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ali12 02-16-2008 05:57 AM

Lyrica withdrawal symptoms
Hi - it's Alison here,
I was just wondering if anyone experienced withdrawal symptoms whilst coming off Lyrica.

Most of you will probably be aware that our chemist prescribed the wrong dosage of Lyrica, they gave my mom 200mg tablets instead of 75mg tablets, so I was unable to take the tablets for just over 4 days.

When I wasn't taking the Lyrica, I had horrible withdrawal symptoms, I had panic attacks all the time, I shouted at my mom, was sick, couldn't stop crying, couldn't breathe properly, was even more depressed than I normally am etc etc.

I have started taking the Lyrica again and I am fine now.

As anyone else experienced the same symptoms whilst coming off Lyrica??
Thanks for listening

tayla4me 02-16-2008 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by ali12 (Post 216954)
Hi - it's Alison here,
I was just wondering if anyone experienced withdrawal symptoms whilst coming off Lyrica.

Most of you will probably be aware that our chemist prescribed the wrong dosage of Lyrica, they gave my mom 200mg tablets instead of 75mg tablets, so I was unable to take the tablets for just over 4 days.

When I wasn't taking the Lyrica, I had horrible withdrawal symptoms, I had panic attacks all the time, I shouted at my mom, was sick, couldn't stop crying, couldn't breathe properly, was even more depressed than I normally am etc etc.

I have started taking the Lyrica again and I am fine now.

As anyone else experienced the same symptoms whilst coming off Lyrica??
Thanks for listening


It is a terrible thing that the Pharmacy made that mistake which has caused this issue.:mad:
Most drugs should not be stopped cold turkey because you can have the withdrawal symptoms as you describe.
I really hope you can get to see the new Pain Management team soon as a child your age should not have to be dealing with the consequences of these drugs:(
Just remember though Ali, we all have the same highs and lows in mood and depression with this disease as a result of problems with our Limbic System. We just have to hope that those around us forgive us and understand us when this happens.

Take care

Sandel 02-17-2008 01:29 AM

Hi Ali..
I had a large increase of pain when I went off for only a few days.. and I felt sick no patience levels either come to think of it.. I am not lookin forward to stopping taking them soon, I thought it was just me. Do you find the lyrica helps you alot?

Vicc 02-17-2008 08:09 AM

Hi Allison (and Andrea),

Six months ago I believed that Lyrica looked like a good option for RSD people; the side-effects appeared minimal and it appeared to provide adequate relief to a lot of people.

When I read another of your posts in which you talked about being given an incorrect dosage, the dosage at that time seemed very low and the fact that you weren't getting adequate pain relief seemed to confirm that. I considered replying that I fully understand why physicians are concerned with giving drugs to children, it seems pointless to prescribe so little that it does no good.

BUT, after reading the posts describing "dark thinking" associated with Lyrica, I held off.

Ali, you weigh two pounds less than me, and I'm skin and bones, but if I still needed a GABA drug, the doc would prescribe an adult dosage. After what I've recently learned here about Lyrica, I would not suggest an adult dose for you.

There are other GABA drugs, and many of them have been prescribed for children with epilepsy for years without any reports of additional side-effects on kids.

The kind of withdrawal symptoms you describe with such a low dose, along with so many here reporting how it affects their thinking, leads me to believe you need to look for another GABA: One that has not been shown to be harmful to people your age...Vic

tayla4me 02-17-2008 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by ali12 (Post 216954)
Hi - it's Alison here,
I was just wondering if anyone experienced withdrawal symptoms whilst coming off Lyrica.

Most of you will probably be aware that our chemist prescribed the wrong dosage of Lyrica, they gave my mom 200mg tablets instead of 75mg tablets, so I was unable to take the tablets for just over 4 days.

When I wasn't taking the Lyrica, I had horrible withdrawal symptoms, I had panic attacks all the time, I shouted at my mom, was sick, couldn't stop crying, couldn't breathe properly, was even more depressed than I normally am etc etc.

I have started taking the Lyrica again and I am fine now.

As anyone else experienced the same symptoms whilst coming off Lyrica??
Thanks for listening

Just want to confirm that your dose of 75mgs three times a day is a very acceptable dose of Lyrica.
75-100mgs tds is the recommended dose and whilst some people are prescribed more the research appears to show that the larger doses do not reflected in improved pain relief and in fact can be very dangerous for people for poor renal function.
If you feel better with that dose then it is right for you. 200mgs tds may have resulted in problems in the long term.
cheers and luck

Debby 02-17-2008 01:41 PM

I take a very low dose of Lyrica myself. I take 50 mgs of Lyrica 3 X's a day. It helps with the burning pain, but also I take neurontin. Thery seem to compliment each other in combating nerve pain.

