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Erin524 06-21-2009 10:38 PM

Heat intolerance
The heat index is supposed to be 100* to 105* tomorrow.

It wasnt that warm today, I think the heat index was in the mid-90s, and yesterday I dont know what it was, except that it was hot.

I have never been this heat intolerant before. I cant go outside. If I go get into my car, just walking from the door to the house, to my car in the garage sucks the energy out of me.

Oh, and did I mention that I developed a UTI over the weekend? (went to the urgi-care for some abx's, doctor told me that I was suffering from heatstroke, allergies, and, of course, the UTI. Oh, and said if I dont get some sleep, I'll have a nice case of exhaustion)

Picked the wrong month to adopt a dog.

I just cant believe how bad the heat intolerance is. I've never felt this bad in the heat before.

PolarExpress 06-21-2009 11:27 PM

I feel for ya Erin! I become a night creature this time of year. Heat makes me dizzy, I can't focus my eyes well, legs get weak, I just wanna stay in the air conditioning and not move too much..Yuck. It'll be in the 90's here over the next couple of days. You're in Omaha, right? My son's in Blair and will start working for Monsanto the beginning of July detasseling corn. He's done it before, and actually enjoys being out in the heat..If I didn't know better I'd say he was adopted..LOL. Stay cool!

Friend2U 06-21-2009 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by Erin524 (Post 526514)
The heat index is supposed to be 100* to 105* tomorrow........

I have never been this heat intolerant before. I cant go outside. If I go get into my car, just walking from the door to the house, to my car in the garage sucks the energy out of me. ....

I know what you mean. It was 100 here today. I feel the same way going to the car. I don't know if anyone can understand what that really does to you unless they are unfortunate to experience it first hand. Before all this progression, I would not have been able to imagine how it feels.

Try to stay cool!!!!:cool::cool::cool::cool:

Erin524 06-21-2009 11:51 PM

I was just talking to my boyfriend. He doesnt understand how the heat can do that so quickly. I gave up trying to explain how it feels, and what it does.

It's weird now, I'm freezing to death, and sitting under a blanket, but I'm also still kind of hot too...My temporal thermometer says my temp is 100.1. Only problem is, I lost the thing that translates temporal thermometer temps to real temperatures. (thing I read said it varies)

I dont like being hot, I dont like being freezing, it's driving me nuts now.

I need to get some sleep in a bit, but that stupid UTI is starting to get uncomfortable. I think someone is out to get me and make me crazy by not letting me sleep.

Debbie D 06-22-2009 02:59 AM

I've never reacted this quickly to the heat before, either. I'm sweating as soon as I move, even in AC...and I start to feel "weird" after being overheated for just a little while, then the locking type of spasms begin.

I tried using the neck cooler I got from the Copaxone people, but it doesn't work well. I'm considering looking around for a cooling vest. Otherwise, I'll be vegging the rest of the summer, and with DD's wedding coming at the end of July, that's not possible...:(

Kitty 06-22-2009 04:51 AM

The heat zaps me, too. I have to run any errands either really early in the AM or after the sun sets.

I remember (pre-MS) cutting the grass in 90+ degree temps.....then taking a shower and going out to supper!! That'll never happen now.....:rolleyes:.

I haven't tried any of the cooling vests or other things made for heat intolerance. I just stay inside in the A/C. Once the heat gets to me the fatigue, blurry vision and balance issues set in. Fun, fun.......

marion06095 06-22-2009 04:54 AM

When I get overheated, I start to lose the hearing in my right ear. Feels like I have cotton blocking up the ear canal. That's my sign to sit down and take a break someplace cool.

Dejibo 06-22-2009 09:16 AM

temp readings.

oral = what we use to report
Armpit = one full degree under oral
Rectal= one full degree over oral.

temporal = average of a rectal temp. deduct one degree to make oral report.

The heat wipes me out QUICK! I go crashing. I figured out I am dehydrated, and that was causing me some sx. I had bladder spasms going on, and was wobbly, and such. I drank and drank and drank all day yesterday. I feel better, and am not the weeble that I was. I may still go pee in a cup to test, but am not worried about it anymore. I think it was just spasms. Once I get cooled off I ALWAYS feel better. Even a low grade temp tips me over the edge.

Feel better quick.

tkrik 06-22-2009 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Erin524 (Post 526514)
The heat index is supposed to be 100* to 105* tomorrow.

