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tovaxin_lab_rat 02-07-2008 12:59 PM

The Library and Box Office
Anyone out there read Vince Flynn? I am just fnishing his next to last book and am still loving his books! Anyone read his Mitch Rapp series?

tovaxin_lab_rat 02-07-2008 09:50 PM

John Grisham!
Has anyone read John Grisham's new book The Appeal? I just bought it today and read the first few pages...can't wait to read it.

Jomar 02-07-2008 10:08 PM

hey thanks for posting this author - I haven't seen anything of his before..
{click on the books for info}

seems to be along the lines of Clancy and Ludlum - espionage & special ops stuff.

I love these types of books!

Have you read any Jon Land?

I recomend Dead Simple - I read it 5 times {once a year}before passing it on to a friend.

KarenMarie 02-07-2008 10:44 PM

Yes - he has a political slant and appears often on Fox - you'll find his books definately deal with the current political agenda -

AfterMyNap 02-07-2008 10:54 PM

I recently read Grisham's nonfiction work, The Innocent Man, and wow, that was a remarkable story. Grisham has my respect for his amazing work. Send it to me when you're done!

Jomar 02-08-2008 12:00 AM

Christina Skye has a variety of books styles-
here's a listing of her books and plot descriptions -

Her Code Name series is about "enhanced" navy seals/special ops teams {telepathically, physically and mentally}
for mature readers - descriptive romantic encounters

Oh I really like that site - just click a letter for a list of authors with last names starting with that letter.

I love that the year the books were published is given also - easier to read the series in order

Richard "D i c k" Francis is one of my old time favs {he's an ex jockey} so many of his books are set in and about the racing scene. mystery - murder, crime

tovaxin_lab_rat 02-08-2008 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by AfterMyNap (Post 210186)
I recently read his nonfiction work, The Innocent Man, and wow, that was a remarkable story. Grisham has my respect for his amazing work. Send it to me when you're done!

You got it...

I have all his books. Even one autographed!

Chemar 02-08-2008 06:53 AM

The Library and Box Office
:D By special request....

a place to talk books and movies!

enjoy :p

Koala77 02-08-2008 05:32 PM

Thank you NT for this new area. You're all wonderful for setting it up. :grouphug:


Originally Posted by AfterMyNap (Post 210186)
I recently read Grisham's nonfiction work, The Innocent Man, and wow, that was a remarkable story. Grisham has my respect for his amazing work. Send it to me when you're done!

I agree he's a top author, and although I've not read the one you mentioned AMN, or his latest book. I can't wait to read both.


Originally Posted by Av8rgirl (Post 210246)
You got it.......
I have all his books. Even one autographed!

I did have all his books until recently, and I'm quite jealous of that autographed copy! :) Is there a story behind that?

tovaxin_lab_rat 02-08-2008 05:58 PM

No story, Anne, was just lucky to be at a book signing and he autographed "The Partner" for me!

The one autograph I treasure is by Stephen Coonts. He wrote a travelogue book called the "Cannibal Queen." He owns a Stearman and flew a cross country trip in it and made a stop in Fallon, NV where I was living at the time. His plane was refueled by a very close friend of mine and he made mention of her in his book. She and I used to fly together all the time in her Piper Cub and my Cessna 172.

When I found out he was giving a talk in Seattle while I was there attending aerobatic judging school, I made a point of bringing that particular book (actually 2 of them, one mine and one for my dad) to the lecture. I asked him to autograph those 2 books. We had a nice chat and he was very surprised at those books for him to autograph. He said that book didn't sell very well and he was happy I enjoyed it. I told him that my dad flew that particular make and model airplane and that it was my friend (who was 70 yrs old) had refueled his plane in Fallon, NV.

The seminar was about aviation safety. It was the aftermath of the DC-10 crash in Sioux City and Captain Al Haynes was the featured speaker.

I do have stories about autographed books. I have one autographed by General Schwarzkopf. ;)

Koala77 02-08-2008 06:08 PM

Thank you for telling us about that FG.
I can understand why you treasure it. I would too!

tovaxin_lab_rat 02-09-2008 06:59 PM

I am still working on Vince Flynn's book Consent to Kill and want to finish it so I can get on to Grisham's new book!

I also have Paticia Cornwell's latest Book of the Dead staring at me, screaming "read me, read me." There just isn't enough time in the day lately for me to read...and get my work done, and I have been sick with this darn sinus infection and reading has not been high on my list!

Help ME!!!! :eek:

Jo, I haven't read anything by Christina Skye, but I have read of lot of D i c k Francis...but nothing lately. I also love JA Jance! Sandra Brown is another good read, and Stephen White. His main character's wife has MS. She's a DA. Interesting books. His last book is called Dry Ice and it's loaded on my iPod for when I have a long flight so I can listen to it!

tovaxin_lab_rat 02-09-2008 07:00 PM

In keeping with the title of this -- what movies have you seen lately?

