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Alffe 09-09-2006 06:42 AM

Wonder Thread #3
I wonder if Bobbi knows that she missed the Pickle festival this year....

I wonder if I can admit to never having heard of it, or St.Joe Indiana...

I wonder if I can say that Google is wonderful...all the info was right there!

I wonder if we are related....:)

I wonder if every/any one heard the noise from the stadium last night...first home game for N.D. and first pep rally.............:eek:

I wonder how long Bobbi will be at the ocean.....I love being on the water.

Bobbi 09-09-2006 08:34 AM

I wonder if anyone at the St. Joe Pickle Festival missed me this year? :D

I wonder if Fall has arrived here?

I wonder if a week at the ocean will be long enough?

I wonder if my doggie will sleep on her back and wedge her head between pillows and snore?

I wonder if my doggie will try kicking me off the bed?

I wonder if anyone will notice my doggie is a doggie if she wears sunglasses and a hat and tries to sneak into places where (no doggie) signs are posted? :D

FeelinGoofy 09-09-2006 09:14 AM

i wonder if bobbi knows i like her email :rolleyes:

i wonder if curious of alffe has figured out who i am yet?

Alffe 09-09-2006 09:37 AM

I wonder if I should try to guess...I was wrong about wish.......:o

I wonder if Bobbi's darling dog is a service dog and gets in where ever!;)

I wonder how on earth they "tweaked" Doc John.....LOLOL

I wonder if Bobbi would like to meet my dog..Cooper....

Curious 09-09-2006 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by FeelinGoofy (Post 4290)
i wonder if bobbi knows i like her email :rolleyes:

i wonder if curious of alffe has figured out who i am yet?

i wonder iffin' you are my other goofy friend? :p

Curious 09-09-2006 11:22 AM

i wonder iffin' feelingoofy know that i keep forgeting to log on to my yahoo?

i wonder iffin' feelingoofy remembers she was supposed to remind me!? :eek:

hugs...sweety....have you been shopping lately? :p

Bobbi 09-09-2006 02:28 PM

I wonder if/when Alffe and Curious figure out who FeelinGoofy is if they will share the good news with me - as long as that's okay with FeelinGoofy :D.

I wonder if my doggie could adjust to being a service dog? (though my doctor said she'd take care of all the paperwork, I think doggie still has to "pass" certain criteria)

I wonder: Where's Cooper?

FeelinGoofy 09-09-2006 07:12 PM

I wonder if Alffe knows she probally doens't have very many other friends who like Goofy... ;) well not as much as i do,

I also wonder if curious knows that yes i went shopping and my shop-till-you-drop daughter dropped before i did :eek:

and i wonder if Bobbi knows i'd love to make her acquaintance...

Bobbi 09-09-2006 11:25 PM

(((( FeelinGoofy ))))

I leave in the morning for a week at the shore. I wonder if I've mentioned that :).

I wonder if I have forgotten to pack anything? :eek:

Curious 09-09-2006 11:42 PM

i wonder if this monkey can fit in bobbi's suitcase? i need a vacation!

Bobbi 09-10-2006 12:21 AM

LOL, space is tight, but I wonder...

... if doggie would mind if she has to share her car space with her snuggle pillow, her stuffed cow (Gateway), her duck, and her Elmos.

I think the Monkey would fit! :D

ponyboy 09-10-2006 02:00 AM

I wonder if Bobbie realizes that she missed the Strawberry Music Festival at Yosemite Park last weekend? :confused:
And I wonder if she realizes that my zany brother played his Gee-Tar there and probably got hammered? :confused:

Much love and

Alffe 09-10-2006 06:39 AM

I wonder if Bobbi will have a wonderful vacation with her doggie and send us a postcard...........:D

I wonder how I could have missed yet another festival...;)

I wonder when these people will begin our new septic system....:(

I wonder if Mr.Alffe caught another mouse last's cooler and the mousies are on parade.............