Whenever I have tried to cut it down or actually get off of it completely, the nerve pain gets to be way too much.

I don't know what to say but that is bad that the phramacy or rather, the chemist as you call them over in England :) anyway, got the doseage wrong like that. Good thing your Mum caught it. She is on the ball & a very good thing she is. Kudo's to your Mum.


Vicc 02-17-2008 04:37 PM

Hi Debby,

And I thought I was being wildly experimental by mixing beer with wine! I guess the mixture of Lyrica and Gabapentin works well for you, and that's what counts.

I know that different people do well with different dosages of the same med, but the reason I posted was that Andrea said on another thread that the Lyrica wasn't providing Allison any real pain relief. In the past, I've encouraged people to insist that physicians increase the dosage of GABAs until they actually do provide significant pain relief, or until side-effects become intolerable and something else should be tried.

After what I've read about Lyrica in the last few days here at NT, I wanted to make it clear that I don't think increasing Lyrica is a good idea for anyone; especially children, who's frontal lobes are still developing.

In fact, as reports are now surfacing about this drug, I'm beginning to wonder whether it is safe to use at all. Other drugs have done extremely well in the sorts of trials the FDA mandates, then proved to be extremely dangerous after larger populations begin using them and reporting unexpected problems.

I'm very conservative when it comes to new drugs. I would rather wait a while and see how others do before I try them, but thats me.

My bias in this is so strong that I would avoid Lyrica based on what I've learned thus far; there are too many other GABAs that have been around for years, and I would experiment with them first; even if it provided the kind of pain relief you report.

As I said, when a dosage doesn't provide adequate relief, we should demand increasing the dosage until it does. With the recently discovered side-effects of Lyrica, however, and in light ot Ali's age, I don't think that is the proper course: So I said so.

The withdrawal symptoms Ali reported indicate that Lyrica may be acting too strongly on several parts of the brain. She mentioned, I had panic attacks all the time, I shouted at my mom, was sick, couldn't stop crying, couldn't breathe properly, was even more depressed than I normally am etc etc. and there is no way of knowing what is being affected; just that something seems seriously wrong.

I haven't studied Lyrica, and have no idea what dosages are prescribed, so I relied on what Andrea reported on another thread. I am sure, however, that if a drug isn't doing any real good at a certain dosage, withdrawal produces the symptoms Ali described, and reports started coming in that it was severely affecting emotions, I wouldn't take it.

Sorry for another over-long reply, but my shorter posts (like the one above), often lead to misunderstanding of my rationale', so its back to over-explaining again. I really need a good editor...Vic

Debby 02-18-2008 09:07 PM

Hey Vic,
Thanks for replying. I take a low dose as I said of Lyrica 3 X's a day but I take 900 mgs of Neurontin 4 X's a day. Before I ever got RSD I had Fibromyalgia & I took an over the counter type of GABA(pentin). I had nooooo idea that it worked on never pain. I was just told it might help the Fibro pain. And to be honest I do think it did. I can't for the life of me remember how much of it I took or from what company I got the GABA from. I ordered it over the phone at first, then from the computer. I will have to try to see if I can find that company. I have traded up in Windows computers since then tho & have no idea where the bookmark is at anymore.

Before Lyrica came to the public, I would take a very very low dose of Gabatril. Now talk about affecting my brain!?!? I would go almost comatose on it. Jack would ask me what was wrong & my answer would be, "I am fine & I love you." over & over he said I would say this to him, then lay down & go back to sleep. This would be on a low dose of Gabatril. That stuff was NASTY & I would only take it when the burning pain reached such high proportions that I would cry & contemplate suicide. I had to take less than what the doctor even prescribed for me to be able to function while taking it. I have never had any problems taking Neurontin at any dose, nor any problems this way taking Lyrica. I was on a higher dose of Lyrica, but I could not stay awake at all. Also the weight gain on it was AWFUL, up to 25lbs I gained & have only lost about 10 of it & that has taken me a year.

The doctor & I both tried to wean me off of Neurontin when I started taking Lyrica, but the burning pain came back like a screaming banshee. It is somewhat like you say, what works is what counts as far as being an adult goes huh? *L* I have fought pain of one kind or another my whole damn life. Starting with what the doctor called 'growing pains' in my legs as a child to RSD pain. Pain from mild to as severe/acute as it can get. So now that I am older & I have a great pain doctor I am NOT going to go around in horrible pain anymore if I can help it. Tolerable pain I will & do deal with, but not horrible. Not anymore.

