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Wiix 05-22-2007 09:42 AM

~ Plants ~
Can anyone tell me the name of this plant? I have two and one is blooming right now and every night it fills the house with the Most unbelievable fragrance. Here are 2 pics I took yesterday and last night. It shows how the bloom explodes at night. I KNOW I should know the name of this plant, I just don't. Anyone Identify it for me??

Jomar 05-22-2007 10:15 AM

Here it is-


There are many different varieties of the drcaena that are commonly used as house plants. Currently I have three of them in my home:
Dracaena fragrans "Massangeana" - picture on the left. it is also known as "corn plant"
Dracaena surculosa "Florida Beauty"
Dracaena marginata

These plants create very nice display when their foliage looks neat and healthy. My dracaena surculosa flowers every year - the plant is very bushy and at some point it gives long thin shot with insignificant whitish flowers. At first I didn't even notice the flowers and discover them only because of their strong fragrance (I thought somebody spilled something on the carpet).

Dracaenas are pretty much forgiving plants. The best care for them - keep their soil evenly moist, not too wet, not soggy and never let the root ball dry out. If over- or underwatered - the leaves might drop or become yellow, but any time you can cut back any part of the plant - new fresh growth will appear in no time.
The bright light without strong direct sun is preferrable, but if there isn't such place in your house - don't worry, dracaena will survive virtually any lighting conditions. Although if you have plant with colored leaves (like Dracaena surculosa) - be prepared - the leaves might turn green if there is not enough light.

Easiest way to propagate dracaenas - from cuttings. They root successfully in a glass with water, plant rooted cutting in the tropical mix soil and keep the soil moist all the time. Don't overpot them - small dracaena in a huge pot won't feel comfortable, they like to be somewhat potbound, but also re-pot it if the roots are sticking out of the pot.

Dracaenas do like some humidity in the air and will appreciate if you will mist them with room-temperatured water or give them shower from time to time.]

Wiix 05-22-2007 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by jo55 (Post 103246)
Here it is-


At first I didn't even notice the flowers and discover them only because of their strong fragrance (I thought somebody spilled something on the carpet

ME TOO!! Exactly!! So it's " Dracaena Surculosa ". At first it smelled like Peepee, then roses, right? More of Roses though. I noticed it too 2 nights ago. I was thinking to myself " I need to get someone in here to clean the carpets." I thought it was from my Iguanas. I though maybe one of them was sick and made on the carpet in the hall but I couldn't find anything. But the closer I got to the Jungle Room the stronger the aroma got, then I noticed the Big Plume of flowers. Really quite Pleasant if it doesn't revolt you. :winky: Can you JUST imagine what the RainForest must smell like with Thousands of these PLUS all the other blooming trees??

nath 05-22-2007 10:44 AM

Looks quite like a yucca too. I know nothing about plants though :D

Wiix 05-22-2007 11:03 AM

Yea BUT sort of different:

There were some Yuccas around where I used to live and one day I was examining one, just being curious. It seems ants really LOVE to live in the base of these plants. There were thousands in the base of each one I looked at. Yea, they ARE pretty. I think I may have had one at one time, inside. I wonder what happened to it?? :confused:

nath 05-22-2007 11:43 AM

The leaves on my house-plant yucca look exactly like the original photos, but no flowers thank goodness! (hayfever)

Wiix 05-22-2007 02:50 PM

I have to really stuggle with myself NOT to chop off this Seed Pod and toss it outside. Every night when the aroma starts so does the sneezing. :o

tovaxin_lab_rat 05-28-2007 10:31 AM

Go ahead and cut them off! It won't harm the plant. In fact, it will encourage the plant leaves to grow more! The flowering part takes nutrients away from the plant part so cutting off the flowering part will encourage more leaves.

I am a landscaper and have a Bachelor's Degree in Horticulture. Just so you know I am not making all this up!

Wiix 05-28-2007 12:01 PM

Most of my tall plants in that room are hitting the ceiling already. I don't need them to grow taller. It's about time I start making cuttings to root and start them over again. I wish they would "bush" more. I have a 300 Watt bulb in the ceiling and a huge sunlamp I turn on when it's cloudy out. I give them regular feedings of plant food too and mist daily aside from watering a few times a week. I also have a big humidifyer I run fequently for the Iguanas. That's THEIR room and I treat them almost the same way I do the plants. :winky: That's supposed to be funny. :D

I have another plant here I don't know the name of, I will take a picture and post it. Maybe someone knows. :confused: It too flowers and drops seeds in the other plants so I get lots of babies. I'll be back shortly with a pic of it. ;)

Wiix 05-28-2007 12:11 PM

OK, here it is:

Jomar 05-28-2007 12:45 PM

the one with the pinky speckeld leaves??

