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mom23angels 05-27-2008 08:34 AM

Crazy dreams!
Ok, I don't know if its the medication I'm on but I've had the weirdest dreams lately. I had a dream about my nana a couple days ago, she was in her wheelchair and I was worried she would die in my dream. She died in 2001.

I had a dream about chasing my 4 yr old around the mall, only had one kid in this dream so I don't know what I did with the other two :eek:.

Last night I was mixing my high school basketball teammates with going to grad school now and was taking classes.

We won't even get into the weird sexual dreams I've had. :thud: I blame it all on the baclofen, nortriptyline, trileptal, and all the other funky stuff I'm taking. Either that or my mind is just deranged and I need to be committed!

:p Monique

braingonebad 05-27-2008 09:33 AM

They say the more you dream, the more intelligent you are. We must be brilliant!


The other night I was dreaming I was on one of those crab boats from Deadliest Catch. Must have been because I could hear the rain pounding on the windows super hard plus all the vertigo lately.


mom23angels 05-27-2008 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by braingonebad (Post 287884)
They say the more you dream, the more intelligent you are. We must be brilliant!


The other night I was dreaming I was on one of those crab boats from Deadliest Catch. Must have been because I could hear the rain pounding on the windows super hard plus all the vertigo lately.


OMG.. that's what I was watching before I went to bed last night. I have to admit I have a slight crush on the skipper from the Time Bandit :rolleyes: I was calculating they get $90K for 19 days as a crab catcher, I might drop out of my grad school program and sign up for a couple years doing that! Hmm.. maybe start an MS crab boat -- bet we would get a lot of sponsors!! :p

FinLady 05-27-2008 11:54 AM

My hubby calls dreams a memory dump of information from our brain. :D I've had strange dreams especially when I've watched too much of a tv show. Then they get really weird sometimes, lol

The worst dreams I had was on adamentine (sp?) for fatigue. It is a listed side effect to have crazy dreams.

Erin524 05-27-2008 12:38 PM

I keep having weird dreams about when I worked at McDonald's for a good part of the 1990s. (quit in '96)

I had a McDonald's dream last night actually. For some reason I was working on the french fries, and was having to put new oil in the fryers because someone had put fish in the french fry fryer. I only ever put new oil in the fryers once. I'm not sure if I was doing it right in the dream.

That dream morphed into me being somewhere in the Black Hills, and I was staring at the hills and mountains. I think I was somewhere near Keystone or Deadwood in that part of the dream.

and for some reason, I had a cooling vest in that part of the dream. Which is weird, since I dont own a cooling vest, dont have one yet.

SallyC 05-27-2008 12:57 PM

Me too, Monique....EGadssss..:eek: I'm only on two meds...LDN and Prozac and I think they can both spur vivid dreams.

Lately, though, I have been having, true to life kinda dreams about my DDH.. In every dream, he is aggrivating me in some way.:mad: Right after he died, my dreams were all the good things about him and now, he is aggrivating me to no end...LOL!

I loved him dearly, but he did drive me a little insane, at times....mostly his drinking.:rolleyes:..which ended up killing him.. I figure, in my dreams, that resentment is coming out. I don't like it, though, I just want to remember the good things.... S#@% happens, in life, but please, not in my dreams.:p


Kitty 05-27-2008 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by mom23angels (Post 287899)
OMG.. that's what I was watching before I went to bed last night. I have to admit I have a slight crush on the skipper from the Time Bandit :rolleyes: I was calculating they get $90K for 19 days as a crab catcher, I might drop out of my grad school program and sign up for a couple years doing that! Hmm.. maybe start an MS crab boat -- bet we would get a lot of sponsors!! :p

My son watches that show - he's fascinated by the amount of money those men can make in such a short time.

Not sure I could stand being isolated on a boat with those men for too long - I mean, where do they bathe?? DO they bathe?? One of them had a finger severed by a fishing line - it looked awful. And the other night I saw one of them eating a link sausage sandwich - white bread soaked in mayonnaise with about ten link sausages piled on it. It was enough to make my arteries harden just watching it!! :eek: :vomit2:

It's a wonder I didn't dream something after seeing that!! :eek:

ewizabeth 05-27-2008 02:03 PM

Count me in on the crazy dreams. They are so strange, even my DH is amazed at some of the stuff my mind comes up with while I sleep. I can even remember smells and colors from my dreams.

One night I dreamt about being in a Subway shop and I kept smelling that heavenly fresh baked bread aroma all day long! :Ponder:

mom23angels 05-27-2008 03:02 PM

Mmm.. food dreams!! Nothing wrong with that! I just took a nap and had a weird dream that my ex husband and I were having domestic problems and he smashed a jar of baby food on the ground and I kept picking shards of glass out of my right ear.. WTF!