I agree, what is prescribed for children & what is prescibed for adults should be done very carefully. And monitored very carefully. How it affects adults & children can be very very different. And I know children should not be allowed to suffer from pain either, but pain control for them has to be approached differently. I think that one program then have for children with RSD is great. It retrains their brain pathways & I think for them it would work way better than for an adult. But I do want to order the book, "The Brain That Changes Itself" & see if I can do this for myself. My PM Doc thinks that I would be a good candidate for trying this technique. Anyway getting off the subject.

Anyway, again, take care & I do agree with what you are saying here.

ps I hope I made some kind of sense...............:)
[/COLOR][/COLOR] 04-30-2009 08:42 AM

Lyrica withdrawal and me
I was just told to stop taking Lyrica because I could not get a good breath anymore. I'd built up to 150 mgs a day and my fibromyalgia pain had lessened considerably but since the other day I've been experiencing air hunger. I just can not get a good breath until trying for 5 minutes or more and then it starts all over again. I stopped taking it night before last. I've had painful abdominal cramping and diarrhea, nausea, sweating, the pain is coming back, I've been just twitching in my legs like crazy and could not sleep last night....nor have I slept yet today. I already have pulmonary fibrosis on top of asthma. The Lyrica was working until I started having a hard time breathing. I will see my rheumatologist next week but in the meanwhile...I'm in a bad way...including anxiety. I wish I'd never started on in now. How long to these withdrawal symptoms generally last for? Thank you. -Rhonda:(

Dew58 04-30-2009 10:00 AM


I was on Lyrica for about 2 weeks..and had to get off as I gained 20 POUNDS within that time, and I felt drunk when I was on it! I was prescribed 4, 150 mg. capsules per day.

It was horrible. I stopped after I had an incident where I kept repeating the same word over and over" windshield,windshield,windshield,windshield"..and could not stop hysterical laughter (for over 20 miles in a car w/family). They thought I was hilarious, but my tears from the laughter were not from happiness, it was pain!
We had just left the carwash in my son's car..and I was looking at the windshield..and out came the word...I had no control over my speech at all. Scared me,BIG TIME!

My withdrawal symptoms included wild nightmares..I can't imagine what the withdrawal symptoms would have been if I had stayed on it longer:eek:
It took me 2 more weeks to drop that 20 lbs that packed on from the use of the med. I still felt burning pain..this drug is not right for me. What does work is 2400 mg. of Neurontin;Cymbalta;Ultram ER 300 mg, and now, Opana ER.

Hang in there:)

CRPSbe 04-30-2009 10:00 AM

Have you contacted your PM and told him or her about this. If not, please do so. Every anti convulsant, to my knowledge, needs to be gradually stopped.

ali12 04-30-2009 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by CRPSbe (Post 503528)
Have you contacted your PM and told him or her about this. If not, please do so. Every anti convulsant, to my knowledge, needs to be gradually stopped.

Thank you.

This post was made last year so thankfully, I am no longer suffering from the withdrawal symptoms. It was absolutely horrible coming off the Lyrica and I have heard that withdrawal symptoms are common on that drug unfortunately.

I think my doctor took me off the Lyrica way too soon but i'm not sure. It took ages for me to get it out of my system and for the withdrawal symptoms to stop!

Thank you for your post though - i'm sure it will help someone else in the future!

ali12 04-30-2009 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Dew58 (Post 503526)

I was on Lyrica for about 2 weeks..and had to get off as I gained 20 POUNDS within that time, and I felt drunk when I was on it! I was prescribed 4, 150 mg. capsules per day.

It was horrible. I stopped after I had an incident where I kept repeating the same word over and over" windshield,windshield,windshield,windshield"..and could not stop hysterical laughter (for over 20 miles in a car w/family). They thought I was hilarious, but my tears from the laughter were not from happiness, it was pain!
We had just left the carwash in my son's car..and I was looking at the windshield..and out came the word...I had no control over my speech at all. Scared me,BIG TIME!

My withdrawal symptoms included wild nightmares..I can't imagine what the withdrawal symptoms would have been if I had stayed on it longer:eek:
It took me 2 more weeks to drop that 20 lbs that packed on from the use of the med. I still felt burning pain..this drug is not right for me. What does work is 2400 mg. of Neurontin;Cymbalta;Ultram ER 300 mg, and now, Opana ER.

Hang in there:)

Thank you Dew! As I mentioned in my previous post, this was from last year so thankfully, i'm not having the withdrawal symptoms now! It was absolutely horrendous coming off the Lyrica and it is something I never want to deal with again lol!

