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Mark56 05-05-2011 01:01 AM

Focus on Blessings
A new thread, an old perspective. We have heard this many times before. Look on the bright side. Be Positive. Do your best. Everything will turn out allright. Adages, certainly, cliche's, absolutely. Does this necessarily condemn the basic thought to the back room? Not at all.

Here, in this space, each of us must focus on what we have found and count as a blessing or blessings in our life. Why? Because in acknowledging we have blessings, we can get a leg up on pain. Emotional pain, physical pain, pain that binds.

My physiatrist, a man whom I have grown through his years of treating me to trust, value, and count as one of wisdom shared with me among the resources he counts beside medicinal relief, physical therapy, surgical intervention if absolutely necessary, the state of emotional wellbeing is important to the patient. This because emotional pain will reflect in the active pain centers of the one in treatment, exacerbating/worsening the pain we recognize and feel.

Acknowledge blessings. Take ownership of them in our life. Share where possible with others, and we lift our spirits, and those of the people most important to us. Can we manage a smile? Do it. Say thank you to the caregivers who treat us? Deliver it with meaning. Can we pay our blessings forward to another in need? BE a blessing. Oh, how it will do your heart good.

So, how about I start this ball to roll, and if each of us can return to this thread EVERY day to add a blessing we have known and passed on, then together we can lift spirits. Oh, we each will have and know and share our struggles on the other threads...... but here, we bring the best out of our hearts and share it.

Blessing 1. Spoke with our "little" girl, a young woman who now presses on toward her goals trhough college and those hard studies which may take her through medical school. She is so filled with excitement and joy, I am thrilled for her.

Blessing 2. Helped our second oldest son who now feels inspired to move toward medical school as well, FINALLY recognizing talents he has displayed since so young.

Blessing 3. Drove my blessing my wife of almost, just about, 38 years to a variety of stores to help her accomplish errands, some of which are leading to her arranging of flowers for her sister's upcoming wedding. She is such a gifted artist, and I feel blessed to be able to help her now, spending time with her when once upon a year not too long ago, I was "stuck" in bed with PAIN.

Blessing 4. Had this wonderful conversation with my Little Sister which brought still another inspiration into my life, and through whom alongside God things like this pour out of me.

Blessing 5. Enjoyed a conversation with our Daughter-in-Law knowing full well difficulties are mounting as our grandbaby will not make it in this life, but assuring her that she is so very loved and that we are going to be there to help. She is a blessing in our lives. One who brings to our son the completion he needs in his personality just shy of tthe faith piece he needs to work out.

Blessing 6. Enjoyed a great rehearsal with the worship team and close harmonies this evening after which Cleo and I sat with a friend who has fears of cancer while she fears for her niece who is a brand new Mom and has a large mass yet to be diagnosed. This brings out a new poem for me. Paying it forward. A lot of Love.

There we go, a start. Blessings. Enjoyed. Paid forward. Taking concentration and placing it into the recognition of Blessings. What do you think? Can you bring your Blessings to this thread?

Hope springs forever,

irljenn 05-05-2011 07:29 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Thank you mark for setting this up and sorry for not being around lately but i assure you i visit this page daily but have not wanted to sound like a moan when i know a lot of the main helpers on this forum are going through tough personal times at the moment. so firstly

I am blessed to have people like Mark, Rae and Jackiey in my life since last October to help me through my scs journey. I think without all your great advise and support and wisdom the journey so far would have been a lot harder so thank you all for being there and now that i face a second scs being installed i know i will need you guys more than ever.

I am blessed to have my hubby and girls in my life my kids make me want to get up every day and never ask to much of me but love when we can just hang out and do normal things like go to the beach/ playground etc. this last month with the aid of scs and marks cushion i managed a very long flight and had the best two weeks of my life in san diego with my sister and daughter. I also managed disney land and lego land with the aid of a little motorised scooter but a year ago i could not have done any of the above.

I am blessed to have my doctor also, he has not given up the fight yet and i appreciate how kind and supportive he has been lately but also how he tells me it straight!

Thank you mark for making me thing of the good things as i have spent too much time lately feeling sorry for myself and doing too much of the why me?
I may not be contributing much lately but i promise i think of you all everyday and hope and pray that things get better for us all.

xx J:grouphug:

Rrae 05-05-2011 08:07 PM

How VERY Inspiring!
Mark! :hug: wow. JUST when we begin to think you can't possibly get any better! You come out with THIS!
You and Jenna have me all AFLAME....I feel kinda like that person who is chasing after the bus hollering ....."Waiiiittt!"
I don't want to miss THIS bus!
It doesn't take rocket science to immediately realize that this is a MUST!
Thank you both for getting this off the ground :hug::hug: I believe this is very 'contagious'

It's a wonderful thing to put all the 'other stuff' aside and take a moment to look at what we DO have....

The smiling faces of those who are precious to us.