The last movie I saw was Enchanted! What a great movie. I don't go to movies that often, and really want to get out more and see some. Ask AMN about Enchanted! She has a family connection to this one!

SBrown45 02-10-2008 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by Jo55 (Post 210225)
Christina Skye has a variety of books styles-
here's a listing of her books and plot descriptions -

Her Code Name series is about "enhanced" navy seals/special ops teams {telepathically, physically and mentally}
for mature readers - descriptive romantic encounters

Oh I really like that site - just click a letter for a list of authors with last names starting with that letter.

I love that the year the books were published is given also - easier to read the series in order

Richard "D i c k" Francis is one of my old time favs {he's an ex jockey} so many of his books are set in and about the racing scene. mystery - murder, crime

I have to agree about the web site. I have it bookmarked. When I found the site I started a spreadsheet that I take with me to the library so that I don't get out of sequence on the series that I read!

It's also got a section on the bottom of the page where it shows if you like the author you're looking at you might also like these authors. I've found a couple of new authors that way. It sounds like most everyone on here so far likes edge-of-the-seat suspense, mystery, intrique, that kind of thing. Absolutely my favorite!!!!!

Are the Vince Flynn books any good?? I haven't started reading any of his yet but I do have them on my list. Also, has anyone read the Lincoln Rhyme series by Jeffrey Deaver? The first book of the series was made into a movie with Denzel Washington and Angelina Jolie - The Bone Collector. There are 7 books in that series, but I haven't read any of them yet either.

Koala77 02-10-2008 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by Av8rgirl (Post 211883)
........I also have Paticia Cornwell's latest Book of the Dead staring at me, screaming "read me, read me." ..............

First John Grisham, now Patricia Cornwell. Seems we like the same authors FG. I have read the new Cornwell one though, and although it was OK, I didn't think it was as good as her earlier books. I was a tad disappointed.

tovaxin_lab_rat 02-10-2008 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by SBrown45 (Post 212118)
I have to agree about the web site. I have it bookmarked. When I found the site I started a spreadsheet that I take with me to the library so that I don't get out of sequence on the series that I read!

It's also got a section on the bottom of the page where it shows if you like the author you're looking at you might also like these authors. I've found a couple of new authors that way. It sounds like most everyone on here so far likes edge-of-the-seat suspense, mystery, intrique, that kind of thing. Absolutely my favorite!!!!!

Are the Vince Flynn books any good?? I haven't started reading any of his yet but I do have them on my list. Also, has anyone read the Lincoln Rhyme series by Jeffrey Deaver? The first book of the series was made into a movie with Denzel Washington and Angelina Jolie - The Bone Collector. There are 7 books in that series, but I haven't read any of them yet either.

Vince Flynn series character Mitch Rapp is a CIA undercover operative. There is a lot of intrigue, special OPS stuff, CIA black OPS, covert operations - bombs, airplanes, cool weapons, stuff girls aren't supposed to like! LOL! :D Oh yeah, I love that stuff, especially with airplanes!

Jomar 02-11-2008 12:37 AM

other authors I like

Sue Grafton

Diane Mott Davidson

SBrown45 02-11-2008 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Av8rgirl (Post 212701)
Vince Flynn series character Mitch Rapp is a CIA undercover operative. There is a lot of intrigue, special OPS stuff, CIA black OPS, covert operations - bombs, airplanes, cool weapons, stuff girls aren't supposed to like! LOL! :D Oh yeah, I love that stuff, especially with airplanes!

We must be a lot alike then (except I don't think I better try flyin' your plane :eek:) because I love all that stuff too.

I checked out one of the books today so I'm going to get started on it and see how I like it.


braingonebad 02-11-2008 09:14 PM

I just got Stephen King's Duma Key in the mail today (from amazon). I'll let you know what I think when I finish it - but that could be a while. I've been slacking on my reading.

Movies? Haven't seen any new ones lately. Saw Pirates III of course, and loved it of course. But I wait till they're on DVD and watch at home - I hate theaters.

I'm too short to see over anybody, lol.


tovaxin_lab_rat 02-12-2008 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by braingonebad (Post 213410)
I just got Stephen King's Duma Key in the mail today (from amazon). I'll let you know what I think when I finish it - but that could be a while. I've been slacking on my reading.

Movies? Haven't seen any new ones lately. Saw Pirates III of course, and loved it of course. But I wait till they're on DVD and watch at home - I hate theaters.

I'm too short to see over anybody, lol.