I'm sorry that you had problems on it also. :hug: I also gained a LOT of weight on Lyrica (I think it was about 30lbs in 2 months) and even though I am now off the Lyrica, the weight asn't come off. I never used to be really skinny but was just the right size and now I am overweight. My mum has contacted a program where we live to try and help disabled kids lose weight without having to exercise that much and they said that they would accept me as long as I got a GP's referal. I just want this weight to be gone ... i'm sick of not being able to fit into my old clothes ... I wouldn't mind too much if the Lyrica helped me but it didn't!!!

Thanks again for your post - i'm sure it will help someone and i'm sorry that you had a rough time on Lyrica also!!:hug:

tjf_dds 06-27-2009 08:24 PM

Lyrica withdrawal symptoms

My neurologist did not warn me how truly addictive Lyrica is. He said 'tapir off of it slowly". I was on 300mg twice daily. Over 3 weeks I reduced to one 75mg a day. I stayed on that for three days, then nothing. Within 3 days I had (are you ready):

etremely hot in head/core while feet ice cold, migranous (photophobic) headache, yellow diarrhea, poor sleep, PERSISTANT ANXIETY, memory loss, inability to respond to questions, dizziness, vertigo, mood swings/crying, focus on death and loss, bruxism/jaw pain, low back and shoulder pain, and, of course, depression.

On the plus side, my foot burnig was not worse. It was about the same as before I started the med.

Neurologists should never start this med. without a very clear and exact path for getting off of it. Tight supervision must be a given. This med. as prescribed today is very dangerous.

rdawes26 08-17-2009 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Dew58 (Post 503526)

What does work is 2400 mg. of Neurontin;Cymbalta;Ultram ER 300 mg, and now, Opana ER.

Hang in there:)

I just had to reply to your post. I was on 60mg of Cymbalta for only 2 months. My doctor wanted me to switch to Lyrica. Upon quitting Cymbalta I was hit with the worst withdrawal symptoms I have ever experienced. I am talking about extreme vomiting and twitching along with severe headaches and "brain zaps" (the feeling of lighting going off in your head). I do not recommend Cymbalta for ANYONE. However, I am not a doctor, so obviously listen to them. I just had to throw my caution your way.


Smoke_666 08-19-2009 02:58 PM

Said it before...
...and now I'm saying it again.

Can not understand why any doctor does not try opiates first. Safer, much more likely to lessen the pain, and if ya need to come off of it, fairly easy, comparatively. (comparatively, mind you) I find it amusing that all the new drugs, which cost huge amounts of cash and are more dangerous, are the 'first choice'. Hmm...can you say kickbacks? I knew you could...

jadded 10-19-2009 12:34 PM

I am so glad I've found this site. I was prescribed Lyrica back in the beginning of August for Fibro, and some alarm bells should have started going off I guess when I started taking it. First I started with 25mg going to 50 twice a day. Problem was I was having side effects with every small dose, dizziness, little anxiety etc. I was going fine until I got a dental infection and needed IV antibiotics, and pain meds. I stopped taking the Lyrica due to all of the other meds I was taking. What a huge mistake. The withdrawal from the Lyrica has been horrible, severe dizziness, headaches and the anxiety has been unbearable, to the point I panic and feel like I am dying. I have just figured out reading this post that I am having withdrawal. Even yesterday the emergency Dr was baffled by my symptoms. Laying down I have really low blood pressure, bit just sitting up, my blood pressure sky rockets. I'm convinced it's withdrawal.

My question, has anyone else experience withdrawal on a low dose like this?:confused:

AintSoBad 10-19-2009 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Smoke_666 (Post 554358)
...and now I'm saying it again.

Can not understand why any doctor does not try opiates first. Safer, much more likely to lessen the pain, and if ya need to come off of it, fairly easy, comparatively. (comparatively, mind you) I find it amusing that all the new drugs, which cost huge amounts of cash and are more dangerous, are the 'first choice'. Hmm...can you say kickbacks? I knew you could...

Smoke..... How you been?

I must say, that I've been alarmed at the rate that these expensive meds are being written.:eek:
Thousand dollar a month drugs. WHAT? Would you pay that if you didn't have insurance?
Yea, yes, I've paid a lot for my insurance.
But, I don't consider it a reason, to simply get the most expensive treatment!:mad:
Expensive = Good Result? Haha, Try Again!:confused:

I've been a business person, all my life.
It doesn't add up to value.:mad:

I take methadone for pain. My doctor gives me samples of anything expensive. (I know, that costs too).

But, I still don't want to see my Ins. co. paying big bills! It doesn't boost my Ego!