A) It felt great today when I looked in the eyes of a handi'capable' person and we both smiled - we don't know each other for beans....but our smiles spelled out a whole different tune......we both 'know' where we're going :)

2) :p Earlier today I helped my son learn a few guitar chords so he can feel more confident as he and his friends form their garage band - it was SUCH a moment to cherish, in more ways than one. I was able to catch a glimpse of days gone past - me and my brother playing together....
and days to come - me and my 'udder brudder' :icon_cool: playing our acoustics.....Truly a blessing to realize I 'still' have music in me. I thought I had lost it forever....

C) I got 2 invitations in the mail today - one for my beautiful niece's high school graduation...and the other for my best friend's son, who will be graduating the next week.

4) :rolleyes: My horses are doing well, despite my not spending time with them like I want to. They still love me....and they know I love them.
The pasture is getting nice and green again

This is fun....:p I could go on and on all night long, but I'll save room for the
next person


kzlrogue 05-05-2011 09:11 PM

This is AWESOME! Even though many of you have not heard from me in awhile, I still pop in to "catch up" with how everyone is doing. This post couldn't have come at a better time. It has reminded me that even though my world may seem upside down right now, there are still many good things in my life. Sometimes I just need to take a closer look and not take things for granted. The positives could be as simple as appreciating the flowers that are blooming in my backyard. For so long I've lived in fast forward mode......always looking at tomorrow and not appreciating today. So here are a few of my blessings.....

1. An understanding husband that supports me in ways I never thought possible.
2. A son who loves me unconditionally and thinks I hung the moon.
3. All of you who support and accept people you've never even met before.
4. Parents who are always there for me no matter what.
5. An early Mother's Day gift from my son. (A flower that he brought home from school that was planted in a soup can.)

(This last blessing has been the hardest one for me to recognize.)
6. Finally being able to swallow my pride and ask for help......realizing that I can't do and take on everything myself and that it's okay to lean on others....that it's not a sign of weakness.

Thank you so much for starting this thread, Mark. It has helped and inspired me in more ways than you will ever know.

Kim :Heart:

Mark56 05-06-2011 12:36 AM

Proving the Concept
You All are CO COOL...:cool: and Proving the Concept!! Imagine a jump in the sky and YES!!

Blessings for today:

1. An early morning Blueberry Muffin and conversation for the sake of my 91 year old friend who can't get out anymore, but looks forward to hearing news of what is going on outside!

2. Finally, after, 18 years of friendship and always saying we were going to go to dinner with some friends, picking them up, helping them with a purchase they needed for their home, and taking them to dinner, COMPOUNDED by the arrival in the restaurant, No No's a Cajun wonderland of culinary delight, of our college age daughter and boy friend fresh from moving our youngster back to our home for the summer.

3. The joy of a late evening conversation with all three of our Denver based children in our room laughing and filling the night with God signs of "WoW, this is so good!"

4. Witnessing the beauty of the new moon holding hands with my best friend, my wife.

Kim, Rae, Jenna :You-Rock:
Feeling Blessed,

anon21816 05-06-2011 06:13 AM

Yes I am truely blessed too
This is amazing Mark and thank you for it:hug:

Its taken me a while but I now can see that I am blessed even if I do have this constant pain going on in my life.

I too have an amazing husband, who not only is my best friend but also my carer and giver. He is just so good to me and so understanding. He makes me so proud of him. :)

I am lying here on my couch as I type looking at the mini blowup swimming pool on my sitting room floor, filled with coloured plastic balls and my little granddaughter sitting in the middle of them all , playing and giving me that GORGEOUS smile of hers ........WONDERFUL :)

I am also blessed to have such great children. They are there for me all the time and Im sure at times are sick and tired of listening to me moaning, but you know they are always there if I need questions asked.

Walking with the buggy this morning in the park across the road from me with my the SUN!! amazing......

Listening to my youngest daughter trying to recite the songs she has learned for her upcoming graduation, she has Special Needs and her memory isnt great, but you know she tries so hard. And she is going to be up in front of the choir showing them the hand movements......ah bless...cant wait!

Walking in my back garden late at night and smelling the blooms that are in flower. That smell is just amazing......

Meeting with some lovely people here on this forum....its an inspiration just reading some of the lovely posts......


Rrae 05-06-2011 09:52 PM

Kim !!!

I am SO TOUCHED by what I'm reading!!
Oh MY this is wonderful!!


Mark56 05-07-2011 12:07 AM

Today's Blessings
I feel so blessed indeed:

1. Having the opportunity to meet with my real estate attorney group friends, all 50 of them today, more networking, more caring poured out by those who know I am seeking to regain employment.

2. Knowing my wife and daughter got to spend quality time together having lunch and some shopping in downtown Denver as I met with the real estate superstars.

3. Speaking this evening with a daughter who was looking for a product to help her aging mother. She called. I answered. She was speechless to realize she was speaking with the product inventor, and then I talked her into calm and responding why our company is named Inspri, told her of the dedication of our whole concept, product inspiration, and mission to serve those in need to God. That led to a much longer conversation about shared faith and then she prayed for me and our company. This was precious time. Time to serve and then be served. One of those Wow moments, and then I promised to send her links to our special place here in case we might be of any help to her family situation. A Blessing indeed.