Alffe 09-10-2006 07:14 AM

I wonder if this will work:


FeelinGoofy 09-10-2006 08:10 AM

i wonder what this day will bring.....

i wonder why i wish it would hurry and end and its just begun....:(

Alffe 09-10-2006 08:31 AM

I wonder if I can give Goofy a big hug...(((Goofy)))

I wonder if this is an "anniversary date" for you............

I wonder why the URL won't display......Doody????

I wonder if I'm going to be late for church...baptizing little Olivia that name....

Doody 09-10-2006 02:37 PM

I wonder why the link won't work...

Doody 09-10-2006 02:38 PM

I wonder if Ms. Alffe realizes a URL is just like an address. If you don't get the address right it doesn't work.


Alffe 09-10-2006 02:46 PM

:o ....thanks. :rolleyes:

FeelinGoofy 09-10-2006 08:15 PM

i wonder if alffe knows there is no anniversary today. Its just i knew what all i had to do today, and i was sure dreading it......
BUT i did figure out why i just went through my last funk. and it WAS because of an anniversary....

i wonder if Bobbi has left for her trip yet.....

i wonder if anybody else out there dislikes change? (and i'm not talking the money kind of change):rolleyes:

i wonder if i should just hush and go take a shower and go to bed. Maybe i'll get some sleep tonight.... its been a while since i've had a restful sleep.

Alffe 09-10-2006 09:42 PM

((Goofy)) Rest well.

Bobbi 09-11-2006 01:15 AM

I wonder how in the world I made it to the hotel in one piece :). It was a long road through a ton of Redwood trees. I think, it took 5.5 hours. Of course, trustworthy laptop goes with me wherever I venture. I'm actually stunned to see that the hotel's WI-FI is working perfectly (my wireless broadband woulda worked too :D).

I wonder why, when I woke at 6 a.m., I still could not beat the fog making its way to shore. Bummer. But, it did lift some and I was able to see the ocean - through some fog.

I wonder: How many guests here have doggies. Seems a lot! There is a 6.5 month-old poochie on one side and an elder doggie on the other. It's so cute when they 'niff each other's nose.

Oh, yeah: I disklike change. Tomorrow will be one of adjustment and sleeping! :D

Bobbi 09-11-2006 01:20 AM

I wonder why I wonder why I couldn't beat the fog after seeing that Alffe is awaiting a new septic system :eek:.

I wonder how I coulda missed the Yosemite happenings? Brain fog, maybe??? :D.

Alffe 09-11-2006 08:06 AM

I wonder if I'll ever get to see the Redwoods.........

I wonder if that strange man walking around our property means that there will finally be some progress on the looooooong awaited septic system....

I wonder if all those steps are necessary....utility inspections, board of health coming out twice no less!....................

I wonder why it has to take ALL of my flower beds...........

I wonder why NBC has gone to such great lengths not to show Katey Couric on this sad anniversary date...I was watching her when it happened 5 yrs ago.....:(

I wonder if Bobbi and dogie are having a wonderful time at the ocean...

I wonder if Goofy knows that we are in this room at the same time...:D

FeelinGoofy 09-11-2006 10:39 AM

LOL i wonder if alffe knows i just popped earlier to read a bit, and then realized i really needed to get my daughter to school. :rolleyes: \

I wonder if Bobbi knows, My hubby and I took a trip along the coast and through the redwoods when we were first married. HWY 1 and 101 is just amazing...

I wonder if i should call my good ole psychologist up and go in and chat with him about some stuff.... I think he'd be very suprised to hear from me....Its been almost 2 years now since we've "officially" talked.

I wonder why i felt sad this morning when i realized that we finally did catch that little mouse thats been avoiding our traps and licking them clean now for several days...

I wonder if i'll ever get use to having Mondays off of work. Dont get me wrong I LOVE IT.... a 3 day weekend!!!!!!!! :D

JoJo6 09-11-2006 02:25 PM

dancing Fred
Oh Alffe how I love your dancing frog. I crack up everytime I see him. I'm glad you have given him such a special place.