My methadone, compared to anyone's OxyContin, is about $30/mos., add in the $15, for Miralax, the adjunct laxative that keeps things moving.
And, say, $45....
How's that compare to a Gee Whiz ($1000.) Script for some fancy thing that people sell too often on the street?
It just doesn't work for me, and yes, I've tried it.:cool:

I like old tried and true, things. in almost any phase of life.

Most Every person I've known personally to be put on OxyContin, has come off it, within a year.
Same with all the other "New" "HD" Pain relievers.

I, personally like to keep it simple.
And,, methadone has some problems. It can shut down your breathing! I have a bad case of Apnea, so I use a CPAP machine when I sleep.

There is No patent on Methadone!
So, it's inexpensive!
Why would anyone think that "they're worth" the most expensive drug?
Does it relieve your pain, to think or know that your ins. co is paying so much for you?
Gimme a Break....

It's been my prediction, to all my friends who have rsd, that, they'll be on methadone within a short period of time....
But, the Drug Company Sales People, who come in, EVERY MONTH, and order a big, paid for, lunch for the entire office, isn't pushing Methadone!
(Ya'll got your eyes open on this stuff?)

No, they want to sell the PROFIT MAKING DRUGS!
it's getting "Pushed" onto YOU!
Feel good about that?
Then carry on....

If you're wisdom, rather than Ego driven, talk to your doctor, on an intelligent, and frank basis....

If you're thinking, what have you got to lose? I'll tell you in one word....


Be well, ,ya'll....

love, and peace,,,,,


rdawes26 11-23-2009 02:20 AM


Originally Posted by jadded (Post 579973)

My question, has anyone else experience withdrawal on a low dose like this?:confused:

I have actually had good results with Lyrica. I am on 225MG per day, and I have not had a single side affect. I know that this does not help, except that you can know that not everyone has side affects while on Lyrica.

However, I said it earlier in this thread, beware of Cymbalta if your doc wants to go that route.

I do wish you luck, and hope that you find relief soon.


dreambeliever128 11-23-2009 08:49 AM

I was on Lyrica for about a week and started gaining weight. Gained 17 lbs in no time. I still have about 10 of that to get off and can't. The side effects were horrible too. My feeling is that if you gain up to 60 lbs. on a med, and that's what I have seen as an average on here and from people I have talked to then to me, it's not worth it to take. Putting on so much weight puts you in a catagory of getting more medical problems, so it's a no win situation.

I just went off of Crestor cold turkey last month and the side effects from doing that was horrible. I went off of my Methadone cold turkey last year and didn't have any of the side effects I had from the Crestor.

I do agree with Pete on this medication thing. I think the kickbacks are so great on some of the worst ones that they hand them out like candy without trying any thing else. My step-son told me yesterday he went to the Dr. for his shoulder thinking they would give him a shot in it to help it and they gave him narcotics and muscle relaxers. Triggerpoint injections do help a lot of things, also PT, blocks. No kickbacks on these things though.

Ali, I am glad that you are doing better. I hope you can get that extra weight off. I started walking again to try and get mine back down.


gitte74 11-24-2009 12:17 PM

Hi Ali12

I am a mother of a 13 year old son with RSD and he is taking 150mg Lyrica per day (prev 200mg), for how long did you have the withdrawal symptoms.

the best wishes from Gitte, Olivers mum

Janmarq 11-26-2009 12:23 PM

Lyrica withdrawal
I was prescribed 75 mg of Lyrica 3 times a day about 2 years ago. The doctor said it would help with the nerve pain I sometimes had with spinal stenosis and spinal arthritis. Some of the side effects I noticed were weight gain and a problem talking. Sometimes I just couldn't get the words out. It's very embarrassing. I talked to the doctor about it. She said that that symptom is usually caused when people don't take it 3 times a day, but only once or twice. She urged me to take it 3 times a day, or at the very least, not to skip the evening dose. The other night I was on the phone with my daughter and could barely talk. I decided to quit taking Lyrica yesterday. Surprise! Chills, fever, crying. At first I thought it might be the flu. But, just in case it was from stopping the medication, I took one last night and then slept well. This morning I had to take it again because of nerve pain. What's up with these withdrawal symptoms? I'm going to try to wean myself off slowly instead and will let everyone know how that goes! I'm open for suggestions, comments, etc. I feel just fine today - fever and chills are gone.

ali12 11-27-2009 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by gitte74 (Post 593246)
Hi Ali12

I am a mother of a 13 year old son with RSD and he is taking 150mg Lyrica per day (prev 200mg), for how long did you have the withdrawal symptoms.

the best wishes from Gitte, Olivers mum

Hi Gitte,

SO sorry to hear that your son also suffers from RSD at such a young age!:hug: Please know that I am here if either of you ever want to talk - I know how hard it can be dealing with this monster of an illness!

