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Dmom3005 01-03-2023 05:49 PM

Okay this is my January thread, and updates on health
Hi, everyone today was my vascular surgeon appointment.
It went really great. I have plague. Not sure it is spelled correctly.
Any way I have just a little in one of my three areas that go through
the area to get to the area that the csan saw the plaque in. Which
was were they saw the problem possibility. But unless there is a development
of more plaque in my area or more area's like in the other two.

Which would start with more pain in my stomach, and losing weight fast,
like 100 pounds. I then would need to ask to see him again. I'm guessing
and have another cat scan.

So I will watch what is going on. And look into my other problems,
And hope I can figure out more about my loss of breath and other things
going on. That seem to be the synscope.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 01-04-2023 01:23 PM

i had 99 per 99 plague in my catotid artery and had 99 surgery and a stent would not fit.. a week latter had major surgery and had carotid opened and cleaned out and thanked the doctor for saving my life.
fantastic news. my rabbi intern is going is to come over and not waste time .
Sam just got offered a positioned with the state position's office..

Dmom3005 01-04-2023 02:54 PM


Sam's position is great.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 01-04-2023 04:15 PM

Sam just got offered a positioned with the attorney state position's office...

Dmom3005 01-04-2023 08:00 PM

I think that is great if he would like that position Bobby.

You have some great friends.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

bizi 01-05-2023 10:39 PM

Dear Donna,
I am sooo sorry for your illness that you are dealing with.
I hope that the scans and mri show what you are facing and give your doctors data to tell you about. have dale go with you to these appointments so he can ask questions while with the doctors.

sugar contributes to diarrhea and so does fatty foods.
be careful what you eat.
I wonder if you have IBS irritable bowel syndrome like bobby?

I need to get to bed.
love you

Dmom3005 01-06-2023 02:32 PM

I am watching what I eat very much. Just this week started, some meat
like roast beef and pot roast, and probably chicken later. Also, pizza and
spaghetti and lasagna in small amounts. Diet and regular coke don't
taste good yet after my hospital stay. So, drinking mainly either unsweetened
tea or combo of sweet and unsweetened or water. And a twist that is lemon lime drink. It's a lot like sprite. But has a lot more taste to it.
I have been eating mac & cheese and mashed potatoes. Crackers and hot tea and hot chocolate mainly. These are the staples of my diet right now.
Mainly anything that is sugar free, the hot chocolate is sugar free.

I have added ice cream that is not with milk this week. I've been wanting
it. Also have yogurt and pudding which is rice and some chocolate. So
I can fight the side of caffeine need.

I make sure I drink lots of water too. And I'm working to get lots of
energy back, and to try to get out more.

I without wanting to do it this way. Reached the 200 and less weight
it's close to 199 and then will go back to 200, then down to 198.

So, we will see. How it goes. I think it's back and forth.

Dmom3005 01-07-2023 12:18 PM

There are signs I might have diverticulitis which is something my mother
had. So, I do know a lot about it. Instead of IBS this is probably
what I have.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 01-07-2023 09:32 PM

how about trying no red meat products, prodessed food, ginger tea . hate fish but maybe you do like it... peppermint capsules and nothing greasy..maybe cooked vegetables.

Dmom3005 01-08-2023 05:17 PM


Right now I am not eating red meat. Only because I don't know if I can.
I know after at least another month I will try to eat a little steak again.
And probably a hamburger at least once a month.

I don't eat but a little fish, and only one kind. Right now it would be way
to greasy so it's a definite no. I eat a few vegatables. I don't like many.

I do eat fruits now more than I ever have.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 01-08-2023 05:25 PM

I meant to tell everyone. Derrick has a problem with his verizon phone.

So he is using just the A T & T phone which is my second one. It's also his
uber one. Well for some reason going to work yesterday he left it on the
couch headed out. So, he got to work with no phone. And no way to call
for a uber. Well, he walks in hollering, did I leave my uber phone here.

I'm like, how the heck would I know. But didn't say that. I said, how did
you get home. I knew the girl that brings him sometimes on Friday nights
wasn't working this Saturday night. He says the girl that took Tina home,
Brought me too. Which the other girl brings them both on Friday night.