He so reminds me of poor little Sammie Jo. Remember what a sweet lil thing he was? JJ

Oh, Am I supposed to be wondering? dang, what happened to my brain?

did I used to have a brain?

should I look up Dorthea and toto and go see the wizard?

Should I take spelling lessons?

Should I realize I am totally lost?

I wonder if Alffe and Curious cheer me up when they both have so much on them already?

I wonder if all of you sweet people know I love y'all too?

I wonder if those that may not know me as well will know I am just plain Jo and then had to add 6 and then had to hadadd another Jo so I am JoJo6 and if I keep adding Jo's I may as well start using my other name's Katie Scarlet?

I wonder if I should just shut up?:eek:

Curious 09-11-2006 02:37 PM

i wonder if jo's mug is empty?
<------ hands jo a fresh mug of hazelnut coffee

JoJo6 09-11-2006 02:43 PM

thank you dear one. You always know when the hazelnut coffee is needed. thank you ever so much ((((curious)))) JJ

Alffe 09-11-2006 06:15 PM

I wonder if Jo knows how it tickled me to see her try and wonder...:D

I wonder if I should confess to being incapable of posting froggy and a dear friend (Ms.Doody) did the deed for me!..........:o

I wonder why he won't kick....he kicks elsewhere...

I wonder if Goofy knows that I think she should call her trusted psychologist................

I wonder if we have finally caught the last mouse! RIP

I wonder at how surprised I was to find little orange and yellow flags all around our's really gonna happen!!!

I wonder where my coffee is................

Bobbi 09-12-2006 03:04 PM

I wonder: Can y'all see me waving to you :D.

Doody 09-12-2006 04:39 PM

I wonder why Alffe can't see her frog dancing. I can. Or am I seeing things? :rolleyes:

I wonder if Alffe knows I used to live right on the edge of the redwood forest in northern California. Every time I drove into those, I was overpowered with awe. The pictures in Del Norte, I saw that all the time.

And this place is awesome, up on the Smith River right out of the Redwoods on the coast.

Alffe 09-12-2006 07:33 PM

I wonder if I can still do a cartwheel! Waves @ Lara...:D

I wonder if she thinks I did kick her butt!...:rolleyes:

I wonder if Ms.Doody knows that now I can't wait to go to the Redwoods..

awesome pictures!!!

I wonder if Bobbi knows that I saw her waving..........have fun!!! and I agree with Lara about that great certainly opened my eyes!

I wonder why Jingle is being so quiet.....:o

I wonder where Curious is....baking for Jo I suppose...:p

I wonder if the local support group will ever get rid of that moderator....ackk

jingle 09-12-2006 08:54 PM

I wonder if a lot of other people also read better than they talk :o :( :p

farside 09-12-2006 11:16 PM

I wonder if Alffe should take a look at the guy wandering around her property and compare it to the America's Most Wanted list? Just to be sure. :D

I wonder if jingle knows that I read and write way better than I talk. I wonder what happens between how articulate I can be on paper and some kind of mumblings and mono-syllabic grunts I make when I try to talk to people? :o

Curious 09-12-2006 11:29 PM

i wonder iffn' y'all know i'm just glad that the ole spellin' police haven't found bt2 yet?

i windr iffin' this ole big insulated mug of hazelnut coffee will still be hot for alffe when she gets here in the mornin'?

no wonderin;'s good to see lara made it here!

i wonder if bobbi knows how thankful we are that she shaved under arms before leaving fo rthe shore? all that waving...:p you just have a wonderful time ((((bobbi)))) and pooping on the beach or peeing in the water!

Bobbi 09-13-2006 02:30 AM

Hi you all! :D. I'm still on the coast. I wonder what you may think of the ton of photos I took tonight of the sun setting... moment by moment until the sun kissed clouds. It was awesome. (I'll transfer the pics from memory stick to a site-page after I get home and share.)