I looks like a type of coleus to me.

some pictures-

tovaxin_lab_rat 05-28-2007 12:45 PM

This plant is called a Polka dot plant or Hypoestes phyllostachya.

Cut it back regularly to keep it from getting leggy and it will bush up better. You can use the cuttings for more plants by rooting them in soil, much like you would a geranium or coleus.

Sounds like you are taking proper care of it!

Wiix 05-30-2007 09:42 AM

I purposely let this one get "Leggy" just to see what it would do. I have it on an antique holder UP between 2 windows so it hangs down. I had so many of these plants because it flowered and dropped seeds EVERYWHERE.

I think putting 3 or more plants in one container is interesting. One tall, one bushy and one trailing is usually my goal.

I came across, in my travels, some "Wall Pockets. I don't actually have any of them up on a wall YET. One of my iguanas likes to jump up and eat the leaves off one of the trailing "?s". Yep, another plant I don't know the name of. :o I will post a picture of it. Thanks A8g for the ID. :winky: :hug:

So now I know I have Dracaena, Polka Dots and the next one, I also have many of. It's a common plant, I SHOULD know these things. I do have one of those HousePlant Wheels, I should try to find it. :wink:

Wiix 05-30-2007 09:54 AM

OK, here it is:

tovaxin_lab_rat 05-30-2007 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Wiix (Post 106897)
I purposely let this one get "Leggy" just to see what it would do. I have it on an antique holder UP between 2 windows so it hangs down. I had so many of these plants because it flowered and dropped seeds EVERYWHERE.

I think putting 3 or more plants in one container is interesting. One tall, one bushy and one trailing is usually my goal.

I came across, in my travels, some "Wall Pockets. I don't actually have any of them up on a wall YET. One of my iguanas likes to jump up and eat the leaves off one of the trailing "?s". Yep, another plant I don't know the name of. :o I will post a picture of it. Thanks A8g for the ID. :winky: :hug:

So now I know I have Dracaena, Polka Dots and the next one, I also have many of. It's a common plant, I SHOULD know these things. I do have one of those HousePlant Wheels, I should try to find it. :wink:

Glad I could help you. Post a photo of the other one and I will be happy to identify it for you.

Gee maybe I found an new job here! Plant identification! Hmmm, seems I did that in school. (got an A!) And the pictures were a lot less pretty too!

tovaxin_lab_rat 05-30-2007 10:42 AM

This is called a Caladium bicolor. A couple of common name are elephant ears or angel wings. Very common house plant. The colors range from light green to dark green, with light stripes to dots. The entire plant is poisonous.

Wiix 05-31-2007 10:54 AM

Angel Wings is nice name. I think I'll stay with that one. :p

Now, I also have, and I KNOW the name of these plants, Aloe, anyway, does anyone have any recipes for Aloe juice? I hear it's not only good for your skin when applied directly from the plant BUT also it is an antacid. Anyone else ever heard this? I tried "Aloe Juice" from the health food store but it tasted terrible, I just dumped it. :o

Wiix 05-31-2007 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by jo55 (Post 106114)
the one with the pinky speckeld leaves??

I looks like a type of coleus to me.

some pictures-

That reminded me of Kong Scarlet Coleus. I seemed to have had this plant for a long time but don't anymore. It was my favorite Coleus, I should get me one again. They LOVE the sun and really brighten up a room.

tovaxin_lab_rat 05-31-2007 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Wiix (Post 107318)
Angel Wings is nice name. I think I'll stay with that one. :p

Now, I also have, and I KNOW the name of these plants, Aloe, anyway, does anyone have any recipes for Aloe juice? I hear it's not only good for your skin when applied directly from the plant BUT also it is an antacid. Anyone else ever heard this? I tried "Aloe Juice" from the health food store but it tasted terrible, I just dumped it. :o

Let me look in one of medicinal plant books. I have one here somewhere from school!