The girl had offered. He has a really hard time asking for a ride, I guess
it has turned out that the general manager has told the bartenders that
they should really make sure the other staff have rides home. Especially
since a couple of the bartenders are offering the rest of them rides
home. Most of the bartenders are women. So, I think she thinks it's safer
for them to offer the rides.

I am just so glad that he is finally getting more comfortable asking or letting them help him. I guess because this girl doesn't know the area quite as
well he walked about a block or two to get down from the corner, to his house area.

But it wasn't bad at 9:30pm. With good lighting


Dmom3005 01-09-2023 03:53 PM

We took the dogs with us out to Oxford. Then went to run some errands
around town. This is the most I've been out since my illness. I think I
did pretty good. My husband has been working to get my PT cruiser fixed,
its the battery. And my oldest Dan's car a new battery too. So he can loan
his car to a good friend. Their Car has a blown engine so they need something
to drive for about a month till they get a new car.

Derrick and I got lunch then went and got groceries.

We spent about 4 hours running errands then got home from the errands and things. So its time to relax.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

bizi 01-10-2023 10:27 PM

donna where is oxford?
Glad that derrick got a ride home.

Did he find his phone?

Dmom3005 01-11-2023 03:43 PM

Oxford is were My house is. Its about 30 to 45 Minutes from Lafayette.

Yes, he found his phone on the couch when he got home.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

bizi 01-11-2023 08:49 PM

That was nice of the girl to give him a ride home.Was this out of her way?
Did he offer her some gas money?
Does he have cash with him so he can offer.
Can you tell him?

Dmom3005 01-12-2023 01:28 PM

I didn't ask him if he offered her some money. But I'm guessing if he
didn't it was because he didn't think of it. He is my tipper and giving
others money. Meaning he does the best. He has been really good
sense a 18 year old doing it. He has always bought my drink or my
food when he feels its his turn. So I'm sure he did if he thought of it.

I will not say anything this time but will remind him that its okay next
time to give her some.

He always offers my kind of best friend some gas money if she is taking
him to his doctor appointments.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 01-13-2023 03:22 PM

Well its getting kind of cold here again. It was snowing a little this morning.
Derrick had cooking class. And I took and picked him up today.

He will be going to work in about an hour or so.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

bizi 01-13-2023 05:12 PM

I forgot he was taking cooking classes.
Good for him and how exciting!!!!
bizi keep us posted on his progress thanks

Dmom3005 01-14-2023 03:40 PM

He made sweet potatoes yesterday and he even brought me out some.
They were really good.

Now we just need to get his pictures that go with his report run off and to the ladies who need to sign it.

And it should help. Then get it to the people who need to sign the
report and then to the Special Olympic office.

It's done a few weeks early but we always try to get it done early.


bizi 01-14-2023 11:04 PM

This sounds like a lot of leg work????
you are the best mom!((((((((HUGS)))))))

Dmom3005 01-15-2023 02:44 PM

Now if I could just find his practicum paperwork

donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 01-15-2023 04:33 PM

Also tomorrow is a legal holiday. So wont be getting mail. And I have
an mri and ct scan on Thursday. So will see how it goes then.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

Dmom3005 01-16-2023 03:53 PM

Still can't respond to private messages!!!!
I'm sorry if you should be trying to have me respond to a private message.
I can't So I wanted you guys to know if you ask me a question in a private
message at some point I will be responding in a message on a post.

I don't know still why I can't respond I'm trying to work it out.


P.S. Love everyone

Jomar 01-17-2023 01:57 AM

What part of the PM reply is not working for you?

Can you click on the message to read it, bit can't find how to reply?
Is the reply box area showing for you?
Typing in the area doesn't work?

Are you using a computer or phone or tablet, some parts show up different on different devices..
Or if you are using a different style or theme..
Apple /mac or Windows or other OS?

Maybe we can help you figure it out..

Dmom3005 01-17-2023 04:37 PM

Thanks Jomar.

It always lets me in, Usually the visitor I think is where Bobby and Bizi and
Lara is posting to me.

It will let me in It will allow me to bring up a box. But it will not let me post at all.


Ps. I can't even start my own thread at all in the area either. I tried to post to someone, and it wouldn't let me.


Lara 01-17-2023 05:30 PM

It's not me. I remember you've had trouble in the past with PMs but other times it works. I think I've only ever PMd you twice or three times in 17 years lol.

