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marion06095 06-20-2010 10:14 AM

It is 72 degrees Fahrenheit in this room. I’m sitting here in front of a big fan and I’m still sweltering! Is anyone else this heat intolerant? Is it the MS, or is it just because I’m too fat? Inquiring minds want to know.

SandyC 06-20-2010 10:17 AM

It could be the heat and Jim melts in it too. :hug: Between me in peri-menopause and his ms we're a match made in Heaven! LOL

kicker 06-20-2010 11:22 AM

I'm under 110 pounds and sweltering too.

Dejibo 06-20-2010 12:06 PM

Im hiding in the AC. Im melting! :(

barb02 06-20-2010 01:16 PM

Just made the mistake of going to Wal Mart. The temperature was 86, and I thought I could handle it. UGH! Big mistake! I almost left my groceries while in line and left. Only four registers were open. I did not want to do self check out because I had a lot of produce and only two were open. There were also people in line for those registers. So, I waited behind several people with full carts. Wouldn't you know it? The register freezes up on the person before me. So I reload my groceries and go to another register. It looked like it was the shortest. Cashier was not 21. Lots of people were buying beer. So she had to call for help each time.

When I got to my car, the temperature was reading 90 degrees. I am now starting to cool down. My ac rarely stops.

legzzalot 06-20-2010 02:34 PM

YUP! I can't handle heat. the AC broke at my phys therapy place one day when I was there and I ended up leaving halfway thru my workout because my skin was crawling and the heat was causing balance issues. If I get super hot my eyes and my balance and my skin crawlie feeling all act up at once.

Neurontin helps a little with the creepie crawlies, but I have been hiding in my house lately because it is just too hot to go outside.

Thinking about ordering a cooling vest or just making one, it's just a vest with pockets for the ice packs. Try to keep cool.

SallyC 06-21-2010 09:50 AM

Is it Hot outside..:D:p:D. It's mighty cool in here.;)

Kitty 06-21-2010 11:48 AM

It was 91 degrees before noon here today. My A/C runs non-stop from about 8 AM until 10 PM everyday. It comes on and off during the night. I'm on budget billing so my bill is the same year round but they always tell me what my "actual" usage was. Last month my bill would have been $211. I can't wait to see what this month would have been. :rolleyes:

Dejibo 06-21-2010 12:40 PM

went out to do some local errands, and by the time I got home, I was confused, and wobbly. I dont do well in the heat! :(

Debbie D 06-21-2010 01:47 PM

Sal, it's cool wherever you are;)

Heat and humidity are doing a number on all of us this year...

barb02 06-21-2010 03:31 PM

It is supposed to be 98 here on Wednesday:eek:, and in the 90s for the foreseeable future.:mad: We usually get this kind of weather in late July/August. We had a colder than usual winter (with too much snow) and now this.

kicker 06-21-2010 04:09 PM

Took a trip with DD to Target. AC in car and store but a HOT parking lot and drive at home. Got motion sickness too, DD drives like a teen, not super smooth. Don't feel good, take a nap, kids woke me up with "MOM!!!!!!!! Where's my/should I/I..............". AC on, cool drinks, feel better.

Blessings2You 06-21-2010 05:31 PM

The heat makes me wobbly, stupid, buzzy-legged, and weasly-stomached. And it doesn't take much heat.

I'm fat, but it bothered me just as much when I wasn't.

doydie 06-21-2010 11:16 PM

We are supposed to go to this neat local amusement park Holiday World next Monday. The temperature is going to have to drastically change! I hate wearing my cooling vest.

Lady 06-22-2010 12:13 AM

I can take indoors up to 80 to 85 degrees, if there is no humidity, or very low humidity and dew point below 60. Perhaps a breeze too.:)

If the precipitation goes below 30, than I know it will raise the humidity and showers are coming, then the dew point raises too.

Dew point is temperature plus add humidity, divide by two, that gives you the dew point. 60 and below is comfortable for most.

I can't watch the weather on TV or radio weatherman because they are always wrong. When I have to go out I stick my head out the door.

If the bone in my leg hurts, (fell at 16 going up stairs :cool: and still have a bone bump on shin), I know for sure it will rain and get humid.

I have A/C but really love my windows open. This week it will be 90's, so not going to happen. I weight about 135, 5 foot 6 inches. But I don't sweat. That is the worst part. I must be indoors, or in the shade if over 80 and outdoors with a hat on.

When over-heated I will get weak and wobbly, stagger, feel ill and dizzy, and have to put plenty of very cold water on my face, arms and cloth to my legs to cool down, then rest. My face, neck and chest gets red and hot.

In the Winter I freeze if it goes lower than 60 degrees. I have a small window for comfort. 60 to 80 F. and below 50 percent humidity.

Since we are all different, it doesn't matter our weight. I know some very heavy people who freeze when I do, or wear a light sweater in the summer.