4. Relaxing with Cleo this evening, talking, just rubbing her feet, ministering to her.... what a blessing of a lady.

Thank you God,

Mark56 05-07-2011 11:32 PM

Blessings that carry to Mother's Day
Already Mother's Day has dawned in part of our NT world, so here come some thoughts regarding blessings for the day:

1. I am, among all human beings who populate this globe grateful and blessed for those whom we know as Mom, no matter the language, the land, the place. For some of us Mom is already gone from this corporeal life, nevertheless we still feel her presence, knowing but for her we would not be. For some, like our daughter-in-law this was to be a joyous beginning to motherhood, and I just bet, although I never asked our son whether he had purchased anything for his blessed spouse in gratitude for her motherhood. She and our son bring great parenting to their little one whom you know as Autumn. Some of you know her story. It is a blessing knowing they are caring for this precious little girl and singing to her and talking to her and touching her to comfort her. Precious.

2. I am blessed by my wife, the mother of our children, who has brought such nurturing, caring, planning, overseeing, education, caretaking, hard hard work, smiles, laughter, music, artwork, encouragement, wisdom, tears, and more to all of our children. Such a blessing she is.

3. I am blessed to have had the privilege of breakfasting with a friend today who can truly use more time of encouragement, direction, and willingness to bless his wife, and she him. Every story has multiple sides, almost every book page has print both front and back. He was open to talking... shared some of his faith picture... some of his dedication to volunteer work. I hope he and she will come to terms in their situation.

4. The blessing of being able to make face to face contact with one of our customers today, and having him try the product in front of me while experiencing relief. That was so fun.

5. Blessed to be able to look to God. Yep.


irljenn 05-08-2011 11:20 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Today i got to celebrate my daughters 3rd birthday this is the first party we have had for katie as all other years i just was not able for it. It was fantastic to see her smiling face and the other ten 3 year olds also enjoyed the party. thankfully god invented play centres with staff to help so no cleaning up and all the other mothers helped us with drinks and spills without ever being asked. :D

Mark56 05-08-2011 04:12 PM

A CUTE Blessing Indeed!!

Originally Posted by irljenn (Post 768640)
Today i got to celebrate my daughters 3rd birthday this is the first party we have had for katie as all other years i just was not able for it. It was fantastic to see her smiling face and the other ten 3 year olds also enjoyed the party. thankfully god invented play centres with staff to help so no cleaning up and all the other mothers helped us with drinks and spills without ever being asked. :D

Yea Jenna!!!! And Happy Mother's Day!

Sophie_ 05-08-2011 05:49 PM

This is a great idea nothing like some positivity when we're feeling down or just finding it hard to cope with day and I must say you have a great way with words, did you work as a writer, journalist or something like this?

Today I am grateful for my wonderful hubby who has been and still is the best support I could ask for; even like today which hasn't been the best for me, he does everything and doesnt complain.
I am all blessed with a wonderful family who likewise checks up on me every day and would do anything for me if they could.

Sophie_ :)

Sophie_ 05-08-2011 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by irljenn (Post 768640)
Today i got to celebrate my daughters 3rd birthday this is the first party we have had for katie as all other years i just was not able for it. It was fantastic to see her smiling face and the other ten 3 year olds also enjoyed the party. thankfully god invented play centres with staff to help so no cleaning up and all the other mothers helped us with drinks and spills without ever being asked. :D

Hi Jenna,
Good to hear the party went off has planned and I'm sure Katie had a ball. I bet you're tired though!

S xxx:)

Mark56 05-08-2011 07:30 PM

Why Thank You Sophie
I must say, your comment regarding writing is a blessing in itself; hence the recognition here among my blessings for the day. My prior career was as a lawyer, in our country a combination of the solicitor/barrister approach to the law you have, as I have both advised and written, whilst also arguing on behalf of my corporate clients in proceedings.

I feel blessed to be able to write, and thus do much as poetry, one of my blessings follows:

MRidder 20110214

From darkest place into the light
God’s splendor forth revealed.
Though born at first creature of scorn
its inner blessing sealed.
‘Tis known so well as doth wend its way
and seeming it does die
as second womb it enters in,
God’s secret to enseal;
and time once more doth work so well
in private places dark
a miracle unfolds within
as creature changes form
until at last God’s sculpting done.
Material so raw
reshaped within this second womb
emerges carefully
and gift of miracle unfolds,
the beauty of its wing.
Creature no more, in beauty soars
alight on whiff of breeze
and nectar sups from God’s royal cups
the butterfly takes wing.

I feel blessed to be able to take inspiration and drop it to word or widget, as in the cushion of which Jenna has written.

