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mymorgy 06-23-2020 07:47 AM

out of control IV
i heard from kathy and she said to stop emailing her and that she can't sleep and i must have been dreaming that she didn't say she would prefer me to not talk about my therapist. my thoughts don't get confused. she also wrote that she was only asking if a mutual friend was calling but she didn't say that but said who has been calling me. she still wants to be friends. she said that was a personal question about my asking her if she prays but she did pray for my happiness. she said i could call her.

the building said they were ordering me an ac. my big fan came and i just directed on me. i hope i don't get a cold. i had ordered a mouth wash for gums and i think it worked. my gum doesn't hurt anymore. my finger still hurts from last weeks fall.
i usually have trouble getting my antidepressant but this time was easy.
pudge got groomed yesterday.. the poor thing was in her container for 45 minutes. they were late picking her up. she came back within the hour and at first i thought she died. she was fine and so active. i have never seen her be so active. she slept on the bed all night. they didn't add anything to the cost which they sometime do
my depression is gradually lifting but i am still very anxious. i am very upset about kathy and not sure what i will do.
i feel nauseated and my stomach hurts.
robert offered to take me to the doctor because i was dizzy and nauseated yesterday. i thought that was so kind but the dizziness stopped. i looked on the internet about the effects of heat but didn't have most of them.

bizi 06-23-2020 12:25 PM

nausea, hate that feeling the only thing worse than that is actually thrhowing up.hate that! glad you are better today.
love you bizi

mymorgy 06-23-2020 01:12 PM

i am not feeling better. i am feeling so weak and nauseated and my stomach is still bothering me.

Dmom3005 06-23-2020 02:28 PM


I'd either go to doctor or call if it doesn't get better in a day or two it's probably due to.the heat and not feeling like eating

mymorgy 06-23-2020 02:46 PM

it is all due to the heat. it is an oven. i just called the doorman and told him to give the key to robert and gave him his telephone number in case something happens to me. i am drinking a lot of liquid. the dr can't do anything about my ibs which the heat is making worse

Dmom3005 06-23-2020 06:09 PM

Bobby is the fan helping at all. Can you get another one

mymorgy 06-23-2020 07:07 PM

it is really just blowing hot air and i now have two. another one won't make a difference.

bizi 06-23-2020 08:22 PM

I would keep using the wet towels....
I think they should offer you a stay in a hotel until they get you your ac unit.
You are suffering enough.
ask that tomorrow.
love you bizi

mymorgy 06-24-2020 06:47 AM

they wouldn't do that. thank God my antidepressant kicks in. I will take a few baths today. another volunteer called me yesterday. he was so nice. i think he is supposed to call me twice a week for a month. He was a runner. He said he built up after three years to run 70 miles a week! He just graduated graduate school.

mymorgy 06-24-2020 09:09 AM

i just ordered another fan.

mymorgy 06-24-2020 11:32 AM

it is the electricity and not the acs

Dmom3005 06-24-2020 05:27 PM

What do you mean electricity not a.c..

And I think there should be some way to.get cool air circulating. See if you can get your aging agency to send the case manager over to figure this out.

mymorgy 06-24-2020 06:05 PM

something is wrong with the electricity so an electrician is coming tomorrow morning. the super brought the ac from his apartment because he knew that worked. In my apartment it didn't work. he checked all the fuses in my apartment and downstairs and then he knew he needed an electrician. so i cancelled the third fan...

Hi Bobby,

The building’s electrician will be there tomorrow. It appears that there is some type of an electrical issue that is preventing the air conditioners from operating properly.

Try to stay cool. We’re working on a resolution.

Ordering a new AC is not going to fix this problem. Three units cannot be bad.

Have a fantastic evening.

Waking Light 06-24-2020 06:21 PM

Hi bobby! I hope the extra fan & wet towels help. And remember that this too shall pass. I wish you peace & comfort! :hug: Love to you!

Dmom3005 06-24-2020 10:22 PM


If they can't fix the electricity tomorrow please ask them to figure out a solution so you can cool down. Even if it's helping you get to an area that is cooler for the day. I'm really upset it's taken them three air conditioners to figure this out

mymorgy 06-25-2020 03:53 AM

I really appreciate your concern. I am so afraid of the virus that I haven't even looked into cooling centers. I take a few baths a day and I drink a lot of water and use wet towels. I am depressed anyways but now my concentration isn't good so i am having a hard time reading and my IBS is really acting up. It is sort of a nightmare. My antidepressant does work sort of and I better take it now..

mymorgy 06-25-2020 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by Waking Light (Post 1287169)
Hi bobby! I hope the extra fan & wet towels help. And remember that this too shall pass. I wish you peace & comfort! :hug: Love to you!

thank you for reminding me. the fan, baths and towels do help.
love and kisses

mymorgy 06-25-2020 05:29 AM

Hi Bobby.

You are never bothering me. That's why we are here. With used AC units it's always hard to determine if we had two bad units or something else. Staff took the second unit and plugged it in downstairs and it worked perfectly.

We will get to the bottom of the problem.

