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iggle24 03-21-2011 07:46 PM

2 months post concussion
Hello all,

For two months now I have been dealing with what I now suspect to be post concussion syndrome. Prior to reading many of the threads on this forum I wasn't even aware that some people suffer long term effects from minor head injuries.

2 months ago I was horsing around with some friends when I fell and hit the back of my head. It hurt considerably...but as there was no loss of consciousness or naseau vomiting (all of which happened for my sister when she suffered a concussion) I just assumed it was like any other time I've bumped my head in my life and moved on from it. That night I went out and got drunk with friends. The next morning I woke up feeling awful with a nasty hangover, which I thought odd since I tolerate alcohol very well and never get hangovers. Later that night I started feeling sick like I had to throw up but never actually did...I would have passed this off as a simple stomach bug if it weren't for an uncomfortable feeling in my chest and heart palpitations...this concerned me as ive never been able to feel my heart like this without strenuous exercise so I went to see my doctor the next day and after an EKG and blood test came back normal he told me it was probably anxiety and sent me on my way.

Well over the next week or two I started experiencing extreme sleep disruption where id wake up 1.5 hours after falling asleep with racing heart and feeling of intense dread. I also felt sort of spacy when I was awake like I wasn't emotionally connected with the people around me. My bowel movements went haywire...I experienced sexual dysfunction for the first time in my life...basically my body was going haywire and combined with the lack of sleep and fact that I was trying to study for an exam in the midst of all this I felt that I was having a nervous breakdown....though for the life of me I could not comprehend why this would be happening to me.

I went back to the doctor to tell him about the new strange symptoms and he once again said it was anxiety (based on the normal blood test) and sent me on my way with an ambien prescription to help me sleep (which did not help).

At about the two week mark the anxiety lowered and my sleep improved a slight bit to where I could sleep for a bit longer at a time and i didnt feel panicked when I woke up...I thought this was a sign that I was recovering but the feeling of cloudiness persisted during the day and everything still felt dreamlike. Now 2 months later the following symptoms persist ...

-loss of appetite
-heart palpitations (not constant..usually present when I lay down to go to sleep)
-cloudy feeling in head...some say brain fog
-derealization (most noticeable when outside...frustrating symptom as it has made social situations awkward whereas I am normally an extroverted individual)
-lack of ability to concentrate
-insomnia(truly the most frustrating symptom...getting into bed just feels different...body is unable to relax...I miss the way it used to feel crawling into bed after a long day)
-reduced libido
-cold hands/feet/nose
-muscle twitches throughouts legs and arms
-slight ear pain/pressure
-some tinnitus when things are quiet
-light sensitivity

Strangely I am only experiencing very minor headaches that don't even really bother me at all. This factor is causing me some residual doubt over whether what I'm going through is actually post concussion syndrome.

I am truly lost and overwhelmed with this sudden ****-storm that life has thrown at me. This has truly been the worst experience I have ever had and the scary part is that I don't see an end in sight. All of the joy has been sucked out of my life...I feel as if I have been stripped of my personalit. In 2 months I have rapidly transformed from a happy healthy optimistic 24 year old to an absolute neurotic wreck. I wanted a physical diagnosis so badly for what I was experiencing just so I could reassure myself that I am not going insane but now the prospect of permanent brain damage seems just as scary.

I have seen many people on here make the comment about how frustrating it can be to not have people be able to understand what you are going through and let me tell you that I sympathize with you whole heartedly. I called my parents crying telling them about what I was going through and they both think that there is something that I'm not telling them. They keep trying to guess reasons why I'm acting the way I am. Recently I went home for a week and they think that because I can walk and talk and look normal that there is nothing wrong with me. They think that I have just all of a sudden turned into some weak person who can't handle stress.

I can't tell if I have been affected by this cognitively or not. I feel mentally slower but I have been able to pass two exams in the midst of this crisis. I am a medical student and fear that these problems are going to affect my ability to perform. I have a very important exam several months from now that I am supposed to be spending the majority of my time studying for and instead I am completely consumed by thoughts about how I feel throughout the day. Without going too far into my personal life I have a very, very strong reason not to take time off from school to deal with this issue so I intend to mentally push through it and hope for recovery. On the other hand I fear from what I've read on some of these threads that I may be ruining my chance at a full recovery if I continue trying to live my life normally. I already believe that drinking heavily the day after injury and the anxiety over my health has made this thing worse. Is full rest really nessecary for a full recovery?