Blessed today in the communication with all of our children, even our pair who, in North Carolina, await the coming of their baby who will not live, another poem I put together for our little blessing. In this poem, I recognize through pain that we are all blessed nevertheless, as Autumn is taken to heaven straightaway:

Autumn's Song
Grandpa Ridder 20110418

Pools of tears surround us now
we look for answers, asking "how?"
Our God is true, oh THIS we KNOW
and yet we grieve and tears we sow.
We learned today a child would not be
our grandchild, first, she has to leave
before we held her and saw her smile
before her mother and father had child
she came into our family
so much joy to bring, we wanted to see.
But this the child God wraps in his arms
her smile known to Him this child who is charmed
to be immediately with Jesus in heaven's embrace
our Autumn is blessed specially with His grace.
We know there will be pain and sorrow down here
as all of us miss her and the joy of her dear.
One day we will see her in heaven when we
arrive in that place of such joy there to be.


kzlrogue 05-09-2011 08:31 AM

1. A fantastic Mother's Day.....probably the best to date! The love I felt from my son and husband was amazing! From the time I woke up to the time I went to boys made me feel special, appreciated, and worthwhile.

2. I was able to spend some quality time with an old friend on our annual rummage sale excursion. Did not find the "mother lode" of sales but had a blast reminiscing of old times and making new memories.

3. Not having to do any laundry or cooking yesterday!!

4. I feel blessed that the sun had made an appearance the past few days. The vitamin D that I was able to soak up has made my body and mind much calmer. :sunchair: Unfortunately, it is raining this morning but I am trying to let it cleanse me from any negative thoughts and pain.

Kim :Heart:

irljenn 05-09-2011 06:17 PM

today i am grateful for to one of the department heads of my college she rang me up and offered that i could do the exam at home and she would come all the way here to supervise! now i did refuse as hubby will bring me and he can drop me right outside the door but found it amazing that anyone would offfer this especially in a college the size of the one i am in with thousands of students!!

Mark56 05-11-2011 12:50 AM

I have been blessed today:

1. In the mere ability to share in the pain of friends dear to me both here and in the corporeal world.

2. In the knowledge that our son who is affected with mental illness has been making seeming strides of improvement.

3. In my brother's helping hand to retrieve our boat and bring it home for some needed work.

4. In taking time to pray for those who hurt so, like friends here on NT, my Mom as she sees my Dad slipping away one hour at a time to Alzheimers, our children whose child will not make it, a beautiful young lady of special needs in the grocery line with her Mum ahead of Cleo and me sharing smiles and comments with us.

5. In the beauty of the day which dawned a little too early and set before day's needs were met.

6. The love of my dear wife and our children, who urge me on toward the next step seeking success.


irljenn 05-12-2011 02:40 AM

Today I am grateful for this forum! It is a place for me to let things go a place than nobody judges me and a place where i am not made to feel like an inconvenience!!

Today I am grateful to'sophie' who is fast becoming another important person on this forum I did feel better after I sent my 'moaney feeling sorry for myself post' as i cannot tell anyone else how i feel as noone understands like all of you do! I think i am going to talk her suggestion and start keeping a diary and maybe if i write how crap i feel down I wont feel like everything is too much!

I am also grateful that things are going good with the extra child staying with us. she has fit right in and both her and ellie both came into my room dressed this morning having made there beds ( without being asked) so all i had to do is the hair styles ( which i have to say are getting more interesting each day)

Finally i know i say it lots but I am so grateful to have a hubby like i do! what would i do without his support, Tom never judges me and he tells me every night he prays to god that he can take some of my pain so that i do not have to have it on my own! he has never said "why me" about his own situation that he finds himself in being the one who has to nearly do everything round here. He has never said that he would like "out" or a "normal wife" so I guess i have to be grateful and I have to keep pushing and try to find my smile again! if he has not given up on me I guess he must still see some of what he married still alive in me!!

to all of you thank you for listening and ur advice the other day its 8.37am and the sun is getting hotter. Maybe today can be a good day!!:grouphug:

Sophie_ 05-12-2011 04:38 PM

Hi Jenna,
Today you seem to be more at peace with yourself, I sometimes feel all sorts of feelings from anger to self blame, to feeling like i'm leaning on my family too much and especially my wonderful hubby who sounds just like yours, I really couldn't have made it through the last 5years without him and I'm aware that it has probably been tougher on him than me. I went from a young vibrant, full of life, smiling, laughing, possessed by exercising at the gym every day, my weight, counting points to seeing this old, pale faced, depressed 36 year old wife. Thankfully things are looking up for me and you know what it will happen for you too, it's so hard, 6mths ago I seriously thought i'd be in a wheelchair within a year, unable to work and probably even more depressed.
Please just try to get through each day as it comes and try not to stress yourself out over stuff you've no control over, I can appreciate this isn't easy with your girls and being a busy Mum and wife, I don't have any children so I guess I don't know about this stuff but I can only imagine, (my sister has three young kids and back and neck problems too).

My diary is on my computer, password protected and it's great for a moan, i always feel better after writing down what's bugging me.

thinking of you and wishing the best for you

Nite nite hun

Sinéad :)

Mark56 05-12-2011 06:51 PM

Today's Blessings
I have been blessed:

1. By all of you who participate within this forum, upon these threads, sharing inmost thoughts, needs, cries, joy, aches, laughter, moans, and smiles..... even the occasional bad joke, or one of those "these are the gals moments" which may elicit a :o from me, nevertheless you are all here and I am blessed.