Be well.


mymorgy 06-25-2020 08:41 AM

the workmen fixing my terrace left plastic sheet on my terrace and it got around the air conditioner. they just put brinks on the plastic sheet and started the air conditioner again. they will come back in two hours to make sure it is working.
i am still nauseated but no stomach ache. it is still very hot in the apartment and will take time to cool down

bizi 06-25-2020 09:40 AM

fingers crossed!!!!!

mymorgy 06-25-2020 09:57 AM

still working

mymorgy 06-25-2020 04:30 PM

with my air conditioning on i haven't had the usual stomach ache. my therapy session went well. i swore a lot and got rid of some of my rage.

bizi 06-25-2020 07:37 PM

yay! is the air conditioner still working?
Glad that you had a good talk with your therapist!!!!!!
keep up the good work that you are doing!

mymorgy 06-25-2020 08:56 PM

it is still working. thanks so much

Dmom3005 06-25-2020 10:56 PM

Wow, it's really something when the air started not working they didn't send an electrician. Remember this in case you need next time

mymorgy 06-26-2020 05:06 AM

But this was really freaky. they assumed it was the air conditioner. not many people have terraces and of those there are probably no plastic sheet on them.
i don't think there is anyone who experienced this problem. anyways i can't tell management or the super what to do. it isn't like owning your own home.
the antidepressant has not kicked in yet. the two kitties were sleeping close each other on my bed.

bizi 06-26-2020 05:47 PM

do you have 2or3 cats?

mymorgy 06-26-2020 07:20 PM

i have abby and pudge

i haven't felt well today and was having trouble with my short term memory

mymorgy 06-27-2020 05:32 AM

I have been suffering over Suri's death and just figured out it is probably why my IBS is so bad and why I keep on thinking of death.
two volunteers called me yesterday. they are both so nice and bright.

mymorgy 06-27-2020 06:55 AM

i just donated some money for suri and wrote her daughter an email

Waking Light 06-27-2020 10:52 AM

Hi, Bobby! :) I'm so glad you have air conditioning now. It's so hard to manage just normal stuff when we're hot & miserable. The cooler air can make such a difference. I'm also glad your therapist is so easy to talk to so you can freely express your feelings about your problems. I hope your short term memory problem is just a tempory thing. Maybe too much stress lately. And a lot of distractions. I'm wishing you a nice & much easier weekend Bobby! :grouphug: :hug: :circlelove: Hugs & love to you!

Dmom3005 06-27-2020 06:04 PM


That could honestly be true. Maybe try thinking of good things you and Suri did or liked to do. And things like that.


mymorgy 06-28-2020 06:36 AM

thanks for the suggestions Donna. will start doing that. we loved gilbert and sullivan and would go often.
for the last 3 1/2 years when she was diagnosed with cancer we talking usually once a week and sometimes two. she was so brave and tried everything possible to beat the cancer. we never talked about death. most of the time we talked about God. She brought me closer to God. I miss and need that so much.

bizi 06-28-2020 10:04 AM

I am sure you are missing suri.
the grief doesn't really ever go away just tuck it in some part of your heart.
love to you dear bobby.

Waking Light 06-28-2020 01:09 PM

Hi Bobby, :) I hope things are better for you today. I also hope this pandemic disappears soon. I don't like it at all. I have to admit, it gets to me sometimes. Anyway, just checking in to say hi & hope you're doing ok. :grouphug: :hug: :circlelove: :boy(music):

mymorgy 06-28-2020 02:08 PM

i started feeling a little better thank you. I am so scared about the virus that until they make a vaccine it will keep on bothering me. trump really blew it and is continuing to. it did not have to be this bad.
love and kisses

Dmom3005 06-28-2020 09:19 PM


Keep coming back each day if you would like and tell us something Suri and you used to enjoy. You might even start talking to one of your therapist about her and the things you enjoyed

mymorgy 06-29-2020 04:30 AM

thank you so much. The very most important thing Suri did for me was help me gain faith! We used to constantly agree that God was everything.
when we talked she really made me feel closer to God. she was just so special.


mymorgy 07-01-2020 06:11 AM

I think that every morning I will say a prayer for suri. when i did it i felt good and not sad.
kathy whom i fought with called alice the other say. they haven't spoken to each other in a year or two. alice didn't know about the fight. i told alice a lot of the things that kathy did or did not do say and how she also lied. i told alice i was too fragile to deal with her anymore. i told alice that kathy would be very pleasant to her but if she calls please do not talk about me..
i had such a stomach ache last night and this morning. i don't have one now. such a poor quality of life. marci threw out or took a lot of my food. i just don't know what to eat and i am now afraid of food. i am not afraid of coffee or gingerlemon tea. it is great.
my kitty cats have been so super duper-so affectionate and bringing me so much joy. i have never seen this before but after pudge used the litter box she used the top of the box and started cleaning her paws. i am going to call joyce and tell her.
i hope my volunteer calls today. i will write down the name of the website he mentioned. i don't mention that i am bipolar.
the antidepressant kicked in this morning thank God.
i freaked out last night. my ooma phone stopped working. i unplugged and counted to twenty but it didn't work. same thing happened when i tried it again.i called ooma for help through chat and then the blue light went on again. i was so afraid that it wouldn't be working when the volunteer called me.

Dmom3005 07-01-2020 01:32 PM


I know you have problems with food lots of times. But it might be good Marci threw away food, if she did. It means she is watching expiration dates for.You.

Even if she took if. Just try and figure out what might taste good. Like maybe pudding, and other things that might sooth. Jello


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