people behind us had to talk about.

I wonder how they would have felt if they were recording it for their husband who couldn't be there because of a job interview if I talked through the whole thing.

I wonder why twice asking for them to be quiet wasn't enough.

I wonder if that dead battery/flat tire happened to them yet that I wished for.

I wonder if Lara knows that Mikey's seizures have started again.

I wonder if I can tell her that he had all kinds of neuro/psych testing for everything from learning disabilities to IQ to brain damage.

I wonder if this sweet child got a 139 IQ from his daddy or my daddy cuz I know he didn't get it from me.

I wonder if I can leave you all hugs tonight.

BJ 12-15-2006 08:01 AM

I wonder if Alffe knows that I'm glad she liked her Christmas present. :D

I wonder if Alffe know that I'm trying really, really hard.

I wonder if the shame I feel inside will vanish and I'll realize it's not the way.

I wonder if the counselor was right in that this just takes time.

I wonder if Curious know I've missed her wit and humor.

I wonder if Julie needs hugs too.

I wonder if I can leave {{{{{Hugs}}}}} for the room.

Alffe 12-15-2006 09:51 AM

I wonder if BJ knows that I have complete faith in her ability to get through her grief and I also understand that it'll be one of the hardest journeys of her life............(((BJ)))

I wonder what my daughter will think of the rubber snake I bought her...:D

I wonder if Julie knows that I think she is very special, in fact I thought of her right away when I got the Dear Santa email.......

I wonder why that red headed woodpecker thinks he owns the suet...
two bluejays couldn't have a turn.........:confused:

I wonder about the lady at Curves who said she kept two baby squirrels in a tea cup on her desk...and went to the cafeteria on her breaks and feed them baby bottles of milk....she never stopped talking long enough for me to tell her about the squirrel forum..........:rolleyes:

FeelinGoofy 12-15-2006 07:13 PM

I wonder if i can tell you guys i'm finally feeling better :)

i wonder if i can tell you i did go to my sons christmas concert last night and was amazed at the talent. Again carol of the bells gave me chills.

i wonder when i'll get my voice back?

i wonder about this christmas party i'm suppose to go to tonight? i'm going but not really wanting to.:Sigh:

i wonder if BJ knows it was good to see a post from her :)

I wonder to Julie, why some people think they have to talk during performances. :icon_mad: Its just plain rude....

i wonder when my memory will return to normal... its driving me nuts that i cant remember stuff..... i've never had this problem before.... i wonder if its because i turned 50 this year? :rolleyes:

i wonder if i should go get ready for this party tonight????? :Sigh:

Curious 12-15-2006 07:51 PM

i wonder if i can leave bj a Attachment 546?

i wonder if i can post more's been a long day?:o

~KELLWANTSANSWERS~ 12-15-2006 09:08 PM

I wonder why it feels like it's been a long time since i last posted in the wonders thread.

Iwonder if i can tell lara that i hope and pray those fires are under control and put out if not already,then VERY SOON!
Iwonder if i can tell her that i hope she is safe!!!!

I wonder if bj knows that i am happy to see a post from her too.

I wonder quite often why people just seem to be so rude everywhere anymore..

I wonder if the 4.00 miracle flee killer pill will really work on my cats or if i'll end up going to get just one more in the morning.:confused:

I wonder how many days it will take for my body to stop hurting from all the work i had to do the past 2 1/2 days....

I wonder if feelin goofy knows that i am glad to hear she is feelin better.
Iwonder if i can tell her that maybe, just maybe all the stress could be taking a toll on her memory...Something to think about.

I wonder how kimmy is doing..

I wonder if alffe knows just how special she really is to all of us..

Iwonder if i will have enough money to finish my christmas shopping:confused: :confused:

Iwonder if i can leave hugs for the room{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}

Alffe 12-16-2006 01:17 PM

I wonder at the joy I felt today when I opened the mail box and had so many treasures....A beautiful calendar The Landscapes of Australia from an old friend I only hear from about twice a yr. and who I hope to meet one day....

I wonder about the card from our neice in South Korea and the different and challenging experiences they are having while living there..........