2. By sharing moments today with my ninety-one [almost 92, just about] friend and his wife, bringing them a blueberry muffin and a cinnamon roll, hence joy because getting out and about anymore is nearly an impossibility for them.

3. By sharing time sitting at hospital bedside with my 86 year old mentor, teacher, and friend holding his hand, letting him know I understand his anger at the situation in which he is bodily trapped, but that the situation itself is the focus of his anger and not his family who are striving so hard to provide loving necessary care for his failing body. THEN to have this man, my mentor, turn tables on me and before we parted admit that I am now his mentor, for through my words meant to gently help him see his family's love and to impart encouragement to him his eyes had been opened. I just pray that he will find it within himself to greet his family members with an open heart next time rather than anger.

4. By placing such huge smiles on one of my doctors and the members of his family, for we have donated our Disney condo to them this year as a means of saying "Thank you, dear friend" for the loving care you have provided to me and my family.

5. By the long long interview yesterday in which I was told I can find a new home in which to work practicing my profession and enabling the ethical, honorable, and just growth of a fledgling enterprise which very much desires what I can bring to the table in times to come. I look forward to being able to begin with them once closure has been achieved in a couple of open matters.

6. By my wife of almost, just about, 38 years, who has stood by my side or my bedside throughout times of good, times of bad, times of health, years of pain and anguish as we sought to restore health, times of wealth, times of wondering would we lose every possession we had owned, ever encouraging as with Jenna's husband. She has been my rock and joy in these past six years along with my faith. When I gaze into her eyes, I see Jesus.


Mark56 05-16-2011 12:33 AM

Today I was singularly blessed in one of the most important means I have experienced to date.

Our baby granddaughter, our first grandchild, was brought into this world. She is beautiful and accomplished much, far more than many, in her ever brief span of life. She came and she went as a match struck and, once flared, little more than a wisp of smoke. Yet, this little one grasped with strength greater than that possessed by any human and brought two young people who were struggling in marriage tested by Army field deployment in the Middle East and taught them the meaning of love, unconditional abiding no strings attached LOVE. Her grandparents all four were gathered in the birthing room knowing as did her parents who had summoned us that her life was not tenuous, not critical, but passing. We gave each to her out of love the special blessings we had to share. We smiled. We cried. We hugged. We held our precious little bundle already summoned to the Almighty and bid her adieu.

I sang a lullaby I had composed almost two decades ago for our daughter, the youngest of our children, who was the surviving twin of Cleo's third pregnancy as her twin had miscarried. I referred to our Em as a miracle child and our blessing. The lyrics follow:

Sleep, my babe, my little child,
hush-a-by and sleep.
Sleep my babe, my little child,
slumber restfully.
Daddy is watching, and Mama's nearby,
We hug you dear and love you so,
sleep now miracle child.
Sleep my babe, my little child,
slumber restfully.

Afterward, I was allowed as an Elder of my church to anoint our little one with Holy Oil in the sign of the cross, which I did as I prayed over her, telling her I had so wished to have had more time with her and letting her know I looked forward to the day we would meet again.

A little family which was struggling is now bound by the shared love of parents and grandparents alike for she who has gone before us. She taught us so much, a true PhD. in philosophy, psychology, and life.

Bye Bye for now my blessing,
Grandpa Ridder:hug::heartthrob:

Mark56 05-18-2011 04:24 AM

Blessed today with good weather
Started home from North Carolina. The kids are doing well. They accepted the dome we purchased to keep Lily's urn dust free. I told them I would build them a Cherrywood shelf on which to keep her until after military retirement, they can lay her to rest where they settle down.

We hugged, said our goodbyes, shared thrills at all in laws hitting it off well.

The car hummed along well, and we made good time. I watched The Last Samurai in the back seat propped up on myriad pillows and foam complete with my Bose speakers, a true theatre experience on an itty bitty screen.

Finally made it to Corydon, IN, by 4:50. might get a few winks before hitting the road again.

I feel blessed travelling with my wife and daughter and sharing laughs and observations. This is quality parent child bonding time..... yes indeed.


Mark56 05-22-2011 05:10 PM

Home At Last
Interesting how adrenaline filled that first mad dash trip to North Carolina across nine states still left us with enough starch in our sails to spend the many hours with our son and daughter-in-law until delivery late afternoon the next day. After, we had picked up our daughter and wonderful team driver, Em, from the hotel to get a bit of supper at a restaurant. It was there that Em and I realised Cleo, my wife, was asleep with her eyes open at table in the restaurant. She jerked to wakefulness, and we truly began to realise how weary we were.

Taking the road home, we did finally arrive home Friday late, around 11:30pm and glad for our home, hearth, and beds. This brings me to this day's point of gratitude; namely, rest. It has taken a couple of days to fully rest from the road weary travels and passing of our granddaughter. I awakened from a nap after church [Cleo said I fell asleep in the pew during worship] and although not yet feeling 100%, I am glad to be back on board here sharing and caring with you all.