I also would appreciate any advice on tests that I should get done. As I am a broke student I need the most cost efficient medical tests to aid in identifying any fixable problems. I am thinking now that I should get to a neurologist and an endocrinologist. I definitely want to get my hormones checked...I should probably get an MRI done though I doubt it will show anything at this point.

Most importantly...I need advice on how best to approach this topic with my parents so that they might better understand what I'm going through. I'm not searching for pity...just having them believe that their is something wrong would help at this point. I go to school on the other side of the country and live alone and I don't know how to cope with this without some social support. I appreciate you all listening to my story as well as any advice that anyone might have.

blackzest 03-21-2011 10:40 PM

First off, hello. I'm terribly sorry to hear what you are going through. I can sympathize completely. Reading your story brings me shivers as I recall a time when I was in terrible ruins quite similar to your own.

Just a brief overview of my own experience with PCS. 18 months ago I was in the head with a stick. Initially, I did not pass out, only felt ringing in my ears. I had no history of concussion, despite playing hockey for 15 years (i'm 22 years old). Starting that very night, insomnia ensued which lasted 8 months. I was on heavy sleeping pills that only put me out for 3-4 hours at a time. Throughout my long recovery, I experienced depression for 2 months, severe anxiety, horrible tunnel vision/blurring vision, inflamation in the neck, lack of sex drive, slurred speach, difficulty focusing, and a large sensitivity to light, among a host of other symptoms. Prior to my concussion, much like yourself, I was an upbeat care-free individual that lived his life without any hesitations. I was extremely active. My concussion forced me out of school for a year, which was devistating to me as I was shooting to get the grades to go to law school. It was by far the worst time of my life. I used to play this one depressing song called "Wonderful" on repeat and cry for hours on end. I refused to celebrate my birthday with my family, as the thought of a celebration took the little I had left out of me.

Having said that, 18 months later I now write to you virtually symptom-free. The only symptom I still suffer is some minor vision issues which a recent visit to a vision-therapy center is helping me. I've got my life back. I'm happy again! Some days I feel so happy I literally dance around my room, even though schoolwork is pilling up on me. The only hope I can give you is that I was in the same boat. I didn't believe I would EVER recover, and I feared the brain damage would be permanent. To make matters worse, a visit to my neurologist a year into my PCS, the neuro-doctor told me "you are no longer suffering from PCS. Perhaps it's a migrane issue?" Similar to you, I was unaware that I was even suffering from a concussion until I put it together a month into it. Much like yourself, I drank heavily a few days after the injury, and the next morning I felt what I thought was the WORST hang over I had ever had. I too am very resistant to alcohol and hangovers so it came as no suprise when the PCS explained why I felt that reaction. I also wanted a physical diagnosis more than anything in the world. It is very hard dealing with an injury when you have no idea how long recovery will take (and worrying if you will ever heal).

Concerning your parents, I would explain them as best as possible some of the common symptoms, and hope they take you seriously. I know I was extremely frustrated because everyone THINKS your normal because you "look" normal, extremely frustrating.

As for school, I see the perdiciment you are in. Myself, I was physically unable to function, as well as mentally and emotionally. I needed to take a year off.

When you say, "i'm not searching for pity", I felt the exact same way when I first posted on here. Let me assure you that NONE of us hold it against you, rather encourage you to discuss your issues in hopes that we can offer our experience and assistance. I remember desperately wanting to find people that could relate to what I was going through. The most horrifying part is "not knowing".

I wish you all the best. Coming from a place where I had NO hope, I now write to you today achieving a 3.8 GPA, a feat that I thought impossible a year ago. Never lose hope :)

iggle24 03-21-2011 11:34 PM


Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. The fact that you would come back to this forum to help others when you have put the worst of your troubles behind you is a true mark of your character. If and when I reach the point you are at I will surely be dancing as well!

I was wondering if you could briefly list things that aided in your recovery (medical interventions, medications, nutrition, lifestyle changes, etc.). Were you involved heavily in any type of therapies, or was it mainly a waiting game giving your body time to heal itself?

Mark in Idaho 03-22-2011 12:15 AM


There are tests that can be performed to pinpoint your cognitive and emotional symptoms but they will not help you get better at this time. It will be best for you to just take it easy, no alcohol except the occasional single serving in a day.