I wonder if my grandson passed his driving tests this morning...:o

I wonder and wonder if I really will be a great grandma in May....:D :eek: :p

I wonder where to hide all this cereal snack from Mr.Alffe...the whole house smells like cereal snack and he's discovered all my hiding places...

Abbie 12-16-2006 02:59 PM

I wonder if this well I'm in is gonna get any deeper...
I wonder if I'm gonna lose the speck of light that i can barely see...
I wonder why I am here...
I wonder if anyone would notice if I wasn't....

Alffe 12-16-2006 03:47 PM

I wonder if Abasaki will see the rope that's being lowered down that pit...

I wonder if Abasaki recognizes the speck of light as HOPE...(((Abasaki)))

I wonder if Abasaki is male or female...young or old...and I also wonder if he/she would like to talk about suicide....or "IT" as we sometimes refer to suicide....

That old elephant in the room....:Sigh:

I wonder why I made more of that Sinful Chocolate we'll need to have ice cream to put under it....:rolleyes:

Lara 12-16-2006 04:29 PM

Hey Abbie. I read your other thread. Can you get your friend to come over right away? Call someone. Sounds like a very depressing situation you're living it and topped off with such dreadful pain. Pain, and longterm pain at that, as you're experiencing is enough to make any of us feel the way you are right now. Is it possible for your friend to come over? You need to get that pain under control. That doesn't sound as if it's been an easy thing for you but there must be some other thing that they can try to help ease that awful rsd pain. Please call your friend. Call an ambulance if you need to.

I look at it this way... it's not right to have to struggle through another day and night with feeling as badly as you are right now. You need to be somewhere else where you're being cared for. I know that might not be possible, but maybe your friend can help you organize to get you to hospital right away. If you're feeling this badly, then it is an emergency.

Please let us know how you're doing. I really don't know what to say. I have lots of suggestions about tomorrow and next week, but all I can say about today is to hang on there and try to make plans to get that pain under control with a new doctor, or a hospital stay or something similar.

I feel for you, Abbie... keep on hanging on there.

Abbie 12-16-2006 08:21 PM

I wonder if Alffe knows I've seen the rope...
I wonder if the knot I've tied is gonna hold....
I wonder if Lara & Alfee know I am thankful they reached out....
I wonder if everyone else knows that I am thankful to them too....

I wonder why I am suddenly hungry for ice cream with chocolate sauce when I really don't like chocolate.... but it sounds good now. :icecream:

Alffe... i'm female...40 but told look mid 20's and feel like 90.
Lara... my friend is with her spouse and kids out of town.. i thought i would be ok to be alone.... :Sigh:

Lara 12-16-2006 09:15 PM

I wonder if anyone can imagine that I was a girl guide and loved learning about knots and fire starting and all those things. :rolleyes: Interestingly, I still use a lot of those little skills to this day. The rope ladder reminded me of all this. My children sometimes ask me how the heck I know something, and I just say that I was a girl guide and our motto was "be prepared" so then I teach them as well. ;)

I wonder if you know, Abbie, that I'm really sorry to hear that your friend is away right now. Sometimes when I get in that darn hole, I have to build myself an imaginary rope ladder as well. I have my old aches and pains and they feel bad enough some days, but I don't have really severe pain like you would and I hope that can be a priority when you're a little stronger ... to try to find someone or something different to help you with that pain management.

If you're feeling really badly during the night, please please phone a hotline and talk to them.


Alffe 12-17-2006 03:47 PM

I wonder if Lara knows that I grinned and grinned reading about her as a girl guide...reminded me that 1,000 yrs ago I was a Blue Bird! (that's a jr. scout)

I also wonder if Lara remembers reaching for our friend reyn...trying our best to pull her up out of the pit....

I wonder what level of pain Abbie has today and if she has shared that information with anyone......

I wonder if Abbie will remember that we are here for her if she wants to talk..

I wonder who will please start a new wonder thread?....:D

heyjude5050 12-18-2006 08:49 AM

I wonder if I will ever see anything as beautiful as Australia

I wonder how grandma Allfe feels about her grandchild getting a license

I wonder how I will feel when my grandson gets his

I wonder how many hiding places Allfe has left to hide the goodies :D

I wonder if we will have snow in Michigan for Christmas

I wonder how many years it has been since we didn't have snow this late

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