I am thankful for family who all pulled together so we could make the necessary trip to North Carolina. Without each pulling extra weight, our trip could not have happened. It was good we had been there.

Today, I was allowed to sing during worship a song honoring two of our congregation who celebrated this date their 60th wedding anniversary. The song "Because" was originally sung at their wedding in 1951, and it felt thrilling to be able to bring smiles to their faces as I helped bring the song back to life for them. Then, they repeated their first wedding kiss in front of our congregation to loud applause.

A fitting day of celebration. Even so, I was quite fatigued afterward, and though Cleo asked would I like to take lunch in a local favored cafe, I said I was too tired, and we came home to nap away the afternoon. Much needed indeed [I see Cleo was tired as well as she is still snoozing].

Thankfully, I have NOT experienced a pain spike as a result of our trip to North Carolina! This bodes well for our manner of travel [automobile with many pillows in the back seat for the resting driver] and for my stim. Indeed I am thankful the stim has done well for me!


Mark56 05-23-2011 11:14 PM

Blessings More
Slumber Still
MRidder 20110523

Blessed sleep has taken me
at time and time again
as we restore the energy
expended on roadways' rain.
I realize as strength renews
depletion's weary sign
is warning of too much been used
the time for rest divine.
Replenishment comes when we are still
and take to sleep fulfilled
by each and every wink caught fill
our body energy captured, refilled.
Thus, blessed am I to know this rest
has given strength anew
to take on life with freshened zest
to talk with friends like YOU.

irljenn 05-24-2011 02:43 AM

Beautiful poem mark!

My morning started at about 4am when a VERY awake Katie climed up on our bed. She decided it was time to sing every song she knew. I will try to attach a clip later ! Anyway it nice to giggle as she does not know all the words and makes up her own. They must have been learning the one about Noah's ark in creshe yesterday the line being "The animals went in two by two Horrah Horrah" well Katie being 3 her words were "The animals went in two by two A BRA A BRA" lol

Have to say to laugh and forget ones pain for a moment was a true blessing. Life without this child would definately be tough so thank you God for giving me my two wonderful little ladies!!

irljenn 05-24-2011 04:46 PM

I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear..

I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting.

I wish you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger.

I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.

I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye.

They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them; but then an entire life to forget them.

My cousin sent me this tonight and i thought it was lovely! its about an old man who is saying goodbye to his daughter at the airport as she emigrates but i have to say it reminded me of Marks posts when he tries to get me to see the positive because without hope we have nothing!

Mark56 05-27-2011 04:05 PM

How Grateful Am I
How Grateful Am I
MRidder 20110527

How grateful am I for the blessing of she
whom God brought to my life for my spouse would she be
we gave pledges in earnest as vows with meaning exchanged
and we looked forward with young eyes t'ward the life to be shared.
We gathered our belongings, not so many you see
and set off t'ward the future knowing not what would be.
We had love then and hope for a future with joy
and pursued hard the training which would help in coming times to employ.
There were children, such blessings, count them one through the fifth,
and we learned through our twins that only three would be with
us in this life to share as a family of six
who would take on what life brought to such heights nondescript
oh, the fun and the joy as we shared with those in need
giving care as we shared lest we succumb to some greed.
All the blessings we compiled became treasure beyond earthly compare
oh the children from far lands who had come this life with us share
and we carried them in prayer though the miles kept apart
both these children and we who were joined at the heart.
Career funded all that we knew in life then
until fate one day brought so much crashing to end.
Then the pain began incessant as it tore through my life
rending nerves beyond means to control, left in strife
as I writhed on the floor, gnashing teeth lest I scream
but in end all control lost and I heard my voice seem
as a scourge of this planet, some bedevilled old sot
who had lost all control of body and would gladly be shot.
Through calamity my blessing, my wife and Best Friend
brought her heart to my need seeking means body mend.
Took me endless to doctors and the therapy and more
holding my hand and forecasting we would reach the far shore
where relief from earthly pain would come found, she had faith
and together we charted our course through this fate.
Oh, my darling, my wife, the love of my life
how my limits have changed life and she remains at my side.
So abilities changed, and former vigor now gone
but we share love so deeply that we're still blessed as one.
Tender touching and talking, sharing souls bared to thread
we have found more to life and so rich beyond bed.
Would we known this maturity of our love without pain
had I gone forth in glory in the business world game
earning funds without end that begat philanthropy
or would that life have become cold and the ultimate empty?
I am thrilled for this one who is LOVE of my LIFE
and feel blessed that through years of pain stayed at my side!
Can I do all I did in my youth oh so strong?
Not at all, but through this world I have learned I belong
to my wife without question as we share in new ways
how our love for each other comes as blessing each day
and she loves that I share on this place of such care
with so many in need who have pain without compare.
So this blessing I know as my wife who gives life
to this work on these pages, how grateful am I.