He!!, that's nothing. LOL During the summer just walking to my car exhausts me too. Only to get in to the car, which the interior temp is easily over 120 degrees, and due to even more heat my vision gets blurry. I go out in the a.m. and/or evenings after the sun goes down. I try not to go anywhere during the heat of the day.

Do what you can to keep cool. Hope your UTI starts getting better soon.:hug:

SallyC 06-22-2009 12:02 PM

I can remember when I used to enjoy the heat of the day......When I was a kid, I remember getting up in the morning and it hot enough yet!!!!!!(to go to the swimming pool..:D) Mom wouldn't let us go untill it was at least 80.:rolleyes:

Since MS, I dread the heat and humidity so..:mad:

Erin524 06-22-2009 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by tkrik (Post 526740)
He!!, that's nothing. LOL During the summer just walking to my car exhausts me too. Only to get in to the car, which the interior temp is easily over 120 degrees, and due to even more heat my vision gets blurry. I go out in the a.m. and/or evenings after the sun goes down. I try not to go anywhere during the heat of the day.

Do what you can to keep cool. Hope your UTI starts getting better soon.:hug:

That's what I'm saying, usually 105 degrees doesnt bother me this much. I dont like it when it's that hot, but it's never sucked the life out of me that quickly before.

I went outside with my mom when she took the puppy outside this morning, it was about 79* then, I ended up having to go inside after about a minute or two. Two weeks ago, I was going outside in 90* heat and enjoying it. (altho, I'd start to feel like yuck after about a half hour or so)

I have noticed we didnt have the humidity we have now back then. Is it the humidity doing this to me?

Kitty 06-22-2009 12:45 PM

If I have to go anywhere during the heat of the day I start my car and let the A/C run full blast for about five minutes. Wherever I'm going I try to find a shady spot to park in and I crack the windows just a bit to let some of the heat escape. I'm never anywhere long so the car doesn't heat up as much.

It was still 89 degrees at 9 PM last night here. :eek: Tricia, I sympathize with you living in AZ.....I don't know how you stand that heat but I guess like anything you get used to it. We're getting a taste of what you have all the time. This heat wave has got to let up soon......and we need some rain here or my lawn is going to dry up!

I'm dreading my electric bill next month. My A/C runs nonstop during the heat of the day. I'm on budget billing ($166 a month) but it lists the actual amount and there's a running total of how much you owe due to the budget billing amount.

Six months till Christmas!!! :rolleyes:

tkrik 06-22-2009 01:37 PM

Um, Kelly? You have humidity, we don't. That makes a huge difference. Of course, we don't have shade either so the car just sits in the blazing sun. OUCH! You learn to not touch anything metal when you get in the car and be careful when touching the steering wheel.;) We also have sunshades that we put in the windshield of the car (when it's parked) to help keep it cooler in the interior.

Erin524 06-22-2009 04:45 PM

Now I'm noticing that the heat is making my vision a little dim. The light in my room is usually enough for me to read by, but now I'm having to use my book light to read my Kindle reader and other books.

I cant wait for fall. I like a constant 75* temperature, with the occasional rainstorm...and I'll still run the a/c during those kinds of temperatures.

This is interesting, I'm running a low grade temperature. (99*) if I'm not already hot enough...

I had to go to the Toyota dealership to get the a/c refreshed in my car. They didnt charge me for it, because they didnt refresh the freon/coolant. They told me that a fan had frozen over in the a/c because I had it on "fresh" air. Told me to run it on recirculated air and that made a BIG difference. I was getting kind of frosty on the way home from there. Good thing about that, a recharge of coolant would have been $160.

I figured out a good way to trick your brain into thinking you're cooler than you really are. Get a wet bandana. It doesnt have to be soaking, wrap it loosely around your wrist and tie it. The coolness from the damp fabric should last quite awhile, and all you need to do is re-wet it when it starts to dry or doesnt feel as cool.

barb02 06-22-2009 06:28 PM

I'm melting ...

Erin524 06-22-2009 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by barb02 (Post 526970)
I'm melting ...

My shoes are full of water.

I'm learning to like sitting on the floor in my room in just my underwear, with a floor fan and a ceiling fan and the a/c cranked down to 68. I still feel like it's super warm in here tho. Too freakin' hot!!


kaw72 07-08-2010 06:28 PM

I just found all of you Googling heat intolerance. I'm in limbo land, but have "probable MS." It has been high humidity and even hit triple digits here in Boston this past week. I am toast. I make a quick dash in the early morning and that's usually it. :(

I'm wondering if the hot car itself really gets to any of you? I took a ride in an ambulance last week after sitting outside at a pool with my son. I got about halfway home, and had to pull over as I had vertigo, my eyesight wavered (I've had optic neuritis that took away a lot of vision in one eye), and I was sure I was going to pass out. I ended up calling 911. I was well-hydrated, had cooling neckband, and plenty to drink. I'm thinking of investing in an auto starter so I can pre-cool the car a bit and see if that helps.