Most of your symptoms do sound like PCS but some sound like you may have other injuries such as a neck injury of the whiplash type. A Physical Therapist or chiropractor may be able to help. Avoid chiros who claim to cure every ill that troubles mankind. Find a chiro who can focus on your injury specifically. It is called active treatment versus wellness treatment. Wellness chiro is just a money pit.

Do a search on this forum for nutrition and get your nutrition upgraded. Nutrition needs to become a lifestyle. Concussion is a permanent brain injury that leaves your brain with important nutritional needs. Alcohol is not one of the brain's nutritional needs. Nor is caffeine beyond a single serving per day, especially during the acute phase of PCS.

The depression that often accompanies concussion usually responds well to good nutrition.

Stay in touch.

My best to you.

blackzest 03-22-2011 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by iggle24 (Post 755118)
I was wondering if you could briefly list things that aided in your recovery (medical interventions, medications, nutrition, lifestyle changes, etc.). Were you involved heavily in any type of therapies, or was it mainly a waiting game giving your body time to heal itself?

Unfortunately, I live in Canada and although healthcare is universal, it is extremely slow and in my families experience, very unhelpful. My neuologist didn't give me any advice other than to wait it out, rest, and return to normal activities "when you feel ready".

As far as lifestyle changes, one thing I do regret was continuing to work. I actually increased the amount I was working in an attempt to "feel normal". I wanted to hide my pain, which I sure was the worst thing I could do at the time as working onset a multitude of pain, where I would almost pass out each and everyday. Looking back, I should have taken plenty of time off of both work and school. Although my parents constantly told me I should be and it was crazy that I wasn't, I didn't want to take their advice. "Feeling normal" was the only thing I wanted to cling on to. If I could give you advice as far as lifestyle changes, I would eject yourself from regular activities as much as possible. Your body needs to rest to heal, and from what I understand, I was only doing myself harm by pushing myself on a daily basis.

As far as medications, I know I should have been on anti-depressents for a few months. I had what I thought to be this "horrible emptiness in my chest" that never went away, 24/7. It was the first time in my life a suicidal thought went through my head. If you begin to experience anything depression like, I would advise you to tell your doctor.

I was also on sleeping pills for many months due to my insomnia. I never got tired, and my body physically could not put itself to sleep. This was a huge help.

I also underwent physical therapy messages and chiropratic. I can't comment on the chiropratic results because progress was so slow. I can say that physical therapy and massages from my mother helped me temporarily, which was great in and of itself.

As far as nutrition, I didn't make any notable changes. I got into a ritual of having a chocolate milkshake everyday, as it was one of the few escapes I had from my reality.

Very recently, I became aware of vision therapy which I have recently started on and it looks promising. It is aiding in my visual recovery. It consists of a series of eye exercises which I do from my computer at home.

I wish I could provide you with more of a healing plan. Mine mainly consisted of rest and time. It was my experience that my recovery was, by and large, beyond my control. Rest undoubtedly was a huge help. I owe my recovery to my parents. They would sit with me for hours while I rambled on about nothing. My best friend as well. He was extremely supportive.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.

iggle24 03-22-2011 04:50 PM

thank you both for your help and encouragement

unfortunately taking a break from school is not a good option for me...I am going to try to maximize my downtime to facilitate healing...meditation/music/early bedtime etc....not sure what to think about exercise...some seem to think it is detrimental while others think it aids recovery if not overdone....I don't experience overwhelming fatigue from running but my exercise tolerance is definitely diminished and slight light headed when I run

blackzest do you remember the sleeping pill you were taking?...hohas your natural sleep returned to normal?...ambien did nothing for fact OTC melatonin works better but I still only average about 5 hours of sleep per night.....I think that if I could conk out 10+ hours a night that would aid in recovery greatly

I find it so strange how varied some of the symptoms of this condition are amongst different people. Some are afflicted with significant balance problems that affect their ability to drive and go places...others have painfully persistent headaches...although I have some very annoying physical symptoms my condition is more of an inner torment that I am hiding from the world. I should count myself lucky that although I am struggling emotionally...I am atleast able to carry out my daily responsibilities at the moment.

I find the relation between endocrine dysfunction and MTBI intrigueing as many of my symptoms seem hormone based. I am going to ask for a referall to an endocrinologist from my GP. He's going to look at me crazy as I already asked on a prior visit if I could have a hormone panel done and he assured me that I didn't need it.