Sophie_ 05-27-2011 04:44 PM

Sinéad's blessing today! :)
Sinéad's blessing today, i've been thinking about this one for a while, and it helps me feel better when i'm down and in alot of pain, cranky and not myself

The support and help from my husband, family and closets friends, I really would never have gotten through the last 18 years I have been suffering pain at various levels without them. My girlfriends who PM me n Facebook and who pop in for a cuppa.
Especially my husband whom i've been with for as long as this pain, has laughed and cried with me through all of this, he keeps me strong and focused, without him I really, really would hate to think where I would be. Many a time I feel as if i've let him down because I couldn't do or go somewhere and he just holds my hand and says it's okay....
He truly is the biggest blessing in my life and then my wonderful parents, my sister Fiona all would litterally do anything for me if they could, it's the little things that help the most, have you any ironing? what about the hovering? when my brother calls and hands me the baby while he works in the garden with my hubby or my other sister who knows my god-daughter will cheer me up no end, and the hair cut when she knows i'd never be able to get down to the basin or sit in a salon for an hour! Then there is the kid brother who isn't well himself, fighting his own pain and demons, but sends me funny texts and emails just to say hi or share a joke.
I am very blessed to have all of these wonderful people in my life and I thank God every day for them.
I thank God too for this forum and the wonderful people i've met here and I'm quickly beginning to think of as close friends and gee I share stuff here that i'd never dream of sharing because really we all know how hard it can be to share and how hard it is to cope on the crappiest of painful days. We learn to trust and I think this is vitally important.

Nighty night folks, i'm sleepy now...

love Sinéad :hug::o

Mark56 05-27-2011 09:58 PM

Very Beautiful Tribute

Originally Posted by Sophie_ (Post 774207)
Sinéad's blessing today, i've been thinking about this one for a while, and it helps me feel better when i'm down and in alot of pain, cranky and not myself

The support and help from my husband, family and closets friends, I really would never have gotten through the last 18 years I have been suffering pain at various levels without them. My girlfriends who PM me n Facebook and who pop in for a cuppa.
Especially my husband whom i've been with for as long as this pain, has laughed and cried with me through all of this, he keeps me strong and focused, without him I really, really would hate to think where I would be. Many a time I feel as if i've let him down because I couldn't do or go somewhere and he just holds my hand and says it's okay....
He truly is the biggest blessing in my life and then my wonderful parents, my sister Fiona all would litterally do anything for me if they could, it's the little things that help the most, have you any ironing? what about the hovering? when my brother calls and hands me the baby while he works in the garden with my hubby or my other sister who knows my god-daughter will cheer me up no end, and the hair cut when she knows i'd never be able to get down to the basin or sit in a salon for an hour! Then there is the kid brother who isn't well himself, fighting his own pain and demons, but sends me funny texts and emails just to say hi or share a joke.
I am very blessed to have all of these wonderful people in my life and I thank God every day for them.
I thank God too for this forum and the wonderful people i've met here and I'm quickly beginning to think of as close friends and gee I share stuff here that i'd never dream of sharing because really we all know how hard it can be to share and how hard it is to cope on the crappiest of painful days. We learn to trust and I think this is vitally important.

Nighty night folks, i'm sleepy now...

love Sinéad :hug::o

How very beautiful, dear Sinéad!
Mark56 :hug:

smae 05-28-2011 04:52 PM

I am blessed in so many ways that it would take me months to write it all down. So for the sake of time, I will say:

1. I am blessed in that I have a wonderful mother who doesn't mind that her 25 year old daughter cannot take care of herself. She has welcomed me home and taken care of me. She understands me more than anyone else, and I would be totally lost without her.

2. I am incredibly blessed that God used my trip to Mayo (this last week and next week... and more to come) to help me to forgive the doctor I was so upset with and hurt by from last year.

3. Moreso, I am blessed that this same doctor that I was upset with is the one who is taking a stand and saying (unlike my neurosurgeon who did my SCS implants) "I will not just accept that the SCS won't work for you. The trials gave you 100% relief. The permanent aren't working--we need to investigate and find out why and try to fix it so you can get your life back". Finally--a doctor who isn't giving up on me just because I am not the standard textbook patient.

4. I am blessed by a good start to my trip at Mayo. It's long, but if you'd like to read about it, you can look here:

:grouphug: to all

Mark56 06-01-2011 11:39 AM

What Blessings!
1. Firstly, I feel blessed that so many of us have come here to this special place to share and THEN to recognize despite the problems which beset us we have BLESSINGS. In that simple recognition, we do more for ourselves than any prescribed anti-depressant, because the mere recognition "Hey, I have been blessed and continue to be so" urges action within our body chemistry to generate positive idea endorphins which ARE the energy of feel good! The more we come here with blessings the more we accomplish for the good of ourselves!! Write your blessings NOW, TODAY!

2. I feel blessed by having spend this weekend with my parents in Western Colorado, all three, my Mom and Dad, and Cleo's Mom. Each have their needs. My Dad experiences a worsening case of Alzheimers, and I take advantage of each time I see him and he recognizes me to wrap him in my arms and remind him for now and forever, I love him! Feels good. He smiles and reciprocates..... the time will approach when he knows me not. My Mom has the daily struggle of watching her husband decline, and we were there to be alongside her to share our care and love for her. Getting legal papers in order and protected from Dad and his penchant for the shredder, because it is fun, and because he does not recognize what he is destroying. Yesterday we went to the Court to replace vehicle titles we believe Dad had shredded, for they were not found in a full day search of all files in the house.But for now we have at least this blessing.