The withdrawals from the Lyrica lasted about 2 weeks. It was absolute h*ll during that time - I kept being sick, having severe panic attacks and mood swings etc. I remember how I used to hit my mum in the car whilst she was driving - that is something I would never dream of doing now and it makes me so sick knowing that I used to do that but had no control over it!

I hope your son doesn't have any problems if he decides to come off the Lyrica. I think part of my problem was that I was took off it too quickly and my body couldn't tolerate it.

Best wishes to you both! :hug:

Jarocho 01-23-2010 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by ali12 (Post 594223)
Hi Gitte,

SO sorry to hear that your son also suffers from RSD at such a young age!:hug: Please know that I am here if either of you ever want to talk - I know how hard it can be dealing with this monster of an illness!

The withdrawals from the Lyrica lasted about 2 weeks. It was absolute h*ll during that time - I kept being sick, having severe panic attacks and mood swings etc. I remember how I used to hit my mum in the car whilst she was driving - that is something I would never dream of doing now and it makes me so sick knowing that I used to do that but had no control over it!

I hope your son doesn't have any problems if he decides to come off the Lyrica. I think part of my problem was that I was took off it too quickly and my body couldn't tolerate it.

Best wishes to you both! :hug:

Hi Ali, are you still off the Lyrica? How did you quit taking it?


kewlgreg 11-01-2010 04:15 AM

Reply to Alison RE: Lyrica

I have never done this posting stuff but this may help you...

In Late February I severely pinched off some nerves in my neck at work and was in really BAD pain...I am an recovering alcoholic so I had to make a calculated decision with my sponsor to start the strong pain management routine including the usage of Norco and,eventually, after about (1) month, Lyrica. I eventually got up to Mg each evening (leading up to what the "then" doctor I had would be Mg mid- day).

To make this story short, after 2-3 months of treatment for my injury, the Lyrica was making me so sleepy and groggy I wanted to stop. One day I fell asleep early on the couch and missed my nightly dose...The next day, while at work I was in light to moderate withdrawal including sweats / light shakes, coupled with EXTREME energy loss. I made it through the day and collapsed on the couch, thinking I would get up shortly, and fell asleep...I woke-up at 5:00 and was VERY nauseated and could not catch my breath...I had a acute panic attack! I remembered / knew I didn't take the Lyrica so I took it and about 30 minutes later I slept.

That was about 4 weeks ago- I am ALMOST done with this stuff! (Oh thank GOD-it.Has.Been.a.struggle!) Although it is not narcotic and you don't "feel" it directly, it is VERY strong, and for me, is very uncomfortable to stop! Lyrica has also apparently made me DEEPLY depressed...

Anything else, Just ask


DebraKosbar 11-01-2010 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by ali12 (Post 216954)
Hi - it's Alison here,
I was just wondering if anyone experienced withdrawal symptoms whilst coming off Lyrica.

Most of you will probably be aware that our chemist prescribed the wrong dosage of Lyrica, they gave my mom 200mg tablets instead of 75mg tablets, so I was unable to take the tablets for just over 4 days.

When I wasn't taking the Lyrica, I had horrible withdrawal symptoms, I had panic attacks all the time, I shouted at my mom, was sick, couldn't stop crying, couldn't breathe properly, was even more depressed than I normally am etc etc.

I have started taking the Lyrica again and I am fine now.

As anyone else experienced the same symptoms whilst coming off Lyrica??
Thanks for listening

Well hi Alison, I just got the script today for Lyrica kinda scared to take it does it help you? There r some really bad side affects but thry all have side affects.. Sorry I can't help you take care .....

sam1234 11-26-2010 07:09 AM

Lyrica withdrawal effet - orgasm

As you know with Lyrica orgasm are difficult to achieve, in some cases I used to push myself for hours to attain climax.

I had been taking lyrica for a year and i stopped 2 weeks ago. I am a 33 yrs old male.

Problem: since i stopped taking lyrica, i started feeling some of the withdawel side effects such as: dizziness, drouziness, anxiaety, trouble breathing. ESPECIALLY AFTER HAVING AN ORGASM. (if i do not have an orgasm for a while all withdrawal effects cool down)

shall i worry?

this is very annoying and i am seeking help!

rnv2003 01-09-2011 09:03 PM

crying all the time

Originally Posted by ali12 (Post 216954)
Hi - it's Alison here,
I was just wondering if anyone experienced withdrawal symptoms whilst coming off Lyrica.

Most of you will probably be aware that our chemist prescribed the wrong dosage of Lyrica, they gave my mom 200mg tablets instead of 75mg tablets, so I was unable to take the tablets for just over 4 days.