Mark in Idaho 03-22-2011 06:48 PM


Go to WomensInternational to find a hormone specialist at Then you can request the referral.

You may need to get firm with your GP. It is obvious he is clueless about PCS. That is quite the norm.

You might try adding L-Tryptophan to the melatonin for sleep.

Avoid the sleeping pills if you can. Most interfere with the problems your brain is already having.

My best to you.

wtrpk 03-22-2011 08:05 PM

iggle24 == i don't sleep well either..i would rather sleep straight 5 or 6 hours than wake up during the night. Last night I was up at 4:30..fell asleep about 10:30 -- I laid there until new thing is breathing exercises. I take a nice deep breath in thru the nose and exhale thru the mouth. (keeps me busy rather than tossing and turning.)

happy dreams.

iggle24 03-22-2011 08:46 PM

yes aireyden...waking up early in the morning before you truly have to be up is frustrating..that happens to me all the time

did anyone else have the experience with derealization where you feel disconnected from the world? I am experiencing that and it is the scariest symptom...everything looks normal but I am emotionally detatched from things...Im worried that this feeling will never pass as ive read of others with concussion that have experienced derealization for many years

perhaps I should start another thread for this topic?

carmell 03-22-2011 09:07 PM

I just wanted to know EXACTLY what you are saying when you wake up with your heart racing. My doctor tried to say I have an anxiety disorder (which I do not) and recommended anti-anxiety medications...which I did not take.

This is not exactly anxiety. It is the reaction the brain can have when you injure it. The brain stem which regulates things like breathing and heartrate often gets damaged on impact. DON'T worry (well try not to if you can, I know it's hard) it does go away. For me the racing heart went away after 3 months...after my brain no longer felt like it was swelling out of my head.

I think the body just goes into complete panic mode when its main center (the brain) is disrupted.

iggle24 03-22-2011 09:15 PM


sometimes when I lay down to go to bed or randomly throughout the day I will be able to feel my heart beating...its not really racing just beating harder I suppose....I also have breathing issues where I feel short of breath at times

my doctor also tried to say I was experiencing anxiety and maybe had a disorder....I found that interesting seeing as ive never experienced these sensations in the past and been exposed to plenty of stress

did you experience the derealization thing on your path to recovery?

Mark in Idaho 03-22-2011 10:56 PM

Anxiety disorders are common with PCS. Some are of an organic causation. Others are due to the stresses and sometimes PTSD of the injury/trauma.

It is not uncommon for GPs to prescribe anti-anxiety drugs during the anxiety phase of recovery. I think that sometimes, it helps the doctor more than the patient. The patient finally stops calling and complaining so much.

Be careful about a "try this and see if it helps" kind of prescription response.

blackzest 03-22-2011 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by iggle24 (Post 755319)
blackzest do you remember the sleeping pill you were taking?...hohas your natural sleep returned to normal?

I can't recall the sleeping pill I was taking. I can find out for you tomorrow. Mark seems to know quite a lot, and he just stated that it can actually slow the healing process. For me, I could not fall asleep, even when I lay silent for 48 hours straight. I physically never felt tired. I used the pills to physically knock me out. I was taking double the dosage my doctor told me to, as 1 simply did not put me out. Even at the double dose, I would only pass out for 3-4 hours. After that, same sleepless pattern.

carmell 03-23-2011 05:16 PM


I did not experience derealization. I did experience the pounding of the heart. My pulse got up to a steady rate of 110 everyday. I had no way of stopping it or slowing it down. It was like my body was in a constant state of adrenaline. I was anxious about just HAPPENED. I can't explain it. It did eventually go away. I feel like my lifespan has been greatly poor heart!

iggle24 03-23-2011 06:45 PM

I went to my GP today and told him about the rough time I've been having and brought up post concussion syndrome. He ended up writing me a script for prozac. I have no intention of taking it as it is not even indicated for anxiety. He is convinced that I have an anxiety disorder and it seems that he will not explore other options. I atleast was able to get a CT scan done...if there is a contusion or anything major it will show up...though I would have been happier with an MRI.

Next step is to find a doc who will run a full hormone panel on me.