The woman staying in the room next-door asked if she could come over and stand on my deck area (the hotel deems "private") to get photos, too. Of course, it was okay! I showed her the "preview" mode of my photos, and... geeze, I liked what I saw that I took, too!

I wonder: Will I ever take another trip that measures up to this one? Everyone has been just so friendly and I've not had to initiate the chit-chats with them. Ohhh, what a relief.

I wonder whether I will see the people, in the surrounding rooms, again. They are just soooooooooooo nice and so genuine!

I wonder if the setting has changed much since others here had ventured to/through the Redwoods. I didn't take photos entering, but will on the return trip and maybe you all will let me know if you note differences from when you were in the area.

I wonder: Why does the sun seem to disappear into the clouds in the evening.

Hmmm... I wonder why I didn't have a camera when I was a child and vacationing on the Atlantic shore and if the sun sets differently.

P.S.: Nope, no pooping or puddling on the beach from meeeeee :D. My doggie... well, we won't go there :). But, a store owner did say she wanted to "meet" my doggie. I took her into the store and the owner pampered her and took her photo. It's a good thing my doggie does not let things "go to her head" or she'd be so ego-ridden it would not be funny. So many people keep telling her how pretty she is and asking if they can pet her. I think she's worn out; it may be a nap day for her her today (Wednesday).

Alffe 09-13-2006 04:57 PM

I wonder if you wear orange vests and yellow hard hats if you're on Americas most wanted list......LOL@Farside

I wonder if Jingle knows she has a rich interior.......

I wonder if Curious can stand it if I post my brownie recipe......:D

I wonder if I thanked her for this mornings coffee.....;)

I wonder if Bizi knows that I appreciated her sending her sister "Just Sit With Me"................

I wonder who will start a new wonder thread...maybe Doc John...:D

Doody 09-13-2006 06:12 PM

I wonder if I can still wonder in this thread before a new one starts so I can LMAO at farside! LOLOL! :D

I wonder if Alffe knows she should start her 'Redwood' trip down at Carmel and venture on Highway 1 up the coast as far as she can go. She would drive right through where I used to live. And it is just the most spectacular way to go.

I wonder if I could find out again the name of Clint Eastwood's ranch/restaurant that I was at once in Carmel. You could start there Alffe and spend the night in one of his beautiful cabins and eat at his restaurant. And yes he goes there. My friend and I went there for dinner and were waiting to be seated. My friend's eyes got huge looking past me. I turned to look, and he was standing RIGHT NEXT TO ME! We must have looked hilarious because he grinned and said, "Hello ladies." And then he walked to the 'piano bar' and sat having a drink with some of the locals.


I wonder though, because Highway 1 can be a very daring trip for the faint of heart driving up and down and curving around mountains which scared the whoosit outta me...

Oh yes, Mission Ranch, lord it was beautiful, good food too. People say he owned Hog's Breath but the locals told us no, he sold it but did own the Mission Ranch.

Here ya go Alffe, start here and spend the night there too! Can I go wif???? Click on the restaurant link and you'll see the patio I ate and had drinks on!!!

I wonder if you know I fell in love with Carmel. And the shops, oh lordy.

Alffe 09-14-2006 07:20 AM

I wonder if Doody knows that I was on the way (in my mind) to the Mission Ranch til she talked about Highway 1 and the curving around the mountain...:o It does sound beautiful......

I wonder if anyone else watched the movie The Ten Commandments....not the one with Charlton Heston...the recent one.

I wonder if anyone who did, as we did, wondered about how things never change...we never "get it" and the violence towards our fellow man seems to have always been with us.......:(

I wonder if the weather here will clear by this evenings outside, under the stars dinner event. I wonder if there'll be canopeys...sp??

I wonder how to hide my scaley nose...........:eek:

Bobbi 09-14-2006 04:19 PM

I wonder if anyone has posted this:

Clint Eastwood's restaurant in Carmel by the Sea? Hog's Breath Inn :D.

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