I've noticed tremors and weakness after really brief heat exposure. We're talking a few minutes and I just feel very "off", even with AC on and other attempts to cool. When I went to the ER, my blood pressure was swinging all over the place, but they couldn't find anything technically "wrong." They gave me some Antivert, which took away the woozies, but just made me very sleepy.

Anyway, I feel so frustrated having to stay in most of the day. I can't wait until FALL! :D

kaw72 07-08-2010 07:03 PM

Wanted to clarify: even though I have a newish car, it's as if the AC just isn't enough. I park in shade too, and leave windows cracked. It seems like even with the AC on Maximum cool, it just doesn't work well enough. :mad:

SallyC 07-08-2010 07:14 PM

Hi Kaw, Welcome to NeuroTalk. How nice of you to join us.:)

This is last year's post, but very relavent today, in most of the world.:eek: I still agree with what I said above.

It's a little slow this summer, here, but please join right in as you have. :hug:

kaw72 07-08-2010 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by SallyC (Post 673499)
Hi Kaw, Welcome to NeuroTalk. How nice of you to join us.:)

This is last year's post, but very relavent today, in most of the world.:eek: I still agree with what I said above.

It's a little slow this summer, here, but please join right in as you have. :hug:

:eek: Can I claim cog fog? LOL! I thought it was a week or two old. Eeek!

Thanks for the welcome Sally!

SallyC 07-08-2010 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by kaw72 (Post 673501)
:eek: Can I claim cog fog? LOL! I thought it was a week or two old. Eeek!

Thanks for the welcome Sally!

Cog Fog may always be claimed here..:D

Blessings2You 07-09-2010 04:56 AM

This post is very timely, no matter in which scorching heat wave it was started!

Somebody on another thread mentioned feeling "tipsy" when it gets over a certain temperature, and I would add "weak" to that. Like microwaved jello.

Welcome to the community!

Snoopy 07-09-2010 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by kaw72 (Post 673501)
:eek: Can I claim cog fog? LOL! I thought it was a week or two old. Eeek!

Hello kaw and welcome to NeuroTalk :)

Even if this thread is a year old this topic seems to pop up every summer.

It only takes a few minutes for some of us the be affected by the heat. In most cases the effect of the heat is considered a Pseudo-exacerbation, which means it's self limiting...once you cool down the symptoms go back to what is normal for you.

I have had the unfortunate experience of heat triggering 4 of my 5 exacerbations (relapse, attack, flare-up), not a pseudo-exacerbation but the real deal. I hate summer.

There are those of us who are heat and cold sensitive...I am both :eek: :rolleyes:

Heat and MS:

wkikta 07-09-2010 09:39 AM

The hot car problem is why I had a remote starter put in my car a couple of weeks ago. It won't run long enough to totally cool it, but gives it a good head start. It can be restarted if needed.

Erin524 07-09-2010 02:27 PM

I have a stick shift car, so I cant get a remote car starter.

I may have to get a new car eventually, so my next car will be automatic...just so I can get the remote car start.

wkikta 07-09-2010 05:54 PM

The Chevy HHR with auto has the remote starter standard, not sure how long it is for this world since it is built on the Cobalt platform.

SallyC 07-09-2010 06:22 PM

I can feel the borometer moving in my bones. :D

I'm sitting in a cool A/C house and can still feel the humidity and the barometric pressure changes.:mad:

Blessings2You 07-09-2010 06:35 PM

I hate summer. And winter. But I hate summer worse. I think.

PolarExpress 07-09-2010 11:18 PM

Oh I KNOW I hate summer more than winter..After all, I can always add more clothes. There's only so much I can take off ( public).

lefthanded 07-10-2010 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by PolarExpress (Post 673895)
Oh I KNOW I hate summer more than winter..After all, I can always add more clothes. There's only so much I can take off ( public).

Amen! And I am past the age of exhibitionism! :winky: But isn't 65-70º just about perfect? Then all you have to worry about is overexertion.

Desinie 07-11-2010 12:39 AM

Yes, 65 to 70 WITH low humidity is perfect for me. Right now it's about 75 degrees with 92% and it feels much warmer than that since the humidity's so high. I feel awful even in the AC.

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