That's why I like the amphitheatre style theatres. No one in front of you! I am short too. And the seats are staggered, no one directly in front of you.

That's the way Edwards built their theatre complex here in Boise.

the Bird 02-13-2008 01:14 PM

Have any of you read The no.1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander McCall SMith? It is the first of a series, a mystery...very fun to might be lighter reading then you guys like, but I really enjoyed it!

Koala77 02-13-2008 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by the Bird (Post 214688)
Have any of you read The no.1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander McCall SMith? It is the first of a series, a mystery...very fun to might be lighter reading then you guys like, but I really enjoyed it!

I haven't Bird, but I'm always on the lookout for new authors, and I do looove mysteries and thrillers! Thanks for that.

braingonebad 02-15-2008 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Av8rgirl (Post 213503)
That's why I like the amphitheatre style theatres. No one in front of you! I am short too. And the seats are staggered, no one directly in front of you.

That's the way Edwards built their theatre complex here in Boise.

The newest one in these parts - Maumee - is like that. Soooo expensive though. By the time you snag drinks and munchies, two people are spending over $30.

I'll wait till I can buy it, grab snacks at the grocery, and watch it on the couch in my fluffies and fuzzies. Costs the same, and I get to see it until I hear all the dialogue lol.

watsonsh 02-15-2008 08:09 PM

I'm going to the movies this weekend, Juno or Atonement.

Anyone seen either of those?

Curious 02-15-2008 08:18 PM

lil'monkey saw juno. she liked it. we went to untracable on saturday. it was pretty good. not oscar winner..but entertaining.

Curious 02-15-2008 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by Koala77 (Post 212149)
First John Grisham, now Patricia Cornwell. Seems we like the same authors FG. I have read the new Cornwell one though, and although it was OK, I didn't think it was as good as her earlier books. I was a tad disappointed.

that's the only one i don't have. i even have her scarpetta cookbook and her biography of billie graham's wife. is it a scarpetta book? or the andy guy?

i love grisham too. for a light read...painted house. i really liked it. so different than his normal.

i'll add to this thread. i had a formal library in my house. i read like people drink water. :D i love half price books...and half off day at goodwill. :)

watsonsh 02-15-2008 08:24 PM

Heheheheheh you need to drink water like you read :p

Of course I love Harry Potter and the Shopaholic series as my faves. Also like Amy Tan and I worked at same company as James Patterson befoer he was a big time author.

Maybe gonna start Eat Pray Love this weekend.

Hey anyone use their Ipod to listen to books?

Koala77 02-15-2008 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Curious (Post 216749)
that's the only one i don't have. i even have her scarpetta cookbook and her biography of billie graham's wife. is it a scarpetta book? or the andy guy?...................

I haven't read that biography and I'm not sure I'd enjoy it actually, but I did have that cookbook one before we moved house. When we were moving house last time, DH went ape when I started packing boxes and boxes of books (yet again), so I finally gave in and gave them all a good home though....I would never sell my books, but I have no problem with giving them to some one who loves to read as much as I do.

I'd been collecting books.... whose authors I liked...for quite some time, and in each case I had all, or most, of their books. It made me sad to just get rid of them, but it was getting more and more expensive for us to move all the time, and as we'd been moving states regularly.

NO! No-one was after us :D. We sold our house some years ago and had been moving around Oz, getting work wherever we could, just so we could see our country while we were still able to do so. Something we've never regretted doing, but we're "home" now, and I just might start my collection all over again. My favourite haunts when I'm in the book collection mood are second hand book stores and garage sales.

I think the only plus to having cognotive problems that I've noticed so far is that I can read a book and put it away, and then read it all over again in a year or two, and never remember what happened in the story! :grin:

You don't get many plusses with this disease, so I'm pleased to have found one I'm happy with.:wink:

SBrown45 02-15-2008 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Curious (Post 216749)
that's the only one i don't have. i even have her scarpetta cookbook and her biography of billie graham's wife. is it a scarpetta book? or the andy guy?

WOW! I don't go so far as having her cookbook!! LOL Her new book is Kay Scarpetta - Book of the Dead. I just finished reading it. It was good, but I also didn't like it as well as her previous ones. I have to say I don't particularly like the Andy Brazil series either though!

It's back to the library tomorrow morning to get more books though. I went last Saturday, got 7, finished them, now time to get more. :D I love to read too, mostly suspense and mystery.

I just read my first Vince Flynn this week. Going to pick up more of his tomorrow. Also read Jeffrey Deaver, the first few of the Lincoln Rhyme series. I think I've finished all of Tami Hoag's mystery and suspense books. Just finished The Alibi Man. Also High Noon by Nora Roberts.