I told the emergency people this was the second time so he was going to get arrested this time Lol.. he's going to wonder why I had this dream. We are the best of friends and take care of one another but I'm wondering why he was so angry in this dream. I think because I watch him play online poker and swear so much that I was interpreting his poker anger into my dreams.

I mean.. I have MS.. so why can't I have a Brad Pitt and Hot Fudge sundae dream??? I swear I must have killed someone in a former life.. like King Tut!


braingonebad 05-27-2008 04:54 PM

You can, sweetie. You have to learn to lucid dream.


Some of my other way out there ones...

Amy Pohler asked me to be on Saturday night Live.

I had coffee with Bob Dylan.

Stephen tyler asked for my autograph.
(in a B&N that looked like the Bat Cave, LOL!)

I got a job on a spaceship.

I was gored by a bull - and I felt that.

This is why I write.

mom23angels 05-27-2008 05:02 PM

OMG..those are too funny. Actually brought a tear to my eyes - I REALLY liked that Stephen Tyler asked you for an autograph! ;) I tried to tell a friend that believes if you die in your dreams, you die in real life. I have died in many dreams and your spaceship one reminds me of the time I was an astronaut and was just about to enter the spaceship and the doors closed on me, *crunch*. Ouch.. I think the gored by the bull must feel like the migraine I currently have!

PS- what do you write? it must be amazing!! :)

weegot5kiz 05-27-2008 06:24 PM

mom when i was on baclofen i had some funky dreams too, so it may be a med thingy. although you sound like you have a lot going on so it could be a stresss thingy too either way hope the dreams settle down soon

PolarExpress 05-27-2008 08:50 PM

Enjoy your dreams! I've always had very entertaining dreams, and they stopped completely (or I completely stopped remembering them). I was a wreck! I really believe dreaming helps us keep our sanity (or, our version of it :D). When I started taking LDN, my dreams came back, and I feel so much better..
My favorite is one I had a few years ago..I was in a rickety little space capsule orbiting the Earth with Fred, Barney, Wilma and Betty..I had trouble even telling my best friend about the dream because I'd start laughing so hard I couldn't talk..:Zzzz:

doydie 05-27-2008 10:31 PM

I absolutley hate channel surfing but the other night I was dream surfing. I would go into a dream, slip into another one and then another one and just go back and forth from one dream to another one. It was so dissatisfying becuase I could never finish a dream, just saw portions of many. Some people say there is a meaning to all dreams.

braingonebad 05-28-2008 10:30 AM

And last night, I had a dream dd dropped a finch in horse raddish sauce.


All I could think is how we were going to help that poor bird, was it going to kill him?

He was in all the way up to his head. Poor thing.

ewizabeth 05-28-2008 11:19 AM

Ok, this was my day off and I purposely tried to remember last night's details.

We had bought a farm and moved in, though it was a "fixer-upper", nearly hopeless. The yard had lots of muddy patches as though there were flooding problems.

In a closet I found a contraption that turned out to be a small industrial pump. Turns out the former tenants used it to pump pig manure at area farms, so DH decided to do the same. :eek: A lady called for "pump service" and I was trying to help DH figure out what he could put the manure into and where it would go once he had it.

I called Ace Hardware and they said they didn't have bags strong enough for that sort of hazardous waste.

I was going to suggest we sell it to a couple of the local pig farmers that I know, but we never got to the point of actually doing it.

Then, I had a friend who worked in an office of some sort. She hated her job and I was her confidant. One night I was there with her at closing and there were several things in the office fridge: a chocolate cake I'd made, a big bowl of frosting for the cake, and some Brie' cheese (sp?) I wanted the Brie' cheese but the big boss took that so I was stuck taking home the cake and frosting. :(

That's about all I can remember.

mom23angels 05-28-2008 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by ewizabeth (Post 288633)
We had bought a farm and moved in, though it was a "fixer-upper", nearly hopeless. The yard had lots of muddy patches as though there were flooding problems.

In a closet I found a contraption that turned out to be a small industrial pump. Turns out the former tenants used it to pump pig manure at area farms, so DH decided to do the same. :eek: A lady called for "pump service" and I was trying to help DH figure out what he could put the manure into and where it would go once he had it.

I called Ace Hardware and they said they didn't have bags strong enough for that sort of hazardous waste.

I was going to suggest we sell it to a couple of the local pig farmers that I know, but we never got to the point of actually doing it.