The odd part is that I actually have a very slow heart just beats harder. I've noticed as well that I sweat way less. It is my understanding that generally people suffering from anxiety attacks have racing hearts and break out in night sweats.

carmell 03-23-2011 08:44 PM


I had no history of anxiety before my head injury. When my doctor brought up the idea that I have an "anxiety disorder" it was very insulting to me. I had never had the slightest anxiety about anything in my life and was always a layed-back kind of girl. She prescribed Ativan which I did not take. I decided I'd rather wait for it to pass (which it did). She was very stubborn and refused to admit that my symptoms were from a concussion because the only other case she had only suffered double vision. Now, some people DO benefit from things like anti-depressants during their bout with post-concussion syndrome and it IS helpful for them. It just was not for me. I was unwilling to face what others told me was a "withdrawal" when you come off it.

I think the heart beating harder is because you brain NEEDS more blood and so the heart works harder. Not sure on this, just a hypothesis. This will not be permanent but could persist for a while.


blackzest 03-24-2011 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by carmell (Post 755772)
I had no history of anxiety before my head injury. When my doctor brought up the idea that I have an "anxiety disorder" it was very insulting to me.

Something similar happened to me when I told my doctor about my anxiety and depression. She asked me "what is causing your bad thoughts", right after explaining to her about my PCS. I guess they don't teach that in med school...

My anxiety persisted for quite some time, but relief did eventually come.

JaneLdn 03-24-2011 05:15 AM

Yes, have also had the heart pounding thing (and am still getting it). About 2 days after I had my concussion I kept getting what felt like anxiety attacks out of the blue, they were like little storms and the heart pounding things started not long after. Eventually these attacks tapered off, and my feeling was that they were something organic coming from the injury. I am very resistant to the idea of an "anxiety disorder", can totally understand anyone feeling insulted about this.

iggle24 03-24-2011 10:11 AM

are you guys able to sleep normally now (meaning as much as you want to)?

JaneLdn 03-24-2011 10:35 AM

I've had problems getting to sleep for years anyway; the concussion didn't make any difference! I was really hoping that it would be the reverse for me and that I'd end up with no insomnia as I had it to begin with but no such luck! :)

iggle24 03-25-2011 02:32 PM

my problem is maintaining in bed and exhausted by 10...then I wake up at 1-2 am for no reason and get scattered restless sleep for the rest of the is the most frustrating thing...prior to hitting my head I never had a sleep problem in my life

roadrunner63 03-25-2011 04:19 PM

It was about 8 months before I could really sleep. I think I do better since I began sleeping good.

wtrpk 03-26-2011 07:11 PM

iggle -- read my prior posts. SAME exact thing happens to me. Its awful....wish I had some advice. I tried tylenol pm, advil pm, and then some presc meds... xanax finally helped...and it doesn't seem to stay in my system as long.

blackzest 03-26-2011 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by roadrunner63 (Post 756269)
It was about 8 months before I could really sleep. I think I do better since I began sleeping good.

I could not sleep for 8 months as well. Incredibly frustrating.

iggle24 03-27-2011 10:24 AM

blackzest has your sleep returned to preinjury quality??

please say yes!

Mark in Idaho 03-27-2011 05:59 PM

I still have some insomnia but without my gabapentin (Neurontin), I have horrible insomnia. With it, I just need to use good sleep hygiene. I need to be in comfortable pajamas, soft sheets, proper temperature, empty bladder, etc. If I get any thought before falling to sleep, like, the garbage needs to go out in the morning, I am better of if I get up and do it then.

Then my brain can release the thought. Sometimes, I just need to go write a note on my white board on the refrigerator to remind me in the morning. Do not try to take any thoughts or tasks to bed.

I have needed to do this for over ten years. It works well for me.

Nitro157 03-27-2011 09:03 PM

7 Weeks Post Concussion
Hey...I want you to know I'm going through something pretty similar and I'm going to use this thread as an emotional outlet for what I'm going through...because I really need it.

7 weeks ago I fell snowboarding and had whiplash and a concussion. I remember the events prior and after the accident, however unfortunately I did not recognize I was concussed and continued drinking many beers well into the night...the next morning I had a normal hangover.
It wasn't for 3 days later that I started to really experience symptoms...of which were: Headaches, dizziness, vertigo, fatigue, confusion, crazy ringing and pain in the ears, some nausea...then about 3 weeks after I realized my jaw alignment was way off and had major pain and thats the physical for mental and emotional, I couldnt agree more how alienated from the people in my life i feel. I'm feeling depressed, some anxiety, confused sometimes, irritable, mood swings.