It's our autonomic nervous system that controls our body temp. Mine is low 97 degrees at normal. If the A/C is on too high I freeze too. In stores and restaurants I wear a sweater. Others are in tank tops. :cool:

Marion, how are you going to move and live in Florida? or have things changed?

barb02 06-22-2010 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by doydie (Post 667390)
We are supposed to go to this neat local amusement park Holiday World next Monday. The temperature is going to have to drastically change! I hate wearing my cooling vest.

At least they have free drinks.;) Hope you are able to go and that the temps fall.

marion06095 06-22-2010 03:37 PM

Lady, I was down there for almost two weeks, but I stayed in somewhat effective air conditioning, and when I was inside I used a fan as well as the AC. Our van has good air conditioning, so the only time I wasn’t in a “cool” place was going from the car to where I was going. Still, I felt absolutely awful all the time I was down there.

Both my in-laws were in the hospital for most of that time, so we could crank up the air conditioning at their condo. I am back home now, but we’ll be going back in the second week of July. My job mostly was to man the phones at their condo since they don’t use cell phones, and both of them were in different hospitals.

It is becoming clear that they are either going to have to hire some live-in help, or they are going to have to move back here to Connecticut. It is just too hot for me to live down there.

Jodylee 06-25-2010 04:14 AM

Argh, the summer in South Florida is brutal along with the humidity.

We moved to a new house in March of this year. The house looked beautiful and well taken care of since we are renting it is sooo important.

Well, the owners neglected to tell us that the A/C unit is too small for the house. The spent a fortune on remodels like granite counters, fancy schmancy lighting and other such frivolous stuff. BUT they didn't update the a/c?!!

Idiots. They are in financial trouble and refuse to make any repairs that aren't considered "material defects" to the house.

I can't get the temp below 80 in the house which is not good enough to control my symptoms. I have my suspicions that this sustained exposure to the heat has contributed to my latest relapse.

I contacted an attorney and we have no recourse :mad:. Apparently in Florida the law requires landlords to provide proper heating to a house but not air conditioning. Crazy, huh?

Sorry for the hijack but I thought it might be good for renters with MS to know this stuff.

Try to keep cool everyone :).

Twinkletoes 06-25-2010 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by kicker (Post 666902)
I'm under 110 pounds and sweltering too.

kicker: *SMACK!* :mad:

*hands Marion a fan* :hug:

SallyC 06-25-2010 10:19 AM

Twink, Kicker forgot to tell you that she is only 2 ft 8 inches tall..:D:p:D

marion06095 06-25-2010 11:14 AM

Joelle, eighty bleeping degrees inside? Yikes! I’d be in really bad shape. That’s what I am in for when we go back. This time my mother-in-law will be out of the hospital, and she is always complaining about being cold. Of course she is 94 years old. I’m going to bring a heating blanket for her ‘cause I just couldn’t take that kind of heat. I asked my hubby what temperature they usually set it to, and he said that they never use it. I guess we can count ourselves lucky that the AC works at all. It is a really nice condo, but I’ll bet the AC hasn’t been serviced in many years since they never use it.

Lady 06-25-2010 11:32 PM

Marion and Joelle, since you are in Florida,, Marion could you buy one of those window or floor room A/C's? Just for the bedroom to sleep?

I know condo's are strict about using window units, but they have ones like a hassock that sits on the floor in your room. No one would know and the in-laws won't get the cold from it Marion. And joellelee as a renter it is yours to move when you move. Just a thought.

marion06095 06-26-2010 09:34 AM

Lady, I already looked into a portable AC, but the only ones I could find had to be hooked up to a window with a conduit for exhaust. The bedroom window is adjacent to a walkway, and I doubt I’d get away with it.

I am still in Connecticut now, but I’ll be going back the second week in July. When I get down there I’m going to look into blocking off all the AC vents in the condo except for the vent in our bedroom.

ewizabeth 06-26-2010 10:50 PM

Count me in among you hotties. The heat really does me in, makes my left leg weak and if I get really hot, forget about anything, I have to lay down to rest.

Luckily I work in air conditioning but it still gets a bit too warm there but not often.

Dejibo 06-27-2010 03:58 PM

tomorrow is going to be in the mid 90s and thunderstorms all day, that means HUMID! ICK!

I am going to hide in the house. hug my AC and ride the couch. :cool:

tkrik 06-28-2010 10:53 AM

I hate the heat. Anything over 80 degrees is just too hot - my legs start to spasm and I start getting weak/fatigued and then the cognitive stuff starts. :eek::rolleyes: It progresses the hotter it is.

Since it is now over 100 here, I take 2 to 3 showers a day with my last one being shortly before bed time. The shower lowers my internal temp and keeps me cooler for a longer period of time. After my before bed shower, I turn the fan on and lay in bed. It does keep me cool. I also drink a lot of ice water. It seems to help too.

Stay cool everyone!!!

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