You are thinking of Aloe barbadensis or Aloe Vera.

If I can't find the book, you can do some research online. It does boost the immune system as I remember.

Wiix 06-01-2007 01:45 PM

Thanks A8g. I am always looking for natural cures. I hate drugs. :mad: God didn't mean for us to poison ourselves this way. It's Society and Money behind so much sickness. :(

Curious 06-01-2007 03:59 PM

i am soooo loving this thread. :D i am a plant fanatic. i have an atrium with a pond and waterfall in my house under the stairs.

Lara 06-01-2007 04:08 PM

That sounds really nice, Curious. :)

I always have Aloe Vera plant growing. I've never made juice out of it though it probably could go in the juicer with other fruit just fine. Just something I never thought about doing. I use it for burns and sunburn. Just cut off a large chunk and peel away the outside layer and it's so soothing and cooling. Certainly helps burns heal faster from my experience.

p.s. Wiix, the Coleus are really easy to propagate. Next time you do get one, you just break off a piece and stick it in some potting mix or in the right spot in the garden and it'll grow easily. Easiest way to get roots started though is to just stick it in a little jar of water and before you know it, there will be roots showing and you can replant it.

Wiix 06-01-2007 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Curious (Post 107813)
i am soooo loving this thread. :D i am a plant fanatic. i have an atrium with a pond and waterfall in my house under the stairs.

Can you take a picture of that and post it C??? :D

That may be a fun thing for me to look for. I used to have many gardens, veggie and flowers, inground pool, pool with waterfall, pond with swans, the whole ShaBang. But that was many years ago. I miss all that. I miss my ducks and geese roaming the property and even my Stoopid turkeys that perched on the railing of the deck/gazebo and left piles of poop for me to hose off every morning. :( AHHH, those were the days. :) Like tiptoeing through the tulips. :winky: :D

Wiix 06-01-2007 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Lara (Post 107815)
That sounds really nice, Curious. :)

I always have Aloe Vera plant growing. I've never made juice out of it though it probably could go in the juicer with other fruit just fine. Just something I never thought about doing. I use it for burns and sunburn. Just cut off a large chunk and peel away the outside layer and it's so soothing and cooling. Certainly helps burns heal faster from my experience.

p.s. Wiix, the Coleus are really easy to propagate. Next time you do get one, you just break off a piece and stick it in some potting mix or in the right spot in the garden and it'll grow easily. Easiest way to get roots started though is to just stick it in a little jar of water and before you know it, there will be roots showing and you can replant it.

Yes, I've done that many times L.

the Aloe juice is supposed to make your body more alkaline. People get sick less often and diseases can't survive when you are Alkaline. Most people's bodies are too acid and that is a breeding ground for disease.

Curious 06-01-2007 04:29 PM

this one is about 2 yrs old. i will take a new one. doesn't show very much..but it will give you some idea.

Wiix 06-01-2007 04:31 PM

WAY Cool C.

Here is one in a Japanese hotel:

tovaxin_lab_rat 06-01-2007 04:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)
That's cool! I am a landscape designer by trade having gotten a degree in horticulture. This is a very busy time of year for me and I am currently working on about 4 projects. Houseplants aren't really my thing - believe it or not, most of mine die due to lack of attention!

I know what they are and how to take care of them, but just don't have the time! Right now I have some very nice silk plants in my house! LOL! They dust well!

Here's one of my completed projects.

Curious 06-01-2007 05:36 PM

awesome job!

i need you cheryl! hop in that plane and come to texas. these pics of my backyard are from this spring. ugh. so much died from my back neighbor backwashing his pool into my yard.

banana trees are barely coming up in the middle of the circle bushes on each side of the waterfalls. :( the whole back part is raised panters. some of the cannas and hostas lived. it used to be lush. oh..i think one or two of the yukkus are ok. atruim is not as big as that. hehe..but that is beautiful. :D

Wiix 06-01-2007 06:23 PM

Very beautiful pool C. I miss mine but NOT the vacuuming. :o Truely, that SUCKED, I hated it. It tormented my neck and made my arms hurt.

Your neighbor backwashed into YOUR yard!!! :eek: Holy Crap!! Isn't that against some ordinance?