The problem too was that I tried to mask my symptoms and never really gave myself enough rest in the first weeks prior the concussion...which i really regret now. Only right now 7 weeks later am i fully understanding how i feel and what i SHOULDN'T DO to make things worse...however, i know very little about what i SHOULD do to make things better.

The hardest part is definitely just not feeling normal/nonreality when im alone and with people...some of my friends dont seem to understand what im going through as i look and sound fine...but really inside my head things are not right...7 weeks later and these are still my symptoms: ringing in ears, light headedness, dizzy, minor vertigo, no alcohol tolerance, minor reading and concentration issues, sensative to sound, irritable, fatigue, and obsessing over my symptoms...I'm scared that I wont get better, however, I am optimistic I will.

These are things I am going to do improve my recovery:
-join a mediation class
-no alcohol
-remove myself from stressful situations
-have a better diet
-get support from a few trustworthy good friends to visit with daily and keep me stoked...this includes speaking with my brothers and parents over the phone as often as possible
-no intense physical exercise for the next month - a short light walk per day
-I've found photography has helped...i can walk slowly around town and be completely focused on taking pictures, with little to know focus on my symptoms.
-Also, I found one toke of good organic weed allowed my to really feel and understand my symptoms, however that was just once and i wont again until i feel better.

Ultimately, I am optimistic i will get better. The brain is fragile but also plastic and changeable...drink ginger root tea, think positively, try painting or drawing or just being creative on paper or with crafts, I've also been doing puzzles.

This felt great to get out and best of luck to anyone and everyone out there with this problem...DO NOT DRINK OR DO DRUGS if you had a concussion and DO NOT EXERCISE INTENSELY until you've recovered. Im not a doctor but both these things have hindered my healing for sure.

Any other advice would be great but I think ive already ready every last bit of information on this.

iggle24 03-28-2011 03:56 PM

hey Nitro,

I feel for ya man...I was wondering if you experienced any sleep problems or sexual dysfunction? those are two things that are really frustrating me...I'm hoping they are just temporary affects of concussion...chemical imbalance they are truly frustrating me

best of luck on your recovery

Nitro157 03-28-2011 04:12 PM


Fortunately I'm sleeping pretty well have not really noticed any sexual dysfunction...the time I did was probably because I wasnt attracted to the girl I was sleeping with...but anyways. Today I woke up things were really dizzy while i laid in bed with my eyes closed. Feeling really lightheaded and have a bad headache today. Ears still hurting and ringing like crazy...hoping this all just goes away soon.

and2tes 03-28-2011 08:06 PM

What is Happening!?
Hello all,

I am a 40 years old. I was googling PCS and i came upon this forum. I just wanted to see if anyone could give me some answers to what i've been feeling. Eleven days ago (march 17) i was told i by my freinds i fell and hit my head a couple of times. I don't remember cause i was drunk. The next day (Fri) i just felt hung over. On saturday i felt ok went to work and all. On Sunday i noticed that when i woke up I felt a little dizzy. I could'nt really focus on anything for a long period of time. Felt a little bit like if i had just gotten off an amusement park ride. I still went to work and was able to function ok. On Monday I woke up and felt the same way. I went to work and felt very light headed. I got checked by an EMT at work and he said that my pupils were dialated and were'nt reacting to light. I was taken to the ER just for a check and they said my vitals were good. They took a long time to see me, so by the time the doctor saw me, my pupils were back to normal. They did some tests with me pointing and touching my nose. They did not run a ct scan or nothing, they just said i probably got a bit of vertigo from the fall and sent me on my wway with some motion sickness pills. Tuesday through thursday i still felt the same, just a bit light headed with no other symptoms. On thursday i went to a general doctor. He checked me and he said i had no signs of having a concussion and said the same thing, that i probably knocked off a chip of calcium from my inner ear and all i was feeling was vertigo. He sent me on my way and just ran some blood tests.
That thursday night (7 days after the falls) i start getting very anxious and restless. I went to sleep after pacing around the living room for about an hour. I dont have any problems falling asleep, it just seems i am always sleepy and i sleep through the night, not hearing my alarm.
Friday morning i woke up in a bit confuzed. i felt like i had to assure myself of where i was at and had to start talking just to snap out of the daze. All that morning i felt an anxiety i have never felt before. After a while i felt like i was getting emotional and depressed. Called my family to get some reassurance that everthing was fine. I went to work and after a couple of hours i was fine. That night i felt really good like if everything was gonna be fine. Like if it was all over. Come Saturday I woke up the same way, all dazed. I went to work and started feeling ok. It feels like its in the mornings that i feel the worst. On sunday i felt ok most of the day, but i did start feeling a slight headache which is just always there. I still hav it right now, its just like a 1 outta 10 but its constant with a bit of head pressure.
Today is Monday, 11 days after the fall. The symptoms i am feeling include dizzyness/light headedness, loss of appetite, a constant (but weak) headache, fatigue, i cant focus on something to long, anxiety (just out of the blue), restlessness, emotional changes and i was depressed only that one time. I feel dazed and like everyone saysin a "foggy" state. Its only been 11 days but i am scared of how long this might last. Is it to soon to be having PCS?I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, so im hoping he can give me some answers. If anyone has been through this i would really appreciate some advice. THANK YOU and GOD BLESS