Now we are with Cleo's Mom, who, in a spate of overexuberance approaching 80 years of age was moving some kindling with her wheelbarrow and tripped, falling against the wheelbarrow and breaking her sternum. Fortunately, one of Cleo's brothers resides with Mom so he has been caretaker and companion, a blessing indeed.

3. I feel blessed to have made contact with some friends of old who, now in their advancing age have infirmities, but we had time to regale one another with fond recollections.

4. I feel blessed that you took a moment to read this, as now that I have shared for today, I am feeling a rise in favorable emotions, and hope that has passed to YOU...... pay it forward now!


Sophie_ 06-01-2011 03:23 PM

Hi Mark,
such lovely words for both sets of parents, I bet they love to have you visit. It's tough when you see you parents or in my case grandparent deterioate like this. At least be grateful your Dad isn't in any pain and that's a blessing for him.

Not so good myself at the moment but at least i've made contact with my consultant this evening and I have a problem with my leads - i'll get to meet him soon.

Lot of love

ron h 06-01-2011 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Sophie_ (Post 775497)
Hi Mark,
such lovely words for both sets of parents, I bet they love to have you visit. It's tough when you see you parents or in my case grandparent deterioate like this. At least be grateful your Dad isn't in any pain and that's a blessing for him.

Not so good myself at the moment but at least i've made contact with my consultant this evening and I have a problem with my leads - i'll get to meet him soon.

Lot of love

sorry to hear you are pain. hope things get better soon.
love care Ron h:grouphug:

irljenn 06-01-2011 06:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Such lovely words about your parents mark so i thought I would continue with this and focus on my fantastic Dad

Everytime i have a doctors visit i bring my dear dad with me, I may be 39 but I am still my daddies little girl!.. He remembers things that i forget to ask and asks the questions I sometimes feel i cannot ask. He helps me sort my paperwork out and helps me mind the kids when tom escapes for a game of golf! He fixes things when they break as I failed to marry Bob the builder and he makes things I buy that need lots of patience as there are way too many parts. He reads my assignments and suggests the things that could have been said better. Above all else he is always here for me and loves me just the way I am!!

the picture attached is my mam and dad!!

Sophie_ 06-01-2011 08:58 PM

That's so nice Jenna about your Mam & Dad and I'm thrilled you're finally getting some treatment for your poor body,

Love & hugs

Sinead xxx

Mark56 06-11-2011 12:36 AM

As Cleo and I sat this evening offering prayers over our evening meal, I felt such a sense of joy that I have so many MANY friends here for whom we lift up prayers of hope for healing, peace, comfort, release from pain, fulfillment in life. You ALL are so dear to me.


Mark56 06-17-2011 12:22 AM

The blessing today of sharing conversation that brings the world and contact to my enfeebled friend of 92 years youth, of driving to a nearby town with another friend just for the fun of the time being together and having him recognize "This was fun," and of knowing my best friend of all, my wife of almost 38 years was NOT caught in a car wreck today because of the sheer stupidity of another driver who apparently had not a care in the world.


Sophie_ 06-17-2011 01:35 AM

Hi Mark,
Some nutters on the roads and they all think they. Are great drivers! Thank God no one was hurt
Off to work now let's hope I don't or anyone else is hurt by one of those nutters

Love and God bless

Sinead xxxx


Originally Posted by Mark56 (Post 779484)
The blessing today of sharing conversation that brings the world and contact to my enfeebled friend of 92 years youth, of driving to a nearby town with another friend just for the fun of the time being together and having him recognize "This was fun," and of knowing my best friend of all, my wife of almost 38 years was NOT caught in a car wreck today because of the sheer stupidity of another driver who apparently had not a care in the world.


Mark56 06-20-2011 01:23 AM

Father's Day Blessings
1. Having had the thrill of excitement from our children as they wished me a happy Father's Day.
2. The joy of wrapping my arms around my dear Dad nearing 80, who, in the grip of Alzheimers was able to receive my fond hugs, wishes, and kiss for Father's Day, and having him recognize me and remember my name and that of my wife.
3. Sharing my most sincere wish for our son Nick to understand he, too, is a Father who deserves the grace of God for being a loving father although his baby now rests in the arms of God, a little angel among the great numbers of those who precede us into heaven.
4. The love of those 'round about us who care so much for each of the needs of others whose pain overwhelms them.


Mark56 07-04-2011 09:04 AM

4 July in US 2011
How blessed am I to live where we could travel easily to visit our Son and Daughter in Law. Take them to a resort on a beach. See the smile on Cleo's face as she came in from an early morning stroll on the beach with her booty in hand..... shells, for she loves to paint them with beautiful flowers.

Blessed to live in this country fought for with the price of blood over centuries to preserve freedoms. Blessed to have the family and love we experience. Blessed to have my SCS and faith.

Love to all,

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