The only setting I have trouble with ever is My Mood up where we log in. I use "curves" in the Quick Style Chooser. Maybe it's the setting you have for viewing the page. There is always "Default" maybe that would work better? Anyway I don't want to confuse the issue.

As Jomar suggested, it could be something to do with a device other than your computer. Do you use your phone or some other device sometimes to post or check threads? Must be some setting on your computer if you're using that.

P.S. It says in the FAQ - Private Messages that you may need to delete some messages if you have too many. Worth a try. Maybe that's why sometimes it works and other times it doesn't.

Although I just found the place where it says how many PMs you can have and it says 1000 so unless you have 1000 then that's not the problem.

Just popped in to wish you all the best for Thursday. :hug:

bizi 01-18-2023 12:19 AM

Hi lara,
good to see you.
I am sorry donna that you can't respond to your PM's.
Don't worry about mine nothing important.

Lara 01-18-2023 04:22 AM

Donna, sorry I misunderstood. I thought you weren't sure who had sent you the PM.

I was just looking at my Private Messages area and there are several different ways to reply to someone.

If other ways of replying aren't working after you've read a private message and you want to reply to the sender, try clicking on their user name here on the Forum in the area to the left of one of their posts. If you click my name for example, it will come up with an option "send a private message to Lara".

Please feel free to test it out on me if you want.

Dmom3005 01-18-2023 11:58 AM

Thanks Bizi, And Lara

For responding. I've tried just about everything in responding. I just
deleted all my messages. And will at some point start all over.

Right now I have no messages, which is fine.

Jomar, I only get on this area on my computer.


Lara 01-18-2023 03:11 PM

Hi Donna,
Your test private message worked.

Dmom3005 01-18-2023 04:48 PM

Yes, and I got a message back to you. So hopefully this will work
from know on. Thanks


Dmom3005 01-19-2023 05:58 PM

Okay, I got my Ct scan and MRI finished. Now to just wait on the results.

We will see how things go.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

bizi 01-19-2023 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by Dmom3005 (Post 1302516)
Okay, I got my Ct scan and MRI finished. Now to just wait on the results.

We will see how things go.

Donna :grouphug::hug:

donna, tell me again why you had to have a cat scan and an MRI??

mymorgy 01-20-2023 09:31 AM

i am praying for only great news. you are the sweetest.

Dmom3005 01-20-2023 01:24 PM

The ct scan was for the lung nodule which was originally in December 1.1cm.
I think, its now 6 mm. And they believe its connected to pnemonitis, which
is part of pneumonia. Which I thought was the case when I went to look
it up. So in 2 or hopefully three months since I turn 65 I will ask for
it to be then I will get another ct scan and hopefully it went away or
down again.

Now the mri, showed two things, The adrenal glands are still the same,
but they are cyst and they are what we thought. And with out looking
them up I honestly can't remember the name. But the nodules aren't
anything but cyst and are benign.

But they found a lesion as they are calling it on my pancreas and he
is sending this for my oncologist to answer as to what we do. It was
a redo mri in 6 months, but I'm guessing he wants her opinion because
at some point it could turn to cancerous. Right now its considered
a cyst that isn't cancerous.

So I'm very okay with this idea. Because I trust my oncologist and really
like her. So I will probably have to go see her before my November meeting
for the breast issues. We will see as soon as we find out what she thinks.

So a few prayers would be welcome.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

mymorgy 01-20-2023 07:44 PM

i will definitely send a lot more than few prayers and love.

bizi 01-22-2023 02:24 PM

Dear Donna,
You have a lot on your plate.
Does dale know about all of it.

I hope he comforts you.
Sending prayers of faith and healing.
love you,

Dmom3005 01-22-2023 06:51 PM

Yes, he knows it all. And is keeping me in comfort.

I will keep everyone updated.

Donna :hug::grouphug::grouphug:

mymorgy 01-22-2023 07:31 PM

that is so wonderful.

Dmom3005 01-25-2023 08:44 PM

Dale and I went out to eat with my sister Dee and her Husband Walt on Saturday. We had a great time.

Last night we got our first real snow. It seems so odd to be saying that at the
end of January. But its okay. I am hoping this time is the main one we get.

I'm doing okay. And trying to figure out if I should call the oncologist after a while. Also heard from SSI. I did my paperwork online. So its been started.
Now waiting on it to be finished.

Donna :hug::grouphug:

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