When I wasn't taking the Lyrica, I had horrible withdrawal symptoms, I had panic attacks all the time, I shouted at my mom, was sick, couldn't stop crying, couldn't breathe properly, was even more depressed than I normally am etc etc.

I have started taking the Lyrica again and I am fine now.

As anyone else experienced the same symptoms whilst coming off Lyrica??
Thanks for listening

Hi Alison,
I too am coming off Lyrica, (300MG per day) and yes I am crying all the time, irritable, sad, very depressed and generally just miserable. So you are not alone! Let us be strong and we will get through this. My Dr. has switched my medication to something called Savella....which I hope has a better outcome for myself and my pain and depression.
Good luck to you!


jescobar 01-18-2011 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by ali12 (Post 216954)
Hi - it's Alison here,
I was just wondering if anyone experienced withdrawal symptoms whilst coming off Lyrica.

Most of you will probably be aware that our chemist prescribed the wrong dosage of Lyrica, they gave my mom 200mg tablets instead of 75mg tablets, so I was unable to take the tablets for just over 4 days.

When I wasn't taking the Lyrica, I had horrible withdrawal symptoms, I had panic attacks all the time, I shouted at my mom, was sick, couldn't stop crying, couldn't breathe properly, was even more depressed than I normally am etc etc.

I have started taking the Lyrica again and I am fine now.

As anyone else experienced the same symptoms whilst coming off Lyrica??
Thanks for listening

I got headaches, anxiousness, and my temper was more volatile than usual.

RNcrps2 01-18-2011 05:01 PM

ali12, I was weaned off very slowly(lyrica does come in 25mg- and i dropped 25mg every week until off. I didnt have any side effects but my pain/burning definately increased. I was eventually put back on it. I find it works great for RSD pain but i hate the side effects from it. best of luck. momof4

Patti_Christmas 02-24-2011 09:22 AM

I've been taking Lyrica for about 3 years now. I'm up to 200MG (one in the morning, and one at bedtime). I also take 90MG Cymbalta and 100MG Celebrex in the morning.

I've tried to stop taking my medicines and usually the hubby or kids notice it right away. I have days when I understand and believe the meds help some, but then other days when I get super tired of "relying" on meds to make my miserable days a bit less miserable.

I have read recently that while on the meds I am on, that the doctors really should be monitoring my levels periodically. I am going to start a list of questions/demands for my doctors, as I feel right now they just want me taking the meds, having the "recommended" surgeries/blocks. I am suppose to start P.T. again, but this time they are sending me to a therapist that specializes in RSD treatment and de-sensitivity. He mentioned a hot wax therapy as well.

Russell 02-26-2011 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by ali12 (Post 216954)
Hi - it's Alison here,
I was just wondering if anyone experienced withdrawal symptoms whilst coming off Lyrica.

Most of you will probably be aware that our chemist prescribed the wrong dosage of Lyrica, they gave my mom 200mg tablets instead of 75mg tablets, so I was unable to take the tablets for just over 4 days.

When I wasn't taking the Lyrica, I had horrible withdrawal symptoms, I had panic attacks all the time, I shouted at my mom, was sick, couldn't stop crying, couldn't breathe properly, was even more depressed than I normally am etc etc.

I have started taking the Lyrica again and I am fine now.

As anyone else experienced the same symptoms whilst coming off Lyrica??
Thanks for listening

It seems that I too get very argumentative when I miss or delay a dose. I normally take 300 mgs at 9:00 am, 150 mgs at 3:00 pm and 150 mgs at 9:00 pm. I just thought it was me all this time.....

Russell 02-26-2011 07:42 PM

I've been taking Lyrica now for almost 4 years. I'm up to 600 mgs a day now. 300 mgs at 9:00 am, 150 mg at 3:00 pm and 150 mgs at 9:00 pm. If I miss or delay a dose I too get very argumentative. I just always thought it was me...

Budge 08-14-2011 12:31 PM

Lyric withdrawal
I had severe nerve damage of my legs secondary to compartment syndrome. Neurotin was prescribed but was ineffective. I subsequently began taking Lyrica with great results. Though quite expensive, the effectiveness of Lyrica was undeniable. I eventually ramped up to 300mg, twice daily. The relief was essential during recovery. The side effects have been mostly minimal, with some pleasant effects, early on. But, when attempting to wean off, the side effects were horrible. Anxiety, difficulty breathing, insomnia, depression, suicidal thoughts etc. At such a high dose, my brain chemistry was seriously altered. I returned to my original dose to stop the withdrawal symptoms. Miserable. I will consult my physician again for recommendations. I refuse to go on benzodiazepines because of the awful withdrawal of those drugs. I believe a very slow ramp down in dosage and a to be expected period of discomfort.