Mark in Idaho 03-28-2011 09:58 PM

Your symptoms are all over the map. They all fit PCS but at 11 days, you have just started into the process of concussion. It is a process not an event. The trauma causes an injury that causes a cascade of events in your brain. Some take some time to manifest, others show up right away. No two concussions are the same.

Your drinking can intensify the process, especially if you have been getting drunk routinely for the last 25 years. A bad drunk episode is like a mild concussion. They all add up to cause trouble.

Without some information about your job and other daily activities, it is hard to make any comments about your anxiety and such.

Stay away from the alcohol and only one serving of caffeine per day. Caffeine enhances anxiety. Maybe you drinking lessens your anxiety and being stone sober may reduce your tolerance to anxiety. Like caffeine, only one serving of beer or such per day. Not a tall one or a forty, just a single 12 ounce glass of bear or regular glass of wine.

If this concussion lasts, you should consider making some adjustments in your behavior. The over 40 brain has much less tolerance for concussions and getting drunk.

and2tes 03-28-2011 11:39 PM

Thanx for yoy reply Mark.

Well as far as my job, i'm in law enforcement. And right now i am currently out of state, away from my family until next monday. Maybe part of me feeling like this is being alone and scared.

I just have never felt anything like this. It all started after the falls. Ive talked to three doctors this week and they all said it sounded like PCS. I am going to go to a doctors appointment tomorrow and I am gonna demand a CT scan to see if that shows anything.

Any other advice you can give me Mark, will be greatly appreciated.

Thanx again. God Bless

and2tes 03-29-2011 07:42 PM

Now what?
Hello all,

Got my ct scan today, doc said everything looked normal. Now what?

roadrunner63 03-29-2011 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by and2tes (Post 757479)
Hello all,

Got my ct scan today, doc said everything looked normal. Now what?

It is good that there was no damage showing up on ct scan. With high probability of PCS you need to take it easy, rest a lot so your brain can heal.

and2tes 03-29-2011 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by roadrunner63 (Post 757499)
It is good that there was no damage showing up on ct scan. With high probability of PCS you need to take it easy, rest a lot so your brain can heal.

Thanks for replying roadrunner63. I am taking it easy, just being away from my family and loved ones seems to take a toll on me. Sort of had an idea that the CT scan was gonna be normal. From reading alot of these forum entries, that seems to be the norm. Negative CT scans but still a lot of of hurting people. I pray to God i can get through this.

Thanks for your words roadrunner.

Mark in Idaho 03-30-2011 12:23 AM


What are your most pressing struggles? It is best to work with each symptom/struggle individually.

If you have had lots of mat time learning hand to hand, I would suspect you have a history of sub-concussive impacts. This history will make any concussion much worse.

Try to keep a journal with the struggles you have during the day. Then, try to list the struggles from most pressing to least. Maybe we can help you with some, especially the worst ones.

Understanding your symptoms takes a lot of the anxiety out of PCS.

and2tes 03-30-2011 06:41 PM

Feeling a bit better, but....
How r u douing Mark,

I never really did any hand to hand mat at work, or at least that i remember i never got wacked in the head, ever.

Well, My anxeity sort of comes and goes. Right know it hasnt really showed up. Might have to do with the news that my ct scan was normal.