Well, I'm off to find some more beautiful pictures. :D :hug:

tovaxin_lab_rat 06-03-2007 09:33 PM

You are kidding right? Backwashed his pool into your yard? Ummm, that's against ordinances here. If anyone does that around here, they offender has to replace all the damaged/dead plant material as well as all the damaged property!

Also, if a neighbor's sprinkler system damages your yard, guess what? He pays to fix it! Your water stays in your yard!


Wiix 06-04-2007 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Wiix (Post 106909)

Angel's Wings. :winky:

While searching for an English Garden Midi, I came across this one. It's title is "Angels Dwell Among Us". To listen, just Click HERE. :hug:

And if you feel in a Dreamy sort of mood, spend some time here, it's Really soothing and beautiful. Everthing on this site is aimed at calming and Pleasing. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do:

Wiix 06-05-2007 08:13 PM

I picked these yesterday, anyone know what they are called??

Lara 06-05-2007 08:25 PM

Well, to me it looks a little like some Rhododenrons, although the leaves on the right of the picture don't look as if they're Rhododenron leaves, but the ones to the left and under the actual flower look more like Rhododendron leaves. Some of the hybrid double Azaleas look a little like that as well.

Where were they growing? Outside?

I live in Australia so I'm not sure what grows there where you are, Wiix.

I look forward to finding out what they are myself. :)

p.s. at first glance I thought they were fancy carnations, but the leaves don't match.

Wiix 06-05-2007 08:46 PM

No, they are not Rhodies. I know what they are. This is a short busy plant, outside, yes. I want to say Peonies but I really don't think they are. Maybe Hyacinth or Gardenia?? :confused: I love them anyway. My iguanas like to eat flowers but only when I'm not watching.

tovaxin_lab_rat 06-05-2007 09:52 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Your picture is a peony.

The first picture is a hyacinth and the second one is a gardenia

Wiix 06-05-2007 10:59 PM

By George, your right:

And funny thing is I knew it at one time but forgot. AND I just bought Peony cologne last week. :eek: Thanks. :hug:

I have another "tree" that I see around here, very exotic. I'll get a leaf and show you. Not tonight though, it's dark out there. :winky:

Wiix 05-16-2008 02:20 PM

Can anyone ID these plants???
Both were given to me as cuttings which I started BUT I don't know what either one is called. I might have at one time but I forget now.

Plant #1
This one I started from one of the tiny babies at the end of the little red stems hanging down.

Plant #2
This one took Forever to start from a single leaf, that big one in the front.

Wiix 05-16-2008 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Av8rgirl (Post 107844)
That's cool! I am a landscape designer by trade having gotten a degree in horticulture. This is a very busy time of year for me and I am currently working on about 4 projects. Houseplants aren't really my thing - believe it or not, most of mine die due to lack of attention!

I know what they are and how to take care of them, but just don't have the time! Right now I have some very nice silk plants in my house! LOL! They dust well!

Here's one of my completed projects.

That reminds me of the garden with a path of fieldstone to the little pond and waterfall I made once for my ducks. I had Muscovies. Anyway, I made the winding path through the low ground cover from the edge of the garden to the center where the pond and waterfall were. It looked really pretty and I figured the ducks would follow the path. :winky: Yea right. They go in a straight line towards the water from the outside edge of the garden and trampled all the ground cover and other plants. I wasn't mad, just amused so I redid the path in a straight line and they followed it from then on. :D

lor 05-16-2008 03:49 PM

I just looked at this thread for the 1st time. I had a plant similar to that 1st one. It was a Dracinna Warnecki (sp). My MIL had it & it was big then. She gave it to us soon after We got married in 1982. My DH & I went away for our 25th anniversary, while the kids stayed home with the dogs (kids ages 21 & 19). When we got home it was..gone. Even though it was in a large pot my son claimed the dog knocked it over & started chewing on it. He threw it all away...I bet I could have restarted something from it. My 25+ year old Gary was now gone

(we knew a "Gary" with a similar last name so I named it :cool: )

mrsD 05-16-2008 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by Wiix (Post 280495)
Both were given to me as cuttings which I started BUT I don't know what either one is called. I might have at one time but I forget now.

Plant #1
This one I started from one of the tiny babies at the end of the little red stems hanging down.

Plant #2
This one took Forever to start from a single leaf, that big one in the front.

I think they are begonias. There are tons of types, some with hairy leaves and some waxy. If you can start them from leaves, that is one of their characteristics.

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