Anybody got anymore great suggestions before I go tomorrow?? :D :D :D

Koala77 02-15-2008 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by SBrown45 (Post 216781)
WOW! I don't go so far as having her cookbook!! LOL Her new book is Kay Scarpetta - Book of the Dead. I just finished reading it. It was good, but I also didn't like it as well as her previous ones. I have to say I don't particularly like the Andy Brazil series either though!

:D....The cookbook one did have a story but had a recipe with every chapter!

I too was rather unimpressed with "Book of the Dead"......lets hope her next one is back to her usual form.

I read that "The Front" is the one she's writing now, and due out some time this year.

tovaxin_lab_rat 02-16-2008 12:26 PM


Have you read Stephen White's books? They are really good.

JA Jance? She has two different series set it Seattle and one set in the Southwest US. Both very good.

WEB Griffith. Not bad...

I don't care for the Tom Clancy collaboration books.

Sandra Brown is a pretty good read.

Lisa Scottoline.

There you have some ideas...

Happy reading!

soxmom 02-16-2008 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Av8rgirl (Post 217075)

Have you read Stephen White's books? They are really good.

JA Jance? She has two different series set it Seattle and one set in the Southwest US. Both very good.

WEB Griffith. Not bad...

I don't care for the Tom Clancy collaboration books.

Sandra Brown is a pretty good read.

Lisa Scottoline.

There you have some ideas...

Happy reading!

All of these authors are great Cheryl. I would highly recommend
them all for a quick read. I think we have the same taste in books.;)


SBrown45 02-16-2008 07:09 PM

Cheryl and Soxmom,

I think we all have the same taste in books. I like Sandra Brown and Lisa Scottoline. Have read most of theirs.

Haven't read JA Jance or Stephen White though. Will have to pick those up. Thanks for the info on them!!


Curious 02-18-2008 11:06 AM

has anyone read the yada yada prayer group series by neta jackson?

i found a few of the books at goodwill this weekend for 50c each. i'm going to look at half price books for the others. i thought they might be more mood lifting than some of the other type i have been reading lately. :o

tovaxin_lab_rat 02-19-2008 06:14 PM

Hey Yappy - not familiar with those books!

I just finished Vince Flynn's Consent to Kill. Great book! Starting Patricia Cornwell's Book of the Dead now. I've got two very long flights this week so I will have some good reading time...:D or sleep time! :eek:

AfterMyNap 02-21-2008 11:28 AM

Hi everybody, I'm in the middle of Gulliver's Travels and I'm trying to figure out what the drug of choice was in that pocket of history. I'm thinking some serious morphine laced with opium and dipped in acid!

Curious 02-22-2008 11:50 AM

lil'monkey found books 1 and 2 at half price books yesterday. i'm going to start reading them this weekend. they told her as soon as they get a copy's gone, so they must be popular.

you might be onto something cindy. :D

i'm just finishing the pied piper by ridley pearson. he uses the same characters.

mrsD 02-24-2008 07:07 PM

I didn't know this was here... being the introvert, and not too terribly social
person that I am!

So I will say...Yes.
The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series is just excellent. My husband and I have read them all now. They are simple and wonderful.

Right now I am devouring Jonathan Kellerman's books. Luckily our library has most of them.
His main character is Dr. Alex Delaware..psychologist...who gets involved with his best friend, Milo... a police detective, into many complex situations, that are carefully explored psychologically, and in the end solved. Kellerman has a very nice style... he does not over write and make horrible things more horrible.
It is a rather gentle way of rousting evil. There is mystery, and human interest all blended together, and done with intelligent style.

I don't know if any Elizabeth George fans are reading here. That is my next stop, her new book.

Curious 02-24-2008 07:10 PM

oh man mrsd...i have all of kellerman's book...his wife's too. love'm love'm.

read them in order...:wink: or the family dynamics get out of wack. spoils that too.

added: his wife is faye kellerman.

mrsD 02-24-2008 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Curious (Post 223230)
oh man mrsd...i have all of kellerman's book...his wife's too. love'm love'm.

read them in order...:wink: or the family dynamics get out of wack. spoils that too.

added: his wife is faye kellerman.

Yes, I read all of Faye's. My husband likes her too.

I am jumping around a bit with Jonathan, but it doesn't seem to matter.
It is on again off again endlessly with Robin. :rolleyes:

His newer books are very edgy compared to the earlier ones. I prefer the earlier ones, in fact, in style.

I like Peter Decker's daughter Cynthia, in Faye's. She is quite interesting, and a change of pace.Rina doesn't really pan out over time, in that series..and that is a bit disappointing. Except in the book where that psycho guy hits on her...that one had a bit more substance. ( the sequel to Justice...Stone Kiss).

I just love the way Jonathan powerfully.

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