I guess my pressing struggles right now would be that im scared to go home in a week and feel the anxieties i felt here. I miss my family so much!!! But since i started feeling like this, im afraid that i will be distant from them.

I also have a feeling of pressure in my head with a small headache (How long would that feeling last?) I also feel fatigued and very slow.

I really dont have much of an appetite, which sort of scares me, cause i love food.

My face, head and forehead feel a bit numb, but doc said that was normal. Is it?

In the morning when i wake up it feels like i have a hard time focusing my eyes in the normal way. It feels like one eye has been resting one way and the other another. Than when i wake up i sort of have to focus for them to look strait. Is this a normal feeling of a concussion.

Its been 13 days since the falls and i feel like im getting a bit better, but....

Any help you can give me, i will greatly appreciate it Mark

Thank You.

Ayb83 04-06-2011 03:19 AM

I'm so happy I found this thread!

I'm 2 months post-concussion. I was knocked unconscious for 4 minutes playing soccer and was nauseous afterwards. I went to the ER right away and was sent home. After 2 weeks of missed work, fogginess, anxiety and just not being me, i ended up ata rehabilitation centre with a doctor that specializes in concussion. The best things I took away were:
1) I needed to accept what happened and accept recovery was going to be 3 months minimum and longer if I push myself.
2) I couldn't "play through" it. I had to decrease every activity in my life (work, chores, sex, socializing, tv, reading, etc) by 50% and add back slowly. It was my brain. I've made a good career off of it and am quite fond of it, so it deserved for me to put ambition and self inflicted deadlines on hold until it was healthy.
3) rest means REST. sit in a quiet, dark room with no tv, no books, no people, nothing and just sit (this was the hardest!). I found my recovery sped up by leaps and bound when I did this each day.
4) diet and booze drugs were major players. All natural, lean meat, lots of fruit and veggies and LOTS of water took my anxiety away and drinking made it come back. If you want to feel sane, feed your brain good stuff while it's recovering.

All of these things have helped me a lot. And instead of focusing on what I can't do, each Friday I celebrate what I got back. One new curve ball is I went from being super groggy and sleeping 9-12 hours a night to not being able to sleep on the 2 month anniversary of my concussion. Not sure how to help that new symptom.

Finally, I know these are tall orders for 90% of People out there. I used to play on 3 sports teams, work out 4 times a week, work at my job for 60 hours a week and still find time to volunteer and be a socialite. Now I work 3/4 time, don't really work out and spend my nights in dark quiet rooms. Bottom line, it sucks. Concussions suck and the recovery is took everything I love to do away from me. But it happened, it's here and (as my lovely fiancé has told me) you just gotta buck up and be disciplined in your recovery so getting "me" back will be quicker. You can't change it, so deal with recovery and your limitations head on (pardon the irony).

Best of luck and thanks for letting me know I'm not alone out here.

Mark in Idaho 04-06-2011 08:26 AM


It appears that your biggest problem is your anxiety. Your doctor gave you great advice. When you get back to your family, lay low. Don't try to be everything to everybody. Explain that you are recovering form a brain injury/concussion. Explain that you need quiet.

If they question you, download the TBI Survival Guide for them to read. It is a

Take a shower first thing in the morning. Run the water over your face. It will help your circulation and get your eyes working better. Morning dry eyes seems to be a PCS symptom. I have it every morning.

Try to accept that your brain is under stress. Give it lots of time. Brains heal very slowly. Think of rehabilitating a torn muscle. Now multiply that times 10. The brain does not regenerate new neurons. It rehabs the injured ones. It needs good REM sleep to do this rehabbing. If your body says, "Take a nap" Then follow it and take a nap.

Multiple naps throughout the day will greatly enhance your recovery. I often take a nap after finishing breakfast.

Most important of all. Make a choice to stop worrying about everything. It slows recovery.

Read the TBI Guide, try to understand your symptoms, accept them and go on with a slower life.

My best to you.

and2tes 04-10-2011 12:48 AM

How you doing Mark,

Well im on my 24th day after my falls. I am back home and feeling a bit better physically.

I have an appetite now, not that lightheaded anymore. Had an MRI done yesterday but wont know results till wednesday.

Things that are still bothering me would be a constant weak headache, head pressure.

Mentally I dont really feel that good.

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