Russell 08-15-2011 09:29 PM

I hope there's no withdrawl since I've been on Lyrica for 3 1/2 years now and 1/2 year of Neurontin before that.
I'm up to 600 mgs. a day and will be on Lyrica from now on. I do notice more pain when I miss a dose but that's to be expected. My neurologist also has prescribed anti-anxiety meds and narcotics but I'm avoiding those. Hopefully the Lyrica will suffice....

Hope for better days, Jimbo

Niletak 09-30-2011 03:52 AM

Growing Pains??

Originally Posted by Debby (Post 218593)
Hey Vic,
Thanks for replying. I take a low dose as I said of Lyrica 3 X's a day but I take 900 mgs of Neurontin 4 X's a day. Before I ever got RSD I had Fibromyalgia & I took an over the counter type of GABA(pentin). I had nooooo idea that it worked on never pain. I was just told it might help the Fibro pain. And to be honest I do think it did. I can't for the life of me remember how much of it I took or from what company I got the GABA from. I ordered it over the phone at first, then from the computer. I will have to try to see if I can find that company. I have traded up in Windows computers since then tho & have no idea where the bookmark is at anymore.

Before Lyrica came to the public, I would take a very very low dose of Gabatril. Now talk about affecting my brain!?!? I would go almost comatose on it. Jack would ask me what was wrong & my answer would be, "I am fine & I love you." over & over he said I would say this to him, then lay down & go back to sleep. This would be on a low dose of Gabatril. That stuff was NASTY & I would only take it when the burning pain reached such high proportions that I would cry & contemplate suicide. I had to take less than what the doctor even prescribed for me to be able to function while taking it. I have never had any problems taking Neurontin at any dose, nor any problems this way taking Lyrica. I was on a higher dose of Lyrica, but I could not stay awake at all. Also the weight gain on it was AWFUL, up to 25lbs I gained & have only lost about 10 of it & that has taken me a year.

The doctor & I both tried to wean me off of Neurontin when I started taking Lyrica, but the burning pain came back like a screaming banshee. It is somewhat like you say, what works is what counts as far as being an adult goes huh? *L* I have fought pain of one kind or another my whole damn life. Starting with what the doctor called 'growing pains' in my legs as a child to RSD pain. Pain from mild to as severe/acute as it can get. So now that I am older & I have a great pain doctor I am NOT going to go around in horrible pain anymore if I can help it. Tolerable pain I will & do deal with, but not horrible. Not anymore.

I agree, what is prescribed for children & what is prescibed for adults should be done very carefully. And monitored very carefully. How it affects adults & children can be very very different. And I know children should not be allowed to suffer from pain either, but pain control for them has to be approached differently. I think that one program then have for children with RSD is great. It retrains their brain pathways & I think for them it would work way better than for an adult. But I do want to order the book, "The Brain That Changes Itself" & see if I can do this for myself. My PM Doc thinks that I would be a good candidate for trying this technique. Anyway getting off the subject.

Anyway, again, take care & I do agree with what you are saying here.

ps I hope I made some kind of sense...............:)

I was wondering about your "growing pains" you experienced as a child. How long did that go on? How bad was the pain? I ask because I also experienced "growing pains" in my legs that started from about the time I was 10 until I was 16 or so. I was relatively pain-free for about 8 years but have had undiagnosed "nerve" pain in my abdomen and back for the last several years. I hate to pry...but it would be interesting to know of your experience and if it is similar to my own.
btw, what does RSD stand for?


Jillie 09-17-2012 12:03 PM

Lyrica withdrawals
I was wondering if anyone has had similar experiences when they have decreased then stopped taking Lyrica?:

Paidagofni 01-01-2013 06:14 PM

Lyrica withdrawl - minor seizures?
I have been talking Lyrica PRN for glossopharyngeal neuralgia. The attacks are very irregular, sometimes weeks between, sometimes only a day. Acupuncture helps, gabapentin/lidocaine/ketoprofen cream helps, but when it gets really bad only the Lyrica seems to stop the pain. It usually takes 200-300 mg. I don't like the side effects - foggy thinking, woozy head, very sleepy.

About 20 hours after a 200 mg dose I had a trembling fit for about 45 seconds, then another for about 20 seconds a half hour later.

I had to take another 200 mg this morning (Happy freakin' New Year, eh?) at about 3:30 am. Slept until about 4 this afternoon. Worried about a seizure while I sleep tonight.

Any thought?

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