Can I have 3 of whatever she's drinking?? :p That's just great. I cannot remember what my dream last night was cause I've been up and about. I used to be able to manipulate my dreams. I think I'm going to take a nap and I sure hope Brad Pitt and Whipped Cream are involved! :inlove:


Kitty 05-28-2008 12:32 PM

I dream but I can never remember them. I'll wake up and realize that I was dreaming but it just slowly fades out of my mind - and I can't remember what it was about. It's so strange because I can almost remember - and it's like I just can't hold onto it - it just slips away. It's very frustrating. :(

weegot5kiz 05-28-2008 08:43 PM

really wiz you have to bring enough for the whole class talk about a totally farm out dream

ewizabeth 05-28-2008 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by weegot5kiz (Post 289009)
really wiz you have to bring enough for the whole class talk about a totally farm out dream

I have those every night Frank. :) I suppose some of my meds help them out somewhat? lol

mom23angels 05-29-2008 05:15 PM

Today's dream just gets crazier.. I took a nap today. My cat was wearing cute little sunglasses so I wanted to take a picture of her with the glasses. She started to shake and have tremors, in my dream I thought, "my cat has MS".. then I spent the rest of my dream going through my mom's jewelry box and eyeing future inheritance items :)

mom23angels 06-06-2008 11:56 AM

Ok.. I refuse to ever sleep again. I had a dream my ex husband had a baby with someone, had another baby with me (making 4 boys) and then my mom who just turned 60 had a little baby as well *lol* I think I'm losing it. Luckily I have signed up for the MS Wellness Expo so maybe I'll find out what's wrong with me!!


Ps- these little angels are enough, I can't picture having another one :)

ewizabeth 06-06-2008 12:25 PM

Wow, we must have had some sort of mental telepathy going on last night? I had a dream that I was pregnant, and though I was a bit upset about it (I'm 50 and have MS!!) I was getting excited about our soon to be baby. :)

Then, later in the dream, I recalled that I'd had a hysterectomy and knew it couldn't possibly be true. :rolleyes:

Next, I was involved somehow with a clinic someone had recommended, and someone I knew was there getting some much-needed dental work for cheap because the doctors were still in training. There was a tall thin wispy lady involved who later turned out to be a thin, elegant cat that we adopted. :D

The cat was ten years old so I was worried about when she'd get old and sick then we'd lose her. She was very sweet, and our male cat Rocky accepted her (impossible!)

It was about that time that Rocky started crying and howling downstairs and woke me up I think. (He had a furball.)

Roseblue 06-06-2008 12:49 PM

Forgive me, I’m such a know-it-all. Think about the old way they used to sort mail at the post office. You know? The pigeon hole thing? That’s what happens when you dream. You subconscious sorts and organises your thoughts and recent experiences. It also gives you a present, it allows you to do in your dreams what you would never dream of doing in real life - like bumping off the mother-in-law. We only become aware of this process by accident and we call it dreaming. Mind you, I could be wrong.

I would also like to comment on dreams being more vivid when we are on meds. I’ve noticed this to be true. But then I get the same thing when I’m taking vitamins. lol

ewizabeth 06-06-2008 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Roseblue (Post 294280)
Forgive me, I’m such a know-it-all. Think about the old way they used to sort mail at the post office. You know? The pigeon hole thing? That’s what happens when you dream. You subconscious sorts and organises your thoughts and recent experiences. It also gives you a present, it allows you to do in your dreams what you would never dream of doing in real life - like bumping off the mother-in-law. We only become aware of this process by accident and we call it dreaming. Mind you, I could be wrong.

I would also like to comment on dreams being more vivid when we are on meds. I’ve noticed this to be true. But then I get the same thing when I’m taking vitamins. lol

You're so right RoseBlue! When I was a child I went through stages of recurring dreams. As a small child, one was that they (who??) were taking my little training bed and tossing it over the railing of the bridge that crossed the big river in town, and I was still in it! I'd get a feeling of terror and panic and I'd wake up just before I'd hit the water! It so happens that my parents had just moved me into my two teenaged sisters bedroom to share and I was only about four years old. Needless to say, I didn't feel welcome. :Sob:

Another one was that I'd be walking along with some of my friends (at about 9 years old), and I would just levitate up into the sky and go as far or as long as I wanted! THAT was a cool dream, and I liked it whenever I repeated it because it felt so real, like I really could fly above it all (the fear, uncertainty and boredom of life sometimes.) :)

mom23angels 06-06-2008 01:56 PM

*lol* In my case I was already pregnant three I'm done! :) As for my mother getting pregnant at 59/60, now that would be funny - to me, not her! I just took a nap and my ex just got out of a car that tore up the neighbor's lawn and then flipped over and I was trying to find my glasses so I could call 911.

It was weird because the landscape was of my parents' house in Mass. And my ex and I live in GA but I must have done dream patchwork and just included everything *lol*. I am not really on many symptoms meds but take a TON of vitamins so maybe that's whats making me looney tunes.

I have always been able to remember and sometimes manipulate my dreams but I just think it's interesting *lol* and Wiz's dreams are always just too funny *lol*


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